A tomato with a sweet name and simple agricultural technology. How to grow Zephyr F1 in an open area

» Vegetable growing » Tomatoes » Growing tomatoes Marshmallows in chocolate



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Just a few years ago, the tomato variety Chocolate Covered Zephyr was developed. Russian breeders were involved in its creation. The culture received this name for the unusual appearance of the fruits, which immediately attract the attention of gardeners.

  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Growing
  • Landing
  • Features of care
  • Watering
  • Garter and pinching
  • Fertilizer application
  • Disease and pest control
  • Harvesting
  • Reviews from gardeners

Growing tomatoes Zephyr in chocolate

Tomato Zephyr in chocolate: variety description

Variety nameMarshmallows in chocolate
general descriptionMid-season indeterminate variety
Ripening period111-115 days
ColorRed-brown color with dark green streaks near the stalk
Average weight of tomatoes120-150 grams
ApplicationTable variety
Productivity of the variety6 kg per bush
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases

The height of indeterminate bushes of this variety of tomatoes reaches 160-170 centimeters.
They are not standard. Tomato Zephyr in chocolate is not a hybrid and does not have F1 hybrids of the same name. It was created for cultivation in greenhouses and is a mid-season variety. From the moment the seeds are planted until the fruits fully ripen, it usually takes from 111 to 115 days.

Plants of this species are practically not susceptible to diseases.

When growing tomatoes, it is important to know what type of plant each variety belongs to. Read all about indeterminate varieties, as well as about determinate, semi-determinate and super-determinate varieties

Read all about indeterminate varieties, as well as determinate, semi-determinate and super-determinate varieties.

On our website you will find a lot of useful information about growing tomatoes. Read all about:

  • Time of seed germination after planting.
  • Which varieties are best suited for growing in Siberia and the Urals, and which ones to choose for planting at home.
  • Secrets of growing large-fruited tomatoes.
  • How to grow tomatoes in bags, in buckets and upside down.
  • Methods of growing in snails and in pots on the windowsill.

Characteristics of tomato Marshmallow in chocolate

The tomato is relatively adapted to difficult climatic conditions. It is unlikely to withstand a drop in temperature to negative values. But cool and damp weather has virtually no effect on fruiting results. If there is a lack of moisture on the Zephyr in Chocolate tomato bushes, fruits are formed that are smaller in size and weight than those declared by the breeders.

Fruiting begins in mid-July. The variety is classified as mid-season. The fruits reach biological maturity 110-120 days after emergence. Active fruiting lasts about a month. Under favorable weather conditions, the formation of peduncles and ovaries is possible until September.

The commercial qualities of the variety are somewhat lower than the taste. Due to their thin and delicate skin, tomatoes cannot be stored for long periods of time or transported over long distances. Overripe fruits often crack right on the branches.

The tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate belongs to the salad variety. It is preferable to eat it fresh in salads or snacks. Tomatoes are frozen for the winter. They tolerate this process well and retain their shape after defrosting. They can be used to decorate culinary dishes and prepare sauces.

Tomato yield Marshmallows in chocolate

Growing tomatoes Marshmallow in chocolate allows you to get up to 6 kg of vegetables from 1 m². Timely watering and the application of organic and mineral fertilizers will help to achieve maximum yield. To grow and produce large fruits, the plant also needs fertile, loose soil and good lighting.

"Pros and cons"

Reviews about chocolate marshmallow tomatoes are quite varied. However, this applies to all unusual varieties. The advantages include:

  • exotic coloring of tomatoes;
  • early ripening;
  • versatility in cultivation methods and regions;
  • sweet taste and bright aroma;
  • high content of vitamins and microelements in vegetables;
  • good yield regardless of weather conditions;
  • resistance to most fungal and viral diseases.

The disadvantages are:

  • tall bushes that require care, formation and tying of shoots;
  • demands on watering;
  • not too large fruits;
  • The variety is intended for salad purposes, without the possibility of pickling or pickling the fruits.

We can safely say that this tomato variety is not for everybody. Fans of exotic varieties will certainly like it. At the same time, vegetable growers who prefer classic tomatoes may find a significant number of shortcomings in them.

Growing tall tomatoes

Tomato seedlings Marshmallow in chocolate should be planted at two months of age or a week, ten days earlier. Each gardener calculates the sowing time himself. They are guided by the fact that a plant of this variety will produce fruits in a little less than 4 months from the moment the grain germinates. The seeds germinate within a week and are traditionally sown in March for planting in unheated greenhouses.

Attention! For seedlings, you cannot take soil from the part of the garden where potatoes, tomatoes or eggplants grew last year.

  • For sowing, prepare nutritious, light soil: garden soil, humus, sand, peat;
  • The seeds are laid out to a depth of 1-1.5 cm, the containers are placed in a warm place, covered with film on top;
  • When shoots have appeared, the containers are placed on the windowsill or under a phytolamp. Sprouts need lighting for 10 hours;
  • The first week the temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. The next month the seedlings develop at a temperature of 21-25 0C;
  • Water with warm water, fertilize twice with complex fertilizers;
  • They dive in the phase of 2-3 true leaves. After diving, feed for the first time after 10-12 days.

Growing rules

The variety can be grown both in open and protected ground. It is worth starting sowing work at the end of March. To grow tomatoes, you should use the seedling method.

As soon as the plants have 1 true leaf, you should pick. To do this, you need to prepare separate containers and carefully transplant the plants into them.

Important! Tomatoes have a negative attitude towards picking. If it is possible to use separate cups for planting, you should definitely do so.

Many summer residents use peat tablets.

You can plant seedlings in open ground no earlier than the end of May. Plants do not like sudden temperature changes. It is worth making sure that frost does not set in.

Before planting, plants must be prepared. For this purpose, hardening should be carried out.

You also need to form 1 stem and remove the remaining parts. A few days after planting, the seedlings need to be tied up. Such simple procedures will allow you to get a high-quality harvest.

Experienced summer residents believe that it is worth planting seedlings in May only under a film. Otherwise, the plants will die.

Description of the variety

Zephyr tomatoes in chocolate are indeterminate varieties. In a greenhouse, the plant rises to a height of 160-170 cm. In open ground, the bush grows a little lower. A tall plant is usually grown in two trunks. Several fruit clusters are formed on them. Five to seven fruits of impressive size are formed in the inflorescence.

The fruits are round, slightly ribbed, large, weighing 120-150 g. The skin is dark, brown, shiny, thin. Near the stalk, characteristic blurry greenish stripes of a dark tone stand out, which reach almost to the middle of the fruit. The pulp is tender, juicy, delicious taste, sweet. The shade of the pulp repeats the light brown color of the skin. The fruits contain 3-4 seed chambers. Dry matter content is average.

Description of tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate

Tomatoes of the Zephyr variety in chocolate were created by breeders from Russia in the 21st century and included in the State Register in 2015. This variety is not a hybrid; it does not have similar varieties with the same name that can be classified as F1. The Zephyr in Chocolate variety is indeterminate, since the bushes of this plant have no growth restrictions. In protected soil they can rise up to 1.2-1.5 m, in beds - up to 100-120 cm.

The tallest plants often have two trunks at once, on which several fruit clusters with additional flowers are formed for five to seven large tomatoes. The leaves of the bushes with sweet tomatoes of the Zephyr in Chocolate variety are quite large, have an oval shape and a rich green tint, the main stems of the plant are strong and remain stable even during strong winds.

In open ground, tomatoes of this type are best grown in the southern parts

Important information! The growing season of Marshmallow in Chocolate tomatoes lasts no more than 100 days, starting from the moment of planting. The harvest can be harvested in August before the onset of the initial frosts.

Description of fruits

Tomatoes of the Zephyr variety in chocolate are round in shape and have a reddish-brown color with dark green streaks in the stalk area. The standard weight of one tomato varies between 120-150 g. The dry component content in the fruit does not exceed the standard value, so they are not suitable for long-term storage anywhere. Zephyr tomatoes in chocolate have become famous due to their juicy and sweet pulp combined with a characteristic taste without sourness, which made it possible to include them in the list of the best table varieties.

Features of cultivation

It is allowed to sow seeds for seedlings two months before they are transplanted to the main plot. If you have an unheated greenhouse, this procedure should be carried out in the second ten days of March. Land for chocolate-covered Zephyr tomatoes can be purchased in a special store or prepared with your own hands by mixing soil, peat, river sand and fertilizers, for example, wood ash in combination with superphosphate. Self-prepared soil must be sterilized using a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are sown in furrows with a depth of no more than 1.5-2 cm, the distance between each can be at least 2-3 cm. Next, the soil is filled, sprayed, then the boxes are covered with film and kept until sprouts form at temperatures up to + 23-25 ​​° WITH.

For seedlings, it is not recommended to take soil from areas where tomatoes, potatoes or eggplants grew last year.

When sprouts appear, the film is raised and the temperature is lowered to + 18 ° C, then after a week it needs to be raised again. Watering the seedlings is carried out carefully and under the roots so as not to wet the stems and leaves. After several large leaves have formed on the seedlings, they can be planted in different cups or glasses. 10-12 days before transplanting, the bushes need to be hardened off and the boxes with them should be placed outside, mainly during the day. It is better to replant in May, at which time the soil warms up to the required temperature, otherwise the procedure will negatively affect the root system of the plant. A month before planting, you will need to prepare the site, dig it up, and nourish it with humus.

Professionals do not recommend using fresh manure or bird droppings, as they can dry out the soil. You need to care for tomatoes taking into account standard rules of agricultural technology. Mostly warm water is used for irrigation; the bushes are watered once every three days. Moistened soil must be loosened to allow air, moisture and nutrients to enter the root system. Weeds are removed once a week; this procedure ensures optimal air exchange within the soil. Tomatoes of the Zephyr variety in chocolate must be tied up due to the large size of the fruit. If this is not done, the bushes will begin to sag under the weight of the tomatoes.

The bushes need to be fed for the first time 7-10 days after replanting using urea or ammonium nitrate. After 15-20 days, the procedure is repeated using fertilizers with the addition of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen.

Features of growing tomatoes

After sowing the seeds, wait approximately 2 months, after which the strengthened seedlings are transplanted into a greenhouse. It is very important to shape and plant the plant. This increases the quality and quantity of tomatoes. After all, in the end, the main goal is high yields and obtaining a large number of tomatoes.

Bushes of this tomato variety are usually formed into 2 stems. When forming, the removed leaves are not thrown away, but placed under the bush. When they begin to decompose, the plant will receive the necessary amount of carbon dioxide.

See also

Description of the tomato variety Talisman and agricultural technology requirements



Tomatoes of the Zephyr variety in chocolate are grown by seedlings. To do this, first sow the seeds, after which the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

The seeds are treated with disinfectants to destroy all pathogens. Literally for 30 minutes. soak the seed in a solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 1 liter of water) to kill all bacteria and fungi.

After this, place the cloth bag with the seeds in the refrigerator and leave it there for several hours. This will ensure the crop’s resistance to temperature changes at its permanent place of growth.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Hardening of seeds of heat-loving crops, including tomatoes, is carried out for at least 7-8 days. If this period is shorter, there will be no effect from this procedure. The seeds are hardened at variable temperatures: 12 hours in the refrigerator at about zero degrees, 12 hours at room temperature.

The next stage is preparing containers for seedlings and soil. You can prepare the soil at home by mixing humus, soil from the garden and peat in equal proportions.

For planting, use ordinary plastic cups that are filled with soil. Seeds are placed inside (2 pieces in each container). After this, cover the containers with plastic wrap and place them in a warm, shaded place. After the first shoots appear, remove the film and place the containers on the windowsill.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

It is most advisable to sow seeds in seedling containers rather than in glasses. In such containers, the seeds are sown thickly, but 15-18 days after the emergence of seedlings in the phase of 2 true leaves, the seedlings are planted into separate cups or cassette cells.

It is necessary to transplant seedlings to a permanent place when several pairs of leaves have formed on it. The optimal time for planting is May. The soil must warm up to a temperature of 15 ° C so that the root system of the plant does not experience stress and makes it possible to grow high-quality fruits.


A month before planting, prepare the site by digging it up and feeding it with humus (10 kg per 1 m²). The use of bird droppings or fresh manure is prohibited because... they dry out the soil and make it unsuitable for planting. Otherwise you will burn all the plants. The soil should be neutral, light and nutritious.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Bird droppings and fresh manure do not dry out the soil, but can burn the root system. Fresh manure is never applied to the soil! Only half decomposed! But even in this state, it is applied in the fall, and not before planting. Immediately before planting, only humus is added - rotted manure that has lain in a heap for 8-12 months.

Plants are watered only with warm water Technology:

  • Dig planting holes at a distance of 50 cm from each other. Row space – 60-70 cm;
  • a solution of wood ash is poured into the hole (300 g of the substance is mixed with 10 liters of warm water) to saturate the soil with useful substances;
  • The seedlings are placed inside and their roots are straightened. It is allowed to plant plants together with the lump of earth in which they were located;
  • sprinkle the hole with soil;
  • water with warm water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The original appearance is far from the only advantage of the tomato:

  1. Easily propagated. The fruits contain many seeds. Their germination rate is quite high.
  2. Has immunity. The certificate indicates resistance to the tobacco mosaic virus. Practicing gardeners claim: the plant also has low tolerance to pathogens of other common nightshade diseases.
  3. It is distinguished by early fruiting dates for indeterminates.
  4. Shows high productivity. Different sources indicate 6 kg per bush.
  5. Attracts with its taste. Sweet and conveniently sized, tomatoes are versatile in any culinary role. They are meaty and moderately juicy.

Disadvantages of this tomato:

  1. Low yield of fruits of commercial quality. About half of the harvest is covered with healing cracks while still on the bush. Tomatoes can spoil even when slightly overripe.
  2. Low keeping quality. Tomatoes do not last long. During transportation, the crop is subject to additional measures to protect it from dents.
  3. The bush requires care in the garden: garters, cutting off stepsons, shaping.

Description of the variety

Chocolate covered marshmallows appeared thanks to the work of Russian agricultural workers. The variety is recommended for greenhouses, but gardeners from hot regions also plant tomatoes in open ground.

Tomatoes grow on tall bushes, their length ranges from 150 to 170 cm. The crop has a small amount of foliage, its size is medium, the shape is classic, the edges are grooved. More than 3 clusters of fruits are formed on the branch; one inflorescence produces 5 – 7 tomatoes.

The most noticeable feature of the vegetable is its color. A ripe tomato is painted in a milky chocolate shade; there may also be greenish and light stripes on its surface (see photo). The fruits are classified as large. Their weight is more than 120 g. Other characteristics of the culture can be seen in the table.

According to ripening time
By type of growth
By type of use
By growing method
Fruit weight (g)
Productivity (kg/m2)
Fetal characteristics

Mid-ripe (110 – 115 days) Indeterminate (150 – 170 cm) For fresh consumption For greenhouses 120 – 150 15 – 18 Outside brown with green stripes. Brownish-red inside. Rounded, ribbing is faintly visible. The pulp is moderately juicy and fleshy.

Detailed description of the variety

Chocolate covered marshmallows are a productive variety with an unusual appearance. Its fruits are almost brown. The tomato is in the State Breeding Register and is intended for cultivation in greenhouses. In the southern regions of the Russian Federation, the crop is suitable for cultivation in open soil.

The tomato is moderately tall. Its foliage is average. The leaf is typical of a tomato. The color of medium-sized fruits combines brown and red shades. The stalk of a ripe tomato in the photo shows a dark green area.

Advice. The originator recommends consuming fresh tomatoes. In sauce processing and whole preservation, their taste and vitamin set are not fully revealed.

According to ripening time
By type of growth
By type of use
By growing method
Fruit weight (g)
Productivity (kg/m2)
Fetal characteristics
Mid-ripe (105-115 days)Indeterminate (1.6-1.7 m)UniversalFor open ground (South of Russia) and greenhouses120-15015-18 with any methodBrown-red color, round, smooth or slightly ribbed, number of nests - 4-6

General description of the variety

The variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses.


In the southern regions of the country, the option of planting in open ground is possible. Description of the variety:

  • mid-season, maximum fruit ripening period is up to 115 days;
  • indeterminate;
  • tall, the bush reaches a maximum height of 1.7 m;
  • resistant to fungal diseases;
  • has a high yield, up to 6 kilograms per bush per season;
  • not intended for long-term storage.

The universal variety can be cultivated in all regions of Russia, subject to the cultivation recommendations. Ripe tomatoes have the following characteristics:

  • round shape;
  • interesting coloring, the color of ripe fruits is red-brown with green spots closer to the stalk;
  • the berry reaches a maximum weight of 150 grams;
  • juicy;
  • sweet;
  • a small number of cameras;
  • ribbed.

Disease and pest control

At the first sign of disease, begin treatment

Despite the plant’s resistance to most diseases, it is not immune to some:

  • Signs of nematosis periodically appear in the form of dry foliage and its falling off. The fight against this disease consists of spraying with copper sulfate (20 g per 10 liters of water);
  • If you notice red-brown spots on the leaves, it means brown spotting is occurring. Treatment with Bordeaux mixture (100 g per 5 liters of water) will help get rid of it.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Nematodosis is not a disease! This is the defeat of plants by very small parasitic worms - nematodes. They, settling on the root system and the lower part of the stem, feeding on its juices, cause tissue decomposition, as a result of which the plant first begins to wither and then dies. Nematodes are quarantine pests. It is very difficult to fight them.

Among the common pests is wireworm. Signs of this parasite are holes in the fruits, which rot over time, completely destroying the tomatoes.

Tatyana Orlova (Vasilidchenko) (candidate of agricultural sciences):

Wireworms are the larvae of click beetles. They live in the ground and “make holes” in root crops: carrots, beets, potatoes. And holes in tomato fruits are produced by cotton bollworm caterpillars.

A solution of “Regent” (1 a per 15 liters of water) or an infusion of pepper (1 package of powder per 6 liters of water) helps fight it.

Treatments against diseases and pests are carried out at intervals of 10 days until all signs of damage disappear.

Pest and disease control

The variety is susceptible to diseases such as nematosis and brown spot. Symptoms of nematosis are easy to identify when the leaves appear dry and fall off; you can fight the disease with a solution of copper sulfate; 20 g of the substance is enough for 10 liters of water. Red-brown spots on the leaves indicate the occurrence of brown spot. In this case, the leaves need to be treated with Bordeaux mixture; the solution is prepared at the rate of 100 g per 5 liters of water. Tomatoes of the Zephyr variety in chocolate are often affected by parasites, in most cases these are nematodes and wireworms. You can eliminate them using a Regent solution or pepper tincture.

You can remove spotting using a solution of Bordeaux mixture

Description of tomato Marshmallow in chocolate

The characteristics of the Zephyr in Chocolate tomato declared by the breeders indicate, and reviews from vegetable growers confirm that the variety can be grown in all regions of the Russian Federation. The vegetable crop is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses and film shelters. However, according to vegetable growers, this tomato variety produces good yields in open ground when cultivated in regions with a hot climate.

The tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate is an indeterminate or unlimited growth species. However, according to reviews from vegetable growers, when grown in greenhouses, plants rarely exceed a height of 2 m. In open ground, tomatoes grow to only 1.6-1.8 m. They do not need pinching of the upper brush to limit growth, but require the formation of bushes and tying shoots.

The shoots are well leafed. The leaf blades have a classic tomato shape, rich green color and slight pubescence. The chocolate-covered Zephyr tomato blooms with small funnel-shaped yellow flowers. As a rule, the buds, and then the ovaries, are collected in brushes or clusters of 6-8 pieces. During the season, about a dozen such brushes can form.

The tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate is distinguished by the original color of the fruit. When they reach biological maturity, flat-round, slightly ribbed tomatoes acquire an amazing red-chocolate hue with blurry greenish stripes running from the stalk.


In the photo of a marshmallow tomato in chocolate, you can see that stripes of a brown-green hue remain in fully ripened vegetables. There is no need to make the mistake of novice vegetable growers and wait until they take on a uniform color. When overripe, the fruits are prone to cracking.

Chocolate covered Marshmallow tomatoes are quite large when compared with similar varieties of unusual colors. They reach a weight of 130-150 grams. On the cut you can see from 4 to 5 nests with small seeds. The skin of the tomato is thin and tender. Beneath it lies juicy pink-brown flesh.

The taste of the variety is positioned as good or excellent. The tomatoes are sweet and juicy with a distinct tomato aroma. But it is worth noting that this variety is unlikely to appeal to fans of fleshy tomatoes. Their flesh is distinguished by its crunchy properties.

You cannot talk about the chocolate-covered Zephyr tomato, a description and photo of which is given in the article, as an unpretentious plant. Like most tall varieties, it requires the formation of bushes, regular removal of stepsons, tying up shoots or installing supports under them. In addition, the relatively large-fruited variety requires fertile soils, regular watering and fertilizing.

The variety also has advantages. Tomato has high immunity to most diseases and does not require regular preventive treatments.

Tomatoes Marshmallows in chocolate on video

If you grew Zephyr tomatoes in chocolate, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this variety? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of your tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the chocolate-covered Zephyr tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Pest Control

Chocolate-covered Zephyr tomatoes are highly disease-resistant, but in a greenhouse they can be attacked by harmful insects. A frequent uninvited guest is the whitefly, which thrives in humid air. As a preventative measure, the greenhouse must be constantly ventilated. If the pest is already present, the plants are treated with insecticides. Boverin, Confidor, Fufanon, Aktellik and others give good results. Plants should be sprayed before the fruits ripen.

You can use effective folk remedies to fight whiteflies.

Finely rub laundry soap, dissolve in warm water, maintaining a ratio of 1:6. The resulting solution is used to treat bushes with insect colonies;

At night, mosquito coils are lit, which have a detrimental effect on whiteflies.

Diseases and pests

Chocolate tomato is characterized by high resistance to diseases, but if you still have to deal with them, you can save the plants with the help of fungicidal preparations. And timely treatment with insecticides will protect them from damage by pests.

Thanks to its unpretentiousness and high yield, the Chocolate tomato has become very popular among vegetable growers. If you want to get a rich harvest of exclusive tomatoes, plant them in your summer cottage.

Mid-earlyMid-seasonSuper early
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Description and yield of the tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate

Humanity became acquainted with the first tomato already in the 8th century AD. Today there are many different varieties ready to surprise even the most demanding connoisseurs of nightshade culture. In the 21st century, through the efforts of Russian breeders, the chocolate-covered Zephyr tomato appeared. It received an unusual name due to its original color of ripe berries. Its taste and good yield have made it popular among consumers and gardeners.

General description of the variety

The variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses.


In the southern regions of the country, the option of planting in open ground is possible. Description of the variety:

  • mid-season, maximum fruit ripening period is up to 115 days;
  • indeterminate;
  • tall, the bush reaches a maximum height of 1.7 m;
  • resistant to fungal diseases;
  • has a high yield, up to 6 kilograms per bush per season;
  • not intended for long-term storage.

The universal variety can be cultivated in all regions of Russia, subject to the cultivation recommendations. Ripe tomatoes have the following characteristics:

  • round shape;
  • interesting coloring, the color of ripe fruits is red-brown with green spots closer to the stalk;
  • the berry reaches a maximum weight of 150 grams;
  • juicy;
  • sweet;
  • a small number of cameras;
  • ribbed.

Preparing seedlings and planting

The best way to grow is by seedlings. Preparations should begin two months before the expected planting time. To get good seedlings you should:

  • prepare separate containers for each seedling; peat pots are suitable;
  • Fill the containers tightly with complex soil for tomatoes;
  • plant seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm;
  • immediately after sowing, water with warm water and cover with film;
  • after the first shoots appear, place the pots with seedlings in a well-lit place;
  • carry out regular watering;
  • maintain the room temperature at 21-25 degrees.

Before planting, prepare the holes and pour complex fertilizer into each hole. Harden off the plants at least 10 days before planting. Vegetable growers recommend picking the plant and forming a bush into one or two stems.

Plant care

Proper care is the key to a good harvest. Tomatoes of this variety are not demanding. Peculiarities of cultivation include mandatory pinching and gartering. It is necessary to water the tomato as needed. During the summer season we recommend:

  • feed the bush from 4 to 6 times;
  • regularly loosen the soil;
  • remove weeds;
  • water only with warm water;
  • if necessary, the plant is treated with insecticides.

Tomato Zephyr in chocolate - description and characteristics of the variety

The wide variety of tomato varieties forces breeders to develop more and more unusual targets. “Marshmallow in chocolate” is one of the most amazing and beautiful varieties of tomatoes that professionals have been lucky enough to reproduce in recent years.

“Marshmallow in Chocolate” - Vodan is one of the most popular varieties, which is in incredible demand among agronomists. The tomato has been formally registered in the state register since 2015. However, he became famous in the world of vegetable growers much earlier.

The tomato has a smooth appearance, slightly flattened in the middle. Dark color that goes through brown to dark green. The inside has a more unclouded tone than the outside. Very tasty.

Suitable for growing amazing in all regions. In places with warm climates it can grow in open ground minus additional shelters. In cooler regions, it is necessary to grow tomatoes in greenhouses.

It does not ripen very quickly, but it will delight you with its fruits after 115 days (a year) of seed germination. It has a good harvest - up to 6 kilograms of fruit from one bush.

Excellent resistance to common diseases, to which many tomatoes are not resistant.

In most cases, these tomatoes will go well with a summer salad and will also be good to eat fresh. For use in preparing vegetable caviar, soups, pastes and sauces, eggs can be frozen by cutting them into slices and distributing them in plastic packaging.


Dark-colored butts are the sweetest and richest in sugars. They are delicious as hell on their own and are more reminiscent of a fruit than a vegetable in appearance. The inside is very soft and does not last long.

When cut inside a tomato, brighter and more pronounced veins are visible. Such color contrasts are associated with insufficient lighting of the fruit. The more sun that hits a vegetable, the more red it is inside. The less sun, the more whitish the veins are. On average, the stem grows from 160 to 170 centimeters in height. Needs additional crop support.

The pulp of a tomato is very tender. Inside the fruit there are up to 4 chambers containing seeds.

Perfections and flaws


  • Original external facts.
  • Excellent memorable taste.
  • Very high yield.
  • Quite fast ripening time for vegetables.
  • Resistance to various forms of fungal diseases.


  1. Despite all the excellent qualities of culture, one should remember, huh? This variety does not last long, so it needs to be eaten for a short time or used in the preparation of various dishes, as well as purified.
  2. Does not tolerate long transportation. Sales are not possible at some distance from the growing areas. During transportation, even over close distances, it is necessary to use good packaging with each vegetable carefully to avoid cracks and dents.

Choosing the right seeds

It is serious to purchase a variety with the name “Marshmallow in Chocolate” without adding additional symbols; could it be the other way around - the absence of part of the name. Seeds must be purchased from a trusted store or department.

When purchasing seeds online, you should also pay attention to the company’s reputation and reviews about it. There are companies that are also fly-by-night sellers, it’s better not to trust them

Their mala may turn out to be of poor quality, which means that the coin will be wasted, and caring for the crop will not live up to expectations.

Seeding and attachment

Seeds are sown in mid-late March. After a week, the embryo sprouts. Additional lighting is important so that the tomatoes have enough light and do not stretch out and become very tall.

It is important that the highway is strong from the very beginning

Seeds are germinated at a temperature of 18 degrees, lower temperatures are made warmer from 22 to 23 degrees.

Then, when the second leaf appears, the plant is transferred to the ground. The testis should be formed from no more than two stems. For all growth, it is necessary to fertilize the plant, loosen the soil and irrigate with warm water.

By following all the rules for caring for tomatoes, the seed plant will definitely please the grower with its tasty and unusual fruits.

Preparing seedlings and planting

You can buy soil at the store or prepare it yourself. It is enough to mix sand, soil and peat in equal quantities. To reduce acidity, add 50 g of dolomite flour.

Advice! It is advisable to place pebbles or crushed eggshells at the bottom for drainage.

A container should be at least 8 cm in diameter with drainage holes to drain liquid. These can be glasses, peat pots or special containers. Before planting, water the soil with warm water.

The best way to grow is by seedlings. Preparations should begin two months before the expected planting time. To get good seedlings you should:

  • prepare separate containers for each seedling; peat pots are suitable;
  • Fill the containers tightly with complex soil for tomatoes;
  • plant seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm;
  • immediately after sowing, water with warm water and cover with film;
  • after the first shoots appear, place the pots with seedlings in a well-lit place;
  • carry out regular watering;
  • maintain the room temperature at 21-25 degrees.

Description and characteristics of the variety

It was created by breeders near Moscow at the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The variety was included in the State Register in 2015. It can be grown in all regions of the Russian Federation in greenhouses. The variety is considered a table variety; it is used for salads and vegetable cuttings, but it can also be processed into juices and pastes, as well as canned.

About the tomato Zephyr in chocolate, the description and characteristics say that it is an indeterminate tall bush up to 160-170 cm. The plant is not standard. From seed germination to fruit ripening, 110-115 days pass.

The fruits are round, medium in size, weighing 120-150 grams. The stalk has slight ribbing. The skin color is red-brown, with slight green streaks. The pulp is very sweet, juicy, fleshy.

Reviews and opinions

The tomato is in demand among gardeners in different regions. This can be seen from numerous reviews on thematic forums. Evgenia Sokolova tried to harvest in a film greenhouse on a site in Yakutia. Initially, due to temperature fluctuations, the tomato began to bear fruit late. The next season, the bed of self-collected seeds adapted and began to ripen earlier. The tomatoes look good, but they really tend to burst on the branches.

Gardener Yulia (Lenoblast) notes the different sizes of tomatoes on one bush. In her greenhouse, the tomato bore fruit perfectly and set fruit to the top of the stem. They turned out to be juicy and meaty. The variety corresponded to the withered characteristics.

Lyubov Artemyevna (Pavlodar, North-East Kazakhstan) claims that her unripe tomatoes ripened perfectly by November. The plant turned out to be productive and resilient. Chocolate covered marshmallow is a popular tomato among people. The ease of cultivation, taste and beauty of the harvest made it so.

Description of the variety

This is a tall, indeterminate and high-yielding salad-type variety.

In greenhouses, the height of the bush reaches up to 1.7 m, and in open ground - from 1.0 to 1.2 m.

Fresh fruits are incredibly tasty and rich in vitamins. When frozen, they are suitable for preparing delicate sauces.

Specifics of dark-colored tomatoes

Dark-colored tomatoes have a unique taste without sourness and contain more antioxidants. Anthocyanins increase appetite, affect the immune system, the cardiovascular system, improve vision, and relieve swelling.

Fans of dark-colored fruits believe that they have a high percentage of sugar. The tender pulp does not withstand long-term storage.

In the “Marshmallows in Chocolate” section, light spots are visible, which are mistakenly taken as signs of the presence of nitrates. Researchers have confirmed the fallacy of this opinion. Light spots can be caused by a lack of lighting, or irregular watering.

Description of bushes and fruit

A tall bush is formed into two powerful trunks. Fruit clusters form on them. Five to seven ovaries are formed in a simple inflorescence. The downy leaves are large, round, and dark green in color. The fruit has a round, slightly ribbed shape. Average weight from 120 to 150 g.

Slightly shiny thin skin of red-brown color. The stalk has blurred dark green stripes.

Tomatoes have tender, juicy, sweet pulp, light brown in color, divided into three to four seed chambers. Not watery pulp.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners consider the following advantages of the variety:

  • minimum water in the pulp,
  • rapid ripening
  • high productivity,
  • pleasant aroma and taste.

The variety also has disadvantages:

  • not long-term storage,
  • not transportable,
  • requires careful packaging of tomatoes.


If you follow agricultural practices, you can harvest up to 7 kg of tomatoes from a Zephyr chocolate bush in a greenhouse and up to 8 kg in open ground.

If agricultural practices are violated, the yield in the greenhouse is reduced to 4 kg.

Use of fruits

Their ideal use is in salads and slices. The small size of the fruit allows it to be used whole for canning. Due to the lack of acid, tomatoes make delicious sauces and tomato paste.

Characteristics of the variety

Initially, the variety was bred for greenhouse planting. In the southern regions, this crop is planted in open ground. This variety ripens in 3-3.5 months from the moment the seedlings are planted in a permanent place.

Tomatoes do not belong to hybrid crops, therefore they do not have varieties of the same name belonging to the F1 category. Tomatoes with the similar name Zephyr are a completely different variety.

Description of the bush

Based on the characteristics of the tomato variety Zephyr in chocolate, the bushes are not limited in growth, because they are indeterminate. In protected soil conditions, the height of the plant is within 1.2-1.5 m. In garden beds, bushes grow up to 100-120 cm.

The leaves are large, oval in shape. Their color is dark green and they have slight pubescence. Inflorescences of a simple type. The main stem is powerful and resistant to strong winds.

Description of fruits

According to the description, the shape of the fruit is round. The skin color is unusual for tomato crops. It is brown-red with green spots near the stalk. The average fruit weight is 150 g. The pulp is juicy, not watery. Taste qualities deserve special attention. There is no acid in tomatoes, which is inherent in most varieties.


The variety has high productivity. If all the conditions of agricultural technology in the greenhouse are met, then 6-7 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one bush.

With insufficient care, the indicators drop to 4 kg. Correct agrotechnical measures carried out for the plant in open ground provide a yield of 3 kg per bush.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Tomatoes are used fresh. They ideally complement fresh salads or are used to create vegetable slices.

Due to their small size, tomatoes are used for canning in their entirety. The absence of acid allows you to prepare delicious sauces and tomato paste from the fruits of this variety.

Resistance to diseases and pests

With good care, tomatoes rarely get sick.

This tomato variety has high disease resistance.


Fruit rot (moniliosis), fungal infectious diseases that exclusively infect fruit crops (apple tree, pear tree, etc.)

Among the diseases that are not terrible for this crop are powdery mildew, fruit rot and late blight.

Parasites to which the Chocolate Marshmallow variety is not susceptible include the codling moth and mole cricket. The variety's resistance to diseases and pests is noted if the gardener adheres to all the rules of agricultural technology.

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