A unique find for your greenhouse - Tomato Athena F1: advice from gardeners on planting and care

Tomato Athena is a tall plant for greenhouses with elongated orange fruits. A hybrid of Russian selection, recommended for cultivation in the southern, central and northern regions. Suitable for open ground, film and glazed greenhouses.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonOrangeAverageHybridPlum-shaped or oval

Description of the variety

This variety of tomato was bred by French breeders. The plant is indeterminate and requires artificial formation of bushes, removal of stepsons and installation of support. The inflorescence is complex, the internodes are short, the leaves of the plant are highly dense and protect the fruits from exposure to sunlight and bad weather conditions. The plant reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters.

To prevent growth from going further and the condition of the fruit from deteriorating, the top of the bush should be removed. In a greenhouse, an adult tomato has a compact appearance and good formation of green parts with large tassels. In open ground it is difficult to achieve such a result. The variety belongs to early ripe tomatoes. The harvest can be harvested within 100 days from the moment the seeds are sown.

Ripe Afen tomatoes have a round shape, with a slightly flattened surface below and above. The stalk has ribbing. The color of tomatoes is raspberry-pink. The pulp is divided into a large number of seed chambers with an average number of seeds.

The taste is excellent; when eating a tomato, you can feel a bright tomato taste and sweetness.

The fruits have a hard skin, so they can be transported over long distances without the risk of deformation.

When overripe, the fruits do not crack. The harvested crop can be stored for a long time, without loss of presentation and taste.

Hybrid tomato “Favorit F1”: description of the tomato variety and cultivation features

“Favorit F1” - this hybrid will be of interest to farmers and gardeners who have a greenhouse on their site.

The variety of large-fruited tomatoes is recommended specifically for growing in protected soil conditions.

The “Favorite” tomato variety has a very interesting feature. This hybrid has a very low ability to form additional lateral shoots.

The developers of the variety claim that about 60% of stepsons do not form a shoot. Or the escape is so weak that it can be neglected. Only 40% of stepchildren require removal.

The plant shows the best performance when forming an indeterminate bush with one stem, which must be tied to a support or trellis.

Hybrid with medium fruit ripening. Harvesting from planting seeds for seedlings is separated by a period of 112-118 days.

The bush is covered with a decent number of leaves of gray-green color, medium size, and a slight degree of corrugation. Prompt removal of lower leaves can increase fruit nutrition and also increase overall yield.

The tomato variety “Favorit F1” is a hybrid with high resistance to cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus, fusarium, and tolerates light shading quite well.

Characteristics of fruits and photos

Fruit shapeRound, with a slight degree of ribbing, with a slight depression at the stalk
ColorUnripe green with a dark spot near the stalk, ripe - deep red
Average weight115-125, with good care up to 135-140 grams
ApplicationFor preparing salads, sauces, lecho, processing into juice, and for canning, it is poorly suited due to the thin, weak skin of the fruit
Average yield5.8-6.2 per bush, 19.0-20.0 kilograms when planting no more than 3 plants per square meter of soil
Marketable conditionGood presentation, low safety during transportation

These photos show tomatoes of the “Favorite” variety:

Advantages of a hybrid

  • Large size of hybrid fruits;
  • Simultaneity of fruit ripening in the cluster;
  • Resistance to a complex of diseases;
  • Easily tolerates lack of light.


  • The need for a greenhouse for cultivation;
  • Requirement for tying up the bush;
  • Average safety during transportation.

You may be interested in other varieties of mid-season tomatoes, for example: Nikola, Roma, Black Prince, Sevruga, Grandmother's Secret, Gina, Scarlet Candles, Persimmon, Demidov, La La Fa, Dimensionless and Necessary Size.

Rules of care

According to the recommendations of breeders, as well as feedback received from gardeners, there are no differences in the methods of growing seedlings and subsequent cultivation of the plant. The only difference is the requirement for enhanced feeding of the bushes with mineral fertilizers.

The hybrid has been highly appreciated by gardeners and many of them have been planting Favorit F1 tomatoes for several seasons now, constantly receiving a decent harvest of tomatoes of excellent taste.

Useful video

A brief overview of the characteristics of Favorit tomatoes:

In this video you can see this variety of tomatoes:


Advantages and disadvantages

The Afen variety has both positive and negative qualities. Pros:

  • The bush bears beautiful fruits of raspberry-pink color, which have a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma.
  • The process from planting seedlings in the ground to harvesting takes a short period of time, which allows us to classify this variety as early ripening.
  • The fruits ripen in the form of a vine; the size of the tomatoes on the bunch is almost the same.
  • The fruits are not deformed or cracked.
  • The Afen tomato produces a large amount of harvest, which distinguishes it from other varieties.
  • Tomatoes can be stored fresh for a long time and also transported over long distances.
  • The plant resists diseases and attacks from insect pests.

In addition to the positive aspects, this variety also has negative qualities that make its use difficult:

  • It is recommended to grow tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.
  • It is necessary to ensure a constant ventilated air flow and prevent waterlogging of the soil.
  • The gardener often has to cut off the branches on the bush, since their growth occurs quickly and abundantly.

Tomato varieties: description, characteristics, advantages

Tomatoes appeared on the table a long time ago and immediately took the main place among other vegetables. Their variety is huge: yellow, red, striped, pink, chocolate, round and oval, with and without a spout, small and large.

Tomato is a very healthy vegetable. It contains tyramine, is low in calories, and is very beneficial for the heart, digestive and nervous system, and kidneys.

Variety of varieties

Most gardeners prefer to grow various tomatoes both in greenhouses and in open beds. Some people like red tomatoes, others prefer yellow ones. Some people like large tomatoes, and some like small cherry tomatoes. There are a large number of varieties of this vegetable on the market, and to make a choice, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Large-fruited Kibo

Kibo is a tall and early variety of tomato. It was bred by Japanese breeders. Kibo is intended for growing in greenhouses. Gardeners love it because it bears fruit until frost.

Description of the variety:

  • The plant is tall. Its height reaches 1.8 meters, so it needs to be tied up.
  • Kibo is resistant to drought and temperature changes.
  • Early plant. Fruit ripening occurs eighty days after germination.
  • Kibo is a high-yielding and large-fruited hybrid. From three bushes you can harvest 15 kilograms of crop.
  • This hybrid is resistant to viral diseases.
  • The fruits are large, round, pink in color, resistant to cracking even with intensive watering. The weight of one fruit can reach 350 grams.
  • Tomatoes are suitable for fresh use, as well as for making purees, pastes, juice and ketchup.

Pros and cons of the Kibo hybrid:

  • The plant always produces a high yield. From one bush you can harvest twice as many tomatoes as from several low-growing varieties.
  • It only grows upward, so it saves space in the greenhouse.
  • It bears fruit for a very long time.
  • Kibo has one drawback - it cannot be grown in open beds.

Early ripening Werner f1

Werner f1 is a pink-fruited, early-ripening hybrid. This variety was bred by Dutch specialists for growing it in open areas: in the garden or in the field.

Description of the variety:

  • The plant is low-growing, early ripening. Its height does not exceed seventy centimeters. The fruits begin to ripen 90 days after germination.
  • The bush is small, powerful and sparsely leafy.
  • The fruits are flat-round, large, pink in color. The weight of one fruit reaches 300 grams
  • The productivity of this hybrid is high.
  • The setting of this plant is stable and does not depend on weather conditions.
  • Werner f1 is resistant to fruit cracking.
  • Tomatoes can be sold for making salads, pasta, juice, puree and ketchup.

High-yielding Athena f 1

Athena f 1 is a mid-season, high-yielding tomato hybrid. This variety is of interest to those gardeners who have a greenhouse on their property, as it is intended for cultivation in greenhouses. Athena f 1 was bred by breeders from Russia.

Description of the variety:

  • The plant is tall. Its height can reach more than two meters.
  • The stem is strong, the rhizome is highly developed.
  • Tomato Athena is mid-season. Its fruits ripen 120 days after germination.
  • Resistant to many viral diseases.
  • The harvest is bountiful. Its fruits are round, large, slightly ribbed, and red in color. The weight of one fruit does not exceed 140 grams.
  • The fruits are used fresh and for canning, making tomato paste, sauce, ketchup, and lecho.

Pros and cons of the Athena f 1 variety:


  • Large fruits.
  • Simultaneous ripening of tomatoes.
  • Tolerates lack of light.
  • Low ability to form side shoots.


  • Can only be grown in greenhouses.
  • Bushes need to be tied to special pegs.
  • The fruits do not last long.

Hardy Aligricia f1

Aligricia f 1 is a tall variety of cherry tomato. Gardeners and gardeners love this variety because it can be collected with brushes, and also because it easily tolerates temperature changes.

Description of the variety:

  • The plant is tall and high-yielding. Its height can reach two meters. In this regard, the bushes must be tied to pegs.
  • Aligricia f 1 is an early-ripening and high-yielding tomato. The fruits begin to ripen 110 days after germination.
  • The fruits are round, red, with excellent taste. The weight of one such fruit is no more than twenty grams.
  • The plant is resistant to root rot, spotting, cracking and some types of diseases.
  • Tomatoes can be used fresh and for preservation.

Tomato aphrodisiac - Viagra

Viagra is a very interesting tomato variety. Producers of this variety claim that the tomato prolongs youth due to the leucopene content in it, and it is also an aphrodisiac. Viagra can be grown in open and closed ground.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The plant is tall and mid-season with a powerful root. Its height reaches two meters. And the fruits can be harvested after 110 days.
  • The fruits are round, large, brown in color. The taste is aromatic and sweet.
  • Viagra is stored for a long time and tolerates transportation well.
  • Tomato can be used fresh, as an additive to soup, and also for preservation.

Unpretentious Timofey f1

Timofey is a mid-season, tall and unpretentious hydrid. Suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The plant is tall and mid-season. Its height reaches 1.5 meters. And the fruits ripen in a hundred days.
  • The fruits are round, large, red. One fruit can weigh 700 grams.
  • Due to their large size, the fruits can only be consumed fresh, and they can also be used to make paste, juice, or puree.

Pink treasure

Rose Treasure is a high-yielding variety that is great for children and gourmets.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The plant is medium-sized and early-ripening. Its height does not exceed 1.5 meters. The harvest can be harvested after ninety days.
  • The pink treasure does not react to temperature changes, is resistant to viral diseases, and therefore practically does not get sick.
  • The fruits are large, sweet, pink in color. The weight of one tomato ranges from 600 to 1500 grams.
  • This variety makes excellent juice and puree.

Early ripening Sylvester

Sylvester is an early-ripening and high-yielding hybrid that is excellent for pickling for the winter. Designed for growing in greenhouses.

Characteristics of the variety:

  • The plant is early ripening. Fruit ripening occurs after ninety days.
  • The fruits are small, red and tasty. Their weight does not exceed one hundred grams.
  • The plant is resistant to some viral diseases.
  • Due to their size, they are excellent for preservation.

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The Afen tomato occupies an honorable leading place among other representatives of tomatoes in terms of productivity. On an adult plant, 7-9 clusters are formed, on which fruits develop. Each cluster can contain up to six tomatoes. From 1 square meter of planting, a gardener can harvest up to 9 kilograms of crop.

The weight of one fruit can reach 120-350 g, which allows the variety to take pride of place among medium-fruited varieties. A greater weight of fruit can be achieved if agrotechnical work is carried out correctly.

Basic ideas about the species

Detailed characteristics of the tomato help the summer resident to grow the variety correctly. When deciding on the species to plant, this information will help you decide whether to plant tomatoes or not.


  • Determinate type of bush.
  • Height 40–60 cm.
  • Ripens within 95–100 days.


  • Flat-round shape.
  • Weighing up to 100 g.
  • Pink colour.
  • The density is high.
  • They are stored well and can withstand transportation.
  • The taste is mild, the peel is thin.

Growing seedlings

Afen, like representatives of other varieties of tomatoes, loves warmth, so it should be planted in a greenhouse.

Tomato seeds need soil rich in vitamins and minerals. You can prepare it yourself or purchase a ready-made peat mixture.

To prepare a nutrient medium, turf, river sand or humus is added to the soil taken from the garden. You can use peat tablets or coconut fiber. When purchasing a peat mixture, it is worth considering that it cannot be used in its pure form.

Since the variety is early ripening, the seeds need to be sown in March. As soon as the seedlings have leaves, the plants are placed in separate containers, where their growth continues.

Watering of young seedlings is carried out with warm water at the root. Immediately before planting mature tomatoes, a hardening process is carried out.

Preparing the greenhouse for planting

The process of planting tomatoes begins in the first 10 days of May. The seedlings must have a strong trunk and have at least three leaves.

The soil should be loose and retain moisture well. To do this, perlite or river sand is mixed into it. The best composition of the soil in which tomatoes are planted should contain the following components: turf, rotted manure, compost, baking powder and soil from the site. The process of preparing the landing site is carried out in summer or autumn days.

To strengthen the root system, after planting the plants are not watered for 10 days.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Sylvester F1, their yield

Description of Sylvester F1 tomatoes, the main characteristics of the variety, positive and negative qualities - it is advisable to know all this before planting tomato seeds for seedlings. Since this tomato is recommended for growing in greenhouses and film shelters, the variety can be grown in fairly cold regions of the country.

Description and main characteristics of the hybrid

Tomato Sylvester is one of the best early ripening hybrids, as evidenced by the characteristics and description of the variety. The usual ripening time for the harvest is the second ten days of July.

The bushes of these tomatoes form 3–4 stems. Usually, no more than three stepsons are left under the first inflorescence, which will actively bear fruit. Further pinching is no longer carried out during the season. The shoots are medium in height, the foliage is medium, the foliage is simple, typically tomato, bright green.

The description of the variety also includes characteristics of the ripening crop. The inflorescences are racemose, on each raceme grows from 5 to 8 fruits, tightly attached to the stalk. The small size and weight of the fruit (up to 110 g) allow the early and abundant harvest to be used for preservation.

The fruits are dense, smooth, flat-round without ribbing. The skin is of medium thickness, not prone to cracking. An unripe tomato is initially green, gradually turning yellow, and when fully ripe it turns bright red. Tomatoes have an average shelf life and can easily withstand transportation over fairly long distances. The tomato is highly resistant to late blight and some fungal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Sylvester hybrid

The undoubted advantages of a hybrid:

  • early and friendly ripening of fruits;
  • high productivity;
  • possibility of whole-fruit canning, pickling;
  • the crop tolerates transportation well;
  • tomatoes are not prone to cracking;
  • resistance to late blight.

The tomato does not have a single drawback, therefore it enjoys well-deserved popularity among vegetable growers who grow these tomatoes in greenhouses.

The nuances of growing a hybrid

Hybrid Sylvester seeds are first grown at home for seedlings. In order for the shoots to grow strong and strong, there is no need to sow the seeds too early. The usual sowing time is the second ten days of March. Seedlings planted in February will be weak, too elongated, and therefore more susceptible to various fungal and viral diseases.

Seed germination is about 94%. Picking of seedlings is carried out in the phase of 3–4 permanent leaves. After 1.5 months, the grown seedlings are planted in a greenhouse. During cultivation under indoor conditions, seedlings are usually fed 2–3 times with complex mineral fertilizers.

In the greenhouse, as well as in the room where the seedlings were grown, the temperature is maintained at about 23 °C. The main thing is that condensation does not settle in closed ground, which usually leads to the development of various fungal diseases in plants. To avoid problems, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the greenhouse.


Tomato care

Before flowering, water the bushes every 4-5 days. After the flowers appear, watering is increased.

Afen tomatoes need to be fertilized more often than other varieties. The bush is formed into one stem so that the emerging fruits reach a larger mass.

Top dressing

14 days after emergence, young plants are fertilized with complex fertilizer.

After planting plants in greenhouse conditions, the following substances are used as fertilizers:

  • mullein solution;
  • ash;
  • superphosphate;
  • boric acid;
  • sodium humate.

At the beginning of tomato flowering, seedlings are fertilized with mullein solution. After the ovaries form, the tomatoes are watered with an ash solution. To prepare it, use 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of ash, 2 g of boric acid.



The variety is good, I’m growing it for the second season. Out of ignorance, for the first time I planted it in a darkened corner of the dacha and the tomatoes turned out small, and there was practically no harvest. The bushes were yellowish. I studied all the information and realized that the Pink Angel loves light, and he also lacked potassium. The second summer, all the tomatoes turned out as standard.


It was a hot summer and I decided to water my Pink Angel as much as possible. Topped up. I didn’t spare water; I also watered it from a hose using the “rain” method. Result: all bushes are sick with late blight. The neighbor told me. that they are watered only at the roots and only if the soil is slightly dry. I will know and try again this year to get tomatoes. By the way, this variety brought a lot of harvest from my neighbor. And she also fed him potassium.

Everyone will like the Pink Angel tomato variety. The variety will delight you with a bountiful harvest, will last until late autumn, and in winter it will remind you of the hot summer in frozen and canned form. You just need to follow our recommendations.

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    Tomato Angel Heart M-14 F1 (1 g)
  • ManufacturerMashtakov (Russia)
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    Our qualified specialists will definitely help you.

    Tomato seedlings Angel Heart

    Indeterminate pink-fruited early-ripening hybrid (95-105 days.) The first inflorescence is laid above 6-8 leaves, subsequent ones after 1-2-2.5 leaves (which is rare in indeterminate tomatoes), 5-7 fruits in a cluster. The fruits are round, heart-shaped, dense, smooth, pink without a green spot at the base, weighing 170-250 g.

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    Seeds Planet Seeds:

    Tomato seedlings Angel Heart
    20 years on the market
  • cooperation with world leaders in breeding exclusive varieties and hybrids that allow you to stand out from competitors
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Planting and care

Tomato seeds are usually planted in March, based on the two-month period of forcing seedlings and the approximate time of their transfer to the ground in accordance with the climatic conditions of the region. In addition, for successful seed germination they need to provide:

  • light mode at least 14-15 hours a day;
  • moderate watering;
  • feeding;
  • timely dive.

An important condition for the successful growth of these tomatoes is to accustom them to open areas - 10-15 days before planting in the ground, they must be regularly taken out into the air so that the plants get used to natural conditions.

The seating scheme is 50 by 40 with a distance between rows of 80-90 cm. Thus, per 1 sq. m there are 6-8 bushes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The variety has a number of characteristics that distinguish it favorably from other cultivars. Among them we should mention:

  • fast ripening;
  • ease of cultivation and lack of special care requirements;
  • productivity;
  • long preservation of presentation;
  • ability to maintain freshness for a long time;
  • immunity to diseases and pests.

Numerous experiments in tomato cultivation indicate the absence of typical disadvantages in this variety and the absence of difficulties in its cultivation. Particular attention should only be paid to the temperature of the water for irrigation (it should not be cold) and protection from temperature fluctuations during the day and evening hours.

Tomato Pink Angel: characteristics of the variety, reviews

Unpretentiousness in cultivation, ease of care, rich harvest and a storehouse of vitamins - all about the Pink Angel tomato variety. Now you want to grow tomatoes like these too? Then read below all about its main properties, growing rules and features.

Description of the variety

Distinctive features of this variety include:

  • short ripening time: as a rule, after 95-100 days you can get the first tomatoes;
  • miniature bush: no more than 60 cm in height;
  • slightly laterally flattened shape of tomatoes;
  • fruit weight up to 200 g;
  • color pale red, deep pink;
  • high pulp density;
  • softness of the peel;
  • 5-7 fruits are formed in the brush;
  • inflorescence simple;
  • Tomato-type leaves are bright green.

The main purpose

Due to their sweetish taste, they are ideal for pickling and preparing salads. A freezing option is possible, which will increase the concentration of vitamins and allow you to add tomatoes to food in the winter.


Subject to the conditions and favorable temperature conditions, up to 5 kg can be collected from one bush.


Before planting both in open ground and in a greenhouse, the seeds must be germinated and prepared. This will help to more accurately determine the number of seeds capable of bearing fruit. Start germination 55-60 days before planting in the ground or greenhouse.

To do this you must:

  • place the seeds in a medium-sized glass;
  • then add water and a teaspoon of salt without a lump;
  • and stir well.

Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. After the specified period of time, all those seeds that appeared on the surface are empty and not suitable for use. Remove them carefully. And place those that remain at the bottom of the glass in damp gauze for several days.

After 3 days, the seeds can be planted in the ground. Prepare peat pots and fill them with store-bought soil. You should not pick it from the garden, it may be infected. When planting, do not immerse the seeds too deeply: the ideal depth is 1 cm. The distance between seedlings should be 2-3 cm. Cover the pots with transparent film or a transparent thin packaging bag. Keep under the film until the first leaves appear.

As the sprouts develop, you will need:

  • provide lighting: about 14 hours a day will be enough;
  • water promptly and moderately: the soil should not be excessively wet and should not dry out, tomatoes do not like this;
  • feed with fertilizers after the appearance of the third leaf, for example nitrogen “Agricola No. 3”;
  • harden the green ones: just take them outside for a few hours to adapt to harsher conditions.

As soon as the third or fourth leaf appears, immediately begin picking or planting the stems in different pots. This is necessary to ensure the full development of each of the seedlings.

After 12 days, feed the tomatoes again, for example with nitroammophos. To do this, dissolve half a spoon of fertilizer in five liters of water. For one seedling no more than 100 ml.

After 2 weeks, repeat these steps.


Under favorable weather conditions, tomatoes can begin to be planted as early as April. But experienced gardeners recommend playing it safe and planting seedlings in May (the average daily temperature does not fall below +15 degrees).

The most common and convenient scheme is where:

  • the distance between rows is at least 50 cm;
  • between holes - at least 40 cm;
  • passage between rows - 90 cm.

This will ensure free growth and development of the bushes. Make the process of watering and processing tomatoes easier for yourself.

Variety care

It can be divided into the stage before and after transplantation into the ground.

Before or before planting in the ground, pay close attention to the seedlings.

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