Unprecedented harvests of huge and strong heads of cabbage - Three Bogatyrs cabbage: reviews and description of the variety

Vegetable growing » Cabbage



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Kira Stoletova

White cabbage Tri Bogatyrya is a late, high-yielding variety. It has excellent taste. Suitable for farming activities: tolerates mechanical harvesting, pneumatic cleaning and transportation well. We will consider a detailed description of the variety in the article.

Characteristics of cabbage variety Three Bogatyrya

Description and characteristics of the variety

White cabbage Three Bogatyrs is a late-ripening species. Full ripening occurs in 145-160 days.

Description of bushes:

  • diameter 60 cm;
  • plant height 40-50 cm;
  • powerful sockets;
  • developed roots;
  • average stalk length;
  • the color is grayish-green;
  • medium waxy coating.

The forks are well transported, are not damaged and do not lose their presentable appearance. Shelf life is 6-8 months.

Distinctive features of heads of cabbage:

  • round shape;
  • weight 10-15 kg;
  • the core is dense, light when cut;
  • the texture is moderately juicy and strong;
  • the surface is smooth.

Reviews from gardeners

Dmitry Ivanovich, Rostov, 45 years old.

We ordered planting material “Three Bogatyrs” from the online store. The seeds were planted in March, and the harvest was harvested at the end of August. The cabbage grew really huge, we didn’t even expect such results. We had to ferment it because we couldn’t eat it all over the winter.

Konstantin Igorevich, Kyiv, 56 years old.

For a long time I have been growing only 3 varieties of cabbage: Megaton, Kilaton and Three Bogatyrs. I'm not going to change, I've never let you down.


Seeds begin to be sown from the 2nd decade of March. It is advisable to pre-treat them before sowing:

  • disinfect in potassium permanganate;
  • soak in hot water (45-50 degrees) for 20 minutes, then keep in cold water for 5 minutes;
  • treat with any of the stimulants (Agat-25, Epin-Extra, Zircon).

Use store-bought soil with a neutral pH or home-made soil. To disinfect soil, the following procedures are carried out:

What are they doingPeculiarities
Calcination in the ovenLayer on a baking sheet 3-5 cm Time up to half an hour
Temperature at 80-90 degrees
Spilling boiling waterFor 10 kg of substrate you will need 2 liters
Treatment by meansUse Fitosporin, 1% potassium permanganate

What soil composition should be for cabbage:

  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 2 parts rotted compost;
  • 1 part lowland peat;
  • additives in the form of vermicompost, ash, vermiculite.

Seeds are sown in furrows, keeping a distance of 3-4 cm. Seed depth is up to 1-1.5 cm.

Nuances of caring for seedlings:

  • daylight plus with connection of phytolamps (total duration 12-14 hours);
  • irrigation as the surface dries;
  • fertilizing before and after picking with an interval of 7-10 days (nitrogen agents);
  • diving at the cotyledon stage into cups with a volume of 0.2-0.3 liters.

Properties of the variety Three Bogatyrs

Three Bogatyrs is a late-ripening variety. From germination to technical maturity of heads of cabbage, it takes about 145-160 days. The heads of cabbage are round in shape, very large in size, up to 10-15 kg. With such dimensions, it is worth noting that the heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking. The outer color of the “head” is gray-green, with a light waxy coating on the surface. The inside of the head is white.

Three Bogatyrya is considered one of the best varieties for pickling, on par with Moscow late. But even if cabbage is grown for storage and not for processing, the “heads” can last until spring. On average, cabbage is stored for at least 6 months (maximum 8 months).

As noted earlier, Three Bogatyrs is a fairly productive variety. From 1 m2 you can collect up to 40 kg of commercial heads of cabbage, which is an incredible indicator.

To harvest on time, you need to plant cabbage correctly:

  1. Seeds are sown around mid-March.
  2. Seedlings are planted in the ground around mid-May.
  3. Planted according to the standard 60x60 cm pattern.

The main purpose of this variety of cabbage is long-term storage and processing.

Growing and care

Seedlings are planted in sunny areas in increments of 60-70 cm. Planting density is 2-3 bushes per 1 m2, as the plants are powerful and huge.

Three Bogatyry cabbage is cultivated according to traditional rules.


Optimal temperature conditions

Taking into account the stagesIndicators
During germination18-20 degrees
When growing seedlingsDuring the day 15-16 degrees At night 10-12 degrees
When hardening5-10 degrees

The soil

Cabbage loves moderately light and loose loams and clay soil. Before the vegetable, precursors such as legumes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, and green manure should grow in the garden bed.

The soil should be neutral; when acidifying, dolomite flour or limestone is used. Optimal pH 5.8-6.4.


The vegetable requires regular watering. After planting, the beds are moistened once every 3 days, then they switch to a regime of 1-2 times a week. 20-25 days before the planned harvest, watering is stopped. Time: morning or evening, when the heat subsides.

The liquid rate is 7-12 liters per 1 m2, taking into account weather changes.


The vegetable is fertilized at least 2-3 times per season. Proper application of fertilizer is a guarantee of large and high-quality heads of cabbage. Features of fertilizing:

When is it carried out?What to use
20-22 days after planting seedlingsSudarushka Dobrivo
Blank sheet

Nitroammofoska (50 g per 10 l)

Ammonium nitrate (15 g per 10 l)

10-12 days after the first application of fertilizingAsh solution
Phosphorus-potassium preparations


Urea (15 g per 10 l)

When forming and pouring forksSuperphosphate
Potassium sulfate


List of advantages and disadvantages of vegetables

Cabbage is attractive to farmers and consumers due to a number of positive characteristics:

  1. The heads remain usable for 6 to 8 months after cutting.
  2. The yield allows you to grow vegetables for industrial processing and sale.
  3. Cabbage is large, so you can prepare several different dishes from 1 head.
  4. The variety is suitable for pickling, pickling, stewing.
  5. Heads of cabbage are not prone to cracking.
  6. Long transportation does not affect the appearance and taste of cabbage.
  7. The heads can be removed using mechanical devices.

Attention! Three heroes are a typical representative of varietal plants. The vegetable is capable of forming fruits with seeds suitable for sowing.

Most farmers find it difficult to name the shortcomings of the crop. Some consider the inadvisability of planting cabbage in closed ground to be a disadvantage. The heads need a lot of space in the beds, which is inconvenient for owners of small greenhouses. Gardeners also note the need to soften the leaves when preparing dishes from fresh vegetables. Some gardeners do not like the fact that cabbage has lower immune protection than hybrids.

Diseases and pests

Viral or fungal diseases of cabbage occur when the rules of crop rotation, watering, temperature conditions and storage are not followed.

Viral diseases: dry, gray, white rot; mosaic; ring spot - cannot be treated; diseased leaves or heads of cabbage are removed. For fungal diseases (clownroot, downy mildew, etc.), chemical or biological preparations are used: colloidal sulfur, Oksikhom, Fundazol, Immunocytophyte.

Harmful insects and their control:

  • cabbage fly - the soil is sprinkled with mothballs and sand (1:7) or lime and tobacco dust (1:1);
  • aphids - use a solution of anabasine sulfate (0.2%), 500 ml per 10 m²;
  • moth, cutworm, white - calcium arsenate, 12 g per 100 m²;
  • cruciferous flea beetles are treated with a mixture of hexachlorane (12%) and DDT.

“Three heroes”, like in a fairy tale!

Finally, I’ll show off my cabbage! Maybe for some it grew even better and more beautiful, but for me (compared to previous years) cabbage was successful this year. And I look at her and rejoice))))

I grew my cabbage using the seedling method. I purchased the seeds through the Semyon online store by mail. I bought 2 varieties: Three Bogatyrs and Sugarloaf.

"Three heroes"

The “Three Bogatyrs” variety is a late-ripening variety, which means it still has time to grow and grow. The weather allows, the rains have begun, and the heads of cabbage will continue to fill and increase in size. According to the description, they should grow up to 10-15 kg! They do not crack, which is important in wet weather! A very good variety for pickling and long-term storage. The outer color is gray-green with a faint waxy coating. The color of the head of cabbage is white. In winter, I store cabbage on a glassed-in balcony, covering it with a blanket from freezing. Stored until spring. All winter we eat only fresh cabbage. We start eating sauerkraut in the summer))))

White cabbage Three heroes

Late-ripening (145-160 days from germination to technical ripeness) variety. The heads of cabbage are round or flat-round, very large, up to 10-15 kg, do not crack, with juicy, tasty leaves and a small inner stump. The outer color is gray-green, there is a slight waxy coating, the color of the head of cabbage is white. One of the best varieties for pickling and long-term (6-8 months) storage. Sowing seedlings - in mid-March. Picking - in the cotyledon phase. Planting in the ground - in mid-May according to the 60x60 cm pattern.

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10-12 days after the first application of fertilizingAsh solution
Urea (15 g per 10 l)
When forming and pouring forksSuperphosphate
  • The cost of delivery of small-sized goods in Novosibirsk is 300
  • The cost of delivery of large-sized goods in Novosibirsk is 600

    Delivery to the nearest SDEK delivery point

The best varieties of cauliflower

A popular vegetable with high dietary and vitamin values. Requires increased doses of nutrition, including microelements. Cauliflower is very responsive to a high level of agricultural technology.

Purple head

A late variety, successful only with abundant fertilizing and early sowing (at least 5.5 months will pass before harvesting). This cabbage is resistant to cold weather and mucous bacteriosis. The head grows up to one and a half kilograms, not loose, transportable. Rich in anthocyanins, retains a beautiful color when heated.

Read also: Fakhim Noori gardener VK

Dereza goat

This is a popular variety from the St. Petersburg agricultural company Biotechnika. Unpretentious, works well in various regions. On the register since 2007. Ripening dates range from early to mid-early, on average two months from planting seedlings. You need to be prepared for the fact that the harvest is formed at the same time. The heads steadily gain weight of 700-800 grams, the foliage cover is partial. The pulp is white, medium tuberous, excellent density, excellent taste. Plants are compact. The placement density is 4 roots per square meter.

Amerigo F1

Mid-late hybrid from the agricultural company Syngenta. The foliage grows predominantly upward, the plants are compact, but at the same time very powerful, with active growth. Vegetables tolerate the summer heat well, provided they receive sufficient watering. Requires increased feeding. The harvest increases 80 days after planting the seedlings. The cabbage heads are tender in taste, round, with moderate tuberosity, and do not crumble. The top is very well covered. The weight of each was checked - 1.5-2.5 kg.

Growing Tips

In general, cabbage is a fairly simple vegetable that even an inexperienced gardener can grow. But there are still a number of rules that will help you grow a good harvest without any problems:

  • Seeds are planted around mid-March.
  • Before planting seeds in the ground, they are disinfected (if the seeds are your own). To do this, just soak them. The seeds are immersed in hot water for 20 minutes (the water temperature should be 50 degrees Celsius), and then placed in a cold hearth for 5 minutes.
  • For planting seeds, it is best to use a purchased substrate. If you don’t have it, you can make the substrate yourself. If this is not possible, you can use soil from the garden, but it must first be disinfected. The easiest way is to pierce the soil in the oven. To do this, pour damp soil onto a baking sheet (no higher than 5 cm) and place in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature is set from 70 to 90 degrees Celsius.
  • Water the crop as needed. The soil needs to be constantly moist. During the setting of heads of cabbage, watering is carried out more often; a month before harvesting, they are carried out less frequently. 2 weeks before the planned cabbage harvest, they are completely stopped.
  • Also, do not forget about hilling and loosening.

Broccoli varieties

This cabbage came into fashion not so long ago, but has already firmly gained popularity. Possessing low transportability, it quickly loses freshness and valuable properties. The most useful one is straight from your own garden.

Jung F1

A unique Russian hybrid, practically not susceptible to clubroot disease. It takes 2 months from seedlings to the first harvest. 2 weeks after cutting the main head weighing 200 grams, 4 more develop on the sides - 100-150 grams each. The total yield per plant is approximately 700 grams. The density of the heads is average, the taste is excellent.

The hybrid has been on the register since 2005. Created by order of the Semko Junior company by a team of agronomists at the N.N. Breeding Station. Timofeev and Timiryazev Academy.

Batavia F1

Medium-term hybrid (65-70 days from planting seedlings) from the Dutch company Bejo Zaden. In the Russian register since 2008. It tolerates heat easily and does not suffer from fusarium. Vegetables grow dense heads weighing from 700 grams to one and a half kilograms (taking into account growing additional shoots and good growing conditions). 4 roots are placed on one square meter.

Variety from the Russian company Sedek. The year of entry into the register is 2007. Average in terms of ripening (harvested three months after sowing). The main heads grow almost simultaneously, weighing half a kilogram. Later, additional ones are formed, 50 grams each. 2.5 kg are collected per square meter. The density and lumpyness are medium, the taste is very good.

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