Damage-resistant fruits - Moment tomato: full description of the variety

Tomato Moment has received flattering reviews from gardeners who have been growing it for many years. The variety grows well even in Siberia and the Urals, is unpretentious, bears fruit abundantly, and its fruits have a pleasant sweet taste and can be used for any culinary purposes.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsAverageVarietyRound

What is the variety

To get the most useful information, summer residents turn to the Internet. The description of the variety gives a complete picture of the selected tomato.


  • Bush: determinate.
  • Height: from 25 to 40 cm.
  • Inflorescence: simple.
  • Ripening time: 89–95 days.


  • Shape: flat-round.
  • Weight: 60–80 g.
  • Color: red.
  • Taste: good.
  • Density: medium.
  • Transportability: excellent.
  • Shelf life: from 1.5 to 2 months.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato bushes Moment are determinate, reach only 25-40 cm in height, have medium foliage and are compact. The inflorescences are simple. The first flower branch develops after 6-7 leaves, then new ones appear after 1-2 leaves. Characteristics and description of the fruits: reach maturity 88-96 days after seed germination. The tomatoes are small or medium-sized, weighing 60-80 grams, round, but may be slightly flattened, red in color. The consistency of the pulp is medium density, very pleasant to the taste.

They are used for fresh consumption, canning and pickling, processing into tomato products and inclusion in various dishes.

Planting and care

Tomatoes are grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. Seeds for seedlings are sown 2 months before planting in the ground. It is recommended to carry out plant picking. It is best to do this when the tomatoes have formed 2 true leaves. To reduce plant stress, seedlings should be hardened off beforehand. 1–2 weeks before planting, place in the sun, gradually increasing the time spent outside.

Does not require pinching or tying to a support.

They are planted in open ground when the threat of frost has passed. Each region is individual, so you need to calculate the timing yourself. 6–7 plants are planted per 1 m2.

Basic agricultural practices:

  1. Weeding.
  2. Loosening.
  3. Hilling.
  4. Watering.
  5. Feeding.

Tomatoes should be fed at least 2 times per season. During the flowering period and before the start of active ripening.

Early ripening

When choosing tomatoes for their plot, gardeners, first of all, rely on varietal or hybrid characteristics. Productivity is the most important criterion on which the quantity and quality of the harvest depends. Sometimes it can be difficult to choose the right option from the rich variety of tomatoes for open ground and greenhouses. Then varieties are selected depending on the growing region, ripening period, degree of disease resistance and other factors.

A huge number of species with excellent yields are intended for growing vegetables in the open air. Low-growing bushes with large fruits are one of the advantages of tomatoes for the soil. Such heat-loving plants are easier to care for and do not require complex agricultural practices.

According to ripening period

Tomatoes, like other vegetable crops, are characterized by different ripening periods, from early to late.

Ripening periodRipening of fruits after the appearance of the first shootsgeneral characteristicsThe most productive tomatoes (2020)
Ultra-early ripeningOn day 80-85The fruits are small, juicy, and low in sugar. The height of the bush is no more than 50 cm. Not suitable for preservation. Little Red Riding Hood, Pride of Russia, Benito, Superstar, Valentina, Marisha, Maksimka
Early ripeningFor 90-95 daysSmall, delicate fruits, average yield. Suitable for canning and salads. Bushes grow up to 70 cm Agatha, Riddle, Augustine, Lyana, Sanka, Buyan, Lakomka, Amur standard, Grandmother's kiss
Mid-earlyOn days 100-103The fruits are juicy, small, aromatic. The purpose is universal. Bush shape - compact Openwork, Babushkino, Pulka, Red Giant, Russian Soul, Cardinal, Flamingo
Mid-seasonOn day 100-115High taste, excellent yield. There are both low-growing and tall varieties Scarlet Candles, Hybrid Basket, Stresa, Intuition, Black Baron, Pudovik, Pink Honey
Late ripeningOn day 120-130Excellent fruit taste, high yield, universal purpose. Good keeping quality and transportability of fruits Giraffe, Cosmonaut Volkov, Titan, Rio Grande, Russian size, King of Kings, Rocket, Premier

The ripening time, color and shape of tomatoes depends on the variety.

Usually early-ripening vegetables with not large fruits and not a large harvest, but with a quick, friendly yield of ripe tomatoes. Mid-season ones also have medium sizes. Late ones are usually difficult to care for, but it is among them that you can find champions in weight, but there are not many such beauties on the bush.

Every year, breeders create new species with high quality indicators. In stores you can buy specialized varieties of tomatoes designed for growing in certain climatic conditions. Classification by regions of Russia:

  • for the Moscow region: Champion, Sweet Bunch, Honey, Pink Elephant, Fireworks, Bull's forehead;
  • for the southern regions: Torch, Novice, Titan, Winner, Bison, Ermak, Gift, Mikado;
  • for the middle zone: Bull's Heart, Black Prince, Uzbek (Yusupov), Moskvichka, Snowdrop, Big Brother, Spasskaya Tower;
  • for Siberia: Siberian heavyweight, Ultra early ripening, Sanka, Abakan pink;
  • for the Urals: Coin, Bull's Heart, Button, Countryman, Yellow Buyan, Bullfinch, Demidov;
  • for the far north: Snowy Tale, Ballerina, Ladyfingers, Berdsky Large, Countryman, Oak, Gina.

An unpredictable, cold or, conversely, excessively warm climate is not a reason to refuse to grow tomatoes in open ground. Thanks to selection, varieties have been developed that grow and develop well in any terrain.

To obtain a rich harvest, you need to choose tomato varieties not only with the appropriate characteristics. It is necessary that this criterion be supplemented by such an indicator as disease resistance.

Late blight, root rot, tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis are diseases that most often affect plantings of heat-loving crops.

A catalog of tomatoes that can withstand the onslaught of various diseases:

  • Blitz;
  • Koenigsberg;
  • Geisha;
  • Betta,
  • Anyuta;
  • Bohemia;
  • Chio-chio-san;
  • Tatiana;
  • Puzata hut;
  • Lights of Moscow;
  • Yablonka Russia;
  • Crimson giant.

Unfortunately, there are no varieties that are 100% resistant to infections. But there are hybrids that produce a harvest until the active phase of many fungal diseases and infections begins.

Having a good greenhouse at your disposal, you can get fresh tomatoes to your table all year round. Greenhouse varieties are suitable for preparing salads or canning. Excellent salad tomatoes can be obtained from the following varieties:

  • Geisha;
  • Fairy gift;
  • Andromeda;
  • Eagle beak;
  • Pink Angel;
  • Pink Pearl;
  • Fatalist;
  • Scarlet caravel;
  • Amana orange

The best varieties for preservation:

  • Auria;
  • Banana legs;
  • Pink raisins;
  • Rajah;
  • Baba;
  • Alexander the Great.

Cherries are sweet, small tomatoes that grow well both outdoors and in a greenhouse, but small-fruited vegetables tend to be more productive in protected beds. Magic Harp F1 and Yellow Caramel F1 are hybrids whose fruit weight does not exceed 25 g.

When choosing a vegetable for a greenhouse, many rightly give preference to tall and high-yielding varieties. But low-growing plants, which usually have an early ripening period, as well as mid-ripening tomatoes, are also excellent for polycarbonate shelters in all regions of Russia.

For open ground, breeders also offer species with high yields of hybrid origin; they are resistant to diseases and temperature changes. The best tomato varieties of 2020:

  1. Intuition F1 is one of the best tomato hybrids for picking with trusses, mid-season, from germination to harvesting the first vegetables - 110 days.
  2. Katya F1 is an early ripening hybrid. The fruits weigh 90-130 g and ripen simultaneously. From 1 m² you can harvest more than 10 kg of fruit per season.
  3. Search F1 – unpretentious and at the same time tasty tomatoes. The hybrid withstands cold weather and is immune to most diseases. The bushes are strewn with small red fruits, which are excellent for pickling and canning.
  4. Blagovest F1 is an early-ripening hybrid. The fruits are round, glossy, with slightly pronounced ribbing. From one bush you can collect up to 5 kg of fruit.
  5. La la fa F1 - has excellent consumer qualities, high yield and unpretentiousness. The average weight of the fruit is 140-170 g. From 1 m² you can harvest up to 20 kg.
  6. Vladimir F1 - has a high yield and is suitable for cultivation in any type of soil. High productivity throughout the entire fruiting period.
  7. Beef King F1 is an early maturing Dutch hybrid. The tomatoes are round, dense, smooth. From one bush you can collect up to 4-5 kg. Resistant to low temperatures and diseases.
  8. Ashdod F1 – tomatoes with smooth, dense skin. Fruit weight is from 110 to 140 g. The pulp has a bright burgundy color.
  9. Tanya F1 is a hybrid from the Netherlands with excellent immunity, dense structure, and good yield. The fruits have a regular round shape, weighing 150-200 g. They tolerate transportation well.

If the designation on a bag of planting material is F1 – hybrids of tomatoes (or other plants) of the first generation, F2 – of the second, and so on.

Exceptional taste, fruit weight, constant yield, disease resistance, adaptation to weather conditions are the advantages of hybrids over tomato varieties.

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My favorite tomato variety in 2021 is Idol, medium-sized, very tasty, productive. I planted seedlings on March 20, the first fruit was picked on June 20. The bushes bear fruit for 3 months. The most successful cherry variety is Black Cherry, very tasty and productive, the most favorite tomato of children.

I like the fruits to be large and regular in shape. Therefore, I prefer the varieties Early Rose, Peach, Heavyweight of Siberia and Pink Fig. This year I raised Grandma's Secret. The bush is determinate, the average height is 180 cm. I have never produced kilogram fruits, the maximum weight is 700-800 g. Probably this is because I allow the bush to form into two or three stems.

I never conduct systematic analysis. I analyze when the tomatoes are already picked. I love large, sugary berries. I really like the Pink Giant in taste, but the yield is low. So far, my requirements are relatively met by 2 varieties - Pink Andromeda and Mazarin. Over time (I’m a novice gardener) I’m thinking of finding the optimal variety or hybrid of tomatoes.

Now I mainly grow tomatoes in my dacha. About 20 different varieties. Red, yellow, brown, black. Beauty! Cherry, Cream, Ox heart. Different sizes, different tastes, different ripening periods - from May to October. The main thing is that the weather is warm. I’m not keen on canning, so we use fresh vegetables. If the harvest is good, I give the remaining tomatoes to relatives.

Stability of the harvest from year to year, the ability to adapt to weather conditions, resistance to pests and diseases are important criteria for a reliable tomato variety. In 2021, you can plant both time-tested tomatoes and new elite varieties. The choice depends only on the preferences of gardeners.

Tomato Moment belongs to the group of tomatoes that have early ripening periods. Due to the fact that the skin of the tomato variety described is resistant to mechanical damage, the fruits can be transported over long distances. Trade organizations willingly buy Moment tomatoes from farmers, as they can be stored in a cold room for 45 to 60 days.

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. The growing season of the plant from the first shoots to the harvest is 88-96 days.
  2. The height of the bush at Moment ranges from 0.25 to 0.4 m.
  3. Inflorescence of simple type.
  4. The average number of standard green leaves per stem.
  5. The fruits look like a sphere flattened at the bottom and top. Their weight ranges from 60 to 80 g. They are painted red.
  6. The pulp has a pleasant taste. The fruits have a medium density consistency.

Feedback from those gardeners who planted Moment on their plots shows that in order to get a good harvest, you must fully follow all the recommendations of experts. The yield of tomatoes of the described variety when grown in open ground is up to 1.0 kg per bush. For tomatoes grown in greenhouses, the fruit yield rises to 1.2-1.4 kg per bush.

Harvest volume and application

This tomato variety is low-growing, so you can collect no more than 1 kg of fruit from one plant. The yield of 1 m2 is approximately 4.5 kg.

The scope is wide. The fruits are used for preparing fresh salads and any type of canning. Perfect for whole marinating, as well as making juices, sauces, tomato paste and lecho.

See also

Description of the Donna Anna tomato variety and its characteristicsRead

Selecting a variety for sowing

The range of specialized stores selling tomato seeds is expanding more and more every year.
It is very difficult for gardeners to choose the right variety of tomato, which is ideal for the climate of the region where the seedlings are planted, the soil and the housewives’ plans for preparing and preserving the harvest. Focus on varieties intended for specific areas, regions, and climates. Everyone understands the difference in weather conditions in the South, North, Urals, and the central zone of the European part of the Russian Federation. When breeding new varieties of tomatoes, breeders take into account the specific conditions of their subsequent growth.

  • For Moscow, Leningrad, and other central regions, choose tomato varieties with a short ripening period. Summer in this area is hot but fleeting. Among the best views are Belyi Naliv, Dobrun, and Gina.
  • The southern region requires broad foliage on plants to protect the fruits from the sun. Tomatoes grow more slowly due to lack of light, but they are more juicy and resistant to external influences.
  • Northern species grow quickly, but in the south they produce almost no harvest. This is due to the small format of the leaves. The lack of shelter from the burning sun provokes the death and aging of ovaries and young fruits.
AreaTomato varieties
Central, NorthernAlaska, Betta, Arctic precocious, White filling
ChernozemieGrain, Lyana, Mars, Sunny, Peremoga
Volga region, SouthNewbie, Ermak, Zoren, Quiz

Consider the ripening period of the crop. This segment includes ultra-early ripening, early, late and mid-ripening tomato varieties. This characteristic affects the place and method of cultivation. Let's talk about each variety separately.

Positive and negative sides

The presence of certain characteristics is inherent in any variety. Distinguishing them into good and bad makes it possible to decide whether to plant tomatoes on your site.


  1. Early maturation.
  2. The harvest is stable.
  3. Unpretentiousness.
  4. Versatility.
  5. Does not crack.
  6. Undemanding to bush formation
  7. The fruits are relatively uniform in size, can be stored for a long time and withstand long-term transportation well, maintaining their presentation.


  1. Small volume of fruits per plant.

Description of tomato variety 6 Punto 7 and its characteristics

It’s rare that a gardener doesn’t have one or two beds of tomatoes. Tomato 6 Punto 7 has become a new, successful work of breeders. It was possible to combine good taste with fast ripening and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

General information about the variety

The plant bears fruit consistently in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The planting site is chosen depending on the climatic characteristics of the cultivation region.

Description and characteristics of the variety:

  • ultra-early ripening, the maximum period for the onset of fruiting is 85 days;
  • determinant;
  • high yield, for the summer period 1 sq. a meter of planting yields up to 8 kg of berries;
  • the height of the bush does not exceed 100 cm;
  • medium foliage;
  • ease of cultivation, unpretentiousness;
  • tolerates transportation and storage well;
  • resistance to the main diseases of the nightshade family.
  • round-oval shape;
  • ripe berry color - red;
  • sweet taste;
  • small size with a maximum weight of an individual tomato of no more than 20 grams;
  • thin, durable skin;
  • smooth.

Tomatoes of variety 6 Punto 7 f1 are suitable for preparing vegetable salads, canning in general, and drying. Tomatoes produce high-quality processed products: ketchup, puree, pastes.

IMPORTANT! The tomato has a low dry matter content - no more than 7%

Recommendations for cultivation

For the variety, the seedling planting method is preferable. To obtain healthy seedlings you should:

  • plant seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm;
  • ensure the room temperature is not lower than 21 degrees;
  • Before sprouts appear, cover the seedlings with film;
  • regular watering;
  • After the seedlings appear, provide the plant with a source of constant lighting.

Growing does not present any special worries; the tomato is not capricious. To get the best harvest we recommend:

  • provide watering with warm water in the morning or evening hours - as needed;
  • regular weeding and loosening;
  • feeding, at least 4 times during the summer season.

Gardeners' opinion

Good afternoon! I would like to recommend tomato 6 Punto 7. For lovers of cherry tomatoes, this is an excellent solution. The variety is unpretentious in care and resistant to many diseases. I didn’t find any cons for myself. The fruit is sweet and juicy. Convenient to preserve or dry whole, they look beautiful as a table decoration. My positive feedback to the originators!

Anastasia Polikarpova, 55 years old.

Good day to all. I hasten to share my impressions of the hybrid 6 Punto 7. The tomatoes ripened very quickly, 80 days passed from planting the seeds to the moment the fruit appeared. The yield is high; one bush yields about 1 kilogram of berries. We were pleased with the taste. For a vegetable salad or as an ingredient for tartlets, an excellent solution. The variety is good for transportation and long-term storage. I recommend!

Opinions of summer residents regarding Moment tomatoes

Reviews from summer residents who have already grown this type of tomato help to evaluate the quality of the variety.

  • Olga. I planted it for 3 years in a row. Recommends it to everyone. An early variety, the tomatoes are tasty, especially when picked from the bush. Slightly sour, suitable for whole-fruit canning.
  • Valentina. An experienced summer resident, she grew tomatoes on the plot. What we liked most was that the very first ones ripened. Unpretentious and undemanding tomatoes.
  • Andrey. I planted “Moment” tomatoes and liked the fact that they ripened early. And they didn’t hurt anything. But the taste leaves much to be desired.

Those who grew Moment tomatoes praise it for its unpretentiousness and undemanding nature.

Description of the Don Juan tomato, its characteristics and cultivation features

Fans of unusual tomato colors will definitely like the Don Juan tomato. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the fruits are striped. Therefore, they look great in vegetable salads and in jars that were prepared for the winter.

The variety appeared quite a long time ago, and every year the number of fans of the Don Juan tomato grows. This is due not only to the unusual coloring, but also to the excellent taste and relative unpretentiousness of the plant.

Characteristics of the variety

Don Juan tomatoes, photos of which can be found below, are universal in terms of planting. They can be grown both in greenhouses and in open ground. In regions where summers are short and cold, it is worth growing Don Juan tomatoes in greenhouse conditions. In the south and central regions, this variety gives an excellent harvest when grown in soil.

An important characteristic of Don Juan tomatoes is the compactness of the bushes. The variety is classified as a determinant type, so you should not expect the plant to stretch up to 2 m. Most often, when grown in soil, bushes of 70 cm are obtained. In a greenhouse, Don Juan may be slightly taller, but not much.

This variety also has the advantage of early ripening. In this case, ripe fruits may appear as early as 3 months from the moment the seeds are planted. Separately, it is worth noting the yield of the variety. Don Juan is one of the record holders in this regard.

With proper care, you can harvest 8-10 kg of delicious tomatoes from a bush. However, it should be noted that a good harvest can only be obtained from healthy bushes. To prevent tomatoes from getting sick, they should be planted in the ground only with the onset of stable heat.

Description of the Don Juan fruit

These tomatoes have a lot of positive qualities. Some are attracted by the low growth of the bushes, others like the incredibly high yield, and still others choose these tomatoes for the unusual color of the fruit. The tomatoes look very interesting. There is no gardener who would be indifferent to this variety.

Description of fruits:

  • While tomatoes are in the ripening stage, they are similar in appearance to small watermelons. Due to this, the beds look very original.
  • When the fruits are fully ripe, they turn crimson and have yellow stripes. These tomatoes look interesting. Already at the stage of fruit formation, their unusual color becomes noticeable - light green, with dark stripes.
  • The shape of Don Juan tomatoes is slightly elongated. They can be compared to a plum. It is worth noting that the official description given by the manufacturer indicates that tomatoes of this variety should have a characteristic spout. However, it does not appear in every case. Most often, tomatoes are smooth oval in shape.
  • Don Juan tomatoes turn out to be small. They weigh on average 90 g, but there are also significantly larger fruits.
  • The pulp is sweet, with a pronounced sourness. Tomatoes have thick skin.

All these characteristics indicate that tomatoes of this variety are excellent for canning for the winter, pickling and pickling.

Considering that the flesh of striped tomatoes is very juicy, they are often used to make salads. They also make excellent juice. High yields make it possible to obtain a huge amount of fruits, which will be enough for various dishes and preparations.

Features of cultivation

To grow the Don Juan variety, it is best to use seedlings. It is strong, so the plants take root well in a new place.

After the bushes begin to form, the standard work for this crop should be carried out. Stepchildren are removed from the bushes for better yield, tied up if necessary and watered thoroughly. If the summer is hot, watering is required daily. Mineral fertilizers should be applied 3 times per season. The soil should be loosened periodically to saturate the roots with oxygen.

Reviews about this variety of tomatoes are only positive.

Svetlana, Perm: “The tomatoes are small, but very beautiful. They are very suitable for winter canning. This year the harvest was especially rich, so it was possible to pickle, marinate, press juice, and even wither. This variety is suitable for everything.”

Elena, Pyatigorsk: “I took this variety for the first time. They grow like small watermelons. Very good tomatoes."

Ksenia, Tver: “Very original-looking tomatoes. They can be used both for salads and for winter preparations.”

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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