Strawberries Alba - subtleties of care and all the secrets of the variety

Alba strawberries were bred by breeders from New Fruits, which is located in Italy. This is not the only creation of the company. It is worth remembering the same garden strawberry Asia, which is loved by many gardeners.

Alba, like Asia, has unique characteristics. It has exceptional commercial qualities, is very tasty and ripens early. And in today's article, we would like to talk about its characteristics. Provide a detailed description, show photos and read reviews from those gardeners who cultivated or tried this miracle berry.

Description of the variety

Alba strawberries owe their appearance to the breeders of the famous agricultural company New Fruits (Italy). The task was set to obtain an early productive variety that combines excellent taste characteristics, transportability, and presentation.

Alba fully meets these requirements, although judging by reviews and ratings, there is constant debate about the taste of the berries.

Among the parent forms is the well-known variety “Albion”, with large “crispy” berries. The year of breeding of the variety is 2003; in Russia, early large-fruited strawberries have become known since 2005. The registration number of the bred variety in the supervisory structure of Europe is No. 16744. Alba is not yet registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation.

It is grown on a large scale in Italy, the CIS countries, and Russia. Reviews are mostly positive, complaints are usually based on taste. But you shouldn’t expect strong sweetness from an early variety; after all, in spring and early summer there is not enough sun, and the berries do not have time to gain sugar content.

Main characteristics of Alba strawberries

This is a non-repairing garden variety with early ripening. The bushes are powerful, vigorous, up to 30-35 cm in height. The leaves are large, bright green in color. The flower stalks are strong, at the level of the leaves, and often fall to the ground under the weight of the berries. There are few tendrils, in general the shoots and leaves are arranged compactly.

Those who grow Alba are impressed by the shape and color of the strawberry. Rich red in color, glossy, with yellowish achenes slightly embedded in the pulp, the berries immediately attract attention. The shape is conical, slightly elongated. The peculiarity of the variety is the absence of small berries, they are all aligned, with an average weight of about 30-35 grams.

They ripen early; in the southern regions, the first harvest begins in mid-May (in greenhouses - 25-30 days earlier). In the middle zone, the crop begins to bear fruit in late May or early June.

On a note! The first berries from the bush can reach a weight of 45-50 grams.

The pulp is dense, juicy, without voids. The parent variety Albion is characterized by a “crunch” when eaten; Alba does not have this characteristic.

The taste is traditional strawberry, without any frills. It is the taste characteristics of Alba that cause heated debate among gardeners, some of whom consider these strawberries to be ordinary. But the manufacturer does not position this variety as having outstanding taste characteristics, focusing on early ripening and transportability.

When the berries are not fully ripe, there is a subtle sourness; at the stage of biological maturity, the taste is sweet, with a subtle strawberry aroma. The use is universal; Alba is especially good at decorating desserts due to the beautiful shape of the berries and bright, rich color. The variety is suitable for processing and freezing.


Timofey, 38 years old, Salsk

Of the strawberry novelties, Alba pleased us last season. Variety KSD, early, productive. We checked how much one berry weighs on average, it turned out to be around 35 g. Moreover, they are all almost the same size, beautiful in shape (even cone), bright red, shiny, with a pleasant taste and aroma.

Larisa, 44 years old, Balashov

Alba disappointed me - just an ordinary strawberry, rather sour. As for me, there are varieties that are much more tasty and aromatic, for example Clery. In addition, ours was also badly damaged by a tick. If grown, then only for sale.

Natalia, 4 1 year, Chernivtsi region.

The Alba variety in our OG bears fruit 2-3 days earlier than Honey, and blooms 2-3 days later, which reduces the risk of damage to the ovaries by return frosts. Last season (for the first time in 3 years) it suddenly began to bear fruit again on the 20th of October. I don’t even know how to explain this.

Advantages and disadvantages

The originator of the Alba garden strawberry declared it as a commercial variety; it is readily grown for sale. Strawberries are valued for a number of advantages:

  • early ripeness;
  • good taste;
  • large berries;
  • late flowering, so the ovaries almost never fall under return frosts;
  • dense pulp and skin, making strawberries suitable for long-term transportation;
  • resistance to low temperatures (unlike other varieties from the same manufacturer);
  • low susceptibility to pest damage;
  • resistance to diseases (powdery mildew, root rot, various types of spots);
  • high yield (0.7-1 kg per bush in open ground).

On a note! The description of Alba from the manufacturer indicates a yield per bush of up to 1.2 kg. But such indicators are achievable only in the southern regions, subject to proper care, as well as when cultivating the variety in shelters.

Among the “advantages” is the ability to tolerate drought well and winter hardiness. But when growing Alba in a temperate climate, the plantings must be covered before wintering in the fall.


  • the variety is inferior to mid-season and late garden strawberries in sweetness and aroma;
  • susceptible to anthracnose (mandatory prophylaxis is required);
  • the requirement for a long dormant period, which is important to consider when growing strawberries in a greenhouse;
  • Frequent rejuvenation of plantings is necessary (every 2 years).

In snowless winters, bushes freeze without shelter. It can withstand long droughts quite well, but it is better to avoid interruptions in watering, as the berries get baked and lose their juiciness.

Landing rules

You can start planting strawberries in the spring and continue in the fall until frost (2-3 weeks). In spring, it is planted as early as possible, as soon as the soil warms up. When planted in autumn, the variety will produce its first harvest in the spring, and when planted in spring, a year later. If you plant a plant in the summer, you need to choose a day that is not hot.

Strawberries are planted in rows with an interval of 35–40 cm between them and 15–20 cm between bushes. Many gardeners advise covering the bed with light-colored non-woven material before planting, and then fruiting will be more abundant.

When planting, the growth point should not be buried, and if a mustache is planted, it should be located vertically in the hole, with the bud located at ground level

Agricultural technology: what to pay attention to

Alba garden strawberries are suitable for growing for sale, although amateur gardeners do not refuse the variety. It’s difficult to call the taste standard, but already in May or June you can pick large ripe berries. Unlike remontant species, it produces a harvest only once a season.

On a note! According to the cultivation technology, this variety belongs to the intensive type, therefore it requires good nutrition, fertile soil, and regular watering.

Site preparation

Planning to get large harvests, they carefully prepare the area for the crop. Light sandy and sandy loam soils with neutral acidity levels are suitable. Alba is demanding on lighting, since in the shade the berries will be small and watery. The place should be protected from drafts and accumulation of water when snow melts.

Apply to the soil per 1 square meter. meter of rotted mullein (5-6 kg), complex fertilizers (40-50 grams). The best predecessors are beets, carrots, garlic. It is advisable that there are no beds with potatoes, sweet peppers, tomatoes or raspberry plantings nearby (common diseases and pests).

Planting dates and technology

According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the best time to plant these strawberries is from the end of July to the beginning of September. Such bushes will have time to take root well before the cold weather, and will produce the first harvest of berries the next season.

Planting in spring is possible, but only in the southern regions, in order to have time before the crop blooms.

Planting patterns are traditional (stitches, checkerboard). the distance between the holes is 25-30 cm; if there is free space, leave up to 40 cm, so the plants will have more freedom and feeding area (see video).

Watering and fertilizing


Alba strawberries can be propagated by dividing the bush, with tendrils or seeds. The last method is used least often, due to its complexity and unguaranteed results.

Propagation by seeds

For sowing, large, healthy seeds are selected and sown in the substrate at the end of February or a little later. Before sowing, stratify in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. They are first sown in a common container, and when the plants have 3 leaves, they are planted in separate pots with a diameter of at least 5 cm. You can use peat tablets. You need to grow seedlings in a warm place (at least 25˚C) and a humidity slightly higher than room humidity. After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings are planted in the beds.

Disease and pest control

Judging by numerous reviews from gardeners, Alba is almost not affected by diseases. Anthracnose is dangerous for her, especially if the weather is cloudy and rainy. To prevent disease, it is recommended to treat the roots of seedlings before planting (pink solution of potassium permanganate, Bordeaux mixture 0.5%), at the first signs of disease - treatment with Quadris, Anthracnol.

Berry picking

The Alba variety is famous for its early harvest, although it blooms later than other early-ripening strawberries. In the south, with proper care, these strawberries bear fruit for a long time, until the beginning of August. Harvesting is easy, the stalks are easily separated from the bush.

Dense, juicy berries are stored in cool conditions for up to 3-4 days. Frozen – 6-8 months without loss of shape and taste.

Alba garden strawberries are an amazing Italian variety that is praised and appreciated by gardeners from different countries, including Russia. It deserves attention and if you need an early harvest of berries, then Alba is the most suitable option.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The fruiting period of the Alba strawberry plantation is 3-4 years, then the beds are renewed. In spring or autumn, the bushes are divided into parts with a growth bud and transplanted to another place. For this, only healthy, young bushes are chosen.

Reproduction by mustache

For reproduction, only first-order whiskers are used. Selected specimens are buried near the bush in the summer so that they take root. Early in the fall they are dug up and transplanted into beds. For the first wintering of garden strawberries, they need to be covered even in warm regions.

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