Description of the cucumber variety “Athlete f1” and secrets of agricultural technology

It is worth starting the description of the Atlet cucumber variety with an important feature - the plant is grown in greenhouses. The hybrid was bred in 1999 by Russian breeders. In 2002, the variety was included in the State Register of Plants of Russia. One of the most widely used varieties with a long fruiting period. Suitable for growing in any climate zone.

The Atlet F1 variety has gained popularity among farmers and gardeners due to its high productivity. The high taste qualities were appreciated in the agricultural products market. In areas with a temperate climate, cucumbers are grown under film cover or in greenhouses.

Description of Atlet cucumbers

Proper planting of the variety will ensure a good harvest. The formation of a bush contributes to better pollination of the subspecies by bees. In terms of culinary use, Atlet cucumbers are classified as a salad type. The structure of the pulp does not allow canning or pickling of fruits.

The yield when grown in glass greenhouses reaches 33 kg per 1 m².

Bushes of the Atlet variety are described as indeterminate, with medium branching. The plant produces a lot of large, green, smooth foliage. The edges of the leaf blade are irregularly serrated. Mixed flowering. The height of cucumbers reaches 3.5 meters. The central lash forms up to 15 female nodes with 1-2 ovaries.

Description of the fruits of the Atlet F1 variety:

  • cylindrical cucumbers are covered with large tubercles;
  • the peel is dark green with a pattern of white stripes;
  • white thorns;
  • length 17-20 cm;
  • in diameter reach 4.5 cm;
  • weight varies from 140 to 190 g;
  • crispy juicy pulp;
  • commercial yield – 87-88%.

Techniques for growing cucumbers

Reviews from vegetable growers cultivating the hybrid indicate that the yield of the crop depends on the formation of bushes. To increase the productivity of the variety when grown on a trellis, it is recommended to completely remove the side shoots.

In the next 5 axils, the stems are pinched at intervals of 1 ovary and 1 leaf. In the new 5 axils, the interval between the ovaries on the side shoots is increased to 2 leaves. After this, to the level of the horizontal trellis, all side shoots are pinched into 3 leaves and fruit.

The main stem is wrapped 2 times around the trellis and lowered down. All lateral ovaries that form around the horizontal trellis are removed in order to stimulate the growth of lateral stems. This method of formation stimulates the growth of the root system, which ensures abundant and long-term fruiting.

When cultivating the variety on an industrial scale, the plants grow into 1 stem, on which 9-15 nodes with a female type of flowering are formed. To ensure their maturation, the crop requires fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

The description of the hybrid indicates the possibility of growing on low-volume hydroponics (artificial substrate). The planting density per 1 m² is 2.5-3 plants.

Pros and cons of the variety

The first harvest of Atlet cucumbers is harvested 45-55 days after planting. The variety belongs to the mid-season type in terms of ripening. The hybrid is cultivated from spring to autumn.


Description of the positive qualities of the Atlet F1 variety:

  1. high yield rates;
  2. resistance to most cucumber diseases;
  3. transportability;
  4. good product yield;
  5. excellent taste characteristics;
  6. tolerates shading;
  7. shelf life is 10-14 days.


Description of the negative qualities of Athlete cucumbers:

  1. softening the pulp during canning;
  2. the appearance of bitterness in hot weather;
  3. untimely collection leads to rapid overgrowth.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • high yield - from 1 m2 they harvest from 26 kg to 37 kg per 1 m2;
  • resistance to a wide range of cucumber pathogens;
  • excellent marketability and taste characteristics;
  • shade tolerance;
  • tolerance to adverse weather factors;
  • cold tolerance;
  • transportability and shelf life up to 2 weeks.


  • It is worth noting that the greens of this hybrid are used exclusively for fresh consumption (salads, slices). When canned or pickled, the fruits soften, lose their shape, and become watery.

Landing Features

Atlet cucumber seeds increase their germination rate every year. It is not recommended to store seed material for longer than 6 years. It is optimal to choose two-year-old stored seeds for sowing cucumbers. The resulting Athlete variety plants will form a larger number of female flowers.

Sowing seeds or seedlings in a greenhouse has a number of advantages over open ground.

The environment for the development of cucumber lashes will be as comfortable as possible. A greenhouse height of up to 2.5 meters is optimal for the formation of stems 300-350 cm long. Increasing the height will lead to the fact that a larger volume of air will not have time to warm up during the day. Provide a ventilation system.

Landing dates

When sowing cucumber seeds Atlet F1, certain conditions are taken into account:

  • seed germination begins at temperatures from +20 °C;
  • the soil heating temperature should reach +15 °C;
  • The seedlings are planted in the greenhouse 20-25 days after emergence.

Sowing cucumber seeds into the ground begins in early or mid-May. Daily temperatures are stabilizing, and there is no likelihood of return frosts. Seeds of the Athlete variety are sown for seedlings in mid-April.

Site preparation

Atlet cucumbers are grown on fertile, loose loamy or sandy loam soil. Heavy soil interferes with normal air exchange. Sandstone does not retain water, without which cucumbers develop poorly. The composition of the soil is adjusted depending on its initial quality.

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in the fall. After the last harvest is harvested, the area is sown with green manure. Plant residues are incorporated into the soil before the onset of frost. Green manure will clear the soil of infections and fill it with nutrients.

In winter, snow is thrown into the greenhouse to saturate the soil with moisture. In early spring the earth is dug up. Compost, ash, and phosphorus fertilizers are added.

Planting seeds

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds increases the germination of Atlet cucumbers and accelerates the growth and development of sprouts. Seeds are calibrated by size and external characteristics. Select even large specimens with a light shade. Disinfection is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

Description of the stages of sowing seeds of the Atlet variety:

  • prepared containers are filled with soil;
  • the seed is lowered into the hole;
  • cover with a layer of soil 1 cm thick;
  • water the crops with warm water;
  • cover containers with glass or film;
  • After the emergence of seedlings, the cover is removed.

Planting seedlings

A month after the emergence of seedlings, the cucumber seedlings are ready to be transplanted into the greenhouse. The specific time depends on the climatic characteristics of the growing region.

The holes are pre-marked. The depth should exceed the volume of the container with cucumber seedlings. The wells are treated with disinfection solutions and a growth stimulator. The plants are carefully moved along with the earthen ball into the recesses. Elongated stems are buried down to the cotyledon leaves.

Planting scheme

Seedlings of the Athlete variety are planted in a checkerboard pattern, maintaining a distance of 40-55 cm. Up to 70 cm are left between the rows. If spreading vines are formed, then the seedlings are placed in the center of the ridge.

The soil around the seedlings is watered and mulched. The cover will retain moisture in the soil and slow down the growth of weeds. After 7-10 days, the first feeding is carried out.

Two methods of planting seed

In regions with an unstable climate, they resort to seedlings. Work begins 30 days before the intended transplant into open ground. After soaking the seeds for 12 hours in a solution of potassium permanganate, place them in a container filled with warm water. This is necessary to activate the growth of the root system. Further actions:

  • planting depth: 2 cm;
  • the soil is moistened 1 hour before the expected planting time;
  • the temperature in the room remains at + 21 C + 23 C;
  • the temperature of the water used for irrigation should not be lower than + 20 C and higher than + 26 C.

The seedless method of growing cucumbers is appropriate in regions with a warm climate. Temperature control is a must. Seeds should not be planted in a permanent location if there is still a risk of frost. The starting point will be a stable soil temperature of at least + 14 C + 15 C at night.

The next step is preventive disinfection of the soil and seed. In both cases, a saturated solution of potassium permanganate is used. If you do not want to resort to traditional methods, you can buy a specialized composition in the store. The main thing is to follow the dosage indicated on the package. Other recommendations:

  • seeds are placed 2-3 cm deep in the soil;
  • no more than 5-6 bushes are placed per 1 m²;
  • the landing site should be flat or slightly elevated;
  • the soil is dug up 1 week before planting, and loosened 3 hours before the mentioned procedure;
  • check the soil acidity level - no more than 6-7 ph;
  • slaked lime is added to soil with a high level of acidity;
  • 2 hours before planting, complex fertilizer is applied to the soil.


The yield of the variety increases compliance with the rules for growing the crop. Cross-pollination of flowers is increased by mixed plantings of cucumber bushes. The cucumber variety Rodnichok is planted in the same area with the Atlet hybrid. Bees are attracted for pollination by planting honey plants.

The number of female flowers on a plant is increased by temporarily suspending watering before the flowering stage. The first ovary is removed. The root system will become stronger and receive an additional portion of nutrition for future fruiting.

The stem is ringed in dry weather. Make a small cut under the first leaf. Nutrients will remain in the stem and will be used to lay a new ovary.


Cucumbers of the Atlet F1 variety do not tolerate excess or lack of moisture. The soil is moistened to a moderate state. Watering is carried out with warm water to reduce the likelihood of disease development. Regular irrigation will ensure a high yield. Use drip irrigation or sprinkling from a watering can.

Before flowering begins, the liquid consumption is 15-20 liters per 1 m². In the fruit formation phase, the norm increases to 25-30 liters.

Do not allow the leaf mass to wilt. The root system of cucumbers is shallow. The condition of the plant is negatively affected by the drying out of the top layer of soil. In hot weather, watering is carried out daily.

Garter and bush formation

When the length of the lashes is 30-45 cm, the plants begin to be tied up. Elastic materials are used: nylon threads, rags, twine. The upper end of the rope is attached to the ceiling of the greenhouse. The lower part is carefully passed between the cucumber leaves. The stem will twist around the rope as it grows.

Description of the beneficial properties of tying cucumbers of the Athlete variety:

  1. the area of ​​plant illumination increases;
  2. the stems are better ventilated;
  3. the lashes grow freely;
  4. the entire ovary is preserved;
  5. easier to care for cucumbers;
  6. convenient to harvest.

For abundant fruiting of cucumbers, the formation of a bush is required. Athlete vines are pinched. Part of the ovary is removed. The roots of the plant are not able to provide nutrients for the entire future harvest. At the first five nodes, all stepsons and nodes are removed. The lower part of the main vine of cucumbers should be well ventilated.

Top dressing

The Athlete F1 variety has active growth and fruiting. Cucumbers need feeding throughout the growing season. From the moment of emergence, fertilizers are applied 1-2 times per month. Seedlings of the Atlet variety are fertilized with mineral complexes with a high nitrogen content. Cucumbers grow strong greens.

After entering the greenhouse, the cucumbers are given two weeks to adapt. After 15-20 days, they begin to introduce fertilizing. Use solutions of ash, chicken droppings, and mullein. At the stage of bud formation, potassium supplements are added.

By external signs one can judge the lack of a nutrient element for a cucumber variety:

  • underdeveloped, pointed fruits indicate a lack of nitrogen;
  • drying of the tops indicates phosphorus deficiency;
  • wide, short cucumbers are formed with a small amount of potassium.


Surface loosening of the soil is carried out. The cucumber root system has a fragile structure. To prevent damage to the roots, use a fork or rake. The earth is pierced to a shallow depth.

Features of growing and caring for cucumbers of the Atlet f1 variety

In seed catalogs, Atlet F1 cucumbers attract with colorful photographs and numerous positive reviews from summer residents. The variety is distinguished by record yield, ease of cultivation and care, and resistance to major crop infections. By following the planting rules and following the recommendations on agricultural technology, every summer resident can get an excellent harvest of greens.

Description and main characteristics

The hybrid is presented on the market by the domestic, well-known supplier of high-quality seed material.
In 1999, the company applied for admission; in 2002, the hybrid was registered in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in all regions of Russia. It is especially noted that it can be grown in extended rotation. The Atlet hybrid is grown on small farms to sell products on the market, on the personal dacha plots of private owners. In temperate climates (Urals, Siberia, North-West), it is recommended to plant a productive variety in greenhouses with subsequent cultivation on trellises.

Bushes of indeterminate type, climbing, with a lot of leaves.

The leaf blades are very large, with a smooth glossy surface. Color – rich green. Ovaries are formed both on the main stem and on the side shoots. Harvesting greens - no earlier than 53-55 days after the sprouts appear. Fruiting is stable and long-lasting. With proper feeding, the tall hybrid in greenhouses produces crops until the cold weather.

The cylindrical greens grow up to 18-20 cm. The color of the skin is dark green, with slightly smeared stripes. The skin has sparse large tubercles, the pubescence is white and sparse. The fruits have a small neck. The taste is excellent, with a pleasant sweetness, without bitterness and emptiness in the pulp. There are a small amount of seeds, but they do not affect the taste. In terms of the yield of marketable products, the indicators are at the level of 86-88%, in comparison with the standard - the Relay hybrid, the yield of Atlet F1 is higher. 24-25 kg are collected from 1 m². The maximum harvest rates of greens are impressive - in the greenhouse up to 32 kg/m².

The main use of the fruit is salads and slicing. Despite the dense structure of the pulp, Atlet is not suitable for salting, pickling, or canning. Farmers note the good keeping quality of greens (up to two weeks) and suitability for transportation. The fruits do not lose their commercial characteristics or taste.

Advantages and disadvantages

The domestic variety is loved by summer residents and farmers for its large number of positive characteristics. At the same time, the indicators declared by the breeders are confirmed during cultivation.

  • excellent fruit harvest rates (higher yields when planted in shelters);
  • excellent taste;
  • keeping quality;
  • resistance to sudden temperature changes;
  • stable and long-lasting yield of cucumbers;
  • suitability for transportation;
  • high product characteristics;
  • resistance to the main complex of crop diseases.

Hybrid Athlete F1 can be grown in extended rotation (including in winter greenhouses).

  • absence of parthenocarpy. It is necessary to plant pollinators and attract bees. With industrial cultivation it is easier to do this, but for summer residents it is more difficult, so manual pollination is often used;
  • impossibility of collecting seeds for subsequent crops. Hybrids labeled F1 do not retain parental characteristics in subsequent generations; seed material is purchased every year. But the financial expenses are paid off by excellent harvests of green vegetables.

Features of cultivation

The originator indicates in the description that the F1 Athlete hybrid is best grown in greenhouses. High productivity of the crop was noted when planted in heated shelters.

Sowing seeds and caring for seedlings

The sowing time is determined by the climate of the area, the weather, and the future location of the crop. When planted, cucumbers should have 2-4 strong leaves and a healthy root system. The age of seedlings is no more than 223-25 ​​days. Seedlings do not tolerate picking well, so seedlings are grown in separate containers and then planted in prepared holes in beds or greenhouses.

Ready-made universal soils for seedlings are used as a nutrient mixture; the soil is prepared independently. You will need:

Sawdust can be easily replaced with vermiculite and coarse river sand. Such additives are used to improve moisture permeability and soil looseness.

Complex fertilizer and ash are added to the mixture. For 10 liters of the mixture – a tablespoon of nitrophoska, 0.5 liters of sifted ash. It is advisable to germinate the seeds (in a damp cloth), and only then sow them in prepared pots. For disinfection, it is recommended to pickle the seed material in a solution of potassium permanganate.

When growing seedlings, they maintain a temperature regime of +20ºC… +22ºC, avoiding changes in indicators. Water regularly, being careful not to get water on the plants. Also, cucumbers are fed 1-2 times using complex compounds or ready-made fertilizers. There is a large selection in stores, so you can choose universal nutritional formulations or special fertilizers for cucumbers.

8-10 days before planting, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them out onto the veranda or balcony. They are hardened gradually, accustoming them to lower temperatures and new conditions. Such seedlings adapt faster to greenhouses and do not get sick.

Diseases and parasites

The Atlet variety is highly resistant to diseases. Violation of agricultural practices and unfavorable climatic conditions are the main reasons for the development of diseases. Cucumber bushes are regularly inspected for signs of damage. When the first symptoms appear, begin treatment immediately.

Root rot

Description of the symptoms of damage to Athos cucumbers:

  • the base of the root turns yellow;
  • brown lesions develop on the roots;
  • the lower part of the lash dries out and darkens;
  • leaves fade.

The disease develops when cucumbers are over-watered or watered with cool water. The increased content of fertilizers and salts in the soil creates a breeding ground for the development of the rot pathogen.

Methods for improving the health of Atlet cucumber plantings:

  • regularly diagnose the condition of the root system;
  • plants with damaged roots are removed;
  • carefully remove the top layer of soil and replace it with disinfected soil;
  • spill the soil with an antibacterial composition.


The disease appears in the second half of August. The development of fungal infections is facilitated by nighttime temperature changes. The stems and leaves of cucumbers become covered with brown spots. Ulcers develop on the fruits. The lesion develops quickly.

Methods for treating the Athlete F1 variety:

  • the temperature in the greenhouse is reduced to +20 °C;
  • the affected parts of the plants are removed;
  • stop watering for 3-4 days;
  • cucumbers are treated with a 1% solution of Bardos liquid.

To prevent disease of the Athlete variety, the greenhouse is regularly ventilated. After harvesting, the soil is disinfected. Water the cucumbers with settled, warm water.

Greenhouse whitefly

The voracious insect can destroy all cucumber plantings in a few days. The pest lays orange larvae on the underside of the leaf blade. The foliage of the Athlete variety turns black, dries out and curls.

Cucumber plantings are sprayed with herbal infusions of garlic and dandelion. Remove the affected parts of the lashes. When the pest multiplies massively, chemicals are used.

Characteristics of the variety

Cucumber Athlete f1 is a new hybrid plant with an average ripening period. If you plant ahead of schedule, you can sometimes get yields much earlier than expected. We first heard about this variety in 1999, it was then that breeders in Moscow developed this type of cucumber.

It is a fairly fruitful plant: you can get more than 10 kg from one bush. Even under the worst ripening conditions, the yield will not be lower than 6 kg per plant, the main thing is to constantly water the plant and do not forget about fertilizer.

Description of the bush

When it comes to this variety, it is worth understanding that the key to the success of this species is to correctly form the bush. Athlete is a species that is pollinated by bees.

From the moment of planting to the moment of the first collection it will take from 45 to 55 days. All bushes are indeterminate and vigorous, on average, the length reaches more than 3 and 3.5 m. Plants with an average percentage of branching and a high percentage of foliage, in addition, such a plant has mixed types of flowering, but most of the flowering is female.

All leaves are green and fairly smooth, large in size and with irregular serrated edges. On average, from 9 to 16 nodes can appear on the central stem, and from 1 to 2 ties are formed in each of them. If the temperature is maintained correctly, the fruits will consistently form several sets.

Description of fruits

All cucumbers are cylindrical in shape with large tubercles and a small neck of medium length. This type of cucumber, in its external characteristics, is very similar to the hybrid species - Relay, only the fruits are much shorter.

The length of the greens can be from 17 to 19 cm, sometimes there are fruits that can grow more than 25 cm. The diameter of the fruits is more than 4.5 cm, and the weight of cucumbers is, on average, 190 grams.

The skin of cucumbers is green with small white stripes that are not always visible. Dropping in this species is rarely observed, all the spines are white, and the flesh is dense in structure and crispy. The yield of such a product is 26 kg per square meter. m., but the maximum yield is 37 kg per sq.m. Product yield – 89%. The variety belongs to the salad type, so it can only be used fresh.

Harvesting and storage

The Atlet variety is harvested as the fruits reach the required marketable qualities. At first, cucumbers are harvested 1-2 times a week. In the future, the number of harvests is increased depending on the growth of the harvest. Untimely harvesting of cucumbers slows down the growth of new ovaries and reduces yield.

Before planting the Atlet variety, they think through all stages of growing the crop. A greenhouse for cucumbers is selected taking into account the plant’s requirements for conditions. Abundant harvests will justify the costs of agricultural technology.

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