Potato variety Early morning: description and characteristics, reviews

Potato Early Morning - what kind of variety it is, description, origin and development

The young form of potato was obtained through the efforts of Chelyabinsk breeders. Refers to table varieties with high taste. The creators of this form planned to create a species with good yield and high taste. They achieved the desired result and also received high immunity to diseases.

Early Morning is an upright bush with a dense crown, a well-developed root system, lilac flowers, and large reddish tubers. The variety was bred without the use of GMOs.

Potatoes Early morning

Ripening time and yield

Mid-early ripening period, growing season – 75 days. The yield is good, reaching 30 tons per hectare. Most of the harvest is harvested at the end of the season, but you can dig as early as the 45th day of the growing season.

Important ! Potatoes reach their highest concentration of starch and flavor at the end of ripening.

Disease resistance

This variety has good immunity to diseases. It is resistant to attack by the Colorado potato beetle. However, he is afraid of infection with potato nematode, which lays larvae in tubers, eating them. In damp, low-lying areas it can be damaged by late blight. The culture is not susceptible to cancer.

Before planting, it is recommended to treat the tubers with insecticidal and fungicidal preparations.

Potato nematode

Characteristics of tubers, description of appearance

The powerful development of the root system produces 7 large oval pink tubers, weighing up to 200 g. With proper fertilization and hilling, the number of tubers can increase to 10, the eyes are small and shallow. The pulp is yellow, suitable for making purees, frying, and soups. The fruits do not become overcooked due to their high starch content, they have a pleasant sweetish taste, and the consistency of the pulp is not watery.

Important! The variety is valued for its marketable appearance of tubers, smooth, without chips or growths.

For which regions is it suitable, climate requirements?

The crop is suitable for growing in the middle temperate climate. It performed well in years without prolonged rains. The variety is recommended for cultivation in regions of risky farming.

Characteristics of the variety

Early morning is a potato variety included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central Black Earth region. To achieve technical maturity after the appearance of the first shoots, it takes a little more than 3 months. At this time, be sure to follow all the rules for successful vegetable care.

Potato bushes usually reach medium height, so care is greatly simplified even for novice gardeners. At the same time, the bushes are not so tall that they require strengthening.

The main differences between potatoes:

  • the maximum possible weight of one potato tuber is 130 grams;
  • pulp color – light yellow;
  • starch content level – 15-18%;
  • optimal taste;
  • a decent indicator of marketability of the crop is 82-97%, and 95% of root crops are resistant to external conditions and enjoy long-term storage.

From 1 hectare you can harvest 200-230 centners of potatoes. This indicator indicates the feasibility of growing early potato varieties.

The variety is mid-ripening and is intended for table use. The period from germination to technical maturity is 90-110 days. The variety is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for the Central Black Earth region.

Potato bushes of this variety are of medium height, leaf type, semi-erect. The flower corollas are very large. The leaves are medium sized, open, light green in color.

Root vegetables are oval or round in shape with a light beige skin and very small eyes. The average weight of one tuber does not exceed 130 g. The pulp is light yellow in color and contains starch at the level of 15-18.0%. The taste characteristics and product quality are very good. The marketability of the harvest is 82-97%. Keeping quality is 95%. The total yield is 200-230 c/ha.

From the moment the sprouts appear until the harvest is dug up, 100 days pass. Early Morning potato bushes are medium in size with erect stems. Light green leaves are medium in size and are of the open type. The flowers are large. 5-9 tubers ripen on each bush. Up to 250 tons of crop are harvested per hectare.

Description of fruits

The tubers are light, pink in color, oval in shape. The weight of potatoes can reach 120 grams. There are not many eyes, and they are small. The pulp has a pinkish tint. The starch content is average, 14-17%. Taste rating: 4.5 points.

Due to their medium starch content, Early Morning potatoes are used for a variety of culinary purposes. The root vegetable makes delicious mashed potatoes, fried and baked dishes.


Potatoes are stored well, keeping quality is 96%.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Early Morning potatoes have disadvantages and advantages over other varieties.


  • in warm regions you can get 2 harvests per season,
  • resistant to boiling,
  • high productivity,
  • safety during transportation,
  • good immunity, drought resistance;
  • taste qualities.


  • the crop is poorly stored at temperatures above + 2,
  • low marketability - 69-88%,
  • susceptibility to potato nematode infection.

Morning Earlier is one of the best varieties of domestic selection, its popularity is confirmed by good reviews from gardeners.

Interesting ! The plant is not destroyed by the Colorado potato beetle due to the special structure of the leaves. They are covered with dense pile, insects cannot lay eggs on them.

Planting and growing potatoes of the Early Morning variety

Planting technology must be followed. This will help increase productivity and get a quality product.

Preparing for landing

Before planting in the ground, seed material is treated with growth stimulants. This is done to speed up the germination of tubers and to prevent rotting of the potatoes. A few weeks before planting in the soil, the seed material is transferred from their storage to a warmer place and waits for the tubers to germinate.

Sprouted potato fruits

Soil requirements

The previous cultivation of other crops in the place where potatoes were planted in the current year has a beneficial effect on the yield. Legumes, beets, onions, green manure enrich the soil with useful minerals and inhibit the growth of weeds.

The variety is not picky about soil composition, but it is better to use light, slightly acidic soils. Before planting, mineral fertilizers are applied, and in the fall they dig up the soil, adding humus to it.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

Since the variety has good germination at low temperatures, it can be planted at the end of April, when the soil has already warmed up a little and the last frosts have passed.

You should know! You can plant it in the ground after the soil warms up to + 10 degrees.

There should be at least 60 cm between the rows. The distance from each tuber is about 35 cm, the planting depth is 10 cm. The bushes need to be provided with a sufficiently large area for the growth and development of the root system. A wide row spacing will provide good aeration to the roots and eliminate shading of the bushes.

Planting potatoes

Painting with potatoes

First of all, they asked about prices. In wholesale for the new harvest, they are still very favorable for buyers - they either decrease or remain at last year’s level.

In the Primorsky Territory it is 13-18 rubles per kilogram. In the Altai Territory - 9-10 rubles. In the Bryansk, Voronezh regions and Tatarstan 7-8 rubles and even 5 rubles. It looks like they will remain about the same as last year. In Bashkiria they are not talking about prices yet - it’s too early, but judging by the dynamics of recent years, the wholesale price per kilogram will not exceed 8 rubles. This is how she was in 2018. And in five years it fell by 9 rubles. In the Krasnodar Territory, they are also in no hurry to make predictions. But the regional Ministry of Agriculture said that they have no data on an increase in the cost of potatoes compared to last year.

However, what is good for buyers is not always good for manufacturers. If potato growers are losing profits due to low prices, then we can expect them to begin to reduce the size of their potato fields. Then, sooner or later, prices will creep up, or even jump. And here the Rubicon will be the line beyond which consumer demand will begin to fall due to high prices. It is better, of course, not to allow such a price cycle.

Such low figures today are primarily due to the fact that due to large volumes of imported potatoes, Russian producers are left with significant balances of unsold products, potato growers say. In Primorye, all plans are disrupted by dumping on the part of Chinese farmers for vegetable products and potatoes.

Prices for the new potato crop are still very favorable for buyers - they either decrease or remain at last year’s level

“The problems are colossal! - this is already the cry of the soul of the Altai director of Soyuzagro Alexey Bolotin. — There is nowhere to sell potatoes. Geographically we are at a dead end. The ratio of the urban and rural population in the region also has an effect. 43 percent now live in rural areas. Even in Barnaul, many people grow potatoes in their dachas or bring them from relatives from villages. Sell ​​outside the region? Sales markets come to us only when other regions run out of their own potatoes.”

The problem of potato growing for many years has been the lack of a sufficient number of modern storage facilities. That is, they could grow potatoes, but there was no way to preserve them until the next season; everything rotted. Therefore, in the spring and summer, imports entered the market and prices rose several times. Now storage facilities have been built and imports have been squeezed out.

But now another problem is coming to the fore - the lack of quality seeds, they say locally. We have to purchase varieties of German and Dutch selection. Some regions are developing their own varieties, but so far there is no talk of replacing imports. Purchasing high-quality seed, and even more so selecting your own varieties, requires considerable investment. Investments are also needed to purchase expensive foreign equipment, which is suitable for working with imported potato varieties. This includes investments in the construction of modern potato storage facilities. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to recoup these costs. Prices are falling.

Is the potato growers being hit by what they say is unfair competition from outside that “sweets” the potatoes and spreads when cooked?

The responses of potato growers in the regions were mainly as follows: everything is fine here, we have not encountered such problems. Maybe they are lying? However, there were also revelations.

You are more likely to run into low-quality potatoes in small stores and market stalls. Large manufacturers value their reputation

“Why are potatoes sweet and watery? Because some farmers use too much fertilizer. For example, saltpeter is added to help potatoes grow better. Side effect: such potatoes have a short shelf life and an unpleasant taste,” says Svetlana Chernykh, deputy director of a potato farm in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. “Our specialized agricultural enterprise gives soil samples to specialists for analysis twice a year before applying fertilizers, and they give recommendations on when and how much fertilizer to apply,” she explains. “Also, the company carefully follows the technology of cultivation and storage, which is why the taste is normal.” Thank you for your frankness!

So, we found one reason. The second is, of course, improper storage, frozen tubers. But these are already problems of late autumn. And the third reason is low-quality seeds. They are purchased cheaply by small producers, often coming from neighboring countries. They not only drive down prices, but also compromise quality. “They buy seed, which they reject during calibration. They sow small areas, for example, in the Volga region, in the Urals,” Alexey Krasilnikov, executive director of the Potato Union, explained to RG.

You are more likely to run into low-quality potatoes in small shops and market stalls. Large manufacturers value their reputation and try to work with retail chains.

But there are already two recipes for fighting for the quality of potatoes. The Ministry of Agriculture will soon launch an information system for seed production, which will allow it to take into account the movement of all planting material in the country.

Another way to ensure the quality of a product is to label it correctly. There are different varieties on the market, each of them suitable for a specific type of processing. It happens that potatoes intended for processing into chips cannot be sold to the factory and are sent to stores at a low price. That's when buyers may be disappointed, says Krasilnikov.

To avoid such unpleasant surprises, stores should correctly mark which potatoes are intended for boiling and which for frying. Some large manufacturers are already switching to this system, the expert adds.

How to harvest and store crops

You can collect the first fruits on the 45th day of the growing season, not earlier. Thanks to the rapid ripening of the crop with a large number of high-quality tubers, this potato variety could be called Good Morning. Potatoes reach their maximum starch content by the 3rd month of life.

Storage features and keeping quality of the Early Morning variety

Early morning has a high storage potential, up to 90% of the harvest is preserved. Store fully ripened fruits in dry, cold rooms without access to light. Dig up the crop in dry weather. Before being transferred to a permanent storage location, the potatoes are left to dry in a temporary ventilated room.

Recommended! Tubers begin to germinate at a temperature of +3 degrees. Storage temperature conditions must be observed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Early mornings are not without their downsides. This is, first of all, the need to apply fertilizers. It is advisable to enrich the soil with useful substances before planting. If this is not done, the yield will decrease. In addition, potatoes are vulnerable to many insect pests and to get rid of them, it is necessary to use chemicals.

Fortunately, potatoes have many more benefits. Among these it should be noted:

  • high yield;
  • unpretentiousness, both to care and to the soil;
  • availability;
  • good keeping quality;
  • resistance to a number of diseases.


It should be stored early in the morning at a temperature no higher than +2°C, otherwise it will begin to sprout.

Diseases and pests, how to fight

Early Morning potatoes have good characteristics for their resistance to diseases and insects. However, the golden nematode is susceptible to the pest, which inhibits the growth of tubers and damages entire bushes. They fight infection by periodic crop rotation - changing crops on the site. Advanced cases are treated with insecticidal drugs.

Important! Mulching and fertilizing the soil with organic preparations will saturate the soil with beneficial fungi. They will become fatal to pests and pathogenic bacteria.

Due to its characteristics, the potato variety Morning Earlier received good reviews among amateur gardeners and agricultural organizations. It is valued for its excellent taste and disease resistance. Potatoes of this variety are sold well as seed material and for human consumption. The popularity of the culture continues to grow.

Features of care

For the normal development of the plant, you should follow simple rules:

  • Feed before the first buds appear or at the very beginning of flowering with nitrogenous fertilizers, avoiding ammonium chloride.
  • Keep the soil loose.
  • Remove weeds and various debris in a timely manner.
  • Watering can be stopped 2-3 weeks before harvest to increase shelf life if the weather is not too hot and dry.
  • Regularly irrigate the soil while the bushes are growing.
  • Perform several hillings.

See also

Description of the Kolobok potato variety, features of cultivation and careRead

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