Tomato “Gina”: characteristics with photos and reviews

Description of tomato Gina TST

The Gina TST tomato, the characteristics and reviews of which are given in the article, is recommended for cultivation in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation. It is suitable for cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouses and greenhouses.

If you believe the reviews of those who planted the Gina TST tomato and the photos they presented, the main difference between the variety is the shape of the plant. However, experts also say that it is classified as determinant or limited in growth. Its height is 50-65 cm. It grows in the form of a small but powerful bush. Immediately 3-4 thick, densely leafy shoots emerge from the root.


Many gardeners confuse this variety with a variety with a similar name. However, Gina is a variety that differs significantly from D. TST in the size and color of the fruit. Although both varieties are low-growing and quite productive.

The leaves of the tomato are medium-sized or slightly larger. The leaf blades are dense, fleshy in appearance, with a slightly noticeable drooping. The color of the tops is rich, dark green. In the photo of a blooming tomato by Gene TST, it can be seen that it forms simple inflorescences of light yellow color, collected in brushes of 3-5 pieces.

The fruits of the Gina TST tomato are classic tomatoes, which is confirmed by reviews and photos taken by vegetable growers. Large, almost regular round shape, with slightly pronounced ribbing at the stalk. The average fruit weight is 200-280 grams. But real heroes weighing 400 grams are far from uncommon.

The color of a tomato at the stage of technical maturity is orange-red or red with thin blurred stripes of a yellow tint. Upon reaching biological maturity, they become bright red and very appetizing in appearance.

When describing the taste qualities of Gina TST tomatoes, they note a balanced taste, high sugar content, meatiness and juiciness. The skin of tomatoes is dense. The pulp of tomatoes is fleshy, somewhat loose. Sugar content appears on the cut. At the same time, tomatoes are juicy due to the formation of 6-8 chambers filled with juice and a small amount of small seeds.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Is the Gina tomato a variety or a hybrid? Interested in all gardeners planning to include valuable tomato seeds in their list. Gina is a mid-season variety. Seed material can be harvested independently and used for planting: there will be no loss of characteristics during subsequent sowings, as with hybrids. It should be distinguished from Gin TST - an early orange hybrid.

The tomato variety Gina "Aelita" ripens in an average time - 116-125 days from planting. The bush forms 7-8 fruiting clusters.

Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • round shape;
  • the skin is dense and does not crack;
  • average weight 150-200 g.

The Gina tomato is a determinate, medium-growing variety. Branching and foliage are moderately expressed. The bush does not form trunks. Requires garter due to heavy fruiting clusters that can break.

The Gina tomato variety from Siberian Garden is famous for its productivity. Tomatoes are good for canning, fresh salads, ketchups and sauces. The fruits are dried and used for pickling.

Tomatoes grow up to 1 m in height in greenhouse conditions; in open beds, shoots reach 50-60 cm. The bushes do not require pinching or pinching.

The variety belongs to the dessert varieties. It has fleshy, moderately juicy pulp. The taste harmoniously combines sweetness and tomato sourness.

Country of origin, year of registration

The variety appeared in Holland. Entered into the State Register in 2005. Now produced by seed-growing agricultural companies:

  • "Gavrish";
  • "Aelita";
  • "Sedek."

Where is the best place to grow?

The variety is intended for planting in:

  • central regions under the film;
  • middle zone in shelters;
  • in the Urals in greenhouses;
  • in the south in open beds.

Method of use

The Gin variety is used universally - fresh, in hot first and second courses, for winter preparations. Sun-dried tomatoes in pieces are delicious, in the tradition of Italian recipes.

Characteristics of tomato Gina TST

Gina TST, like other tomato varieties, is not frost-resistant. Even at zero temperatures, the leaves turn black and wither. With small lesions, tomatoes produce new shoots, but the yield decreases. However, the Gina TST tomato develops well in cool weather without forming empty flowers. It cannot be called drought-resistant, but the variety also does not like waterlogging.

The tomato is a mid-season variety with an average fruiting period. It enters the technical maturity stage 100-110 days after emergence.

Typically, such tomatoes are removed for further storage and transportation. But Gina TST has a thick skin. They ripen well on the branches. Its fruits are not prone to cracking during transportation and storage. It is for these characteristics and excellent taste that farmers love the variety.

The yield of Gina TST tomato declared by Agro LLC is 6-10 kg/m². But many vegetable growers claim that it is much higher. In conditions of good lighting and a lot of warm days, you can collect up to 20 kg/m². Of course, if you don’t neglect fertilizing and watering.

Seedling growing method

Sowing of seedlings should be carried out two months before transplanting into the ground to a permanent place. The best time is the end of March.

The crop is grown in wooden boxes. They are pre-filled with prepared soil. The procedure for preparing seeds is similar to that used in the seed method. It is allowed to use ready-made specialized mixtures for growing seedlings.

Seeds are sown to a depth of no more than 5 mm. Next, the containers with soil are left in a warm place until shoots emerge. To improve the characteristics of growing tomatoes and their quality, you can cover the boxes with film. This creates additional heat for the sprouts. The temperature should not fluctuate wider than the range of 18-22 ˚С.

Seedlings of the variety are planted in a separate container when the first true leaves appear. Lighting control is important to avoid stretching of seedlings.

Young plants are fertilized with Agricola (prepare a solution according to the instructions on the package) or with urea (1 tbsp per 10 liters of water).

Before planting in a permanent place, hardening is necessary. Keeping seedlings outdoors has a beneficial effect on their immunity, so they are taken outside every day: first for 15 minutes, gradually increased to 8 hours.

Landing in the ground

The time for planting in open ground and heifers varies. In the second half of May, at the age of 50-55 days and at the stage of 6-7 true leaves, the seedlings are ready for the greenhouse. For open ground you will need to wait some more time.


The time of planting in open ground depends on the air and soil temperature. The optimal temperature to start planting is + 16-18 degrees during the daytime. The night temperature should not fall below +10 degrees.

Plants need sunlight

The planting location requires a sunny location, protected from sudden gusts of wind and drafts. Crop rotation is important for the crop, so it is better to take onions, cabbage and cucumbers as predecessors.

Planting scheme: 5-6 tomatoes per 1 m².

The beds must be prepared in advance and loosened. A bucket of humus and 0.5 kg of ash are added per 1 meter. When planting, deepen to the first leaf so that the plant takes root better. Water generously and loosen the soil to protect it from crusting.

Planting and care

The Gina TST tomato is grown in seedlings in the climatic conditions of the middle zone. Only in the southern regions is it possible to plant seeds in the ground.

They begin sowing seeds for seedlings in the second half of March. If you plan to grow Gina TST in a greenhouse, then work begins in the middle of the month. Otherwise, you should wait a couple of weeks.


Many vegetable growers are misled by the abbreviation TST and consider the variety to be a hybrid. This is wrong. Therefore, you can safely collect Gina TST tomato seeds yourself. Just don’t forget to treat them with any antifungal drug before sowing.

Sowing is carried out in containers tightly filled with soil. It can be bought at the store or prepared at home. To do this, just mix garden soil, humus and peat in equal proportions. Many people use coconut fiber as a leavening agent instead of peat.

Gina TST tomato seeds are laid on the surface, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between them. Mulch on top with a layer of prepared soil about 1 cm high. Moisten generously with a spray bottle, cover with glass or film and place in a warm place for germination. Shoots appear on days 5-7.

Subsequently, seedlings:

  • transferred to a well-lit place;
  • water in a timely manner;
  • at the stage of 2-4 true leaves, pick up in separate pots;
  • Before transplantation, 3 fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is carried out.

Gina TST tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse in the first half of May. In open ground towards the end of the month, when the threat of night frosts has passed. You can plant it earlier if the soil has time to warm up to 10-12 degrees Celsius, and provide temporary shelter. It is advisable to prepare the ridges in the fall by digging them up and adding compost or humus. In spring the soil is loosened. Prepare holes, at the bottom of which humus and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are poured. In acidic areas, add wood ash. The holes are pre-watered. The tomatoes are planted, the holes are closed and watered abundantly again. You can mulch the root circle with sawdust or straw.

Seedless growing method

This method has taken root in more southern regions. There, the seeds will have enough warmth, and the sprouts will have enough light, so that after they fall into the ground, they will sprout, continue development, growth and enter the fruiting phase.

Seeds should be prepared in advance: disinfected and germinated by soaking. You can soak the seeds for 5 hours in a solution of the growth stimulator "Epin" (2 drops per 100 ml of warm water) so that they sprout simultaneously.

The landing site must be prepared. The furrows (about 30 cm in length) should be well lit, and the soil should be moist (not allowed to rot) and drained.

Many gardeners use specialized soil mixtures. First, the bottom is covered with ash and phosphate or potash fertilizers are added (according to the instructions). Then add soil and make holes (no deeper than 1 cm). Place 3-4 seeds in each and cover with the remaining soil.


When sowing seeds in the soil, organic and mineral fertilizers cannot be applied locally (in rows, in beards). The soil should be filled with them when digging and evenly distributed throughout the entire bed. Local application of fertilizers is possible only when planting seedlings, and the fertilizers must be well mixed with the soil to avoid burning the roots.

It is better not to water for the first few days. After sprouts appear, watering should be moderate.

Diseases and pests

According to the descriptions of the variety, the Gina TST tomato is resistant to verticillium wilt and fusarium. Relatively resistant to late blight. To avoid tomato diseases, preventive measures are taken, namely watering at the roots, regular ventilation of greenhouses, and spraying plants with antifungal drugs.

Tomatoes are rarely affected by pests. The most common of them are spider mites and aphids. When they are detected, the bushes are treated with chemicals or folk remedies.

Description of the variety, characteristics with photos

The plant is suitable for growing indoors and outdoors.

The ripening period of tomatoes is 100-105 days.

The bush is determinate, branched, height 55-65 centimeters. 2-3 stems are formed from the root.

The bush is medium leafy. The leaves are small, dense, green. The inflorescences are simple.

The color of the fruit is orange-red. Small size, weight up to 200 grams. The fruits are slightly flattened and slightly ribbed on top. The shape is round.

The fruits are juicy and tasty, consisting of 6-8 chambers. Up to 6 fruits are formed on one brush.

Reviews of the tomato variety Gina TST

Maria, 40 years old, Ryazan I love Tomato Gina TST for his short stature. Much easier to care for. Many people prefer higher grades. They say their productivity is higher. Not true. The harvest is quite high. The only drawback is that the stems break under the weight of the fruit.

Olga, 48 years old, Serpukhov I grow tomatoes in open beds. Gina TST has never failed. Cold or hot, I always have a harvest of excellent tomatoes. The kids really like the tasty and sweet ones. It's a shame they don't fit into the jar. It won't be possible to roll it up.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gin tomatoes are often grown in farmers' fields and personal plots due to the following benefits:

  • high yield;
  • large fruit size;
  • undemanding in cultivation and care;
  • extended fruiting;
  • disease resistance;
  • versatility of application.

Among the disadvantages of this variety of tomatoes, it should be noted:

  • cracking of fruits due to excessive watering;
  • with thickened plantings, the incidence of blossom end rot.

However, judging by the reviews of gardeners about this variety of tomatoes, Gina’s shortcomings do not prevent them from growing it in their beds and getting good harvests every year.

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