Unpretentious in care - tomato Bull's Heart Minusinsk: characteristics and description of the variety

The Minusinsk bull's heart tomato is the most popular variety for growing in the Urals, Siberia, and temperate and southern regions. It is famous for its large size and high taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Description of the variety

Dates of sowing and ripening . Belongs to mid-late varieties. The first harvest can be obtained on the 125-130th day from the date of emergence. For indoor soil, through early cultivation, the first fruits ripen 10-12 days earlier.

Bush. Belongs to tall varieties, with a height of 130 to 180 cm. An open plant, with a powerful root system and large leaves. Tomato requires pinching, tying or trellis growing. Formed into one or several stems.

Fetus. Heart-shaped with a pointed tip. The surface is ribbed, with a thin skin. The classic “Bull's Heart” is a bright scarlet tomato, but they can be pale pink, raspberry, orange, chocolate and even yellow. The average weight is from 110 to 225 g, the weight of tomatoes of the first bunch when rationed can reach 400-800 g. Ripe tomatoes have tender, fleshy and sugary pulp with excellent taste.

Productivity . Depending on the growing conditions, feeding regime and climatic factors, the average yield of one bush is from 3 to 5 kg. In greenhouse growing conditions, the figure can increase by 10-15%.

Disease resistance . Susceptible to late blight.

Application. The variety is ideal for fresh consumption, preparing all kinds of dishes, sauces and preparing tomato juice for the winter. Whole tomatoes are not suitable for preservation due to the large size of the fruit. Due to its tendency to crack, “Bull's Heart” cannot be transported over long distances.

Origin and characteristics of the variety

The variety was bred by agricultural breeders and entered into the State Register in 2003. In addition to the copyright holder company, seeds are sold by such well-known companies as Aelita, Siberian Garden and others. Depending on climatic conditions, plants can be cultivated in open ground or in greenhouses throughout the country.

The characteristics of the Bull's Heart tomato are as follows. The bushes are tall (when grown in a greenhouse - up to 150-200 cm), of a determinate type. The stems are quite thin, the leaves are medium. The first flower cluster is formed above the 8-9 leaf, the next ones - after 1-2 leaves. There are usually no more than 3-4 fruits per cluster. Late ripening variety: the first ripe tomatoes begin to be picked no earlier than 120-125 days after the appearance of full shoots.

Usually no more than 3-4 fruits are tied to a brush

The fruits look very attractive: bright red, large, oval-heart-shaped. The cut flesh is sugary, dense, with a small number of seeds. According to reviews, “Bull's Heart” tomatoes also have excellent taste and aroma. They are distinguished by their special sweetness and classic aftertaste, perfect for fresh consumption and for making juices.

When cut, the tomato pulp is sugary, dense, with a small number of seeds

Summer residents appreciate the tomato for the beauty and wonderful taste of the fruit, but the variety cannot be called problem-free. The difficulties that arise when growing it are due to the following properties:

  • rapid growth of green mass. The bushes develop according to the determinant type and, in principle, do not need pinching. But the variety requires active pinching and removal of excess flower clusters. As a rule, plants are formed into 1-2 stems, leaving no more than 4 brushes on each. If this is not done, the fruits will turn out small and not very tasty;
  • fragility of stems that need to be tied up;
  • lack of natural resistance to diseases. The variety is severely affected by various rots and late blight. The fruits ripen late, and diseases can only be avoided with the help of regular preventive treatments;
  • sensitivity to fertilizer application. The size and number of fruits are highly dependent on the nutrient content of the soil. According to gardeners, in order to get a decent harvest, it is necessary to feed the plants at least 6-7 times per season;
  • heterogeneity of fruits in shape and weight. Classic heart-shaped tomatoes weighing 230-250 g (sometimes up to 400-500 g) ripen only in the lower part of the bush. It often happens that there are only 1-2 such fruits on each plant. Tomatoes that are poured on the top clusters are oval in shape and weigh no more than 100 g;
  • low indicators of keeping quality and transportability of fruits;
  • rather modest yield. According to official data from the manufacturer, even with proper agricultural technology, a maximum of 4 kg of tomatoes can be harvested per square meter of plantings.

Cultivating the variety is quite difficult. Plants require serious care, and even experienced gardeners’ harvests often leave much to be desired. If you still want to try to grow them, do not be tempted by offers from random sellers, but give preference to seeds of an officially registered variety produced by one of the well-known agricultural companies.

Classic heart-shaped tomatoes ripen only in the lower part of the bush. It often happens that there are only 1-2 such fruits on each plant. Tomatoes that are poured on the top clusters are oval in shape and weigh no more than 100 g

Growing seedlings

To obtain high-quality planting material, a number of measures should be taken, paying attention to temperature conditions, watering, and the quality of the soil mixture.


To grow seedlings, work begins at the end of January. Sowing seeds to obtain seedlings for greenhouses is planned for mid-January - early February, this applies to the southern regions. If tomatoes are planned to be grown indoors, then sowing the seeds is carried out no earlier than March.

When preparing the earthen mixture, attention should be paid to the following nuances:

  • acidity index from 5.5-6.5;
  • when preparing it yourself, use light turf soil as a basis, with the addition of sand, peat and rotted humus;
  • disinfection is required by watering with a slightly pink solution of manganese;
  • permissible temperature of the soil mixture is from 15 to 20°C.

Seeds are sown in rows in trays 1/3 filled with soil. The depth of the “hole” is 0.5 -1 cm. The distance between the rows is at least 10 cm. After sowing, the soil is moistened, covered with film and placed in a dark place. Adhering to a temperature regime of 24 to 26 ° C, the first shoots can be seen on days 5-7.


After 15-20 days, at the stage of development of the first two true leaves, a dive is carried out. The purpose of the technique is to stimulate the development of a fibrous root system and plant seedlings in individual containers. Tomatoes are planted in glasses or cassettes.

The height of the glass is at least 10-12 cm, with a diameter of 7-10 cm. The plant is transplanted into a container, deepening the stem along the cotyledon. Afterwards, the soil is moistened with a weak solution of manganese, this will help avoid the occurrence of diseases in the early stages of seedling development. For better survival, the temperature in the greenhouse is raised to 22-25°C.

Basic requirements for growing seedlings

To obtain high-quality material with a well-developed leaf apparatus, a strong stem and a powerful root system, attention should be paid to the following factors:

  1. Light mode . The length of daylight hours is at least 14-16 hours a day. Lack of light has a negative effect on young plants: the stems become thinner and elongated, the leaves acquire a pale yellowish tint. For additional illumination, phytolamps with a power of 200 to 450 watts are used.
  2. Air temperature . As soon as the tomatoes have rooted after picking, the temperature is lowered by five degrees. Temperatures at night can range from 12 to 14°C.
  3. Watering . During the seedling stage, it is important to avoid overwatering. Moistening is carried out as the soil dries. Excess moisture provokes the development of fungal diseases, rot and “black leg”. If the plant wilts in sunny weather and the mixture remains wet, no additional watering should be done.
  4. An effective way to reduce the temperature in a greenhouse is to spray water over the plants. It should be remembered that overdrying the soil, especially at the stage of laying buds, is unacceptable and leads to drying out of the planted brush.

Read everything about growing tomato seedlings from A to Z here.

Planting in a greenhouse

A few days before planting, the temperature in the greenhouse is gradually lowered to the conditions of a greenhouse or open ground. Seedlings are planted in rows at a distance of 30-35 cm from each other. The row spacing should be at least 80-90 cm. The depth of the hole is on average up to 30 cm. After planting, the plants are watered abundantly.

Basic care

The “Bull's Heart” tomato is quite demanding to care for. With improper care, you can lose part of the harvest, get small fruits and insufficient taste. The basis of a good harvest is:

  • tying bushes or arranging trellises;
  • stepsoning;
  • weed removal;
  • carrying out mineral and organic fertilizing;
  • preventive treatments for diseases;
  • pest control.

Top dressing

At all stages of development, a tomato needs nutrition. The first fertilizing is carried out 10-12 days after planting, by applying complex mineral fertilizer. The most necessary substances for tomatoes are Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus.

  1. Nitrogen. Promotes the growth of green mass and proper formation of the plant.
  2. Phosphorus. Necessary for the development of a powerful root system. Should be applied at all growth stages.
  3. Potassium. It is required for filling fruits; taste qualities also depend on it.

To ensure good fruit set, tomatoes are fed with Boron. And to prevent blossom end rot, calcium supplements are added.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

photo author Evgeny Balashov

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato variety for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in the ground. Picking seedlings - at the stage of 2 true leaves. When planting in a permanent place, 1 sq. up to 3 plants are placed per meter of plot.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering (we recommend installing drip irrigation), fertilizing, pinching, weed removal and preventive measures to protect plants from diseases and pests.

If you grew Minusinsk Bull Heart tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Bull's Heart Minusinsk tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

So Minusinsk tomatoes have acquired the status of a variety, but we need to understand it in more detail.

Tomatoes “Bull’s heart” giant F1 – description, reviews, photos

Mid-season indeterminate hybrid.

Bush. It has an open bush, with a height of 160 to 180 cm. Requires pinching and gartering. Formed into one or several stems.

Fruit . Maturity occurs at 120-130 days. Fruiting duration is 1.5-2 months. Heart-shaped fruits of bright pink color from 0.5 to 2 kg. The tomato has high taste qualities and is distinguished by its sugary, tender pulp.



A chic variety, I didn’t really bother with care, and the result was excellent. The first tomatoes were huge, slightly smaller towards the top. I recommend to everyone.


I didn’t really like it, I planted it in three stems, there was a lot of greenery, and there were two or three fruits per cluster, although they were heavy. It’s probably better to form it into one bush, it will be more useful.


My grandmother gave me the seedlings and collected the seeds herself. The tomatoes were cool, not capricious, there were a lot of fruits, delicious for salads and juices. I'm very pleased.

Features of cultivation and storage

Tomatoes are grown using the standard seedling method. In temperate and northern regions they are kept under film. Carry out regular stepsoning. Fertilize with complex minerals during the growing season and fruit set. Water moderately 3 times a week, loosen the soil and mulch

Due to the tall growth of the variety, agricultural technology recommends forming it into 1 stem.

Transportability is good. Store in dark, ventilated, cool places for up to 2-3 weeks.

Tomato "Bull's heart" pink Minusinsk

Refers to mid-season varieties.

Bush . The height of the plant reaches 160 cm. It is formed by tying and removing side shoots into one or two stems.

Fetus. Pink in cream shape with a pointed nose. The weight of tomatoes is from 150 to 180 g. They have fleshy pulp with a rich sweetish taste. A special feature of this variety is its small number of seeds, which makes it successfully used for making sauces.

Productivity . With proper watering and regular feeding, you can get up to 5 kg of tomatoes from one bush.

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Bull's Heart Minusinsk, reviews, photos

Mid-season, tall, indeterminate tomato variety of folk selection from Minusinsk. Recommended for growing in a greenhouse, in the southern regions - in open ground.

The bush is up to 1.8 meters high and requires tying to a support and pinching. The best results were obtained when forming a plant with 1 or 2 stems. In the first case, all stepsons are removed without exception, in the second, one stepson is left under the first flower cluster (it will be the second stem). Each stem is tied separately.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are heart-shaped, pink in color at maturity, weighing 300-600 grams (up to 1 kg), fleshy, with a classic tomato taste. These tomatoes are good for fresh consumption, making juices and sauces.

To obtain giant fruits, form a bush with 1 stem and normalize the number of ovaries.

Characteristics and description of the orange variety of this tomato

Refers to mid-season indeterminate hybrids with a ripening period of 125-130 days.

Bush. Plant height up to 170 cm, requires trellis growing method or garter with twine. The plant is formed by pinching.

Fetus. A heart-shaped tomato with a bright orange color. Fruit weight is from 150 to 400 g. They have excellent taste, sweetish taste with slight sourness. Contains a small number of seeds and thin skin.

Productivity . You can harvest up to 5 kg of tomatoes from a bush. In a greenhouse - up to 10-12 kg.

Black tomatoes "Bull's heart": photo, description, characteristics

Late-ripening hybrid of indeterminate type.

Bush. Heights 150-160 cm, with highly developed leaf apparatus. Requires tying or creating trellises. The bush is driven into one stem, regularly removing the stepsons.

Fetus. Heart-shaped, brown-burgundy with a black tint. Large-fruited variety, with a fruit weight of 500-600 g. The black hybrid has a dense skin and is not prone to cracking. It has a pleasant sweetish taste. Thanks to their juicy, fleshy, aromatic pulp, tomatoes are used for juice, ketchup and fresh consumption.

Productivity. The plant produces at least 6 kg in open ground conditions, with regular feeding and watering.

Other types of tomatoes of this variety

Red Compact Aelita. A low-growing variety with large, heart-shaped fruits, weighing from 150 to 200 g. Refers to early hybrids, maturity at 100-115 days. The taste of the fruit is rich, fleshy in structure, with a small number of seeds.

Creamy. Indeterminate powerful hybrid of medium-late ripening. It has a creamy-yellow color of heart-shaped fruits weighing 350-400 g. It is distinguished by its friendly ripening and increased sugar content.

Carpal Bull Heart. Tall tomato varieties with medium ripening periods. Forms large clusters with elongated pepper-shaped scarlet fruits. The tomatoes are dense, fleshy, weighing up to 300-400 g.

Riviera. Indeterminate hybrid of Italian selection. On average, tomatoes weigh up to 250 g. The tomatoes are bright red, pear-shaped. The fruit is fleshy with excellent taste. Suitable for open ground and greenhouse.

Japanese. A tall-growing variety that bears fruit until severe cold weather. The fruit is pink in color and weighs from 180 to 400 g. The fruits are glossy pink in color, with a sweetish, fleshy structure.

Chocolate. Hybrid with medium ripening. The fruit is heart-shaped, brick-brown in color. The average weight of tomatoes is 240-280 g. The pulp of tomatoes is juicy with a pronounced aroma and delicate taste.

Golden heart of Chelyabinsk. It is a mid-season variety of tall tomatoes. The fruit is yellow, with a golden tint, cone-shaped, weighing from 180 to 1000 g. They have sugary pulp with a low percentage of wateriness.

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