The best find from breeders - Pink Helmet tomato: variety characteristics and description

Pink helmet is one of the top leaders of varieties bred by domestic breeders. In addition to high productivity, it has excellent taste and product characteristics. Easy to care for and practically never gets sick.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Growing tomatoes Firewood

Proper plant care and compliance with tomato planting rules will help ensure a high yield. The Drova variety does not have any special requirements for breeding. Therefore, seedlings are grown according to the generally accepted algorithm.

Landing rules

Tomato Firewood can be planted as seedlings from mid-February. To do this you need:

  1. Choose a container of suitable size so that the young shoots are not too crowded.
  2. It is advisable to disinfect the soil. This can be done by spilling the substrate with a manganese solution, or by calcining the soil in a water bath.
  3. The seeds also need to be soaked in water with a small amount of potassium permanganate.
  4. Place the planting material in the ground, lightly sprinkle with earth (no more than 3 mm).
  5. Humidification should be carried out from a spray bottle.
  6. To create a greenhouse effect, pots with seeds must be covered with glass or film.
  7. There is no need to water before the first shoots appear; the tomatoes have enough moisture, which accumulates in the form of condensation.
  8. When the bushes have 3 leaves, it is necessary to pick the seedlings.
  9. Planting in open ground should take place no earlier than warm weather outside (at least +15 oC).
  10. Before planting, seedlings should be hardened by daily exposure to fresh air, increasing the time the plant spends outside each day.

After the bushes move to their permanent place of residence, the seedlings will need to be provided with additional care.

Watering and fertilizing

The description of the tomato variety Drova indicates that the tomato is an unpretentious representative of this crop. However, it still has minimum requirements.

The intensity of watering vegetables depends entirely on the period of tomato development:

  • immediately after planting the seedlings in the ground, it must be shed with warm, settled water;
  • further watering should be carried out based on the condition of the soil: for example, if mulch was added during planting, it will retain moisture at the roots for a long time, which will help reduce the frequency of watering;
  • it is necessary to increase the supply of water at the moment when the tomato begins to bloom and gain fruit. It is forbidden to overwater the vegetable, but the soil should always be slightly moist.

Fertilizers are applied according to the usual scheme:

  • during strengthening of seedlings;
  • at the moment of flowering;
  • during the process of fruit ripening.

Attention! Tomatoes cannot tolerate excess fertilizer, so all fertilizing must be carried out strictly according to the schedule and in the doses indicated on the package

Pinching and tying

Cultivation is carried out in order to distribute the load on the plant and increase the amount of harvest. Drova tomatoes are low-growing, so you can leave 2 - 3 sprouts, which will bear fruit.

Despite their short stature, Drova tomatoes are distinguished by an abundance of fruits. Therefore, it will be difficult for small bushes to hold a large number of tomatoes without proper support. It is recommended to tie the plant when planting seedlings in the ground, so that the young shoots stretch along the support, which is used as wooden stakes, rods, etc.


Some gardeners advise not to shape the Drova tomato, but do not forget about removing the root shoots. They will consume too much of the plant's vitality, which will negatively affect the quantity of the harvest and the quality of the fruit.

Protection from diseases and pests

Reviews about Drova tomatoes are mostly positive. And many gardeners note that this tomato representative has a good immune system. Thanks to this, many diseases to which nightshades are susceptible are not afraid of it.

In fact, there is no 100% protection against pests and pathologies. Therefore, you need to know how to protect or save a plant from disease.

Late blight: leaves and fruits become brownish. Increased moisture levels contribute to the development of the disease.

Therefore, it is important to follow the watering regime or ventilate greenhouse specimens;

Macrosporiasis: formation of dry dark spots on fruits and leaves. Infection can occur from potatoes, so it is not worth planting the crop next to this plant or in its place

Copper oxychloride will help cope with the disease;

Anthracnose: The upper leaves of the plant begin to wilt and sunken spots appear on the fruit. The development of the disease can be facilitated by the remains of old plantings, rotted piles of weeds, and even manure piled in the garden. Such remedies as Quadris, Strobi and Flintom can get rid of the problem.

Attention! All diseases are easier to prevent by following the rules for preparing the soil before planting.

Variety Notice: Cultivation

  1. The average plant height is 2 meters. Such butts must be tied to a support. Pruning should be carried out until the first flower style appears. The bush must be formed into 3 stems.
  2. The ideal period for sowing seedlings is the beginning of April. 2 months after sowing, tomatoes can be planted in the ground. They should first be treated with potassium permanganate.
  3. Seeds should be drank into a container with soil to a depth of no more than a centimeter. What to do is compact the soil and water it using a sprayer. To create a greenhouse effect, the oil container should be covered with a film (it must be removed when the seeds hatch).
  4. Near cultivation, it is necessary to observe the lighting regime. To extend the light period, you can use fluorescent lamps. When the first true leaves form, the seedlings should be placed in separate containers.
  5. To plant the plant in a permanent corner, it is recommended to use a peat pot.
  6. For seeds to germinate, a liquidus of +25 degrees is required.
  7. A maximum of 4 plants can be planted on one square meter of land.
  8. The first fruits appear in early July.


Description Delivery terms Reviews

Large-fruited, pink-fruited variety for open ground and film greenhouses. The plant is of a semi-determinate type, up to 1.5 m high, and requires pinching up to the first flower cluster.

The fruits are pink, helmet-shaped and elongated, large, weighing 500-700g, for salad purposes, very tasty and aromatic. The yield of the variety is up to 4 kg per bush. Sowing of seedlings is carried out 50-60 days before planting the plants in a permanent place. The optimal constant temperature for seed germination is 23-25 ​​C.

When planting in the ground for 1 sq. m place 3-4 plants. 1-2 stems are grown with a garter to a support.

The cost of delivery depends on the weight, volume and cost of the parcel, according to the tariffs of the SDEK and Boxberry delivery services

Delivery cost: 0 rubles Delivery cost: 0 rubles

The cost of delivery depends on the weight, volume and cost of the parcel, according to the tariffs of the SDEK and Boxberry delivery services

Delivery time: in Moscow 1-2 days, in the Moscow region 2-3 days, in Russian cities from 3 days from the date

Delivery cost: 0 rubles There are no reviews yet. You can leave it first Description Delivery conditions Reviews Modern early ripening (90-95 days) high-yielding hybrid with excellent taste characteristics and consistently high yield of 17-18 kg/m2.

It is universal in many characteristics - it grows well both in protected and open ground, and the beautiful, tasty and dense fruits in the shape of rugby balls are good for preparations, early fresh salads and successful trading in vegetable markets.

The plant is medium-leafed, determinate, 90-100 cm high.

The cluster contains 5-7 intense red fruits, weighing 90-110 g.

The tomatoes are dense, smooth, intensely red in color, with excellent taste and high transportability, ideal for canning.

The hybrid is resistant to Alternaria and TMV.

15 pcs.

The cost of delivery depends on the weight, volume and cost of the parcel, according to the tariffs of the SDEK and Boxberry delivery services

Delivery cost: 0 rubles Delivery cost: 0 rubles

The cost of delivery depends on the weight, volume and cost of the parcel, according to the tariffs of the SDEK and Boxberry delivery services

Delivery time: in Moscow 1-2 days, in the Moscow region 2-3 days, in Russian cities from 3 days from the date

Delivery cost: 0 rubles There are no reviews yet. You can leave him first

Tomato Pink Helmet: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews from summer residents with photos

Tomato “Pink Helmet” is a mid-early, semi-determinate, high-yielding tomato variety intended for cultivation in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

Features of cultivation

The plant can reach 1.5-2 meters in height. Needs tying to a support and pinching up to the first flower cluster. It is recommended to form a bush with 2 stems.

It is recommended to sow seedlings of the variety in March-April, 50-60 days before planting in the ground. Seeds germinate at a temperature of about 24˚C. No more than 4 plants are planted per square meter of land. The first ripe fruits of the Pink Helmet tomato can be harvested as early as July.

Caring for the variety includes the following activities:

  • Regular watering with warm water (best before sunset);
  • Timely removal of weeds;
  • Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizers;
  • Treatment to protect against diseases and pests.

Fruit characteristics

“Pink Helmet” tomatoes at the ripe stage are pink or pink-red in color, large, and shaped like a heart. The surface is smooth, glossy. Tomatoes have excellent taste: they are juicy, meaty, and sugary.

Perfect for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling, making sauces, juices, lecho and other types of processing.

A distinctive feature of the variety is that large fruits grow even at the top of the bush.


There are several positive features that distinguish Pink Helmet from some other varieties. These include:

  • High and stable yield;
  • Good fruit set;
  • Large fruit;
  • Long shelf life;
  • Resistance to fusarium, verticillium and blossom end rot;
  • Versatility of use.

No disadvantages of the variety were identified.


It is perhaps impossible to find a tomato today that experienced gardeners would not write a couple of lines about. “Pink Helmet” is no exception. Therefore, if you are interested in this variety, we recommend that you read several opinions of summer residents about it.

See also

Characteristics of tomato varieties Azure Giant and Early Giant, reviews and yield Read

  • Decent tomato. The tomatoes were large - 500-600 g, especially the first ones. The bush, however, was a little weak, it did not grow even up to one and a half meters. Grew into 2 stems. The fruits look very beautiful, similar to a helmet, hence the name. (Ksenia Igorevna, Kostroma)
  • I learned about the Pink Helmet tomato from a friend. She described the characteristics of the variety to me and told me about the good yield - 8 kg per bush. The tomato is really good, but my results were a little more modest. It's all about experience, I guess. By the way, in the middle zone the “Pink Helmet” is only suitable for a greenhouse. It won't grow outside. (Varvara Andreevna, Kirov region, Slobodskoy)
  • Growing this variety has brought me great pleasure. I can only leave rave reviews about him. Firstly, he is completely unpretentious. Secondly, it gives an excellent harvest if the basic rules of agricultural technology are observed. Thirdly, the pickles are simply divine. I added the best varieties to my collection. (Valeria Vyacheslavovna, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny)

Tomato "Polar early ripening": impressive with its qualities

Description of the bush

Tomato Polar is an early-ripening, determinate, low-growing variety. One of the earliest tomatoes. The time from germination to the first fruits is only 110-112 days. The bush is small, up to 70 cm high. The leaves are small and there are not very many of them on the bushes. This allows the fruits to receive more solar energy.

Purpose of the variety

The variety has a universal purpose. Thanks to its good taste, it is excellent fresh, either alone or in salads with other vegetables. Additionally, its small size makes it ideal for canning and processing.

Disease resistance

When growing Polar early ripening tomato, you should not neglect preventive measures to combat pests and diseases. Indeed, despite the relative resistance to some diseases, it is difficult for the plant to resist pests and microbes.

In addition to chemicals, gardeners often use traditional methods of control. Infusions of various herbs, garlic and onions. Planting among the beds of calendula or marigolds and much more.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the Polar early ripening tomato include:

  • high yield, which reaches 1.5 kg. When planting 6-7 bushes per m2, the yield can reach up to 10 kg;
  • the ability of picked fruits to “reach” the required degree of ripening, being picked in milky ripeness;
  • friendly harvest yield:
  • resistance to temperature changes and cold snaps. This makes it possible for this variety to be used in regions with cold climates not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground;
  • versatility of the fruit. They are good both fresh and for processing;
  • Thanks to the rapid ripening, the fruits can be quickly collected and processed. This variety is excellent both in pickled or canned form, and for making juices and purees;
  • Resistance to diseases such as brown spot and tobacco mosaic makes this variety very attractive to tomato lovers.

The disadvantages of the variety include:

  • unevenness of fruit in weight and shape;
  • lack of competitiveness compared to new hybrids;
  • poor responsiveness to new agricultural practices.

Features of growing the variety

Despite the fact that this variety is an old-timer in garden beds, it still has some features. Therefore, it is worth figuring out why it has been so persistently winning the hearts of gardeners for so many years.

Recommended regions for cultivation

Due to its qualities, the Polar early ripening tomato is grown in many central and northern regions of Russia. The exception is the southern regions and the North Caucasus.

Growing seedlings

The best period for sowing seeds is the last ten days of February. To do this, equal amounts of humus and peat are poured into boxes or boxes. Moisten the soil and sow the seeds. Then they sprinkle it with a mixture of soil so that the seed is at a depth of 1 cm. After this, the boxes can be covered with glass or film.

If the plants will dive, then in the phase of the first true leaf it is necessary to do this. If the plants are grown without picking, then after the appearance of true leaves, the young seedlings are fed with ammonium nitrate. Further care of the seedlings consists of systematic watering and regular fertilizing.

Transplantation into the ground

When the plant grows to a height of 20-25 cm and the first cluster of buds appears, then in good weather they can be planted in open ground. This usually happens in late May early June.

If possible, it is better to plant plants under temporary shelters. This will additionally protect the seedlings from cold and temperature changes. In addition, it will create conditions for better fruiting and accelerate the ripening of fruits by 2 weeks.

For planting seedlings, prepare a place in advance. The best predecessors for tomatoes are legumes, onions, and cucumbers. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that future bushes receive as much heat and light as possible, which means that no shadow should fall on the bottom and at the same time they must be protected from the wind. Once all these factors have been taken into account, you can begin planting seedlings.

Further care of tomatoes comes down to watering, fertilizing, protection from pests and loosening the soil. To prevent fruits from coming into contact with the soil, tomato stems are tied to stakes. This will improve the ventilation of the bushes, and therefore reduce the likelihood of diseases from excessive dampness.

During plant growth, preventive measures must be taken to prevent diseases or pest attacks. When using industrially produced preparations, you must strictly adhere to the instructions for use, and do not consume vegetables before the maximum permissible drainage after using chemicals.

Features of cultivation

Sanded, treated or untreated hybrid seeds are available for sale. The processed ones are completely ready for sowing; no preliminary actions are required. Untreated Asvon tomato seeds must be kept in dissolved 1% potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes, then washed and placed in a biostimulant solution for 15-20 hours. Epin or Humate are suitable for these purposes, a folk remedy is aloe juice with water. Sow the seeds immediately after they swell.

The soil should be loose, moderately saturated with moisture and oxygen. Recommended soil mixture for hybrid:

  1. Sand and humus (proportion 1:1).
  2. To improve the quality, ash is added to each bucket of this mixture.
  3. For further cultivation without picking, the seeds are planted in pots or cassettes, 2 seeds each.
  4. After germination, the second sprout is not pulled out, but cut under a stump.

Before sprouting, containers with seeds should be covered with a plastic bag and kept warm. After the sprouts appear, transfer to a windowsill (without a draft) or to a heated greenhouse. It should be warm here, but cool - this will not allow the seedlings to stretch out. Optimal temperatures are +20 degrees during the day and +17 at night.

Hybrid seedlings can be planted after 35-40 days. A prerequisite is a constant soil temperature of at least 15 degrees. Also, before planting, hardening of the sprouts is required: for 5-8 days you need to take the seedlings out into fresh air, gradually increasing the residence time.

Growing scheme (standard)

MonthKind of activity
MarchPlanting seeds
April MayThe appearance of the first shoots, growth and hardening of seedlings
Mid to late MayPlanting in open ground
JuneGrowing, care, feeding
July AugustHarvesting

Features of bush care

The variety does not require scrupulous complex care, but reacts sharply to the composition of the soil and fertilizing. The soil should be slightly acidified: for this in the fall you need to add humus or mullein (5 kg per 1 m2), then it is advisable to dig up the area. In the spring, before planting, it is recommended to saturate the soil with mineral complexes:

  • superphosphate;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium sulfate.

During the growing season, apply root fertilizers and spray with minerals (urea, boric acid). A guarantee of a good harvest is regulated watering. Carry out as the soil dries. If watering is drip, once every 7 days is enough, if regular - once every 10-12 days. Under each root during the growth period you need to add 5-7 liters of water, during fruiting and ripening - 10-15 liters. After each watering, loosen the soil for better aeration. Mulch - grass, hay, husks - minimizes moisture evaporation.



Description of the domestic hybrid tomato Pink Helmet and features of growing the variety

Tomato Pink Helmet is deservedly considered the pride of domestic breeders. Tomatoes can be successfully grown in almost any climate zone due to their hardiness and vitality. High yield makes this variety a leader in terms of harvest volume per season from 1 bush.

The characteristics given by gardeners indicate that the Pink Helmet feels great not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground. There are numerous reviews from gardeners about the plant’s unpretentiousness to the most extreme conditions associated with heavy rainfall, strong winds, sudden changes in humidity and air temperature.

Characteristics of tomato

The description of the variety given by the manufacturer places the plant in the tall category. Under favorable conditions, the bushes grow up to 200 cm. The stem is thick, strong and flexible. When there is a gust of wind, it bends to the ground, but does not break. The foliage is medium dense and green. It does not burden the bush, while at the same time protecting the fruits well from precipitation and bright sunlight in mid-summer.

The yield of the variety is up to 8 kg per bush. With a planting scheme of 4 plants per 1 m², up to 30 kg of beautiful and tasty fruits can be collected per unit area. They have a good shelf life, which allows you to make a substantial supply of fresh vegetables for the winter.

Tomatoes are formed in clusters of 4-6 pieces. along the entire height of the bush, which is very rare. Moreover, the fruits have the same size and weight 200-250 g.

An interesting thing is their shape, reminiscent of a knight’s helmet, hence the name of tomatoes. Depending on weather conditions and the applied fertilizer, the color of tomatoes varies from pink to light red.

The color of the fruit is uniform, without green spots on the stalk.

The skin is thin, glossy, and breaks easily when broken. The pulp is fleshy, sugary and juicy. When cutting a tomato, it does not leak juice, maintaining its shape. Gourmets have noted the pronounced tomato aroma and taste of tomatoes. They are eaten fresh and prepared into ketchup, adjika, sauce and juice.

Small and medium-sized fruits are excellent for canning, without bursting during heat treatment. For the winter, tomatoes are cut into slices and frozen. After thawing, they retain their shape, smell and taste.

Advantages of the variety

Pink helmet tomatoes are grown throughout almost the entire territory of our country, and it is gradually finding adherents abroad.

A review of reviews allows us to highlight the following advantages of a hybrid tomato:

  1. Original and interesting fruit shape. Many gardeners use bushes as a decorative fence for gazebos and porches.
  2. Stable and abundant fruiting throughout the season. In some cases, even wholesale sales of crops from a summer cottage bring good profits.
  3. Versatile culinary use. In any form, Pink Helmet tomatoes will not spoil an exquisite holiday table.
  4. Resistance to diseases that often affect tomatoes. Plants form early enough to become stronger by the time the infection becomes active.

No deficiencies were noticed in the variety.

Features of cultivation

It is recommended to treat the seeds with an antiseptic before planting. Place them in pots or special containers. The soil should be saturated with minerals and nutrients. Seeds are buried in fertile soil to a depth of 10 mm. Watering is carried out by spraying water with a spray bottle. This is done as a crust appears on the surface of the soil.

It takes about a month for the seedlings to ripen. It must be grown at a constant temperature of +23…+25°C. The lack of sunlight is compensated by LED lamps that do not produce excess heat. Seedlings are planted in beds after the onset of stable warm weather and warming of the soil.

To immediately create comfortable conditions for plants, it is better to make holes for them from a mixture of fertile composition: charcoal, calcined sand and sawdust. In order to protect the roots of the bushes, copper sulfate or a solution of potassium permanganate is poured around the hole.

Tomato care includes:

  • clearing beds of weeds;
  • regular watering with settled warm water after sunset;
  • application of organic, mineral and combined fertilizers;
  • barrier protection against insects;
  • processing of leaves and fruits from birds.

If you follow the rules of planting, growing and caring, the first tomatoes of the Pink Helmet variety can be harvested at the end of June - beginning of July.

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Growing tomatoes

"AsvonF1" can be cultivated both by seedlings and without seedlings

When growing seedlings, special attention is paid to the quality of the soil. The optimal soil is a mixture of turf soil with microelements, peat and sand in equal quantities

Before planting seeds, the soil must be well fertilized with humus.

How to prepare seeds?

Seeds are sold germ-free and ready for planting. To increase germination, you can keep them for several hours in growth stimulants (Epin-Extra, Zircon), and on the eve of planting, soak them for 12 hours in room water. Seeds saturated with moisture will begin to germinate immediately after entering the ground.

Sowing seed material

There are a couple of sowing options.

Seedling method

The main advantage of growing tomatoes through seedlings is the ability to control temperature and humidity, which minimizes the loss of seedlings. And this is an important factor, given the high cost of seeds.

Sowing is carried out in the 1st decade of April - 40-45 days before planting in a permanent place. Overexposed seedlings lose their quality and produce weak ovaries, but planting in cold soil is fraught with complete loss of yield. Therefore, the gardener should accurately calculate the planting date, subtracting it from the date of the last return frost.

The following are most often used as containers for seedlings:

  • Ceramic pots;
  • Wooden boxes;
  • Trimmed tetra packs;
  • Cookie molds.

REFERENCE: The container must be equipped with a sufficient number of holes for water drainage, and its depth must be at least 5-7 cm.

Sowing proceeds in stages as follows:

  • Seeds are planted 1.5 cm deep into the loosened soil at intervals of 2-3 cm from each other. The seedlings are watered generously with warm water and covered with film;
  • After 5 days, when the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the seedlings are exposed to the light. The main part of the growing season takes place at a temperature of 22-24*C;
  • A week later, at the stage of the appearance of the second leaf, the plants are dived into individual containers. Usually they use 400 ml plastic glasses, but it is better to take peat pots;
  • 7 days before planting for permanent residence, plants begin to harden, gradually lengthening the time they spend in air with a temperature of 15-17 * C. On the first day they are left to “breathe” for 1-1.5 hours, on the second day – for 2-3 hours, and so on.

IMPORTANT: Once every two weeks, seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers or a self-prepared solution. It is a mixture of urea (500 mg), superphosphate (4 g) and potassium salt (1.5 g), diluted in 1 liter of liquid.

Seedless method

Planting seeds directly into a permanent bed has two important advantages:

  • There are no transplants that injure the root system of the bushes;
  • There is a gradual adaptation to environmental conditions, due to which the plants grow stronger.

Sowing without seedlings is carried out no earlier than mid-May (in the greenhouse - at the end of April). In open ground, it is recommended to cover young shoots with film at night until summer temperatures are established.

Rules for planting seedlings

In early to mid-May, when the air temperature stabilizes above 17*C and the soil warms up to at least 12*C, the seedlings are planted in a permanent location. "Asvon" is ideal for planting in the garden. It takes up a lot of floor space in a greenhouse without using much of the top space, reducing overall growing efficiency.

IMPORTANT: “Asvon”, being a standard plant, requires a significant feeding area. For each bush it should be at least 0.5 sq.m. Plants are transplanted with a large lump of earth into previously prepared holes

Under each bush throw 200 grams of humus and a small amount of wood ash

Plants are transplanted with a large lump of earth into previously prepared holes. 200 grams of humus and a small amount of wood ash are thrown under each bush.

general characteristics

Pink Leader tomatoes were bred agro. In 2008, it was included in the State Register and recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground throughout Russia.

The variety is ultra early ripening. From the first shoots to the receipt of fruits, only 2.5 months pass.

Description of the bush

The plant is low (45-50 cm), compact. Practically does not require pinching and shaping.

The bushes are small, so you can plant up to 7-8 pieces per 1 m² and get up to 16 kg of fruit in total.

The tomatoes set and ripen at the same time. And this is another advantage when harvesting. The foliage is dark green, oblong.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes Pink leader against the background of a small bush are quite large, about 150 g. Beautiful soft pink color, smooth, rounded.

The pulp is fleshy and dense, the taste is quite sweet, so children love the fruits, and they are also recommended for people with high acidity.

To increase the shelf life of the crop, it is advisable to wrap each specimen in paper and put it in the refrigerator, periodically changing newspapers to keep it dry.


Among its determinate counterparts, this tomato is the most productive. In open ground you can collect up to 10 kg/m², and in protected ground – up to 15-16 kg.

Productivity is fully influenced by soil fertility. It should be light, breathable, rich in organic matter and minerals. The variety needs to be watered systematically, especially during the period of fruit ripening.

Application of fruits

The fruit has a sweet taste

Thanks to its taste, the tomato is loved by many. It has a sweet taste and minimal acidity. It is useful to eat it fresh in salads, in freshly squeezed juices, and goes well with other sliced ​​vegetables.

According to the description, a tasty and rich taste is obtained when preparing tomato paste and ketchup.

But this variety is not entirely suitable for canning. During heat treatment, the thin skin bursts and the contents spill out. The appearance is not aesthetic, and the product deteriorates faster due to the damaged outer shell.

Resistance to diseases and pests

According to the description, the Pink Leader tomato has high immunity. Thanks to this property, it can combat weather changes and has high frost resistance.

The variety is resistant to a number of fungal diseases. And first of all – to late blight. But don't forget about prevention.

You can spray with Bordeaux mixture to prevent fungal diseases.

Or you can use folk remedies, for example, an infusion of garlic inflorescences (25-30 pcs per bucket of water, leave for 1-2 days and spray the tomatoes).

Growing regions

Pink Leader is an early ripening variety, so tomatoes are grown throughout Russia.

It is especially popular in the middle zone, the Urals, and Siberia. Summer in these regions is cold and short, so gardeners choose varieties with quick ripening.

This variety is a record holder among early ripening tomatoes. Fruiting lasts from early July to mid-September.

Character traits

Description and characteristics of the tomato variety Pink Tsar:

  • indeterminate type;
  • mid-early ripening of tomatoes;
  • after seed germination, harvesting occurs in 108-113 days;
  • bush height up to 1.8 m;
  • round shape;
  • raspberry color of tomatoes;
  • average weight of tomatoes 250-300 g;
  • fleshy sugary pulp;
  • high taste qualities;
  • excellent presentation.

The productivity of the Pink Tsar variety is up to 7 kg per 1 sq. m of plantings. When ripe on the bushes, the fruits do not crack. It is allowed to collect tomatoes at the stage of technical maturity. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, ripen at room temperature, and can withstand long-term transportation.

According to reviews and photos, the Pink Tsar tomato has a salad purpose; the fruits are added to cold and hot dishes. In home canning, tomatoes are used to obtain juice, puree, and paste. It is possible to preserve it in pieces, add it to lecho and other homemade preparations.

For open ground

In open beds, it is advisable to plant varieties and hybrids whose ripening period corresponds to the length of the summer season in a particular region. Tomatoes need to be fully ripe before there are sudden changes in day and night temperatures or before the rainy season arrives. Only fully ripened tomatoes develop a sugary taste. To do this, choose varieties that produce a harvest in 3-4 months or are resistant to low temperatures.

One of the leaders in yield and unpretentiousness. Requires support for a medium-sized bush and garter of fruit clusters with large (up to 1.2 kg) tomatoes. Valued by gardeners for its wonderful sweet taste. Fruits in August, 3.5 months after sowing. Sweet tomatoes are used for sauces, lecho and eaten fresh. The only drawback is the short shelf life.

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Large-fruited variety, resistant to bad weather conditions and most nightshade diseases. Fleshy fruits weighing from 600 g contain an increased amount of beta-carotene. Does not crack and is stored for a long time. Tomatoes are used for vitamin snacks and sauces. The dark red pulp contains few seeds. Needs removal of stepsons and formation of a bush.

Determinate, cold-resistant variety. After ripening, the round fruits become a rich pink color with a wine tint. Juicy, sugary pulp is intended for salads, fresh snacks and sauces. The weight of the average specimen is 450 g. The ripening period is 115 days.

It has stable yields when planted in open ground, even in cool summers. The fruits, weighing 250-300 g, have the shape of an elongated heart with slight ribbing. The peel is raspberry-colored, the flesh is juicy. It grows up to a meter and produces a harvest in 3.5 months.

The hybrid is characterized by high productivity, up to 10 kg of miniature tomatoes per 1 m2. Ripens after 3 months, does not crack or fall off the branch. The fruits are elongated, dark orange in color. Belongs to the group of cherry tomatoes; the weight of one tomato is 30 g. The pulp is sugary and aromatic. Well suited for canning whole fruits, salads and decorating dishes.

Description: data from breeders

The authorship of the tomato with the name Pink F1 Champion belongs to Siberian specialists. Today its seeds are produced by the Siberian Garden, breeders Mashtakovs, Ukrainian producers, and also distributed among themselves by ordinary farmers. Tomato is not included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The hybrid is allowed to be planted in any climatic region of the country suitable for agriculture. It can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open soil.

A memorable detail of the fruit is its peculiar spout (see photo). Not all tomatoes in the garden will have it. Some tomatoes have a classic round shape. The exact amount depends on the weather during the growing season. The fruits are fleshy, sugary inside, the juice content is average. The skin of tomatoes is strong, but not thick.

A varietal bush takes up little space in the garden bed. It doesn't tend to grow. The plant lays its first inflorescence above the 6-8th leaf. In one brush - 4-6 tomatoes. The internodes are short, so the crop ripens in dense clusters.

According to ripening time
By type of growth
By type of use
By growing method
Fruit weight (g)
Productivity (kg/m2)
Fetal characteristics
Mid-early (95-105 days)Indeterminate (1.8-2 m)UniversalUniversal170-25010 from an open bed, 14 in a greenhousePink, spherical, with a “spout”, smooth, dense


User reviews will help you verify the benefits of such fruits. Here are some of them.

  1. Olga P., 28 years old:
    I liked that the fruits of these tomatoes are large and tasty. I advise gardeners who decide to grow them to try not to grow fruits in 3 stems, but 3 plants per hole.
  2. Nadezhda Viktorovna, 50 years old:
    When I first grew such a tomato, I planted it in a greenhouse. I was pleased that these tomatoes are large-fruited and also produce a large harvest. Next year I would like to try to grow such a tomato not with 3, but with 2 stems.
  3. Tanya, 33 years old:
    As an experienced gardener, I managed to try many varieties of tomatoes, however, I decided to settle on the “Pink Helmet” variety: a friend shared the seeds of such tomatoes. There are many tomatoes on one bush. They taste good.

tomato Rome - description and characteristics of the variety

Characteristics of the tomato Pink Dream F1 and agricultural technology for growing the variety

Tomato Pink Dream F1 belongs to the first generation hybrids, intended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. A variety with early fruit ripening, distinguished by taste, commercial qualities and high yield.

Advantages of a hybrid

The Pink Dream variety belongs to the group of early-ripening tomatoes. It takes 95-100 days from germination to fruiting. According to the nature of growth, the hybrid belongs to the indeterminate type. The plant is distinguished by an average amount of foliage and shortened internodes.

The first inflorescence is formed at the level of 5-6 leaves. Subsequent flower stalks are formed at intervals every 3 leaves. In simple inflorescences 6-7 flowers are collected. On the first 4 clusters, tomatoes are simultaneously set, and the fruits, uniform in shape and size, ripen.

Tomatoes resemble a heart in appearance, with a peculiar pointed top. Tomatoes are intense pink in color, with a glossy surface. On a horizontal section, 5-6 chambers with seeds are observed. The Pink Dream variety is characterized by a gradual yield return.

Tomatoes are not prone to cracking. The fruit has a strong pulp consistency and a very delicate and at the same time dense skin. Tomatoes contain 5.7-6% dry matter, they contain a higher content of sugars compared to acids.

The weight of the fruit reaches 180-250 g. The yield of the variety is 13-15 kg per 1 m². Reviews from vegetable growers indicate the resistance of the Pink Dream variety to the tobacco mosaic virus and bacterial black spot. Due to its high growth, the crop is less susceptible to late blight.

The description of the hybrid indicates excellent marketability and taste, and the ability to transport fruits over distances. In cooking, tomatoes are used fresh for preparing various dishes.

Fruit characteristics

“Pink Helmet” tomatoes at the ripe stage are pink or pink-red in color, large, and shaped like a heart. The surface is smooth, glossy. Tomatoes have excellent taste: they are juicy, meaty, and sugary.

Perfect for fresh consumption, as well as for pickling, making sauces, juices, lecho and other types of processing.

A distinctive feature of the variety is that large fruits grow even at the top of the bush.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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