Variety with honey taste - tomato Melon F1 (Melon honey premium): description of tomatoes

Tomato Melon F1 is a delicious hybrid with extraordinary fruits. Tomatoes have a honey-like taste, like melon. They resemble it both in shape and in the beautiful orange color of the flesh.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningOrangeLargeHybridHeart-shaped

Requirements for the quality of tomatoes

In the climatic conditions of the middle zone with sudden changes in weather and temperature fluctuations, everyone who grows vegetables on their own has to make this choice.
After all, only the hardiest, most reliable and fastest-ripening hybrids can produce a guaranteed harvest. They are also the most environmentally friendly, because you can protect your crop from late blight without chemicals only if you grow early-ripening varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. At the same time, tomatoes should be beautiful in appearance and pleasant in taste. All these qualities are combined by hybrids bred by breeders who took into account many different factors - climate characteristics, soil characteristics, disease resistance of tomatoes, and, first of all, productivity.

Planting seedlings in the ground

As soon as the plants get stronger and the soil warms up well, you can plant the seedlings in the garden. According to calendar dates, this falls at the end of May.

Note! Tomatoes prefer to grow in a sunny area. Therefore, you should be very careful when choosing a bed.

Before planting, the site must be prepared. To do this, you need to dig up the soil and apply fertilizer. Next, you should make holes and plant the seedlings.

In order for the harvest to soon delight you with its abundance, the plants must be properly cared for. The main care activities are as follows: watering, weeding, loosening the soil, fertilizing, tying up bushes.

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Ruddy man F1

This is the tomato you've been looking for! Sweet, tasty and most importantly - its yield has been tested in the harshest conditions and is therefore guaranteed! This ultra-modern hybrid of a new class is intended for cultivation in open ground and under film covers in all regions of Russia.

It is early ripening - no more than 90-95 days pass from germination to the beginning of ripening, determinate (height - 75-85 cm). The fruits are a delightful crimson color, round in shape, large (150-250 g). They are incredibly tasty thanks to their fleshy and juicy sweet-sugar pulp.

They can be used for all types of processing. In addition, the hybrid Ruddy Man F1 is resistant to major tomato diseases.

A trouble-free early-ripening determinate hybrid with a height of 135-145 cm. From germination to the beginning of ripening - 92-95 days. The fruits are round, dense, weighing 200-220 g, amber golden-orange in color. Productivity – up to 18-19 kg/sq.m. Indeed, the fruits are worth their weight in gold! Their sweet and tender pulp contains large quantities of vitamins C, E, group B, as well as powerful antioxidants - valuable lycopene and myocin.

Since there are very few organic acids in the pulp, even in processed form these tomatoes will not be sour, will not cause heartburn and will not cause allergies, like their red “brothers”. Thanks to their thick skin, which almost never cracks, tomatoes are easy to transport.

The hybrid Golden Man F1 is resistant to Alternaria and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV), and due to its early ripening, the fruit crop ripens earlier than late blight develops and begins to spread throughout the plantation.

An exclusive super-new product with an unforgettable taste! Tomatoes like this one are rarely brought into the kitchen - both children and adults enjoy eating them straight from the bush. They are not at all sour and have no calories, so you can eat them without fear of developing stomach problems or gaining excess weight.

Like all the hybrids already listed, Golden Budenovka F1 is early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield is almost “off scale” - up to 25 kg/sq.m. This tomato is grown in all types of greenhouses and open ground with obligatory garter.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, sweet, dark yellow in color, fleshy and so tasty and tender that they simply melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 250-350 g, and some can reach half a kilogram. Grow and enjoy!

The main task of Premium Seeds breeders is to breed unusual, outstanding hybrids. You will not find such an “exclusive” anywhere else! But this is the most difficult thing to do in tomato breeding - there are so many different varieties and hybrids on the market that it’s dizzying. But we are sure that you will definitely like at least one “man” from our eight.


Anastasia, 30 years old:

“I’ve been growing Melon tomatoes for several years in a row, and I’m always happy with the results. The fruits are juicy and soft. Suitable for preparing a variety of dishes. In addition, crop care is minimal. Even in unfavorable conditions you can reap an excellent harvest.”

Ivan, 42 years old:

“I enjoy growing tomatoes in my summer cottage. Over the course of several years, we managed to sort out many varieties. Among the huge variety of tomatoes, our family chose the Melon variety. The tomatoes are large and fleshy. They taste sweet and juicy.”

Olga, 61 years old:

“I really like tomatoes. Unfortunately, they are quite difficult to grow. After getting acquainted with the Melon variety, my opinion changed dramatically. Now the harvest is excellent, and fresh vegetables are always on the table.”

It is no coincidence that summer residents fell in love with the Melon tomato. The fruits have an unusual appearance and amazing taste. In addition, caring for the plants is easy. Even novice gardeners can master the growing technology and be able to boast of a rich harvest.

Indet, up to 1.6 m in a greenhouse. Early. Tomatoes are elongated, beautiful pear-shaped with a small sharp nose, weighing 80-110 grams. All tomatoes are 2-chamber. Thick, super-sweet with fruity notes. An excellent variety for canning.

The bush is slender, can be grown in 2-3 stems. Brushes of simple and intermediate type, up to 15 fruits. Maturation is friendly. Not demanding, productive variety for any growing conditions.

1 bag – 5 seeds.

Surprising with color

It is believed that the color variety of beef tomato fruits is not particularly characteristic: most varieties have red or pink fruits. All the more interesting are plants with unusual colors of large tomatoes.

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Tomatoes 2021 – 2

Messages: 945 Registered: 09.29.2015, 16:04 From: Staraya Kupavna Thanked: 267 times Thanked: 525 times

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Tomatoes 2021 – 2

Message from Yuri Turyansky » 07/30/2018, 02:18

Moderator Messages: 14381 Registered: 01.11.2011, 13:20 Occupation: Enjoying life From: Nizhnevartovsk Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, May 9 Thanked: 5869 times Thanked: 10007 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Kim » 07/30/2018, 06:11

Catch up, bring joy and do good!

Messages: 12718 Registered: 03/19/2010, 16:39 Interests: Various From: Moscow Northern Administrative Okrug Dacha for Istroi Thanked: 5530 times Thanked: 8791 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Kuzinamama » 07/30/2018, 07:32

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Tomatoes 2018

Posted by Zigor » 07/30/2018, 08:56

Messages: 144 Registered: 11/02/2017, 00:32 From: Moscow, dacha SE MO Thanked: 131 times Thanked: 39 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Posted by monada » 07/30/2018, 09:33

Messages: 6414 Registered: 04/01/2012, 23:25 From: MOSCOW Thanked: 2614 times Thanked: 4038 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from LENIK » 07/30/2018, 09:42

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from LENIK » 07/30/2018, 09:48

Messages: 16040 Registered: 04/30/2009, 19:43 From: Moscow Thanked: 7999 times Thanked: 11634 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Anin » 07/30/2018, 10:14

There are no ripened tomatoes in your photos on page 98. Cherry doesn't count. Unfortunately, it is impossible to grow tomatoes without exhaust treatments (and not only here, by the way, even in the south. There, in order to avoid late blight, they plant “fast” varieties with a high yield at once. Because cold dew at night is enough for late blight (rains are not necessary) the mushroom will ripen and then the heat will even help it - spores will fly.

By the way, this is what you write in 2021. I think it's 15.07, if I'm not mistaken

“”In our area, an epiphytoty of Late blight on tomatoes has begun. Yesterday I looked around the streets, everything seemed clean. This evening I discovered a lot of late blight spots on the leaves and, most unpleasantly, on the stems. He promptly resected the trunks and leaves, then treated them with Profit Gold. In five days I will repeat the treatment in the hope of at least saving something. Many have given up their hands and do nothing, realizing that tomatoes have come to grief.”

Moderator Messages: 3708 Registered: 10/20/2013, 11:24 pm From: Ryazan Thanked: 4486 times Thanked: 6200 times

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Roman S. » 07/30/2018, 11:34

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Yuri Turyansky » 07/30/2018, 12:17

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Tomatoes 2018

Message from Anin » 07/30/2018, 12:23

Kuzmich F1

Super new of the year! A true tomato authority! This “gardener” “knows” how to grow a rich harvest in any season. Almost not demanding of care, Kuzmich is generous and responsive to care. Moreover, the fruits set in any weather, both in film greenhouses and in open ground. Prepare to collect these tomatoes for a very long time - there will be a lot of them!

The hybrid is early ripening (88-90 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), 90-95 cm high. Fruits weighing 140-200 g, intense red color, round, fleshy, very tasty, pulp without voids and white veins inside, the skin does not crack.

Kuzmich F1 tomatoes are a masterpiece of taste and yield. In addition to its many advantages, the hybrid is resistant to Alternaria and TMV. Needless to say, with such a ripening period, Kuzmich is not afraid of late blight either!

Growing technology

Tomatoes are grown in seedlings. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the timing of sowing seeds. You can start planting work in March. This will allow the seedlings to be planted in the ground as early as May.

Before planting seeds, they must be prepared. To do this, planting material should be checked for germination and soaked for further germination.

You also need to prepare the planting container and soil. Cups, boxes, and pots can serve as containers. The substrate can be purchased ready-made, or you can mix turf soil, peat, sand.

The landing process will not take much time. To begin with, you should fill the containers with soil, water it, and place the seeds on the surface. The top of the crops should be sprinkled with soil and covered with film.

For seedlings to be strong, they must be properly cared for. Care procedures are as follows:

  1. Watering. It is necessary to water the seedlings carefully. It is important to ensure that there is no stagnation of water.
  2. Temperature conditions. Tomatoes prefer to grow at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  3. Lighting. Seedlings need at least 12 hours of daylight.

Eligible bachelor F1

Not only the name of this hybrid arouses curiosity, but also tomato plantings invariably attract the eye with an abundance of ovaries on heavy clusters! Starting from the 3rd internode, brushes are formed at each node! The fruits weigh 100-130 g, without a green spot at the stalk, rich crimson color, without voids, cylindrical, fleshy, do not crack, very tasty, all as if chosen - handsome.

The winner of the “Best Tomato for Canning and Pickling” competition, this “bachelor” is so good that he probably won’t find a worthy “pair” for a long time.

Early ripening (90-93 days from germination to the beginning of ripening), determinate (height 90-110 cm), with a scattered harvest. Suitable for growing in open ground and film greenhouses, it grows in any weather.

The hybrid Enviable Bachelor F1 is resistant to Alternaria and TMV, and due to the dense skin of the fruit, it is also insensitive to late blight.

Emerald domes F1

This hybrid was named not only because of its endurance and fertility. It is thanks to such varieties and hybrids that the popularly beloved tomato received the proud name from the French - pomme d'amour ("pomme d'amour") - the apple of love, or the cupid apple. The fact is that only the ripe green fruits of this tomato contain the alkaloid solanine in an amount that causes a love mood. But in ripe red and yellow tomatoes there is almost no this substance.

An early-ripening, super-yielding hybrid (from germination to the beginning of technical ripeness - 90-95 days), determinate (height - 70-80 cm), suitable for growing in open ground and under film covers. The fruits are large (120-150 g), at the stage of biological ripeness, light green, round in shape with a spout.

Due to the absence of yellow and red pigments - lycopene and carotenoids - this hybrid practically does not cause allergies, and children and people with a tendency to food allergies can safely eat it.

The following two hybrids are not classified as tomatoes by mistake; their fruits are simply so sweet that they are more reminiscent of fruits than vegetables.

Characteristics of the variety

The variety belongs to the mid-early variety. The bushes are tall, reaching a height of 1.8 m. Maximum results can be obtained by growing a tomato with 2 stems. The fruits are large and have a round-flat shape. The weight of the tomato is approximately 600 grams. The fruits are fleshy and juicy.

Tomato Melon has universal application. The fruits can be eaten fresh or preserved.

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Melon F1 (Melon honey F1)

Super-yielding, super-large-fruited, unique and very tasty tomato with melon flavor! Its taste and consistency, incredible for a tomato, are compared by some to Uzbek melons, others (obviously due to the original color) to the tropical fruit papaya. Still others detect apricot notes in the taste. Everyone who has ever tried this tomato will forever fall in love with its unique taste.

Early ripening (from germination to the beginning of ripening - 95-98 days), indeterminate, the yield of Melon F1 is amazing - up to 25 kg/sq.m! But her bushes need garter. The hybrid is suitable for all types of greenhouses and open ground cultivation.

The fruits are heart-shaped, very beautiful, orange-raspberry in color, sweet, fleshy and incredibly tasty, taste like melon and, just like melon, melt in your mouth. The average fruit weight is 350-500 g, and individual specimens can reach 700 g.

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