Delicious pickled tomatoes with honey for the winter: sweet, aromatic, even children ask for more!

Tomatoes with honey, at first glance, are a strange, unusual preparation. But it turns out delicious, like regular pickled tomatoes. Honey gives them a piquant, pleasant sweetness. In fact, tomatoes in honey marinade are not a new pickling method; it is familiar to any housewife. Today I’ll tell you my favorite amazingly delicious, finger-licking recipes – tomatoes with honey, garlic and basil for the winter. These rolls can make any dish even more interesting and tasty.

Below I will present very tasty recipes that you can make yourself at home, using affordable, inexpensive ingredients.

Tomatoes with onions and honey for the winter without sterilization

The first recipe for pickled tomatoes with honey is a classic one. The taste is soft and delicate. The only condition for preparation is the use of small, dense tomatoes. The appetizer turns out divine and goes away in a matter of minutes, so I put all the ingredients in liter jars, in this case for 5 pieces.

  • tomatoes – 12 kg;
  • onion – 3 kg;
  • water – 4 l;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l;
  • refined oil – 130 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar – 45 ml;
  • 210 g salt.
  1. I peel the onions, chop them into rings, crush them with my hands until the juice comes out, and rinse the tomatoes.
  2. Having sterilized and dried the jars, I lay the vegetables in layers: tomatoes - onions and so on.
  3. Fill with hot water and leave for 12 minutes.
  4. I drain the water from the jars, bring it to a boil again, add oil, apple cider vinegar, honey, stir well, pour into the jars.
  5. I roll them up with iron lids, wrap them in a blanket, and leave them overnight.

Advice! For variety, if desired, you can additionally add carrots mixed with onions into this pickling, cutting them into long strips.

Delicious recipes for winter preparations

Despite some originality of such preparations, there are many brine recipes using an ingredient such as honey. You can also experiment with tomato additives. It will still turn out delicious.

Classic recipe for tomatoes in honey marinade

In this type of canning, no other additives are provided. The tart and sweetish taste of tomatoes is due only to honey.

Required components:

  • red tomatoes - about 1.7-1.8 kg;
  • pepper, it is better to take yellow – 1 pc.;
  • essence – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey in the amount of 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Before starting cooking, wash the tomatoes and soak them in cold water for half an hour. Sterilize the container (choose the size at your discretion, you can take one 3-liter container, or you can take 3 liter containers), fill it to the top with fruits.

Cut the pepper into arbitrary pieces and fill the spaces between the fruits with them. Boil water and pour over tomatoes. When the jars have cooled slightly, drain the liquid, boil it again and pour it into the jars.

Repeat the procedure, this time adding honey and vinegar to the water, not forgetting salt. Seal the container, turn it over, then cover it with something warm.

Tomatoes with honey and horseradish

To prepare, stock up on:

  • tomatoes – 600 g;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • dill umbrella;
  • chili – 2-3 rings (if you like it spicy, you can add more);
  • honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, only coarse - 1 tsp.

Place pepper, garlic cloves, dill and horseradish in a sterilized jar (the recipe is designed for a 1-liter container). Fill the container with tomatoes. Pour boiling water over everything and let sit for 15 minutes.

Be sure to cover the container with a lid. Drain the liquid, add honey, salt and essence, and boil the brine. Pour it over the tomatoes and roll them up. There is no need to wrap the container. Leave the jars to air cool.

Salted tomatoes with honey and garlic

This is a method that is suitable for those who do not like the presence of acid in their preparations. There is no vinegar in these tomatoes, but they will stand well and for a long time. The safety of the product will be ensured by honey, which in itself is a good preservative.

To make this snack, stock up on:

  • tomatoes – 1.7 kg;
  • a large bunch of dill with parsley;
  • garlic - half a large head;
  • celery stalk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press. Chop the greens and celery. Mix with garlic, salt and season with oil. Cut out the pulp of the tomatoes, but not all of them, but up to the middle of the fruit.

Fill the resulting void with green mass. Place the fruits in a 3-liter sterile jar, pour boiling water over it and let it sit for 5 minutes. Then drain the water, add honey and salt. Pour the resulting marinade into a jar. Sterilize for 20 minutes. Now roll up. Leave to cool, no need to cover.

Tomatoes with apple juice and honey

If you want to further enhance the taste of tomatoes and get rid of vinegar, use a method that involves adding apple juice to the brine. It is better to do the latter yourself.

Required Products:

  • tomatoes - about 4 kg;
  • apples, always sour – 1 kg;
  • honey – 250 g;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • salt – 110 g.

Fill two 3-liter jars with fruits pierced with a toothpick. Don't forget to put half a chili in the middle. First, pass the apples through a juicer.

Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, add juice, salt and honey, bring to a boil. Pour the resulting marinade over the fruits and pasteurize the jars for half an hour. Roll up and cover the containers with a blanket.

Marinated tomatoes with hot peppers

The recipe is suitable for those who like spicy, fiery snacks.

Prepare a set of products:

  • tomatoes – 1.8 kg;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • hot chili – 1 pc. (you can take more if you like it spicier);
  • 9 cloves of garlic;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • essence – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf - a couple of pieces;
  • allspice – 6 peas.

You can make 3 liters or one 3 liter jar of snacks. Cut the chili pepper into 3 parts, cut the Bulgarian into slices, and cut the carrots into circles. Add greens, bay leaves, and pepper to the bottom.

Fill the container with tomatoes, alternating them with garlic, sweet peppers and carrots. Place the hot chili in the middle. Boil water three times and pour in tomatoes. Add honey, essence and salt to it one last time.

Tomatoes in honey sauce

It provides for the use of seasonings that will complement the taste of the product and make it more spicy and tart.

For a jar with a capacity of 1 liter you will need;

  • 600-700 g tomatoes;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Altai honey;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • 5-6 peas of black and allspice;
  • cloves – 2-3 pcs.

Place the seasonings at the bottom of a pre-sterilized jar and fill it with tomatoes. Brew the tomatoes with boiling water 3 times, add honey, citric acid and salt to the last portion of water. Roll up and leave to cool under a warm cover.

Five Minute Recipe

Housewives love such preparations for their speed of preparation. But the advantage of the dish is that the tomatoes undergo minimal heat treatment, which is why they retain more beneficial properties.

Products needed for cooking:

  • red tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • bell pepper, it is better to take different colors - 1 kg;
  • vinegar, definitely apple cider vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – 100 ml;
  • black peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.

Place tomatoes and quartered peppers in a 3-liter jar, add peppercorns, and pour 1.3 liters of boiling water. Drain the water, then add honey, vinegar and salt directly into the jar. Boil the drained water and pour it back into the jar.

Honey tomatoes in liter jars

Here, tomatoes are not harvested whole, but cut into halves (smaller fruits) or quarters (larger tomatoes). The number of them is taken arbitrarily - as much as will fit in a liter jar.

To prepare honey tomatoes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • onion – 1 head per jar;
  • vinegar 9% – 1.5 cups;
  • honey – 3 cups;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • Use spicy additives to suit your taste.

Place parsley sprigs in a sterilized container, add spices, add an onion (cut it into several pieces). Fill the containers with tomatoes. Add all other ingredients to 10 liters of water and boil.

Fill the jars with the resulting brine and pasteurize them for 20 minutes. Roll up, turn over and cover with something warm. Leave it like this for 12 hours.

Canned cherry tomatoes with honey

According to the recipe, cherry tomatoes must be preserved without the skin. Therefore, when buying tomatoes, choose only strong specimens.

Ingredients for winter preparation:

  • cherry – 1.5 kg;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • a bunch of cilantro and the same amount of basil;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • honey – 100 ml;
  • allspice and black pepper - to taste.

Blanch the cherry tomatoes for two minutes, remove the skin from each fruit. Place herbs, garlic and peppers at the bottom of the container, fill it with tomatoes.

Pour boiling water over everything, then pour the liquid into a saucepan, add honey, salt, and squeeze out lemon juice. Boil and pour the resulting brine over the tomatoes. Pasteurize for 15 minutes. Leave the rolled jars to cool on the table.

Tomatoes with basil and honey

Plum-shaped tomatoes are best suited for this preparation, and it is recommended to preserve them in 0.5 liter containers.

You will need (per 1 jar):

  • 8-9 tomatoes:
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt without top;
  • 15 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • a couple of allspice peas;
  • basil sprig.

The jar must be sterilized, filled with tomatoes, added garlic, put basil on top, and pour boiling water over it. After 10 minutes, pour the water into the pan, add honey, salt and pepper.

Boil, pour in vinegar. Pour the marinade into a jar and roll it up. Keep the inverted container warm for about a day. After which the seams can be transferred to the pantry.

You can also use this recipe for pickling cherry tomatoes. All the ingredients remain the same, only you do not need to remove the skin from the fruit.

Tomatoes and cucumbers with honey “Honey Assorted”

Let me introduce you to my best, favorite recipe. Opening a jar of twist in winter, you can get double pleasure - sweetish, crispy cucumbers with sweet and sour tomatoes, simply delicious. The composition includes a minimum set of ingredients. I give the ratio for a 1 liter jar.

  • small cucumbers – 5 pcs.;
  • small tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 130 g salt;
  • honey – 120 g;
  • garlic – 7 cloves;
  • any greenery – half a bouquet;
  • allspice – 6 peas.
  1. I rinse the cucumbers, tomatoes, and peel the garlic. I cut off the ends of cucumbers and the stem of tomatoes.
  2. I put all the vegetables in one container.
  3. I prepare the marinade: dissolve salt in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, add honey, stir well, heat for 2 minutes, turn off the heat.
  4. I put the greens at the bottom of the jar, after washing them first, throw in allspice, and compact the vegetables.
  5. I pour the hot marinade, roll it up, and cool it under a fur coat.

Advice! The entire contents of the jar must be completely covered with marinade, right up to the neck.

Salted tomatoes with honey in jars

Now I’ll tell you in detail how to salt tomatoes with honey, without vinegar, in jars for the winter. The recipe is more beneficial, pleasant, delicate, salty taste.

  • tomatoes – 2 kg;
  • fresh dill – 1.5 bunches;
  • celery – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • 145 g salt;
  • 220 g honey;
  • refined oil – 65 ml.
  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut out the top part with the stalk, almost down to half the fruit.
  2. I rinse the dill and celery, chop it, mix it with garlic squeezed out through a garlic press, add some salt, and mix it with butter.
  3. I stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture and put them in sterile jars.
  4. I fill it with brine, cooked using the remaining salt, honey, and water.
  5. Cover with lids and sterilize in a basin for 20 minutes.
  6. I roll it up and put it under my fur coat.

Advice! For these stuffed salted tomatoes, instead of dill, you can use parsley, basil and other herbs.

Which tomatoes to choose for canning

Full ripe fruits weighing 50-70 g with dense pulp and thick skin are suitable for preparing pickled tomatoes.
During heat treatment, they will retain their integrity and will not fall apart when removed from the container. It is believed that marinades made from pink and brown varieties are especially tasty. Yellow, orange, plum-shaped, cylindrical and heart-shaped tomatoes look beautiful in a jar and on the table. Raw materials must be fresh, without mechanical damage and traces of harmful insects and microorganisms. Especially for preparations for long-term storage, varieties that meet the necessary requirements were bred - Solnechny, Marinadny, Konservny Kyiv. The varieties Ermak, Zarnitsa, Rocket, and Prometheus have excellent canning properties. They are distinguished by small-sized fruits, they have developed resistance to pathogenic microflora.

Stuffed tomatoes “Bee”

I’ll tell you how to make pickled tomatoes, based on such an interesting name, below. I stuff the vegetable with a mixture of bell pepper, garlic and various herbs. They come out incredibly tasty, with more sweetness and light notes of spiciness. I selected all the listed ingredients in the ratio for 3 three-liter jars.

  • tomatoes – 60 pcs.;
  • bell pepper – 12 pcs.;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • celery greens, dill, parsley - 1 bunch each;
  • water – 3 l;
  • vinegar 9 percent – ​​220 ml;
  • 230 g honey;
  • 150 g salt.
  1. I grind the peeled bell pepper in a meat grinder, at the same time as the washed herbs.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, cut off the stem, take out the pulp.
  3. I add the pulp to the bell pepper mixture, squeeze the peeled garlic cloves through the garlic press, add some salt, and mix.
  4. I sterilize the jars over steam, dry them, and compact the tomatoes stuffed with the resulting filling.
  5. Pour water into a saucepan, add honey, vinegar, remaining salt, and bring to a boil on the middle burner.
  6. I pour the hot marinade, cover with lids, place in a wide basin, and sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
  7. I slowly take it out, roll it up, and leave it under my fur coat overnight.

Advice! These tomatoes can be rolled into liter jars. If there is no honey, it is permissible to take regular sugar in the same amount.

Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Tomatoes marinated with honey for the winter

Today we suggest preparing spicy tomatoes in honey sauce for the winter. A very hot and spicy marinade gives the tomatoes a “burning” piquancy. The sweet taste of honey will not appear in the marinade; it is necessary to enhance the peppery taste; ordinary sugar is not able to cope with this task. For this recipe you will need miniature cherry tomatoes. These honey tomatoes are perfect for decorating holiday dishes. Miniature tomatoes are indispensable when serving meat or fish at a banquet. Spicy cherry tomatoes can whet your appetite, and honey marinade from a jar is also useful: it is added little by little to various sauces.

Ingredients for preparing tomatoes in honey sauce for the winter:

  • cherry tomatoes – 1 kg
  • hot pepper – 1 large pod
  • purple basil – 2 sprigs (optional)
  • dill rosettes – 3 pcs.
  • garlic – 1 head
  • bay leaves – 3-4 pcs.
  • sweet peas – ½ tsp.
  • water – 700 ml
  • salt – 2 tsp.
  • sugar – 1 tsp.
  • honey – 2 tbsp.
  • vinegar 9% – 50 ml

Note: from the amount of ingredients indicated in the recipe you will get 1 liter jar of honey tomatoes + 1 half liter. A kilogram of small tomatoes is ideally distributed among containers with this volume, leaving room for a delicious spicy honey marinade.

Tomatoes marinated with honey for the winter - recipe with photo:

Large tomatoes are poorly compatible with the spicy, very spicy honey marinade, and cherry tomatoes seem to be specially created for it. Select the tiniest fruits that have reached full ripeness.

Clusters of tomatoes look like berries; they are collected on rosette branches. Sometimes they are pickled along with thin stems, but for this recipe you need to do it differently: the cherry tomatoes are separated from the sepals and washed.

All spices for the recipe are “bathed” in cold water. Banks are sterilized. The red pepper pod is cut into large pieces, the garlic into thick slices. Dill inflorescences are broken into several parts. Spices are distributed proportionally between two jars, two or three peas of allspice are thrown into each jar. For a special smell, you can add 3-4 basil leaves to each jar.

The tomatoes are placed tightly, but try not to crush them.

The tomatoes are poured with boiling water and the jars are covered. When cherry tomatoes are pickled, only one pre-fill is used. The tomatoes are in boiling water for 15 minutes.

Then the water is drained, it is enough to prepare the honey marinade.

Place the bay leaves and remaining sweet peas into the pan. Measure out salt and sugar. Boil the marinade for 2-3 minutes. Honey cannot be boiled. Remove the marinade from the heat, add honey and stir the liquid.

30 milliliters of vinegar are poured into a liter jar, 20 milliliters into a half-liter jar.

Hot honey marinade is poured into jars of tomatoes.

Having rolled up the cans, they are turned over and covered with a blanket. In this form, the tomatoes in honey sauce are infused and steamed for 10-14 hours.

Tomatoes marinated with honey are ready for the winter! For cooled hot cherry tomatoes, you need to find a dry, dark place; the preparations will retain all their properties throughout the year.

Large tomatoes are completely saturated with marinade only after 5-6 days, and until this moment they remain bland. Cherries instantly absorb the spiciness of the marinade. If you decide to pamper your guests with quick honey tomatoes in the summer, use cherry tomatoes for this purpose.

How to marinate sweet tomatoes with basil in honey sauce

Another delicious recipe for tomatoes with honey, garlic and basil for the winter - you'll lick your fingers! I cook it myself every fall, it turns out amazingly aromatic, incredibly tasty, sweet, tender, the tomato skin peels off easily, and the pulp melts in your mouth. I took the ingredients for this seaming in the ratio of 5 jars, half a liter in volume.

  • small tomatoes – 35 pcs.;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • lemon basil – 4 sprigs;
  • water – 5 l;
  • honey – 5 tbsp. l;
  • 220 g sugar;
  • 210 g salt;
  • vinegar 9 percent - 70 ml;
  • bay leaf – 6 leaves;
  • 8 peas of allspice.
  1. I leave the washed tomatoes in a cup of water for 1 hour.
  2. I put them in sterile jars, throwing in a sprig of basil and a couple of cloves of garlic in advance.
  3. Fill with hot water and leave covered for 12 minutes.
  4. I pour the water into a saucepan, add honey, salt, sugar, bay leaf, peppercorns, the remaining basil, and wait for it to boil over medium heat.
  5. I pour in the vinegar, stir, and pour into the cans of tomatoes.
  6. I tighten the workpiece with iron screw caps, turn it upside down, and leave it under the fur coat for several hours.

Advice! For such pickled tomatoes, it is permissible to replace the honey in the composition with sugar, and peppercorns with cloves.

You can learn more about how to prepare marinated tomatoes with honey flavor by watching the video.

Preparing tomatoes with cinnamon for the winter (in tomato)

Tomatoes according to this recipe are very aromatic. After all, in addition to the standard set of spices, cinnamon is added to them, which adds a special chic. I’ll say right away that you’ll have to work hard to get the perfect blank. This is not a quick recipe (there was a quick one above). But the result will definitely please you in winter.

Ingredients for 1 liter jar:

  • tomatoes - 800-900 gr. + 250 ml juice
  • salt - 1 tsp. no slide
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
  • bay leaf - 0.5 pcs.
  • allspice peas - 1 pc.
  • black peppercorns - 3 pcs.
  • horseradish leaf - 0.5 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove

Cooking method:

1.Tomatoes need to be washed and sorted. Close the most beautiful, dense ones entirely, and leave the wrinkled, spoiled ones for juice.

2.Pour the resulting juice (or puree) into a saucepan, boil and cook for 10 minutes. In the meantime, you need to remove the skin from the dense tomatoes. To do this, put water on the stove and let it boil. Make a cross-shaped cut on top of each tomato and place in boiling water. Keep the tomatoes there for 1 minute, then remove and place in cold water.

3. Wash the jars thoroughly with soda or laundry soap. Place your favorite spices at the bottom of each jar; they may not be the same as those on the ingredient list. I suggest putting in each liter jar half a bay leaf, three black peppercorns and one allspice pea, a clove of garlic, a piece of horseradish leaf, you can put a sprig of dill or parsley if desired.

4.Remove the peels from the tomatoes and place them in prepared jars. It is also advisable to cut out the stalk. There is no need to compact the fruits, otherwise they will lose their shape. You can shake the jar a little so that there are fewer voids.

5.Pour a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt on top of the tomatoes in each liter jar. And also add a little cinnamon. Fill everything with tomato juice to the very edges. Cover with sterile lids and place for sterilization. Now I will not describe in detail how to sterilize the workpieces; I wrote about this in the recipe above. Sterilize liter jars 20 minutes after the water boils.

6.After sterilization, the jars are sealed. And shake the closed jar very well so that the salt and sugar are distributed between the tomatoes and dissolved. This moment is important, don't miss it.

7. Turn the canned food over and wrap it up. Once cooled, store away. Since these tomatoes are prepared without vinegar, they can be given to children and people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Awesome tomatoes with apple juice and honey

Canned tomatoes in jars for the winter can be made not only with a marinade based on water and honey, but also with the addition of apple juice. The recipe is prepared without vinegar, therefore it is more beneficial for the body. They have an unusual sweet and sour taste, with a pleasant pungency. I give the quantity of ingredients for 2 three-liter jars.

  • tomatoes – 4 kg;
  • apples – 1 kg;
  • 255 g honey;
  • chili pepper;
  • water – 2 l;
  • 110 g salt.
  1. I prick the washed tomatoes with a toothpick, put them in sterile jars, and throw half a pod of chili pepper into the middle.
  2. Wash the apples, cut out the core, put them through a juicer.
  3. I dissolve salt and honey in water, add apple juice, and bring to a boil.
  4. I fill the jars with hot marinade, cover them with lids, and sterilize them in a basin for half an hour.
  5. I roll it up and cool it under my fur coat.

Advice! For such preservation, you need to use freshly squeezed apple juice, not store-bought.

Tomatoes with watermelon

An original recipe for sweet marinated tomatoes with watermelon.

  • 3 kg watermelon;
  • 3 kg of tomatoes;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 6 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar (9%);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 small pieces of horseradish root.

Wash the tomatoes and prick them at the stem with a toothpick. We also wash the watermelon well, cut it and remove the pulp from the peel and seeds. We cut the watermelon into pieces of arbitrary shape, the main thing is that they are convenient to put in the jar.

Advice! Slightly unripe watermelons are also perfect for this preparation.

Place garlic cloves cut in half and pieces of peeled horseradish root into the prepared jars. Then add tomatoes and pieces of watermelon.

Advice! To make the workpiece beautiful, you can cut out balls from the watermelon with an ice cream spoon. It’s good if the watermelon balls and tomatoes are approximately the same diameter.

Prepare the filling by boiling water with salt and sugar. Finally, add vinegar and turn off the heat. Pour the marinade into jars and cover them with boiled lids. We sterilize liter jars for 15 minutes, and three-liter jars for 25 minutes. We seal the jars tightly.

Tomatoes with honey and garlic in liter jars

I will tell you below how to marinate tomatoes with garlic and honey in liter jars, without sterilizing with vinegar. The recipe actually turns out incredibly tasty, it quickly flies off the table, so I decided to roll it up in just such a container for greater convenience.

  • tomatoes – 15 pcs.;
  • honey – 230 g;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • bay leaves – 6 pcs.;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • sugar – 130 g;
  • peppercorns – 8 pcs.;
  • garlic – 6 cloves;
  • fresh cloves - 2 leaves;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • vinegar 9 percent - 90 ml.
  1. I rinse the tomatoes, put them in liter jars, putting in each a few sprigs of dill, 2 leaves of cloves, peppercorns, bay leaves and 2 cloves of garlic.
  2. The second stage is preparing the marinade: I dissolve honey, salt, sugar in water, after boiling vinegar, pour the jars, roll them with sterile metal lids, and cool under a fur coat.
  3. I store it in a cool cellar.

Advice! Marinated tomatoes with honey according to the above recipe for the winter can be marinated not only with garlic, but also with onions, laying them out in layers.

I hope you love home canning as much as I do. Share your recipes, let's rock it!

Selection of tomatoes for canning

Only mature fruits weighing from 50 to 100 g, with thick skin, whole, without damage, stains or dents, are suitable for canning. Such tomatoes will not burst during cooking and will not turn into mush when removed from the container.

When purchasing, pay attention to the entire lot. If there are at least a few rotten fruits in the box, it is not recommended to choose the best ones. Look for another seller.

You shouldn't buy tomatoes just because you like their appearance. Not all tomatoes are suitable for canning. Breeders have developed many varieties designed specifically for harvesting. These are Marinade, Zarnitsa, Prometheus, Solnechny, Ermak, Rocket, etc.

For each batch of preparations, choose only one variety of tomatoes. It is not recommended to mix them. Tomatoes can be any color. Both the usual red vegetables and orange or brown ones look equally beautiful on the table.

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