Generous harvests of delicious tomatoes - Tsarskaya Vetka tomato: reviews of yields, description of the variety

The Tsar's Branch tomato is a variety of tasty and beautiful small tomatoes that can be used for any culinary experiments. In addition, they contain a lot of vitamins and substances valuable for the body.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningOrangeAverageVarietyRound

Description and characteristics of the variety

The Tsar's Branch tomato bushes are determinate, grow up to 70-90 cm. The stems are strong and strong, moderately leafy, and do not produce many shoots. The fruits on compact bushes grow in clusters; 6-9 clusters develop on one plant. They ripen 105-110 days after germination.

Tomatoes are medium-sized, weighing 90-150 g, round. The color of a ripe tomato is deep orange. There is light ribbing. The pulp is medium density, tasty and aromatic, sweet. It can be used for fresh consumption, canning whole fruits, pickling in barrels, preparing stews, soups, cutting vegetables, as well as processing into pastes.

Orange tomatoes contain beta-carotene in large quantities, as well as vitamin C and a number of others.

Features of cultivation

Like most tomatoes, the Tsar's branch is grown in seedlings. Seed material can be purchased or prepared independently. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February - the first half of March, since by the time they are planted in the ground they should be about 2 months old. Cassettes, containers, cups and other containers are suitable for sowing. To ensure adequate nutrition of seeds, fertile soil is required, light and loose to the soil. It is best to use a ready-made soil mixture, but you can prepare it yourself by adding peat and humus to the garden soil.

When growing tomato seedlings, I always try to use separate large containers to avoid picking the seedlings and to give the roots more space. Even when using purchased soil, I always add a little river sand and complex fertilizers in granules. When I grow tomatoes on the balcony, I plant the seeds directly in a bucket. According to my observations, the larger the container with soil, the larger both the bush and the fruits themselves are. I feed indoor tomato bushes only with the Agricola complex for tomatoes and peppers 3 times a season.

Seeds must be prepared for sowing - select full-fledged seeds by soaking, then disinfect them (for example, with potassium permanganate) and treat them with growth stimulants. The use of aloe juice allows for both disinfection and stimulation.

Aloe juice is a good disinfectant and also a growth stimulator.

Treated seeds are placed in moistened soil to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, covered with soil and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. Seeds placed in a dark room begin to grow in 3–5 days. Then the film is removed, and the sprouted seeds are placed in the most illuminated room and grown at a temperature of 22–25 oC. If necessary, the seedlings are additionally illuminated, for which it is better to use phytolamps.

Phytolamps are specially designed for lighting plants, as they create the necessary type of spectrum

Caring for seedlings is not difficult - moderate watering is required as the soil dries and 1-2 feedings with Kemira-Lux, Krepysh or Mortar. If the seeds were sown in boxes or cassettes, picking is necessary when 2 true leaves appear.

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out 50–55 days after seed germination. The seedlings must first be hardened off by taking them outside for several hours every day.

Tomatoes are planted in open ground in the first ten days of June, and in a greenhouse in the second half of May. The predecessors of tomatoes should be turnips, beets, cabbage, and greens. Plant the Royal branch at a density of 3–4 plants per square meter. To ensure normal adaptation of the root system, the seedlings are not watered for the first week after planting.

Caring for tomato beds

The rules for caring for the Tsar's Branch tomato are very simple. Regular watering, fertilizing, protection from pests and proper formation of the bush are necessary. In general, the variety is unpretentious and does not require special care.

It is recommended to form a tomato into 2 or 3 stems - this will increase the yield. There is no need to trim the bushes.

Forming tomatoes - video

Despite the good resistance of the Tsarskaya Vetka variety to temperature changes, too sudden changes can withstand all climate changes; however, sudden changes can lead to crop loss. If night cold suddenly sets in (the thermometer drops below +12...+14 oC), it is necessary to cover the beds with straw or non-woven material.

It must be borne in mind that too high a temperature is also harmful to plants, so when growing in greenhouses, the temperature should not be allowed to rise above 30 °C.

Tsar's branch is an unpretentious variety, but do not forget that absolutely all tomato varieties require watering. You need to water the bushes sparingly as the soil dries out. If there is little moisture in the ground, then the bushes can quickly develop blossom end rot. The leaves will curl. The fruits of this variety do not crack, however, if fluctuations in soil moisture occur, there is a high probability of deformed tomatoes ripening. It is especially important to monitor watering during flowering bushes. If there is not enough moisture, flowers and ovaries may fall off. Conversely, waterlogging of the soil can lead to the growth of tops. On average, you need to water tomatoes once every 3-4 days, directing the water flow directly under the root so that the water goes to its intended purpose and does not spread to the sides.

Note: the optimal air humidity is 45–60%. If the humidity is higher, tomatoes can quickly become affected by various diseases.


At least three feedings per season - every self-respecting gardener should know about this rule. At first, plants need to increase their vegetative mass, so the plants are fed with organic mixtures (not fresh manure) and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and especially nitrogen.

During the second feeding, the amount of nitrogen is reduced. During the budding and fruiting stages, plants need potassium.

You can use purchased complex products or prepare mixtures at home and water them with fertilizers under the bushes.


The Tsar's branch begins to bear fruit in July and bears fruit for quite a long time, until mid-September. In order to produce more fruits, summer residents usually pick the first fruits unripe in order to free the bush from excess load and direct its work towards the formation of new tomatoes.

Tomatoes of this variety quickly ripen indoors without spoiling or losing their excellent taste. Salad variety, for whole-fruit canning.

Characteristics and description of the tomato “Golden Rhapsody”

Breeders never cease to delight gardeners with beautiful hybrids. The “Golden Rhapsody” tomato will be a godsend for both a novice gardener and an avid agronomist.

Characteristic features of the variety

Mid-season tomatoes are grown in greenhouses and open ground. The growing season of ripening from the moment the seed sprouts is 100-110 days. The bushes are of the indeterminate type; upon reaching 1.2-1.5 m, it must be pinched. The foliage of the plant is average.

The fruits are large, 150-300 grams (can reach 400 grams). The shape is flat-round, with slight ribbing at the tail. The variety is yellow-orange in biological ripeness. The skin is thin but dense. The pulp is sweet, fleshy, the seeds are located in small chambers.

With proper care, you can harvest up to 5 kg from one bush. fruits Salad-type tomatoes, suitable for preparing main courses, are an excellent component of pizza. In central and northern Russia, it is recommended to grow in greenhouses. The plant is practically not attacked by fungal diseases.

Variety "Golden Rhapsody" - advantages and disadvantages

Let's consider what positive aspects the variety will please, and what disadvantages are still present in it.

Advantages of "Golden Rhapsody":

high-yielding variety; it is not difficult to grow; excellent gastronomic quality indicators

Attracts attention with its appearance; fruits set and ripen at the same time; plants show resistance to fungal diseases; the fruits do not crack

Disadvantages of the variety:

  • fertilizing with fertilizers in large quantities can destroy the plant, so carry out only 2-3 feedings over the entire period;
  • The plant is capricious when it comes to watering. It is necessary to irrigate abundantly, but not often;
  • Due to their large fruits, they are not suitable for whole canning in jars.

Tips for growing tomatoes

To get a good harvest, you need to work hard. Growing a tomato takes all spring and half the summer. Recommendations for growing tomatoes:

  • The end of February and the beginning of March, the period during which seeds are planted. The greenhouse or small greenhouse should be well heated. Air temperature +20-25 degrees, humidity not less than 60%.
  • Before planting, treat the seed material with a growth stimulator (Epin, Novosil, Kornevin), or soak for 20 minutes. in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate and 100 ml of water).
  • Plant the seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm with a distance of 2-3 cm. Water the seedlings with warm, settled water. The seedlings stay in the greenhouse for 50-60 days.
  • Grown seedlings are hardened off in 2 weeks. By lowering the air temperature in the greenhouse, the plants gradually get used to the temperature of the open ground.
  • 3-4 sprouts are planted per square meter so that the plants do not shade each other and it is convenient to care for them.
  • Water the plants with plenty of water. Irrigation frequency is 3-5 days.
  • Remove weeds and loosen the soil.
  • If pests or diseases appear, take care of the tomato so as not to ruin the harvest.

Important! Tomatoes are most often exposed to diseases: late blight, streak, brown spot. The universal savior of the plant is Bordeaux mixture

To prepare it you will need 100 grams of copper sulfate, 120-150 grams of quicklime, 10 liters. water.

When pests appear, you can use complex preparations: “Calypso” fights aphids, Colorado potato beetles, thrips, cutworms, moths (consumption of 2 ml per 10 liters of water), “Ampligo” will protect plants from: aphids, leaf-eating caterpillars, cutworms, leaf rollers , flower beetles, stem moths (consumption rate 4 ml per 5 liters of water).

The nuances of growing a variety

According to reviews from vegetable growers who grow this variety with seeds for seedlings, seed material should be planted at home approximately two months before the planned planting of young plants in the beds.

There are no special recommendations for growing this variety in garden beds - all care comes down to regular watering and fertilizing, loosening the soil and removing weeds. A certain distance should be maintained when planting seedlings in beds - 3-4 bushes are planted per 1 m². Those who planted this vegetable plant more often created difficulties for themselves in caring for the tomato, as well as difficulties in harvesting.

Features of agricultural technology and reviews from farmers

By following the simple growing rules recommended by the manufacturer, you can get a truly royal harvest.

  • the ideal time for sowing Tsar's Branch tomato seeds for seedlings is the third ten days of March;
  • picking after the appearance of 1-2 true leaves;
  • if you plan to plant seedlings under film, then this should be done in mid-May;
  • for transferring seedlings to open ground, the most favorable days will be the beginning of June, when 5-7 true leaves are formed;
  • landing pattern - 50x40.

We described in detail how to properly transplant bushes into a garden bed in this article.

The review of tomato crops will be supplemented by reviews from those who have already grown the Tsar’s Branch on their plots and were able to fully appreciate the variety.

Elena from Tula writes that at first her attention was attracted by the photo of this tomato on a bag of seeds, and only then she assessed its characteristics. I decided to plant it in my garden and was right – I got a good harvest (3-4 kg from each bush). She claims that she collected tomatoes until the last days of September.

Konstantin Egorovich from Gdansk decided to go against the advice of the variety’s producers and removed the side shoots on the bushes, which he recommends to other gardeners.

Galina from the Smolensk region was surprised by the fact that already ripe tomatoes were difficult to separate from the branches. It was necessary, she writes, to cut it off at the stalk with scissors. Otherwise, if you pull the fruit, as a summer resident does with other tomatoes, not only the stalk, but also a piece of the tomato remains on the bush. But Galina sees this as a plus of the variety - the tomatoes tenaciously hold on to the brushes and do not fall off when there is gusts of wind.

Varvara Leonidovna from Ivanovo shares that she has been growing this sunny tomato for the 4th year in a row, and loves the variety for its unpretentiousness and consistently rich harvest. The summer resident claims that she purchased the seeds only once and uses her own seed material in subsequent seasons.

It is possible that after getting acquainted with this easy-to-grow, but inherently noble tomato, the royal orange fruits will decorate your garden.


The variety begins to bear fruit in July and ends in mid-September. Many gardeners, in order to increase the number of fruits, pick the first fruits slightly unripe in order to free the plant from the load and direct energy to the formation of new fruits.


Collect fruits of milky ripeness when they do not yet have full color. This will help extend their storage time and also increase the plant's yield time.

The tomato ripens indoors in a short time without losing its characteristic taste.

Tomato variety Tsarskaya Vetka: golden fruits in your beds

Despite the abundance of different varieties of tomatoes, breeders continue to work on creating more and more new varieties. Tomatoes appear with higher qualities, interesting appearance and other interesting characteristics. These new varieties include the yellow-fruited tomato Tsarskaya Vetka, which is distinguished by excellent productivity.

Description of tomato variety Tsarskaya Vetka

The Tsar's Branch tomato appeared thanks to the efforts of agricultural specialists at the beginning of the 21st century. The variety was registered in the State Register in 2011. Designed for cultivation throughout Russia in open or protected ground. Some lovers even grow this tomato on the balcony.

Tomato Royal branch on video

What does a Tsar's Branch tomato look like?

The Tsar's branch is an early-ripening tomato - the first fruits ripen 90–105 days after sowing. Due to their determinant property, the bushes grow no higher than 80–90 cm.

Compact, low-growing bushes are literally strewn with orange fruits

The plants are compact, with strong stems, and have an average number of medium-sized green leaves. Up to 9 fruit clusters are formed on the bushes, each of which can have a dozen ovaries.

The fruits are round in shape, with a slightly ribbed surface. Before reaching ripeness, the dense and thick skin has a light green color, which then gives way to orange. The size of the fruit is not too large - the average weight is 90–100 g (maximum 150 g).

The average fruit weight ranges between 90 and 100 g

The tomato pulp is dense but juicy and hides 3-4 seed chambers. Characterized by a high content of beta-carotene. Tasters rate the sweetish taste of the fruit as good.

Tomatoes have 3–4 seed chambers

Advantages and disadvantages of tomato

The Tsar's Branch tomato is quite popular among gardeners due to the following characteristics:

  • high yield (up to 3.5–4 kg per bush and up to 7.3–7.8 kg/sq.m in an unheated greenhouse);
  • no need for stepsoning;
  • early and friendly maturation;
  • long shelf life of fruits on the bush without compromising quality;
  • excellent presentation;
  • resistance to transportation and storage;
  • good resistance to late blight and tobacco mosaic.

The disadvantages include the not too large size of the fruit.

To more accurately assess the advantages and disadvantages of the variety, you should compare it with some other yellow-fruited tomatoes. You can see that the Tsar's branch does not match the characteristics of other varieties, and some of them are superior in yield, size and disease resistance.

Table: comparison of some varieties of yellow-fruited tomatoes

Variety nameRipening time, daysHeight, mProductivity, kg per bushFruit weight, gPeculiarities
Royal branch90–1050,7–0,9up to 490–100Very high yield, disease resistance
Persimmon90–1050.8 - 1 (in the greenhouse up to 1.5)3,5–4300–400Hard skin, loss of taste when overripe
Golden Queen110–1150,6–0,82,5–3150 — 300High yield in all weather conditions
Amber Cup105–1101–1,5Until 390 — 120Heat and disease resistance, shelf life up to 2 months
Amana Orange110–115up to 1.7Up to 3.5up to 400Very low seed content

Features of cultivation

Like most tomatoes, the Tsar's branch is grown in seedlings. Seed material can be purchased or prepared independently. Seeds for seedlings are sown in February - the first half of March, since by the time they are planted in the ground they should be about 2 months old. Cassettes, containers, cups and other containers are suitable for sowing. To ensure adequate nutrition of seeds, fertile soil is required, light and loose to the soil. It is best to use a ready-made soil mixture, but you can prepare it yourself by adding peat and humus to the garden soil.

When growing tomato seedlings, I always try to use separate large containers to avoid picking the seedlings and to give the roots more space. Even when using purchased soil, I always add a little river sand and complex fertilizers in granules. When I grow tomatoes on the balcony, I plant the seeds directly in a bucket. According to my observations, the larger the container with soil, the larger both the bush and the fruits themselves are. I feed indoor tomato bushes only with the Agricola complex for tomatoes and peppers 3 times a season.

Seeds must be prepared for sowing - select full-fledged seeds by soaking, then disinfect them (for example, with potassium permanganate) and treat them with growth stimulants. The use of aloe juice allows for both disinfection and stimulation.

Aloe juice is a good disinfectant and also a growth stimulator.

Treated seeds are placed in moistened soil to a depth of 1.5–2 cm, covered with soil and covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. Seeds placed in a dark room begin to grow in 3–5 days. Then the film is removed, and the germinated seeds are placed in the most illuminated room and grown at a temperature of 22–25 o C. If necessary, the seedlings are additionally illuminated, for which it is better to use phytolamps.

Phytolamps are specially designed for lighting plants, as they create the necessary type of spectrum

Caring for seedlings is not difficult - moderate watering is required as the soil dries and 1-2 feedings with Kemira-Lux, Krepysh or Mortar. If the seeds were sown in boxes or cassettes, picking is necessary when 2 true leaves appear.

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out 50–55 days after seed germination. The seedlings must first be hardened off by taking them outside for several hours every day.

Tomatoes are planted in open ground in the first ten days of June, and in a greenhouse in the second half of May. The predecessors of tomatoes should be turnips, beets, cabbage, and greens. Plant the Royal branch at a density of 3–4 plants per square meter. To ensure normal adaptation of the root system, the seedlings are not watered for the first week after planting.


  1. Lera, 40 years old:
    I have been growing this variety for 4 years and am very pleased with it. I usually plant them in a greenhouse in early May; the fruits are quite dense and of medium size. The taste is very good, the tomatoes have a sweet taste. The variety is characterized by a high level of productivity and unpretentiousness. I highly recommend this variety to everyone.
  2. Peter, 34 years old:
    I have been growing tomatoes for about two years. It is difficult to find seeds of this variety on sale, perhaps because the variety is very popular among vegetable growers. I would like to note that the tomatoes germinate very quickly and the plants are quite strong. I did not care for it very carefully, since the variety is unpretentious. Tomatoes have demonstrated good resistance to many diseases. I really liked the taste. I plan to plant this season.

Heinz tomato - description and characteristics of the variety


Compliance with certain rules will allow the gardener to harvest up to 25 kg of tomatoes from one bush. Plants need to be provided with timely watering, warmth, light, protection from diseases, pests and weeds.

It is also important to tie up the stems and, if necessary, fruit clusters in a timely manner.

Growing seedlings

Seedlings of the Tsar's temptation variety can be grown in wooden or plastic boxes, in peat pots, and even in ordinary disposable glasses. Experts advise using peat cups so that replanting the plant in the ground is stress-free for the bush. Peat cups are directly dug into the soil, after which they decompose and serve as additional fertilizer.

Tomato seedlings Royal Temptation are planted in a heated greenhouse, where the temperature during the day is more than 15 ° C. In central Russia, planting begins in April, in the southern regions - in the first half of March. Tomatoes are planted in open ground in the middle zone at the end of May - beginning of June, in the south of the country - at an earlier date. In conditions of a significant decrease in temperature, seedlings are provided with additional film protection on the arches or a special covering material is used.

In order to get a good soil mixture for planting tomatoes for seedlings, you need to mix two parts peat, part soil and half part sand. Before sowing, the resulting composition is sifted and disinfected using a double boiler or oven. Parasites and pathogenic bacteria die under the influence of high temperatures. Disinfection is carried out approximately ten days before sowing.

The seedlings are placed in a warm place under the film, and they do not need additional lighting.

The first shoots appear on the 3rd – 10th day after planting. From this point on, the temperature is reduced to 7 °C, and the illumination is increased to the maximum. This is necessary for the proper formation of the root system.

And in a common container, seedlings are picked into separate containers after the appearance of 2 true leaves.

Landing rules

Plants are planted in a row; there should be a distance of at least 50 cm between the bushes, while per 1 sq. m. place no more than 3 - 4 bushes. This allows tomatoes to grow in the most comfortable conditions without interfering with other bushes.

Watering and fertilizing

Tomatoes Royal Temptation do not tolerate drought; stable daily watering will bring 80% of a good harvest. But you cannot flood the bushes: the roots and stems may begin to rot, and the fruits will become excessively watery. To maintain a sufficient level of moisture at the roots, you can mulch the bed with sawdust or straw in a layer of up to 3 cm.

Feeding and fertilizers are applied during flowering and fruit formation, as well as after planting seedlings.

  1. Complex fertilizers.
  2. A solution of boric acid (at the rate of 10 g per 10 liters of water) and calcium nitrate - during the period of flowering and ovary formation. Saltpeter protects tomatoes from blossom end rot.
  3. When watering, you can add a solution of ash to the water.

Pinching and tying

Stepchildren are additional shoots growing in the axils of the leaves. If you do not remove them in time, the plant thickens. The bush grows, mineral nutrition is spent on the development of additional shoots and leaves. Pruning is necessary to increase crop productivity.


Video advice on how to properly plant tomatoes:

Growing the Royal Temptation tomato is carried out in 2 stems in greenhouses and southern latitude. In the northern regions, it is better to leave one stem per bush.

Indeterminate varieties require staking of bushes, since the elongated plant will be forced to bend over by ripening heavy fruits. To avoid breaking, the stem is tied to a post with a soft rope or garden wire (coating it with pile will prevent injury to the delicate stem of the bush).

Protection from diseases and pests

To protect against parasites and diseases, the Royal Temptation tomato needs to be sprayed. The most popular drugs:

  1. Fundazol. An effective remedy for gray rot and other diseases.
  2. Switch. A means of protection against diseases and harmful insects.
  3. Bravo 500. The chemical composition of this product can rid tomatoes of bacteria that cause frequent plant diseases.

In addition to the above drugs, you can use Ditan m45, Infinito 61, Quadris 259.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

In addition to high productivity in the early stages, the Tsar's branch has a number of other advantages:

  1. Does not require stepsoning.
  2. Forms its entire harvest before the start of late blight activity.
  3. Immune to tobacco mosaic virus.
  4. Does not lose commercial qualities during transportation and storage.
  5. Universal use: the harmonious taste and pleasant tomato aroma are appreciated in salads, and the thickness of the skin and fleshiness of tomatoes will come in handy for whole-fruit canning.

The variety does not have any significant disadvantages, except that some gardeners consider the need to tie up bushes and small fruits of tomatoes as a disadvantage.


The variety is famous for its high yield. With proper care, 1 sq.m. you can get up to 8-9 kg of tomatoes. One bush usually produces 6-7 racemose ovaries, on which the fruits ripen; the weight of a ripe tomato is on average 110 grams. The shape of the tomato is round, with slight ribbing.

Main purpose: the variety is quite versatile - suitable for fresh consumption (salads, etc.) and for canning.


Tsar's temptation is a hybrid variety. It is highly resistant to temperature changes and easy to care for, so it is very easy to grow.

Due to the high strength of the skin, tomatoes tolerate transportation well. They are easy to store for a long time. Due to the large height of the bushes, it will be difficult for them to grow without staking and pinching.


Among many varieties, this tomato is one of the most productive. When grown in open ground, 5 kg of fruit can be collected from a bush. In greenhouse conditions, with proper care, you can achieve the same result.

According to the characteristics of the Tsar’s Temptation tomato, 20 kg of tomatoes or more can be harvested from 1 m². The main thing is to follow agricultural techniques. Then these indicators can be made even higher.

Use of fruits

Tomatoes have excellent taste, so they are consumed not only fresh. They are often grown for preservation.

Resistance to diseases and pests

Plants must be inspected for pests

According to the description, Tsarskoye Temptation F1 is a hybrid tomato variety. It is highly resistant to various diseases:

  • fusarium;
  • tobacco mosaic;
  • verticillium;
  • Alternaria blight.

The plant has average resistance to blossom end rot.

The variety is able to resist most pests, but in some cases the following may pose a danger to it:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite


Transportation is absolutely not dangerous for these tomatoes: they have durable skin. Thanks to it, the fruits are reliably protected from mechanical damage, but if the tomatoes do not receive enough nutrients during cultivation, its strength may decrease slightly. Because of this, the fruits may crack.

During transportation, vegetables do not spoil or become wrinkled. After transportation, tomatoes are able to retain their presentation for a long time.

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