A universal variety for small beds and large farms - Kupchikha F1 cabbage: description and reviews

Vegetable growing » Cabbage



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Kira Stoletova

Kupchikha cabbage is the ideal solution for most gardeners. Many of them try to grow it on their plot due to the fact that it gives high yields and is completely easy to care for.

Description of Kupchikha cabbage

Positive and negative qualities

She has a number of positive and negative qualities. Speaking of the former, there are significantly more of them, which is why summer residents often prefer this particular variety of cabbage:

  1. It can be stored for a very long time. This is a big plus, especially in industrial production conditions.
  2. The heads of cabbage are dense and very juicy. This allows for mechanical harvesting and transportation of vegetables throughout the country, without the risk of loss of marketable qualities.
  3. The merchant's wife is endowed with strong immunity, which protects not only from cabbage diseases, but also from most insect pests.
  4. This is a fairly productive variety. From 1 hectare of plantings, under good conditions, up to 60 tons of cabbage are harvested.
  5. A versatile vegetable. It is suitable both for fresh consumption and for various processing, in particular for fermentation.

We recommend reading: Description of the Dobrovodskaya cabbage variety

At the same time, it is worth noting some of the Merchant’s Wife’s shortcomings. These include:

  1. It, like other crop varieties, is very demanding on quality watering.
  2. The leaves of Kupchikha are harsh. Because of this, it becomes less versatile in terms of preparing various dishes; in particular, a merchant’s wife will not be able to prepare delicious cabbage rolls.


Reviews from gardeners

Valentina Ivanovna, Moscow, 54 years old.

We have been growing Kupchikha cabbage for several years now. The variety is good for pickling and long-term storage; it can also be eaten fresh, but the leaves are a little harsh. During the entire period of cultivation, I never treated it with any pesticides. However, she never got sick. The taste is good, but again, the leaves are a bit harsh. But for us this is not critical.

Vladimir Alexandrovich, Rostov, 43 years old.

We grow it exclusively for storage. We use mid-season and early varieties for salads. For pickling, only Moscow late cabbage; I have never tried cabbage tastier for processing. But for storage we have the Merchant's Wife. It lasts a long time, the heads of cabbage themselves are dense and juicy. When all the cabbage is gone, we begin to sharpen the Merchant's Wife. By December, the top leaves begin to turn black, but this is not a problem at all, I peeled off a normal head of cabbage there. White, juicy, without any signs of rotting. Therefore, if you need cabbage that can be stored for a long time and does not lose its taste, then I recommend it, a very good variety.

Difficulties in growing and useful tips

Growing a Merchant's Wife will not create any particular difficulties if you follow agricultural techniques. If a crop does not produce the expected yield, is sick, or does not develop, it means that somewhere a mistake was made or something was missed. Table 5 shows problems in growing earthworms, their causes and recommendations for elimination.

Table 5

Problem Probable Causes How to fix it?
Low yieldthe area is poorly littransplant the earthworm to a more sunny place
Roots rot, growth slowsdeep landingreplant bushes correctly
The plant does not take root wellthe plant was planted incorrectly - more than three leaves were left on the bush; or planting error - the bushes are planted shallow replant or wait - the plant can still grow
The bush grows poorly, the leaves are small, the petioles are thinthe soil is infertile2-3 times a month – fertilizing with complex fertilizers
Suffers from gray rot, brown or white spottingwaterlogged soil; watering on the leaves during the formation of ovaries and during the ripening period; or planting density reduce the frequency of watering, divert water or transplant to a drier place, if thickening - plant strawberries
Sick of late blightthe rules of crop rotation were violated - the strawberries were planted after the nightshadestransplant to a new place

Advantages and disadvantages


  • immunity to the complex of infections of cruciferous crops;
  • long-term preservation;
  • versatility of use (fresh and prepared dishes, processing);
  • possibility of mechanical collection;
  • transportability without damage;
  • high marketability;
  • cold resistance;
  • adaptation to different conditions.


  • To some, the leaves seem rough and tough;
  • the need for systematic watering.

Harvest and storage

The ripe crop is cut with a sharp knife in August - September in clear weather, leaving 3-5 cm of the fruit stem. The cut cabbage is placed in a cool, dry room for several days so that the cuts on the stalks dry out. Heads of cabbage harvested during rain are also dried before storing.

Storage features and keeping quality of the Menza F1 hybrid

Select undamaged, dense vegetables for storage.

It is important that there is no moisture on the surface. This will eliminate the risk of developing a fungal infection

Thanks to its good shelf life, the harvest harvested in the fall is stored until March. At the same time, taste and presentation are not lost.


Kupchikha is a mid-late variety. The full growing season (immediately after germination) lasts about 130-150 days. The main purpose of this variety is fresh consumption or processing (in particular, fermentation).

It is famous among gardeners for its high commercial qualities and good taste. In addition, it is worth noting the strong disease resistance of the variety.

The characteristics of the head of cabbage are as follows:

  1. It has an uncoated structure and is very dense. There are completely no voids inside.
  2. The outer stump is small, approximately medium in length.
  3. The shape of the Merchant's "head" is flat-round.
  4. The outer color of the head of cabbage is green, the inside is white.
  5. The average weight of a technically mature head of cabbage is in the range of 2.2-2.8 kg.

It is a fairly high-yielding cabbage. From 1 hectare of plantings you can harvest from 45 to 60 tons of crop.

Some tips for growing this vegetable:

  • It is advisable to plant seeds in the month of March.
  • The plant is not very spreading, so you can follow a planting pattern of 50-60x40 cm.
  • The seed planting depth should not exceed 1 cm.
  • It is best to plant cabbage in an area where nightshades, cucumbers, legumes, onions or grains previously grew.

Planting strawberries

When to plant strawberries

You can plant strawberries in both spring and autumn. In the fall, it is better to do this from mid-August to mid-September, and then next year you will be able to reap a good harvest. If the root system of your seedlings is closed, that is, it is in containers or cassettes, you can use the transshipment method to plant strawberry seedlings earlier - from mid-July to mid-August. It is better to do this on a cloudy day after rain or watering. In spring, you need to plant strawberries as early as possible, as weather permits.

The strawberry harvest largely depends on the quality of planting material. You can grow it yourself, and it will cost you less, but this is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming path, because the process will take from one to three years, and the result will be a bush with only one horn. The only advantage of doing this yourself is that you do not have to store the seedlings, and you can plant the seedlings immediately after digging them up, along with a ball of earth, which ensures minimal stress and good survival rate.

But it is best to purchase planting material from well-established nurseries, but do not buy seedlings without soil, with bare roots - they take root very poorly, and you will have to expect a full harvest from them for more than one year. Buy seedlings in containers or cassettes - although this is expensive, it is the fastest and most reliable way to grow a good harvest in the shortest possible time.

Soil for strawberries

Choose a sunny area, protected from the wind, for your strawberries. The soil for growing strawberries should be rich in organic matter. Light loam or sandy loam, as well as chernozem and gray forest soils are most suitable for strawberries; clay soil is the least suitable for strawberries. The occurrence of groundwater is desirable at a level of 60-80 cm, and the pH value is optimal within the pH range of 5.7-6.2. The best precursor crops to strawberries are herbs, cereals, onions, garlic, petunia and marigolds. Strawberries can be grown in one place for 3-4 years, and then strawberries can be planted in the same place only after 2-3 years.

Planting strawberries in spring

As a rule, strawberries are planted in the fall, but sometimes there is a need to do this in the spring, but you need to prepare the area for spring planting before winter: add 8-10 kg of humus or 5 kg of manure for digging for each m² of soil, 100 g of superphosphate and 50 g potassium salt. Strawberry seedlings for spring planting should be well developed. Before planting, keep the planting material in a cool place for three days. If you did not fertilize the soil with organic matter in the fall, add two or three handfuls of humus and a handful of wood ash to each hole before planting.

The distance between the holes in the garden bed, as well as between the rows, should be about 30 cm, and the depth of the hole should be such that the roots can freely fit vertically into it. When planting, to speed up establishment, the longest root must be pinched. The leaves of the seedlings are also cut off, leaving only 3-4 large leaves on the bush. When planting, the neck of the bush is dug in flush with the surface. You can first pour water into the hole, and only then lower the roots of the seedlings into it, and then gradually fill the hole with soil, compacting it.

Or you can plant the seedlings in dry soil and after compacting the soil, water the seedlings generously. It is advisable to carry out the work on a cloudy day or in the evening, and if you are afraid that sudden frosts may destroy the seedlings, cover the strawberry bed with film.

Planting strawberries in autumn

The advantage of planting strawberries in autumn is that next summer you can harvest a good harvest from young bushes, while bushes planted in spring will begin to bear fruit only a year later, if they do not die from return frosts. In early spring, prepare a bed for strawberries by adding fertilizer before digging.

If you don’t have a lot of free space, you can plant early vegetable crops in this bed that will not harm the strawberries - onions, garlic, carrots, celery. A week before planting strawberries, place the seedlings in a cool, damp place. Treat the roots of the seedlings with fungicides. Autumn planting of strawberries is carried out according to the same scheme as spring.


Planting of crops occurs only by seedlings. It is recommended to plant seeds in mid-March to obtain seedlings. They must be treated in advance with disinfectants Oxyx or Epin.

The seeds are planted in a common container. The planting depth should be about 1 cm, and the distance between the seeds should be about 5 cm. After this, the container should be placed in a room whose temperature is 20°C. Usually, after 20 days, the first shoots appear.

Description of cabbage hybrid Menza F1

The high-yielding mid-late hybrid has long been known to gardeners and is considered a classic. White cabbage is a plant of the Cruciferous family; the leaves are eaten.


Mensa F1 (from the Dutch “mensa” - “table”) is a hybrid bred by Dutch breeders in the middle of the 20th century. In 1960 it was entered into the State Register. The USSR State Commission for Variety Testing recommended the hybrid for cultivation throughout Russia. Scientists are working on Menza as a promising source material, creating hybrids for the Far Eastern region.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

Cabbage contains all the necessary substances that are beneficial to the human body.

100 g of product contains:

  • carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose) – up to 7%;
  • vitamins: PP – 0.8 mg;
  • beta-carotene – 0.02 mg;
  • A (RE) – 4 mcg;
  • B1 (thiamine) – 0.03 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 0.04 mg;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) – 0.2 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – 0.1 mg;
  • B9 (folic acid) – 11 mcg;
  • C – 46 mg;
  • E (TE) – 0.1 mg;
  • PP (niacin equivalent) – 0.8 mg;
  • N (biotic) – 0.1 mcg;
  • K (phylloquinone) – 77 mcg;
  • choline – 10.8 mg.


  • calcium – 47 mg;

magnesium – 15 mg; sodium – 12 mg; potassium – 300 mg; phosphorus – 32 mg; chlorine – 38 mg; sulfur – 36 mg. microelements:

  • iron – 0.7 mg;

zinc – 0.4 mg; iodine – 3 mcg; copper – 74 mcg; manganese – 0.16 mg; selenium – 0.4 mcg; fluoride – 11 mcg; molybdenum – 9 mcg; boron – 201 mcg; cobalt – 3 mcg; aluminum – 571 mcg; nickel – 16 mcg. 16 free amino acids – 0.3 g.

In folk medicine, cabbage is valued for its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and healing properties. Improves the functioning of the digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Helps with:

  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • diseases of the liver, joints;
  • wounds, ulcers and burns;
  • reduced immunity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • constipation and hemorrhoids;
  • jaundice;
  • overweight;
  • bronchitis, etc.

If you have enterocolitis, pancreatitis, or a tendency toward increased gas formation, eating cabbage is not recommended.

Features of application

Various dishes are prepared from Mensa F1 leaves. Due to the lack of bitterness, they are eaten raw. This hybrid is suitable for pickling and fermentation, sale and transportation over long distances.

Ripening time and yield

Cabbage has a medium-late ripening period, with a growing season (from the moment the first shoots appear) of 105-115 days. By mid-August - September it is finally formed and matures.

The productivity is very high. Experienced gardeners harvest from 80 to 90 tons of high-quality cabbage from 1 hectare of plantings.

Resistance to disease and cold

The hybrid has good immunity, is resistant to powdery mildew, bacteriosis, mosaic, but is susceptible to clubroot. Tolerates frosts down to -2°C, making it suitable for growing in various climatic conditions, even in Siberia and the Urals.

Description of appearance and taste

The head of cabbage has a dense structure, flat-round shape, and an average weight of 4-5 kg. The outside is light green and the inside is white. Cabbage leaf has:

  • average size – up to 40 cm in diameter;
  • wavy edge;
  • gray-green color;
  • waxy coating providing good shelf life;
  • crispy, juicy texture;
  • sweet taste without bitterness.

The vegetable has a small external stalk; the heads of cabbage do not crack. The taste, as well as the product quality, is excellent.

How to choose the best variety for pickling and sauerkraut

The best plant species for such preparations remain high-yielding varieties of mid-late and late ripening. Since salting and fermentation is carried out in large quantities, you can ask the seller right at the market to cut a head of cabbage of the selected variety in half - the most suitable heads have a snow-white color on the inside and do not taste bitter. An excellent choice would be fruits with a noticeable sweetness.

Mid-late varieties of white cabbage recommended for pickling and pickling:

  1. Slava 1305
  2. Dobrovodskaya
  3. Present
  4. Megaton
  5. Menza

Late-ripening varieties of white cabbage recommended for pickling and pickling:

  1. Miracle for f1 record
  2. Kolobok
  3. Amager 611
  4. Mara


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Description of Kupchikha cabbage

Kupchikha cabbage is the ideal solution for most gardeners. Many of them try to grow it on their plot due to the fact that it gives high yields and is completely easy to care for.

Description of Kupchikha cabbage


The Kupchikha variety of cabbage was bred in Russia. Suitable for cultivation in the central and southern regions of the country. But some gardeners from the northern regions have adapted to growing this crop in greenhouse conditions.

According to the description, Kupchikha belongs to the mid-early varieties. The growing season of the crop lasts for 110-120 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The total yield is about 500 kg per 1 ha.

The leaves are light green. Their shape is oval, with small wavy edges. The leaves of this variety are not covered with a waxy coating, as in most other crops of this species. The outer head is medium in size.

Description of the fruit

  1. the head of cabbage is quite dense in structure;
  2. in cross section the fruit is white;
  3. The average weight of an individual fetus is about 3 kg.


The seeds are planted in a common container. The planting depth should be about 1 cm, and the distance between the seeds should be about 5 cm. After this, the container should be placed in a room whose temperature is 20°C. Usually, after 20 days, the first shoots appear.

As soon as the height of the plant reaches 25 cm, it should be planted in open ground. The ideal time for planting is early May. Choose only soils that are low in alkalinity. Its amount should not exceed 4%. Otherwise, mandatory treatment of the land with lime is required. It is better to plant seedlings in areas where legumes were previously grown: they absorb less nutrients from the soil than other plants.

The distance between rows is about 50 cm. The distance between holes should be about 70 cm. The depth of planting seedlings does not exceed 5 cm.

Care instructions

Cabbage is not difficult to care for

Cabbage of the Kupchikha variety requires minimal care and basic knowledge about the rules for its implementation.


Watering should not be frequent or abundant. Do not allow the soil to be too wet: this can lead to root rot. The watering interval should be once a week.

The optimal volume of water is about 2 liters per bush. After each watering, the soil should be loosened and weeds removed. The weeding depth should be 6 cm. This will allow you to remove the top crust from the ground and not disturb the structure of the roots.

Top dressing

Unlike other varieties of white cabbage, Kupchikha only needs 2 feedings. The first is carried out 20 days after planting in open ground. At this point, organic fertilizers should be used (apply 200 g of humus or 100 g of bird droppings to each bush). The second feeding is carried out at the moment when the head of cabbage just begins to form. During this period of time, it is advisable to use mineral fertilizers (dilute 20 mg of potassium or 50 mg of nitrogen nitrate in 10 liters of water). At least 1.5 liters of the substance is poured under each bush.

Disease and pest control

This variety is disease resistant. Problems may arise with parasites such as flea fleas, butterflies or aphids. To get rid of the first pest, you should spray with a special preparation Fitoform (about 70 mg of the drug per 10 liters of water).

In the fight against butterflies, the drug Regent is often used (20 mg of substance per 10 liters of water). Colloidal salt or Bordeaux mixture will be an effective remedy against aphids. The optimal amount of the drug is 10 mg per 10 liters of warm water.


Kupchikha is a mid-late variety. The full growing season (immediately after germination) lasts about 130-150 days. The main purpose of this variety is fresh consumption or processing (in particular, fermentation).

It is famous among gardeners for its high commercial qualities and good taste. In addition, it is worth noting the strong disease resistance of the variety.

The characteristics of the head of cabbage are as follows:

  1. It has an uncoated structure and is very dense. There are completely no voids inside.
  2. The outer stump is small, approximately medium in length.
  3. The shape of the Merchant's "head" is flat-round.
  4. The outer color of the head of cabbage is green, the inside is white.
  5. The average weight of a technically mature head of cabbage is in the range of 2.2-2.8 kg.

It is a fairly high-yielding cabbage. From 1 hectare of plantings you can harvest from 45 to 60 tons of crop.

Some tips for growing this vegetable:

  • It is advisable to plant seeds in the month of March.
  • The plant is not very spreading, so you can follow a planting pattern of 50-60x40 cm.
  • The seed planting depth should not exceed 1 cm.
  • It is best to plant cabbage in an area where nightshades, cucumbers, legumes, onions or grains previously grew.

Kupchikha - plant variety White cabbage

Information on the admission of white cabbage Kupchikha from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 48535, registered 2007-11-16. The White Cabbage variety Kupchikha is included in the register of those approved in 2011. Approved for use in the regions: Volga-Vyatka.

The originator of the white cabbage variety Kupchikha is:


Information about the patent for the variety White cabbage Kupchikha

Patent holder of the Kupchikha variety:


Application for protection of the Kupchikha variety No. 48536, registered 2007-11-16.

Patent No. 6065, registered 2011-08-25. Estimated patent expiration date 2041-12-31.

Authors of the White Cabbage variety Kupchikha
  • Nastenko Natalya Viktorovna
  • Kachainik Vladimir Georgievich
  • Kandoba Alexey Viktorovich

Other plant varieties White cabbage

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Rules of care

Strawberries require a lot of attention. But, despite its capriciousness, there is not a garden or cottage where this plant is not grown. By organizing proper care for the plantings, timely watering and fertilizing, the result is a high yield of tasty, healthy and juicy berries.

Soil and planting site

When choosing a planting site, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the soil. Strawberries will grow well in light, loose and slightly acidic soils. It is recommended to first check the area for infestation with cockchafer larvae and other parasites. Also, before planting, you can dig up the area along with humus, adding complex fertilizers containing nitrogen. This process is recommended to be carried out 1 month before planting seedlings, so that the soil is infused.

The planting site should be in a well-lit area so that the plant receives enough sunlight and the fruits ripen evenly. It is also worth considering the fact that strawberries do not like stagnant water and waterlogging of the soil. Therefore, the place should be on a hill or slope so that rainwater does not accumulate on the site.

If the groundwater is high and the soil is clayey, then the bed is made on a mound. It is also recommended to add rice husks or seed hulls to the soil; this will serve as a good loosening agent for the soil cover. Photos of a properly made raised bed can be found in magazines and on the Internet.


Queen strawberries require regular watering for good development, growth and fruiting. Gardeners recommend carrying out this process in the early morning or evening hours, when the sun is not very hot. After each watering, in order for the strawberry horse system to receive enough moisture, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds. At the same time, do not approach the bush with tools so as not to damage it.

The variety is drought-resistant, but if there is a lack of moisture, the yield will be lost. If the bushes do not receive enough water during flowering, all the buds will fall off. If necessary, you can mulch the soil between the bushes, which will retain more moisture for a long time. It also prevents the growth of new weeds, prevents the soil from overheating from the sun and the fruits remain clean.

At the same time, constant overwatering will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the entire plant. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil and weather conditions. During the hot season, watering is carried out frequently or as needed, and in the rainy season it is reduced or removed altogether.


In order for the description of the Tsaritsa strawberry variety to correspond to what is growing in the garden bed, it is necessary to regularly apply fertilizer to the bushes. In early spring, with the onset of consistently warm weather, when the first leaves begin to appear on the plant, it is necessary to apply fertilizing. For this, rotted humus is well suited, which is diluted with a large amount of water in a ratio of 1 to 10. In the autumn, this process can be repeated.

Preparing for winter

After all the fruits have been collected, they begin to clean the bushes. All dry, damaged or diseased leaves are removed. You can also completely cut off the upper part of the plant, but this operation is carried out carefully so as not to damage the central part. By autumn, new young and healthy leaves will appear. All varieties tolerate pruning well.

Pests and their control

Merchant's wife is resistant to pests, but under unfavorable conditions it can be affected by traditional berry pests. They not only destroy a significant part of the crop, but are also capable of weakening plants, even to the point of their death. Table 4 shows the main enemies of earthworms and methods of combating them.

Table 4

Pests Damage caused How to fight?
Strawberry-raspberry weevilBeetles with long proboscis feed on leaves. Eggs are laid in buds. The very first buds, a source of large berries, disappear. The larvae eat away the contents of the buds - they dry out and die. When flower stalks begin to grow, as well as after picking berries, treat with insecticides, for example, Karbofos (per 10 l - 60 g), Aktara (per 10 l - 2 g), Inta-vir (per 10 l - 1 tablet). In autumn, at temperatures below +10 °C, the soil is loosened, destroying the wintering sites of weevils.
Strawberry miteSmall insects, invisible to the eye, destroy the bushes - they do not grow, young leaves do not open. The edges of the leaves curl inward, the color is yellowish. The berries become small and dry. In winter, plants freeze out. Up to 6 generations of ticks reproduce per season. In spring, water the beds with water at a temperature of +60°C.
In the spring or after harvesting, cover the beds with film for 2 days. The temperature under the film rises to 70°C, and the mites die. In this case, the leaves also die, but then new, healthy ones grow.

From the moment the snow melts until flowering - treatment with acaricides. The interval between treatments is 10 days. Use Aktelik (2 ml per 2 liters of water), Fufanon (10 ml per bucket). The treatment is repeated after harvesting.

Strawberry Merchant's Wife description

In 2014, testing of the variety began, and in 2021, strawberries were included in the Russian state register. Strawberry variety Kupchikha

bred in Russia by Professor S. D. Aidzhanova.

Merchant's wife

– strawberries of medium-early ripening period, bear fruit in early June.

The bushes have compact dimensions, 20-30 cm in height, spherical in shape with an average foliage density. The leaves are classic green, glossy, concave, wrinkled, ribbed in shape, on long, pubescent petioles.

Characteristic leaf shape

will help when buying seedlings of the variety (if you have already seen the variety in the original) - you will never confuse this one with another.


begins at the end of May - long peduncles are located at the level of the leaf blades, there are a lot of them.

The bushes form a sufficient number of mustaches, especially during June - July, but in August there are practically no mustaches. A distinctive feature is a dark red mustache of medium length.

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