An interesting variety with an unforgettable taste - the Burrakersky favorites tomato: description of tomatoes

Burraker's favorites come from America. Thanks to their colorfulness and elegance, they were named after the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Delicious 2-color tomatoes, they combine red and golden color.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonBicolorLargeHybridFlat-round

Characteristics and description of the variety

The bushes are indeterminate, that is, tall and do not stop growing even after flowering. Therefore, professionals advise forming bushes into 2 stems, tying the stems and side shoots to the trellis.

The bushes are not standard; they need to be pinched. The number of leaves on the trunk is average. The first flower cluster appears after the 7th leaf.

Large, fleshy, round fruits grow on the bushes; they are slightly flattened. They have fleshy flesh and thick skin. The fruits are golden yellow in color and covered with red specks and veins. The pulp has a similar shade. Tomatoes are sweet and aromatic. There are few seeds.


This variety is highly resistant to negative factors not only during the growth period, but also during fruit set. Such factors include cold weather, rainy and sunny weather. The tomato is resistant to top rotting of fruits and fusarium. The culture's resistance to other diseases can be called average, which is also not bad.

“Dachnik” has gained popularity due to other positive aspects:

  • fruit ripening occurs early;
  • cultivation does not require the use of complex agricultural technology;
  • the yield period is stable and long;
  • the taste of the fruit is excellent;
  • the crop can be consumed in different forms;
  • bushes do not need to form and remove stepsons.

Reviews from those who planted

Marina, Novosibirsk region

I purchased seeds from Popenko. I sowed them on March 12th. Tomatoes are yellowish-red in color and have few seeds. The taste is very sweet, the fruits are fleshy. Based on taste, I give them a rating of 5. I picked the tomatoes while they were still brown, and they ripened for me.

Natalya, Yaroslavl

The bushes are very tall and powerful. I picked the fruits while they were still green because the bushes were attacked by a cutworm. I think it's a late variety.

Features of growing and caring for the variety

Sowing seeds

Seeds are disinfected by sprinkling for 15 minutes. in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Then they are germinated by placing them in a moistened cloth for several days.

Make a substrate for containers. You can purchase ready-made soil for tomatoes, or you can make it yourself. Mix 4 parts peat soil, 4 parts leaf soil and 1 part sand. You can add 2 tbsp to the prepared soil mixture. spoons of wood ash.

Seeds can be sown in boxes, and then planted or immediately sown in peat pots. Sprinkle the seeds with a 2 cm layer of soil and water the plantings. Cover the boxes with film and put them in a warm place with an air temperature of +23-25 ​​C.

When the first shoots appear, the cover is removed and the boxes are placed in the light.

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The air temperature should be +18 C. And when 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings are dived into pots. After picking, the air temperature in the room should be +21-23 C during the day, and +18-19 C at night. You can additionally illuminate the seedlings with fluorescent lamps. Water the seedlings as soon as the top layer of soil dries. It is impossible not to water the sprouts and also to flood them, otherwise they will get blackleg. You can feed the seedlings with Kemira fertilizer.

Preparing for landing

2 weeks before transplanting, they begin to harden the seedlings. Slightly lower the temperature in the room, by 1-2 C. This is done by opening the window slightly for a while. Afterwards the bushes are placed on the loggia for 10 minutes. per day, gradually increase the time the seedlings stay on the loggia.

Planting seedlings

In the fall, fertilizers are scattered on the ground, then dug up. In the spring, they dig up the soil again with a pitchfork.

Since tomatoes are tall, no more than 3 bushes are planted per 1 m2. Make holes, keeping a distance of 70 cm between them. Place seedlings in the holes. This variety can be planted a little deeper to allow additional roots to grow. After planting, the bushes are watered. They must be tied to a trellis.

If you planted seedlings in an open area, you can cover them with film at first, and then accept them.


Tomatoes, especially tall ones, definitely require watering, weeding, and mulching.

After planting, tomatoes begin to be watered a week later. Water them 2 times a week. When buds form and flower, seedlings are watered abundantly. Be sure to water only with warm and well-settled water, trying to pour it under the root without getting on the flowers.

In the greenhouse the air temperature should be about +23-25 ​​C during the day, and +18 C at night, humidity 55-60%. Too dry air is not suitable for tomatoes, since the flowers will not set, the plants will grow slowly, and high humidity is also harmful to the bushes, otherwise they may get rot. The greenhouse must be constantly ventilated.

Tomatoes are fertilized 4-5 times per season. The first time you can feed it by diluting 1 part mullein in 10 parts water. Instead of mullein, you can chop the grass into a barrel, fill it with water, and leave it for a week. Then dilute with water again and water the tomatoes.

And during flowering and fruit formation, the bushes are fed with phosphorus and potassium. Flowers set more actively if they are sprayed with a solution of boric acid.


! It is imperative to form bushes into 1-2 stems and cut off all the stepsons. In the last month of summer, it is advised to pinch the growing point, then all the ovaries will be able to fill and ripen.


! You can pick tomatoes at technical ripeness, when they are still green or slightly brown. Then the bushes will spend their energy on the growth of other tomatoes.

Tomatoes Burrakersky favorites

  • 25 December 2021 16:44:35

Burraquer favorite tomatoes can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses. The latter option is relevant for the middle zone, and plants can be planted in open ground by residents of the southern regions, where there is a mild climate. We are talking about a mid-season variety, so the first fruits can be collected within 110-120 days after germination.

Burraker's favorites are an indeterminate variety, so the growth of the bushes continues throughout the entire period of the plant's existence. The average height is 1.8-2 meters. In open ground, plants grow up to one meter or slightly higher. In view of these features, the stems must be tied to vertical rigid supports so that they do not break under the weight of the fruit. It is recommended to use an elastic band that does not injure the plants. The bushes also need to be pinched - this is a procedure that involves removing stepsons that do not have any functional purpose. The best result in terms of yield is the formation of bushes into two stems

Pinching and tying are the only points that should be given special attention, besides feeding. But even novice gardeners can easily master these procedures.

Another important point is resistance to diseases characteristic of plants of the nightshade family, in particular late blight, which affects the fruits and makes them unsuitable for further use. This allows you to minimize the amount of spoiled tomatoes.

Continuing to consider the description of the Burrakersky Favorites tomato variety, let us dwell on the characteristics of the fruit:

  • shape – flat-round;
  • color - yellow with marbled red spots and stripes;
  • weight of 1 fruit - from 300 to 600 grams, depending on growing conditions and quality of care, regularity of feeding;
  • purpose - it is recommended to eat fresh, and also use for preparing tomato juice, sauces or gravy;
  • The pulp is very juicy and sweet.

These features are also noted in reviews about Burrakersky favorite tomatoes, so there cannot be the slightest doubt about the given characteristics. Also in the reviews you can find useful information regarding sowing, growing seedlings and adult plants, and tips on increasing crop yields.

Features of sowing seeds and growing seedlings

To achieve good yield indicators, you need not only to carefully read the description of the Burrakersky Favorites tomato variety, but also to study the intricacies of planting and caring for plants.

It is recommended to sow seeds for seedlings 65 days before the expected date of planting in a permanent place of growth. Initially, they are placed in a common container and in moist soil. After two or three large leaves appear on the seedlings, a dive is performed. This is necessary to strengthen the root system, and the procedure involves planting the sprouts in different containers.

After 55 days after the dive, you can plant it at a permanent place of growth. It is recommended to place no more than 3 plants per square meter of soil. In this case, it will be possible to achieve good yield indicators and harvest tomatoes as in the photo of the Burraker’s Favorites tomatoes.

As for watering and fertilizing, there are no special differences from caring for other varieties of tomatoes, so there are no difficulties.

Where to buy tomato seeds Burraker's favorites

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety


  • very large fruits;
  • the tomatoes are very sweet, almost without sourness, juicy, a fruity note is clearly felt in the taste;
  • the variety is immune to tomato diseases;
  • unpretentious to environmental conditions.


The variety is not for the lazy; the bushes require tying up and pinching.

Burraker favorites: why gardeners value them

For those who love large-fruited tomatoes, this variety will be an excellent choice. And this is one of the main advantages of Burraker’s favorites - the fairly large weight of the fruit. Let us also note the other “advantages”:

  • excellent taste of the fruit (sweet, juicy, with a pleasant piquant fruity note);
  • disease resistance;
  • unpretentiousness to weather conditions.

It is difficult to note anything significant among the shortcomings; for the most part, the variety is praised. Some note the frailty of the bush, but most likely this depends on agricultural technology and proper care. There are different data on yield, as some say that the results are excellent, others talk about average indicators.

The main purpose of the variety

Tomatoes are very good fresh; they are eaten and added to salads. They are used to make sauces, ketchups, and purees. The fruits are not placed in marinades, as they are very large and will not fit into the neck of the jar. Most juices are made from red tomatoes, so the juice obtained from these fruits will not be the traditional amber color.

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