Easy to grow tomato - Complete: description of the variety and its main advantages

Ripening period:mid-season (117-122 days from sowing)
Shape, weight of fruits:spherical, weighing 100 g
Bush type:semi-determinate, standard, height 120-160 cm
Growing regions:the entire territory of Russia, in the northern regions - only closed ground
Productivity:up to 6 kg per plant

For vegetable growers who value high yield in tomatoes, unpretentiousness and versatility in using the crop, the Full tomato will be an excellent choice. This variety can be grown in open ground and in greenhouses.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Producers of seeds of this variety are the companies Aelita and Sadok. It is intended for personal subsidiary and small-scale farms.

Outdoor cultivation is recommended for the southern regions. Starting from the latitude of the Samara region, plants are placed in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Characteristics and description of the variety Full:

  • The tomato is medium-sized, medium-branched. In open ground the height is 100-120 cm, in a greenhouse - up to 160 cm. The foliage and rate of formation of stepsons is average. The internodes are shortened, due to which the number of tassels on the stem reaches 10. Although the bush is powerful (standard), it requires garter to a support. Without it, the tomato may break under the weight of the brushes.
  • The Fully tomato has an underdeveloped root system. This feature must be taken into account when creating a schedule for fertilizing and watering plants. Tomatoes need a regular supply of moisture and nutrition; they do not tolerate drought well.
  • The first flower cluster is laid after the 7th leaf, the next ones - with an interval of 2 leaves. There are up to 7 fruits in a brush.
  • Tomatoes are regular spherical in shape, without ribbing, with smooth skin. The color of a ripe tomato is bright red. The weight of tomatoes on the lower clusters can reach 180 g, their shape is closer to flat-round. The bulk of the fruit weighs 100 g. The tomato peel is strong, but not thick. During the ripening process, the fruits do not crack and are stored well. The taste of tomatoes is rich, sweet and sour. The pulp is tender, but dense, with a pronounced odor.

Tomatoes are delicious fresh and ideal for whole-fruit canning.

Under favorable weather conditions and proper care, up to 12 kg of tomatoes can be harvested from one square meter of tomato bed.

From the presented photos you can evaluate the appearance of the plant.

Features of the “Full-full” tomato

“Full-full” is an indeterminate variety of standard type. It begins to bear fruit 115-120 days after germination.

Description of the variety:

  • The bushes are powerful, height from 1 to 1.5 meters.
  • Weak root system.
  • The plant is medium-branched, heavily leafy, with short internodes.
  • The inflorescences are simple, with 5-7 fruits.
  • The first brush is laid after 6-7 sheets, the subsequent ones - every two.
  • The yield is high, yielding 11-13 kg of tomatoes per 1 sq. m.

The variety is recommended for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses, but in central Russia, where the climate is milder, it can also be planted in open ground.

Fruit characteristics:

  • The shape is round and smooth.
  • Weight 100-200 grams.
  • The color of ripe fruits is bright red.
  • The skin is dense and smooth.
  • Rich taste and aroma.
  • Well kept.

Thanks to the excellent taste and size of the fruit, Polompolno tomatoes are suitable for universal use: they are equally good for fresh consumption and for canning.

Features of cultivation and care

The sowing time for the Full variety is determined by the climate of the area and the method of cultivation. By the time seedlings are planted in the ground, their age should be 60-65 days. Taking into account the germination time of seeds (about a week), the crop is sown 70-74 days before placement on the garden bed.

Tomatoes are placed in open ground when the air temperature at night does not drop below +12 degrees. The optimal temperature for the plant is +18 +22 degrees.

In the climate of the middle zone, seedlings are planted in late May - early June. In the south, tomatoes are planted in the garden in early May.

Tomatoes are heat-loving plants that do not tolerate negative temperatures. If there is a threat of frost, bushes planted in the ground are covered with film, non-woven material, and covered with straw.

Seedlings are planted indoors 10-15 days earlier than outside. The planting pattern is 40 by 50 cm. The bushes are immediately tied up using stakes or a trellis as a support.

Growing in open ground

Caring for plantings involves regular feeding, watering and removing shoots from the plant.

It is necessary to remember about poorly developed tomato roots. It is necessary to water the bushes in small portions, at least once every 3 days.

Mulching the surface of the soil around the bushes with straw, bark or mown grass will help prevent the soil from drying out.

Tomatoes are fed every 2 weeks, starting from the moment of planting. Watering with nutrient solutions under the roots alternates with spraying the crown with preparations for foliar feeding.

Infusions of mullein manure (in the first half of the growing season) and ready-made mineral mixtures for tomatoes are used as fertilizers. Adherents of organic farming use eggshells, banana peels, iodine, ammonia, and weed infusion to feed tomatoes.

Tomato variety Full Full is grown in 1-2 stems. The second stem is formed from the lower strong stepson, the remaining shoots are removed until they reach a length of 5 cm.

When grown in open ground, the growth of the bush is limited to a height of 100-120 cm, pinching the top. In order for the fruits to ripen on the bush, in mid-August all flowers and ovaries smaller than hazelnuts are removed from the plant. In the greenhouse, tomatoes are allowed to grow freely upward; the number of ovaries is not standardized.

The harvest for storage is harvested at the stage of technical ripeness, when the tomato is colored pink.

Tomatoes can be stored for up to 3 weeks in a cool, dark place.

Agricultural cultivation technology

The crop is grown by seedlings, which is clearly demonstrated in the video review. Seeds are sown in the first half of March. For planting, use containers or pots with prepared and moistened soil. Before the shoots appear, cover the top with film.

Friendly pipping of seedlings is achieved by pre-treating the seeds with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. To ensure normal development of the crop, an increase in daylight hours is required using additional lighting using a fluorescent lamp.

In the formation phase of 1 true leaf, picking is carried out. 60-65 days after germination, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. Before planting in the ground, the plant is hardened in order to ensure painless adaptation to new conditions.

To ensure high crop yields, it is recommended to place 3-4 plants per 1 m². During the growing season, regular watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers are required according to the manufacturer’s scheme.

The description of tomato indicates the possibility of increasing the yield of the crop by forming 1-2 main stems. During the growing process, it is recommended to tie the plant to trellises and additional supports.

See also

Characteristics and description of tomato variety Sprut, yield and cultivation


To maintain the balance of moisture and air near the root system, periodically loosen the soil around the bush. To facilitate weed control, mulch the soil using sawdust, grass and special non-woven black fiber.

The crop is practically not protected from the influence of biological pests. Therefore, preventive measures and careful monitoring of plants are recommended.

Diseases and pests

Fully tomatoes do not have genetic resistance to diseases and pests, so the gardener needs to pay attention to disease prevention.

Immediately after placing the plants in the garden bed, spray with Fitosporin, Trichodermin or another antifungal drug. In damp and cool summers, treatments are done every 2 weeks. A safe and effective remedy is an aqueous solution of whey and garlic infusion.

Weeding and timely removal of shoots and lower old leaves help improve the ventilation of tomatoes and reduce the risk of developing fungal diseases.

Against pests, tomatoes are sprayed for preventive purposes with an infusion of ash, garlic, tobacco, and wormwood. If insects are present, use Aktaru and Inta Vir.


No special care is required for this variety. During the growth process, the bush should be formed into 1 or 2 trunks, removing the stepsons. To avoid falling and bending of the trunk, it is better to tie the stem using a greenhouse or trellis structure.

Mulching is recommended to prevent weed growth and retain moisture in the soil. To do this, just lay hay on the ground around the plants or sprinkle it with sawdust. Of course, we must not forget about timely watering. The types of tomatoes in question do not like excess moisture, so they should not be watered abundantly.

They also need feeding 2-3 times a season. During the growth period, nitrogen or organic fertilizers are applied, and when tomatoes begin to ripen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are applied.

It is also important to protect plants from pests.

Advantages and disadvantages

Numerous reviews from gardeners growing the Fully tomato reveal the following advantages of the variety:

high yield, regardless of the growing method;

excellent taste of fruits;

uniformity of tomatoes in size;

versatility of crop use.

The downside is the weakness of the roots, forcing the vegetable grower to provide the plant with constant care. The variety Full is not one of those tomatoes that can be planted in the garden and “forgot” until harvest time.


No more than four bushes are planted per square meter. In this case, the yield will be from 27 to 29 kilograms. Their excellent taste makes them indispensable for salads, as well as for processing into various sauces for the production of pastes and adjika. Although the fruits are resistant to cracking, gardeners do not recommend preparing them in the form of pickles and marinades.

According to the description on packs of tomato seeds, as well as numerous reviews from gardeners, “Funtik F1” tomatoes are resistant to damage by fusarium, cladosporiosis, as well as to the tobacco mosaic virus.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameProductivity
Funtik F127-29 kg per square meter
Rocket6.5 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Premier6-9 kg per square meter
Doll8-9 kg per square meter
Stolypin8-9 kg per square meter
Broody10-11 kg per square meter
Black bunch6 kg per bush
Fat Jack5-6 kg per bush
Brawler9 kg per bush

Similar varieties

The following varieties and hybrids of tomatoes have similar characteristics to Full Full:

  • Chaika (early, height 70 cm, red fruits, weighing 100 g);
  • Volgogradsky 595 (medium late, height 100 cm, red tomatoes, weighing 100-150 g);
  • Fighter (early ripening, height up to 150 cm, red fruits, weighing 150 g);
  • Bobcat tomato (medium late, height up to 120 cm, flat-round tomatoes, weighing 100-170 g);
  • Andromeda (early, height 70 cm, fruit weight 120 g).

A number of hybrid tall tomatoes (Barika, Verlioka, Evpator F1) form a harvest of small, dense fruits suitable for canning.

Selection of the best greenhouse varieties

Which tomatoes deserve more attention?

Bush growth

According to tomato growers, the best hybrids are F1.

This is due to the fact that almost all F1 are indeterminate (tall). What does this give? – The trunk-stem, unlimited in height, develops 15-30 fruiting clusters, everything will depend on your desire.

Let's not forget the fact that hybrids were bred with an emphasis on resistance to various groups of diseases.

This does not mean at all that you should give up determinate “little algae”, which will stop growing after the fruit begins to form! Do you like it? - Plant!

What else needs to be taken into account

  • Indeterminates are planted in the center of the greenhouse, and determinants are planted along the edges, along the perimeter
  • We don’t thicken the plantings! For 1 sq.m. – no more than 3 plants
  • Even for greenhouse maintenance, you need to choose those varieties of tomatoes that are zoned to the conditions of your region
  • The optimal ones are those that are designed specifically for greenhouse cultivation, about which a special note should be made on the packaging.

By distributing the correct position of plants when planting in closed ground, you thereby increase their feeding area and their uniform consumption of light, air and heat, which makes it possible to improve the quality of the crop and reduce the ripening time. Two or three waves of fruit removal with the correct selection of varietal plants is a very real task!

Since greenhouses are set up to get an earlier harvest, it is natural that the overwhelming number of hybrid species intended for closed ground and film “booths” belong to the early and mid-early varieties.

Everyone has their own criteria for choosing the “best of the best,” which is called “taste and color.”

But here are a few options that are repeated most often with a “plus” rating among different people.



The name of the variety fully justifies itself. We have been planting for two years in a row. The result is excellent - the yield is excellent. I recommend.


I planted some in a greenhouse and several bushes in open ground. The harvest was pleasing both there and there. They look very beautiful on the bush and are ideal for pickling.


The “Full-full” tomato surprised me with its yield. The tomatoes are beautiful and even, not too large. And they taste great. I didn't find any shortcomings.


The tomato is powerful, grows well, and does not require special care. Grown in open ground. Very beautiful tomatoes. Even the bushes are beautiful, the trunks are thick and powerful. And when the fruits ripen, it’s a sight to behold!


I planted “Full-full” in the greenhouse, I liked it. Yield and very tasty.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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