Tomato Raspberry Flame F1 - description and advantages of a great new product

Farmers do not miss the bright red tomatoes with the neat shape of the cream. This category includes Flame agro, a versatile and easy-to-grow variety. It stands out for its colorful appearance and excellent taste of ripe tomatoes.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Characteristics of the variety

Tomato Flame is a variety of standard tomatoes.
The bush of the plant has a strong, erect trunk that grows in height no more than 0.5-0.6 m. The stems of the plant are strong. The leaves are dark green in color, medium in size, and relatively densely planted on the stems. A neat bush does not require the removal of excess shoots. The difference between this variety is its tolerance to lack of light and temperature changes. However, according to experienced gardeners, planting a plant requires carefully choosing a place. The choice should be made in favor of a semi-shaded place that does not have drafts.

The Flame variety can be grown both in open soil and in greenhouse conditions.

Before planting, it is important that the soil is nutritious and well-moistened.

Tomato Flame agro

But the ideal predecessors are: cucumbers, green onions, as well as root vegetables and plants of the legume and cereal family. These species do not deplete the soil as much.

It is important to note! When deciding to plant tomatoes in a place where potatoes, tomatoes or peppers were previously grown, the risk of shoot diseases increases. Since these species are related, they are predisposed to similar diseases and pests

Description of the inflorescence

The inflorescence of a tomato is ordinary, it is formed approximately above the 9th leaf. The next ones appear after 2-3 sheets. Each inflorescence contains 5 flowers. The variety is early ripening, so fruit ripening occurs early, after about 80-95 days.

Fruit characteristics

  • The presence of juicy pulp with a small number of seeds is a distinctive feature of this type of tomato;
  • The fruit of this variety is most often round in shape;
  • The length of a tomato, on average, reaches 10-13 cm;
  • The fruit size is small, average weight is from 65-80 g;
  • The peel has no roughness, it is shiny and has slight ribbing;
  • The high strength of the peel perfectly protects the fruit from cracking and at the same time retains its juiciness well. However, it is not tough and can be easily removed from the tomato;
  • High yield - from 1 m2 you can easily harvest 4-5 kg ​​of tomato.

Under the right conditions, tomatoes will last for approximately 3 to 4 weeks. The main thing is that there are no drafts or moisture in the room, and that the temperature does not exceed 18°C. Also, this type of tomato can be easily transported over long distances.

As for taste, the Fire tomato has aromatic and rich fruits that are perfect for salads, everyday dishes, as well as in the preparation of tomato juices and whole preserves.

Disease resistance

The plant has relative resistance to septoria, late blight and macrosporiosis.

However, the variety is quite susceptible to diseases such as cladosporiosis and black bacterial spot.

Resistant to late blight

Features of cultivation and storage

Cultivation is carried out by seedling method. Sowing is recommended to be done in the first or second ten days of April. The process of planting and caring for seedlings is standard and does not differ significantly from generally accepted agricultural cultivation techniques. When planting, experts recommend following the dates of the lunar calendar, which provides guidance for choosing the most favorable days for planting.

To prevent the formation of excess green mass, periodic work to remove stepsons is necessary. If they are removed incorrectly or insufficiently, the plant will experience a lack of nutrients, and the bulk of them will be directed to the formation of leaves, and not to the formation of fruits.

The advantage of growing this variety is its good tolerance to temperature changes and prolonged rains. Tomato productivity indicators practically do not decrease under difficult climatic conditions. Experienced gardeners note the plant’s good immunity to tomato diseases. The plant needs regular watering, loosening and feeding with mineral complexes.

Tomato Slavyanka is a variety of pink tomatoes with a determinant growth rate. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for garden plots, household plots and small farms for cultivation under film covers. This type of tomatoes is suitable both for use in preparing salads and for whole-fruit canning.

Seeds collected independently in the fall must be properly preserved to prevent spoilage. And before planting, place in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse with plain water.

Seed material is sown from the first days of April. Sowing pattern: 4 cm by 4 cm, depth 1.5 cm. Peat and sand are added to the soil, everything is mixed and laid out in containers. The seeds are placed in containers with soil and deepened a little. Water the soil carefully so that the seeds do not rise to the surface, then lightly compact the soil.

Tip: pre-soaked seeds will germinate much faster.

The emerged sprouts are transplanted into individual containers after the third leaf appears on the plant. Before transferring the seedlings to the garden, harden the seedlings for two weeks in a cool place; the temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees.

50 days after sowing, the seedlings are placed in open soil. By this time, one planting unit will have at least 7 strong leaves and one flower ovary, and the height of one plant will reach approximately 30 cm. The seedlings should have a green color, without yellowness, and a healthy appearance.

Mineral fertilizer, compost, peat, sand, and humus are poured into pre-prepared holes. Mix everything with soil to prevent burns to the roots and water with 1 liter of water.

To form bushes into one stem, overgrown stepsons of 3 cm or more are removed. It's better to do this in the morning. Without pinching, the plant will grow and the yield will drop.

In order for tomatoes to delight you with an abundance of harvest and large, tasty fruits, you need to follow the rules of care.

  • As the bushes grow, it is necessary to garter.
  • Remove lower foliage to allow the plant to grow unhindered and prevent disease. Remove 2-3 leaves once a week.
  • Timely watering.
  • In greenhouses the temperature is no higher than 22 degrees. During the process of fruit ripening, raise the temperature to 30 degrees. At a temperature of 15 degrees, flowering stops.
  • Weed removal.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Apply two organic fertilizers per season.
  • If it is necessary to spray tomatoes, do it in the morning or evening.

The frost-resistant, mid-season tomato Slavyanin was created by breeders of the West Siberian Experimental Station. A distinctive feature of the variety is its pink-colored, pear-shaped fruits. Pink-fruited tomatoes have excellent taste and are traditionally classified as salad varieties. But the Slavic tomato is a pleasant exception, due to its ability to ripen in open ground, forming sweet, beautiful fruits of universal use.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with the characteristics and features of caring for the Slavyanin variety, as gardeners evaluate the tomato.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyFlat-round

Description of the tomato variety Cetus pink, its characteristics and yield

The pink Cetus tomato is the development of Italian breeders, but in a short time it has become popular in Russia. Thanks to its strong survival qualities, today the variety is grown in various Russian regions. When breeding an indeterminate species, the goal was to combine excellent taste characteristics and high yields. The advantages of the new type are:

  • high yield;
  • rich tomato taste, which compares favorably with most traditional types;
  • early fruit ripening;
  • resistance to major tomato diseases;
  • ability to withstand low temperatures and heat.

A distinctive quality of the new type is the unusual taste of vegetables, the content of vitamins in which is several times higher than traditional red tomatoes.

Description of tomatoes

Tomatoes have a characteristic round shape with a slight flatness. The fruits of the Cetus pink tomato have dense pulp and a rich crimson color. When cutting the vegetable, you can observe a bright pink tint.

From 6 to 8 fruits are formed in one brush. The inflorescences tolerate stress well and are able to maintain good setting properties even in difficult climatic conditions. Even the first brushes are capable of producing at least 5 tomatoes. Vegetables have a beautiful appearance and special color.

The average weight of vegetables reaches from 250 to 270 grams. By controlling the size of the clusters, it is possible to obtain fruits of 300 grams.

Thanks to their dense structure, the fruits are well stored and can withstand long-term transportation. Vegetables retain their aesthetic qualities and do not crack during storage.

Features of care

The height of the shoots reaches 2 meters, so the plant needs to be tied up. At the same time, the shoots combine tall growth and compactness. The bushes have a small number of leaves and short internodes, which makes caring for the plant easier.

The plant has a developed root system, therefore it does not require watering and is able to provide the shoots with a sufficient amount of nutrients. This ability makes it possible to increase the yield by 20% compared to traditional varieties. The ability to grow the variety year-round in glass structures is considered a strong quality.

The plant is grown in seedlings and begins to bear fruit 60–65 days after the appearance of the first shoots. If the growing rules are followed correctly, a plant can produce up to 25 kg of vegetables per 1 m². When planting seeds in March, the first fruits are harvested in July. A short rotation allows you to produce 4–6 clusters with smaller fruit size; the yield in this case does not exceed 15 kg per 1 m².

When planting, it is important to maintain the recommended distance between bushes. Caring for the plant consists of timely watering, removing weeds and providing support for the shoots by tying them up

Tomato Flame f1: variety description

Tomatoes Flame: photo of variety

Vegetable growers themselves strive to grow as many different varieties of tomatoes as possible on their plots. Since the varieties have their own specific characteristics, both in terms of taste and external features.

The tomato variety Flame has a fairly high yield level. It is also worth noting that tomatoes in general are quite unpretentious. They can be resistant to a huge number of diseases. Because they have a high level of immunity.

The characteristics of the variety are quite positive. Reviews from vegetable growers themselves differ in that they praise this variety. In this article we will focus on a more detailed description of the Flame tomato variety. We will also indicate in what conditions it bears fruit best. And what does a tomato need in order to demonstrate stable and positive trends in fruiting and stress resistance to many external factors.

The tomato variety Flame f1 belongs to the determinant type of crops. Adult bushes reach a height of 50-60 centimeters, no more. They are quite low, but at the same time they have a very powerful trunk. The stems of the bush are very powerful and densely leafy. Moreover, the leaves, in principle, have the usual shape for tomato crops and have a rich dark green color.

The bush is neat, small, and does not require the gardener to pick it up. The variety is also distinguished by the fact that it is quite hardy, if we are talking about the lack of stable temperatures and temperature changes. It can also tolerate a lack of sunlight.

But still, experienced gardeners say that it is best to select a place for planting as competently as possible. Otherwise the plant will grow very slowly. It is best to choose a place in partial shade, where there are no strong winds or drafts, which are not very well tolerated by tomatoes in principle.

The tomato inflorescence of this variety has the usual shape. Each inflorescence can produce four to five flowers. And then the fruits themselves are formed in them. They sing almost simultaneously, very amicably. Thanks to this, the tomato will not stretch out its formation and ripening until the moment when it is infected with late blight, which can destroy the plant and prevent it from setting fruit.

Tomato Flame - characteristics of the fruit

The fruits of the Flame f1 tomato can be described according to the following characteristics:

  • the fruits have a pleasant round shape;
  • The fruit size is generally very small. The weight of one tomato varies from 60 to 80 grams;
  • the peel of the fruit is quite thin and may be slightly ribbed;
  • The strength of the peel is quite noticeable, but at the same time it protects the fruit from possible cracking. Therefore, tomatoes can be stored in excellent condition for a long time without losing their taste and external characteristics. At the same time, the skin is very easily removed from the tomato itself, which is also a definite plus;
  • The yield of this variety is quite high, as the gardeners themselves prove. They say that from one square meter of planting tomatoes you can harvest up to five kilograms of tasty and high-quality fruits.

Flame f1 tomatoes can be stored for quite a long time. Usually, if the most favorable conditions are created, they will be stored for more than three weeks, and this is far from the limit.

The most important thing is to create all the conditions for storing tomatoes. This should be a cool, dry room with no significant drafts. Also, moisture should not accumulate in the room. Otherwise, this will lead to the tomatoes simply rotting.

The optimal room temperature should not exceed +19 degrees. Tomatoes can also handle long-distance transportation well.

Diseases and pests

  1. Despite the resistance of tomatoes of the Fire variety, according to the characteristics, descriptions and reviews of various diseases, the plant often has a problem with curled leaves. Leaves respond to various stresses by deforming.
  2. Tomatoes are sensitive to climatic conditions. Cool, rainy weather can cause the lower leaves to curl quickly. This stress does not interfere with fruit production or cause damage to the plant. New foliage that grows in warm weather will not become misshapen. No treatment is required.
  3. Irregular irrigation and improper pruning lead to leaf curling.
  4. The use of herbicides may also be a reason. Regular watering of plants can help them recover if herbicide damage is minor.

General description of the Flame tomato, growing seedlings and yield

The Flame tomato is a prominent representative of the red variety of tomatoes. The hybrid received such an original name due to its bright and rich color.

Fans of nightshade crops try to grow various varieties of tomatoes on their plots. They all have their own taste characteristics and subtleties in cultivation.

The Flame variety has high productivity. It is easy to care for and resistant to many diseases. The characteristics of this type of tomato are good, but before you start growing, you should familiarize yourself in detail with all the rules and features of growing the Flame tomato.

general description

The plant belongs to the determinate species. Mature bushes rarely grow more than 0.5-0.6 m. Low-growing bushes have a strong and powerful trunk, the stems are strong and densely filled with foliage. The leaf has a regular shape with a dark green color. A neat and miniature bush does not require pinching.

The Flame variety is highly resistant to temperature changes and lack of light. Although experienced gardeners note that you need to choose a place to plant tomatoes wisely. Preference should be given to a semi-shaded place without drafts.

The Flame variety is suitable for growing both in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The soil should be nutritious and well moistened. Excellent precursors for this plant are cucumbers, onions, legumes and root vegetables.

Description of fruits:

  • This variety of tomato has a round shape.
  • It is small in size, weighing from 60 to 80 g.
  • Its peel is smooth and shiny, there is a slight ribbing on the surface.
  • The strong peel protects the fruit from cracking and allows it to retain its juiciness for a long time, but at the same time it is very easily removed from the tomato.
  • The variety has a high yield; up to 5 kg can be harvested from 1 m².

Tomatoes can be stored for a long time, on average 3-4 weeks. The main thing is to create the right conditions for this. There should be no drafts or excess moisture in the room; the optimal temperature should not exceed 19 °C. Tomatoes tolerate long-distance transportation well.

The taste is juicy and aromatic fruits with a slight spicy aftertaste. The fruits are ideal for early salads, whole canning and for making fresh juices.

Growing seedlings

Sowing of seeds is carried out 50-55 days before planting seedlings in open ground.

Numerous reviews about this variety indicate that the seeds have excellent germination and there are no problems with growing seedlings.

Seeds can be prepared for sowing as follows:

  1. Soak the planting material in a weak solution of manganese for 30 minutes. This will further improve the plant’s resistance to pests and fungi.
  2. You can activate seed growth using a growth stabilizer. The seeds are kept in the solution for about 20-30 minutes, then dried well.

Planting material is planted in boxes with special soil. You can cook it yourself. To do this, you should take ordinary soil, peat and coarse river sand in equal proportions. Next, the soil is moistened and each seed is placed in it to a depth of 1 cm.

The container is then covered with polyethylene and placed in a well-lit place. As a rule, these are window sills or heated loggias. Such a home greenhouse needs to be ventilated every day; for this, the film should be peeled back in the morning and closed in the afternoon. You can water the sprouts with a spray bottle. It will gently moisten the soil and will not damage the shoot.

As soon as two strong leaves appear on the plant, you can start diving. Peat pots are well suited for these purposes. When planting seedlings in beds, they can be deepened into the ground along with the plant. This way there is a greater chance that the fire tomato sprouts will quickly take root and adapt to the new location.

In the second half of May you can start planting seedlings in open ground or in a greenhouse

It is important that by this time the earth warms up and warm weather sets in. The soil for planting should be well dug up and fertilized with humus.

There are no more than 8 plants per 1 m². The holes should be immediately mulched with regular sawdust. Caring for the plant is not difficult. The Flame tomato needs regular watering, feeding with mineral fertilizers and weeding the beds.

Agricultural technology

Rules for growing seedlings

Sowing of seeds usually begins 50-55 days before planting seedlings in open soil.

Based on numerous reviews of Flame Agro tomatoes, you can be sure that the seeds of this variety do not have problems with germination, so growing seedlings is not a hassle.

Preparing seeds for planting:

  • Before planting, the seeds should be soaked in a weak solution of manganese for half an hour. This allows for further planting to make the plant more resistant to fungus and parasites;
  • Growth stabilizer – perfectly activates seed growth. To do this, just keep them in the liquid for 25-30 minutes. Afterwards, dry well.

Read also: Moscow white green beans 556 cultivation

Preparations for planting are planted in containers with prepared soil. To prepare it, it is enough to take earth, coarse sand and peat in equal proportions. After moistening the soil, place a seed in it to a depth of 1 cm.

Subsequently, the containers are covered with plastic wrap and then placed in a place with good lighting. Usually this is a heated loggia or window sill. Such home greenhouses should be thoroughly ventilated. It is enough to open the film in the morning and close it at lunchtime. You can use a spray bottle to water the sprouts. It gently moistens the soil without damaging the shoots. Water with warm or cool water.

The most favorable temperature for tomato growth during the day is 20-25°C, and at night – 14-19°C.

After several leaves appear on the plant, it can be picked. Peat pots are perfect for this. You can plant the plant immediately in pots so that the Fire tomato seedlings adapt better and faster to the new environment. After transplanting the sprouts, after 10 days, fertilizing in the form of mineral fertilizers is required.

Planting a plant in open soil

It is recommended to plant seedlings in the second half of May. The main thing is that the earth has time to warm up and the weather outside is warm. Before planting, you should thoroughly plow the soil and apply fertilizer. 2-3 weeks before planting the seedlings in permanent soil, the bushes are hardened off.

No more than 6-8 seedlings should be placed per 1 m2. This variety has no special rules for caring for it. It is only important to water the plant regularly, apply mineral fertilizers on time and weed the beds.

The rules for caring for the Flame tomato are no different from agricultural techniques for other varieties.

Tomato Stesha - description and characteristics of the variety

The Stesha F1 variety compares favorably with many varieties of tomatoes. Many experienced gardeners give it their preference, noting the very high level of productivity, unusual shape of the fruit and bright color. This type of tomato appeals to both children and adults, and is used to prepare a variety of dishes - tomato soups, sauces, Italian pasta, and is also prepared for the winter in its entirety.

Characteristics of the variety

Experts classify the Stesha tomato variety as an indeterminate, high-yielding, early-ripening hybrid. From the first shoots to the full ripening of the crop, on average, 100 days pass, provided that the plant develops correctly and all care rules are followed. Summer residents collect up to 22 kg of ripe fruits from 1 square meter.

The bushes reach 210 cm in height and need to be tied to a support. This hybrid is characterized by a small amount of tops and a simple inflorescence shape, which is laid above the 7-9 leaves.

The plant is distinguished by its strong immunity, which is confirmed by reviews from gardeners growing this variety. Breeders claim resistance to a number of common diseases:

  • Late blight.
  • Alternaria.
  • Viral tobacco mosaic.

Fruit characteristics

Stesha tomato fruits have a number of features, including:

  1. Unusual berry shape. The berries have a heart-shaped, cylindrical, plum-shaped shape.
  2. Color. The ripened fruits of this variety have an unusual color. They can be colored in different shades of yellow - from amber yellow to rich golden orange.
  3. Weight and size. Each tomato can weigh 120-150 g, which indicates the average size of the berries.
  4. Smooth and dense surface of tomatoes.
  5. Juicy pulp.
  6. High yield.
  7. Excellent taste. Stesha tomatoes contain a large amount of sugar, which causes a sweet taste.

Features of growing a plant

Agronomists note that tomatoes of the Stesha variety can be grown in any conditions. The plant is capable of producing a good harvest and growing actively both in an indoor greenhouse and in open beds.

  1. Treatment with a disinfectant solution.
    After purchasing, the seeds should be soaked in potassium permanganate. In this case, the solution should be weak.
  2. Use of biostimulants.
    To achieve the maximum percentage of germination, it is recommended to use biostimulants. Seed material is soaked in Kornevin or Epin.
  3. Soil selection.
    The soil for germination should have a loose structure and a large number of useful elements. You can use either soil mixture purchased in a store or nutrient soil mixed yourself.
  4. Planting seeds.
    Seed material is planted in containers with soil mixture to a depth not exceeding 3 cm.
  5. Greenhouse conditions.
    To create a microclimate favorable for seed germination, it is recommended to cover the containers with film or glass.
  6. Picking.
    Young shoots of tomatoes peak after the appearance of 2 true leaves.
  7. Feeding.
    During the process of plant growth and formation, mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil. Over the entire period, the bushes are fertilized 3 times.
  8. Hardening.
    It is recommended to start hardening the seedlings a week before transplanting to a permanent place of growth. To do this, containers with young plants are taken outside every day. The time spent outdoors should increase gradually.

Planting in open ground is carried out after stabilization of the temperature regime. At this point, the plant should have reached 65 days of age. Tomatoes are planted in the ground in the evening using the transshipment method. Agronomists recommend placing young plants in such a way that no more than 4 bushes grow per 1 square meter. This guarantees the correct development of the root system and the absence of harmful effects of plants on each other.

To achieve proper formation and active growth of the plant, you must follow simple rules of care:

  • Regular watering with warm water.
  • Introduction of fertilizers during the growing season.
  • Removing weeds.
  • Loosening the soil.
  • Timely harvesting.

The Stesha tomato is an unpretentious variety and is able to please the summer resident with a good harvest, thanks to which its popularity is growing every year.

Rules for growing the variety

Tomatoes of the Fire variety require a special approach for successful cultivation and harvest.

The main difference is the large growth of tomato bushes of the Fire variety. Tomatoes can usually grow up to 2 meters. For this reason, it is extremely important to take care of tying up tomato bushes, because under the weight of large tomatoes there is a risk of the plant breaking. Gardeners must be prepared for the fact that each branch of the variety needs special care and constant attention.

However, to obtain a harvest, additional nuances will still need to be taken into account.

  1. It is best to sow tomato seeds in advance. Before the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location, it is recommended to grow them in greenhouse conditions for 2 months.
  2. To obtain a good harvest, high-quality soil treatment is required. The soil will require the addition of mineral fertilizers, humus, and wood ash.
  3. The first shoots of tomato bushes are transplanted into greenhouse conditions only after the soil has warmed up. The soil temperature should be 15-17 degrees.
  4. It is advisable to place the sprouts at a distance of about half a meter. The Fire variety is distinguished by spreading bushes that need free space.
  5. Regular moderate watering of tomatoes is required. Warm water is used for irrigation. Cold water is undesirable for the Fire variety.
  6. Ventilation of the greenhouse is mandatory. Too high humidity will cause tomato bushes to rot.
  7. Weeding the soil is mandatory even in greenhouses. Oxygen in large quantities will be able to penetrate into the soil. As a result, tomatoes in weeded soil will be able to develop successfully.

Proper cultivation of Fire tomatoes guarantees a high-quality harvest.

How is the variety grown?

The plant is grown by seedling method. Planting of planting material begins in the first half of May. A mandatory requirement is sufficient nutritional value of the soil, which is recommended to be prepared from equal proportions of turf and humus. For disinfection, treatment is carried out with manganese or special devices.

Experts recommend planting seeds in peat tablets in an amount of 2 or 3 pieces, which allows you not to pick the seedlings in the future and leave strong shoots. When planting in a container with soil, deepening is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, sowing is carried out at a distance of 2 cm.

The optimal temperature for seedling growth during the day is considered to be 21-25 C°, at night from 15 to 18 C°. Watering is carried out only with warm water, and the room is periodically ventilated. Thinning is carried out after the appearance of 2 leaves, and after the formation of 3 leaves, diving is carried out. When transplanting sprouts after 10 days, it is necessary to feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizer. 3 weeks before transplanting into permanent soil, the bushes are hardened off.

Bushes are transplanted when the seedlings reach a height of 30 cm, since during this period the plant is able to form a sufficient root system. 6-8 plants are planted per 1 m2. A good place for planting is considered to be the soil after growing cucumbers, pumpkins, legumes and cereals.

It is recommended to form bushes into 2 stems with periodic removal of stepsons up to 5 cm. Timely carrying out of stepsons helps to avoid dense plantings and increases productivity. The plant requires sufficient watering. To maintain soil moisture, it is recommended to use mulching with humus or straw.

Raspberry flame - how to plant a tomato

This hybrid is recommended to be grown in seedlings.

– in this case, ripe products can be collected even earlier than the deadlines indicated in the description.

Photo of planting tomato seedlings

Raspberry Flame tomato seeds should be sown for seedlings approximately 2 months before the intended transplantation of the seedlings to a permanent location.

The specific timing of sowing seed material is calculated depending on the climatic conditions of the growing region.

Since seed material is purchased in stores, its pre-sowing preparation is not carried out at home - this was done by the company. The germination rate of seed material is close to 100%.

Photo of planting tomato seeds

Seeds in a colored shell do not need to be pre-soaked,

and ordinary seed material can be wrapped in a wet cloth before sowing and left on a plate for germination - in this case, after planting, seedlings will appear faster.

Planting containers should be disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate before planting, especially if they have already been used for these purposes in previous seasons.

Many vegetable growers buy soil for planting tomatoes at specialized retail outlets (for seedlings of vegetable crops) or prepare it at home. To do this, you should take equal parts of garden soil, humus and river sand, as well as wood ash - 2 tbsp. l. for every 6 cups of nutrient substrate received. The components are thoroughly mixed. Then such soil should be disinfected by placing it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. You can also spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for disinfection.

The germinated seed material is sown in moist soil, deepening it to a depth of 1.5 cm. Experts recommend planting the seeds in furrows, which are made at a distance of 3 cm from each other.

After planting, the containers need to be covered with polyethylene or glass in order to create a greenhouse effect inside - this will allow seedlings to appear faster. The temperature in the room where the containers are located should be maintained within 24-25 degrees Celsius.

After the mass emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed and the containers are moved to a well-lit place. The temperature is reduced to 16-17 degrees for about 6-8 days in order to harden the seedlings and so that they do not stretch.

If the plantings are thickened, then at the stage of 2 permanent leaves, the Raspberry Flame tomato seedlings should be planted in separate cups.

Seedlings should be fed twice during cultivation. For the first time, fertilizers are applied to tomato seedlings two weeks after the diving procedure. The next time fertilizer should be applied a couple of weeks after the first, but no later than 12-14 days before transplanting the tomatoes to a permanent place.

10 days before planting seedlings in the garden, they should be hardened off

. To do this, cups with Raspberry Flame tomato seedlings are taken out onto the balcony or loggia for about 2 hours. Gradually, the length of time the seedlings stay outside is increased.

Tomato planting scheme - video


Seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place at the age of 2 months. Overgrown seedlings will take a long time to acclimatize in a new place and get sick. The bushes will weaken, they will begin to bear fruit later than planned, and the yield will be lower.

The area for planting tomatoes begins to be prepared in the fall. All remnants of vegetation, stones and other debris are removed from the beds. For autumn digging, at least 5 kg of humus or compost should be added to the soil (the norm is indicated for 1 square area).

Granada Potatoes Lennox Cabbage Champion Radishes
In the spring, 30 g of superphosphate and potassium salt should be added to each planting hole.

When planting, you need to be careful and not thicken the seedlings - you should not plant more than 4 bushes of a given variety on each square of area.

After planting, the plants are watered abundantly and mulched on top with any organic matter.

Description and characteristics of tomato Mushroom basket

The Mushroom Basket tomato belongs to the category of indeterminate species, which means that the plant has unlimited growth of the main shoot. The height of the bush in a greenhouse reaches 1.5 m, and in open ground - 1.2 m. This variety is a standard variety and is distinguished by a strong main stem.

The shoots of the tomato are medium-leafed, the internodes are not long. The leaves are of a standard shape, dark green in color with a slightly corrugated surface. The inflorescences are simple. The first fruit cluster is formed above the 4-5 leaf, and then every 2 leaves.

Tomatoes of this variety are flat-round, with strong ribbing. At first glance at them, it seems that they consist of separate lobules. 3-4 tomatoes are formed on one brush. The average weight of each is about 250 g, but there are also specimens weighing 350-400 g.

Mushroom basket tomatoes acquire a red-pink color when ripe, but the color is gradual and uneven. The green spot on the stalk persists for a long time.

Tomatoes look very impressive when cross-sectioned; each of them contains about 6 seed chambers. The pulp is fleshy, medium density. The taste of tomatoes is balanced in terms of sugar and acid content.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Note! When you cut the Mushroom Basket tomatoes, no juice comes out. The variety is considered late ripening

Tomatoes ripen 120 days after the first shoots appear. The yield is high, from one bush you can harvest 3 kg, and from 1 sq. m – 6.3 kg. The collected fruits are stored well for 2 weeks in a cool room and their taste only improves. The variety can easily be transported, but due to its shape it requires special containers

The variety is considered late ripening. Tomatoes ripen 120 days after the first shoots appear. The yield is high, from one bush you can harvest 3 kg, and from 1 sq. m – 6.3 kg. The collected fruits are stored well for 2 weeks in a cool room and their taste only improves. The variety can easily be transported, but due to its unique shape it requires special containers.

Characteristics of the Pelageya tomato and important tips for growing the variety

The Pelageya tomato was bred by breeders for cultivation in open ground and greenhouse conditions. This variety is well adapted to various weather stresses, is not demanding on agricultural technology, and at the same time has a stable yield. It is thanks to these qualities that tomatoes of this variety have earned numerous positive reviews from experienced gardeners.

Description of the variety

The Pelageya tomato variety is a mid-early variety. The first tomatoes will ripen within 100-110 days after sowing the seedlings.

The characteristics of the plant include the following properties:

  • bush of semi-determinate type, grows up to 60-75 cm;
  • has a strong, well-developed stem;
  • leaves are standard, slightly corrugated, light green in color;
  • has a small number of stepsons (from 3 to 4), there is no need for stepsons;
  • tying is carried out based on necessity, often not required;
  • yield up to 6-8 kg per 1 m².

The description and parameters of the fruit can be reduced to the following characteristics:

  • the weight of one tomato ranges from 200 to 250 g;
  • have juicy pulp, good taste;
  • fruits are four-chambered with a small number of seeds;
  • tomatoes are red-orange in color.

Pelageya tomato fruits are grown mainly for fresh consumption. They are also good for processing, especially for canning whole fruits and pickling.

Steam treatment has a beneficial effect on the amount of nutrients in Pelageya tomatoes, since the amount of vitamins in them almost doubles.

This hybrid variety is suitable for transportation, as it tolerates it well due to its high shelf life.

Growing Tips

Those gardeners who have already planted Pelageya tomatoes confirm the plant’s high resistance to diseases. The variety is not susceptible to infection by verticillium and fusarium wilt of greenery. But you should protect the bushes of these tomatoes from late blight.

When growing tomatoes, incl. and the Pelageya variety, you must adhere to the following simple to implement rules:

  1. Regularly fertilize the seedlings (once a week is enough) with liquid fertilizers intended for vegetable plants.
  2. When transplanting seedlings into open ground, apply fertilizers used to strengthen the roots.
  3. Tomatoes should be planted in a hole already lightly sprinkled with ash.
  4. When transplanting, remove seedlings from weak or broken leaves.
  5. Follow the planting pattern of 50x40 cm.
  6. When watering, preference should be given to drip irrigation.
  7. The stem should be tied to a horizontal or vertical support immediately upon planting, then secured as it grows.
  8. After transplanting seedlings into open ground, they need watering every 10 days.
  9. Mulching the ground under tomatoes is done with fine grass or straw.
  10. It is necessary to regularly fertilize and fertilize plants in an optimal amount.
  11. For better air circulation, you should pluck the lower leaves from the bush, which will contribute to faster ripening of the tomatoes;
  12. Growing tomatoes should be accompanied by regular loosening of the beds and ridding them of weeds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

In Russia, Fire tomatoes are becoming increasingly popular. They have the following advantages:

  • easy growing process taking into account standard agricultural technology;
  • the possibility of obtaining high-quality tomatoes, because their weight is often 150 grams;
  • the fruits are distinguished by their culinary versatility, so they are ideal not only for fresh consumption, but also for canning;
  • the Fire variety is distinguished by its special immunity to pathogenic bacteria and parasitic insects, as a result of which the process of growing tomatoes is simplified;
  • guaranteed to obtain a rich harvest.

The most important thing is to understand how best to grow hybrid greenhouse tomatoes of the Fire variety. Only in this case can we eliminate the appearance of unwanted reviews, because each vegetable crop requires not only taking into account standard simple agricultural technology, but also certain nuances. Gardeners must understand what and how best to do to successfully obtain a harvest.

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