Amazing taste and long fruiting - tomato Alyoshka F1: gardening tips for growing

Alyosha Popovich is a fairly new and interesting variety for experienced gardeners. It is capable of producing a very good harvest, but it will also require a lot of attention.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonPinkAverageVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Alyosha Popovich

In the southern regions, this variety is capable of producing a good harvest in open ground. In the northern regions, it is recommended to grow Alyosha Popovich tomatoes only in greenhouse conditions. Fruit set occurs before the onset of frost, which begins quite early in the middle zone.

The Alyosha Popovich variety is a mid-season variety. From germination to the beginning of fruit ripening, 125-130 days pass. With good care, the plant is characterized by high, long-lasting yield: you can get up to 15 kilograms of tomatoes from one square meter.

Alyosha Popovich is a variety of indeterminate type; it is characterized by unlimited vegetative growth, constant flowering and simple formation into one stem. The variety has an intermediate type of inflorescence. Tomato flowers are bisexual and self-pollinating, so they do not need insects. But pollination can be improved by ventilating greenhouses. Healthy plants have a large number of bright yellow, large flowers in the flower cluster.

Tomato Alyosha Popovich

Plant parameters

For Alyosha tomatoes the following description:

  1. The bushes are tall (can reach two meters) and powerful;
  2. Fruit set occurs along the entire height of the plant;
  3. There are 4-6 fruits in the brush;
  4. The tomato is slightly ribbed and has a flat-round shape;
  5. The color of the ripe fruit is pinkish-red, medium in density;
  6. The weight of a tomato is 150-250 grams (can reach up to 300 grams);
  7. The pulp is juicy, but does not flow when cut; the tomatoes taste sweet and sour.

The Alyosha Popovich tomato is intended mainly for fresh consumption, although it is suitable for canning and processing into tomato juice and ketchup.

The main thing about the variety

Tomato bushes are tall and powerful - truly real heroes. The height reaches 1.8 -2.0 meters in the greenhouse. The plant is distinguished by its ability to set fruit throughout its entire height, even until frost. According to many vegetable growers, the variety is demanding on growing conditions - especially on lighting and soil composition. Productivity with good care is up to 15 kg per sq.m.

Despite the “heroic” name of the variety, the fruits are not gigantic:

  • The average weight of a tomato is 200-250g.
  • The brush contains from 4 to 6 fruits.
  • The color, even of a ripe tomato, is pinkish-red.
  • The pulp is juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
  • The shape is flat – round, slightly ribbed.
  • It is used mainly as a salad variety, suitable for making juices and ketchups.

Diseases and pests

The variety is resistant to the main tomato diseases - tobacco mosaic and fusarium. However, only proper care, comfortable living conditions and preventive measures can guarantee a high and healthy harvest throughout the entire fruiting period. To avoid infection with fungal and viral diseases of tomatoes, you must:

  • When using a greenhouse, provide for the disinfection of the walls and garden soil inside, as well as the treatment of all auxiliary equipment - supports, trellises - with a disinfectant solution.
  • Be sure to follow the rules of crop rotation - plant in the place where nightshades grew no earlier than three years later.
  • Treat seeds before planting and harden seedlings.
  • Use green manure to improve soil health.
  • To prevent diseases, treat tomatoes with phytosporin and copper-containing preparations.

In summer cottages, they usually do without the use of insecticidal preparations to combat these pests - they use various folk methods - spraying with wormwood decoctions, infusion of ash. Slugs and Colorado potato beetles are collected by hand, preventing the development of larvae.

Pest control and disease prevention

The strong immunity of the tomato does not give the vegetable grower the right to relax. There are diseases and pests that can destroy a plant:

  • Store-bought preparations serve as prevention against late blight. The most common is a solution of Bordeaux mixture. It is also necessary to ensure optimal ventilation of the plantings and constantly loosen the soil.
  • The Colorado potato beetle not only eats potatoes and eggplants, but also loves tomatoes. Moreover, leaves and fruits are used. You can fight the beetle by spraying the bushes with drugs or manually collecting the enemy. The deposited larvae are crushed along with the leaf.
  • Whitefly causes considerable damage to tomato leaves. Sprinkling the bushes with tobacco dust or ash will help get rid of the pest. There are also store-bought preparations for spraying.
  • Aphids suck juice from leaves and young stems. The control method is the same as with whitefly. You can also spray tomato bushes with a solution of washing soap.

If a tomato bush is severely affected by a viral disease during an epidemic, it is almost impossible to cure it. It is better to remove such a plant, and fill the place where it grew with a disinfectant solution.

To summarize, let's read reviews from vegetable growers about the Alyosha Popovich tomato.

Soil requirement

This variety of tomatoes is recommended to be grown as seedlings. Store-bought seeds are usually disinfected and completely ready for sowing. If there are no corresponding marks on the package, it would be a good idea to dip the tomato grains in a 1% manganese solution. This tomato variety is very sensitive to the composition of the soil. To grow strong seedlings, it is not enough to simply mix garden soil with humus. Micronutrient supplements are needed. It is very difficult to accurately maintain all the proportions at home, so it is easier to go to the store and buy a soil mixture.

An adult tomato also reacts to the composition of the soil, which can be seen in the yield. The Alyosha Popovich variety will yield maximum fruit if it grows on loamy or sandy loam soil. Before planting tomato seedlings, the soil in the garden bed needs to be fertilized.

Why is the variety interesting?

One of the most noticeable features of the Alyosha Popovich tomato, according to reviews from summer residents, and as can be seen in the photo, is its high yield, which is extended over time - almost until frost.

The fruits ripen gradually, starting from the lower clusters, and further, along the entire stem, to the very top.

  • Resistant to many tomato diseases.
  • Excellent taste and appearance of the fruit.
  • Universal use of tomatoes.

The disadvantages, according to reviews, include increased demands on lighting and soil composition. The plant reacts sharply to insufficient humidity or low temperature during cold snaps.

Planting tomatoes in a permanent place of growth

At the time of planting, tomatoes have fully formed leaves under the first cluster. By this time, the seedlings should undergo a hardening procedure. Tomatoes are planted in prepared soil. The procedure involves the introduction of humus and fertilizers. If the soil is heavy, sand is added to loosen it.

For the Alyosha Popovich variety, a planting pattern of 60x70 cm is recommended. The tomato bushes grow tall, but not spreading. Thanks to the maintained distance, the grower has access to every tomato. Plus, good ventilation is provided, reducing the risk of late blight affecting plants.

Growing rules

A good harvest of this variety largely depends on how correctly the place for planting it was chosen. Alyosha Popovich tomatoes are very picky about the type of soil - they will bear fruit well only on loamy and sandy loam soil. In addition, the selected area must be sufficiently illuminated.

Planting seedlings

Before planting seeds for seedlings, it is necessary to disinfect the seeds. To do this, they are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). If desired, treatment with growth stimulants can be included in the preparation of seeds for planting.

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The next stage is preparing the soil for planting seedlings. It is prepared from topsoil, wood ash and compost.

Seeds are usually planted in late May. Containers with seedlings are covered with film and placed in a warm room.

As soon as the first shoots appear, the seedlings are moved to the windowsill to provide the seedlings with enough sunlight. When there is a lack of light, artificial lighting is used.

Water the seedlings moderately. High soil moisture levels can encourage blackleg infection.

Plants are picked when 2-3 leaves appear.

Tomato transplant

The seedlings are moved to a permanent place 1-2 months after the first shoots. Tomatoes are planted after the threat of late frost has passed and consistently warm weather has established.

Holes for planting should be located at a distance of 60 cm from each other, preferably more. In greenhouses where tomatoes are grown in 4 stems, the plants are spaced even less often - the distance between the holes in this case should be at least 80 cm. This way the tomato bushes will be properly illuminated, and access to them will not be difficult.

Subsequent care for tomatoes

Alyosha Popovich places high demands on personal care. In order for it to bear fruit well and not get sick, the beds must be regularly cleared of weeds, treated against pests and infections, and also fertilized. In addition, the soil must be mulched with hay or mowed grass for better moisture retention.

The first feeding is done 7-8 days after planting the seedlings. The soil is enriched, first of all, with potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. You can also use green fertilizers that contain rotted grass.

Alyosha Popovich is a tall species, so soon after the bushes begin to grow, they should be secured on supports or trellises.

The frost resistance of the variety is at an average level, so even when grown in a greenhouse, tomatoes can suffer from low temperatures. For the winter, it is better to cover tomatoes with film.

In the first days after planting, water abundantly. Then the beds are watered once a week, but in general you should focus on the weather. During hot periods, the frequency of watering increases.

The next condition for a good harvest is uniform air circulation. High humidity negatively affects the development of this variety, so the greenhouse is periodically ventilated. On the other hand, drafts are also dangerous for him.

Tomatoes are formed into 4 stems, but only if they receive enough light. When thickening the plantings, leave 1-2 stems.

Rules of care

To get a good harvest from a tomato, the vegetable grower will have to devote a lot of time to the crop. Cultivation errors will lead to plant disease. The fruits will grow small, sour and semi-dry.

If you decide to grow the Alyosha Popovich variety, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Tomato is very light-loving. Growing seedlings cannot be done without artificial lighting. Even shade has a negative effect on plants.
  • The soil under seedlings and adult tomatoes must be constantly loosened. Mulching gives good results. This gives the tomato roots more oxygen.
  • The culture is susceptible to frequent feeding. Store-bought fertilizers containing potassium and nitrogen, as well as organic matter in the form of humus, are suitable. You can use manure.
  • Preventive measures must be taken, especially against fungus. The solutions are not only sprayed on the above-ground part, but also the roots of the tomatoes are watered.
  • A tall tomato requires a stepson. This is a prerequisite for obtaining a good harvest. To increase fruiting, it is optimal to form a plant with two or three stems, but this number of branches increases the density of the foliage. The green mass pulls a lot of nutrients from the plant. Here you need to approach the formation individually. You can reduce foliage by removing it or growing tomatoes with one or two stems.
  • Weeds are the first enemy of the tomato variety. They shouldn't be in the garden.
  • In cold regions, even when growing tomatoes in greenhouses, the plants are covered with agrofibre or film at night.
  • Regular watering is beneficial for tomatoes, but you should not add too much water to prevent silting of the soil.

Compliance with the rules of crop care will enable the vegetable grower to grow the Alyosha Popovich variety in almost any region.

Landing Features

This variety is recommended to be planted in greenhouses or open ground using seedlings. To achieve a high yield, you must follow these rules:

Planting seedlings

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to check the seed material for germination. To do this, the grains are dipped in a salt solution, a tablespoon of which is diluted in a liter of water. Those that have sunk to the bottom are suitable for planting. Those that remain on the surface are thrown away.

It is also necessary to carry out disinfection to reduce the risk of diseases in plants. The seeds are soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes. After all these treatments, the seed material is ready for planting.

The containers are filled with the soil mixture and the grains are planted to a depth of 0.2 - 0.3 mm. Cover the containers with film and do not remove it until small shoots appear. As soon as the sprouts emerge from the ground, the pots are placed in a sunny place.

During the period of seedling growth, daily watering is necessary. When 3-4 true leaves appear on the plants, pick them. The essence of the method is to plant plants in separate containers. A week after picking, mineral fertilizers are applied.

Planting seedlings in the ground

Alyosha Popovich is very picky about the composition of the soil. It will produce the best harvest if the plants are grown on sandy or loamy soil. Before planting, it is necessary to apply organic fertilizers. It is best to use manure.

Then the soil is carefully dug up and holes 7 cm deep are made in it. Seedlings are planted in them, the soil is dug in, and watering is carried out.

Since the bushes are very powerful, it is recommended to plant the plants at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The distance between the rows should be approximately 70 cm. This will allow the tomatoes to develop well, and there will also be good ventilation between the plants.

Preparing for landing

When planting, keep your distance
. The initial stage of cultivation is preparing and sowing seeds. First, the seed material is soaked in a manganese solution in order to protect the plant from diseases and pests. Sowing of seeds occurs approximately at the end of May in a container with moistened soil, which must be periodically sprinkled with dry soil. Seeds covered with film germinate in a warm room.

After the seedlings appear, the seedlings are moved to a place where there is enough sunlight. If necessary, use artificial lighting.

The soil is periodically loosened and, if necessary, fed with fertilizers. The seedlings reach open ground a couple of months after the first growth. The optimal planting system is sixty by seventy centimeters. It provides the ability to freely approach the plant and provides it with enough space for normal growth and fruiting.

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Further care

This culture needs to be given a lot of attention. If agrotechnical measures are not followed, the plants will develop poorly and will not produce the proper harvest. Alyosha Popovich is a light-loving plant. Therefore, it is necessary to select places for the beds where there will be a sufficient amount of light. If you do not follow this rule, the tomatoes will be sour and grow small.


It is recommended to water the bushes every day if the weather is dry and hot. It is advisable to do this in the evening so that the leaves of the plant do not burn from the scorching sun. Water the tomatoes at the roots with settled water. Then loosening is carried out. This will allow all nutrients to flow more quickly to the root system.

To avoid soil drying out, it is also recommended to mulch.

If tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, carry out daily ventilation. But drafts should not be allowed.

Top dressing

Alyosha Popovich is very responsive to feeding. If they are carried out regularly, you can get a high yield, and the tomatoes will be juicy, aromatic and tasty.

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2 weeks after planting the seedlings, the first feeding is carried out. They use organic matter, potash fertilizers, and nitrogen.

The second feeding must be done during budding. Use superphosphate or any mineral fertilizers. During this period, nitrogen should not be used to prevent the lush green mass from growing.

The third fertilizing is carried out with potassium fertilizers. They will give the fruits an aroma and pleasant taste, and will contribute to long-term storage of the crop after harvesting.

Bush formation

The variety has tall bushes that need to be shaped. Remove side shoots and weak stems. Every week, stepsoning is carried out. Remove the lower leaves, as well as the sprouts in the axils of the plants.

Also, bushes must be tied up.

How to care for tomatoes

Stage 1. Planting seedlings Step 1. Apply fertilizer to the area for tomatoes. It is best to use rotted manure or compost at the rate of a bucket per square meter. Dig up the soil. Step 2. Dig holes according to a 60x70 cm pattern. Do not place the tomatoes closer, as they need a lot of space and good lighting. Step 3. Carefully remove the container from the root part so as not to destroy the soil lump and place the plant in the hole. Fill with soil, compact the surface and water generously

Stage 2. Watering Step 1. Leave the water for irrigation for at least a day

During this time, it warms up to the air temperature, which is also important. Work in the evening, after sunset

Step 2

Water the tomatoes as the soil dries. Typically work is carried out once a week or even less often. Do not over-water the soil

Stage 3. Weeding and loosening Step 1. Remove weeds at least once every 2 weeks, and preferably once a week. Remove weeded plants from the site or greenhouse. Step 2. Loosen the soil around the plants after each watering. This reduces the likelihood of developing fungal diseases and reduces moisture evaporation

Stage 4. Feeding Step 1. Purchase a complex mineral composition for tomatoes. This is the simplest and most effective solution that provides plants with everything they need. Step 2. Feed the plants as prescribed in the instructions on the package. Most often this is done a couple of weeks after planting, then during the flowering period and during the period of active fruiting.

Stage 5. Tying Option 1. Next to each plant, tall, strong pegs with a height of at least 2 meters are driven into the ground, as in the photo. The plant is tied to them in several places, thus ensuring its strength and resistance to stress. Option 2. A crossbar is fixed above the tomatoes, to which twine is tied. The cord is tied to the bottom of the trunk and the stem is guided along it

Stage 6. Harvesting Step 1. Remove ripe fruits so that the plant does not waste nutrients on them. Step 2. Be sure to remove all rotten and spoiled tomatoes so that they do not infect healthy ones.

Sowing seeds

The gardener determines the time for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings individually, taking into account the climatic conditions of his region. It is necessary to calculate that by the time the plants are planted in a permanent place, the earth should warm up well. Every conscientious tomato seed producer indicates the sowing date on the package. It usually falls at the end of February - beginning of March.

Before sowing, the soil mixture in containers is moistened. Tomato seeds are laid out in grooves in increments of 2–3 cm. The grains are covered with loose soil 1–1.5 cm thick on top. The soil is watered from above again with a sprayer, after which the container is covered with film or glass. In this state they stand at an air temperature of +25°C until sprouts appear.

After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is disposed of. The container is placed on the windowsill, plus artificial lighting is provided. When the tomatoes grow two full leaves, the plants are planted in separate cups.


  1. Planting of seeds occurs at the end of May, such a late event is associated with the soil in the open ground. "Alyosha Popovich" loves warm earth. Thanks to) (this, if it is sown in March, then the seedlings will grow beyond any measure leggy until the moment of acceptable warmth and will not be able to take root in open ground. Therefore, such sowing is required after that.
  2. The soil must be watered with warm water before sowing. After distributing the seeds, they must be sprinkled with dry soil. The depth of the hole is no more and no less than 1.5 centimeters. Too much depth will make the plant lanky and thin; placement too high can generally affect seed germination and the strengthening of the plant in the ground.
  3. All containers with tomatoes are covered with film and placed in a warm place with good lighting. In addition, you can use a fluorescent lamp if there is not enough light.
  4. Seedlings need to be watered and loosened. The butts are very fond of airy soil.
  5. After the formation of the second leaf, the testis is cut off and the cut shoot is placed in a separate cup.



I really like the Alyosha Popovich variety of tomatoes. I have been growing it for several years now and cannot get enough of the harvest. The tomatoes are very tasty and juicy. This is probably the best variety I have ever encountered. They need care. But it's worth it.


I have only been growing the Alyosha Popovich variety for the first year. These tomatoes simply captivated me. These are the most delicious tomatoes I have grown. They are juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness. The bushes bear fruit just fine. I harvested about 12 kg of tomatoes from one square meter. This is an ideal variety for daily consumption. I didn’t can it, but I prepared ketchup, juices and sauce for the winter. The taste of the rolls is simply excellent. I really liked this variety. I will now grow it constantly.

Best reviews from our readers

  • Excellent variety. We grew it for the first year and really liked it. The fruits of the first four clusters are very large, 300 grams or more, (the next ones are smaller) sweet and juicy. The height of the bush is above two meters, so it needs good support. They tied it to high reinforcement; if the peg is smaller, the bush will knock it down. We grow in 4-5 trunks. The leaves at the bottom are trimmed down to the fruits, the stepsons are also constantly removed, because... increases the powerful mass of the bush. If other varieties are already drying up in August, then Alyosha is green.
  • Tomatoes are of good quality and productive. The fruits were used for making juice and eating fresh.
  • I really like the variety. This is my 3rd year of planting. The bush is powerful. I lead in 1-2 barrels. The tomatoes are large and smooth. Always with a good harvest!
  • I liked it. The bush is not very spreading, its height is about two meters. The tomatoes are smooth, beautiful and large, with a pleasant tomato taste. The yield was impressive, the tomatoes bore fruit all season long and are disease resistant, with green foliage until the end of September. Used only fresh. I'll plant it again this year.
  • I liked it very much. Smooth, sweet, pleasant consistency. I used it for fresh cutting, almost every day, with pleasure. The yield was also encouraging

How to grow

The tomato variety Alyosha Popovich is demanding on growing conditions, especially lighting, from the moment of sowing the seeds until the end of the fruiting season. Seeds treated with a disinfecting solution are placed in specially prepared loose soil. When sprouts appear, the boxes with seedlings should be moved to a well-lit place; in cloudy weather, additional light should be provided.

Watering and temperature should be moderate. After 2-3 leaves appear, they pick, feed the seedlings with fertilizers and provide maximum daylight. You can plant seedlings in open ground or a greenhouse after stable warm weather has established, maintaining a distance of 60-70 cm between bushes and 80 cm between rows. The soil in the greenhouse and in the beds must be prepared; rotted manure, ash, mineral fertilizers, and peat are added to it.

Caring for plants in a greenhouse involves providing the plants with light and regular watering. It is necessary to ensure that the bushes do not become overgrown with leaves. The bush is formed into 3 stems, regularly pruned and tied up.

If you treat plants with phytosporin and copper-containing preparations for prevention, they will not be afraid of diseases and pests; the variety is resistant to many diseases.

Features of growing the variety

To get strong, healthy tomato seedlings, it is important to properly prepare the seeds - treat them with a disinfecting 1% solution of potassium permarganate and growth stimulants.

The soil for sowing seeds is prepared in advance from a mixture of garden soil with compost and ash. If the soil is clayey, add peat or sand to create a loose, breathable structure. To avoid infection of plants by pathogenic bacteria, soil is used from areas where nightshade crops have not grown in recent years and is disinfected by calcination in the oven or freezing.

Growing seedlings

The soil in the seedling boxes is moistened, the prepared seeds are laid out every 2-3 cm, and covered with soil on top (a layer of approximately 5 mm). The boxes are covered with film or paper, but not hermetically sealed, and placed in a warm place for germination.

You cannot miss the moment the first shoots appear - the boxes must immediately be moved to the most illuminated place. In case of cloudy weather, it is advisable to add artificial lighting, and it is advisable to use backlighting with fluorescent lamps.

The temperature regime in the first days of seedling development should contribute to its hardening: at night - 13-14 degrees, during the day - 15-17 degrees. Only after two weeks the temperature is raised to 20 -22 degrees. Watering all this time should be very moderate and only with water at room temperature to prevent the seedlings from becoming infected with blackleg.

When the plants have two or three true leaves, you can pick them into separate cups, peat humus pots or larger containers, the distance between the tomatoes should be at least 15 cm.

A week after transplantation, the plants are fed with seedling fertilizer. All this time it is necessary to provide maximum illumination so that the seedlings do not stretch out.

Plants are prepared for planting when stable heat has established. By this time, the soil in the greenhouse and in the beds should be prepared. Holes for planting seedlings are marked at a distance of 60–70 cm in rows, 80 cm between rows. In a greenhouse, if you plan to grow a plant with 3 - 4 stems, the holes are prepared even less often - after 70 -80 cm in the row.

Rotted manure, ash, and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil; if the soil is dense and clayey, peat is added. When planted in a greenhouse or soil, seedlings should have 5–6 true leaves, a strong stem and a well-developed root system.

Due to the fact that the variety is very demanding on illumination, the planting site should be selected based on full illumination throughout the daylight hours. Since the plant is tall, they need to be attached to supports or trellises.

Opinions and recommendations of vegetable growers

Only those who have grown it can appreciate this wonderful variety; reviews most often prove that high yields are guaranteed with good care.

Georgy Valentinovich, vegetable grower, Rostov region:

Tomatoes in our area grow well in open beds. But this variety turned out to be so capricious that my experience was not enough to grow it outside. And those bushes that I planted in the greenhouse pleased me with the harvest.

Tamara Ignatievna, Belgorod:

Last season, Alyosha Popovich grew tomatoes in the greenhouse. The troubles began already with sowing the seeds (suitable soil is prepared in advance), then attention is needed for seedlings (the soil in the boxes is enriched, disinfected).

While they are growing, one must constantly pay attention to the level of light and the composition of the soil, but the yield proved that all the efforts were not in vain. Until the very cold weather, we enjoyed eating tomatoes ourselves and treating our neighbors.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Summer residents love Alyosha Popovich tomatoes for their juiciness and pleasant taste, as well as high yield. These are really large, attractive-looking tomatoes that allow you to fully provide your family with winter supplies. Even if you plant 10 bushes in a greenhouse, you can harvest 5 buckets of good tomatoes from them.

Tomatoes of this variety have time to ripen on the branch


  • high productivity;
  • good immunity to many diseases;
  • fruiting lasts until the first frost;
  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • Suitable for different workpieces.


  • yield depends on care and weather conditions;
  • needs to be tied up and stepsoned;
  • Alyosha Popovich tomatoes are not suitable for pickling or pickling in their entirety.

Main conclusions

Alyosha Popovich - tomatoes are not for the lazy. They require care, but it's worth it. The variety has excellent taste and very high yield. To have delicious tomatoes on the table, you need to take care of the crop:

  • plant seedlings in a greenhouse or in open ground;
  • trim the bushes every week;
  • be sure to tie them up, as they can grow up to 2 meters;
  • water the plants regularly;
  • During the entire growing season, carry out 2-3 feedings.

Careful care

The bushes need to be pinched so that the plant can develop and bear fruit normally. Among the necessary fertilizers are manure, humus and others containing nitrogen or potassium. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no weeds in the garden bed.

Hybrid Alyosha requires special attention. If you do not provide the necessary care, timely feeding, watering, and all the conditions for growth and development, then the tomatoes will suffer a lot, the fruits will be small, not juicy, and not in such quantity as expected.

The most important thing in caring for them:

  • If there is not enough light on the windowsill, then you need to create it artificially, for example, by hanging a lamp. Tomatoes love light very much; no bushes or dense foliage should block it;
  • The soil must be mulched, loosened, and hilled. This way, nutrients and air reach the plants better;
  • Constant feeding with fertilizers is necessary: ​​it can be humus, manure or purchased potassium and nitrogen minerals;
  • Carry out preventive measures against fungal diseases and pests, spray, water the roots with special solutions;
  • Cutting the stepsons is necessary for good fruiting, since the bush is quite tall;
  • There should be no weeds in the garden bed;
  • If the tomatoes are not planted in a greenhouse, it is better to cover them with film at night, as they are afraid of cool weather;
  • Watering should be provided regularly, but it is important to ensure that the soil is not too flooded.

From grown tomatoes you can make delicious homemade preparations for the winter. The taste and quantity of these tomatoes directly depend on the quality of care and land.

This variety is chosen by those who like to enjoy large hybrid tomatoes for a long time. They are suitable for eating fresh, as well as for making healthy tomato juice. They can be grown in any area in any area, you just need to follow all the rules and care requirements.

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