Description of the tomato variety Aysan and its characteristics

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomatoes of the Aisan F1 variety were bred by breeders from Japan. Seed material is supplied by Kitano Seeds.

This tomato variety has a good immune system. It grows and bears fruit in a greenhouse and in an open area. The Aisan bush is determinate, its height is no more than a meter. The growing season is approximately 80-95 days.

Tomatoes do not need additional support or garters. The Aisan variety forms independently, so there is no need to remove the stepsons and lower leaves.

The lush tops of the bushes protect the fruits from sunburn. 4-5 fruits ripen on one cluster. There are 6-7 brushes on the bush. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 250 g. They have a pronounced yellow-orange color. The Aisan tomato tastes like sugar, without sourness. The fruits are round in shape, fleshy inside, juicy with dense and delicate skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the Aysan variety:

  • Thanks to their delicate but dense peel, they are perfectly stored and do not crack during transportation.
  • High yield.
  • Small bush.
  • This variety does not need to be tied up.
  • Meaty and rich flesh.
  • There is no need to shoot or tear off the lower leaves.
  • Resistant to fusarium, verticillium and mosaic.

Yellow tomatoes have a very small amount of lycopene, so they can be eaten by children and people who are allergic to red tomatoes.


  • Requires frequent watering.
  • Due to the lush tops, the distance between plantings should be large. This means that this variety will take up more space on the site.

Advantages of the hybrid "Aysan F1"

Reviews and product qualities of the hybrid are excellent:

  • excellent taste;
  • attractive appearance;
  • fruits of standard size;
  • The fruits are shelf-stable, do not wrinkle or crack during transportation or on the bush.

The combination of these qualities of the variety makes it attractive for vegetable growers to grow “Aysan F1” both for themselves and for sale. These tomatoes are a very popular product on the market.

Yellow tomatoes have virtually no lycopene, which allows them to be consumed by small children, as well as by patients with allergies to red tomatoes.

See also

Description of the Jaguar tomato variety, cultivation and yield Read

Yellow tomatoes are rich in B vitamins, they contain more vitamin C than red tomatoes, as well as many useful microelements. Such tomatoes have a great effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, and also improve the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Such tomatoes are very useful, both raw and thermally processed. Heat treatment increases the amount of vitamin C in tomatoes.

Diseases and pests

The tomato is not immune to all diseases. It can be affected by brown spot, blossom end rot, and Alternaria blight. Symptoms of the presence of diseases are the appearance of spots on the leaves, their wilting and falling.

In order to prevent brown spot, the bushes are treated with garlic infusion once a month (crushed garlic (40g) is infused in water (10 l) for a couple of days. You can treat it with celandine (0.5 kg of grass per 10 l of water) with the addition of potassium permanganate. From fungicides are used by the following preparations: Antrakol, Consento and Tattu.

Treatment of plant leaves with a solution of calcium chloride (0.2%) will save you from blossom end rot. Prevention - adding calcium to the soil, avoiding excess nitrogen.

Alternaria blight is treated with fungicides: Infinito, Kuproxat. For preventative purposes, it is necessary to remove weeds, fallen leaves and mown grass from the garden. The soil must be loosened and the seeds disinfected before sowing.

The Aisan tomato is attacked by insect pests: whitefly, Colorado potato beetle, spider mite, rust mite, mole cricket, aphid, nematode and wireworm. It is necessary to regularly treat the bushes with folk remedies or insecticides.

Growing seedlings

There are two ways to grow seedlings: soak the seeds in advance and germinate them, or sow them directly into the ground.

Planting tomato seeds

Soil is poured into the pre-treated container. Place one seed at a time in even rows on top and sprinkle with a layer of soil. Water the seeds immediately with warm water from a spray bottle.

Seeds cannot be sown in a heap. Thus, the seeds that hatch later will lag behind in growth, and the germinated ones, on the contrary, will begin to stretch out.


The procedure involves transplanting seedlings from a common container into different pots. Tomatoes peak after 3-4 true leaves appear. The container must be at least 15 cm in height and 8 cm in diameter.

It is not recommended to plant tomatoes in polyvinyl chloride glasses - they contain toxic substances.

An hour before picking, the seedlings must be watered abundantly. This is necessary so that the roots are not damaged during transplantation.

Soil preparation

To grow good and strong Aysan tomato seedlings, the soil must be nutritious and loose. You can purchase ready-made soil for tomatoes or peppers or make it yourself.

It is better to give preference to soil mixtures containing peat. When preparing the soil yourself for Aisan tomatoes, take turf soil (3 parts), rotted manure (1 part), and peat (2 parts).

Planting in open ground

It is necessary to plant seedlings in open ground when the ground has warmed up well and there is stable warm weather. The optimal period is the end of May, when the threat of frost has passed. Before planting, you need to dig up, loosen the soil and remove weeds along with the roots.

Each bush is planted in a separate hole. Tomatoes have very lush foliage, so the distance between bushes should be at least 50 cm, and between beds 1.5 meters.

An hour before planting, the hole should be spilled with 1 liter of water. Before planting, add a handful of wood ash and rotted manure into the hole. After planting, the bushes are watered with warm water at the root. For one bush - 1.5 liters of warm water.


Tomatoes should not be overwatered, but overdried soil can destroy the plants. In the first 14 days after planting, the bushes are watered 2 times a day - early in the morning (1.5 liters) and in the evening (1 liter).

To increase the yield of Aisan tomato, it is better to water it by drip. Then it is watered only in the evening, 1.5 liters per bush.

Top dressing

Without fertilizers, the tomato will develop much worse and bear less fruit. The Aisan variety responds well to rotted manure. The first fertilizing is applied 10 days after transplanting into open ground at the rate of 150 grams per 1 hole. In the evening after watering. Then they are fertilized in the same amount every 2 weeks after watering.

Yellow tomatoes require the gardener's attention, timely watering and fertilizing. Unfortunately, the variety is often attacked by pests, so prevention is a mandatory measure of plant care.

Description of the tomato variety Tmae 683 f1 new from Japan

Early tomatoes are often grown by many gardeners. Tomato "Tmae 683" f1 is a hybrid, therefore stronger and more unpretentious. Country of origin: Japan.

What is the variety

To get a complete picture of the type of tomato that will be grown on the site, you need to study its characteristics.


  • Bush: determinate.
  • Stem: powerful.
  • Height: 60–110 cm.
  • Ripening time: 90–95 days


  • Shape: flat-round.
  • Color: red.
  • Weight: 175–210 g.
  • Number of cameras: 4–6 pcs.
  • Density: high.
  • Transportability: good.
  • Shelf life: 1.5–2 months.
  • Presentation: excellent.

Planting and care

Tomato seeds for seedlings are sown two months before planting in the ground. After the appearance of 1 true leaf, the seedlings dive. This is necessary so that the tomatoes can more easily take root in their permanent location.

It is recommended to harden tomatoes 10 days before transplanting. Take them outside and leave them for 20 minutes first, then gradually increase to 8 hours.

The plant needs to be tied to supports.

Planted in open ground at the end of May. The distance between plants is 40–50 cm, between rows 60 cm. Thus, 4 to 6 plants are placed per 1 m2.

Further agrotechnical techniques are the same as for growing other varieties. Be sure to feed with complex fertilizers at least 2 times per season.

Disease susceptibility

Tomatoes "Tmae 683" f1 are a hybrid variety. Therefore, it is immune to certain diseases. Such as:

  • Late blight.
  • Fusarium.
  • Verticillium wilt.
  • TMV, tobacco mosaic virus.

Harvest volume and application

If all the requirements and rules for planting tomatoes are met, one bush can grow 1–1.5 kg of vegetables. And 1 m2 gives from 3 to 5 kg of yield.

The new product has not yet received wide distribution. But those who grew this tomato variety talk about its versatility. It goes well in early summer salads. It is also widely used in home canning. Suitable for processing into tomato paste, juices and much more.

Positive and negative aspects of the variety

Any tomatoes have pros and cons. Their number determines whether the species will be successful or lost among its own kind.


  • Unpretentiousness.
  • Versatility.
  • Immunity to certain diseases.
  • The fruits do not crack, are well stored, and retain excellent presentation when transported over long distances.
  • Early maturation.


Seeds collected independently do not retain the parental genes.

Opinions of summer residents regarding tomatoes "Tmae 683"

Often, a lot of information about tomatoes can be obtained by reading reviews from summer residents. Many share their impressions, ideas, or simply give valuable advice on growing.

Hybrid varieties are liked by many summer residents because they are more resistant to diseases and less demanding on weather conditions. As a result, there is always a harvest.

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