Description of the tomato Slavic masterpiece and technical characteristics of the plant

There are varieties that achieve universal respect and love after the first planting. These tomatoes include the Slavic Masterpiece, bred by a breeder from Russia. Its success is associated with excellent taste and product characteristics, and high productivity. The fruits are intended for universal use.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageVarietyFlat-round

Description and characteristics. Yield indicators

The authorship of the Masterpiece variety belongs to domestic breeders.
Taking into account the climate of different regions of Russia, they set themselves the task of obtaining a universal variety. And they succeeded. The masterpiece has the following characteristics:

  • cold resistance;
  • resistance to common diseases - late blight, root rot;
  • mid-ripening - 120 days pass from germination to the first harvest;
  • high yield - 3-6 kg per bush and 6-12 kg per square meter. m respectively;
  • excellent taste – meatiness, predominance of natural sugar content over acids;
  • good shelf life and suitability for transportation;
  • long shelf life – 3-6 months.

These indicators for gardeners vary slightly depending on agricultural technology, which is partly determined by the climate of the region.

Breeders have taken the trouble to create a whole collection to make it easier for lovers to choose the right variety of tomatoes - Masterpiece Hybrid F1, Masterpiece Early or Masterpiece Altai. The most important indicator remains unchanged - high yield.

Other signs:

  • a medium-sized variety always produces many ovaries;
  • fruits weigh 300-800 g;
  • The indeterminate nature of the tomato makes it possible to pinch or extend the bush in order to increase the ovaries.

Ripe fruits are distinguished by their flat-round shape, large size and garnet color. When cut and eaten, it turns out that the tomato is fleshy and sweet.

Important information about the variety

The plant was bred by Russian breeders specifically for areas where sudden temperature changes are possible within a short time. A decrease in humidity for a short period of time does not affect fruiting - this is one of the significant advantages of tomatoes in the short and dry summer of central Russia. According to the description, Masterpiece F1 has a number of advantages that predetermined its culinary and commercial success.

These include:

  • taste of berries;
  • optimal composition of microelements and vitamins;
  • accelerated maturation;
  • compactness;
  • versatility of use;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • long shelf life.

The variety belongs to the determinate, that is, low-growing type of bush formation. The height of an adult plant reaches a maximum of 0.5 m. Thanks to the narrow crown and small leaves, you can save space in the garden, and especially in the greenhouse. Already 95 days after the seedlings emerge, the first harvest is harvested. This precocity is characteristic of the determinate type grown in greenhouses. In open ground, ripening ends within 4 months. One tomato weighs up to 100 g.

There are several varieties of tomato:

  • An early masterpiece.
  • Mid-season.
  • Masterpiece F1.
  • Sweet.

Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. But they all ripen perfectly after harvesting under normal room temperature, within 20 °C. Tomatoes can be used to prepare salads, sauces, purees and pastes. The berries fit perfectly into glass containers for preservation.

Tomato "Slav". Description of the variety

Well, you yourself know everything, and since you looked here, you are interested in the “Slavyanin” tomato and its description of the variety. You have come to the right place, then you will find out everything related to this tomato. This is an excellent variety that has many advantages.

general description

This tomato is the result of the work of Siberian breeders. All their varieties are of high quality, good characteristics, and “Slavyanin” is no exception. Raspberry fruits ripen on the bushes, which are very tasty and juicy. Moreover, the variety is unpretentious, productive and stable. Which is what we'll talk about next.

Tomato "Slav". Characteristics and description of the variety

Reviews from summer residents who have already planted this tomato are very good. Yes, in fact, there is nothing to complain about, except that the bushes grow tall and they need supports. It is also necessary to remove stepchildren, but this method of agricultural technology is required by most tomato plants.

  • The variety belongs to the determinate species. Its stem height can reach up to 130 cm. Support is required.
  • High-yielding tomato - one bush can produce up to 4-5 kg ​​of fruit.
  • Tomatoes ripen scarlet, crimson in color, they are compact, suitable for whole-fruit canning. Fruit weight – up to 120 grams.
  • The skin is dense, which protects the tomatoes from cracking, but at the same time its hardness is imperceptible during eating.
  • Universal table use - can be used for making juices, pastas, salads, both fresh and winter.
  • A very unpretentious variety - it is not afraid of temperature changes or rain. Productivity does not decrease.
  • It also has excellent resistance to major tomato diseases.
  • It has an average ripening period - you will receive the first harvest 110-115 days after sowing.
  • Suitable for greenhouse cultivation and open ground.
  • Perfectly stored and transported.

As you can see, there are only advantages. And then we will tell you about agricultural technology, it is simple. We are sure that this tomato will become a resident of your beds for a long time.

Growing tomato "Slavyanin"

Sowing begins in the first ten days and in the second of April. The soil is poured into a container, peat and sand are added to it, and lightly compacted. After that, the seeds are planted, slightly deepened, then moistened and covered with film. You can also carry out pre-sowing treatment - soak the seeds, for example, in Kornevin. This stimulates growth and the formation of roots, which in the future will provide good nutrition and, as a result, a high yield.

Perform all agricultural techniques according to the dates of the lunar calendar. The phases of our satellite can be a good help in country affairs. It is best to plant crops that bear fruit in the upper part on the waxing moon, in the lower part (potatoes, radishes) on the waning moon.

Seedlings peak in the phase of 2-3 leaves. You can immediately sow in a separate container. Before transferring to the ground, seedlings need to be hardened off and shelter should be kept ready for the first 1-2 weeks in case of cold weather. Of course, the seedlings are watered as the soil dries out, and mineral fertilizer is sprinkled into the holes before planting. As for the soil, it can be humus, sand, soil, peat, garden soil, and compost with turf soil. Pour boiling water over parasites. You can dig weeds into the soil in the fall, make compost pits, and dig up the area in the spring.

The transfer is carried out in May - early June, you can immediately tie the seedlings to the supports. You can form bushes with 1-2 stems. Remove weeds and shoots in a timely manner. During the season you can apply organic fertilizers 2-3 times. You can alternate mineral fertilizers, foliar feeding and organic matter. If you decide to spray the bushes with fertilizers, do it only in the morning and evening, never water in foggy weather.

This will be enough to get a good harvest. If you plant in a greenhouse, it will be larger and the bushes will be taller than in open ground.

Pros and cons of Masterpiece tomato types

Masterpiece is a relatively young variety. But in just a few years of its distribution, it managed to evoke responses from thousands of gardeners. Moreover, these responses are ambiguous.

First the good:

  • suitable for growing in open and closed ground, which allows you to get an early harvest and grow in extreme conditions;
  • divided into traditional varieties and hybrids for simplified selection according to personal requirements;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • excellent initial vegetative properties of the plant.

However, there are some disadvantages among the reviews:

  • unsuitable for canning whole fruits due to their large size;
  • tying is necessary as the bush develops.

These disadvantages are conditional because they apply to individual varieties.

Masterpiece Early

By its name, the tomato indicates early ripeness. The variety is interesting for those who want to receive a harvest 10-20 days earlier than usual. Growing seeds through seedlings is encouraged. During development, the bush grows an average number of dark green leaves.

Masterpiece Early reaches a height of no more than 50 cm and produces medium fruits weighing 120 g, up to 6 pieces per cluster. The harvest volume from one bush per season is up to 5 kg.

In terms of application, Masterpiece Early tomatoes can be safely called universal: for salads, tomato purees, and preparations. Taste and preservation are at a high level.

Altai masterpiece

This variety is in greatest demand due to its tallness and frost resistance. Hence the following advantages:

  • resistance to viruses and fungi;
  • high yield - up to 10 kg per bush;
  • good marketability and taste of fruits weighing up to 600 g.

The predominantly indeterminate Altai Masterpiece is grown indoors to ensure a long fruiting period. But if the tomato is planted in the southern region, you can do without greenhouses.


The advanced hybrid of the Masterpiece collection is designed to set records. Therefore, gardeners should definitely appreciate:

  • suitability of cultivation in open and closed ground;
  • average height – about 120 cm;
  • resistance to diseases of nightshade crops;
  • yield up to 12 kg per bush;
  • the weight of one fruit is up to 1000 g.

The fruits of Masterpiece F1 ripen in 100-110 days.

Description of the tomato variety Slavic masterpiece, plant care

Every year new varieties appear on the market. The Slavic Masterpiece tomato was produced by domestic breeders for cultivation in the garden and in the greenhouse. But due to its high growth, gardeners often plant it in closed ground. The seeds are characterized by high germination and rich harvest. What qualities does this variety have and how to grow it?

Characteristics of the variety

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  • Mid-season, high-yielding tomato.
  • The bush is indeterminate; when grown, it requires the formation and removal of excess shoots.
  • Brought out in Russia for planting mainly in closed ground.
  • The plant reaches a height of 150 centimeters.
  • When forming a bush, the first stepson is formed in the axil of the 9th leaf, the subsequent ones - after 3 leaves. A plant with powerful branches and large fruits. The growing season is from 110 to 120 days. The harvest begins in June and ends in September.

    The fruits are medium and large, weighing 150–180 grams; individual tomatoes weigh up to 400 grams.

    Slavic masterpiece description:

    • a medium-sized vegetable is smooth, round, slightly flattened;
    • large fruits have weak ribbing;
    • the color of unripe tomatoes is green with a dark spot near the stalk, ripe ones are red;
    • the taste is bright, sweet with sourness;
    • bred for fresh consumption.

    Positive traits

    Tomatoes Slavic masterpiece have many positive qualities in their piggy bank, thanks to which they are popular among gardeners:

    • high productivity;
    • average fruit size;
    • duration of fruiting;
    • long-term storage of goods;
    • resistance to diseases.

    Plant care

    The description of the variety says that it was bred for cultivation in Ukraine and Moldova, but the tomatoes have proven themselves well in Russia and Belarus. Agricultural technology:

    1. Bushes planted in a greenhouse are tied to the crossbar.
    2. During cultivation, plants are fed 3 times with organic fertilizers. It is also advisable to feed with minerals to obtain tasty vegetables.
    3. Plant growth requires abundant watering and loosening of the soil. In dry summers, manipulation is carried out every day, in cool weather: once every 3-4 days.
    4. During the growth and ripening of the fruit, the bush is tied around the leaves and tied to the crossbar. This way the branches won't break under the weight of the tomatoes.
    5. Inspection of the stems, leaves and fruits of the plant for the presence of diseases is carried out constantly to identify diseased areas. If the bush is infected, the diseased leaves and fruits are torn off and destroyed, and the bushes are treated with chemicals for disinfection. To prevent some diseases, in hot weather the planting area should be ventilated, and in cold weather, water should not be allowed to get on the leaves. Watering should be done at the root level.

    If you follow the rules of care, the Slav will bear fruit for a long time, and the fruits will be of high quality and large.

    Review of reviews about the variety

    Usually, the qualities of the grown tomatoes determine what kind of reviews the variety will receive in the future. The review showed a large number of positive and only a few negative reviews. Therefore, we can talk about the excellent quality of the sold seeds and grown tomatoes.

    Recommendations for cultivation

    The best way to grow tomatoes is from seedlings. Burying the seeds begins after March 15 with pre-treatment with growth-stimulating substances. Although the variety is not large-fruited, it is demanding on the quality of the soil, the amount of water in it, and the presence of nutrients and microelements. The plant responds well to the application of a small amount of superphosphate fertilizers. The main component of fertilizing should be organic materials: humus and turf soil.

    After planting Masterpiece tomato seeds in moist soil, it is necessary to maintain the air temperature at least 23 °C. The trays with seeds are covered with film. After germination, it is advisable to illuminate the seedlings with artificial light using fluorescent lamps.

    Several lamps will cope with this task if the seedlings are grown for personal farming. Thinning of seedlings should be carried out when there are 1-2 true leaves. After diving, the plants are fed with liquid nutrient mixtures.

    Young shoots must be hardened 2 weeks before transplanting. To do this, take them out into the fresh air for 15-20 minutes. After 10 days, the hardening time increases to several hours. At the end of the third month after planting the seeds, in good weather in open ground, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place of growth.

    Watering should be plentiful, but not frequent. Warm and settled water is used. During fruiting, up to 4 root feedings are carried out. Foliar fertilizer mixtures can be sprayed onto the plant.

    Reviews from gardeners indicate that a significant advantage of Masterpiece tomatoes is their massive ripening before the onset of late blight epidemic, which eliminates the need for preventive treatments.

    To prevent crown or root rot, it is necessary to weed the weeds, mulch with rotted straw and loosen the soil. Experts advise treating the soil with Fitosporin.

    Tomato variety Masterpiece

    • September 13, 2021 00:07:47

    The Masterpiece tomato variety is one of the favorites among farmers because it is perfectly stored, easily tolerates transportation, and is tasty and juicy. The variety is suitable not only for professionals. Fruits rich in vitamins will be a godsend for summer residents and gardeners. Tasty, healthy and easy to care for, they are perfect for both fresh vegetable salads and canning. You can make delicious juice using them.

    The masterpiece was developed exclusively for places with a temperate and warm climate. It can be grown in open ground; a film greenhouse is also suitable. They are characterized by excellent productivity and resistance to temperature changes. A slight drought is not very bad for this variety.

    The description of the Masterpiece tomato variety says that at first the fruits are characterized by a red color. The pulp is juicy, sweet, excellent taste.

    The optimal way to grow this variety is from seedlings. In this case, you are guaranteed to get quick fruiting. It is recommended to plant seeds in mid-March. You can pre-treat with a growth stimulator. For seeds to germinate, room temperature is required - twenty-three to twenty-five degrees. You can cover the container with film.

    After the first shoots appear, the container is exposed to bright sunlight. Moderate watering is required. After the first true leaves appear, planting is done and then fertilized with fertilizer.

    After fifty-five to sixty days, you can transplant into open ground or, alternatively, into a greenhouse. Seven days before transplanting, you can begin hardening the seedlings, periodically exposing them to the air.

    Tomatoes are placed at a distance of forty to fifty centimeters relative to each other. It is recommended not to water the bushes often; use only warm water.

    Diseases and insects

    This variety is quite resistant to various diseases.

    It is very important to regularly loosen the soil and get rid of weeds. Various insects are dangerous to tomatoes; they can harm the plant.

    Where to get seeds

    Characteristics and description of the Masterpiece tomato variety makes you want to purchase wonderful seeds for your garden. Ripe, healthy and tasty fruits can be used for various purposes. You can buy seeds in the following places:

    – in specialized stores;

    With access to the Internet, you can make any purchase in just a few minutes. It's simple, convenient and saves a lot of precious time. On our website you can buy the best and high-quality seeds at the best price and in the required quantity. We guarantee high quality, professional service, fast delivery. Our customers are satisfied with their purchase and excellent service. The Masterpiece variety will delight you with its productivity and taste properties.

    How to grow

    The growing season for all representatives of the Masterpiece tomato is the same; the seeds are grown in seedlings:

    1. At the beginning of March, when daylight hours increase, planting material is prepared - store-bought soil or a mixture of peat, turf, ash (3: 4: 1).
    2. The seeds are disinfected in a manganese solution for 20-30 minutes, then soaked for a day in clean water at room temperature.
    3. The hatched seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, after which they are watered and the soil is compacted (the depth of the total soil layer should be at least 4 cm, the sowing area should be 30-50 seeds per 40-50 sq. cm).
    4. When the first shoots appear (5-7 days after planting the seeds), the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place without drafts.
    5. Every 5 and 20 days, seedlings are watered and fed with nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers;
    6. At 50-60 days, adult bushes are planted in the ground.

    From this moment on, the gardener must be guided by the growth indicators of the Masterpiece. If the bush reaches 50-60 cm, it is suitable for planting in the ground. The medium-sized Altai Masterpiece and Masterpiece F1 require the preparation of twines or trellises for garter.

    It is preferable to grow these crops indoors. The remaining rules of agricultural technology remain unchanged:

    1. Preparing holes 20 cm deep for seedlings - add peat, humus, and ash to each hole (4:1:1).
    2. Planting adult plants at a distance of 50-80 cm from each other and 1.0-1.2 m between rows (when planting, watering with warm water is required, it is advisable to use the “Kornevin” solution so that the tomato quickly strengthens in a new place).
    3. Water every 5 days or as the soil dries out.
    4. Weekly loosening to ventilate the root system and weeding.
    5. Tying the plant when it reaches a height of 30-50 cm.
    6. Pinching stepsons if necessary.
    7. Monthly fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium or organic fertilizers.

    The last feeding is carried out 2 weeks before the first harvest.

    Prevention of diseases and pests

    The Masterpiece tomato is resistant to late blight and root rot. These diseases can only develop in open ground and with improper agricultural practices:

    • when air and soil become waterlogged;
    • when pests appear.

    Spraying the leaves with a solution of non-toxic biofungicides “Fitocid”, “Trichodermin”, “Mikosan” will help prevent the attack. Treat in clear weather a week after planting the seedlings, until flowering becomes widespread. Repeated spraying is allowed 3 weeks before harvest.

    For pests, it is better to use bioinsecticides that do not poison bees and animals. Type of treatment – ​​spraying. The schedule is the same as for biofungicides.

    Advantages of the variety

    Tomatoes of the Slavic masterpiece variety are quite resistant to various diseases. The durable skin of the fruit makes tomatoes suitable for long-term storage and for transportation over long distances without losing their presentation. Gardeners note a long period of fruiting, which is a clear advantage of the crop. The fruits have standard sizes, so they are excellent for all types of preparations. Tomatoes are used to prepare paste, sauces, ketchups, and canned whole or in halves. If you follow all the rules for growing the Slavic Masterpiece variety, you can get excellent quality fruits and a rich harvest.

    Reviews from gardeners

    Oksana, 36 years old (Rostov-on-Don): “The climate of our region allows us to grow different tomatoes. But I still focus on the “giants”. I tried to grow Masterpiece Hybrid and got fruits weighing 1 kg. The children are delighted!”

    Fyodor Matyukhov, 47 years old (Cheboksary): “I want to make my contribution to public opinion about the Masterpiece. The variety is truly frost-resistant and unpretentious. But for commercial products it is better to use closed soil and Masterpiece Early. I use the rest purely for collection (I grow more than 30 varieties).”

    Nadezhda Viktorovna, 52 years old (Penza): “In my entire life I have never seen such sweet and large tomatoes as in the photo in the magazine! I grow them in open ground, so some don’t have time to grow before frost. It is necessary to plant the seeds at the end of February so that the harvest can be fully harvested in August, and leave the half-red fruits to lie in the sun until they turn completely red. I have some small tomatoes and I can them. Banks don't explode. A masterpiece is one of the best varieties!”

    Donkey ears or Slavic masterpiece?

    Our consultants will not allow gardeners to get lost in the abundance of seeds offered

    Every year, agricultural companies offer more and more new vegetable seeds. Shops and kiosks selling seeds are full of colorful bags with excellent characteristics of varieties, which confuses not only beginners, but also experienced gardeners. Our consultant, member of the Irkutsk Gardening Club named after A.K. Thomson Zinaida Lyubimova, annually plants about 50 varieties of tomatoes, not only new varieties, but also old, time-tested ones. We asked her to tell us more about the features of each variety.

    Greenhouse tomatoes are real giants

    Greenhouse tomatoes are real giants compared to their outdoor counterparts; they grow almost 2 meters.
    Large-fruited variety
    Tomatoes weighing 300 grams or more. Very good for salads. By cutting them into pieces, you can make various preparations, tomato paste and tomato juice. Bear Paw
    A tall variety, it has huge, spreading lower clusters, which produce about 10 fruits ranging from 100 to 300 g. If you remove several flowers, the tomatoes will be much larger. Sometimes the brushes even have to be tied so that there is no crease on the flower stem. The tomatoes are round, raspberry-colored, and have excellent taste. Khabarovsk tomatoes
    are known and loved by many gardeners.
    The variety is very productive. The fruits are heart-shaped, dense, dark red in color. The pulp is sweet, fleshy, weight 200-300 g. World record holder
    Fruits weighing more than 300 g are formed on the lower clusters, and smaller ones on the upper clusters. The fruit is flat-round, bright red, smooth, with dense skin. The taste and marketability of the fruits are excellent. Donkey ears
    The variety is interesting not only by its name, but also by the unusual shape of the fruits - they are oval-elongated, with small ribs. There are about 5 fruits in the cluster, weight 200-300 g. The taste of the fruits is high. The yield is very good. Miracle of the Earth
    A tall plant with very large fruits weighing from 300 g and above, individual fruits can weigh up to 500-600 g. The fruits are round, fleshy, excellent taste, red. In addition to the varieties described, the following tomato varieties have excellent yields and fruit weight: Abkhazian, Alyosha Popovich, Volovye Heart, Queen of the Market, Krasnoyarsk, Shapka Monomakha, Siberian Giant, French Giant. Medium-fruiting varieties Slavic masterpiece
    This variety has the best characteristics. The fruits are round, red, dense, very well stored, resistant to cracking, and transportable. Fruit weight is 100 g or more. One of the best
    The name speaks for itself. It combines high yield and excellent taste. The fruits are red, round-heart-shaped, weighing 100-300 g. Light bulb
    . The fruits look like a light bulb, pear-shaped, with many folds at the top.
    Very similar to the Japanese Truffle variety, but larger, weighing 150 g, red in color. The fruits are very dense, with durable skin, tasty, and transportable. The variety is mid-season, productive. Also good varieties are Adonis, Tref, Unique, Ellina, Delta. Large-fruited and medium-fruited tomatoes are usually grown in one trunk; in this case, the fruits are larger and ripen earlier. If you grow tomatoes in two trunks, the yield will be greater. Pickling, small-fruited varieties
    Pickling, small-fruited varieties - fruit weight is about 100 g or less
    Red icicle
    An early ripening variety, excellent for canning. The fruits are elongated, icicle-shaped, and very dense. There are 7-8 fruits in the cluster, of high taste, red color. Transportable. Ventura
    Italian variety. The fruit is about 50 g, crimson in color, oval in shape, with a small spout. About 10 fruits ripen in a cluster. The inflorescences are arranged through 2 leaves, which ensures high productivity. Due to its shape and size, the tomato is ideal for canning. Money Tree
    The height of the plant is 1.5-1.8 m, thanks to which this variety, like the previous one, can be grown in a greenhouse. The fruits are round, red and dense, smooth with a strong skin. Very good in pickling. Weight 100 g. Taste and product quality are excellent. Fruitful. Excellent varieties for pickling: Elochka, Sugar plum (both have fruits like large plums), Milashka (the whole bush is strewn with red round fruits weighing 50-100 g), Transbaikal miracle (30 fruits weighing about 100 g in a brush), Italy - elongated fruits weighing 70-100 g, Bell (cylindrical, oval fruits). Register in a greenhouse
    Tomatoes grown in a greenhouse should grow no more than 1-1.5 m.
    Eagle heart
    The mid-season variety conquers with its high yield and large fruit. The fruits are beautifully heart-shaped, pink-raspberry in color, with delicate sweet flesh, dense and resistant to cracking, low in seeds, fleshy, have an excellent taste in salads and winter preparations. Peter
    Plant height is 1-1.5 m, mid-early variety. The fruits have an unusual, beautiful pepper-shaped oval shape with a spout. The fruits are red, smooth in shape, fleshy, weighing 150-200 g, universal purpose. The taste and pickling qualities and fruit yield are quite high. Sweet tooth
    The bush grows up to 1.5 m. Red fruits, small, round, weighing 20-40 g, very sweet. Intended for fresh consumption, as well as for making jam and marmalade. Grows well on the balcony. This tomato is not sour at all, which is why children love it. Large and medium-fruited varieties (Russian Soul, Budenovka, Unique, King of Giants, Krasavets Primorye) and pickling varieties (Yablonka Rossii and Malashka) have excellent qualities. Shuttle
    One of the best varieties of amateur selection. Medium early, cold-resistant, with an extended fruiting period. Recommended for fresh consumption, pickling and whole-fruit canning. The height of the bush is 40-50 cm. The fruits are elongated-oval, smooth, weighing 50-60 g, the top has a spout. The fruits are red, with excellent taste when fresh or salted. D-2
    is addressed to gardeners busy with work, since it is not a stepchild.
    As the fruits ripen, only the lower yellowed leaves are picked off. The bush must be tied to several supports and pegs, since it may fall under the weight of the fruit. The bush is about a meter high, forms many trunks from stepsons, on which many ovaries appear. You can harvest a bucket of tomatoes from one bush. D-2 should be planted less frequently than the others, since it has a large crown. The variety is late-ripening and can be stored for a very long time, 2-3 months. The fruits are bright red in color, the shape and size of an average lemon, weighing 70-100 g. Perfect for all types of processing and for salads. Lights of Moscow
    A new high-yielding variety with a height of 80-100 cm. The fruits are round, red, of excellent taste, weighing 100-130 g, and are well stored. Pochen
    The variety is early ripening, up to 1 m high. The fruits are round, light red in color, tasty, weighing 200-150 g. A variety for universal use. These two varieties are grown using new technology. Before and after planting the plants, water the soil very well. After five days, the plant is hilled up and not watered even in dry summer. Countryman
    The height of the tomato is 60 cm. A high-yielding variety, the lower cluster consists of 20-25 red fruits, slightly oval in shape, weighing 50-60 g. There are fewer fruits in the second cluster. An excellent variety for pickling. Pride of the Fatherland
    A new super-yielding variety, 50-70 cm high. The fruits are red, cylindrical. The taste is excellent. Beta and Snowdrop
    Both varieties are non-sapling, super-early and high-yielding. Small-fruited does not mean bad
    There is a group of tomatoes with very small fruits, from 5 to 30 g. These tomatoes are very tasty.
    They are remembered mainly when pickling cucumbers and large tomatoes and fill all the voids in the jars with them. In addition to the listed advantages, these low bushes are very decorative, especially during fruiting. Spectacular, can decorate a flower bed and any vegetable garden. Florida Pepit
    The standard bush has a height of 30-40 cm and is completely covered with small red fruit-balls. The variety is early, ripens quickly and produces harvests. Sub-Arctic
    It grows up to 30 cm in height. It is similar to the previous variety, but ripens much later. Fruit weight 30 g. Sub-Arctic Plenty
    The variety is super early ripening, about 70 cm high. The fruits are round, red, tasty, weighing 50 g. It ripens successfully in open ground even in unfavorable summers. Balcony miracle
    The plant is early ripening, compact. The fruits are round, the size of a cherry, sweet, aromatic, the variety is very productive. Recommended by nutritionists
    Not all gardeners like yellow and orange tomatoes.
    But in vain - these tomatoes are tastier and healthier than ordinary ones, they are recommended by nutritionists, as they contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is the best preventative against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. “Suns” contain much more vitamins than red ones. Ryazan Madonna
    Tall variety. The fruits are orange in color, beautiful oval-elongated shape, with a small spout, with tender, sweet pulp, with a small amount of seeds, fruit weight 200 g. The variety is recommended for fresh consumption and for canning. Buyan yellow
    Height 50-70 cm. The fruits are oval-elongated, bright yellow, shiny, excellent taste, weighing 100 g. There are 8 pieces in the lower cluster. The variety is consistently productive. Golden bullet
    An early variety, 50-60 cm high. The fruits are cylindrical, rich orange in color, dense, of high taste, weighing 70-80 g. Ideal for preservation, they are distinguished by smooth fruit ripening and disease resistance. Wagner mirabelle
    A greenhouse variety, tall, best grown in 1-2 trunks. The variety is very unusual, with a complex cluster containing about 50-60 fruits. They are pear-shaped, lemon-colored, small, weighing 5-30 g, and very beautiful when pickled. In August, remove the upper flower stalks completely so that the fruits in the lower clusters are better filled. In addition to these varieties, there are excellent productive varieties of tomatoes in this group: Golden Domes (very large), Golden Cockerel (elongated fruits), Businka (early, small fruits), Golden Queen (large yellow), Orange (large orange). Exotic varieties of tomatoes are unusual in color and shape. They will decorate and diversify your tomato collection. Snow white
    Medium early variety. The bush is tall and powerful. At first, the fruits, like all tomatoes, are green, then they begin to lighten. Ripe fruits are very beautiful, like wax, white in color, with a slight pale pink blush. The fruits are large, weighing 100-200 g, some fruits are larger and round in shape. Used fresh and for making juices. The taste is normal, like red tomatoes. The value of the variety is in very good yield, attractive appearance of the fruit and good taste and dietary qualities. Argelandr
    The height of the bush is about 2 m. The fruits are round, weighing 100-150 g. The variety is productive. At first the fruit is green with yellow stripes, but when ripe it becomes red with yellow stripes. The fruits are very beautiful and unusual. Chernomor
    The height of the tomato is about 1.5 meters; it can be grown in a greenhouse or hotbed. The leaves are unusual, potato-type. The fruit is large, sweet, flat-round in shape, unusual brown-burgundy color, very fleshy, low in seeds, weighing 100-300 g. There are 4-6 fruits in a cluster. The variety is intended for salads (for fresh consumption). Valued for its productivity and high taste. The fruits are stored until spring.
    These are tomato varieties that are stored until March-April.
    The fruits do not ripen on the bushes; they ripen in the room for 40-60 days. Should be stored in a cool place. The taste of these varieties is average. Tomatoes are suitable for pickling, pickling, and are good for making gravies and soups. In winter, you can treat yourself to a fresh tomato salad. Long Keeper
    The height of the variety is 1.5 meters. The fruits are round, weighing 100 g, milky-white in color, when ripe they acquire a pinkish-pearl color, the flesh is pink. Giraffe
    . Plant height 2 meters. The fruits are round, have a light greenish color when picked, and yellow-light orange after ripening. The pulp is red, very dense. Fruit weight 80-120 g.

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