Potato variety Elmundo: description, cultivation techniques and care

Variety distribution

The Elmundo potato variety was developed in the Netherlands.
The originator is Kws Potato. In 2013, the variety was included in the state register for the Central Black Earth Region, the Caucasus and the North-Western region. It is actively grown in the Voronezh, Lipetsk, Ryazan, Moscow, Yaroslavl, and Vladimir regions.

It is also grown in Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. Can grow on all types of soil . Loamy, turf, sandy, leaf soil is suitable. It is important to consider that the soil should be slightly acidic.

At high concentrations, the root system will not be able to actively develop. Tubers may be deformed. Can tolerate drought and sudden temperature changes.

Important! Before planting the tuber, you should throw a small amount of wood ash into the hole. Thanks to this product, the starchiness of the tubers increases.

Agricultural technology for planting potatoes

Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is the key to a high-quality harvest; it is especially important to take into account the nuances of crop rotation of garden crops.

Optimal timing

It is difficult to name the exact dates for planting vegetables due to constantly changing climatic conditions; moreover, they differ for each region:

  • North Caucasus - early April;
  • Central, Central Chernozem, Volga region - early May;
  • Northwestern - mid-May;
  • Southern regions - end of April.

A more accurate method for determining the date is air and soil temperature.

Ideal conditions for potatoes:

  • soil temperature (to a depth of 10 cm) - +6...+8°C;
  • air temperature - during the day +13...+16°С, at night - not lower than +5°С.

It will also be useful for you to learn how to prepare potatoes for planting.

Selecting a location

Any type of soil is suitable for this variety; the requirement is low acidity and friability. In heavy soil, the growth of stolons and roots will be difficult.

The area should be illuminated most of the day, otherwise the tops will stretch in search of light, which will lead to crushing of the tubers. It is advisable to protect the site from wind in the direction of the north and northwest; drafts are a threat to the normal development of the plant.

The planting site should be flat or on a slight slope where moisture does not accumulate. The distance of groundwater from the ground surface is at least 1.5 m.

According to the rules of crop rotation, it is impossible to sow potatoes in one place for more than two years. Depleted land will produce poor quality crops.

  • The best predecessors are:
  • roots;
  • White cabbage;
  • early vegetables;
  • legumes.

Important! Potatoes should not be planted after other nightshades, as they are susceptible to certain diseases.

Soil preparation

The fertile soil is dug up and cleared of plant residues, adding 4 kg/m² of humus. Heavy soil is further loosened by adding 1-2 kg/m² of peat and coarse sand. Acidic soil is limed by adding 150 g of wood ash per m².

Planting scheme

The bed is formed in rows with a distance of 70–80 cm. Up to 35 cm is left between the holes, and the planting depth is no more than 10 cm. When planting the seed, turn it with its eyes up.


Variety nameElmundo
general characteristicsearly ripening table variety, stores well and tolerates transportation
Maturation period70-80 days
Starch content11-14%
Weight of marketable tubers100-130 gr
Number of tubers in a bush10-25
Productivity250-345 c/ha
Consumer qualitiesgood taste, the pulp does not boil over, suitable for soups and frying
Keeping quality97%
Peel coloryellow
Flesh colorlight yellow
Preferred Growing RegionsNorthwestern, Central Black Earth, North Caucasian
Disease resistanceresistant to golden potato nematode and potato cancer, moderately susceptible to late blight
Features of cultivationthe use of wood ash increases the starch content
OriginatorKws Potato (Holland)

The bushes are erect, leafy, tall. They reach a height of more than 70 cm. The leaves are elongated, emerald green. They have a small jagged edge. The corolla of flowers is snow-white-violet. The anthocyanin tint of the buds is very weak.

The Elmundo potato variety has a large number of tubers , which is its distinguishing characteristic. One bush forms from 10 to 25 tubers.

You can compare this indicator with that of other varieties using the table below:

Variety nameNumber of tubers in a bush
Jellyup to 15
Typhoon6-10 pieces
Lily8-15 pieces
Tiras9-12 pieces
Elizabethto 10
Vega8-10 pieces
Romano8-9 pieces
Gypsy6-14 pieces
Kolobok15-18 pieces
cornflowerup to 15

The fruits of the variety are elongated, with rounded edges. They have shallow, miniature eyes. The potato skin is thin and has an amber tint. The pulp is tender, amber-beige. The weight of one tuber is 100-130 g. Starch content varies between 11-14%. The Elmundo potato is very interesting, we have reviewed the description of the variety and the photos are provided below.


Reviews of Elmundo potatoes are positive. Gardeners value this variety for its high productivity, immunity to most nightshade diseases and excellent taste.

Maria, Kislovodsk: “El Mundo is a new potato variety, but already quite popular among us. I planted it for the first time last year and was amazed at the yield. On one bush, about 30 potatoes of approximately the same size with yellow skin and pulp are formed. The taste is excellent. You can fry, bake, boil in their skins, and the potatoes won’t get soggy. Before planting, I cut large tubers lengthwise, not crosswise. This is an important point, allowing you to get two equal halves, and, accordingly, a good harvest, otherwise the strong plants will crush the weak ones.”

Olga, Ulyanovsk: “I like to experiment with potato varieties. Every season I try to plant new ones, in addition to those that have been proven over the years. The choice fell on the Dutch El Mundo. I'm happy with the result and will grow it on an ongoing basis. The crop is very productive and rarely gets sick. The tubers do not spoil for a long time, they are good to cook and tasty.”


Appearance of this wonderful potato:


The Elmundo subspecies has a high yield. After the first shoots, fruit ripening occurs on days 45-46. 245-345 centners of potatoes are harvested from 1 hectare. The maximum yield is 510 centners.

It is recommended to harvest twice. The first digging is carried out on the 45th day after germination, the second – on the 55th day. In cool vegetable stores at temperatures above 3°C, they are stored for 4-6 months. Keeping quality reaches 97%.

Read about how to properly store potatoes, how to do it in winter, what time limits exist and how storage in boxes differs in separate articles on our website. You may also be interested in materials about storing peeled root vegetables in the refrigerator.

Potatoes of this variety are intended for wholesale and retail sale. Sold in markets, shops and hypermarkets. Has excellent product characteristics . Marketability is 80-98%. Can be transported over long distances. Resistant to various mechanical damage.

In the table below you can get acquainted with such indicators as the keeping quality and yield of potatoes of different varieties:

Variety nameProductivityKeeping quality
Bullfinch180-270 c/ha95%
Rosara350-400 c/ha97%
Molly390-450 c/ha82%
Luck420-430 c/ha88-97%
Latonaup to 460 c/ha90% (assuming there is no condensation in the storage)
Kamensky500-55097% (early germination at storage temperatures above +3°C)
Timoup to 380 c/ha96%, but the tubers germinate early

Elmundo potatoes variety description photo reviews

  • Effective remedies for the Colorado potato beetle - drugs:
    1. "Lightning".
    2. "Taboo".

  • "Corado."
  • "Aktara".
  • Morning or evening spraying with a urea solution (100 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water) helps against pests.

    New potatoes are dug up at the end of June . Ripe vegetables are harvested in the first half of July. The tubers are sorted and the rotten ones are discarded. They are stored mainly in cellars. Store potatoes with good ventilation at a temperature of + 3 degrees for 4–6 months.

    By growing the Elmundo potato variety in small areas, a fairly significant amount of tubers is obtained. Vegetables grow well in all types of soil. Early ripeness, resistance to frost, drought, disease, and mechanical damage are the main arguments for commercial cultivation of the variety.


    "Elmundo" is an excellent variety with many positive qualities and high yield. These potatoes have an unsurpassed taste. It can easily be transported and has a table purpose.

    The variety was bred in the Netherlands. Now it is grown in many countries and regions. The popularity is explained by the low demands of the variety on the choice of soil. It can grow in loamy soils, as well as in turf or sandy soils. Only if the acidity of the soil is high, then the potatoes may not grow very well, and their tubers may become deformed.

    The description of the variety says that the plants are tall, erect and leafy bushes, the height of which is most often more than seventy centimeters. The leaves are oblong in shape and have jagged edges. The color of the leaves is light green, similar to emerald. The corollas of the flowers have white and purple shades.

    10-28 fruits are collected from one bush. They have an oblong-round shape. There are very few eyes in potatoes of this variety; they are very small and almost invisible. The tubers have thin skin, the color of which resembles amber. The beige pulp of the fruit has a particularly delicate taste. The weight of tubers can vary from 105 to 135 grams. They are quite large, rotten fruits are rare. Average starchiness is 11-14 percent.

    The Elmundo subspecies is characterized by extremely high productivity. The fruits ripen 45-46 days after the potatoes sprout. The harvest must be harvested twice. The first one is on the 45th day, the second one is on the 55th day. If the storage facility in which the vegetable is stored is cool and the temperature does not exceed 3 degrees, the potatoes can be stored for 4-6 months.

    The variety has 97 percent keeping quality. If you plant 1 hectare, you can collect 245-347 quintals of tubers.

    The variety can be transported over any distance, and can also be sold in stores or markets. Potatoes are maximally resistant to various mechanical damages.

    As already mentioned, the Elmundo variety has a table purpose and excellent taste. It is intended for cooking types A and B, preparing a variety of soups and main courses. The fruits are poorly cooked, so they are not suitable for making purees. But this variety allows you to prepare country-style potatoes, fries, balls, hot sandwiches and other delicious dishes. The fruits can also be used as a filling in pies and casseroles. Potato juice is also made from this variety.

    Before planting potatoes, you should decide on a location. It is necessary to choose a well-lit area where there is no groundwater. Fertilizers should be added to the soil and then watered thoroughly. A standard planting pattern is used: 35x65 cm. Sowing depth is no higher than 10 cm.

    When the growing season begins, you need to monitor the condition of the soil. If the soil is “stony”, the potatoes may not grow well, so it is necessary to constantly loosen the soil. It is also important to get rid of all weeds. When weeds begin to grow around the bushes, they can take away nutrients. Most often they are combated by mulching.

    In general, the culture needs only basic care, as it copes with many diseases on its own. “Elmundo” fights viruses well, has good resistance to cancer, Fusarium wilt of fruits, golden cyst nematode, and Phoma. It is important to pay attention to diseases such as leaf curl, late blight of fruits, striped and wrinkled mosaic. Potatoes are moderately resistant to these viruses. There is only one pest that is truly terrible for this variety - the Colorado potato beetle, which is an insect not exceeding 1 cm in size.

    Most often they begin to harm potatoes during the growing season. Beetles are able to eat leaves, stems and buds. It is also necessary to be wary of their larvae, since if they destroy the tops by 30-40 percent, the potato yield may decrease by 20 percent. 80 percent damage will result in a 50 percent reduction in yield. Pests survive the winter period quite deep in the ground. They get rid of them using folk remedies or chemicals.

    We can conclude that the crop is an excellent option for budget-conscious gardeners who do not want to spend money on special means to get rid of potato cancer or Phoma. It is enough just to protect the potatoes from beetles, and they will produce a good harvest of weighty tubers.

    Most often, you can find positive reviews online from people who either purchased this variety somewhere and tried it, or planted it and saw with their own eyes its high yield. The opinions of potato lovers confirm that the fruits have an amazing rich taste, as stated in the characteristics. Many people get a large number of incredibly tasty and nutritious dishes.

    Gardeners say that this variety is extremely easy to grow. It is resistant to the vagaries of nature and withstands drought. At the same time, there is no need to spend money on remedies for various diseases, since Elmundo copes with them on its own. High resistance to many diseases and viruses allows you not to worry about crop yields. Judging by the reviews, there are always a lot of large tubers on each bush, so the harvest lasts for a long time.

    Many people speak positively about the fact that these potatoes grow well in any soil. Therefore, the owners of the plot do not have to select a specific place for the crop to develop and bear fruit.

    The variety is ideal not only for amateur cultivation. It is also great for industrial purposes. This is evidenced by reviews from people who grow potatoes for sale.

    Most note that this variety stores well; the tubers do not become soft or rot if placed in a cool room. Potatoes can also be safely transported; they easily withstand the road in any conditions.

    Before planting potatoes, their tubers must be carefully selected. Only tubers that are not affected by any diseases and not deformed, weighing 60-80 kg, should be used for planting. After the planting material has been selected, it should be processed accordingly.

    • You need to bring the potatoes into a bright room, the temperature in which does not exceed 20 degrees, and leave them there for one week. In order to provide the necessary humidity, you need to sprinkle the seeds with water daily.
    • It is important to pickle the tubers and treat them with various growth stimulants, which can saturate the seeds with the necessary microelements that increase productivity.
    • You can also dust the potatoes with ash. To do this, when planting, add wood ash to the cells, which will disinfect the tubers. In this case, the yield will be maximum.

    In the video below, watch an overview of the most popular potato varieties.


    Elmundo potatoes are early varieties. The main feature of the variety is that a large number of medium-sized tubers grow under one bush. It can be grown in any type of soil as it adapts well to any conditions.

    The variety was developed in the Netherlands by the originators of Kws Potato. He came to Russia in 2013 and was entered into the State Register. El Mundo potatoes have spread to areas such as:

    • Voronezh;
    • Lipetskaya;
    • Ryazan;
    • Moscow;
    • Yaroslavskaya;
    • Vladimirskaya.

    In addition, these varieties are grown in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The variety is completely unpretentious to growing conditions, so it bears fruit in any soil: it does not matter whether it is loam, turf soil, sandy or leafy soil. The main thing that must be taken into account is acidity. For Elmundo, it is important that the environment in which he grows is slightly acidic.

    Advice. Before planting potatoes in the ground, you need to pour ash into the hole. This way, the new potatoes will be rich in starch.

    El Mundo seed potatoes grow up to 70 centimeters in height. Moreover, its bush is always erect and contains many leaves. The leaves have an oblong shape with small teeth, and are colored light green. The flowers on the bush bloom in a light purple color.

    The variety is distinguished by its fertility. One bush can produce up to 30 well-ripened tubers. All tubers are oval in shape with slight elongation. The eyes on the tubers are barely visible. The skin on root vegetables has an amber tint and a smooth surface to the touch. The pulp is light in color. One tuber weighs about 135 grams. At the same time, the starch content in potatoes is up to 14%.

    Up to 30 tubers grow under the bush

    The yield of the Elmundo variety is very high. Moreover, it can be harvested after 46 days after the first shoots. At the same time, up to 350 centners of selected potatoes can be collected from one hectare. The entire crop is harvested in two stages. The first dig is made after at least 45 days have passed after the plant sprouts, and the second - exactly ten days later.

    For storage, it is necessary to equip a room with an air temperature no higher than +3 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it will lie for up to six months while maintaining excellent product indicators of 97%.

    Elmundo potatoes can be bought or sold wholesale in markets or retail in stores. It has a good presentation. It is also suitable for sale in supermarkets. Elmundo is perfectly transportable over long distances because it has a dense structure that is resistant to mechanical damage.

    Elmundo potatoes, whose characteristics receive excellent marks in cooking, are widely used to prepare a wide variety of dishes.

    In particular, such as:

    • deep fried potatoes;
    • hot sandwiches;
    • country-style potato dish;
    • casserole and potato pies;
    • roast;
    • juice;
    • zrazy.

    But since this type of potato practically does not soften during cooking, it is rarely used for making puree. It is best suited for preparing different types of soups or borscht.

    Before you start planting potatoes, you need to choose the right area for it and carry out preparation. The area allocated for this purpose should be illuminated by the sun from all sides. In this case, groundwater must be at a sufficient distance from future tubers. Therefore, this parameter is also taken into account before planting potatoes in the ground.

    With good care, potatoes give a bountiful harvest

    Then you need to pre-fertilize and water. The holes are made at a distance of 35 centimeters from each other. The distance between rows should be no less than 65 centimeters. The maximum depth of the holes should be no more than 10 centimeters. During the growth period of the plant, it is necessary to ensure that the soil has constant moisture and does not dry out.

    To saturate the soil with oxygen, periodic loosening is carried out, during which weeds are also eliminated, since they take all the nutrients from the bush as they grow. To prevent weeds from growing near the bush, agronomists recommend mulching.

    Advice. To get a good potato harvest, you need to add a mixture of fertilizers to the soil: potassium, phosphorus and green manure.

    Despite the fact that this variety has strong immunity against diseases, there is still a possibility that it can be affected by:

    • Potato cancer;
    • Golden cyst nematode;
    • Alternaria blight;
    • Fomoz;
    • Fusarium.

    At the same time, the El Mundo potato variety is not affected by diseases such as:

    • curling the leaves;
    • late blight of fruits;
    • striped and wrinkled mosaic.

    Most of all, Elmundo seed potatoes are afraid of the invasion of Colorado potato beetles. It is these insects that can cause great harm to the plant. In this case, productivity is significantly lost. The beetle grows no more than 1 centimeter in length, but is very prolific. They begin to eat tops, leaves and flower buds during the growing season. The larvae of the Colorado potato beetle cause the most harm, since during the growth period they are very voracious. From affected bushes, 30% or even 80% fewer tubers are harvested than from a healthy bush. The beetles spend the cold season deep underground, and it is almost impossible to get rid of them. To combat them, you can use baits or spray with preparations containing insecticides.

    Colorado potato beetle and egg laying

    Most often, summer residents use folk remedies to combat the Colorado potato beetle. They are used when there is no desire to use chemicals. In addition, such actions also benefit the potatoes themselves. There are several ways to get rid of larvae.

    First of all, it is dill. It has long been noticed that the Colorado potato beetle does not like the smell of this plant. Therefore, it is recommended to plant it along the perimeter of the area, and also in such a way that one plant grows near two potato bushes. With this product, the crop will be preserved throughout the entire growing period and until harvest.

    With the same success, you can plant plants such as:

    Urea can be used as a bait and repeller for the Colorado potato beetle. But it should be remembered that this product only has the ability to repel pests, but does not destroy them. It is used in the spring, when beetles begin to reproduce, or in the fall, to scare them away from their area and prevent them from hiding in the ground.

    The solution is prepared as follows: a kilogram of potatoes is cut into small slices and poured with diluted urea. The ratio of water and urea is two to one. The mixture is infused for 24 hours. After this, the potatoes are placed in cans and placed in rows on the site. Throughout the day you can see beetles lying with their bellies up.

    Larvae are removed from the area using a solution of urea and water diluted in equal proportions. You need to spray the bushes with it.

    Coca-Cola is an excellent remedy against the Colorado potato beetle

    The most unusual way to control pests is Coca-Cola. Many will be surprised by this, but it is still true. This drink contains orthophosphoric acid, thanks to which many people cleaned pans from carbon deposits or removed rust or scale. It also perfectly fights pests, since phosphorus is added to insecticidal preparations with which potato bushes are sprayed.

    In order for the result to be positive, you must choose a clear and sunny day. Otherwise, in rainy weather, the drink will be washed away by the rain.

    Coca-Cola is diluted in several ways:

    1. A mixture diluted with water in equal proportions;
    2. The ratio of Coca-Cola to water is five to one. In this case, the solution acts faster;
    3. For seven liters of water they take only two liters of Coca-Cola.

    In this case, you cannot use undiluted Coca-Cola. In this case, it will not rid the area of ​​beetles, but, on the contrary, will only attract a large number of insects that love sweets. When treating bushes, you also need to spray the undersides of the leaves, because that is where the larvae are located.

    Elmundo potatoes have many advantages, including:

    • Good yield;
    • Excellent presentation;
    • Can be transported;
    • Well preserved;
    • Has good taste and aroma;
    • Resistant to some diseases.

    The disadvantage is that this potato variety is affected by pests.

    Elmundo potatoes are easy to transport

    If you approach the cultivation of the Elmundo variety correctly, it will be stored in good condition for six months. At the same time, it has excellent taste, making dishes prepared from it tasty and aromatic. Potatoes tolerate both dry weather and rain well, and at the same time resist some diseases. It is grown both in private plots and for industrial purposes.


    Potato varieties of European selection have long been in demand in our latitudes. One of the popular varieties tested and approved for cultivation is the Elmundo potato.

    In 2013, the variety was included in the register of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Variety Commission as approved for cultivation on farms and private farms in the Russian Federation. According to information from the registry, the company that submitted the application is Stet Holland, the Netherlands, the author of the variety is Peter Oldenkamp.

    The company is one of the leading specialists in the production of seed potatoes for Europe, Asia, and America. In Russia, the variety is recommended for cultivation in the Central and Central Black Earth regions, the North Caucasus, the Middle Volga region and the North-West region.

    Elmundo has an attractive presentation. According to reviews, potatoes keep their shape when cooked and are ideal for frying, including deep-frying.

    The shape of the tuber is round-oval, the surface is smooth with small eyes. The peel is thin, but dense, and is not damaged during transportation. The color of the peel is light yellow, the same as the pulp.

    The taste of potatoes is rich, the flesh is moderately watery, does not darken when cut, the starch content is up to 13.6%. Tuber weight 105–135 g.

    As it grows, a straight, medium-sized bush, about 70 cm, is formed. The tops are leafy, the leaves are medium-sized with a serrated edge, light green. During the flowering period, small flowers of a pale purple hue bloom on a straight peduncle.

    Elmundo is popular among farmers for its unpretentiousness in cultivation. The crop is not demanding on soil, is moderately resistant to drought, and the variety is well stored.

    On a five-point scale, the resistance of the variety to major diseases and pests of the crop is assessed as follows:

    • potato cancer, nematode - 5 points;
    • late blight, mosaic, soil pests - 4 points.

    The first harvest of young potatoes can be harvested 45 days after the emergence of full shoots. A bush with a branched root system produces an average of 15–20 potatoes.

    The yield of the variety, depending on soil fertility, ranges from 245–345 c/ha. Yield of commercial products up to 98%.

    • Among the main advantages of the variety are the following:
    • the ability to consistently bear fruit on any type of soil;
    • high productivity;
    • marketable condition;
    • resistance to most diseases and insects;
    • excellent taste;
    • lack of stickiness when cooking;
    • fast ripening period;
    • good preservation of tubers.

    For some consumers, the downside is Elmundo's inability to boil, which makes it unsuitable for pureeing.

    Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology is the key to a high-quality harvest; it is especially important to take into account the nuances of crop rotation of garden crops.

    It is difficult to name the exact dates for planting vegetables due to constantly changing climatic conditions; moreover, they differ for each region:

    • North Caucasus - early April;
    • Central, Central Chernozem, Volga region - early May;
    • Northwestern - mid-May;
    • Southern regions - end of April.

    A more accurate method for determining the date is air and soil temperature.

    Ideal conditions for potatoes:

    • soil temperature (to a depth of 10 cm) - +6...+8°C;
    • air temperature during the day is +13. +16°C, at night - not lower than +5°C.

    Any type of soil is suitable for this variety; the requirement is low acidity and friability. In heavy soil, the growth of stolons and roots will be difficult.

    The area should be illuminated most of the day, otherwise the tops will stretch in search of light, which will lead to crushing of the tubers. It is advisable to protect the site from wind in the direction of the north and northwest; drafts are a threat to the normal development of the plant.

    The planting site should be flat or on a slight slope where moisture does not accumulate. The distance of groundwater from the ground surface is at least 1.5 m.

    According to the rules of crop rotation, it is impossible to sow potatoes in one place for more than two years. Depleted land will produce poor quality crops.

    • The best predecessors are:
    • roots;
    • White cabbage;
    • early vegetables;
    • legumes.

    The fertile soil is dug up and cleared of plant residues, adding 4 kg/m² of humus. Heavy soil is further loosened by adding 1-2 kg/m² of peat and coarse sand. Acidic soil is limed by adding 150 g of wood ash per m².

    The bed is formed in rows with a distance of 70–80 cm. Up to 35 cm is left between the holes, and the planting depth is no more than 10 cm. When planting the seed, turn it with its eyes up.

    Potato bed maintenance procedures include watering, fertilizing, and soil care.

    The first time after planting, watering is not carried out so as not to harm the process of formation of the root system. As soon as the first shoots appear, the soil is moderately moistened. The water must correspond to the air temperature and be settled.

    The best time of day for irrigating crops is considered to be morning or evening, when the sun is not too active and moisture does not evaporate so quickly.

    Watering is important during and after flowering. The need for moisture is checked by the condition of the soil to a depth of 15 cm. Another indicator is the lower leaves of the tops; if they begin to turn yellow, it means the plant does not have enough moisture.

    Potatoes do not like excess fertilizer, so the procedure is carried out only 3 times per season. Application method: root. The first procedure is needed to form strong tops, when the seedlings are already about 10 cm tall.

    Humus is used, adding 1.5 cups to the soil under each bush.

    The second feeding is needed during the formation of flower buds. Use wood ash adding 2 tbsp to the soil. l. under a bush

    The plants are fed the third time after the bushes have flowered, using superphosphate. Here it is more appropriate to use the leaf application method, 100 g/10 l of water. Spraying will have a more effective effect on the growth of tubers and their taste.

    Weeds begin to grow even before the potato sprouts emerge. Parasitic grasses deprive the crop of most of its nutrients, inhibit the root system and create an environment favorable for the development of fungi.

    Weeding is carried out regularly. It is equally important to hill up the bushes to protect the stems from drying out and overheating, and the tubers from becoming saturated with solanine.

    Loosening of the soil is carried out after each watering and precipitation. The crust on the surface of the soil will prevent the penetration of air, so it must be broken.

    If crop rotation is observed and seed material is treated with fungicides, the risk of various types of diseases is minimal.

    In case of disease or pest attack, the following methods are used:

    1. For fungal diseases (powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium, spotting and others), it is effective to spray with the drug "Gamair" 1 tablet / 5 liters of water for irrigation, 2 tablets / 1 liter of water for spraying. The biological agent has a wide spectrum of action and can be used at all stages of plant development.
    2. Spraying 0.5 g/1 liter of water with the drug “Apache” destroys the Colorado potato beetle and its offspring, as well as wireworms and flying pests.
    3. If it is impossible to use a chemical preparation against insects, a folk method is used: infusion of onion peels. Calendula or marigolds are planted between the rows; these flowers repel most pests, including the Colorado potato beetle.

    Most farmers, before harvesting potatoes, mow the above-ground part 10 days before the process. This gives the tubers the opportunity to thicken the skin, which will contribute to longer storage.

    Elmundo is assembled in two approaches:

    • They dig for the first time 45 days after germination;
    • They dig up the second time after 55 days.

    The harvest of the second dig is sent for storage. The room must be ventilated and dry. Storage temperature is not higher than +3°C; in such conditions the variety can be stored for about 6 months.

    Experienced farmers highly appreciate the technical characteristics of the variety: in the conditions of the Black Earth Region, up to 500 c/ha of selected tubers were collected. In addition, the variety is practically not susceptible to insect attacks and diseases, and its taste attracts most consumers.


    “Elmundo” is the result of European selection, combining the best qualities of potatoes: productivity, unpretentiousness, excellent taste and the classic appearance of root crops. Thanks to adaptation to different conditions, the variety has become widespread far beyond the borders of its historical homeland, including in the CIS countries.

    Selecting potato varieties:

    "Elmundo" was developed in Holland. Its originator is . In 2013, the variety was included in the state register, and since then it has been actively cultivated throughout the Russian Federation. Most popular in regions :

    • Central Black Earth Region;
    • Caucasus;
    • North-West region.

    The variety belongs to the table type with an early ripening period. Root crops fully ripen within 70-80 days from the moment of planting, and young potatoes are dug after only 50-60 days. Productivity is medium-high.
    On most soils it is 250-350 centners per hectare, but on fertile land with proper care you can collect up to 500 centners. Plants of this variety grow tall and powerful. The average height of the bushes is 70 cm. The stem is erect, densely leafy. The leaves are oblong, dark green, with a jagged edge. The corollas are light purple. A characteristic feature of “Elmundo” is its developed root system, forming from 10 to 25 tubers under each bush.

    The roots are oval, smooth, not lumpy, beige in color. The average weight of one copy is about 120 grams. Other characteristics of root vegetables :

    • Thin and durable peel;
    • Superficial ocelli;
    • The pulp is beige, with a yellow tint;
    • The starch content is small - 11-14%.

    Valuable qualities of this variety:

    • The ripening speed is about 2.5 months;
    • Stable yield;
    • Universal purpose;
    • Immunity to most specialized diseases;
    • The average marketability is 89%, which makes it possible to grow these potatoes for sale;
    • Thanks to its strong skin, it is suitable for transportation over any distance, and when harvesting it allows the use of specialized machines;
    • Has excellent taste characteristics.

    Characteristic properties of the Elmundo variety:

    • Grows in any soil: loamy, soddy-podzolic, in the floodplain. The maximum yield is obtained on light and nutritious soil: fertilized sandstone, sandy loam;
    • Ideally, soil acidity should be 6.0-7.0;
    • Tolerates drought and frost with minimal damage.

    The table below presents data on the yield of other potato varieties:

    NikulinskyLate ripeningFrom 170 to 300 centners per hectare.
    CardinalLate ripeningFrom 200 to 350 centners of potatoes are harvested from 1 hectare.
    RoccoLate ripeningFrom 350 to 400 centners per hectare.
    KiwiLate ripeningFrom 1 kg of planting tubers it reaches 20 kg.
    PicassoLate ripeningFrom 1 hectare about 20 tons.
    BorovichokEarly ripening200-250 centners per 1 hectare of land.
    ElmundoEarly ripening250-350 centners per hectare.
    FeloxEarly ripening250 centners per hectare.
    BellarosaEarly ripeningThe harvest from one bush is 8-10 tubers.
    NatashaEarly ripeningFrom 130 to 190 centners per hectare.
    Forty daysExtra earlyUp to 300 centners of potatoes are harvested from one hectare of soil.
    KaratopExtra earlyFrom 18.5 to 27 tons per hectare (Middle Volga region), from 20 to 43.5 tons per hectare (Northwestern region). The maximum yield is 50 tons per hectare.
    RivieraExtra earlyAfter the first digging on the 45th day after the emergence of potato shoots, it ranges from 134 to 225 centners per hectare. The maximum yield by the end of the growing season reaches 450 centners per hectare.
    Zhukovsky earlyExtra earlyThe harvest from one bush is up to 15 tubers.
    MinervaExtra earlyFertile soils allow you to harvest the first harvest of up to 230 centners per hectare. By the end of the growing season (45-50 days), the maximum yield is achieved - up to 430 centners per hectare.
    CraneMid-late640 centners per hectare.
    SorcererMid-lateProductivity varies from 27 to 35 tons per hectare.
    MozartMid-lateThe average yield is approximately 430 c/ha.
    GrenadaMid-lateFrom one hectare you can harvest up to 60 tons of potatoes.
    RamonaMid-lateThe yield is consistently average from 10 to 15 tons per hectare.
    YankaMid-earlyThe average yield ranges from 195 to 315 centners per hectare.
    GiantMid-earlyThe average harvest ranges from 290 to 424 centners per hectare.
    TuscanyMid-earlyProductivity varies from 210 to 400 centners per hectare.
    Purple HazeMid-earlyProductivity varies from 182 to 309 centners per hectare.
    SantanaMid-earlyThe average yield varies from 164 to 384 centners per hectare.

    Planting is preceded by pre-sowing preparation:

    1. Site selection. For planting “Elmundo”, a well-lit and ventilated area located on a hill, without groundwater, is better suited. The best predecessors for potatoes are cabbage, carrots, legumes, and beets. It should not be planted on tomato soil.
    2. Site preparation. In the fall, mullein is introduced for deep plowing at the rate of 5-7 kg per 1 sq.m. Before winter, it is advisable to sow green manure: rye, oats, buckwheat. They not only protect the soil from freezing, but also turn into additional fertilizers in early spring.
    3. When planting on virgin soil, it is necessary to treat the soil in advance with herbicides “Arsenal”, “Zenkor”, “Lazurit”;
    4. Seed preparation. Carried out in stages : Sorting. In the spring, you should inspect the storage facility and check the condition of the planting material. Tubers with traces of spoilage, rot, bites, damage, uneven color, uneven - are subject to rejection. Only large and healthy potatoes remain for planting;
    5. Germination. 25-30 days before planting, the container with seed potatoes is taken out into a lighted room with a temperature of about 10*C. Under these conditions, within a month the tubers will produce shoots of optimal length - 2-3 cm;
    6. Immediately before planting, potatoes are soaked in growth stimulants: “Baktofit”, “Tabu”. As an economical alternative, you can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Disinfection protects tubers at an early stage of the growing season and accelerates ripening by several days;
    7. Watering after planting is strictly prohibited! The first irrigation is carried out only after the emergence of seedlings.

    The recommended planting pattern is as follows:

    • The interval between bushes is 35 cm;
    • Row spacing – 65 cm;
    • Planting depth – 10 cm.

    In the middle zone, planting is carried out in the first ten days of May, when the earth is already warmed up to 10*C, and the average daily air temperature is 15*C. In the southern regions, this period begins 2 weeks faster.

    Caring for Elmundo is quite simple. You need to adhere to basic agricultural techniques:

    • Periodic deep watering. In cool weather, water once a week, during drought - once every 3 days. The most important thing is to prevent the formation of a dry crust that disrupts air exchange in the soil. Therefore, after watering, you should loosen the soil, and at the same time carefully pull out the weeds;
    • Hilling. This is especially true for the central and northern regions. The first hilling is carried out when the shoots grow to 10-15 cm, the second - during budding;
    • Root feeding every 3 weeks. The best option is to alternately add diluted poultry manure (containing potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen necessary for potatoes) and superphosphate. The latter is recommended to be applied during the flowering period to enhance the formation of root crops.

    The most productive varieties:

    "Elmundo" has strong immunity to diseases:

    • Golden nematode;
    • Malignant tumors;
    • Alternaria blight;
    • Mosaic;
    • Fusarium.

    Potatoes are moderately susceptible to late blight.

    To combat the Colorado potato beetle, surface-acting insecticides are used.

    Young potatoes are dug in the last ten days of June, fully mature ones - in the first half of July. The shelf life in a cellar at a temperature not exceeding 3*C is 4-6 months.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with potato varieties that have different ripening periods:

    Gardeners speak of “Elmundo” as one of the most successful varieties. It is praised for its disease resistance, high yield and taste. However, potatoes are difficult to dig up - the tubers lie at a great distance from each other.


    Purpose of tubers

    The variety has a table purpose. It has excellent taste. Designed for type A and B cooking. It boils very weakly. Not suitable for making purees. Designed for preparing various soups and main courses. From potatoes of this subspecies you can make boulanger, country-style potatoes, French fries, potato balls, and hot sandwiches. The fruits are recommended for use as a filling for pies and casseroles. Also intended for making potato juice.


    Before boarding, you must select a location. The area should be well lit, without groundwater. Fertilizers are added to the soil, then thoroughly watered. The recommended planting pattern is standard: 35x65 cm.

    Read about how and when to apply fertilizers and how to do it correctly when planting in separate articles on the site.

    The sowing depth should not exceed 10 cm. During the growing season, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. It is important that the soil is not rocky. The soil is loosened periodically.

    It is also necessary to remove all weeds. Weeds growing around Elmundo bushes can take away all the nutrients. You can use an agrotechnical method such as mulching.

    Important! The subspecies responds well to fertilizing. In most cases, the variety is fertilized with potash or phosphate fertilizers.

    In addition to fertilizers, other preparations and chemicals are often used when growing potatoes. We bring to your attention useful articles about the benefits and harms of fungicides and herbicides.

    We have also prepared a series of useful materials about different agrotechnical methods of growing potatoes. Read all about Dutch technologies, about growing root crops in bags, barrels and under straw.

    Features of planting care

    Potato bed maintenance procedures include watering, fertilizing, and soil care.


    The first time after planting, watering is not carried out so as not to harm the process of formation of the root system. As soon as the first shoots appear, the soil is moderately moistened. The water must correspond to the air temperature and be settled.

    The best time of day for irrigating crops is considered to be morning or evening, when the sun is not too active and moisture does not evaporate so quickly.

    Important! Watering is carried out in the soil; moisture should not fall on the foliage. Late blight develops on wet tops.

    Watering is important during and after flowering. The need for moisture is checked by the condition of the soil to a depth of 15 cm. Another indicator is the lower leaves of the tops; if they begin to turn yellow, it means the plant does not have enough moisture.


    Potatoes do not like excess fertilizer, so the procedure is carried out only 3 times per season. Application method: root. The first procedure is needed to form strong tops, when the seedlings are already about 10 cm tall.

    It will also be useful for you to learn about the specifics of applying fertilizers when planting potatoes.

    Humus is used, adding 1.5 cups to the soil under each bush.

    The second feeding is needed during the formation of flower buds. Use wood ash adding 2 tbsp to the soil. l. under a bush

    The plants are fed the third time after the bushes have flowered, using superphosphate. Here it is more appropriate to use the leaf application method, 100 g/10 l of water. Spraying will have a more effective effect on the growth of tubers and their taste.

    Weeding and loosening the soil

    Weeds begin to grow even before the potato sprouts emerge. Parasitic grasses deprive the crop of most of its nutrients, inhibit the root system and create an environment favorable for the development of fungi.

    Weeding is carried out regularly. It is equally important to hill up the bushes to protect the stems from drying out and overheating, and the tubers from becoming saturated with solanine.

    Loosening of the soil is carried out after each watering and precipitation. The crust on the surface of the soil will prevent the penetration of air, so it must be broken.

    Pest and disease control

    If crop rotation is observed and seed material is treated with fungicides, the risk of various types of diseases is minimal.

    In case of disease or pest attack, the following methods are used:

    1. For fungal diseases (powdery mildew, late blight, fusarium, spotting and others), it is effective to spray with the drug "Gamair" 1 tablet / 5 liters of water for irrigation, 2 tablets / 1 liter of water for spraying. The biological agent has a wide spectrum of action and can be used at all stages of plant development.
    2. Spraying 0.5 g/1 liter of water with the drug “Apache” destroys the Colorado potato beetle and its offspring, as well as wireworms and flying pests.
    3. If it is impossible to use a chemical preparation against insects, a folk method is used: infusion of onion peels. Calendula or marigolds are planted between the rows; these flowers repel most pests, including the Colorado potato beetle.

    Did you know? A Canadian champion in eating fried potatoes has entered the Guinness Book of Records with an unusual achievement. Pat Bertoletti managed to eat 6 kg of product in 10 minutes.

    Diseases and pests

    "Elmundo" has excellent resistance to viruses and various diseases. Highly resistant to canker, golden cyst nematode, Alternaria, Phoma and Fusarium wilt. Moderately resistant to leaf curl, fruit blight, striped and wrinkled mosaic.

    Among the pests, the variety is affected by Colorado potato beetles. The insects do not exceed 1 cm in length. They begin their activity during the growing season. They can eat buds, leaves, and stems. Their larvae are no less harmful.

    Destruction of tops by 30-40% leads to a significant reduction in yield by 20-30%. 80% damage results in a 50% reduction in yield. Insects survive the winter deep in the ground. You can get rid of the pest using folk remedies or chemicals, using insecticide spraying.

    The Elmundo potato was developed in the Netherlands. Has excellent resistance to various diseases. Requires systematic care.

    Responds well to feeding. Can tolerate drought and sudden temperature changes. Designed for home cooking.

    Useful video

    For lovers of gardening and growing their own vegetables, we suggest you watch a useful video: how to grow potatoes under straw or hay, which may interest you when growing Elmundo potatoes and other types of potatoes.

    In the table below you will find links to materials about potatoes with different ripening periods:

    Mid-season Mid-early Mid-late
    Santana Tiras Melody
    Desiree Elizabeth Lorch
    Openwork Vega Margarita
    Purple Haze Romano Son
    YankaLugovskoy Lasunok
    Tuscany Tuleevsky Aurora
    Giant Manifesto Zhuravinka

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