Potato variety “Crimean Rose”: characteristics, description, yield, reviews and photos

Vegetable growing » Potatoes



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Kira Stoletova

Crimean Rose potatoes are an excellent variety with good taste and appearance. It is precisely because of its taste that the Crimean Rose was able to gain popularity and stand out from other varieties.

Characteristics of Crimean Rose potatoes

History of variety selection

Little is known about the history of the appearance of the Crimean rose variety. These potatoes were the result of breeding work not by scientists, but by amateur vegetable growers, so their research is not documented. As a result of breeding work, they obtained a variety for cultivation in regions with a dry, hot climate with virtually no rain.

The authors did not conduct official tests of the variety and did not include it in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, but this did not prevent Crimean vegetable growers from growing it everywhere and getting a good harvest. Crimean rose can be grown in other areas with similar climatic conditions.

Characteristics and description

Let us consider the main characteristics of the variety in more detail.

Appearance of tops and description of tubers

The size of the potato bush is small, it has green leaves that match it in size, wavy along the edges, with veins. The type of foliage is intermediate. Flowers in the form of large corollas are white, flowering is fleeting. The berry almost never sets after the flowers fall. The oval-shaped tubers can weigh 75–120 g, have small tubercles, a skin without roughness, and are colored pink.

The Crimean rose is distinguished from other varieties by its delicate taste, preservation of the quality of planting material and the ability to grow in dry weather conditions. The pulp is white or cream with pink veins. There are up to 15 tubers per bush, since part of the crop is not marketable due to its too small size. Each of them contains up to 17% starch with a calorie content of about 77 kcal per 100 g. Potatoes of this variety are very tasty, they do not lose their shape during cooking, and are also good fried, stewed, or baked. The taste is free of both dryness and wateriness, it is delicate and balanced.


From 1 hectare you can collect from 140 to 200 centners of root crops. However, in the absence of hot weather, the quantity harvested decreases and the taste deteriorates. Thanks to the warm Crimean climate, some farmers harvest twice a year.

Ripening and harvesting dates

Potatoes fully ripen within 60 to 80 days after planting, and then they can already be harvested. Starting from day 40, you can already enjoy young root vegetables.

Variety resistance to diseases

The variety is resistant to potato canker, common scab, blackleg, late blight, bacteria and viruses.

The variety is not entirely suitable for sale - it is mainly grown on private farms for personal consumption

Diseases and pests

The Crimean rose variety is resistant to diseases such as:

  • Common scab;
  • Potato cancer;
  • Blackleg.

Due to early ripening, tops and root crops are not susceptible to late blight.

For preventive purposes, it is necessary to periodically change the place where potatoes are planted and treat the planting material.

Vegetables are threatened by the following insect pests:

  • Colorado beetle;
  • Spider mite;
  • Aphid;
  • Cicada.

To protect against pests, potato bushes must be sprayed with biological products or insecticides.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with potato varieties that have different ripening periods:

Late ripeningEarly ripeningVery earlyMid-lateMid-early
NikulinskyBorovichokForty daysCraneYanka
RoccoFelox RivieraMozartTuscany
KiwiBellarosa Zhukovsky earlyGrenadaPurple Haze
Ivan da MaryaNatasha FarmerMelodyOpenwork
Picasso Ariel MinervaMargaritaSantana
Asterix Queen Anne VenetaRamonaDesiree
Slav Arosa KirandaDolphinLady Claire

Pros and possible disadvantages

  • Positive aspects of the variety:
  • excellent taste;
  • attractive color;
  • resistance to lack of moisture;
  • the ability to grow in dry regions;
  • resistance to many diseases;
  • early maturation;
  • high-yielding variety;
  • it is possible to get a harvest twice a year;
  • can be transported without loss of commercial qualities;
  • can be stored for a long time;
  • seed material does not degenerate;
  • does not lose its properties during storage.
  • Negative aspects of the variety:
  • fruits of different sizes, which impairs the quality of the harvest;
  • not suitable for growing in regions with other climatic conditions;
  • the presence of tubercles that impair the presentation;
  • high dependence on weather conditions during cultivation.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Odyssey” - description and photo

Agricultural technology for growing potatoes

The potato harvest depends on whether you follow the planting rules. The process is discussed in more detail below.

Optimal planting dates

Due to the warm climate in Crimea, potatoes can be planted as early as mid-March. A prerequisite is well-warmed soil. If you plan to harvest twice, then replanting is carried out after the first harvest.

Crop rotation rules

When planting potatoes, follow these rules:

  1. Change the place where you plant potatoes once every 3-4 years, otherwise the depleted soil will not allow you to get a good harvest.
  2. You can alternate potatoes with cabbage, legumes, phacelia, perennial herbs, and oil radish on your plot.
  3. There should be no garden strawberries in the predecessor area for planting potatoes.

Soil quality

For the Crimean rose, sandy soil is suitable, which is dug up and enriched with humus and wood ash. Mineral fertilizers include nitrophoska (30 g), potassium sulfate (20 g), ammonium nitrate (20 g), which are combined with 7 kg of humus per 1 m². Another option is superphosphate (40 g), dolomite flour (450 g), ammonium nitrate (20 g), potassium sulfate (20 g), which are combined with 10 kg of humus.

The soil should warm up very well, but not be too dry.

Preparation of planting material

How to prepare planting material:

  1. Sort thoroughly, discarding small, unhealthy and damaged tubers.
  2. It is best to choose medium-sized tubers for planting; they are selected in the fall during harvest and stored separately.
  3. Etch in a solution of potassium permanganate or 5% solution of copper sulfate to protect against infections.
  4. Soak in water with the addition of a growth stimulator.
  5. Wrap in sawdust and leave for 3-4 weeks in a warm place to take root, periodically spraying with water.

Video: preparing potatoes before planting

Landing technology

How to plant Crimean rose:

  1. In the selected area, remove all plant debris, dig up the soil, and apply fertilizer.
  2. Dig long holes from 1 to the other edge of the plot, about 15 cm deep, keeping a distance of 50 cm between rows.
  3. Lower the tubers along with the sawdust, keeping a distance of 35 cm between them. If the planting material is large, the distance needs to be increased.
  4. Sprinkle with soil and level it.

Video: planting potatoes

Growing and care

The variety shows maximum productivity on loose soils. If the soil is dry, water at the rate of 1-4 liters per 1 bush. They use a drip system and sprinkling. You can water the furrows between the rows with a hose; the water should not get on the green mass to avoid late blight. The first watering is carried out 7-10 days after germination, then as needed. When flowering ends, watering is stopped.

Potatoes are responsive to timely fertilizing. During a stormy growing season, urea, urea, nitrophoska, and Kemira are used. At the stage of flowering and tuber setting, preparations with magnesium, boron, potassium, and phosphorus are important. These are products such as potassium chloride, superphosphate, potassium sulfate, Mag-Boron.

The first hilling is carried out when the stems are 10-12 cm long, the second time the procedure is carried out when the shoots become 20-25 cm long. The height of the embankment is up to 2/3 of the length of the bushes. The soil is raked from between the rows, but the top is not covered - 3-5 leaves should remain.

For loosening they use hoes and flat cutters. On large areas the land is cultivated with a walk-behind tractor and cultivator.

Harvest and storage

You can start tasting the Crimean rose harvest after 40 days, but the tubers reach full maturity in 60 to 80 days. Storing the crop is not accompanied by deterioration in the presentation of root crops. Potatoes can be stored for several months in boxes or bags in a cool place at a temperature of +4. +6°C and relative humidity 80–90%. Before this, it is recommended to dry it in the open air, protecting it from light so that it does not turn green. The keeping quality of potatoes is 94–98%.

So, the Crimean Rose potato variety has an excellent taste, and you can see this for yourself if you grow it yourself. It does not require a lot of maintenance, but you must live in a region with a hot, dry climate. In this case, you will not have to fight diseases, although you will still need to spend some time on protection from pests.

Article on the topic: Potato variety “Banba” - description and photo

Collection, storage and use of crops

The first digging of Crimean rose potatoes is carried out 40 days after full germination. Tubers reach technical maturity at 60-80 days. They are sorted and dried under a canopy, protected from direct sunlight, otherwise they will turn green.

Reference. The green color of the tubers is a sign of the presence of corned beef, a compound toxic to humans.

The harvest is stored in a cool place in boxes. Tubers do not lose their presentation and do not germinate for 3-4 months at a temperature of +4-6°C and an air humidity of 80-90%.

In the warm climate of Crimea and other southern regions, you can dig young potatoes until late autumn.

The product has an attractive appearance, excellent taste and pronounced aroma. The tubers grow small and medium in size. The skin is easy to clean, the pulp does not boil over and retains its structure. For lovers of small young potatoes, Crimean Rose is the ideal variety.


The Crimean Rose potato variety was specially bred by breeders for cultivation in areas with hot weather conditions. The variety was never entered into the State Register, but despite this, potatoes are very popular among gardeners. Potatoes develop well in hot and dry summers. This type of potato grows only in Crimea; you won’t find it in other areas.

Potatoes ripen in about 70-80 days. Early potatoes can be harvested after 40 days. To harvest a large harvest, you need to wait until the end of the growing season. The root structure is formed ideally, 10-15 fruits are formed under one bush. Many farmers manage to harvest several harvests in one period.

Description of the plant

Description of the Crimean Rose potato - a variety of table varieties. The plant is medium in size, the leaves are green, not very large.

The bush is straight, neat, there are veins and slightly wavy tips. During ripening, the plant produces corollas of large sizes and white color.

Description of potatoes

The fruits are small in size, weighing 75-120 g. The Crimean Rose variety has one difference - its incredible taste. The fruits do not contain water and are dry. A wide variety of dishes are prepared from potatoes. It does not contain much starch, only 13-17%, so the fruits do not boil too much and keep a beautiful shape. They do not darken during cooking. Potatoes are suitable for boiling, frying and stewing.

The pulp is white with pinkish layers. The skin is smooth and pink. Oval shape. If you comply with all growing conditions, you can reap a large harvest. It is also worth knowing that the quantity and quality of fruits are significantly influenced by weather conditions. In the rain, potatoes do not ripen and develop well.

The characteristics of the variety have many positive qualities:

  • fruits contain a lot of protein, mineral salts and B vitamins;
  • wonderful taste characteristics;
  • tolerates heat well;
  • the fruits ripen all at the same time;
  • has strong immunity;
  • high yield;
  • stored for a long time;
  • not damaged during transportation;
  • good keeping quality.

This variety is grown only in Crimea

The variety has practically no disadvantages, but some nuances include:

  • the fruits are not the same size, so they spoil the presentation;
  • the amount of harvest depends on weather conditions;
  • potatoes are not suitable for sale;
  • Crimean Rose is grown only in the Crimea.


Reviews about the Crimean rose variety are positive. The culture is loved by many for its excellent taste, attractive appearance and ease of care.

Anna, Gaspra: “The Crimean peninsula is famous not only for wine and purple onions, but also for delicious potatoes called Crimean rose. We grow it for ourselves year after year, and always get excellent results. We harvest twice. Potatoes can be cooked in different ways—frying, boiling, stewing, baking—and they don’t fall apart.”

Ivan, Astrakhan: “I became acquainted with the amateur variety Crimean Rose quite recently. A sister from Crimea shared the seeds. Since our climate is suitable for growing these potatoes, I planted several bushes in my dacha. The taste is 5 points, the fruits are of different sizes, but it doesn’t matter, I plant potatoes for myself. The crop is easy to care for; I water it once every 2 weeks and add fertilizer before planting.”

Pavel, Anapa: “My wife and I have a small family business. We grow vegetables for sale, including potatoes. The Crimean rose variety grows well here, does not require special care, and withstands drought. The tubers grow small and medium-sized, with pink skin and creamy flesh, very tasty and aromatic. The structure is preserved during heat treatment.”

Planting rules

Planting potatoes is not difficult, you just need to know all the nuances of growing in hot areas. Be sure to prepare the soil and planting material before planting.

Preparing tubers and soil for planting

In the Crimean region, potatoes are planted early, since the climate allows it. Planting occurs in mid or late March. You definitely need to wait until the ground warms up well. But you should also watch carefully so that it does not dry out. If gardeners want to replant potatoes, they should understand that tubers can produce a small and small harvest during a very hot period.

Before planting, planting material is selected; it must be healthy in appearance and without damage. Bad fruits should be thrown away immediately. Selected tubers are pickled and soaked in a special solution to stimulate growth. Next, you need to put the fruits in sawdust and wait until they take root. This stage lasts 3-4 weeks. It is advisable to spray the sawdust with water or growth agent from time to time.

Planting methods

Before planting, the area is cleared of plants and loosened. To saturate the soil, add manure and wood ash. Previously prepared fruits for planting are placed in holes immediately with sawdust.

The bushes must be planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and wide rows must also be made. The planted tubers are covered with film, this will help protect them from severe cold.

Features of care

This type of potato does not require care, but it is worth paying a little attention to. Gardeners advise carrying out simple maintenance activities.

  1. During the entire growing season, the plants are hilled 2-3 times.
  2. Be sure to water the area, but no more than 50 cm deep.
  3. Fertilizers do not need to be applied. In a short time of ripening, the plant manages to absorb all the useful elements that were added at the time of planting.

Related article: Potato variety “Mondeo” - description and photo

If you organize proper watering, you can increase the yield several times. If the summer is cold and rainy, the harvest may decrease and the fruits will lose their unique taste.

The history of the origin of the Crimean Rose potato variety

The Crimean rose potato was bred by amateur breeders. It was not included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements, so this variety did not pass tests on industrial fields. The Crimean rose potato is popular among farmers and gardeners - it is readily grown in subsidiary plots and on farm plots.

The variety grows well in areas with hot climates. Potatoes are grown mainly in Crimea, but planting is possible in any arid regions.

The table presents data on starch content in different varieties:

Crimean rose potato description. Potatoes Crimean rose variety description photo reviews

We bought red-skinned potatoes, but we can’t guess what variety they are. Therefore, please describe it and give recommendations for planting and yield.

Derevyanko family, Rostov region, Semikarakorsk

There are a lot of red potato varieties: Red Rose, Rosara, Belorosa, Red Scarlet, Rosalind, Condor, Chervono Ruta, Slavyanka and many others. Recently, the red variety Red Scarlet has been intensively imported into your Rostov region. And before that, its niche was occupied by Rosara and Condor.

Condor quickly lost popularity because it was poorly stored. One unpleasant feature was noticed in the variety: during growth, the tops were practically not damaged by late blight, but the tubers placed in the basement were infected and quickly rotted. Because of this feature, agricultural firms stopped importing Condor. But all it took was three or four treatments with Ridomil and Hom per season and the variety could be “rehabilitated.”




Red Scarlet

Rosalinda, Belarosa have not gained much popularity, since their tubers are round in shape. And it is more convenient for housewives to peel long potatoes.

Rosara is a fairly early variety that is relatively resistant to disease and degeneration. Previously, it was brought to us directly from Holland. Such seed tubers yielded yields of up to 35 kg per kg! Then the Dutch stopped selling it to us, and our craftsmen began to grow local seeds. The yield of the variety fell sharply.

Red Scarlet is brought from Holland to replace Rosare. I think this is the variety you have. It has the same problem as Condor, but unlike Condor, Red Scarlet, on the contrary, has late blight on the tops, but almost no tubers.

However, Red Scarlet still does not lie well, as it is not resistant to hollowness. Often half of the crop in winter turns out to be black inside when cut. There are many reasons: excess manure and little ash produced when filling the soil, tubers were stored incorrectly (temperature changes, etc.). But this variety is resistant to the causative agent of potato cancer, the golden potato cyst nematode.

Another drawback is that the taste of potatoes is only satisfactory, and this variety never takes first place in tastings.

There is another Dutch variety called Desir. Very good, also with a red skin and an oblong tuber shape. In terms of taste, it is much better than Red Scarlet. And most importantly, it is drought-resistant. This is a very important property for the Rostov region.

Description of the variety

Crimean rose is an early ripening potato variety. In hot areas, you can get two vegetable harvests in one season.

Main characteristics of the Crimean Rose potato:

  • Resistance to drought and heat;
  • The ripening period is 60 days;
  • Weight of commercial tubers – 75-120 grams;
  • Good taste;
  • 10-15 tubers per bush;
  • The peel is pink, the flesh is white or cream-colored;
  • Resistance to potato cancer, common scab, blackleg;
  • The variety produces the greatest yield on light sandy soils;
  • Tolerates drought and heat well.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of Crimean Rose potatoes:

  • Early ripening of tubers;
  • Good taste;
  • High yield;
  • Heat and drought resistance;
  • High content of vitamins, protein, minerals and amino acids;
  • Possibility of long-term storage;
  • Resistance to major potato diseases.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • Unevenness of tubers - many small potatoes are tied under the bush;
  • The characteristic bumpiness of potatoes impairs their presentation.

The main advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Crimean rose, like many other potato varieties, has its pros and cons. The main advantages of this variety include:

  • ability to be stored for a long time;
  • tolerate transportation well;
  • excellent taste;
  • high content of vitamins and mineral salts;
  • ability to easily tolerate heat;
  • excellent yield;
  • resistance to various diseases.

However, despite all these advantages, the variety also has negative qualities:

  • it can only be grown in Crimea;
  • if there is a lot of rainfall, then you may not expect a good harvest;
  • has a poor presentation because the vegetables differ in size from each other.


Crimean rose is an early ripening potato. The ripening period of the vegetable is 60-70 days from germination. You can dig the first tubers after 40 days.

The harvest can be stored for several months without losing its taste.

The bush is medium-sized, wide and spreading. The leaves are small, dark green in color with pronounced veins and slightly wavy edges.

The corolla consists of large cream-colored flowers; berries are rarely set. The variety is distinguished by a well-developed root system - at least 10-15 tubers are formed under the bush.

Correct fit

In hot and dry places, potatoes are planted early - in the second half of March. In the middle zone, it is recommended to plant the vegetable no earlier than the end of May.

For planting, smooth, medium-sized tubers that are not damaged by insects or diseases are selected.

The selected planting material must be pickled and soaked in water with the addition of a growth stimulator. Then the tubers are germinated in wet sawdust. The entire germination procedure takes about a month. Sawdust must be frequently sprayed with a stimulating solution or water.

Before planting root crops, the soil is thoroughly loosened and cleared of tops and plant debris. Humus or wood ash also needs to be added to the soil for nutritional benefits.

Sprouted potatoes are laid out along with sawdust in the holes. The bushes should be 30 cm apart from each other. Wide row spacing must be provided.

Planted root crops should be covered with plastic wrap to protect them from night frosts. During the season, potato bushes need to be hilled several times. When watering, the soil should be moistened to a depth of 50-60 cm. There is no need to add fertilizers to the soil - during the rapid period of potato ripening, the nutrients added to the soil before planting are sufficient.

How to grow a crop

Light sandy soil is best suited for growing Crimean rose. Although the plant grows well in dry conditions, regular watering significantly increases productivity. Planting material degenerates slowly, so seeds are collected from year to year without fear for the quality of the future harvest.

The crop needs organic and mineral fertilizing, loosening, weeding and preventive treatments against fungi and insects.

Dates, scheme and rules of planting

In Crimea and other warm regions, potatoes are planted in the second ten days of March in warm soil. Re-planting is carried out immediately after the first digging.

Before planting in the holes, tubers are sorted out, small ones, damaged ones, and those with signs of rotting are discarded. Medium-sized specimens are suitable for planting. They are selected in the fall during the harvesting process and stored in separate boxes.

20 days before planting, the tubers are brought out into the light and pickled in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Then they are soaked in growth stimulants (Zircon, Epin) and immersed in slightly damp sawdust. After 3-4 days, sprouts will appear at an air temperature of at least +14°C.

The selected area is cleared of plant residues, the soil is loosened and fertilized with humus and wood ash. As for mineral fertilizers, it is optimal to use nitrophoska (30 g), potassium sulfate (20 g), ammonium nitrate (20 g), mixed with 5 kg of humus per 1 sq. m. m.

In practice, the second option is also used - 40 g of superphosphate, 450 g of dolomite flour, 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium sulfate, 10 kg of humus per 1 sq. m. m.

Reference. Potatoes absorb only 50% of nutrients when root feeding during the growing season. Therefore, farmers recommend enriching the soil immediately before planting tubers, and then carrying out foliar spraying with liquid mineral compounds.

Long furrows 15 cm deep are formed in the area and the tubers are buried along with sawdust, keeping a distance of 35 cm. Sprinkle a layer of earth on top and level it. Row spacing is 50 cm.

Rules for caring for the Crimean rose:

  1. The variety is drought resistant and does not require frequent watering. It is enough to water the bushes three times: upon reaching 15-20 cm in height, during the formation of buds and after flowering. In the future, the need for moisture is determined by the appearance of the tops - if they are limp, then it’s time to water the beds. For 1 sq. m - 50 liters of water. Potatoes are watered early in the morning.
  2. Hilling is carried out once, after the bushes have formed and become stronger. Further hilling in the Crimean climate leads to the death of the plant.
  3. Loosening and weeding are carried out five days after planting, then as needed.
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