Watering apple trees is an issue that many gardeners dispute. Some believe that it is necessary to regularly add moisture, while others say that what gets into the soil from precipitation is enough. But organizing proper watering is extremely important, because it has a positive effect on apple trees of all ages. Watering will help young plants to take root better, and adults to bear more fruit.
The process of watering an apple tree.
General rules for watering trees
There are several general rules that are the same for different plants. This also applies to apple trees:
- Water from open reservoirs is very useful, because it is enriched with oxygen, but its temperature must be acceptable.
- Plants need to be watered either in the morning before the heat sets in, or in the evening after 18:00.
- When watering, it is necessary to ensure that the moisture penetrates to a depth of at least half a meter, and preferably 80 cm deep.
- The amount of moisture directly depends on the age of the plant.
- The number of times moisture will be required is directly proportional to weather conditions during the season.
It is important to competently approach the watering process, its rate and organization.
When to water an apple tree
It is very important to irrigate in a timely manner, because this is the only way to provide the plant with proper care. Both excess moisture and its lack have a negative effect.
in spring
Very often in the spring the plant needs enough water, because it remains after the snow melts and then from the rains. There is usually no need to be diligent in the watering process in the spring. Only in high temperature conditions is moisture added to the root during the growing season to stimulate shoot growth.
During flowering
During the flowering process, plants consume a lot of nutrients, but you need to be careful with water. The first time an apple tree can be watered in a hot area only before flowering begins. If you add moisture at the wrong time, the flowers may become smaller. An adult apple tree will need about 5 buckets at the root, preferably in trenches or holes.
In summer
In the summer heat, it is imperative to ensure that the trees have enough moisture. Usually, the first time watering is carried out when the ovaries have already formed and the excess ones have fallen off. You can also irrigate after another 2-3 weeks.
Watering apple trees in summer.
The second time, full watering can be done already during the harvesting process. Watering is necessary according to the needs of the plant and depending on weather conditions in the summer.
How to water in the heat
Watering in August, the last month of summer, is usually undesirable. This is due to the fact that during this period the crop is formed and ripens. All the forces of the apple tree are aimed at this, and when moisture is added, shoots can be launched.
in autumn
In autumn there is almost always a lot of rain, and there is no need to water the plant. But it is important to monitor the condition of the soil in September, when the weather is still warm. If you add moisture at this time, the apple tree will begin to actively grow young shoots that may suffer from the cold.
Watering before cold weather in autumn
Moisture-charging watering helps the plant nourish all tissues and branches and prepare it for cold weather. The exact amount of moisture applied depends on the tree itself. They usually add it in 10-12 buckets or as many as the plant can hold.
Autumn watering before cold weather.
Irrigation technology at different times of the year
In summer
Apple trees bear fruit in the summer. Particular attention should be paid to soil moisture at this time. Rational irrigation is especially important for young seedlings, whose age is 1-3 years.
During the period of fruit formation and ripening, the tree needs more frequent moisture. This affects not only the quantity of the harvest, but also the taste of the fruit.
special instructions
- For young seedlings (up to a year), 2-3 liters are required.
- Trees that are 5 or more years old need 60-80 liters.
- Older specimens (over 10 years old) need 130-150 liters.
The amount of water should correspond to the age of the tree.
Proper watering during flowering and fruit formation can increase crop yield by 35% or more. A positive result is obtained by combining internal and external irrigation, carried out with minimal sun activity.
in spring
It is recommended to apply fertilizer before watering
Spring soil moisture is especially important for maximum saturation of the root system. The number of ovaries, and ultimately the yield indicators, will depend on this.
Young and one-year-old seedlings need to be watered more often in the spring than mature trees with a highly developed root system.
The first procedure, after winter dormancy, is carried out until the buds swell. To do this, choose a quiet, warm day that does not threaten subsequent night frosts. This is especially important in cases where the winter had little snow and precipitation in the spring was not enough to adequately moisten the soil.
The second time - during the period of active flowering. This time, depending on the crop variety, falls on May-June. To check the need to moisten the soil, gardeners dig a small depression (about 10 cm) near the root zone. The soil should not be dry.
Also, before adding moisture to the soil, gardeners recommend fertilizing the crop with dry fertilizers. Subsequent moistening will help beneficial substances penetrate evenly into the soil and reach all parts of the root system.
in autumn
The autumn period is characterized by high humidity and sufficient natural precipitation. Watering apple trees during this period is not always advisable. The only exception is when autumn is dry, without enough rain.
- It is not recommended to do this in September; this can lead to the beginning of the vegetative development of the crop. Subsequent cold weather will soon result in the plant not having time to prepare for it and will be damaged or die.
- Autumn watering can be done after the fruit has shed its leaves. This time falls at the beginning - mid-October. Use warm water.
- When planting a young apple tree in the fall, at least 6 buckets of settled and heated water should be poured into the hole.
How often to water a planted apple tree
Young apple trees need watering more than adults. But even here you need to be careful not to cause harm. If the weather is quite cold and there is a lot of water, then there is a risk of fungal diseases. Planted apple trees need the most water during the growing season, and during flowering it is not watered.
If the soil is sandy and moisture evaporates quickly, it will be necessary to add more moisture and increase the frequency of application. The same applies to conditions where spring is very hot.
Apple tree mulching
Mulching the tree trunk is an important part of the agricultural technology for growing any garden trees, including apple trees. It helps retain essential nutrients in the soil, accelerates the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms and prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil. In addition, a layer of mulch reliably protects the root system of a young apple tree from return frosts and sudden temperature changes.
To mulch young apple trees you can use:
- peat;
- compost;
- seed husk;
- rotted manure.
The thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 5-8 cm. For mulching young trees, it is better not to use straw, pine spruce branches, wood shavings and sawdust.
Various green manure grasses can be good mulch. In the garden near the apple trees you can sow peas, phacelia, oilseed radish, meadow bluegrass or leaf mustard. When these green manures reach 20-25 cm in height, they should be mowed and used to mulch the tree trunk.
Before mulching, it is advisable to dig up the tree trunk circle. This should be done to a shallow depth so as not to damage the root system of the young tree - no more than 6-7 cm. Towards the boundaries of the trunk circle, the digging depth can be increased to 10-15 cm.
How to water an apple tree correctly
There are several different ways to water plants. The amount of moisture consumed, as well as the plant’s reaction to water, depends on this.
Regular watering
Conventional watering is a superficial method, which involves preparing holes or grooves in the tree trunk circle. They are done around the circumference of the crown, where most of the absorbing roots are located. It is there that you need to gradually pour in water so that the soil has time to become saturated.
Thanks to special devices that spray moisture, the soil gets wet to a sufficient depth, but gradually. This creates the effect of a light warm rain. To create a sprinkling effect, you can purchase special pistol or fan sprinklers.
Drip irrigation
Drip irrigation is very convenient. It is especially preferred by those gardeners who have dwarf, low-growing apple trees or columnar plantings. There is a special pipe, a dropper, which is installed around the perimeter of the tree trunk circle or slightly recessed. This dropper is connected to a special reservoir with water, from which it constantly flows into the tree trunk circle.
As the apple tree grows, it extends an even larger sleeve with holes.
Liquid fertilizer
It is a very convenient practice to combine fertilizers with watering and add useful substances to the soil. However, here you also need to know when to stop and be careful with feeding.
The drug can be applied in small quantities or even not at all, provided that the apple tree develops normally. But oversaturation with iron sulfate is even harmful.
Copper sulfate
The soils have also been oversaturated with copper sulfate for a very long time. It is used only in rare cases, if signs of copper deficiency are noticed, and then in very small quantities.
Copper sulfate solution.
Chicken droppings
Chicken manure solution is an excellent organic fertilizer with nitrogen elements. It is usually applied in the spring, when the growing season begins and at the beginning of summer. However, you need to understand that you will need to follow the correct proportions; for 10 liters of fertilizer you need about 15 liters of water. One bucket of prepared fertilizer of this consistency is applied to each apple tree so as not to burn the roots.
Water from a septic tank
Usually, no viruses or fungi die in septic tanks without special means. That is why water from a septic tank can only be watered in the usual way at the root, in holes or in special grooves. It is not sprayed on the leaves.
Soapy water
The soap solution, if clean, is a good antiseptic without harming plant roots. But under no circumstances should you use chemicals or soap from swimming. Also, you should not water plants with a solution that contains laurites or lauretes. Only a pure solution of fatty soap is beneficial.
Potassium permangantsovka
Although some advise using potassium permanganate for prevention or degreasing, this is not entirely correct. The permanganate solution is beneficial, but only on soils on which nothing grows. Under apple trees, as under any other plants, it is impossible to water with a strong oxidizing agent, which is a solution of potassium permanganate.
This is what a solution of potassium permanganate looks like.
You cannot use dry yeast from packets. If only because there will be no special effect, their effect becomes stronger only if you add sugar to the solution. But the remains from mash, kvass, wine or beer in a 1:6 ratio with clean water are an excellent remedy against rot and microbes. But most often it is recommended to use this fertilizer mainly in greenhouses or small beds.
Boiling water
Some gardeners use boiling water to irrigate berry bushes and thus fight pests. Watering an apple tree with boiling water at the root, as well as irrigating the leaves, will not bring any benefit, only harm. Neither shoots nor roots will survive temperatures above plus 50 degrees.
What to add to water
Water the fruit crop with water at the optimal temperature - about 20°C-22°C, preferably settled.
Cold liquid or, conversely, boiling water provokes damage to large roots and complete death of small ones, which leads to difficulty absorbing moisture and disruption of metabolic processes. As a result, the apple tree will stop growing and developing, and the fruiting stage will occur later than planned.
In order not only to water, but also to nourish the apple tree crop, you can add organic matter and complex fertilizers to the water, which, thanks to the penetration of moisture through the soil layers, will be evenly distributed over the roots.
Gardeners use both ready-made liquid fertilizers and make their own nutrient liquids for watering.
- Water is poured into a tank with a capacity of about 200 liters, 2 buckets of weeds (for example, nettle) and 1.5-2 buckets of chicken droppings are added. The mixture is kept in a dark place for 2 weeks, stirring regularly. The prepared solution is used in the gravy procedure, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. This liquid fertilizer helps the formation of ovaries and increases their number. Working fluid consumption is 1 bucket per adult plant and 1/3 bucket per young seedling.
- Ash powder (3 tbsp) is infused in water (10 l), filtered and watered on the fruit crop.
- A low concentration solution of potassium permanganate (pink color) acts as an antibacterial agent against fungal and bacterial infections and stimulates the development of the root system. Disinfect once a month.
Is it possible to water apple trees with cold water from a well?
You can use clean water from a well, borehole or stream only in the correct quantity and only so that it is of high quality. Do not use cold water that is very close to the freezing point.
Device for watering from a well.
Cold water can be a provoking factor when fungus appears on a plant or in the tree trunk. That is why it is best to use water heated in the sun.
Optimal temperature and composition of water for irrigation
You can simply irrigate the soil in the garden under fruit trees by directing the hose into the furrows and grooves. Another method of moisturizing involves sprinkling. The soil under the apple trees should be soaked to a depth of at least 60 cm. Water for irrigation is taken from a well, well, tap, having checked in advance whether the liquid contains chemicals, toxic substances, or heavy metal impurities.
Fruit trees normally tolerate watering with cold water, but if its temperature is slightly above 0, the roots stop developing and the apple tree may get sick.
Basic mistakes
There are several mistakes that gardeners can often make:
- Watering too often. This may only compact the soil, but not bring enough benefit.
- Insufficient moisture. If plants do not receive the required amount of liquid, they do not fully form branches, flowers and fruits.
- Watering directly under the trunk. It is wrong to apply moisture directly at the trunk, because the roots, which are responsible for absorption, are closer to the edges of the crown.
A frivolous attitude to the watering procedure can negatively affect the plant as a whole and the fruits.
General recommendations for irrigation in summer
When processing trees in the summer, it is recommended to follow a number of general rules. In particular:
- When irrigating young seedlings less than one year old, it is necessary to use 2-3 buckets of settled water for each. For apple trees growing for more than 5 years, the amount of liquid should be doubled.
- In July, when the maximum temperatures of the season are observed, it is necessary to constantly check the soil moisture and prevent it from drying out.
- The first watering can be done before the onset of summer - immediately after planting in the spring.
- In hot weather, you should not spray the surface of the leaves, as they may fade due to exposure to sunlight.
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Immediately after planting green seedlings, it is necessary to moisten the soil. For uniform watering, use a watering can or sprayer. If planting is done before the onset of summer and there are frequent rains, then additional watering is not required, since the soil will be sufficiently moistened.
With further growth of seedlings, watering should be done every 3-4 days, provided there is no rain. In case of dry weather, it is allowed to go beyond the norm and increase the number of sprays.
young trees
Beginning gardeners are always faced with the question of how often and how to properly water growing fruit trees. During the first year of development, a young apple tree is watered on average 4-5 times per season, each time using no more than 3 buckets of water. Over the next couple of years, the number of applications should be reduced, while increasing the amount of liquid used per tree.
Young and intensively growing trees are less sensitive to lack of water, unlike old and fruit-bearing ones . If there is insufficient moisture, the ovary crumbles, and the fruits of mature apple trees fall off.
During the flowering period
After apple trees begin to bloom in the summer, you should pay special attention to the nuances of watering. If there is frequent rain, additional watering should not be carried out, since excess moisture in the soil can lead to rotting of the root system and subsequent death of the trees. The need for moisture arises only in stable dry weather and the absence of moving water in the ground.
Insufficient moisture during the flowering period leads to a lack of nectar in the inflorescences. As a result, yields are reduced and the quality of ripening fruits deteriorates.
During fruiting
When the period of active fruiting begins, you need to know how much water apple trees need to obtain the greatest harvest. A suitable amount of moisture and timely irrigation will also have a positive effect on the taste characteristics of apples. During fruiting, the size of the apples, their structure, and the juiciness of the pulp are formed.
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If there is insufficient moisture during the period of active ripening and development of fruits, they will grow small and not juicy. The apple pulp will acquire a pronounced sour taste, and the appearance will differ from varieties with the correct characteristics.
How do heat and drought affect watering?
High temperatures and dry air in hot summers require adjustments to the apple tree watering schedule. Adding water in small quantities will be ineffective, since the moisture will not reach the depth of the bulk of the roots. In order for the root system to receive a sufficient amount of liquid, grooves should be dug around each tree along the projection of the crown and 20-25 buckets should be poured into them.
The soil must be moistened to a depth of 70 cm for the proper formation and development of the root system. After each watering, the soil should be loosened and covered with mulch. The time of the next watering depends on the ambient temperature and, on average, is carried out after 2-3 weeks.
Basic mistakes
When caring for apple trees in the summer, many gardeners make common mistakes. One of them is incorrect mulching, which is designed to retain moisture in the root system area. A large amount of mulch creates an obstacle to the flow of liquid into the soil, which causes the roots to dry out.
It is important that the mulch does not come into contact with the trunk of the apple tree, as this can provoke the development of disease and rot.
Also, gardeners often encounter classic mistakes associated with a lack or excess of moisture. Proper watering involves regularly monitoring the condition of the soil. By monitoring the degree of moisture, you can adjust the amount of water and create favorable conditions for the development of trees.
Another mistake is choosing the wrong time to water. It is recommended to process apple trees early in the morning or in the evening, 2-3 hours before complete sunset. The choice of such time intervals is due to the fact that during the day most of the liquid evaporates due to exposure to sunlight, as a result of which the roots do not receive the required amount of moisture. Watering apple trees at other times is allowed only in cloudy weather.