A reliable friend of many gardeners - the Otradny tomato: description of the variety and care features

Among the huge number of tomatoes, there are some that are increasingly popular with gardeners year after year. Otradny is one of them. The variety was registered in the State Register back in 1984, but even now it is one of the favorites for many gardeners.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortOpen groundUltra earlyRedsSmallVarietyRound

Plant characteristics

The plant of this variety is determinate. The bushes are not wide and low. The average height of the plant is 45 centimeters, so it does not require staking or pinching. Otradny tomatoes are immune and do not require special care. Due to its early ripeness, the plant does not suffer from late blight. The plant produces fruits already on the 92nd day, therefore it is considered ultra-early ripening. The tomato has simple inflorescences, a medium-sized leaf, corrugated and medium-dissected.

Tomato Otradny

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Otradny, reviews, photos

Early ripening (92-102 days from germination to ripening), determinate, low-growing tomato variety for open ground.
The plant is standard, weakly branched, medium-leafed, 35-45 cm high, and does not require pinching. The leaf is medium-sized, medium-dissected, green, corrugated. The inflorescence is simple, there are 5-7 flowers in the inflorescence. The first inflorescence is laid above the 6th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 1 leaf.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round, glossy, red in color at maturity, weighing 50-70 grams, good taste. Not prone to cracking. These tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, canning, and preparing tomato products.

Advantages of the variety : cold resistance, resistance to temperature changes, smooth ripening. Thanks to its early ripening, the variety “escapes” late blight.

The Otradny tomato is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in the North-Western, Central, Volga-Vyatka, and West Siberian regions for cultivation in open ground.

Originator : VNIISSOK.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

Sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings is carried out 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 6 plants per meter of plot. Planting pattern 70 x 30 - 40 cm.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew tomatoes of the Otradny variety, please write what the yield and taste of the fruit was in your climatic conditions. Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual tomatoes to your review. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Otradny tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

How is sowing done?

Before planting the seeds, they must be treated with a weak solution of manganese. Prepare fertilized soil. It can be fertilized with peat or humus. Seeds should be planted to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. After the seedlings appear, they are planted at the size of two true leaves. Seedlings are planted in open ground when they are 2 months old. First, it is recommended to harden the plant and take it out into the open air for a couple of hours.

See also

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Paul RobsonRead

The bushes are small, on average there are 6-8 plants per 1 square meter. Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is recommended to treat the soil with manganese to temporarily get rid of fungus and pests. Care consists of regular watering, loosening the soil and periodically feeding the plant.

Characteristics and description of the Otradny tomato

The Otradny tomato will become a real joy (pardon the pun) and pride in your garden. The variety was developed at the Russian Research Institute for Selection and Seed Production of Vegetable Crops.

The tomato immediately gained recognition among gardeners, and remains popular to this day.

Description and characteristics

The variety is early ripening; 92-102 days should pass from germination of planting material to technical ripeness. Plants grow standard and have moderate foliage. The leaves are corrugated, medium-sized, tomato-type. The first inflorescence appears above the sixth leaf, 5-6 fruits are tied in one brush.

The smooth and shiny fruits are small, 50-70 grams. The shape of the vegetables is round, ripe tomatoes are bright red. The pulp is juicy, there are a small number of seeds. The tomato taste is excellent. You can place 6-8 bushes on one square meter. The yield, provided the given number of plants is planted, is 2.5-5 kilograms. The grown fruits are used in whole-fruit canning and processing into various tomato products.

The variety is resistant to various climatic changes, as well as diseases. According to the State Register of Russia, it is recommended to cultivate it:

  • West Siberian region;
  • North-West region;
  • Central region of the country;
  • Volga-Vyatka region.

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato

The variety was bred specifically for growing in different climatic conditions, which gives the tomato a great advantage. Let's look at what positive features the breeders endowed the tomato with:

  • excellent taste of the fruit;
  • the tomato does not crack;
  • cold-resistant;
  • The fruits ripen at the same time, you can immediately preserve them;
  • The variety is resistant to various diseases;
  • The use of tomatoes is universal.

No deficiencies were identified in the variety.

Growing tomatoes outdoors

You need to start preparing seeds for sowing at least a week in advance. Step-by-step process of planting and growing tomatoes in open ground:


Igor, 37 years old.

My friend has been planting the Otradny tomato for several years. I have been watching this variety for several years and during all this time I have seen that the variety produces a very good harvest. To calm down, I read reviews and descriptions of the variety, characteristics on the Internet and decided to grow tomatoes at home. I haven't been overjoyed for several years now. The tomatoes are all beautiful, identical and with an interesting sweet and sour taste. This is my favorite tomato. I recommend

Irina, 48 years old.

I used to plant tomatoes, and out of all the crops I planted, something was missing. I couldn't come to a common denominator. Either the bushes need to be tied up, or the yield is small, or the ripening time is not satisfactory. I am satisfied with everything about this variety, I am very pleased. I recommend to all. Thanks to the breeders.

Mid-ripening black tomatoes

These varieties are suitable for cultivation in the south, as well as for greenhouse cultivation in the central regions of the country, the European North, and the Urals.


Almost 10 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter without much hassle by gardeners who have planted this productive variety. Tomato is valued for the following properties:

  • resistant to major tomato diseases;
  • excellent taste (sweet, with aroma);
  • unpretentiousness.

The formation of a plant is mandatory, preferably 1-2 trunks. Tomatoes are distinguished by dense pulp and an original brownish-red color. By weight - no more than 120 grams. Suitable for salads, tasty in sauces and juices.

Note! The fruits contain substances that give tomatoes aphrodisiac properties.

Black pear

Among black tomatoes there are many varieties with pear-shaped fruits. One of them is the mid-season tomato Black Pear, characterized by large stem growth and productivity.

Tomatoes are pear-shaped, with glossy skin, burgundy color. The fruits are small in weight, 60-80 grams, so they are suitable for whole-fruit preservation.

Delicious fresh, ideal for slicing into salads. The taste is sweetish and pleasant. The “advantages” of the variety include excellent keeping quality and the ability to transport grown products over long distances.

Marshmallows in chocolate

The original name only confirms the taste of the fruits of this variety: sweet, with a complete absence of sourness. The tomatoes are round, interesting brown-red color with streaks. Weight – 150 grams.

In terms of ripening time, the variety is suitable for all climatic zones; it manages to ripen in greenhouses even in the regions of the North-West, in the Urals. They are formed into two stems; be sure to place supports during the period of fruit formation. Strengths of tomato: high yield, resistance to infections. The fruits do not crack and retain their color and taste for a long time during storage.

Striped chocolate

This variety has settled in the greenhouses of many summer residents. They note its sweetness, beautiful appearance of the fruit, and good yield.

Tomatoes will ripen in 110-115 days, but the exact timing depends on care and climatic conditions. Forms tall bushes (over 2 meters), compact, not too spreading.

The fruits are round and fleshy. The color is combined: on a brown-red background there are numerous vertical stripes of dark green color. Weight – from 350 to 500 grams. The main purpose is salads, juices, pastas, sauces. The variety is rare, so many summer residents collect their seeds for sowing.

Paul Robson

The interestingly colored fruits of the tomato with the original name Paul Robson are brown-red with a beautiful chocolate tint. They weigh 250-300 grams and are used for salads.

A variety from the group of indeterminate tomatoes, it grows up to 1.8 meters. Spreading is moderate, but the powerful trunk and side branches need support.

The tomatoes are tasty, sugary, with a pleasant tomato aroma. Indet requires standard agricultural technology and disease prevention.

Black Prince

Not as productive, but a tasty and original-colored tomato variety. The plants are large, powerful, forming a single trunk. When grown in two stems, the fruits begin to reach the maturity stage later and become smaller.

Tomatoes are round in shape and brownish-red when fully ripe. The weight is usually 250-300 grams, but the fruits on the upper tier are smaller.

The taste of ripe tomatoes is “excellent”. The variety is mainly grown for its taste. They collect an average of 2.5-3 kg per bush.

Black Baron

A large-fruited dark tomato ripens in 120-122 days. Planted on ridges in a greenhouse. In shelters it grows to almost two meters, in the ground in the open air - no more than 1.5 meters. The bushes are spreading and require support and garter.

Forms appetizing dark cherry, almost black fruits. Each weight is 170-270 grams. Inside there is juicy, very fleshy pulp. There are many small seeds in the chambers.

These tomatoes are grown for fresh consumption, and the fruits are also processed into sauces and pastes.

Note! Juices and sauces made from black tomatoes have an unusual rich brown color.

The most productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground

The most productive of early tomato varieties


In addition to consistently high yields, the advantage of this variety is its excellent taste and good tolerance to bad weather conditions. A strong bush up to 80 cm high does not need pinching.

Snow Leopard

It tolerates bad weather well, so it is quite suitable for growing outdoors in relatively cold regions. Although the bush does not grow higher than 60 cm, it needs support. The main advantage of the Snow Leopard tomato variety is its fleshy, juicy and pleasantly sweet fruits.


A special feature of this hybrid is the ability to form numerous ovaries at high temperatures. Low bushes (up to half a meter) do not require support or intervention in the formation of stepsons and produce a huge variety of small fruits with a pleasant taste and excellent preservation during long-term storage and transportation.

Harvest tomato variety Asvon

Eternal Call


This hybrid, which joined the list called “the most productive varieties of tomatoes for open ground,” has elongated fruits with a sharp nose. The plant is short, cold-resistant and disease-resistant. It is advisable to form 3-4 stems.

Little Red Riding Hood

The variety is characterized by small compact bushes with pleasant-tasting fruits. Gardeners respect this tomato for its resistance to many diseases.

Little Red Riding Hood - a successful hybrid for open ground


Although the plant reaches a height of no more than 50 cm, it is not powerful enough to grow without support. A particularly large number of small tomatoes are obtained not only due to the high yield, but also because they can be planted much denser than usual.


Its large fruits are valued for their excellent taste, which will complement any fresh salad. Thanks to its resistance to disease, the love for it among summer residents increases even more. Jelimber is not suitable for those who do not like to bother with gartering and pinching.


Gardeners love these half-meter bushes because they are extremely rarely infected with late blight, produce very tasty and high-quality medium-sized fruits and do not need to break off the shoots.

High-yielding tomato variety for open ground Dubok



The real mystery is how it is possible to get so many fruits from such small bushes (about 40 cm) with such minimal care. The Riddle tomato variety tolerates lack of light well and is not susceptible to pathogens of many diseases.


This variety is not just productive, it is super productive! In combination with low bushes that do not require pinching, and quite tasty fruits, the variety becomes truly unique.

Tomato Kozatsky - super productive


A disease-resistant hybrid with little care requirements. No matter how the summer turns out, you are guaranteed to have plenty of tomatoes.

New from Transnistria


A low plant with small fruits of pleasant taste. Care is simplified in that there is no need to form a bush. It is protected from certain diseases. The fruits ripen at the same time and are stored well.

Tomato Liana is very easy to grow in open ground

King of the Early

This hybrid is valued by vegetable growers because it combines two features: short stature and large fruit.

Beauty of Kurgan

The oval fruits of this variety are excellent when pickled. The bush grows quite tall - up to 1.5 m, and therefore you need to think about how to support it. It is not necessary to stepchild the Beauty of the Kurgan.


Tomato Nastenka has high commercial qualities


Real success will be achieved by those who undertake to grow this variety in open ground. Its fruits are small and quite tasty; the bush is standard and does not require pinching.


Main advantages: disease resistance, cold resistance, ease of care. Standard bush, up to 35 cm tall.


If you want to get yellow fruits with a pleasant sweet taste, then choose this variety of tomatoes. The bushes grow up to 1 m and need staking.

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