Honey apple tree description photo reviews planting. Apple tree: description of the 25 best varieties with reviews from gardeners about them

The variety of fruit trees in the world is amazing in size, color and taste of the fruit. Apple trees occupy a worthy place among this multitude. Many of them got their name due to the taste of the fruit. The honey apple tree is a dessert variety, and its fruits have a sweet taste and honey aroma. Thanks to the successful work of breeders, the variety is high-yielding and frost-resistant.

Honey apple variety.

Disease and pest control

Of all the pests, bark beetles and scale insects are considered the most dangerous for apple trees. They penetrate deep into the cortex, into hard-to-reach places, and it becomes very difficult to remove them from there. Caterpillars and beetles that attack leaves, buds and buds cause no less damage. Aphids cause enormous harm by drinking all the juices from the apple tree.

Description of popular pest control methods:

Prevention will save your time and nerves that are wasted when dealing with pests. Spray apple trees with copper sulfate, iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture, whiten the tree bark and clean it, check the crown of the apple tree for pest nests.

Pests and signs of damage to the apple tree in the photo

The Chudnoye apple tree meets the most stringent requirements set by gardeners. The trees tolerate winter frosts well and do not require additional shelter. Apples contain a range of substances beneficial to human health, and caring for the tree is quite simple.

General characteristics of the honey variety.

The Honey apple tree is considered a dessert variety. Sometimes it is also called Lungwort. And this beautiful species was developed by Russian breeders at the Moscow Humanitarian University. The yield of the variety is very high; the apple tree bears fruit in the summer; moreover, this crop is very frost-resistant, which gardeners like so much. That is why this apple tree can be grown in completely different climatic conditions; it can withstand frosts down to minus 40 degrees, but this effect should be short-term, not permanent. It is best, of course, to grow these apple trees in the southern regions; it is in such conditions that the fruits demonstrate their best qualities, and the first harvest begins to be harvested 2-3 years after planting. This variety is considered a summer variety, so the fruits ripen in August. It should also be said that apples ripen very quickly, which is why housewives love this variety so much. The products do not lose their aroma and freshness for several months, so you will enjoy ripe fruit for a long time. The crown of the tree is pyramidal, quite voluminous, spreading. The root system of the crop is also well developed; this tree can be planted in an area with groundwater close to the surface. Moisture is not a problem for honey. Another amazing tree belonging to the same variety is the Honey Crunch apple tree. Initially it was grown in the United States of America, as well as in Canada, but over time the culture spread throughout the globe. The harvest is harvested in the fall, in October. The species got its name because of the dense pulp of the fruit; apples are usually crispy and very sweet. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly elongated, conical. But their flesh is very juicy. The color of apples is creamy, with a beautiful red blush. The skin is very dense and glossy. If you store the product correctly, apples will last quite a long time; fruits can be stored in cellars for up to 7 months. This type of apple tree has a narrow crown, the crop is resistant to many diseases and pests, it has excellent winter-hardy qualities, so the trees can be grown in regions with different climates.

Honey apple trees adapt well to environmental conditions; they are often grown on an industrial scale. Many gardeners use other varieties of sweet apple trees to pollinate this crop. This crop grows quickly and begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. Fruits can easily be transported over long distances and the product does not spoil for a long time. Another honey tree of this variety is the Honey Ranet apple tree. This crop also bears fruit in the fall, so the fruits begin to be harvested in September. A pleasant waxy coating always forms on the skin of the fruit, and the flesh of the apples is juicy and sweet. However, many people begin to eat food as early as August. These apples are also conical in shape, pale yellow in color and have a red blush. The pulp of the fruit is white. This variety is also considered winter-hardy, so it can be grown in different regions of our country. Sometimes apple trees suffer from various diseases, so it is necessary to carry out preventive examinations and treatments. Well, let's return to the description of the Honey apple tree variety. As you remember, this tree is quite tall, so it grows even up to 5 meters, so this indicator should be taken into account when planting a garden. The crown of the apple tree is spreading, the branches have a rounded shape, the leaves of the plant are green, with an interesting deflection in the center. But the yield of this variety is simply excellent; imagine, from one tree you can collect more than 150 kilograms of ripe fruit. Apples have a sweet aroma and a pronounced honey taste, so the product can be consumed fresh or processed. They like to add honey apples to compotes, jams, and juices. This crop tolerates low temperatures well, so apple trees can be grown in almost all regions of our country, but the far north is not the best option. These apple trees can only tolerate short-term frosts. As you remember, the tree is resistant to many diseases and pests, which is also very popular with novice gardeners. And the incomparable honey taste is truly amazing; you can make jam, compote, and juice from these apples. In addition, the product is stored for a very long time.

Features of cultivation in the regions

Favorable regions for growing the Honey apple variety will be Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, especially the southern regions.

In the North-West of Russia and in the Moscow region, the Medovoe variety and its varieties have adapted well due to their frost resistance.

Central Russia and the Urals are suitable for it. In the conditions of Siberia, the Honey apple tree does not take root well.

In all these regions, apples have time to ripen and acquire the appropriate amount of nutrients.

The most popular questions from newbies

Summer residents who have no experience in gardening have many questions regarding the process of harvesting. Below we will discuss the most frequently asked questions.

What is the cost of planting material?

The cost of planting material depends on the rootstock, age of the fruit tree, health of the root system, area and nursery brand. For example, in the city of Vladimir it is possible to purchase seedlings in the price range from four hundred to seven hundred rubles per copy in a three-ten liter container, in a sixty-five to one hundred and ten liter container for twenty-five thousand rubles.

The most expensive fruit tree will be planting material on columnar or dwarf rootstocks at the age of three years, cultivated in containers. The fruit tree is already bearing fruit, and the summer resident immediately understands what exactly he needs. It is possible to plant a herbaceous plant on a site without damaging the root system.

It is much cheaper to buy planting material on seed rootstocks with an open root system. With this option, it is necessary to wait until five to six years of age to receive the first fruits and confirm varietal compliance. Over decades of development, the dimensions of an apple tree can increase to seven hundred to eight hundred centimeters.

At what age does it begin to bear fruit?

The beginning of the harvesting process in this variety can be understood by the rootstocks. The smaller the rootstock, the shorter the waiting time for fruit. Typically, the process of harvesting begins when the child reaches the age of five.

Why doesn't it bear fruit?

If the apple tree does not bear fruit and there is no flowering process, most likely the tree is still too young for these processes or the buds have been damaged due to frost.

If there are no fruit ovaries, but there is a flowering process, the problem may be insufficient pollination or parasites that have destroyed the flowers.

Agricultural technology in the flowering process

During the flowering process of this variety, favorable conditions for pollination should be recreated to increase the number of fruits of young apple trees. To do this, special materials are attached to apple trees to attract bees.

What time to harvest the fruits?

This variety of apples exists in summer and winter types. In the central region, harvesting of this summer type variety occurs at the end of the summer season.

In some warm areas, the time may change at the beginning of the season, and in cold areas it will shift to the very end of the summer season. This winter type variety is harvested at the end of the first - beginning of the second autumn month.

If the harvest is carried out at technical maturity, then it is possible to start work a little earlier.

Apple tree Lungwort: description


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His main specialty is an accountant, so even at his dacha he strives for accuracy and achieving ideal order in everything. Preference is given to growing grapes. I am sure that the deeper you delve into gardening and gardening, the more you understand that there is no limit to perfection!

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Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins. How to do it? They put everything in a heap, hole or large box: kitchen scraps, tops of garden crops, weeds cut before flowering, thin twigs. All this is layered with phosphate rock, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with film. During the process of overheating, the pile is periodically turned or pierced to bring in fresh air. Typically, compost “ripens” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, and foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods make it possible to obtain a harvest even at home.

“Frost-resistant” varieties of garden strawberries (more often simply “strawberries”) need shelter just as much as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are snowless winters or frosts alternating with thaws). All strawberries have superficial roots. This means that without shelter they freeze to death. Sellers’ assurances that strawberries are “frost-resistant,” “winter-hardy,” “tolerates frosts down to −35 ℃,” etc. are deception. Gardeners must remember that no one has yet managed to change the root system of strawberries.

In Australia, scientists have begun experiments in cloning several varieties of grapes grown in cold regions. Climate warming, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will lead to their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

From varietal tomatoes you can get “your own” seeds for sowing next year (if you really like the variety). But it is useless to do this with hybrids: you will get seeds, but they will carry the hereditary material not of the plant from which they were taken, but of its numerous “ancestors”.

One of the most convenient methods for preparing a harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some believe that freezing causes the nutritional and health benefits of plant foods to be lost. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value when frozen.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on developing sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvath (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, which is why it received its usual name - “Bulgarian”.

A new product from American developers is the Tertill robot, which weeds weeds in the garden. The device was invented under the leadership of John Downes (creator of the robot vacuum cleaner) and works autonomously in all weather conditions, moving over uneven surfaces on wheels. At the same time, it cuts off all plants below 3 cm with the built-in trimmer.

Both humus and compost are rightfully the basis of organic farming. Their presence in the soil significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of vegetables and fruits. They are very similar in properties and appearance, but they should not be confused. Humus is rotted manure or bird droppings. Compost is rotted organic remains of various origins (spoiled food from the kitchen, tops, weeds, thin twigs). Humus is considered a higher quality fertilizer; compost is more accessible.

Agricultural technology

Work on growing this ornamental plant should begin with a careful selection of seedlings. When purchasing, carefully inspect the roots - they should not be dry or damaged. They also carefully inspect the above-ground part - there should be no growths or stains on it.

The stem under the bark is bright green. The seedlings should be without foliage, and the buds should preferably not be swollen.

You need to buy two-year-old seedlings - in this case they will tolerate transplantation well and will not take long to adapt to new growth conditions.

Time to plant young trees:

  • in the spring - until the third ten days of April (if frosts are no longer expected);
  • in the autumn - until the second half of October.

In the second case, the planting time is calculated so that at least 1.5 months remain before the onset of cold weather. Only in this case will the plants have time to take root properly.

The place where these apple trees will grow should be well lit by sunlight, since in the shade or partial shade the color of the foliage will be less intense. As a result, the decorative effect of the plant will be partially lost.

Should be planted in a sunny area

The soil should not be too dry or waterlogged, so sandstone or heavy clay soil is not suitable for the Royalty apple tree. The best soil for planting is loamy or soddy-carbonate. The close occurrence of crushed stone, limestone and groundwater also negatively affects the growth of the root system.

Seedlings should also be prepared - their root system is placed in a bucket of water a day before. All damaged areas of the underground and above-ground parts of the tree should be removed, and the cut areas should be sprinkled with coal dust.

Preparing the planting hole:

  • dig up 7-9 days before the intended planting;
  • depth not less than 0.5 m;
  • a layer of humus mixed with garden soil and sand in equal quantities is poured onto the bottom of the pit;
  • add 2-4 liters of water.

Then the seedling is installed, and its roots are carefully straightened along the diameter of the hole. The roots are covered with soil from above, lightly compacted and watered with a bucket of water.

If more than two seedlings are planted, the distance between planting holes should be at least 6 m.

Interesting! Landscape designers advise planting barberry, lilac bushes, and fieldfare next to the decorative apple tree. And in the foreground bushes of peonies, irises and daisies will look good.

Further care consists of regular watering, loosening the tree trunks and removing weeds. The first watering is done when planting plants - at least half a bucket of water is poured under each tree. The next watering is carried out after 3 days, and then regularly once every 7 days. You should loosen the soil and remove weeds immediately after watering.

Important! Reproduction is carried out by grafting buds or shoots from the mother tree, in which case all species characteristics will be preserved. When grown from seeds, a new plant may not retain its maternal qualities.

The best summer dessert apple variety Medunitsa

Perhaps the apple tree is the most common fruit tree in our country. Not a single garden can do without it, and several representatives of this species grow at once: many people like to enjoy the taste of apples of different colors and tastes, the ripening period of which is also different (there are summer and winter varieties, and if there are different types, the apple harvest can be harvested for several months contract). Thanks to breeders, there are now enough varieties to choose from, but I’m willing to bet that there is a Medunitsa apple tree growing in every (or almost every) garden. And if you know little about it, we recommend that you read this article, which provides a description of this variety.


The Medunitsa apple tree variety is a product of the creative work of breeders from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. First of all, it is worth noting that the Medunitsa apple tree is a high-yielding summer variety, perhaps one of the best of its kind; it has many advantages. The tree itself is large, with a wide pyramidal sparse crown. The root system is branched and is little influenced by nearby groundwater. The leaves have an original shape and are very beautiful. The apple tree is rarely affected by scab or other diseases, and is very winter-hardy.

The fruits of the Lungwort apple tree weigh on average about 100 g each, are sweet in taste, with a pleasant spicy honey aroma. The color of apples is specific: the main background is green-yellow, which is diluted with a vague red blush. The color of the pulp is lemon yellow, very juicy, the skin is dense. The fruits have a round-conical shape, less often they are flat-round.

Apple tree Lungwort is one of the most popular summer dessert varieties. According to the description, apples are suitable for different purposes: they are often used to make various types of jam, squeeze out the juice, but most often they are consumed fresh (according to reviews, the fruits freshly picked from the tree are the most delicious). Another advantage of the fruits of this apple tree is that they can be stored for about 2 months (in the refrigerator - a little longer), without losing much of their quality (the period is not very comparable to the results of winter varieties, but for summer varieties it is a fairly decent indicator). Lungwort is famous for its abundant fruiting, and this apple tree is capable of producing fruits already 4-5 years after planting the seedling; The harvest ripens in mid-August, but the disadvantage is that the fruit does not ripen at the same time.

Regions of growth

Regions for cultivation are often selected depending on the climatic conditions most suitable for a particular crop. Same with the Lungwort apple tree. The matter is greatly simplified by the fact that this is a summer variety, that is, the fruits will not be damaged during frosts, but on the other hand, you need to make sure that the tree tolerates wintering normally (it is worth noting that even winter varieties sometimes have problems after winter). As already noted in the description, Lungwort has fairly high winter hardiness (the tree can withstand frosts down to 35-40 degrees), which significantly expands the range of regions where this apple tree can be grown. Lungwort is grown throughout Ukraine and Belarus; in these countries it is one of the most common varieties of summer apples. In Russia, it is grown in the southern regions and central zone of the country (all the way to Siberia); in the northern regions, Lungwort is rare.

Features of crown formation

Apart from all the advantages mentioned above, there are also some disadvantages. For example, the need to constantly shape the crown. You need to constantly care for Lungwort, starting with the right place for planting: loose soils into which moisture and air seep well are best, and you don’t need to protect the root system from standing water so that rotting does not begin. Young seedlings of the Lungwort apple tree require close protection in winter - the plant bark is very often damaged by hares or rodents. Whitewashing the trunk will help protect against various diseases and small insect pests. But the most important maintenance technique is constant pruning. It is carried out every year, since the trees of this apple tree are vigorous. In March, as soon as the buds open, you can begin this process. Further, only regulating point pruning of branches is recommended. Remember that properly done pruning will have a positive effect on the harvest.

A number of positive qualities of the Lungwort apple tree attract not only experienced gardeners (most of whom pursue commercial goals), but also amateurs, so this tree will decorate any garden.

Video “Apple tree variety Medunitsa”

The video gives characteristics of the fruit and notes on the agricultural technology of the variety.



Dmitriy. “Seven years ago I planted four apple trees of the Medunitsa variety on my summer cottage. I ordered seedlings from the online store and they arrived quickly. Every year we now receive large quantities of delicious apples. Enough apples to eat fresh yourself, prepare jam and compotes for the winter and sell them at the market. We have a large family, six people, all lovers of honey apples. My son and daughter-in-law bought a dacha. I also recommended my son to plant these apple trees; they are very easy to care for. Their family has also been enjoying the honey taste of their apples for two years.”

Maria. “We live in the Moscow region, we took a small summer cottage. They planted an apple orchard, in which both pears and apple trees of different varieties now grow. Three years have passed. I am ready to live in my garden, especially when the Honey apple trees bloom. After all, after flowering on the trees at the end of summer, sweet fruits quickly ripen. We pick apples from the tree with our hands, it’s convenient, you don’t have to bend over.

We put them in boxes, in the cellar, and then eat them fresh for another three months. Sometimes apples reach 200 grams, as a rule, it does not depend on weather conditions. At least I didn't notice this connection. What we didn’t have time to eat, we process into jars with sand: jam, marmalade. We bake pies with apples. To ensure that apple trees feel good, I regularly remove excess branches from the crown. And it’s convenient to pick apples.”

Alexander. “We bought a house in the village; there were three apple trees on the property. We found out that two of them are of the Honey variety. We cleaned the crown and cut off everything unnecessary. The apple tree brought 80 kg of apples in gratitude that same year. And at first they thought that they would have to uproot it; they wanted to use the place for other plantings. Now we are preparing to plant four more Honey apple trees in the spring.

More on Tele4n.Net:

Orlik apple tree: description, photos, gardener reviews, planting

The honey taste and aroma of apples left no one indifferent. When the trees were harvested, the apples lay on the veranda in baskets; all the months until the New Year, the taste remained the same unique honey. The main thing is that no special conditions for maintenance are needed; I read literature on this variety from experienced gardeners.”

How to plant an apple tree

To enjoy juicy, healthy fruits, you have to make a little effort. Growing and caring for apple trees is not particularly difficult, but the key to a rich harvest lies in proper planting of the crop.

Selection of seedlings

Fruit tree seedlings can often be found at markets or fairs, and sometimes they are sold from parked cars. Experienced gardeners warn beginners against purchasing apple trees in such places. The planting material may turn out to be of a completely different variety, not to mention diseases and pests, because it is unknown in what conditions the tiny tree grew.

The best option is to go shopping for an apple tree at a local fruit nursery. The staff of the institution will help you choose a suitable tree and tell you the secrets of cultivation. The risk of purchasing low-quality planting material is minimal, because the health of the seedlings in the nursery is carefully monitored.

The rooting process of specimens 2 years old proceeds quickly. Such plants have a pronounced conductor and 2-3 shoots

Pay attention to inspecting the branches and root lobe. A healthy apple tree has well-developed elastic roots and flexible branches. There should be no damage, growths, traces of pest activity, or visible foci of disease on the bark and roots.

There should be no damage, growths, traces of pest activity, or visible foci of disease on the bark and roots.

Before planting, the root system is dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours, and then dipped in clay mash. Roots that are too long are shortened and damaged ones are cut off.

When to plant an apple tree, choosing a planting location

It is customary to plant fruit trees in early spring or autumn. Spring planting is preferable for regions with unfavorable climatic conditions. Over the course of the season, the tree will get stronger and have time to fully prepare for wintering. In autumn, fruit trees are planted in the South. Spring here is short and swift, and autumn is favorable for the development of the root system.

In the spring, planting work is carried out from mid-April to the end of the first ten days of May, and in the fall in early October.

The site for the tree is selected depending on the size and the need for pollinators. According to the description, the Auxis apple tree is a rather large tree; it and its pollinating neighbors will need a lot of space.

The place should be well lit throughout the day. For protection from the wind, choose an area located 4-5 meters from a natural or artificial barrier (building, fence). The roots of the apple tree do not tolerate waterlogging, so before choosing a site, determine the groundwater level. Minimum – 2.5-3 m from the ground surface.

Landing technology

The site is prepared for planting the Auxis apple tree in advance. For spring planting in the fall, and for autumn planting 6-8 weeks before the event. In uncultivated areas, the soil composition is improved by adding sand and organic fertilizers (compost, humus) for digging.

Landing instructions:

  1. prepare a hole with a depth and diameter of 80-100 cm. The step between holes is 4.5-5 m;
  2. fill a third of the pit with a nutrient substrate based on the removed soil and 2-3 buckets of rotted organic matter. Enrich the soil mixture with wood ash (500 g), add 150 g of the complete mineral complex;
  3. form a hill out of the ground, drive a support into the center of the hole. Place the seedling on a raised platform, straighten the roots;
  4. Gradually fill the pit with soil, avoiding the formation of voids. Form a circle around the trunk, water the tree generously with warm water;
  5. spread mulch on the soil and tie the seedling to a support.

Do not allow the root collar to go deep. The level of location is 4-7 cm above the surface of the hole.

Caring for young and adult apple trees

Thanks to the organization of tree care, you can significantly increase productivity

First of all, it is important to pay attention to watering, applying mineral and organic fertilizers and crown formation


You don’t have to water the apple tree often. Four times per season is enough.

  • The plant is watered for the first time during the formation of buds.
  • The second time is during flowering.
  • The third watering is carried out during the apple filling period.
  • The last time the soil is moistened is in the fall, before preparing the plant for winter.

One mature tree requires 2 to 5 buckets of water. You only need to water with warm water. If you water an apple tree with cold water, it begins to suffer from fungal diseases.

Foliar and root fertilizer

In the first half of the season, nitrogen, urea, ammonium sulfate, and ammonium nitrate are added to the soil at the root. From organic matter, the apple tree is fed with manure, bird droppings and peat. All these fertilizers are applied at the root. In the second half of the season, the apple tree needs phosphorus and potassium.

In addition, the same organic fertilizers are used.

The first feeding is carried out after the leaves bloom. The second time fertilizer is applied during the period of bud formation. Then, when the apple tree begins to bloom

It is also important to feed the plants during the fruiting period. Superphosphate and mineral fertilizers are used as foliar fertilizers.

The fertilizer is diluted in water and then sprayed on the tree. Foliar feeding is carried out several times with breaks of 2 weeks.

Crown formation

Spring pruning is aimed at rejuvenating the tree. Young shoots and part of the upper branches are trimmed. Only 3-5 skeletal branches are left. The cut areas are treated with potassium permanganate or brilliant green. In autumn, dry and damaged branches are cut off.

Prevention and control of pests and diseases

In order to prevent insects and diseases, plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture, iron sulfate or biological products.

Among the traditional methods, spraying with a soap solution is effective.

Covering and preparing for winter

It is not necessary to cover the apple tree for the winter. But it’s worth mulching the soil around the trunk. Peat, straw or sawdust are used for mulching. The thickness of the mulch is at least 15 cm. You also need to cover the lower part of the trunk with durable material. Very often in winter, mice gnaw on the bark of an apple tree.

Ripening and harvesting dates

Honey apple tree is a summer variety that ripens in August. Simultaneous ripening of plant fruits is often observed. In shady conditions, the fruits ripen gradually.

The undeniable advantage of the apple tree is that its fruits do not fall off . Harvesting is carried out manually during the ripening period.

The advantage of the Honey variety is that ripe apple fruits do not fall off

Features of fruiting

The plant begins to bear fruit in the 5-6th year of life. In the middle zone, apples reach technical ripeness by mid-August. They do not ripen at the same time, but they can stay on the branches for a long time without falling off.

The fruits are not very large (up to 150 g), flat-round in shape, ribbed. The main color of the skin is yellow-green with bright intermittent stripes of red or orange. 2-3 weeks after picking, the apples become covered with a uniform dark red blush. The pulp is light cream, dense, very juicy and sweet. The aroma is strong, with distinct honey notes. A characteristic taste is observed in apples that have not even reached the stage of technical ripeness, but the maximum expressiveness of the sweetness and aroma of the fruit reaches 2 weeks after picking (with long-term storage, the honey smell weakens). Because of their wonderful taste and aroma, apples are usually used as dessert apples, but they are quite suitable for all types of home processing: making juices, compotes, preserves, jellies, jams, marmalade, as well as for drying and freezing.

The productivity of the variety is assessed as high. An adult tree easily produces up to 80-100 kg of apples per season (according to some sources - up to 170 kg). “Lungwort” is considered a “long-liver”: a plant on a seed rootstock pleases its owners with fruits for 50-60 years. The frequency of fruiting begins to appear at the 12-13th year of life, but by regularly using anti-aging pruning, you can get stable yields every year. Apple trees have excellent winter hardiness: their tall varieties are successfully cultivated in many areas with harsh winters (for example, in Siberia and the Urals). The variety is immune to fungal infections. There is evidence that “Lungwort” is affected by the flower beetle and codling moth less frequently than other apple trees.

The agricultural technology of the “Medunitsa” apple tree is not much different from the methods of caring for other common varieties of crops. Trees of any age need sanitary and rejuvenating pruning in the spring, and young seedlings also need crown formation. The rest of the gardener’s work comes down to periodic application of fertilizers, cleaning the tree trunks of weeds, preventive treatments and watering during the dry season.

Origin and zoning

The variety was created in the late 80s of the last century on the basis of the All-Russian Breeding and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing (Moscow) by famous breeding scientists V.V. Kichina and N.G. Morozova by sowing seeds from free pollination of the columnar variety form KV 103 .

In 1993, the bred variety was selected under number 385/342, and three years later it was named “Medok” and entered for propagation. Although it was not officially included in the State Register of the Russian Federation, nevertheless, the apple tree has gained popularity and wide distribution in the Moscow region, the middle zone, the Urals and even in Siberia.

Currently, experts are actively using this columnar form as a donor, which has large fruits of excellent taste along with high winter hardiness.

Many sellers promote the variety as “sweet, with a stunning honey aftertaste,” but it is important to purchase planting material with the understanding that promising advertising descriptions in practice most often lead to disappointment for gardeners. The yield and taste of fruits, like any other variety of crop, largely depend on the soil and climatic conditions of the growing region and proper care of the plant.

You can get acquainted with the characteristics of the variety in more detail in the video filmed by a Belarusian fruit grower:


Lungwort apples are usually medium in size, the average weight of an apple is 120-130 g, the maximum can reach 180 g, but in addition there may be apples weighing 90-95 g. The apples are round in shape, but closer to the stalk they become flatter or take on the shape of a cone . There is ribbing on apples, but it is weakly expressed, and in apples collected from young trees it is completely absent.

According to the description of the variety, the surface color of the apples is yellowish-greenish, there is a blush, it is quite blurry, pink or bright pink in color, most pronounced on the southern side of the fruit. The coloring of fruits by professionals is ranked as speckled and striped. The skin is very dense, smooth, and feels good when consumed fresh, so it is recommended to remove it.

The flesh of the apples is creamy, becoming lemon yellow closer to the skin. The granularity of the pulp is clearly visible, its high juiciness and pleasant, spicy-honey aroma are noted. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, has a honey flavor. Tasters rate the taste at 4.2-4.3 points, the attractiveness of appearance at 4.5-4.6 points out of 5 possible.

The seed chambers of apples are closed, the seeds in them are small. The stalk is of medium length and thickness, usually detached from the shoot along with the apple. The calyx is wide and quite deep.

The photo shows the so-called version of the “northern” Lungwort: the pigment dots are more pronounced, the blush does not occupy the entire surface of the apple.

Nutrient content

The chemical composition is well described: Lungwort contains up to 14% sugars, less than 0.4% acids, more than 30 mg/100 g of vitamin C, up to 160 mg/100 g of P-active compounds and up to 8% pectin.

Apple tree care

The basic rule is regular watering throughout the season. In summer it is produced every week. Also, after each watering and rain, the soil must be loosened. Each apple tree should require ten liters of water. Fertilizing is carried out twice a season - chicken manure is used in a ratio of 1:20 or cow manure - 1:10.

In the first year, the apple tree must be pruned to form the lower tier of the crown. The next pruning will be done during the fruiting period in order to leave the size of the fruit the same and increase the life of the apple tree. Caring for an adult tree includes pruning damaged branches and those growing at an acute angle to the trunk. The procedure is carried out in early autumn.

At the age of two or three years, the apple tree is fed with complex mineral fertilizer. The optimal feeding is 30 grams of nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus.

Before winter, the apple tree is thoroughly watered to supply it with moisture. This will make it easier for her to withstand the cold.

Blooming apple tree of the Wonderful variety is a real decoration of the garden

Apple tree "Solntsedar": cultivation

Moscow and Leningrad regions

The variety in question is grown well in Moscow and Leningrad. areas. No special care is required for this apple tree.

It is important to adhere to the basic requirements when planting and caring

The “Solntsedar” apple tree appeared in the Ural latitudes; we can say that this is its homeland. Special care for such an apple tree is not required here, with the exception of cultivation in the northern part of the Urals. There are high numbers of low temperatures here, so the creeping form is most preferable.

Altai Territory and Western Siberia

This climate zone is also famous for severe frosts. In this regard, preference is given to the slate form.

You should not forget about covering apple trees in the cold season or using other options for maintaining warm temperatures.

Apple trees are a very popular crop in Russia. An apple orchard is a familiar story for any gardener, professional or amateur. Apples are an excellent source of vitamins, especially in the autumn-winter period. Summer “Solntsedar” apples are the fruit of the work of leading domestic breeders. They are very healthy when fresh, and very tasty when processed. The variety is not difficult to grow and care for; anyone can handle it.

Columnar apple tree “Medok”: description of the variety, photos and reviews

The columnar apple tree "Medok", which has compact dimensions and produces tasty large-fruited crops, attracts increased attention from domestic gardeners. Such varieties of crops really have many advantages - they practically do not require pruning, are easy to care for, beautiful, quite productive, and early in fruiting, which makes it possible to grow several varieties with different ripening periods even on a small plot of land.

At the same time, apple trees in the form of columns strewn with fruits raise a number of questions among summer residents about the specifics of agricultural technology and the feasibility of cultivation.”

Features of planting and care



Apple trees are planted before buds open in spring or late autumn, when sap flow slows down, and if the seedling has a closed root system, then there are no restrictions on planting; planting can be carried out throughout the entire growing season (but during the summer heat it is still better not to do this ).

Seedlings with ZKS are planted without any time limits.

Watch the video on how to plant an apple tree:


Planting is done in holes with a depth of at least 0 and a diameter of 0.8-1 m, filled with humus and mineral fertilizers. The pits are prepared in advance either in the fall or a month before planting so that the soil in the pit settles.

Features of cultivation

In the first year after planting, no fertilizing is done, since a sufficient amount of fertilizer has been added to the soil for nutrition.
From the second year after planting, they begin to apply fertilizers, in the spring they apply nitrogen fertilizers, before and after flowering they fertilize with a complete complex fertilizer.

In August, when preparing the tree for winter, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied.

When treating apple trees against diseases and pests, liquid fertilizers are added to tank mixtures and foliar feeding is done. In the fall, it is advisable to add humus to the tree trunk circle and dig it up.

Pruning and crown formation

Apple tree pruning is done according to the following scheme:

  • In the spring of the next year after planting, the vertical shoot is shortened to form a central conductor and the formation of skeletal branches.
  • In subsequent years, the current year's growths are shortened by 1/3 of their length.
  • Branches that compete with the central conductor are cut into a “ring”.
  • Branches that grow inside the tree and thicken the crown are removed.

Apple tree pruning scheme by year.

Watch a detailed video tutorial on pruning and shaping the crown of an apple tree:


Pollinator varieties

The apple tree is a cross-pollinated crop, i.e. To get good harvests, she needs a pollinator variety. In its absence, the variety will self-pollinate, in which the fruits will not set or there will be very few ovaries.

When choosing a pollinator variety, it is necessary to match its flowering time with the flowering of the main variety and, of course, the annual formation of good-quality pollen. Good pollinators for Honey Crisp will be the following neighbors:

They should be planted at a distance of no more than 50 m so that bees can easily transfer the collected pollen from tree to tree.

Rules for planting seedlings

For planting apple tree seedlings, it is recommended to select nutritious and fertile soils. It is best to give preference to loams that have a good drainage system and water permeability.

To plant the plant, you need to choose a well-lit place . Optimal growth of a seedling will be ensured only if the rules for planting it are followed:

  1. Since the Honey Apple tree has a large crown, the distance between the trees should be at least 5 meters.
  2. A few weeks before planting the seedling, a hole is dug, which should be twice as large as the root system of the seedling. Fertilizers are poured into a slide at the bottom of the hole.
  3. Before planting an apple tree, the soil around the apple tree is dug up to ensure air permeability.
  4. The seedling is planted in such a way that the root collar protrudes 7-9 centimeters above the ground level. It is strictly forbidden to cover it with soil.
  5. To strengthen the seedling in the first two years, it is attached to an even stake. This will not only ensure the formation of an even crown, but will also protect the tree from gusts of wind.
  6. After planting a tree, several buckets of water are poured under it.

Rational planting of the Honey apple tree is a guarantee of rapid growth and proper formation of the crown.

To plant a Honey apple tree, choose a well-lit place

Apple tree Honey (Honey) Crisp

The Honey (Honey) Crisp apple tree is a late-ripening, winter variety of high-yielding apples. This is a very popular variety of winter apple tree in the USA, Canada and Western Europe, and since the late 90s of the last century it has taken its rightful place in the gardens of amateur gardeners in Russia and the CIS.

The dessert sweet and sour taste of the fruit with crispy pulp, which is a distinctive feature of the variety, fully corresponds to the literal translation from the English name of the variety “Honey Crunch”. The crispy flesh that seems to break off when bitten is a distinctive feature of this variety, its calling card.

The flesh of Honey Crisp is very “crispy” and juicy.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The advantages of the Honey Crisp variety include the following indicators:

  • Precociousness of trees;
  • Winter hardiness;
  • Very beautiful presentation of the fruit along with large fruit and excellent taste;
  • The fruits tolerate transportation well and do not lose their presentation;
  • Long shelf life of apples (more than 6 months);
  • Good resistance of the variety to fungal diseases.


  • During storage, fruits are subject to subcutaneous spotting;
  • Tendency to shedding of fruits when overloaded with harvest.

Tree height

The Honey Crisp variety is of medium vigor, 3-4 meters high. Growing apple trees on low-growing (dwarf or semi-dwarf) rootstocks is preferable, since the height of the trees does not exceed 2.5 m on dwarf rootstocks and 3.5 m on semi-dwarf rootstocks.

Five-year-old Honeycrisp apple tree on M9 rootstock.

This is very convenient when caring for a tree (easier to trim, less consumption of chemicals during treatments) and harvesting.

Crown width

At the beginning of its development, an apple tree seedling has a narrow pyramidal shape. During the first 3-4 years after planting, trees grow intensively; from the age of five, the growth rate decreases and the crown becomes broadly oval.


The fruits are large, weighing 180-250 grams, slightly elongated, elongated, slightly flattened, light green with a marbled red blush over almost the entire surface. The pulp is dense, yellow-cream, juicy. The skin of the fruit is dense, smooth with a slight shine. The apples are aromatic, sweet with a slight sourness.

Apple Honey Crisp.

Fruit tasting score: 4.8 points. The yield of a six-year-old tree is 6-9 kg.

Frost resistance

Honey Crisp is a frost-resistant variety and can withstand temperatures down to -35°C. When growing apple trees, you should remember that frost resistance is reduced:

  • After abundant fruiting;
  • If young fragile trees are overloaded with fruits;
  • If during the growing season there was severe damage to the apple trees by diseases and pests, which greatly weakened them;
  • From lack of moisture in the soil in dry years.

Disease resistance

The variety is resistant to major fungal diseases: it is practically not affected by scab, and the resistance to powdery mildew is average.

But many gardeners carry out preventive spraying to avoid diseases, since in the presence of these diseases, crop loss can be up to 50%.

Apple tree affected by powdery mildew.

When affected by powdery mildew, a dense white coating covers the shoots, leaves, and fruits. Infection of trees with scab manifests itself in the appearance of oily spots on the leaves, which subsequently darken, located on the upper side of the leaf. The fruits stop growing and dark gray spots and cracks form on them.

Watch a video review of the Honey Crisp apple tree:

Subspecies and options


Sometimes this variety is called "Medoc" . Apples of this variety ripen in late summer or early autumn . These are natural semi-dwarfs , medium-sized columnar-shaped trees up to two meters high. The entire crown grows compactly around a single trunk, its width is up to 25 cm.

The first fruits may appear as early as a year after spring planting. At five years, maximum yields are up to 9 kg from one apple tree.


A strong root system allows you to replant an apple tree painlessly both in autumn and spring. The fruits are large, up to 250 grams, round with thick skin. The apples are white-yellow in color, the flesh inside is white, juicy with a faint aroma and honey taste. They can be stored for a maximum of one month.

Important! The frost resistance of the columnar honey apple tree is high and can withstand frosts up to 42 degrees.


The fruits are medium-sized, yellow with a blurred blush on the skin. The harvest ripens late in the fall, around November. The aroma and taste are the same as honey, like all representatives of the honey apple line. Apples can be stored successfully until spring in a cool room.

The quality of winter hardiness and frost resistance of representatives of this variety is high, but during frosts it is recommended to wrap the trunks with burlap to prevent rodents or hares . Representatives of the variety are resistant to scab.

To protect against rodents, the trunk should be wrapped in burlap.


Two to three years after planting, stable fruiting begins, up to 200 kg per tree. Fruit ripening occurs at the end of September . The apples ripen sweet.

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