One of the best varieties of Altai selection - tomato “Biysk Rose” - description and care recommendations

Description of the variety

The fruits ripen 110-115 days after sowing the seeds, so the variety is considered mid-season. Plants have the following description:

  • The bushes grow 70-110 cm high and are usually quite spreading;
  • Inflorescences are simple;
  • Medium quantity of dark green leaves;
  • The fruits are very large (600 grams - 1 kg), their shape is round and slightly ribbed. The color is bright pink. The tomatoes are fleshy with a small amount of seeds, the skin is thin and when eaten raw it is not felt. The taste is sweet, the aroma is tomato.

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Biyskaya rose tomato is a determinate, medium-growing variety. Among the features of the bushes, the following signs are notable:

  • shoot height within 1 m;
  • strong root system;
  • moderate branching and foliage;
  • 3-5 tomatoes ripen per bunch.

Ripening time is average - 112-125 days from germination.

Fruit characteristics:

  • average weight 500-600 g;
  • fleshy, low-seeded pulp;
  • small ribbing at the stalk;
  • the taste is sweet with a slight sourness;
  • crimson color of skin and pulp.

A salad variety, used fresh. Used for preparing juices and assorted dishes.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

"Biysk rose" has many advantages:

  • Large size tomatoes;
  • Productivity;
  • Cold tolerance;
  • Great tomato taste.

There are several disadvantages:

  • The bushes need support due to the large weight of the fruit;
  • Poor resistance to tomato diseases;
  • Not capable of long-term storage;
  • The spreading nature of the bushes does not allow placing more than 3 bushes on one square meter.


Brief information about tomato

The characteristics and description of the Biysk rose variety are as follows:

  1. The bushes of these tomatoes can grow up to 100-110 cm (Biysk rose grows up to 0.75 m). But we must take into account that when grown in a greenhouse or in open fertile soil, the plant can be up to 150-180 cm.
  2. From germination of seedlings to the receipt of the first fruits, no more than 110-120 days pass.
  3. The bushes of this variety grow strongly, so the plants should be planted as far apart as possible.
  4. Tomatoes of this variety have a large mass. Most often it is possible to collect fruits weighing 0.4-0.5 kg.
  5. The skin of the fruit is quite soft, the color is red. There are practically no seeds inside the tomato, and its pulp is tender and slightly sweet.

Photos of the fruits of the Biysk rose can be seen in agricultural reference books. The yield of the variety is quite high for small bushes. It reaches 5 kg per bush when grown in a greenhouse, since it most often grows from 5 to 10 fruits. Some farmers managed to get tomatoes weighing from 0.8 to 1.2 kg, but such cases are quite rare. If a tomato is grown in open ground, then up to 6 fruits can develop on a bush.

Reviews about this variety are positive, but gardeners note the fact that despite the low-growing bushes, they have to support the stems due to the large mass of fruits. Although Biysk rose is not a hybrid variety, it is not resistant to various garden pests and diseases.

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Farmers complain about the low resistance of plants of the described type to fungal or viral infection. Not only the adult bush gets sick; seedlings of this variety are also susceptible to various diseases.

Most often, the Biysk rose tomato suffers from late blight, so it is necessary to take preventive measures against this disease even at the moment when the seedlings are planted in the ground.

Growing tomatoes

How to prepare seeds?

To know exactly which seeds will sprout and which will not, you need to sort them. To do this, the seed material is immersed in a glass of warm salted water (1 tablespoon of salt). Within 20 minutes, dry seeds unsuitable for sowing will float to the surface of the liquid.

When the shifts have been sorted, you can begin to prevent fungal diseases:

  1. Disinfection. The procedure involves soaking the seeds in a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution. Spend no more than 10 minutes, otherwise the seeds will spoil.
  2. Heat treatment. The seeds are placed on a baking sheet and placed in an oven preheated to 50 C. It stays there for no more than two hours, and the seeds need to be stirred periodically.
  3. Bioactivation. To increase the immunity of seedlings, it is advisable to place the seed material in aloe juice for 12 hours.

Sowing seed material

To sow, you need to take small pots and prepare the soil. You can buy soil at an agricultural store, or you can also make it yourself (mix garden soil, peat, sand and humus).

ATTENTION : Whatever soil is chosen, it must be roasted in the oven for disinfection.

The pots filled with soil should be watered abundantly, and then the seeds should be sown into the soil, no more than 2 cm deep. Sprinkle peat on top and cover with cellophane film until the first sprouts appear.

When the seeds hatch, the film must be removed and the containers placed in a bright place with an ambient temperature of 25 C.

When the first leaves appear, the seedlings are picked. It is also important to fertilize young plants every two weeks. But the most important thing is to harden the plants in the fresh air before planting them in a permanent place.

Rules for planting seedlings

The seedlings are transplanted in mid-May. To do this, you need to dig holes and be sure to disinfect them with boiling water. There should be no more than three holes per square meter, since the bushes are spreading and will interfere with each other if planted closely.

Then the plants are taken out of the pots and placed at the bottom of the holes. Cover the roots and moisten abundantly.

Features of cultivation and storage

The variety successfully bears fruit in open areas and when planted in greenhouses in temperate northern zones.

The period of transplantation to a permanent place is 60 days; no more than 4-5 bushes are placed per 1 m2.

How to get a big harvest, subtleties of care:

  • formation of 2-3 stems;
  • watering 2-3 times a week under the roots with settled water;
  • garter to strong supports;
  • mulching with a layer of 10 cm, straw and hay as mulch.

Ripe tomatoes are stored for no longer than 2-3 weeks and processed into juices, pastes, and ketchups.

Main characteristics and description of tomatoes of the Biysky Rozan variety

One of the latest developments in Siberian agriculture. The variety is mid-season, ripening period 110-120 days, determinant (limited growth), medium-sized. The advantage of determinants over tall varieties is that they are unpretentious to grow and require minimal effort in care.

Designed in accordance with the climatic conditions of Siberia, cold-resistant.

It is grown both in open ground, in the southern regions, and in greenhouses or under film covers in mid-latitudes.

Features of cultivation and care of the variety

  • Seeds for seedlings are sown in mid-March from the 10th to the 22nd. If you sow seeds ahead of schedule, the seedlings may stretch out, turn out weak, have difficulty adapting to a new place, or even die. If sowed late, small seedlings may not take root. Before planting, the seeds are treated with biological preparations such as Fitosporin.

After sowing, the seeds are well watered, covered with film and placed in a dark, warm place with a temperature of about 25 degrees. Then, when the shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are moved to a bright place.

  • In the phase of 1-2 leaves, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into a large container. Then place the box of tomatoes in the shade for about one week.

When watering small seedlings, do not over-moisten the soil; after the 5th leaf appears, you can increase watering.

Tomato sprouts need hardening; a week before planting, take the plants out to the balcony or enclosed terrace.

  • At the age of 60-65 days, when the sprouts already have 6-7 true leaves and at least one flowering branch, the tomatoes are planted in open or protected ground.

When arranging tomatoes of this variety, you need to take into account that they grow strongly, so per 1 sq.m. Land should not be planted with more than 2 plants.

  • The fruits of this variety reach full maturity 110-120 days after emergence. This period is the growing season of plants.

Water the plantings with warm water, without waterlogging; when the fruits begin to form, the plant will require an increase in the amount of watering.

  • After 3 weeks after transplantation, the plant is fed with organic fertilizer of the “Ideal” type, containing potassium, since if there is a lack of potassium, yellow spots form on the fruits.

In order for nutrients to reach the plant faster after fertilizing, it is necessary to loosen the soil and mulch it.

Description of the plant

Tomato bushes of this variety are low-growing, strong, plant height is from 70-110 cm, the bush contains a large number of ovaries. When grown, a trunk of 2-3 stems is formed. Despite its short stature, the tomato should be tied to a support and pinched, so it grows strongly.

If pinching is not carried out in time, then all the minerals obtained by the tomato will be spent on the development of the bush and leaves. The plant will have many fruits, but small ones that will not have time to ripen.

Description of fruits

This variety is highly valued by pink tomato lovers for its high taste. Ripe fruits are bright pink in color, beautiful, fruit weight ranges from 200-600 grams. However, there were specimens weighing about 800 grams. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flat, with slight ribbing. The tomatoes taste sweet, the flesh is “fleshy” with a small content of seeds inside, and the cut is incredibly juicy.


The variety has high productivity. In greenhouses with 1 sq.m. About 5 kg of tomatoes are harvested; in open ground the yield is slightly reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

  • short stature and precociousness;
  • large fruits;
  • excellent taste;
  • high productivity;
  • attractive appearance.
  • requires frequent pinching
  • soft fruits are damaged during transportation

Disease resistance

The variety is considered disease resistant, but is susceptible to late blight, like most nightshade crops. The appearance of late blight is promoted by cold weather and increased humidity of the soil and climate.

Main use of the variety

The purpose of the variety is mainly salad, but it is successfully used for canning slices and whole fruits. It is extremely good fresh and sliced, but is also suitable for making tomato paste, ketchup and juices.


The bush is low, with an average ripening period. The tomatoes themselves are flat-round, very beautiful, perfectly even, large, mine weighed 300-400 grams, and there are a lot of them on the bush. I liked the variety and the keeping quality is good.

I liked Biysk rose more than the tomato with the similar name Biysk rose, although they say that they are similar. The difference was that it ripened much earlier, the fruits were all so smooth, even, and tasted wonderful.

Experienced tomato lovers living in the south of Russia can grow any variety of tomatoes. But we live in Siberia and grow different varieties, mainly of Siberian selection. And the new agro variety has been developed just perfectly for our conditions. This sturdy plant does not cause much trouble, and pleases with its productivity in our far from mild climate.

Reviews of tomato Biysk rozan

Farmers and gardeners note the fleshiness and massiveness of the fruits, their sweetness and visual attractiveness. And even a beginner can grow this variety. The fruits ripen smooth, even and shiny, with excellent taste, as noted by clients of our website. Good keeping quality and abundant fruiting can also be considered the main advantages of this variety. Although you shouldn’t store tomatoes for a long time - they should either be eaten or preserved. The Biysk Rozan tomato variety can be used to make tomato paste or ketchup.

The only “disadvantages” include the impossibility of whole-fruit canning and the need for frequent pinching. Many note that initially they did not see the difference between Biysk rose and Biysk rose. These varieties are indeed very similar, including in appearance, but Biysk rosan ripens many times faster.

To obtain tasty and beautiful fruits, it is important to purchase high-quality seeds. This can be done on the Royal Garden website. We sell seeds of the best varieties of tomatoes, peppers and melons. And the quality of our products is confirmed by reviews from our customers - many of them are regular customers. Thanks to the simple interface of the site, you can select tomato seeds by bush type, ripening speed, color, shape and size of the fruit.

How to grow tomatoes of the Biysk rose variety?

Seeds for seedlings are sown in mid-March on lightly compacted soil. Mulching the soil is done with peat, and if it is not available, then with a layer of soil no more than 1-1.5 cm deep.

There are a great variety of large pink tomatoes. Among them, the hybrid “Biysk Rose” stands out. And what is its characteristic and what advantages and disadvantages it has, you can find out from this article. Growing and caring for bushes is also described.

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Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes grow large, with an approximate weight of about half a kilogram. The skin is soft, while eating it practically does not attract attention to itself, and its color is unusually bright. There are no seeds inside, the flesh is tender. It tastes sweet and sugary. It is better not to store tomatoes of this variety for a long time; they are great for eating right away. They are also suitable for making tomato juice.

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The productivity of the variety is high. From each bush you can get 5-6 tomatoes. This is a good indicator for a small bush. This yield satisfies every gardener who produces tomatoes of this variety.

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