Characteristics and description of the Superstar tomato and its advantages

Features of cultivation

Sowing of seeds begins in late February - early March.
For seedlings, store-bought universal soil is best suited. If it is not possible to purchase special soil, then you can use soil from the site, having first warmed it well in the oven. Tomato Tiger seedlings

The next step is to disinfect the seed material from possible diseases. This can be done with a salt solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. There you can also treat the seeds with a growth stimulant for better germination. Stimulants such as Epin-extra, Zircon or Kornevin are used.

Important! The best results are obtained with double use. Use only according to instructions

Plant the seeds according to the 1x1 cm pattern, deepen them by 1-1.5 cm. Cover the container with the planted seeds with film. The soil under the film should be moist, but not wet. Sprouts begin to appear within a week

It is important not to miss this moment and move the container to the south window

Before picking, in the state of two true leaves, the first fertilization is carried out with liquid complex fertilizers. They use diammophos, ammophos, Universal-2 and others.

When picking, damage to the roots should be avoided. It is necessary to plant seedlings while preserving the earthen ball at the roots. Can be transplanted into a box at a distance of 10 cm from each other or into separate cups. After transplanting, the seedlings are well watered. The earthen ball is loosened as needed, providing oxygen access to the roots.

Important! You can replant the Striped Tiger tomato to a permanent place in late May - early June. Frosts should stop by the time of disembarkation.

The temperature during the day should not fall below 18 C.

A sunny, open place is suitable for this variety of tomatoes. The soil on the site should be light and conductive to water well. On heavy soils, add lime at the rate of 1 kg per square meter of bed. Lime should be added when digging in the spring.

Two weeks before the intended transplant, seedlings should begin to be hardened off. To do this, take the boxes out onto the balcony or porch for 15 minutes. The time of such air baths is gradually increased. This will help the plants better get used to new conditions.

Planting in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are planted at the rate of 4 bushes per 1 square meter. m. After transplanting, the tomatoes are well watered. In the future, you should water with warm water at the root. Water after the top layer dries.

Interesting. When there is an excess of moisture, the fruits of Tiger tomatoes become sour. Taking advantage of this feature, you can grow fruits of different tastes.

It is advisable to water in the morning so that the moisture is absorbed into the soil, and when the night temperature drops, hypothermia of the roots does not occur.


The Tiger tomato is resistant to the main diseases of the Solanaceae. However, it can be affected by various types of mosaics and bacterial spotting.

You can identify the mosaic by the leaves. They become spotted and decrease in size. The bush lags behind in development and does not bear fruit. Tobacco mosaic cannot be treated. The plant is completely destroyed.

Bacterial spotting causes small dark green spots to appear. Over time, they spread, covering the entire leaf. Can be treated with trisodium phosphate. You cannot take seeds from such plants.

Disinfecting seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, using three-year-old seeds and following the rules for growing tomatoes will help to avoid these diseases. Preventing a disease is easier than treating it.

Among the insect pests, Tiger tomatoes can be inhabited by spider mites, whiteflies and cutworms. The drug Fufanon will help against these and other pests. You can treat plants with it both indoors and outdoors. It should be remembered that spraying with Fufanon is carried out in open ground 25 days before harvest, and in a greenhouse - 5 days.

Important! With timely pinching and weeding of tomato plantings, pests will not disturb the plants

Treatment for diseases

Folk remedies will also help in the fight against pests. You need to grind 200 grams. garlic, add one liter of water. Infuse in a tightly closed container for five days. For spraying, 25 ml of infusion is diluted in a bucket of water. This remedy will help against aphids, whiteflies and cutworms.

Greenhouse varieties

The following varieties of tomatoes are recommended for growing in greenhouses and hotbeds: “Sweet Bunch”, “Superstar”, “Greenhouse Precocious”, etc. After planting the plants, it is recommended to provide them with a constant temperature and moderate air humidity, and systematically ventilate the greenhouse.

Tomatoes of the “Sweet Bunch” variety are an early ripening variety and are characterized by:

  • used fresh, for decorating dishes, sealing jars, sweet tomato juice;
  • are characterized by resistance to unfavorable conditions, long-lasting and abundant fruiting;
  • planted at the rate of 4 plants per 1 sq.m.;
  • ripen in 95-100 days;
  • are highly resistant to diseases;
  • have a round shape;
  • tall, height reaches 2.5 m or more.

Tomato variety "Superstar":

  • ultra-early, ripen 80-90 days after sowing the seeds;
  • intended for use in salads;
  • planted at the rate of 8-9 plants per 1 sq.m.;
  • have a bright red color and fleshiness;
  • The height of the bush is 1.5 m.

Tomato Superstar - description and characteristics of the variety

Basic information about the variety

The main advantage of this vegetable is its rapid ripening. From the day of emergence of seedlings to the time of harvest, approximately three months pass. Tomato bushes of this variety grow tall, with an average number of branches. They have strong, erect shoots that can grow up to 1.4 m in height. The size of the sheets is average.

The salad variety was bred by breeders from Europe. Large Superstar fruits are not suitable for canning, but they can be used to make homemade tomato juice, paste or tomatoes. The main use of tomatoes is, of course, cutting into salads.

The Superstar tomato has been rumored to be large-fruited; the tomatoes end up being large and ribbed, with a glossy conoid. The weight of the fetus sometimes exceeds 0.25 kg. Superstar has a bright red color, fleshy weasel and a distinct taste. The number of tomato seeds is average. If you divide the fruit horizontally, you can see up to 4-5 chambers.

As a result, a large amount of harvest follows from this - up to 3.5 kg from each tomato bush. Up to 12 kg of large ripe tomatoes are finally harvested per square meter.

It is impossible to give a complete description of the Superstar variety without mentioning its disease tolerance. Late blight is never observed in this vegetable, since the harvest is harvested before the bacteria that cause this disease appear on the crop. The transplants have a fairly high resistance to other viruses and fungi.

Pros and cons of the variety

The main advantages of growing the Superstar variety include:

  1. Large quantity and stability of the harvest.
  2. Adaptation to different environmental conditions (planting means in greenhouses and on apartment balconies).
  3. Rapid vision (approximately 3 months long. Ant. from full maturity).
  4. Pronounced taste and good appearance (which is pretty good if the tomatoes are grown for sale).
  5. Large fruit.
  6. Resistance to diseases inherent in plants.

Vegetable growers who planted a real variety of tomatoes in their greenhouse say that they ultimately did not identify any shortcomings in Superstar. The only downside is the necessity of tying up shoots and removing shoots.

Note! This type of tomato is mainly used for preparing vegetable salads.

The nuances of sowing and caring for (mushroom) plants

Seedlings of the Superstar variety should be sown after the 15th day. You need to pick the plant after three true leaves appear. After about two months, the young plants that grew at home are time to move to the greenhouse. Seedlings that are planted in protected soil in the second half of May usually produce a fertile harvest within one and a half months from the moment of planting.

After moving the plant for a permanent period of further growth, it is necessary to care for it: regularly water, loosen the soil, remove weeds and feed

It is also important to tie up the bushes so that the heavy weight of the tomatoes cannot break them.

Benefits of tomato

The Superstar tomato variety belongs to European selection.
It was bred as a salad fruit because the large fruits are not used for preservation. The characteristics and description of the variety indicate the main value of the crop, which consists in the combination of rapid ripening and large fruits. An early ripening variety begins to bear fruit 3 months after germination. During the growing season, tall bushes are formed, reaching a height of 1.3-1.4 m.

Medium sized foliage. When growing crops, additional support is used to reduce the load on the stem and prevent it from being damaged under the weight of large fruits, the weight of which reaches 200-250 g.

The tomatoes are round in shape with a ribbed glossy surface. The color is bright red, the flesh is fleshy, with excellent taste. When cutting the fruit horizontally, 4-5 chambers with seeds are observed.

The yield of the variety is high, up to 3.5 kg of ripe tomatoes are harvested from 1 bush, and up to 12 kg of ripe tomatoes from 1 m². Tomatoes are disease-resistant because planted bushes bear fruit before nightshade crops are affected by fungi and other diseases.

The description of the variety lists high and stable yield as the main advantages of the crop. The plant easily adapts to conditions, which allows it to be grown in greenhouses and on balconies.

Tomato Superstar

About the plant:


Check the expiration date (or sell-by date) of the seeds. It is indicated on the back of the package - month and year.


Sowing seeds only in high-quality soil. It should be loose, not caking, not forming a crust. Often the seeds do not germinate precisely because they cannot break through the surface crust. Sowing in coconut substrate gives good results. But it is used for large and medium-sized seeds, such as vegetables. For small seeds, use a more uniform soil. If you doubt the quality of the soil (or prepare it yourself), be sure to steam it in the oven or microwave.


To sow seeds, it is not necessary to take very fertile soil, much less add granular fertilizers to it. If there is too much fertilizer in the soil, the tender roots of the seeds can get burned and die. You won't see any shoots.


Soak vegetable seeds and large flower seeds to speed up germination. To soak, do not fill them with water in a glass, otherwise they will suffocate without air and simply “drown.” According to the rules, the seeds are soaked on a saucer in gauze moistened with water; there should be no puddles. Place the saucer with gauze in a bag so that the moisture does not evaporate, and place it in a warm place (22-30 degrees). After soaking, sow only the hatched seeds (photo 5), this is convenient to do with a toothpick. It is better to throw away seeds that have not hatched after a couple of days. Their growth energy is reduced, and the plants will develop poorly, even if the seeds later germinate.

BUT! Seeds whose packaging says they have been treated with fungicides or growth stimulants should not be soaked! For clarity, dyes are added during processing and the seeds change color (for example, green or red cucumber seeds).


When sowing seeds, it is important to know how deep to plant them in the soil. The general rule is that the sowing depth is equal to two to three times the size of the seed itself.

On average, this is 1-1.5 cm. Sow either in furrows of this depth, or separately lay out the seeds in the holes. Small seeds (the size of a poppy seed or smaller) are not buried, but sown superficially, only lightly dusted with soil. To do this, take good purchased soil or sifted compost. The main thing is that this soil does not form a crust.


Some seeds need light to germinate. That is, you cannot sprinkle them with soil at all, but immediately after sowing, place them under a lamp or near a window. Such plants include strawberry, ageratum, lobelia, snapdragon, mimulus, petunia, purslane, celosia, Waller's balsam. The seeds of these crops are sown on the soil surface. The soil is pre-moistened

The seeds are pressed down with a board or carefully sprayed with a spray bottle. Begonia and strawberry seeds can be sown in snow spread on the soil

When it melts, it lightly presses the seeds into the soil.


The seed container is covered with glass or film to maintain high humidity. It is ventilated daily to avoid disease.


When sowing seeds for seedlings, it is important to consider the temperature. For most crops it should be at least 20 degrees

It is usually cooler on the windowsill where we place our crops. This can lead to seed rotting in the soil. That's why they don't germinate. Immediately after sowing, it is better to keep containers with seeds away from the window. But keep a close eye on the seedlings. As soon as they appeared, they were immediately born! And the brighter it is at the beginning, the better. The best option is to use lamps for seedlings. Follow these simple rules and sowing seeds without problems is guaranteed.

Agricultural cultivation technology

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of March. Plants dive in the phase of formation of 2 true leaves. The transfer of planting material to a permanent place is carried out in mid-May. Seedlings planted in protected soil give a healthy harvest in 1.5 months.

See also

Advantages of tomato Radunitsa, characteristics and cultivation


Bushes are planted according to the 40x50x70 cm pattern. During the growing season, the plant requires pinching and gartering of the stem.

Agrotechnical measures related to crop care consist of regular irrigation and periodic fertilizing with complex fertilizers according to the manufacturer’s scheme.

Description of the hybrid early-ripening tomato Brother 2 and recommendations for growing

Tomato Brother 2 F1 belongs to the hybrid varieties of the Siberian collection. It meets all the requirements of vegetable growers regarding this crop. This variety can be grown in open ground, under film covering, and also in a greenhouse. The fruits are large, fleshy and tasty. The yield is quite high.

What is a Brother 2 tomato?

Description and characteristics of the variety:

  1. Tomato Brother 2 is a universal variety, suitable for both fresh consumption and winter storage.
  2. It belongs to the early ripening fruits. The harvest ripens in 100-110 days.
  3. Up to 18 kg of tomatoes ripen per 1 m².
  4. Bushes of determinant type, the average height of which is 90-120 cm.
  5. The first inflorescence appears above the 5th or 6th leaf, and the subsequent ones after it, after every 2nd leaf.
  6. Each inflorescence or cluster bears 5-6 fruits.
  7. The weight of one tomato is from 180 to 250 g.
  8. Tomatoes have a bright crimson color. The shape is round.
  9. The elastic skin protects the fruits from cracking and deformation, so they can be transported over long distances.
  10. The inside of the tomatoes is fleshy and dense.

How to grow tomatoes?

A shallow box filled with soil is ideal for sowing. Grooves 1 cm deep are made in it. It is recommended to use tweezers to place the grains. The seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil and sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

To create a greenhouse effect and speed up the germination process, the box is covered with glass or film. Place the container in a warm place where the temperature is maintained at +25°C.

When seedlings begin to appear above the soil surface, the covering is removed and the container is moved to a bright place (but not under the sun's rays). Approximately 10 days after sowing, the plant is fertilized with a solution of nitrate and calcium. After the formation of 2-3 leaves, picking is carried out.

Seedlings transplanted into separate containers grow better and become stronger. At the initial stage, the root system actively develops. The stronger and healthier the roots, the better the bush will bear fruit. After picking (approximately 2 weeks), the seedlings can be fed with sodium-potassium fertilizer.

2 months after planting, the seedlings are prepared for transplanting into the ground. Preparation consists of hardening. The site for the Bratishka tomato is prepared long before planting. Choose land on which vegetable crops such as potatoes, turnips, eggplants, peas and tomatoes did not grow.

The soil after them is depleted, as they draw all the nutrients from it. The place should be bright, but protected from direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. The land must be plowed and rendered harmless.

When planting, maintain a distance of at least 40-50 cm between seedlings. The depth should correspond to the length of the roots. Caring for bushes in the ground consists of periodically loosening the soil, weeding, hilling, watering, feeding and shaping.

It is advisable to cultivate the soil after watering. Loosening ennobles the roots, and after it the drainage function of the soil improves. During weeding, weeds are removed, which take away nutrients and strength from the roots. Hilling maintains soil moisture. All of the above actions are very important for the plant, they increase productivity and contribute to the normal development of fruits.

Reviews from gardeners about the variety are positive. People describe the excellent taste of tomatoes, talk about the plant’s unpretentiousness and resistance to disease. There is another positive feature - the bushes bear fruit in all weather conditions and in areas with low air temperatures. For many regions of our country this is a very important feature.

Early ripe tomatoes

This group of varieties and hybrids is also very diverse. The harvest from them is harvested a little later than from the ultra-early ones, so this must be taken into account when sowing seeds and planting plants in the ground.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: Frost-resistant (winter-hardy) cherry varieties

This variety is available in two varieties - with red and yellow fruits. It was bred in Siberia, and therefore is excellent for regions of risky farming. It can be called a tomato for the lazy, since it does not require pruning or garter, and the harvest will still please you.

The variety is determinate, height up to 50-60 cm. It is very unpretentious, resistant to diseases, and gives good yields both in the open ground and in the greenhouse.

The fruits are slightly elongated, weighing 70-100 g, juicy. The taste is sweet, there is a slight sourness.

This variety is not intended for long-term storage.

golden brush

The early ripening tomato Golden Brush received excellent reviews from summer residents.

An indeterminate plant, a tall bush, in a greenhouse (and cultivation under cover is recommended) reaches a height of 1.5-1.8 meters.

It is imperative to carry out pinching, make a garter, and form a bush.

The fruits are smooth, beautiful, bright yellow in the form of a drop. Very dense, with high taste.

The variety is ideal for preparations.

Characterized by long-term fruiting.

Aurelius F1

Early ripening tomato, determinant group. The bush is very compact, which allows you to grow up to 7-9 plants per square meter.

Productivity – up to 4-5 kg ​​per bush.

The fruits are bright red, round, weighing up to 160 grams. This tomato can be used for salads, canning, and preparing all kinds of purees and pastes.

Feature: resistant to diseases, including TMV and cladosporiosis.

Scarlet candles

We present to you another amazingly beautiful tomato from the early pink varieties of tomatoes - Scarlet Candles.

The bush is powerful, indeterminate, and must be shaped (preferably 2-3 stems).

The best yield is obtained when grown in a greenhouse.

The fruits are of an unusual cylindrical shape, “candlestick”, beautiful pink in color, collected in small clusters. Weight of tomatoes – 120 grams.

Recommended for dietary nutrition, as well as for children.

Panticapaeum F1

The hybrid Panticapaeum F1 produces high tomato yields. The plant has a height of 100-130 cm, semi-determinate type.

Ripening time is about 100-102 days.

The fruits are of excellent taste, round, pink in color. Fruit weight – up to 180 grams.

This hybrid is highly productive, unpretentious, resistant to diseases (late blight, fusarium).

One of the best early ripening varieties for fresh consumption.

Also note such early ripening tomatoes as Dobrun F1, Assol, Zarevo F1.

And if you want early-ripening exotics, you can try planting the Boloto variety.


The variety is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses.

The plant is of an indeterminate type and has corrugated leaves.

The height of the bush is up to one and a half meters.

The planting scheme for this miracle is three bushes per 1 square meter. meter.

The fruits begin to ripen 95-100 days after emergence.

The tomatoes are round and green when ripe. Weight - up to 200 grams, but there are specimens up to 350 g. The taste is pleasant, slightly unusual with sourness.

Divide into groups

You definitely need to know which growing method is suitable for a given tomato variety or hybrid. Of course, many of them can grow well in open ground, in a greenhouse, and under film covers, but still there is specialization, and therefore we must take into account the recommendations of breeders.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with: The best varieties of tomatoes for pickling and canning

So, there are early tomatoes for:

  • open ground;
  • greenhouses;
  • growing on balconies and loggias, in apartments.

Early varieties of low-growing tomatoes are usually grown in open ground, but taller tomatoes are selected for greenhouses.

The options for caring for them will differ significantly, and you need to know this so as not to be left without a harvest.

Characteristics of a hybrid frost-resistant tomato An important person and growing by seedlings

Created by domestic geneticists, the VIP F1 tomato is designed for growing in conditions of high humidity and unstable weather. Tomatoes of this variety are most in demand in the Far Eastern regions, where they are officially included in the register.

Consumer reviews and descriptions from gardeners clearly indicate the high commercial qualities of tomatoes, good yield, endurance and survival of the bushes. Plants bear fruit equally well in greenhouses and in open ground. They tolerate cold cyclones and periods of multi-day heat without much damage.

Main characteristics of the variety

The growth of the bush is limited to a height of 100-110 cm, in greenhouses it can reach 150 cm. On the one hand, this is convenient for picking tomatoes, since you do not need to constantly bend over. On the other hand, growing tomatoes will require spending effort, time and material resources. Installation of supports or tying is required.

The stem is strong and flexible; it bends under load and wind, but does not break. The foliage is dense and dark green. The leaves are large and dense, well protect the fruits from bright sunlight, hail and debris falling from above.

Tomatoes ripen in clusters containing at least 4 fruits. On average, 5 clusters of 5 tomatoes each ripen on 1 bush. Tomatoes have a round, slightly flattened shape. The base is slightly ribbed, with no greenery at the base. The peel is dense, matte, red. The average fruit weight is 150 g; when grown in a greenhouse, individual fruits reach 200 g.

Thanks to the large amount of dry substances, the pulp breaks down well, without being crushed too much and without a lot of splashing. Gourmets highly characterize the taste of VIP tomatoes. They are noted for their spicy aroma and pronounced sweet tomato taste.

The high yield of the variety is noteworthy. Under cover and with proper care, it can be 28 kg per 1 m². Ripening occurs smoothly, which greatly simplifies the gardener’s work.

The biggie is the all-purpose tomato. The small size of the fruit makes it convenient to prepare slices and salads. Tomatoes are rolled into jars and preserved in barrels. Green and red fruits are used equally successfully. Tomatoes are used to make delicious juice, ketchup and a variety of seasonings. Ripe fruits tolerate long-term transportation and long-term storage.

Pros and cons of the variety

Farmers and gardeners note the high resistance of the Important Person tomato to almost all infectious and fungal diseases.

If the plant is grown correctly, regularly watered and fed, then it successfully resists viruses:

  • root and top rot;
  • bacterial spotting;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • Alternaria;
  • fusarium;
  • late blight.

The advantages of the variety do not end there. Gardeners have noted its excellent resistance to weather changes, sudden changes in temperature and air humidity. Everyone is especially pleased with the abundant harvest that can be harvested in the summer, and capturing part of the autumn. The ability of green and ripe tomatoes to retain their commercial qualities for up to six months is also valued. To do this, they should be placed in dark and cool rooms with good ventilation.

Seedling preparation and care

Tomatoes of the Important Person F1 variety belong to the category of crops resistant to low temperatures. You can sow seeds in containers as early as the third decade of March. You need to focus on the long-term weather forecast. The soil in containers should be made as fertile as possible by adding organic matter. Before laying, the seeds should be treated with an antiseptic.

They are placed in small depressions and sprinkled with a layer of earth up to 1 cm thick. Watering is carried out with a spray bottle so that the moisture is distributed evenly. Hardening of seedlings should be carried out as soon as the first shoots appear. The duration of each session should not exceed 2 hours. Before this, the plants should not be watered.

The seedlings are ready for planting 2 months after sowing the seeds. It is planted in the ground according to a 40x50 cm pattern at a distance of 100 cm between the beds.

The first fruits appear after a month. Caring for plants is quite simple. They need to be watered regularly, increasing the volume of water in hot weather. To reduce water consumption and reduce maintenance time, it is advisable to install a drip irrigation system. When watering by hand, water is applied with a watering can to the root.

Throughout the entire fruiting season, tomatoes need to be fed periodically, alternating organic matter, chemicals and combined mixtures. According to the rules of agricultural technology, the soil should be loosened and mulched, and treated against insects.

III. Semi-determinate varieties (tall in the greenhouse, medium in the ground)

It is not so easy to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse; you need special care, conditions, etc. But it is even more difficult to do this when the plants are grown without ideal conditions, that is, they simply grow in the ground, like an ordinary vegetable. Therefore, the approach to choosing varieties of such tomatoes is special. It is necessary to select those that will be most suitable for open ground.

Roma, a hybrid that belongs to mid-season tomatoes, these tomatoes do not ripen so quickly, but up to 20 fruits up to 100 grams in size are simultaneously formed on the clusters; they are red, small, and round in shape.

Rio de Grande, a tomato variety for open ground, forms into small bushes up to 60 cm high, is very resistant to external influences, so the fruits, which reach a size of up to 100 grams, are quite suitable for both salads and canning, with proper care The yield per bush reaches 3-4 kg.

Miracle of the World, a very unusual tomato, the stem reaches a height of one meter, weaves like a vine along the obstacle that is placed in its path, the fruits are small up to 80 grams, they cover all the branches in abundance, which gives the plant a very unique appearance, golden in color, Tomatoes are collected in clusters and the quantity in one cluster can be up to 45 fruits.

Tarasenko 2, a small tomato, the bush reaches a height of no more than 60 cm, clusters of round tomatoes up to 70 grams in size ripen on it, up to 35 fruits can be collected on one bunch, suitable for use in salads or for canning.

De-Bara-yellow, this hybrid ripens for quite a long time, almost four months, it is best grown in a greenhouse in central Russia, and in the ground it is suitable for the south, but still its climatic stability allows us to hope for good harvests in open ground, especially Moreover, the yellow, small-sized fruits with thick skin are perfect for transportation and storage.

A gift, an excellent variety for the middle zone, where in the open ground it will produce excellent yields; it must be watered regularly throughout the season, sometimes fertilized in the form of fertilizers, and then a bountiful harvest of pinkish or bright red tomatoes with a fleshy interior and excellent sweetish taste.

Search F1, a very productive variety, which is adapted specifically to central Russia, where it gives the most abundant harvests, even in not very good weather conditions, tolerates cold weather well, which is so characteristic of central Russia, but at the same time brings a plentiful harvest of high-quality fruits small in size, red in color and excellent taste.

Gina, a variety that is adapted to any conditions, both drought and excess moisture, is not afraid of frost, which can suddenly appear at an unexpected time of summer, it bears fruit equally well in any weather conditions, and is very resistant to various diseases and viruses.

Pudovik, a variety well adapted for the northern regions of Russia, the bush grows up to 1.5 meters, the fruits on one bush ripen up to 10 pieces, quite large from 500 grams and up to 1 kg, so that five kg of tomatoes can be harvested from a bush, it is very resistant to weather changes.

READ MORE: Rocambole garlic: description, cultivation, planting and care with photos

Diabolik, a variety very well adapted to the conditions of central Russia, fruits appear after 115 days, they are small in size up to 100 grams each, but they go well in pickling and are stored for quite a long time, resistant to a variety of tomato diseases.

Marmande, a feature that distinguishes the variety from all others is its resistance to low temperatures; if you want to have a tomato harvest for sure in any weather, then it is best to choose this particular tomato, and the seedlings themselves are planted 10 days earlier than usual.

These are the most commonly used early varieties of tomatoes, which are not grown in greenhouses, but planted in the ground, taking into account all the climate features of central Russia. At the same time, they are capable of producing good harvests of tasty, juicy fruits, even in cases where there are no good weather conditions for ripening.

Tomato Southern tan

The sweetest

When choosing tomatoes for garden beds in the open sun, it is worth considering varieties that are small bushes that do not require weekly trimming. The best varieties of tomatoes for 2021 are considered to be varieties and hybrids that can survive a sharp drop in temperature to 10-12 degrees Celsius. If this temperature is maintained for two weeks, the tomatoes will not die and will be able to develop again as soon as the weather stabilizes.

No. 1 - Top Ten

Low-growing bushes, reaching a length of no more than 60 cm. Weight - varies from 80 to 190 g. Color and shape - without features. It differs from other varieties in its rapid ripening, sweet notes and the ability to withstand tests when air temperatures drop.

No. 2 - Iceberg

Small bushes have always been distinguished by large, fleshy fruits, ideal for food. Thousands of people choose this variety every year, not regretting their decision at all when harvesting.

No. 3 - Danko

If you want to grow a heart in your garden, you should take a closer look at the “Danko” variety, which is a large heart-shaped plant.

#4 – Cheerful gnome

When choosing this variety, it is worth planting the seedlings as far apart as possible. The bushes of these tomatoes stretch wide, becoming a deciduous hedge in the middle of a summer cottage. In this way, the bushes protect their fruits from the sweltering sun and drought.

Approximate weight: 80 g.

Ultra early tomatoes

Among them there are varieties, there are hybrids, plants with fruits of different shapes and colors. We list the tomatoes suitable for open ground.

Benito F1

An excellent tomato for those who want to get delicious tomatoes in early July.

This hybrid is characterized by high yield (up to 7-8 kg of fruits per bush) and excellent taste of tomatoes.

Benito F1 belongs to the group of determinate standard-type tomatoes. The fruits weigh 100-140 g and are similar to cream. A hybrid for both open ground and film shelters.

Amur standard

If you want to get early tomatoes with a minimum of care, then this variety is yours! One of the best and earliest varieties of tomatoes for open ground, unpretentious, cold-resistant, disease-resistant, productive.

Determinate tomato, standard, ripening period - 80-85 days. No pinning required.

The fruits grow weighing up to 100-120 g and are tasty. Best used fresh for salads.

Aphrodite F1

The hybrid, named after the beautiful Greek goddess, will delight you with delicious tomatoes in 80-90 days.

A determinate plant, up to 50-60 cm high, grows well both in open ground and under small shelters.

Fruits weighing up to 115 g, juicy and tasty. They are used fresh and also go well in canning.

Legionnaire F1

Legionnaire F1 is a productive hybrid that is resistant to disease. The hybrid is intended for open ground (in the south); in more northern regions it is recommended to grow it in greenhouses.

The peculiarity of the tomato is a spreading, but weakly leafy bush. The fruits are round, pink, weighing up to 130-150 g. Usually grown by gardeners for fresh consumption.

Polonaise F1

A hybrid that was developed already in the new millennium. It is distinguished by a powerful bush and resistance to almost all diseases.

It is recommended to grow in the southern regions in open ground.

Fruits weighing up to 200-220 g, tasty, juicy, with dense pulp.

Value: high taste, early fruiting, good transportability.

The next group of super early ripening tomatoes are tomatoes that are recommended to be grown in greenhouses.

And here the Superstar F1 hybrid stands out.

Superstar F1

A magnificent tomato that bears fruit best under film covers.

The height of the bush is 100-120 cm, it needs staking and pinching (semi-determinate hybrid).

Superstar's fruits ripen approximately on the 85th day after the appearance of the first shoots. The tomatoes are very tasty, sweet, fleshy, weighing 200-250 g.


The greenhouse variety will surprise you with dense, tasty fruits, and their ripening period is 80-85 days.

The tomato is an indeterminate type, the plant height reaches 1.5-1.8 meters. This is a variety that belongs to the group of cluster tomatoes; there are approximately 8-10 fruits in a cluster, each weighing up to 20 g.

The fruits are elongated and are excellent for whole canning.

Presentation F1

A semi-determinate tomato with a height of about 70 cm, with good care, will definitely thank you with delicious fruits and will be a real present.

An early-ripening hybrid, the first tomatoes begin to ripen 90 days after germination.

Excellent taste of the fruit, unpretentiousness and good yield - this is what gardeners value this hybrid for.

general information

This group of tomatoes includes plants whose fruit ripening period is less than 90-100 days.
Of course, in specific conditions everything will be slightly different, but in general the general characteristics are consistent. Such tomatoes can be divided into:

  • ultra-early (ultra-early ripening);
  • early ripening (early ripening).

The age of early tomato seedlings for planting in the ground should be 40-50 days. In this case, the deadlines will be different for each region:

  • April 10-15 (this is for the south of Ukraine, Krasnodar Territory, and other warm areas);
  • May 10-15 (Moscow region, middle zone);
  • June 10-15 (Siberia, Ural, North-West region).

The dates are given conditionally, approximate, since much depends on the year, weather, conditions for growing tomatoes (open ground, greenhouse).

It is necessary to take into account all the recommendations indicated by the seed manufacturer on the bag, and also use your own growing experience.

IMPORTANT: Early-ripening tomatoes have certain characteristics when compared with mid-ripening and late-ripening ones:

  • The yield of such varieties and hybrids is usually lower than that of their counterparts that ripen later.
  • The fruits are not particularly large (although there are exceptions to this rule).
  • Short fruiting period.

That is why there should be tomatoes of different ripening periods on the site.

Although early ripening tomatoes have their advantages:

  • They are maximally adapted to climate change (and this is always very important).
  • They are distinguished by good taste of the fruit.
  • They ripen in a short time, which makes it possible to get an early harvest.
  • These tomatoes usually have thin skin, so they are not suitable for canning. And they are best suited for fresh consumption, in salads, and for making juices.
  • Unpretentious in care.
  • Resistant to diseases. Many of these tomatoes manage to harvest before the hated late blight appears, so diseases are not so terrible for early tomatoes.
  • Huge selection of varieties and hybrids.

Growing Supersteak Tomatoes

  1. Lena P., 34 years old: A friend grew the variety herself on her plot and advised us to try it, saying that she personally liked Superstar tomatoes. I listened to her advice and planted seedlings in my dacha. After more than three months, all the fruits were fully ripe and ready to harvest. The only shame during cultivation is that you need to tie up the tomatoes, but there are no problems with them. I picked fruits that were juicy and sweet. I can conclude that this is Wotan from the best varieties that I have grown.
  2. Maria, 29 years old: Last season, as luck would have it, I came across seedlings of the Superstar variety and decided to try planting them myself. I moistened the soil, drunk as a Swede, and planted the seeds at a short distance from each other. I wrapped the pots with film and removed it after the time for germination to appear. In May I already transplanted it into a greenhouse. Not so, after two months, the fruits are ripe. Honestly, I was surprised at their size and ripeness. The eggs turned out to be soft and pleasant to the taste. Now I constantly add them to vegetable salads. I will continue to plant these tomatoes.
  1. Elena P., 34 years old: A friend grew the variety herself on her plot and advised me to try it, saying that she personally liked Superstar tomatoes. I listened to her advice and planted seedlings in my dacha. In less than three months, all the fruits were fully ripe and ready to harvest. The only inconvenience during cultivation is that you need to tie up the tomatoes, but there are no problems with them. I picked the fruits, juicy and sweet. I can conclude that this is one of the best varieties I have grown.
  2. Maria, 29 years old: Last season I accidentally came across seedlings of the Superstar variety and decided to try planting them myself. I moistened the prepared soil and planted the seeds at a short distance from each other. I wrapped the pots with film and removed it after the shoots appeared. In May I already transplanted it into a greenhouse. In less than two months, the fruits are ripe. Honestly, I was surprised by their size and ripeness. The tomatoes turned out to be soft and pleasant to the taste. Now I constantly add them to my vegetable salads. I will continue to plant these tomatoes.

In order for this variety of tomatoes to take root in your summer cottage, you need to adhere to the rules for planting and caring for it:

  1. Before planting, treat the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then rinse them in clean water.
  2. Seeds should be planted in March, buried 3 cm in the ground.
  3. Purchase fertilizers for the Supersteak variety in the store to regularly feed the plant.

Tomatoes should be planted during April-May. If there is heating in the greenhouse, seedlings are placed in the soil in April, but if there is no heat, then you need to wait until May. The average age of seedlings before planting should be 2 months (within 65 days).

Bushes are not planted nearby so that they have plenty of freedom to grow and do not interfere with each other. When the clusters begin to form, the lower leaves should be trimmed. This will limit the growth of the bushes, otherwise they can grow large, this will take away the strength of the plant, and the fruits will turn out small and pointed.

According to reviews from gardeners, Supersteak tomatoes should be watered regularly, using only warm water.

Tags: description, variety, superstar, tomato, characteristics About the author: admin4ik

Features of growing ultra-early ripening tomatoes in a greenhouse

Greenhouses currently come in different varieties: based on a metal, polyvinyl chloride or wooden frame. In the latter case, it is necessary to disinfect the entire structure from fungi and various other pests. This can be done using a solution of sulfur or bleach, diluted in a certain proportion.

The treatment must be carried out within three days, only after that can the greenhouse be used to its fullest. The main thing in it is the soil, because the future harvest of tomatoes will depend on its quality. And the greenhouse soil is changed every five years. Fertilizers and fertilizing must be added to it.

Not all city residents have summer cottages, but this is not a reason to despair. There are early ripening tomatoes for balconies that will delight you with good harvests.

Angelica (super-determinate, low-growing, productive);

Butterfly (cocktail tomato);

Romantic F1 (brown fruits, tasty);

Minibel (dwarf, very productive);

Florida Petite (dwarf type plant, has a short fruiting period).

Dear readers, choose the tomatoes you like, try them, and we really hope that your efforts and efforts will not be in vain!

Natalia Severova

Tags: description, advantage, superstar, tomato, characteristics

About the author: admin4ik

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Features of growing and caring for early tomatoes

Early tomato varieties are characterized by the speed of fruit ripening. On average, it takes 90-100 days from the moment the seeds are sown to fully ripen.

There are a large number of varieties of early tomato varieties. It is recommended to choose the one that will be able to adapt to certain conditions in each specific case.

The concept of “care” includes feeding, watering plants, ridding them of diseases and pests. Plant care must be constant and thorough; this will ensure high plant productivity.

Among the nuances regarding growing tomatoes are the following:

  • Early tomato varieties require attention to watering, especially when the fruit begins to ripen. If there is not enough moisture in the soil, this will cause leaf curling, loss of ovaries, and a small harvest. Therefore, from the beginning of the fruit ripening period, watering is increased more often, but it is done moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil;
  • The temperature regime when growing this type of tomato is also important. At low temperatures, tomatoes may stop growing and flowering, and at high temperatures, pollen viability is lost, which means the yield will be lower;
  • High air humidity leads to the risk of fungal diseases. This especially applies to early tomatoes that are grown in greenhouses and greenhouses - they more often than others require ventilation of the planting sites;
  • Plant feeding is carried out if the soil in which they are grown is poor in any element.

Even during the period of growing tomato seedlings, it must be supplied with phosphorus in sufficient quantities. Its deficiency will lead to delayed fruit ripening. Soil containing insufficient amounts of nitrogen will lead to weakening of plants and subsequent poor fruiting. Excess nitrogen also negatively affects tomatoes, delaying their development and fruit ripening. During the period of vegetative ripening, tomatoes really need potassium.

Potassium fertilizers are necessary for tomatoes to bear fruit well.

Preparing seeds before sowing

Regardless of what variety of tomatoes and method of growing them you have chosen, it is recommended to properly prepare the seeds for sowing. To do this, it is recommended to treat them with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This is done in order to prevent the future occurrence of infectious diseases.

After this, the seeds are sown in prepared containers to a depth of 2 cm and placed in a warm, ventilated room. After the first shoots appear, containers with seeds are placed in a place moderately illuminated by sunlight.

As the seedlings grow, they remove weak plants, and after a couple of true leaves appear, they are planted in separate pots or directly at the planting site.

Diving is one of the main conditions for future high yields of vegetables and resistance to diseases. After diving, the root system of the plant strengthens, becomes hardy and powerful

This is important for low-growing tomato varieties

Picking tomatoes can be done in the following ways:

  • transplantation method, when one plant is transplanted into new prepared soil;
  • transfer method, which means that a plant with the original soil is placed in a suitable container.

Grown tomato sprouts need to be plucked

Methods of growing and varieties of early ripening tomatoes

Conventionally, early tomato varieties are divided into the following types, which depend on the method of cultivation:

  • tomatoes grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse;
  • tomatoes grown outdoors;
  • tomatoes intended for growing on balconies or window sills (indoor tomatoes).

Greenhouse varieties

The following varieties of tomatoes are recommended for growing in greenhouses and hotbeds: “Sweet Bunch”, “Superstar”, “Greenhouse Precocious”, etc. After planting the plants, it is recommended to provide them with a constant temperature and moderate air humidity, and systematically ventilate the greenhouse.

Tomatoes of the “Sweet Bunch” variety are an early ripening variety and are characterized by:

  • used fresh, for decorating dishes, sealing jars, sweet tomato juice;
  • are characterized by resistance to unfavorable conditions, long-lasting and abundant fruiting;
  • planted at the rate of 4 plants per 1 sq.m.;
  • ripen in 95-100 days;
  • are highly resistant to diseases;
  • have a round shape;
  • tall, height reaches 2.5 m or more.

III. Semi-determinate varieties (tall in the greenhouse, medium in the ground)

Along with early varieties for open ground, there are many varieties of tomatoes that are good for growing in greenhouses.

golden brush

Among them is the “Golden Brush”. These are early tomatoes that begin to bear fruit 95-98 days after planting.

The fruits are small, weighing 20-30 g, and shaped like a pear. They are yellow in color and grow in small clusters.

Despite being difficult to care for, these tomatoes are popular due to their incredibly tasty, dense fruits.

Mandarin duck

The next variety is called Mandarin. It is indeterminate and vigorous. It needs to be pinched and tied up.

At the end of the season, it is recommended to pinch the growing point of the stem. The fruits of this variety weigh up to 100g, grow in clusters of up to 10 tomatoes, and are orange in color.

Variety “Sugar plum raspberry”

The “Raspberry Sugar Plum” variety is famous for its small but very pleasant-tasting fruits.

READ MORE: Perennial garden geranium 11 winter-hardy varieties with photos and names

Plantings need to be pinched and tied up; they usually reach a height of 102 - 140 cm.

The fruits are plum-shaped, very sweet, dense and, as the name suggests, have a crimson color.

They can be eaten fresh or canned.

Remembering the earliest varieties of tomatoes, one cannot help but mention “Greenhouse early ripening F1”.

It ripens in 90 days and forms large fruits, weighing 120 - 180 g. Plantings grow to a height of 70 cm.

The fruits have a round shape and the usual red color, universal in their purpose.


The Poznan variety is also an early ripening variety and is excellent for greenhouses.

It is an indeterminate racemose, the bushes are tall, reaching 190-200 cm. They also need staking and pinching.

The fruits are large, up to 120g, orange and round in shape.

F1 President

The next variety is “President F1”. This is a hybrid.

It is unusual in its semi-determination. Bushes most often have a height of about 70 cm; they must be pinched.

The fruits of the “President F1” variety are very large, can reach 170g, have an almost ideal round shape and scarlet color.

Due to their increased density, they are stored for a long time and can be used for seaming.

Sweet bunch

It is also worth remembering the “Sweet Bunch” variety.

It begins to bear fruit 90 - 100 days after planting. These tomatoes grow very tall from 250 cm.

The fruits are small, weighing 10–20 g, but very sweet. Up to 50 tomatoes can grow on one brush.


The “Superstar” variety, on the contrary, produces very large fruits, some of them weigh 250 g, and the average yield is 225 g.

The shape is round - flat and rich red in color. These tomatoes are very meaty, but nevertheless do not store very well. It is better to eat them fresh.


And the last greenhouse variety is “Trapeza”. The fruiting period begins on the 85th - 95th day. Plantings usually have a considerable height of 150 - 180 cm; they must be pinched and tied up, like the previous variety.

The fruits of these tomatoes are small, weighing a maximum of 20 g, and have an oblong oval shape. The color of tomatoes is red and has a multi-purpose purpose.

Greenhouses currently come in different varieties: based on a metal, polyvinyl chloride or wooden frame. In the latter case, it is necessary to disinfect the entire structure from fungi and various other pests. This can be done using a solution of sulfur or bleach, diluted in a certain proportion.

The treatment must be carried out within three days, only after that can the greenhouse be used to its fullest. The main thing in it is the soil, because the future harvest of tomatoes will depend on its quality. And the greenhouse soil is changed every five years. Fertilizers and fertilizing must be added to it.

Early ripening tomatoes have an advantage over many varieties due to accelerated fruiting. They are chosen by residents of northern latitudes and areas with a changeable climate, knowing that summers can be short and frosts can be unexpected.

However, residents of the central and southern parts of Russia can also plant early varieties in their gardens, providing their family with supplies of tomatoes already at the end of June - beginning of July.

For growing in a greenhouse, it is more profitable to purchase hybrid varieties that can produce a lot of yield even when planted in small quantities. Of course, there are difficulties in care, but they are justified by the advantages in the form of a large weight removed from the bush.

Barrel of honey

Is one of the largest. The weight of each tomato can reach more than 450 g. Depending on the region, the color of the fruit can vary from lemon to bright orange.

Among the advantages are: sweet pulp, reminiscent of melon, large, one might even say “huge” size, the ability to grow in every corner of the country, having a high-quality greenhouse.

Pink fig

Hybrid pink tomato with a ribbed surface. It has immunity from many diseases and withstands changeable precipitation and temperature fluctuations well. The weight of the fruit depends on the feeding.

In reviews on many forums, most amateurs advise fertilizing this variety with horse manure mixed with sawdust, potato peelings, and milk.

A lover of European varieties of vegetables will certainly like the work of American selection, which has developed a giant tomato, the weight of which reaches 700 g. The variety is new and has not yet taken root in our country.


Cherry tomatoes can be replaced with the “Cherry” variety, growing in the form of a bunch of grapes on one bush. The weight of each is miniature and does not always reach 18 g.

Our technology for growing tomatoes of different varieties is as follows. On our plot we allocate 6 long rows for tomatoes (including closed soil). On three of them, representatives of the best varieties of tomatoes, proven over the years, are grown (there are also tomatoes to choose from), guaranteeing a harvest according to the declared characteristics (regardless of the “delights” of the weather), and the other three are planted with new varieties, which are “considered” this way and that in during the above time. That seems to be it.

PS To make life easier for readers and reduce the time it takes to absorb the article, instead of determining the yield of vegetables in kg per 1 square meter, it will be written below - kg “per square”.

And now I am announcing the number of tomatoes tested in growing, presented below for your viewing, which can still be called the best - 60 varieties.

PS The results were recorded in an area that: with a good warm season, corresponds to the Central Black Earth region (region), and with a bad warm season, corresponds to the North-Western region. Naturally, this range of latitudes in which the above regions are located definitely includes Siberia, the Moscow region, the Middle Zone, the Urals, the Far East, and then figure out for yourself where exactly the paths lead to your site.

Bushes that do not stretch uncontrollably upward, but are capable of timely self-restraint, are very convenient to grow. At the same time, its respectable height determines excellent productivity indicators. Its versatility is also attractive: it can be planted anywhere. True, in open ground you will need supports, but not very high ones.

READ MORE: Tomato Em Champion: characteristics and description of the variety

Semi-determinate varieties, as a rule, are not too late, usually mid-early or mid-ripening. But you still need to step them up. In the open air, some varieties may require topping towards the end of the season (on average - early August). The standard height is from one to 1.5 (and a little higher) meters (this is observed in a greenhouse).

Tomato Eagle beak

Large, fast, productive

A wonderful variety in all respects. Created by the work of a team of famous Siberian breeders (V.N. Dederko, T.N. Postnikova, A.A. Yabrov). The variety has a state patent and has been listed in the register since 2005. Medium early in terms of ripening. The plant develops at a rapid pace: seedlings produce real leaves early and quickly grow ovaries.

Tomato Southern tan

The sweetest

The patented original variety of Dederko and Postnikova has been registered in the state register since 2007. Similar to the Golden Koenigsberg (of the same authors), which does not have a patent and is not included in the register. The powerful bush of the plant requires obligatory pinching. The harvest is high, 7.7 kg per bush was collected. Tomatoes are oval with a spout, smooth, weighing 150-170 g;

Sugary raspberry

Mid-season tomato with high adaptive abilities. Tolerant to diseases and temperature changes. But with sharp fluctuations in humidity and excess dampness in the soil, it can burst. However, on the other hand, regular watering is necessary. Responsive to any feeding. The fruits are an appetizing dark crimson color.

The watermelon pulp is sugary. The weight of tomatoes is from 290 to 560 grams and even more. The variety of these vegetables was included in the register in 2007. The bush is about 1.5 meters high, the leaves are large, dark green. The inflorescence is simple. It requires tying the plant to a support and pinching. The best results were obtained when forming a bush with 2 stems. The second trunk is the stepson, located below the first flower cluster. The remaining side shoots must be removed

Tomato Honey saved


Ultra-early ripening super-determinate variety (80-90 days) for open ground, balconies and home vegetable growing. Can be grown without seedlings. Plant height 25-30 cm; pinching and shaping are not required. The fruits weigh 20-25 g, are red, very sweet. The purpose is universal.

Of course, this review does not exhaust the abundance of early varieties of tomatoes on the market today. I hope you, friends, will supplement it with descriptions of the varieties that you grow in your garden or balcony.

Our publications will help you choose the right tomato varieties for your garden:

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