Siberian miracle tomatoes: variety description, photo, yield

  • 3 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 4 Scope of application
  • 5 Secrets of agricultural technology
  • 6 Conclusion
  • 7 Reviews from experienced vegetable growers
  • The list of universal tomato varieties is not that long. Despite the variety of results from the work of breeders, you rarely find a variety that would satisfy all the needs of gardeners. High yield, ease of care, resistance to sudden temperature changes, excellent taste, the ability to grow in greenhouses and open ground - these are just some of the advantages that the best tomatoes should have.

    And the “Siberian Miracle” tomato, according to the stated characteristics and numerous reviews of those summer residents who planted this variety on their plot, fully justifies such a sonorous name. Why is this tomato so good, and what are its characteristics?

    History of selection

    Experts began working on breeding this variety at the end of the last century. And already in 2006, the “Siberian Miracle” tomato was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

    Altai scientists involved in developing a new variety pursued a number of goals, the most important of which were: growing tomatoes in difficult climatic conditions and obtaining high yields. And the set goals were achieved.

    The “Siberian Miracle” tomato really amazes with its yield even with a sharp decrease or increase in temperatures, which is not uncommon in the Siberian region. The first tests went off with a bang, the results confirmed all the characteristics stated in the description.

    This variety has conquered even the most fastidious summer residents with its unpretentiousness in cultivation and versatility in use.

    Despite the fact that the tomato variety was bred exclusively for cultivation in regions with harsh climates, its productivity was appreciated by vegetable growers in the central and southern regions of Russia.

    Interesting! Many gardeners who have been growing tomatoes of this variety for several years note one feature - the fruits do not crack when ripe.

    Tomato seeds of the Siberian Miracle variety are sold by Zolotaya Sotka Altai and Aelita.

    According to reviews from experienced summer residents, the description of the “Siberian Miracle” tomatoes on the seed packaging corresponds to the characteristics of the variety specified in the State Register.

    A universal variety for any region of the country - the Siberian Miracle tomato: description of tomatoes

    The Siberian Miracle tomato is suitable for all lovers of fresh vegetables and delicious preserves. Its compact fruits are dense but not hard, have an excellent taste and are easy to use.

    HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
    TallGreenhouseMid-earlyRedsAverageVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

    Description and characteristics of the variety

    The bushes of the Siberian miracle are indeterminate, reaching 1.5-2 meters, higher in a greenhouse than in open ground. The leaves are large and dark green. The type of inflorescence is simple. The fruits ripen 95-105 days after the sprouts appear.

    The tomatoes are medium-sized, 150-200 g, plum-shaped, slightly narrowed downwards. The skin is bright red, the flesh is pinkish. It is dense, fleshy, contains about 6% dry matter. Tomatoes have 5-7 chambers with seeds.

    Which regions are best to grow in?

    The variety was intended mainly for the Siberian climate and cold regions, but can be grown throughout Russia and in other countries with a similar climate.

    Method of use

    Tomatoes are suitable for whole-fruit pickling and canning, baking, drying, inclusion in vegetable dishes, slices, soups, stews, as well as processing into pastes and juices. In addition, it is eaten fresh.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    • good taste;
    • high yield and excellent set;
    • universal application;
    • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
    • excellent presentation.


    No shortcomings were noted.

    Features of cultivation and storage

    Despite its resistance to adverse conditions, the variety prefers greenhouses not only in Siberia, but also in the middle zone. Open ground is optimal for it only in the south - in the Rostov region, Krasnodar region, and the northern Caucasus.

    Bushes should be grown in 2 stems. They are tied to supports or directly to the roof of the greenhouse.

    A month before the end of fruiting, the top of the two leaves after the last cluster is cut off so that the bush redirects its efforts to ripening the fruits.

    Due to their density, tomatoes do not crack, are well stored and can be transported.

    Planting and care

    Before planting, the seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours. This will destroy harmful bacteria and fungi. The soil is mixed from garden soil, peat and sand with the addition of ash. The procedures begin 55-60 days before planting future seedlings in the garden or greenhouse.

    The grains are placed in grooves and sprinkled with a 1.5 cm layer of substrate, watered and the boxes are wrapped with film. Germination temperature - +22-25 degrees. When half the seeds germinate, the film is removed and the temperature is lowered to +18. Seedlings need long-term lighting - 14-16 hours a day. Picking is shown at the two-leaf stage.

    Two weeks before being transferred to open ground, the seedlings are hardened off by exposing them outside for a short time every day. When grown in greenhouses, they are taken into the greenhouse.

    For 1 sq. m place 3 plants in the garden or 4 in the greenhouse. They are watered with settled water at the roots, the soil is loosened to ensure oxygen access to the roots. You can mulch with hay or straw.

    a brief description of

    The “Siberian Miracle” tomato grows in open ground to a height of 1.3-1.6 m. When grown in greenhouse conditions, this figure may be slightly higher. The trunks are powerful and durable, the foliage is large, emerald green.

    Fruits set in any weather. And even with sudden temperature changes, the tomato set is at its best. The fruits set and pour quickly and smoothly.

    Tomatoes are interdeterminate plants, meaning the main stem grows continuously.

    “The Siberian Miracle” will delight gardeners with high yields in hot weather, with slight cooling, in greenhouses or open ground.

    When growing tomatoes outdoors, the plants must be tied to long stakes or a strong trellis installed in the garden bed. The height of the supports should reach at least 1.5-1.7 m. When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, you should also not forget about the garter.

    Tomato fruit clusters do not break and therefore do not require personal garter or support. They are strong enough to bear the weight of the fruit.

    Distinctive qualities of fruits

    In the first two clusters, the tomatoes are formed quite large, sometimes their weight reaches 300-350 grams. They look appetizing, have an oval shape, bright red color with a raspberry tint. Tomatoes collected in the first wave are perfect for cutting fresh salads.

    Interesting! Thanks to the simplicity of agricultural technology, high yields and advantages, tomatoes can be grown both in private plots and on farms.

    The pulp of tomatoes of the “Siberian Miracle” variety is ideal, it is dense and tender, moderately juicy, but the dry matter content in tomatoes reaches 6%. In terms of taste, the indicators are also excellent - sweet, with a slightly noticeable sourness. Number of seed chambers 5-7 pcs.

    During the second wave of harvest, the so-called mass harvest, the weight of tomatoes is much less, 150-200 grams. The fruits are egg-shaped and ripen together.

    Unripe tomatoes are light green in color; the fruit has a dark spot near the stalk. During the ripening process, the stain disappears completely.

    Tomatoes are excellent at transporting over short distances while maintaining their taste and presentation. For long-distance transportation, it is recommended to harvest slightly unripe.

    Features of maturation

    The tall tomato “Siberian Miracle” is a mid-season variety. The first harvest can be harvested 90-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots. A long period of fruiting is characterized by the full production of tasty tomatoes of excellent quality and excellent presentation.

    Fruit clusters ripen in waves; overall yield indicators can please even experienced vegetable growers. When grown in greenhouse conditions, from 1 m² you can harvest up to 10-15 kg of tomatoes during the entire fruiting period, and from one bush the yield reaches 4-6 kg.

    When grown in open ground, this figure may be a little more modest. And again, it all depends on what surprises the weather brings.

    In mid-August - early September, summer residents remove unripe tomatoes from plants grown in open ground. They ripen well at room temperature and retain their taste for a long time.

    Interesting! Tomatoes contain large amounts of “serotonin,” the so-called happiness hormone that improves mood.

    Siberian wonders of endurance

    In terms of its resistance to stress factors, the tomato really lives up to its sonorous name. They are not only not inferior, but in many ways superior to many hybrids. As a rule, hybrid varieties, due to certain goals pursued during their creation, are intended for special growing conditions. Greenhouse plants tolerate high temperatures well, while soil plants tolerate low temperatures.

    Tomatoes of the “Siberian Miracle” variety are flexible:

    • They do not stop growing and grow well even with sudden changes in ambient temperature;
    • They bloom and form ovaries in any weather;
    • Capable of producing an excellent harvest both in open and closed ground.

    These qualities guarantee the stability of high yields every year, despite the vagaries of the weather.

    The description and characteristics of the “Siberian Miracle” tomato only confirm its versatility.

    Growing rules

    Even those who have never planted anything with their own hands can grow the tomato variety Miracle Lazy. This tomato is intended for beginner gardeners, for summer residents who come to the site only on weekends, and for those who simply do not want to spend summer days caring for their beds.

    Like all tomatoes in the middle zone, Miracle Lazy is grown through seedlings.


    Seeds for seedlings must be sown 55-60 days before the expected date of planting tomatoes in the ground. The exact time is calculated based on the fact that early-ripening tomatoes are planted in a greenhouse at the end of April or early May, and seedlings are brought into open ground in the northern regions no earlier than the beginning of June, when the threat of frost has passed.

    Having calculated the landing time, we begin the process itself:

    • Seeds are disinfected by soaking for several hours in a solution of potassium permanganate.
    • After this, the tomato seeds are washed and left under a damp cloth until they swell (1-3 days).
    • Now you need to prepare the soil for tomato seedlings. To do this, you can use a purchased substrate or prepare it yourself: mix turf soil, peat, sand. The soil is laid out in containers.
    • The seeds are carefully laid out and sprinkled with a thin layer of dry soil. Now the plantings are sprayed with a spray bottle so that the tomato seeds are not washed out.
    • Cover the seedlings with film or a lid and put them in a warm place until the first shoots appear.

    Advice! To grow tomato seedlings, it is very convenient to use food-grade plastic containers with an airtight lid.

    Now you need to take care of the tomatoes, periodically watering them and carefully loosening the soil. When each plant has a pair of true leaves, the tomatoes dive, transplanting them into individual cups

    A couple of weeks before planting in the ground or in a greenhouse, tomatoes need to be hardened off. If this is not done, it will be difficult for tomatoes to adapt to new conditions, and most of the seedlings may die.

    Siberian Miracle tomatoes should be planted in the ground or in a greenhouse as follows:

    • The soil is prepared in advance - it is better to do this at the end of the previous season. They scatter humus and fertilizers and dig up the ground. Immediately before planting tomatoes, disinfection should be carried out by spilling the soil with hot water or a weak solution of manganese.
    • The holes for the Miracle are made at a distance of 30 cm from each other, 50 cm are left between the rows - for compact standard tomatoes this is quite enough.
    • Now the seedlings are carefully transferred, preferably with a ball of earth at the roots. It is necessary to ensure that the tomato leaves are above the ground. If the tomatoes are too elongated, they are planted at an angle.
    • Fill the holes with tomatoes with soil, lightly compact it and water with warm water.

    Attention! In the first 10 days after planting, Miracle Lazy Tomato seedlings do not need to be watered - the roots are not yet able to absorb moisture, as they are going through the adaptation stage

    In the northern regions of Russia, when growing tomatoes in open ground, it is recommended to use film covers, which can be removed when the tomatoes are fully grown.

    How to care

    Already from the name it is clear that the Lazy Miracle does not require care as such - you just need to plant this tomato, and then it will do all the work itself. It is surprising that even in bad weather, with a minimum amount of fertilizer and lack of watering, the Lazy Miracle tomato produces stable yields.

    Of course, in order to increase the quantity and quality of fruits, the tomato needs to be provided with at least minimal care:

    • Feed the tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers a couple of times during the summer (do not overdo it with nitrogenous fertilizers!);
    • treat bushes from pests and infections, spraying tomatoes with special chemicals (this must be done before the stage of fruit formation);
    • in dry summers, the Lazy Miracle must be watered using warm water;
    • if there are a lot of fruits, it is better to tie up the bushes so that the tomato shoots do not break off under the weight;
    • the beds need to be regularly weeded or the soil mulched to prevent the growth of weeds;
    • The harvest should be harvested on time so that the tomatoes do not crack or rot.

    Important! There is no need to plant the Miracle Lazy tomato, the bushes grow compact and well-formed

    Reviews from gardeners indicate that the Lazy Miracle tomato produces sweeter and tastier fruits if it receives enough sunlight.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The advantages of “Siberian Miracle” tomatoes are difficult to overestimate. Its advantages over other varieties are obvious:

    • High percentage of germination – 99.8%;
    • They can easily tolerate diving and transplanting into the ground;
    • They grow and bear fruit well in difficult climatic conditions;
    • Stressful conditions do not affect the growth and yield of tomatoes;
    • They form ovaries regardless of weather conditions;
    • Ripening is wave-like, which makes it possible to process the harvested crop in a timely manner;
    • Resistance to major tomato diseases;
    • High yield;
    • Excellent taste of fruits;
    • Wide scope of application;
    • Unripe tomatoes ripen quickly at home;
    • It is not a hybrid, which makes it possible to independently harvest seeds every year;
    • The fruits tolerate transportation well.

    Interesting! Contrary to popular belief, heat treatment of tomatoes only improves their beneficial qualities.

    The only drawback of the Siberian Miracle tomatoes is the plant’s intolerance to waterlogging.

    The agricultural technology of growing tomatoes is so simple that even a novice vegetable grower can cope with planting and caring for plants.

    Growing tomatoes in your own backyard

    The seedling method of propagating this plant is used. The seeds are treated with potassium permanganate for 15 minutes and then placed in boxes with special soil for tomatoes. The seed sowing depth ranges from 10 to 20 mm. After the sprouts appear, the boxes with seedlings are transferred under fluorescent lamps.

    Description of the Tsar's Branch tomato, cultivation and yield of the variety


    Young bushes are fed with organic matter. Water them with warm water. After 1-2 leaves appear, the seedlings dive. At the time of transplanting to permanent soil, seedlings must be at least 60 days old.

    If tomato cultivation is planned in a greenhouse, then it is recommended to plant no more than 3 bushes per 1 m². When planting plants in open beds, 4 bushes are most often planted in the specified area. Stepchildren are removed from the stems throughout the growing season. It is recommended to form bushes with 1 or 2 stems, regardless of whether the tomato is growing in a greenhouse or in an open area. In this case, it is necessary to securely secure the stems and branches of the tomato with a garter in strong supports.

    Application area

    The wave-like ripening of tomatoes allows housewives to process a rich harvest in a timely manner without loss. Fruits that ripen in the first wave are slightly larger than those that ripen later. This distinctive quality allows you to enjoy the taste of fresh tomatoes, and subsequently prepare a large number of marinades over the winter.

    “Siberian Miracle” tomatoes are ideal for the following preparations:

    • Whole fruit canning;
    • Preparation of juices, pastes, ketchups;
    • Preparation of any winter salads as a component;
    • Freezing;
    • Drying.

    Thanks to such qualities as the excellent taste of tomatoes, high dry matter content, and juiciness, “Siberian Miracle” tomatoes can be used in the preparation of any dishes or baked goods, which makes them truly universal.

    Description of the variety

    The fruits of the mid-season Siberian Miracle variety grow smooth and even. They are not too large and have an oval shape. Unripe tomatoes are unevenly colored. As they ripen, the color of the fruit evens out. On average, the weight of one tomato is about 0.2 kg. The largest fruits weigh approximately 0.35 kg.

    Tomatoes have a beautiful crimson-red color that remains even when canned. Their flesh is quite dense, yet juicy and tender. The taste of the Siberian Miracle fruit is sweet with slight sourness. It is worth noting that ripe fruits do not crack.

    The variety can withstand sudden temperature changes. Whatever the weather, the harvest will be equally good. About 10-15 kg of tomatoes are harvested from 1 square meter, and about 6 kg of fruit from each bush.

    The excellent taste of the Siberian Miracle tomato allows you to consume them fresh and prepare juices and pastes from it. It is also great for preservation.

    Secrets of agricultural technology

    The agricultural technology for growing the “Siberian miracle” is not much different from the rules for growing traditional varieties. These tomatoes can hardly be called whimsical or capricious.

    Interesting! In addition to the fact that tomatoes are grown to provide the family with fresh vegetables, some varieties of these plants are often used as a decorative element when composing compositions in landscape design.

    But there are a number of recommendations that must be followed to get an excellent harvest:

    • When planting plants in the ground, the seedlings must be at least two months old;
    • Recommended planting scheme per 1 m²: 3 plants in open ground, 4 bushes in a greenhouse;
    • Tall tomatoes need a reliable garter;
    • “Siberian miracle” needs to be grown in 1 or 2 stems;
    • Tomatoes need regular pinching;
    • Regular fertilizing, weeding, loosening the soil is the key to a bountiful harvest;
    • When growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, it is necessary to ensure free access to fresh air;
    • Remember to monitor the soil moisture and do not allow it to dry out. Mulching will help you maintain moderate moisture;
    • To protect tomatoes from diseases or harmful insects, a set of measures is used when growing plants: therapeutic and preventive spraying, crop rotation, soil disinfection.

    With a minimum of time and effort, you can get a truly excellent tomato harvest.

    A detailed video will help beginners learn everything about growing tomatoes, from planting to harvesting.

    Features of growing the variety

    Tomatoes Sweet Miracle, according to reviews from gardeners who grow different varieties of fast-growing tomatoes, is considered the sweetest of the large tomatoes. Therefore, many of them are especially sensitive to this variety.

    It is recommended to grow the sweet miracle in 2 stems, this will allow you to maintain an average yield and optimal weight of large fruits. If you grow a variety with 1 stem, the yield as a whole may decrease, but the weight of the fruit can reach 1 kg.

    The variety should be grown in seedlings. Before sowing, the seeds must be visually rejected and disinfected in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. After this, immerse them in a growth stimulator. The soil for planting tomatoes of this variety should consist of several components, be light, and also enriched with superphosphate, wood ash and potash fertilizers.

    Soil for sowing tomato seeds:

    • fertile soil layer;
    • washed river sand;
    • humus.

    Seeds should be sown in early April. To do this, seeds are planted in a container with soil to a depth of 2 cm. After this, the soil must be sprinkled with warm water from a spray bottle. The container should be covered with plastic film or glass to create optimal conditions for germination. Place the container with seedlings in a bright room with a temperature range of +22+23 degrees.

    Recommended regions for cultivation

    In areas with warm climates, Sweet Miracle will feel great in open ground.

    In northern climates, tomatoes should be grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

    Growing seedlings

    With the appearance of the first shoots, the container must be moved to a room with bright sunlight. At the same time, the container with seedlings must be periodically turned over so that all the seedlings are evenly illuminated.

    Tomato seedlings should be watered sparingly. Under no circumstances should you overdry or over-moisten it. When the first true leaves appear on the seedlings, the seedlings must be planted in separate containers. After about a week, it needs to be fed with complex fertilizers.

    2 weeks before planting in the ground or greenhouse, seedlings should begin to be hardened off. This procedure will help her become stronger. To do this, containers with plants are taken to a cold place, on a balcony or veranda. The first hardening lasts 30 minutes, subsequent procedures increase gradually. The seedlings are planted in a permanent place at the age of 60 days.

    Transplantation into the ground

    To plant in a greenhouse or soil, seedlings are recommended to be 3 plants per 1 square meter. m. Otherwise, increased density contributes to yield loss. Plants need to be planted in pre-prepared holes. They should be approximately the depth of a bayonet shovel. Each hole needs to be watered with 1 liter of water and humus added. It is also necessary to equip each hole with a strong, stable support in advance. It is recommended to fix the seedlings immediately after planting.


    Tomatoes should be watered regularly and moderately. Tomatoes cannot tolerate dry soil and waterlogging, so it is advisable to find a middle ground in watering. Mulching will help regulate soil moisture. In addition, throughout the entire season, plants should be fed with mineral fertilizers at least 2-3 times.

    Also, you need to regularly remove stepsons, loosen the soil and remove weeds in a timely manner. As the plant grows, tie up the bushes.

    As soon as 5-6 brushes appear on the bushes, the remaining shoots need to be removed so that the plant gives all its strength only to the already formed brushes.

    Tomato Sweet Miracle characteristics and description of the variety, I testify that by following all the rules of agricultural technology for growing tomatoes, you can get a good harvest of large sweet fruits.

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