An early ripening variety that does not require pollination - cucumber Karelian cones F1: description and cultivation features

Farmers like the variety for its massive harvests. The hybrid has super-bouquet ovaries - 5-6 fruits in 1 node. Among the bonuses are early ripening and self-pollination. Cucumbers are well suited for fresh dishes and canning.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
UniversalMid-early (46-55 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

"Siberian Bananas" F1

Problems with the cucumber harvest arise in spring, summer, and autumn. In the spring, it has not yet become warm, in the summer it is often damp and there is little sunlight, and in the fall it is already cold and the greens begin to get sick.

If you believe information from, then a cucumber hybrid called “Siberian Bananas” is able to set fruit even at low temperatures and a small amount of light received. This hybrid is a salad type.

Its fruits reach a length of up to 20 centimeters. They have a pleasant aroma and excellent taste.

The bushes are characterized by long-term fruiting, which allows harvesting in conditions of both spring coolness and the already established autumn cold snap.

Diseases and parasites

The Kolyan cucumber is famous for its strong resistance to most diseases. However, cucumbers are susceptible to mosaic and vascular bacteriosis. Below is a description of pathologies and ways to eliminate them.


Mosaic is an infection, when damaged, the number of flowers and ovaries on the plant decreases, the foliage begins to wither and fall off, and the stem becomes bent and begins to crack. The cucumbers themselves begin to turn yellow and dry out. To treat the plant against the virus, the drugs “Aktara” and “Aktellik” are used.

Vascular bacteriosis

Vascular bacteriosis is an infection, the symptoms of which are yellowing of the tops, the formation of light brown spots on the plant, wilting and curling of the leaves of the variety, bending and drying out of cucumbers. The substances Apron XL, Infinito, Fital, Quadris and Metaxil help fight the disease.

"Standard 2020" F1

Fans of ancient times, when everything everywhere was produced in accordance with GOSTs and all kinds of standards, will certainly highly appreciate the “Standard 2020” F1 cucumber hybrid, bred by Biotechnika.

This typical cucumber has a solid array of benefits of its own.

It is capable of not only blooming, but also setting fruit even at an ambient temperature of +10-120C.

You will be pleased with its early ripeness, since cucumbers can be picked from the bushes after 42-45 days from the first shoots. The bushes bear fruit before the onset of frost in the autumn. Cucumbers of the hybrid “Standard 2020” F1 have short fruits.

They are unlikely to grow more than 10 centimeters. The hybrid is endowed with resistance to root rot and some diseases. In particular, these are powdery mildew, anthracnose and olive spot.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Karelian cones F1 are a parthenocarpic hybrid. It brings the first harvests after 40 days during spring rotation, and 55-60 days after planting when cultivated in winter greenhouses. Belongs to the line of mid-early crops.

The bushes are strong, tall, with moderate foliage and compact side stems.

Characteristics of fruits:

  • length 10-12 cm;
  • weight 90-120 g;
  • diameter 2-3 cm;
  • the tubercles are large;
  • smooth cylindrical shape;
  • the flesh is elastic and crispy;
  • few seeds;
  • classic taste with a slight hint of sweetness;

Greens are easily transported and stored for up to 2 weeks. Used in pickles, preserves, salads and snacks.

SV 3506 CV F1

Another hybrid of cucumbers called SV 3506 CV F1, bred is not memorable with an intriguing name, but in comparison with it the quality of the final product is much more important.

So, this variety of cucumbers is resistant to temperature changes and low lighting.

It ripens quickly, is resistant to cold weather and bears fruit for a very long time, delighting summer residents with a harvest until late autumn. This hybrid was bred for cultivation in greenhouses, both glass and film.

"Petersburg Express" F1

This hybrid is ultra-early. The first fruits after emergence can be harvested after 38 days.

Cucumbers of this variety are distinguished by their ability to set fruit in conditions of low temperatures and not very good lighting.

The fruits reach a length of 8 to 10 centimeters. The hybrid was bred for cultivation in greenhouse conditions and in open soil.

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Comments (21)

  1. Olga 08 Aug 2021 at 21:22

    The best"Harmonist, five years always with a harvest


  2. Lyudmila 06 Aug 2021 at 22:01

    Only "Competitor". Will never let you down!!!


  3. Tatyana 03 Aug 2021 at 18:18

    And I like Ant, an unpretentious and plentiful variety, this year there’s just an influx of it!!


  4. nep Jun 17, 2021 at 12:43 pm

    all these varieties are complete g


  5. Mara 06 June 2021 at 23:39

    I tried this and that from Biotechnics... And.... not inspired. The same Biotechnika has “Restina” seeds, this is a really excellent fruit-bearing cucumber. And in the least cucumber year there were cucumbers, and they even sold the surplus. If you didn’t run into any mismatches. Biotechnika also began to have different varieties. The petunia that was the first Sophistika Bicolor is no longer there, it was a real miracle!!!, but now it’s a fake of Sophistry.


  6. Tatyana June 02, 2021 at 15:36

    Anatoly, you are our “literate” person! It wouldn’t hurt for you to repeat the Russian language course either. Well, if you make a remark, try to write correctly yourself... Check your text


  7. Alexander 01 June 2021 at 18:10

    Yes, everything is clear! Need to try,, ! Where can I buy THESE seeds?


      Mara 06 Jun 2021 at 23:43

      These seeds are from Biotechnika St. Petersburg. But they are not a fountain. The same company has better ones. Cucumber "Restina". We've been sitting on it for about 8 years. So far we're happy. And really productive, in any year. They’re great for salads and pickling.


  8. Irina May 27, 2021 at 01:43 pm

    The cost of a bag of such seeds is around 50 rubles. in a bag 10 pcs. It is not a fact that it will germinate 100%, the germination rate will be approximately 80%. If you calculate all this + watering and fertilizing, for that kind of money it’s easier to buy ready-made ones on the market from your granny.


      Alexey May 27, 2021 at 11:37 pm

      And it will soon become difficult for grandma to grow everything for you. Who will you rely on?


      Afonasy June 05, 2021 at 4:24 am

      Now all the grannies will start to be fined fifty kopecks for lack of permission for legal business activities, and you will buy a lot


      Mara 06 Jun 2021 at 23:48

      The grannies will not be touched... There are almost none of them left. Who really grows their own without chemicals? But it’s time to shake off the “professional grandmothers” and outbids who look like grannies. I recently saw this picture... Outbid grannies were driven with home-grown seedlings from a spontaneous market to sell their surplus. They need to be shaken down for tax evasion and lack of a cash register...


  9. Vera May 24, 2021 at 07:49 pm

    The third year I sowed “Petersburg Express”. Indeed, it is very resistant to cold weather and grows in any conditions. Crispy, tasty cucumbers. I didn’t notice any particular yield, like everyone else. But it was nice to see how at 8 degrees everything did not grow, and he did not pay attention to anything. Doesn't get sick with anything.


      Mara 06 June 2021 at 23:54

      Vera, try Restina from the same Biotechnics. And it grows in any year... and there are cucumbers... On the first test run with her, with 12 cucumbers on a 2-meter bed, I picked cucumbers for the whole winter, not counting that I ate them until I was full. And I was recruiting a matchmaker. And from a 4-meter-long bed, every day they collected from a 7-liter bucket or more... They also ate and salted it and sold the surplus, not frail...


  10. Anastasia May 20, 2021 at 07:29 pm

    not a single variety, only hybrids, is it really impossible to write the truth in the title?


  11. Alexander May 19, 2021 at 5:52 pm

    Citizens who love cucumbers, thank you for your useful work! But excuse me, I’m not talking about your cucumbers, I just think that almost everyone is of the right age to congratulate everyone on PIONEERY DAY. when we were taught in school plots to grow and care for the grown crops by our comrades in childhood PIONEERS, health to you and good luck on your acres


      Anatoly May 26, 2021 at 8:21 am

      Alexander, it’s very good that you remembered about PIONEERY. But as a pioneer of the 70s, when wishing good luck, there is no “b” at the end. You need to review grammar for 5th grade.


      Nadezhda August 10, 2021 at 1:33 am

      I wish you good luck (you’re not very literate either), and there’s no need for a comma here


  12. Irina July 29, 2021 at 08:10 pm

    Just hearing the word “pioneer” immediately made me feel sick, I felt sorry for my childhood and my best years passed during this rotten time.


      Love 01 Aug 2021 at 19:52

      Irina, it was a golden time! Kind, sympathetic, cheerful people! "One for all and all for one!" And everyone lived in abundance, there were no hungry people like now.


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