Record harvests with the Abundant Maslova tomato - a detailed description of the variety and its characteristics

Abundant Maslova tomatoes have a short growing season, but are capable of producing a record harvest. Because of this, experienced gardeners prefer this variety over others.
HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouseMid-seasonRedsLargeVarietyPlum-shaped or oval

Description and characteristics of the variety

Abundant Maslova can be grown in all regions. The originator is Igor Maslov, the author recommends the cultivar for greenhouses. But in the south, tomato grows well in open ground.

The variety is mid-season - from the moment the seedlings hatch until the first harvest is harvested, 110 days pass. In cold weather conditions, the collection of the first fruits is delayed by 1-2 weeks.

The tomato is indeterminate and grows indefinitely. The bushes are tall, powerful, and bear fruit well. In some cases, the height of the bush reaches 2 m. Without a reliable garter, the plant falls under the weight of the tomatoes and the branches break off.

The fruits are plum-shaped, large, average weight 150 g, bright crimson in color. The first tomatoes are larger - their weight reaches 200 g. The better the agricultural technology, the larger the tomatoes will be. They are meaty, tasty, sweet.

The variety is ideal for summer salads and for sale.


To ideally sow tomato seedlings, it is enough to take into account the weather conditions of your climate zone. Seedlings are planted in the ground when the ground is warm, so as not to destroy the plant. An average of 60 days is counted from the expected landing date. This time is the most favorable for sowing tomatoes and forming strong seedlings. Additional pre-germination may be necessary to maximize germination, which will be effective at room temperature. This takes up to five days.

When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, you need to plan for the first half of May if open ground conditions are not suitable. This means that sowing will take place around the beginning of March. Don't rush into sowing. If you sow a tomato, ignoring the description of “Abundant Maslova” and recommendations for planting, too early, you will have to wait for the ideal weather and temperature to transfer the plant to the ground. During this time, the seedlings may outgrow. It is known that such seedlings quickly weaken, do not stretch upward and develop well, and rarely take root in a new place.

Important! Tall seedlings are often deformed during transplantation; fruits will not form on these seedlings in the future.

Tomato Abundant Maslova: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

When it comes to choosing a tomato variety for the garden, many farmers choose the mid-season “Abundant Maslova” variety, which has a short growing season and the ability to harvest a large and high-quality harvest. The variety is well suited for different regions. The main thing is to follow the planting instructions, taking into account the varietal characteristics. The variety gained great popularity in the post-Soviet space due to its amazing taste, high marketability of the fruits and the ability to use them both for food purposes and for sale.

Description and characteristics of the variety

This mid-season variety can be harvested when at least 110 days have passed since the first sprouting of the seedlings. If the weather conditions were not ideal, it is recommended to wait an additional 10 days. At this point, gardeners will be able to note that the Abundant Maslova tomato variety has tall bushes, each of which can bear fruit well. A bush can produce such an abundance of fruits that without gartering and installing additional supports, it breaks off.

This indeterminate tomato was developed thanks to the efforts of breeder Igor Maslov. The author of the selection of this crop himself recommends growing “Abundant Maslova” in a greenhouse. But gardeners in the southern regions can safely grow the plant in open ground, provided that the weather and soil conditions allow it.

In some cases, the bush can grow up to two meters in height. This can be seen in the photo. A characteristic feature, according to the description of the Obiliye Maslova variety, is the mandatory procedure of pinching. The procedure is carried out if there are two stems.

The characteristics of the “Abundant Maslova” tomatoes indicate that the fruits have a special color by the time they reach biological maturity.

  1. Fruits that resemble large plums will have a bright crimson hue.
  2. On average, the weight of one fruit will be 150 grams. Better results can be achieved by properly treating the plant at several stages of the growing season.
  3. The fruits have a fleshy structure and rich taste. This is an excellent vegetable to eat raw. A good option for canning and a wonderful fruit for sale. In addition, the yield of tomatoes of the Abundant Maslova variety is quite high to think about selling when growing the crop in a small area.

Features of care

  1. The mid-season tomato variety “Abundant Maslova”, according to its characteristics, develops better in moist soil, which has a high level of fertility. Such conditions are ideal for dense planting of the variety. But if the soil is far from ideal, tomatoes are rarely planted.
  2. For the Abundant Maslova variety, the ideal planting pattern is within the range of 45-55 cm by 10 cm.
  3. From the moment of planting in the ground, the variety does not require special care, but the loosening procedure must be given maximum attention. Fluffing helps air pass freely to the root system, which affects the favorable growth and development of the crop. Loosening is most effective after watering or after precipitation.

If growing conditions are characterized by high humidity, according to reviews of the “Abundant Maslova” tomato, the variety needs to be planted twice. This will make the thermal regime of the earth effective and will have a positive effect on the formation of additional roots, which is beneficial for strengthening the crop, its durability and the ability to increase fruiting.

Hilling is carried out on the tenth day after planting the seedlings in the ground. The procedure is repeated 17-19 days after the first hilling. There will be no difficulties in caring for tomatoes of this variety if you plan a balanced watering regime, taking into account humidity and growing conditions (open ground or greenhouse) and periodically feed the tomatoes.

On average, the Maslova variety will need three feedings using high-quality material. Timely stepsoning plays an important role. To eliminate the possibility of insect attacks that threaten Maslov’s fruits, the crop is regularly weeded, removing any weeds.

Tomato Abundant Maslova: characteristics and description of the variety, reviews

The variety of tomatoes Abundant Maslova is one of the breeding inventions of the experimental gardener Igor Maslov from the Moscow region. The result of his work is several excellent high-yielding varieties and the development of a whole methodology for obtaining excellent yields of this crop.

Abundant Maslova is a variety that is recommended for cultivation in greenhouses; residents of the southern regions can successfully cultivate it in open ground.

Main characteristics of the variety

According to the ripening period, the Obiliye Maslova variety is classified as mid-season. From the emergence of seedlings to the moment of harvesting, a period of 110-120 days is required, depending on the region and weather conditions.

According to its vegetation characteristics, the bush is classified as indeterminate and tall. Tomatoes of this type do not stop growing throughout the growing season and reach a height of one and a half to two meters.

The fruits of the Abundant Maslova variety are large cream, sometimes pointed downward in the shape of a heart. The color is raspberry pink. The average weight of one fruit is 150 g.

The record yield achieved using the special technology of the creator of the variety amounted to up to 100 pcs. from one bush or 20 kg of tomatoes.

The sweetish taste, juicy rich pulp, moderately strong skin give the right to use Obiliye Maslova tomatoes for fresh consumption, for marinades and pickles, for preparing a variety of dishes and juice.

Further care

Growing tomatoes using the Maslov method includes the following activities:

  1. Watering. Moisturizing should be moderate. Irrigation or drip irrigation methods are often used. Tomatoes do not like stagnant moisture. The formation of a hard crust on the soil surface is also harmful.
  2. Feeding. They are added as the bushes grow. Tomatoes respond best to superphosphates, liquid mullein and nettle infusion.
  3. Tying. It must be carried out very carefully. It is better to use rubber from bicycle tires. It is cut into thin strips of 3 mm. In greenhouses, the stems are carried along nylon ribbons. It is periodically necessary to clear the bushes of limp and dry leaves.

Maslov's method has helped millions of people obtain impressive tomato yields. This does not require any major expenses. The main thing is to plant correctly and preserve the stepsons. Evaluate the advantages of the method yourself, because personal experience is always better than other people’s reviews.

Pests and diseases

When considering a variety, it is important to take into account the reviews of gardeners. They note the possible development of a black leg in the tomato. This disease is less common in tomatoes when compared with other vegetables, say, cabbage. But the disease is spreading faster. The black leg of the Maslova variety will appear brighter.

Fortunately, you can fight tomato disease by identifying the signs in the first stages of the disease. For this purpose, they use the highest quality preparations that can comprehensively protect tomatoes from late blight and leaf spot. The latter disease is not as scary for “Abundant Malova” as gray rot, which happens to plants that are poorly ventilated.

Tomatoes of the Abundant Maslova variety often become victims of whitefly attacks, which can damage the crop and cause headaches for the gardener. Some people fight the pest with sticky tapes that catch flies. But this method is ineffective, like using chemicals.

They act not only on mature adults, but also on the larvae that the whitefly lays. The insect can carry pathogens that lead to rot. For this reason, gardeners strongly recommend using chemicals to eliminate whiteflies.

Agrotechnical measures according to the Maslov method

Growing seedlings

There is no universal time limit for sowing seeds for seedlings for all regions and climatic zones. Based on the characteristics of your climate, the sowing time is calculated in such a way that 60-65 days remain by the time of transfer to a permanent place. Late sowing prolongs the ripening period of fruits. Too early - leads to the fact that due to the impossibility of planting due to cold weather, the seedlings outgrow, become thinner and become deformed during various procedures with them.

After three true leaves appear, the seedlings are picked and transplanted into a freer space. Experienced farmers recommend diving twice during forcing; tomato seedlings love such actions and form stronger stems. When growing in greenhouses, hardening off seedlings is not necessary if you plan to plant a bed on open ground - the seedlings are taken outside a week before the planned day to get used to them.

Formation of bushes using the Maslov method

To increase the yield of his varieties, Igor Maslov recommends some simple procedures, the purpose of which is to help the bush strengthen a more powerful root system and increase the flow of nutrients to the ovary.

The first point concerns planting seedlings. In the prepared deep holes, the stem of the seedling is placed at an angle so that most of it is covered with earth. The slope should be in a southerly direction so that the growing stem evens out its angle during the growing season.

Important! When planting in a hole, it is necessary to add organic and superphosphate fertilizers.

The second unique action concerns the period of stepsoning. When removing the upper stepsons, the two lower shoots are left, clearing them of leaves. These messengers are taken to the sides, applied to the ground and sprinkled about a third of the length. This results in the formation of a bush with three stems. To carry out this procedure, when planting bushes, you must maintain a distance of at least 70 cm from each other.

When tying the stems, each formed messenger is attached separately. In greenhouse conditions, it is optimal to attach the garters from above; in open ground, high poles are needed.

What does such branching of the bush give?

  • Three stems remain one bush with a very strong root system.
  • After such formation, further pinching is not necessary; the ovary is formed on all shoots.
  • The greenhouse area is used fruitfully.
  • It becomes possible to obtain a high yield with less seed and planting material.
  • With inclined planting, thin, exhausted seedlings are strengthened thanks to additional roots.


Tomato bushes of the Abundant Maslova variety love adding soil around the stem. Hilling is carried out twice. The first is two weeks after planting, the second is about three weeks after the first.

Watering and mulching

Tomatoes of this variety are watered according to the standard scheme - after the top layer has dried, avoiding stagnation of water. A strong root system draws moisture from lower varieties, so the plant needs less watering. Rapid evaporation of moisture prevents mulching around the bushes. Dried grass, wood chips, and large sawdust are used as mulch.

The main maintenance activities are also weeding and loosening the soil. Removing weeds is important to ensure the crop grows freely and to reduce pests that like to nest in weeds. Loosening fills the soil with oxygen and prevents the formation of a continuous crust on the surface of the soil after watering.

Growing tomatoes using the method of I. M. Maslov - general principles and methods

The method is based on a scientist’s simple observation of the natural development of tomatoes. If a person’s hand does not help them (there is no support or garter), the growing bushes simply lie on the ground. And additional roots grow on the lying shoots. They help plants maintain stability and not break off under the weight of numerous ovaries. At the same time, modern hybrids, especially tall ones, often break if there are a lot of fruits or they are large.

The main goal of the technique is to stimulate root formation not only at the stage of planting seedlings. Tomatoes should continue to form new roots during the ripening process, that is, in proportion to it.

There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. Specific (horizontal) planting of seedlings. Grown-up seedlings are planted in the furrows lying down, covering them with earth, including the first pair of leaves, which are previously cut off. And so that the bushes can then “stand up” in a vertical position, they are laid with their roots facing the south.
  2. Special care for tomatoes (rooting of stepchildren). The essence of the approach is to form 3 plants on one stem. To do this, the lower stepsons are turned into independent bushes. They are allowed to stretch out, and then bent in different directions and pinned. Then they are covered with soil so that the stepsons take root. They will then grow into 2 new plants and produce two more crops a couple of weeks after the main stem fruits.

However, many gardeners successfully combine both methods.

A few words about stepsoning

It is absolutely forbidden to carry it out. The lower stepsons are conductors of nutrients. A couple of stems should grow well and gain strength. As soon as the main bush begins to bear fruit, you need to tear off all the leaves on the stepsons. Next, bend the side stems to the ground, carefully secure them with an iron bracket and sprinkle them with soil. There is a risk of overshadowing the already set fruits. To avoid blocking the sun's rays, the stems need to be bent as far as possible.

Strong roots form very quickly. Stepchildren produce additional bushes. The fruits are set and ripen close to the ground. Additionally, the soil must be mulched with fresh grass. This will help retain moisture and protect the fruits from rotting. The first tomatoes will appear a little later than on the taproot.

How to plant seedlings correctly

In the prepared beds you need to make holes 10 cm deep. Fertilize the soil with humus and add superphosphate. It is responsible for stimulating root formation. Planting tomatoes using Maslov's method is not difficult. The stem is placed so that 2/3 of its length is covered with soil. All leaves are removed from this part of the stem. Finished furrows need to be watered thoroughly. Next, seedlings are planted in them (necessarily with roots facing south). The top of the plant is sprinkled with dry soil. The thickness of the layer is 10 cm. A couple of leaves should remain on the surface of the ground. The bushes need to be watered abundantly.

The seedlings can be pre-planted in the usual way in a greenhouse without heating. Now you need to wait until the trunk gets stronger. Then transfer them to open ground and plant as described above.

Seed preparation

The Maslov method is most often used in regions with cold climates. You always need to consider the length of summer. If there are not enough warm days, you need to prepare the seeds in winter. Every summer day is worth its weight in gold, because the fruits must have time to ripen. The general period of ripening of tomatoes according to Maslov’s method takes 75 - 90 days. The countdown is from the date of sowing the seeds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

  1. Certain advantages of the variety include the following qualities:
  2. High yield.
  3. Excellent taste characteristics.
  4. The fruit ovary is formed before the onset of frost.
  5. Resistance to major nightshade diseases.

The disadvantages of the variety include the fact that in order to obtain a good harvest, it is better to grow the variety in a greenhouse and use special technology.

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