Description of the tomato variety Talisman and agricultural technology requirements

Advantages and disadvantages

The ampelous tomato variety Talisman has certain advantages compared to other varieties:

  • the plant does not stretch;
  • drafts are not a problem when growing;
  • heat and drought do not affect the quantity and quality of the harvest;
  • no special care required;
  • To obtain an earlier harvest, very early planting of the crop is acceptable;
  • the variety is suitable for growing on a windowsill at any time of the year;
  • excellent resistance to major types of diseases;
  • the compactness of the bush, which makes it possible to plant more densely.

As evidenced by reviews from experienced gardeners, there are practically no shortcomings in this variety. Many people are confused by the small size of tomatoes, however, this factor is intended exclusively for the amateur. These fruits are ideal for canning, as well as for decorating dishes.

The Amulet will not be stored for a long time. If the gardener has the opportunity, he collects the fruits earlier and places them for ripening. But after the fruits reach technical maturity, tomatoes must be consumed within the next two weeks. The variety has good resistance to negative factors, including frost.

However, gardeners recommend protecting the bushes at night during this time by covering them with film. The obvious advantages include the incredible taste of the fruit and their ideal structure and wall density. The variety is loved due to the resistance of the fruit to cracking when it comes time for frequent rains or unbalanced watering by the gardener.


  • resistant to fruit cracking;
  • have excellent taste and aroma;
  • suitable for long-term transportation and storage;
  • increased productivity;
  • resistant to many diseases;
  • no need for a fixing support.


  • sensitive to changes in humidity.

Description of the tomato variety Talisman and agricultural technology requirements

The Talisman tomato, a variety description of which will be given below, belongs to the group of hybrids with medium ripening periods. The variety is quite resistant to various diseases of this crop; it can be grown by any gardener who has experience growing tomatoes. The fruits are used to make salads, tomato paste, juices, ketchup, and sauces. You can preserve the berries of this plant for the winter or pickle them.

There is an ampel tomato Talisman. This is a variety that is grown in hanging baskets if a person does not have a summer cottage.

Technical data of the plant and its fruits

The characteristics of the Talisman variety will be given in comparison with those of plants such as Amulet and Amulet, which are varieties of the hybrid in question.

The description and characteristics of these tomatoes are as follows:

  1. The first harvest can be obtained 110-120 days after sowing the seedlings.
  2. Bushes of all types of described plants rise in height by 0.4-0.7 m. Their stems have an average number of leaves, which are small in size and green in color.
  3. The shape of the fruit resembles an inverted, slightly elongated egg. The Talisman and Amulet have red berries, while the Amulet has yellow berries.
  4. The weight of the berries ranges from 60 to 100 g, and for an ampel tomato they weigh 40-50 g.
  5. Inside the fruit there are 2-3 chambers with seeds. The berries themselves are smooth and quite dense. Fruits grown in soil have a sweetish taste. The ampelous variety of Talisman has average taste. It is used only fresh.

Recommendations for growing and care

Seeds are planted for seedlings in March. Initially, the seed material is checked for germination. Cold water is poured into a glass, 50 g of salt is added, and then the contents are thoroughly mixed. Seeds are poured into another glass and the resulting mixture is poured. You need to wait 3-5 minutes. If the seeds continue to float on the surface, you can throw them away, as they are completely lacking vitality. This has been confirmed by multiple studies.

Important! If the liquid is warm or hot, then it is impossible to determine its ability to germinate. The seeds will sink to the bottom of the glass, but will not be able to sprout.

Gardeners with extensive experience recommend disinfecting seeds suitable for planting by placing them in a potassium permanganate solution for several hours. Then the disinfected seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate diluted with water. The plants are treated for the second time in mid-summer. But at this time, you can replace potassium permanganate with onion peels.

Then the seeds are placed in a container with cold water and waited for about 5 hours. After this, the seed material is taken out of the water and wrapped in soaked gauze. Then the wrapped seeds should be kept warm for several days, after which they are checked for the presence of sprouts.

While the seeds are germinating, boxes are being prepared in which they will then be planted. They are filled with soil purchased from a store chain or prepared independently in certain proportions. Then the container is placed inside the oven, where it is heated to certain temperatures.

After the planting material has swelled, it is planted in the ground, then the boxes are watered with warm water and covered with polyethylene. When shoots appear, the cover is removed.

You should know! Seedlings will grow better at temperatures above 25 degrees. At night the temperature should not be below 11 degrees Celsius

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Young plants should not be watered excessively, as in this case the bushes may be exposed to dangerous diseases. In addition, the water should not be cold, but warm. It is recommended to protect seedlings from drafts and excessive sunlight. For the rapid growth of young plants, experienced gardeners recommend using artificial lighting.

2-3 weeks before planting in a permanent place, it is necessary to harden tomatoes of the Obereg variety. They gradually become accustomed to the negative effects of the sun, low temperatures, and the effects of rain and wind. Boxes with tomatoes are taken out of the room for a certain time, increasing the period of time spent in the fresh air every day.

Advice! The habituation process is carried out when there is no frost or a sharp drop in temperature. If you do not monitor adverse factors, the plants may get sick or die.

There are a number of care measures that ensure good growth of Obereg bushes and significantly increase the number of tomatoes:

  1. Each seedling contains from 19 to 22 tomatoes at a time. The plant bends under their weight. To prevent the bush from breaking, it is necessary to tie it up.
  2. It is impossible to water the Amulet often, even in dry summer conditions, in order to reduce the risk of developing diseases. Typically, plants are watered after 3-5 days.
  3. Experienced gardeners recommend loosening the soil around the bushes in a timely manner. This measure helps the seedlings develop better and the fruits ripen.
    Advice! Unlike other tomato varieties, Obereg

    you can't stepchild

    . This procedure negatively affects the harvest. After pinching, the fruit becomes 2-3 times smaller.

  4. The plant needs to be fed several times during the season. For the first time, fertilizing is applied after the formation of 3-5 leaves. Feed a second time when transplanting bushes to a permanent place. The seedlings are fertilized for the third time after fruit formation.
  5. To reduce the risk of developing diseases, it is recommended to treat the area using special preparations. You cannot spray plants during the fruiting period, as toxic substances accumulate in tomatoes.
  6. It is recommended to pick tomatoes at the moment of technical maturity.
    And then the fruits ripen on the windowsill. Advice! To reduce the load on the bushes as the fruits ripen, it is necessary to pick them. This measure will help other tomatoes grow faster.

Seeds should be sown for seedlings 2 months before planting in the soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm and maintain a constant temperature of 22 - 24 degrees. After watering, seedlings should be picked at the first leaf stage.

On a note! Since the tomato bush is not tall, there is no need for a garter. If strong winds often blow in your region, it is better to tie the stems to a support. So, when the ovaries appear, the plant will not break under the weight of the fruit.

It is better to plant in soils where zucchini, carrots, greens or legumes previously grew. When planting, adhere to the scheme: 50x40 cm and per 1 sq. m place no more than 7 - 8 plants.

In order to prevent diseases, you can treat the bushes with a soap solution. Make sure that there is no excessive sunlight, otherwise the plant will get burned, and places where the sun's rays illuminate in moderation are the most suitable.

To avoid drying out the soil and save water, the soil should be mulched. Mulch is ready to serve for some time as a natural fertilizer.

Attention! Do not overdo it with watering - this risks rotting the root system and susceptibility to fungi. It is important not to skip watering, especially during such periods: flowering, appearance of ovaries, ripening of the first harvest.

And also, do not forget about basic actions: weeding, loosening and fertilizing.

Tomatoes of the Obereg variety will please those gardeners who do not like to bother with garters and pinching tall and spreading bushes. These low-growing compact bushes can even be grown on balconies in flower pots.

Yellow tomatoes - cream Amulet of Ukrainian selection in 2009, are loved by many for their taste and ease of care.

  1. The bush is low-growing, determinate. Maximum height – 80 cm. Does not require pinching or gartering.
  2. The fruits are oblong, plum-shaped, slightly ribbed.
    In the bush they are formed in tassels of 20 pieces on one. Fruit weight 80-100 g. Color – yellow-orange.
  3. Productivity is about 4 kg/m2.
  4. Ripening dates are mid-early.
    From the day of planting seedlings to full biological maturity, 100-120 days pass.
  5. Consumer use: fresh consumption, for cooking, pickling and canning whole.

Important! Obereg tomatoes are distinguished by their thin and delicate skin, which bursts upon contact with boiling water, so for canning whole it is necessary to select fruits that have not reached final ripeness.

Features of the variety

  1. Easy to care for.
  2. Resistance to late blight.
  3. Possibility of growing without seedlings.
  4. High sugar content and excellent taste.
  5. Good transportability.
  6. Are not subject to cracking.
  7. High yield.

Low-growing determinate varieties of tomatoes of the new generation of selection, which include Obereg, can be grown without the traditional procedure of sowing seeds in boxes, picking and transplanting into open ground. What are the advantages of this method?

  • In their reviews of the variety, gardeners complain that many seedlings disappear during transplantation. Sowing seeds directly into the ground eliminates the operations of transferring and picking up sprouts, which reduces growing procedures;
  • tomatoes sprout immediately in natural conditions and do not require hardening;
  • no effort is wasted on acclimatization, so the bush grows strong in its natural environment, with a powerful root system, and the number of ovaries increases;
  • hardened seedlings bear fruit until frost;
  • It has been noted that tomatoes grown in this way have a more pronounced taste and resistance to disease.

Important! This method of growing mid-early tomatoes is not suitable for northern regions, where the growing season and ripening periods shift to later ones.

In a prepared bed with loose and fertile soil, holes are made in a checkerboard pattern, at a distance of no less than 30 cm from each other. The holes are filled with water, after the moisture has been absorbed, 3-5 seeds are placed in each hole, sprinkled with a shallow layer of soil and watered abundantly again.

The holes are covered with glass jars or cut plastic bottles, a film is pulled over the entire bed and left in this form until shoots appear. When warm and sunny days arrive, the seedlings are opened and the excess ones are removed, leaving the strongest messenger in each hole.

Time for sowing seeds in open ground: late April - early May, when consistently warm temperatures have established.

Despite such a late sowing, compared to the seedling method, the sprouts quickly catch up in growth with the seedlings from the window sill.

  1. Watering.
    Tomato bushes grown from seeds in open ground require less watering, since the more branched root system draws moisture from the lower layers of the soil. Additional watering is required during prolonged periods of drought.
  2. Feeding.
    If the seeds are planted in well-fertilized soil, the first fertilizing can be done after the third leaf appears on the sprouts. The second - during the period of fruit set. Superphosphates or organic matter are used as fertilizers.
  3. Bush care.
    Tomato bushes of the Obereg variety do not require high garters or pinching, but it is recommended to tear off the lower leaves to give more freedom for the development of the upper fruit-bearing branches.

    For bushes with abundant clusters of ovaries, a little support may be needed to prevent heavy fruits from breaking off fragile branches.

  4. During the entire growth period, weeding and fluffing of the soil are carried out.
  5. Diseases and pests. The variety is protected from major tomato diseases. To combat insect pests, special means or folk recipes are used.


To increase the fruiting period, harvesting is carried out at least once every 4-5 days.

You need to collect not only fully ripened fruits, but also those that have just begun to gain color - they perfectly reach their ripeness in a cool, dark place.

Reviews about the variety

  1. The plant can bear fruit well, which affects the condition of the bush, which can sag under the weight of the fruit. Gardeners advise tying up bushes to avoid damage to the branches on which the tomato is formed.
  2. The first time after planting the Amulet seedlings, the plant will receive water from melt water in the soil. This will be enough for normal development. Even in drought conditions, gardeners refuse frequent watering.
  3. In hot weather, the plant will not suffer if the soil is loosened in time. Regular loosening affects the development of fruits and good fruiting is more effective than an established frequent watering regime.
  4. When considering the Obereg tomato variety, it is important to pay attention to the topic of pinching. No matter how much fans of early varieties convince that this procedure is mandatory for all tomatoes, it can harm “Obereg”. The pinching of the “Amulet” will affect the number of fruits formed on the bushes.


The Talisman tomato attracts attention because it makes it possible to get a harvest even without having your own garden plot. The reviews left about it allow us to conclude that indoors or on the balcony you can grow tomatoes no worse than in the garden. This is a godsend for lovers of home-grown vegetables living in urban areas.

Description of the variety

This tomato variety was developed a long time ago, so its popularity is due not only to a number of advantages over competitors, but also to the test of time. It is suitable for growing both in open ground and in apartments and balconies. The plant is not afraid of drought or low temperatures. In hot summer conditions, early ripening of the crop occurs, the harvest of which lasts until the onset of persistent cold weather.

The characteristics of the variety indicate that the plant does not grow more than 50 centimeters, its shoots are not spreading. The fruits are distinguished by a smooth ovoid shape, the average weight of which reaches 20 grams, however, in open ground conditions there are also specimens weighing 40–80 grams. When ripe, the color of tomatoes is bright red.

Unfavorable climatic conditions in no way affect the quality and commercial characteristics of the fruit. Amulet (as this variety is popularly called) is classified as a subspecies of Cherry tomatoes, which, in turn, is classified as Solanaceae. This explains the features inherent in this variety.

The tomato is very similar in characteristics to the Amulet variety. When kept on the bushes, the fruits do not crack and retain commercial quality. You can enjoy the first harvests in the second half of July. They can be collected before the onset of cold weather, regardless of where the plant is cultivated.

The ampelous tomato variety Talisman has certain advantages compared to other varieties:

  • the plant does not stretch;
  • drafts are not a problem when growing;
  • heat and drought do not affect the quantity and quality of the harvest;
  • no special care required;
  • To obtain an earlier harvest, very early planting of the crop is acceptable;
  • the variety is suitable for growing on a windowsill at any time of the year;
  • excellent resistance to major types of diseases;
  • the compactness of the bush, which makes it possible to plant more densely.

As evidenced by reviews from experienced gardeners, there are practically no shortcomings in this variety. Many people are confused by the small size of tomatoes, however, this factor is intended exclusively for the amateur. These fruits are ideal for canning, as well as for decorating dishes.

The unpretentiousness of this tomato variety and the ability to grow it right on the windowsill make it possible for many lovers of organic food to get the fruits even in apartment conditions. The main care occurs during the growing season. The yield of the resulting seedlings depends on this.

The bush is formed into either one or two stems. With the first option, you need to carry out regular stepsoning. When grown indoors, you need to periodically shake the flowering bush to improve pollination. It is recommended to periodically fertilize with complex mineral fertilizers. At the same time, you should take no more than 5 grams of fertilizer per 1 kg of soil.

In hot and dry weather, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not dry out. It is taken into account that drying occurs faster in indoor conditions than in open ground. Overwatering is just as harmful as lack of moisture.

Many have already tried to grow the Talisman tomato from their own experience. The description of this variety shows its advantages over its competitors, which, according to reviews, are confirmed in practice. With minimal care, the plant can delight you with environmentally friendly and tasty fruits. You can collect them both in the garden bed and in a city apartment.

In mid-April you can start growing seedlings in cool regions. In the south, you can start growing much earlier, so that after 65 days you can transfer well-formed seedlings to open ground. You can do this in early May. Some gardeners, under favorable climatic conditions, manage to safely plant seedlings at the end of April. The main thing is that the soil has been previously fertilized and well loosened.

When planting a plant in the ground too early, when there is still a chance of frost, the tomato is hilled up and protected overnight with film. It is important to achieve maximum yield to adhere to the planting system of 70 x 40 cm. One square meter of land should have from six to eight bushes. In such conditions, the low-growing “Amulet”, whose branches can be spreading, will have enough space to form a large number of fruits and their unhindered development.

READ MORE: Characteristics and description of the Evpator tomato variety, its yield

To prevent the plant from suffering from possible attacks by pests, the seed material before growing seedlings is well treated with potassium permanganate or another disinfectant, which guarantees the formation of a protective shell. Although “Obereg,” according to the characteristics of the variety, tolerates many threats from pathogens, additional protection would not hurt.

You can increase the yield by fertilizing the soil with rotted manure. Amulet, if we take into account the reviews of experienced farmers, as an early ripening variety, responds well to such fertilizing material, which guarantees a sufficient amount of nutrients in the soil for the normal development of the crop.

Gardeners do not recommend rushing to plant young seedlings in the ground if six true leaves have not yet been formed on it. The row spacing should be within 70 cm. Such cultivation will help minimize the manifestation of late blight.

Advice! Sloping planting of seedlings will only be needed if the amulet has outgrown. The aboveground part of the seedlings should not be higher than 25 cm.

According to the recommendations, photos and reviews, use compost or mowed grass as mulch for Amulet. Humus will be a good alternative to such materials.

The seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place at the age of 50-60 days.

When growing on a window or balcony, pots and containers with a capacity of 4-5 liters are suitable. Drainage is laid at the bottom with a layer of 2-3 cm. Fertile loose soil is poured. Fertilizers include:

  • wood ash 1 tbsp;
  • superphosphate 1 tbsp;
  • potassium sulfate ½ tsp.

If planting is carried out in the garden, then no more than 5-6 bushes are placed per 1 m2. All plants should have enough sunlight.

    1. Timely watering prevents waterlogging and drying out.
  • Feeding at the flowering and ripening stage.
  • Using products for better tying.
  • To avoid drying out, mulch.
  • Mid-season / Low-growing

    User rating: 5/5

    Ultra-early / Low-growing

    User rating: 4/5

    Early maturing / Low growing

Rules of care

The lower leaves are pre-cut in order to avoid possible negative consequences from their contact with the soil. This procedure is optional, but is recommended by many gardeners who are well familiar with the Obereg tomato variety. The key to the correct development of the “Amulet” is sufficient air circulation under the bush.

It is necessary to check the dryness of the stem in order to promptly identify signs of fungal infection or possible rot. The bushes must have enough sunlight, so the issue of choosing a site for planting “Amulet” is important. In the shade, it will be more difficult to achieve maximum yield from the planted crop. Insufficient sun will affect not only the quantity of the harvest, its quality, but also its taste.

Ampel tomatoes or ampel tomatoes are one of the crops that can be grown in hanging containers, buckets, large flowerpots and wide, voluminous pots.

This opportunity allows you to save space if every centimeter of land on the site is used for its intended purpose. Tomatoes are placed near the house in the country, on wide window sills or on open balconies.

Just a balcony is an excellent place for growing ampelous tomatoes of the Talisman variety. Tomatoes of this variety climb and cascade, do not take up much space, feel great in large flowerpots, and are unpretentious.

You don’t have to travel far to get your harvest; a minimum of fresh tomatoes will always be at hand.

Among ampel-type tomatoes, the Talisman variety is the most popular. This may be due to the fact that it was developed a long time ago and has a number of advantages.

For example, tomatoes can be grown both in flowerpots and in open ground; the plants are unpretentious and are not afraid of cold and drought.

If the summer is hot, the tomatoes ripen earlier; around mid-July, you can start collecting the first ripened fruits.

Fruiting lasts for a long time, until the first cold snap.

Tomatoes of this variety are not tall, the bush reaches a height of barely 50 cm, and the shoots are not spreading.

The fruits are bright, smooth, ovoid, with an average weight of about 20 g, but heavier specimens are also found: from 40 to 80 g, grown in open ground.

Tomatoes are very tasty, sweet and juicy. This is one of the features of the ampelous tomato variety.

Even despite unfavorable ripening conditions (for example, dry summers), this does not affect the quality of the fruit. Tomatoes of this variety belong to the Solanaceae family, subspecies Cherry.

This is an ultra-early variety if you plant tomatoes in open ground. If all the rules are followed and proper care is taken, the ripening period is encouraging: in the second half of July, the first ripened fruits can be collected for sampling.

Tomatoes “Talisman”, variety description:

  1. From the moment of the first mass shoots to the first fruit, 109 to 112 days pass. Each cluster contains about 9 fruits; they are easily separated from the stalk because it has no articulation. When overripe, the fruits do not crack; they are dense and smooth.
  2. The average yield per plant is about 1 kg-1 kg 200 g, per square meter - up to 8 kg.
  3. Due to its extended fruiting, this variety is loved by many gardeners. In this continuous mode, starting from mid-July, tomatoes bear fruit until the first frost. The harvest is excellent; as soon as the first fruits are removed from the branch, you won’t even notice how new, bright tomatoes filled with juice will already ripen on other branches. At home, when grown in flowerpots and large pots, the duration of fruiting does not decrease, only the weight of the fruit will not be the same as when grown in open ground.

Ampel tomatoes, also called cherry tomatoes, have a number of positive qualities:

  • tomatoes of this variety do not stretch upward;
  • are not afraid of drafts;
  • are not afraid of heat and drought;
  • do not require special care;
  • early planting of seedlings is allowed (April-May), in order to obtain an early harvest;
  • can be grown on a windowsill at any time of the year;
  • the plant is not afraid of late blight, there is no risk of catching the disease from a neighbor, because each plant is in its own container;
  • compactness, tomatoes do not take up much space on the windowsill or plot.

You can buy tomatoes of the Talisman variety in specialized stores or online stores.

The unusual way of growing tomatoes, unpretentiousness and the ability to get a harvest at any time of the year, encourages many lovers to grow tomatoes directly on windowsills.

Planting tomatoes includes 3 stages:

  1. Preparing seeds: prepare a weak manganese solution; soak the seeds for an hour. Then rinse the seeds in water at room temperature.
  2. Soil preparation: suitable peat, distilled soil, turf soil. These components must be taken in equal proportions. The soil should be light and loose, so that it is well saturated with oxygen and is permeable to water. If desired, you can enrich the substrate with wood ash and superphosphates - 1 tsp each, add potassium sulfate in the same amount, based on a teaspoon of nutrients per 10 kg of substrate. The container for growing tomato seedlings must have sides, at least 15 cm high, in such conditions the root system must be formed.
  3. Planting: seeds are planted to a depth of no more than 3 cm. Immediately after planting, the soil must be moistened.

How to care for tomatoes after sowing:

  1. Boxes with seedlings should be placed in a warm and bright place. If it is cloudy outside, arrange additional illumination with a lamp so that the daylight hours last for at least 14 hours.
  2. The temperature for germination of seeds is optimally 30 degrees; it is necessary to place the boxes with seeds on a warm windowsill or place the containers near heating devices.
  3. Containers should be covered with glass or film and opened for 10-15 minutes once a day to prevent condensation from accumulating.
  4. When the sprouts hatch, the temperature in the room can be lowered. The critical mark is 20 degrees, but if the temperature in the room drops (down to 16 degrees), this can have a detrimental effect on growing tomatoes.
  5. As soon as the first 3 leaves appear, the seedlings can be picked.
  6. When transplanting seedlings, you need to prepare a spacious container, make drainage: the bottom layer is a layer of expanded clay or any other drainage (pebbles, broken brick, small stone), a layer of no more than 3 cm, then light soil.
  7. Planting time: as it grows, but no later than May. Any spacious container can serve as a container for planting. For example, a flower pot, container, bucket, flowerpot and even pan, with a volume of at least 3 liters, and better - 5 liters. The main thing is that there is a hole for the outflow of water, because this variety does not like stagnant moisture, because of this the plants can die.
  8. An important rule for planting seedlings: carefully remove the sprout along with a lump of earth and place it in the center of the container to a depth of no more than 4 cm.
  9. The containers can be immediately placed on the windowsill, taken out to the balcony (on a high stand) or placed on an area closer to the house. As the fruits ripen, it is advisable to hang them to make it more convenient to care for and admire the beauty of hanging tomatoes.

Depending on the characteristics of plant care during the growing season, the yield depends. So, if you follow these care rules, you can increase productivity:

  • Tomatoes can be formed into either one or two stems. Forming a plant into one stem requires removing the stepsons; into two - you can leave only the one that is under the flower brush, the very first one. It is not advisable to break it out. You can also leave the stepsons located below, they will produce abundant flowering, develop quickly and delight with their beauty;
  • if you grow tomatoes in a room on a windowsill, when they bloom, you will need to periodically shake the brush with the opened flowers, or you can shake the entire plant;
  • fertilizing is desirable; it should be complex fertilizers. The amount of nutrients added depends on the volume of the pot or flowerpot. The calculations are as follows: no more than 5 g of fertilizer is taken per 1 kg of substrate. Number of fertilizing: once every 14 days, mineral fertilizers are applied along with watering;
  • about watering: during dry periods, make sure that the soil does not dry out. In flowerpots it dries out faster than when growing tomatoes on the plot. Watering is moderate, avoiding overflow;
  • harvesting - you need to remove ripened fruits as they color, but without waiting for them to fully ripen. If your goal is to grow tomatoes of this variety for decorative purposes, then you can take your time harvesting and admire the beautiful flowing garlands.

When growing tomatoes of this variety in open ground, it is very difficult to avoid pests and diseases.

What diseases can tomatoes have:

  • mosaic - spots of a different color appear on the leaves: lighter or darker. Over time, the leaves curl and grooves appear on them. In this state, the plant suffers, which affects the yield. The fruits gradually turn yellow and dry out, the plant lacks nutrients, and it begins to die. Control measures: removal of affected bushes and complete destruction;
  • Late blight is one of the most terrible diseases of tomatoes of any kind. How it manifests itself: dark areas appear on the fruit, which, upon closer examination, are located under the skin. The leaves also suffer: they become covered with a light coating. Treatment of plants with any fungicides is required at the initial stage of the disease. For example, drugs containing copper “Ridomil”, “Acrobat”, “Thanos”. When processing bushes, you need to calculate the period of decomposition of the substance, otherwise you can be poisoned by the processed fruits. In order not to overload the plants with chemicals, you can use old proven methods: treat the plants with 1% Bordeaux mixture 2 weeks before harvest, in combination with copper oxychloride and cuprosate, take no more than 30 g per 10 liters of water;
  • “Brown spot” disease - a brownish coating appears on the lower part of the leaves. One of the main methods is prevention; you need to remove all dry and damaged plant debris;
  • cracking - this variety is practically not susceptible to cracking, but this can happen with excess moisture. Therefore, when caring for plants, it is important to observe moderation in watering and loosen the soil in time (when growing on the site), and in flowerpots - to ensure good drainage and to grow tomatoes in light soils.

Description of tomato Talisman

If you don’t have a vegetable garden or your own plot of land, the Talisman tomato variety will be an excellent solution, because it can even be grown in a flowerpot. This type of tomato has received a lot of positive feedback from many gardeners for its beauty and high yield. The talisman belongs to the type of hanging tomatoes. This culture is distinguished by the fact that it can be grown not only in open ground, but also in spacious flowerpots, large pots and hanging flowerpots. This is a great way to rationally use every centimeter of land, use the free space on the windowsill, on the open balcony.

The bushes of this plant fall and curl, and are unpretentious in care. By planting several Talisman tomato bushes on the balcony, you will always have fresh, juicy and aromatic fruits.


The popularity of this hanging variety has made Talisman popular with many gardeners. The ability to grow plants not only in open ground, but also in flowerpots and on balcony window sills, has increased the number of people wishing to purchase seeds on the pages of our website. The plant is unpretentious, demonstrates excellent resistance to cold weather, and can withstand drought. If the summer is hot, the fruits begin to ripen in early July, and by the middle of the month you can harvest the first harvests of ripe tomatoes. The Talisman variety is distinguished by a long fruiting period, which ends with the first cold weather.

The plant has the following characteristics:

  • the bush is short, can reach a height of 50 centimeters, the shoots are neat, not spreading;
  • ripe fruits have a round shape, their weight, on average, is 20 grams, but with proper care and growing the crop in open ground, you can collect larger fruits, weighing 40-80 grams;
  • sweet taste, juicy berries, which can be called one of the main distinguishing features of tomatoes of this variety.

If you plant seeds in open ground, the plant demonstrates ultra-fast fruit ripening. Having provided him with proper care, the first sample can be taken as early as July.


Talisman belongs to the hanging varieties, which have a number of advantages:

  • the bush does not stretch upward, has a small height and neat dimensions;
  • the plant can withstand a short absence of watering and is not afraid of hot weather;
  • Many gardeners liked tomatoes that are easy to care for;
  • the possibility of growing not only in open ground, but also on a windowsill or in a flowerpot;
  • if the plant is planted in an isolated container, it is not afraid of developing a disease such as late blight;
  • compactness, the bush does not take up much space, brings high yields.

We plant varieties of tomatoes on the plot

After the air has warmed up sufficiently, the tomatoes are transplanted into a specially prepared area. It is recommended to plant seedlings in beds where cucumbers, pumpkins, watermelons, cabbage or onions previously grew. An excellent harvest of tomatoes is obtained from areas previously occupied by green manure plants.

Important! It is prohibited to plant Obereg tomatoes in areas where potatoes, peppers or tomatoes were planted. This measure will reduce the risk of developing diseases characteristic of predecessors. If the plot is small, then you can plant Amulet on the territory after tomatoes of other varieties, after adding a large amount of minerals and digging twice.

Before planting, the site area is dug up along with pre-applied fertilizers. Then holes are made, into each of which a plant is lowered. Before planting, it is important to straighten the root system, and then fill the hole with soil. It is recommended to water the plant with plenty of water. Watering is carried out under the bush; you cannot pour water on the seedling, as this may cause it to break.

Interesting! Each tomato usually weighs about 60 g. With proper care, which consists of timely watering, loosening the soil and applying fertilizers, you can get fruits of a much larger weight - about 80 g. From a small plot, you usually get about 12-15 kg of tasty tomatoes.

Diseases and pests

Gardeners use the main secret of preventing many diseases, “Amulet”. It consists of removing dry leaves and inspecting the formed fruits. If there are spots on the fruits, and before this changes could be noticed on the leaves, this may indicate late blight. The stem suffers from this and becomes brown. The root system changes color. If the plant fits these descriptions, there is no way to save it.

The bush is removed from the site and burned. There is a chance to prevent the development of the disease only in the first stages, when “Amulet” can benefit from chemicals. The disease, according to the description of the “Obereg” variety, does not appear if the gardener processed the seed material before growing the seedlings and provided proper care for the young plants.

As for a disease such as dry spotting, it is extremely rare for the “Obereg” tomato variety. But once the disease appears, it spreads quickly. This means that the gardener’s reaction should be immediate. To eliminate the disease, high-quality and proven fungicides are used, which will quickly destroy the cause of dry rot in the form of a pathogenic microorganism. Bacterial spotting, which occurs in Amulet, is eliminated in the same way.

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