Tomato Stone Flower: characteristics of the variety (photo)


Hybrid Stone Flower is a dwarf form. Its height is only 35 - 40 cm. This allows the plant to be widely used even in indoor cultivation; a small and neat bush will become a real decoration for any balcony or loggia. Even on a windowsill in a flower pot, a baby tomato will feel comfortable. The shoot-forming ability of the crop is moderate, there are also few leaves, but due to their compactness the bushes look very lush. The leaf blade looks healthy, elastic, small in size, slightly corrugated, rich green in color, of the usual type. The inflorescence of the variety is simple or semi-complex; as a rule, it is the semi-complex raceme that completes the growth of the central stem. In simple infructescences, almost all ovaries develop; in semi-complex ones, without additional pollination, 2 - 4 flowers may fall off the raceme. Tomato fruit clusters are compact, dense, and well filled. The first appears above the 7th sheet. Depending on the place of cultivation, inflorescences are formed in larger or smaller quantities. So, in open ground or protected, from 6 to 8 shoots develop on a bush (and with good care and warm weather, up to 20 shoots), on which, depending on the type of brush, 8 - 11 fruits or 18 - 25 will be formed. At home, the plant will show more modest capabilities - 2 - 3, sometimes 4 stems, on which a total of 6 - 10 inflorescences will develop. Each brush of the Stone Flower will have from 6 to 8 ovaries.

Various conditions also influence the formation of fruits. In the comfort of home, tomatoes are more even and have a perfectly round shape. Street fruits are slightly compressed on both sides. Unripe tomatoes are light green, there is no dark spot near the stalk. When fully ripe, the tomato takes on a rich, thick red color. The pulp of the tiny vegetable is very fleshy, juicy, yet dense and aromatic. There are 2 seed chambers, very few seeds. The taste of the variety is excellent. The taste is sweet, without sourness. The weight of homemade cherry tomatoes is about 10 grams; the size of street tomatoes is noticeably larger, and they weigh more than 12 grams.

Tomato Stone Flower F1: reviews from those who grew the hybrid

Olga, 44 years old, Moscow region I have been growing this dwarf tomato variety for several years in my greenhouse. I liked the taste of ripe small Stone Flower cherry tomatoes. Caring for these tomato bushes is standard; I plant up to 6-8 bushes in one square, water and feed according to the scheme. As a result, I collect at least 10 kg of tasty fruits from each square.

Tatyana, 50 years old, Chelyabinsk region We don’t have a dacha, but we always wanted to get our own vegetables. Together with my daughter, we have been growing the Stone Flower F1 tomato on our windowsill for the second year. I plant, fertilize, and my daughter does the watering. In early spring, we place a lamp on the windowsill to provide additional light to the bushes of this tomato. The yields of this tomato are not too large, perhaps because we grow it at home and not in the garden. But there is enough for our family to eat, and the eye is very happy when you see such beauty on your window.

Elena, 39 years old, Orenburg region Every year I occupy at least a bed in my greenhouse with a new variety of tomatoes. Last year I planted the Stone Flower F1 tomato. The hybrid turned out to be small and compact in size, unpretentious and quite productive. The only drawback is that you have to purchase seed material from specialized stores every season.

Tomato Stone Flower F1 is a fairly new, progressive hybrid that has many positive qualities
And you can grow it not only in the garden or in the greenhouse, but even on the windowsill in the room. The hybrid Stone Flower has a good yield, does not require special care, and even children can care for these plants at home. In open ground, the Stone Flower tomato can be used for decorative purposes, as a border.


  • Hybrid Stone Flower is an early ripening crop. From the moment of the appearance of full shoots to the start of fruiting, only 80 - 85 days pass. At home and with proper agricultural technology, even earlier - 70 - 75 days;
  • The productivity of the dwarf plant is very high. Dense planting will provide an almost 10-kilogram harvest. At home, of course, the yield is somewhat lower, but the whole family will be able to enjoy delicious tomatoes to their heart’s content;
  • the yield of the harvest is very friendly, the fruits ripen quickly, so in 2, maximum 3 harvests you can harvest the entire harvest;
  • ripe tomatoes can hold tightly in the hands for almost 3 weeks without falling off;
  • strong, but not thick, glossy skin prevents cracking;
  • The immunity of the variety is very strong. It is for its ability to resist diseases that the baby received its name. The culture is resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, verticillium, root and basal rot. Thanks to early ripening and friendly yield, late blight does not have time to infect the bushes;
  • the transportability and shelf life of the Stone Flower fruits are good;
  • method of use is universal. Children and adults enjoy eating sweet tomatoes straight from the bush. Tomatoes are used in salads, to decorate cold dishes and vegetable smoothies. The thick skin can withstand heat treatment, so tomatoes can also be used for whole-fruit canning.

Agricultural technology

It should be noted right away that direct sowing of seeds is not profitable; for a good result, you first need to grow seedlings. Calculate the timing yourself, taking into account climatic conditions and the ability to grow the hybrid in an extended rotation. The recommended planting density is high - 6 - 7 seedlings per 1 square meter. On a balcony or in a room, the variety grows well and bears fruit with sufficient lighting; with additional lighting, you can get a harvest even in winter. When growing at home, the variety will not require much space; a 5-liter container and universal soil will do. By the way, do not forget to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, 3 - 4 centimeters. The stocky bush of the Stone Flower does not need to be tied up, but if a lot of fruits are set, that’s all It’s better to put a support. The tomato forms itself, so it does not need pinching. The house plant has a peculiarity. By the end of the fruiting period, up to 5 - 7 stepsons may appear in the lower part of the bush from leaf scars. You can get an additional harvest from the strongest ones by cutting off the top part of the bush above them. By the way, the decorative appearance of the plant will quickly be restored; the overgrown stepsons will quickly hide the cut.

Care is no different from standard. In indoor conditions, the species is cared for as for balcony cherry varieties, outdoors - as for determinate varieties. You can find out more about how to grow tomatoes on a windowsill in one of our articles.

The hybrid Stone Flower is a new word in breeding, because the qualities inherent in it, our hero is much superior to previously known varieties. The plant can be grown in any conditions, the yield is very good, and everyone likes the taste. Children especially like the tiny fruits. The species is very unpretentious in care, so children can safely be entrusted with watering a tiny tomato growing on the windowsill. What a pleasure it is to watch him grow! In open ground, the variety can be planted not only in a garden bed; strong bushes can be used as a living decorative border. But the seeds will have to be purchased annually, since the second generation hybrids will not please with such excellent quality.


Plant productivity depends on proper care

Without watering, fertilizing, forming bushes and removing weeds, you will not be able to harvest at the end of the season. In greenhouse conditions, water the beds every week, using 5 liters of water for each bush. In open ground, the frequency of watering depends on weather conditions. On hot days, water 2 times a week, on cool days - 1 time every 7-10 days. Water consumption is at least 5-7 liters per bush.

After irrigation, weeds are removed, which provoke the development of bacteria leading to diseases and pests. Loosening is carried out 2 times a week to avoid the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil, otherwise it will not allow air to penetrate into the root system, and the crop will die.


Tomatoes will not die from crusting on the surface of the soil, but they will feel depressed.

Based on the characteristics of the agricultural technology of the Stone Flower variety, fertilizers must be applied according to a certain scheme:

  • 2 weeks after transplantation, water each bush with a solution of saltpeter (300 g per 10 liters of water);
  • at the end of June, during flowering, fertilize with potassium fertilizer (50 g of potassium sulfate per 5 l);
  • in August, a week before harvesting, irrigate the tomatoes with a superphosphate solution (100 g per 5 l). This volume is enough for 2 plants.

According to the characteristics, the formation of a bush with 2 stems helps to increase the productivity of the variety. In June, you need to remove all shoots located below the 3rd pair of leaves. They cut off the stepsons that thicken it.

High-quality care for tomatoes should include the fight against diseases and pests. To protect plants from powdery mildew, use “Topaz” (20 g per 5 liters of liquid). “Oxychom” (70 g per 10 liters of water) is effective against late blight.

“Regent” (4 g per 6 l) can scare away the codling moth. Destroy the wireworm - bazudin. To save bushes from slugs and snails, use ammonia (10 ml per 10 l). Use “Karate” (3 ml g per 5 l) against the Colorado potato beetle. Spray the beds at intervals of 14 days.


The plant is of a determinate type, the shape of the bush is standard, the height is about 50 cm (according to other sources, about 70 cm). The foliage is medium, the leaves are small, of the usual type, green, slightly wrinkled. Each fruit cluster ripens 4-5 round or flat-round fruits. The color at the stage of consumer ripeness is bright red. The pulp is fleshy, dense and aromatic. But, according to reviews from vegetable growers who grew this tomato, there are often voids inside in the area of ​​the seed chambers. The taste is ordinary, some describe it as tasteless, the flesh is too hard, dry and crumbly. The weight of the Stone Flower fruit is 150 - 300 grams, but 400 and sometimes 600 gram specimens are often mentioned. The description of the variety says that 16 - 20 tomatoes are harvested from one plant. According to other information, in 2017 the variety was among the 10 most productive, therefore it is recommended for small farmers growing vegetables for sale.


How to sow seeds and care for seedlings:

  • use fertile nutrient soil;
  • pre-moisturize;
  • make grooves at a distance of 4-5 cm;
  • sow 2 cm deep;
  • keep under film until germination;
  • illuminated with phytolamps (16-hour daylight hours);
  • temperature regime 24-25 degrees before germination, then 20-22 degrees.

At the stage of 2-3 leaves, they are picked into pots or cups. Fertilize 2 times, use Agricola solution or nitroammophoska.

Seedling bushes are ready for transplanting upon reaching 52-55 days. Hardening is carried out in advance for 10-12 days.


According to the ripening period, varietal tomato is classified as mid-ripening, and sometimes late-ripening if weather conditions are disappointing. About 110 days pass from the appearance of full shoots to the start of ripening. There is no exact information about the yield of the Stone Flower, but the description states that the variety is very productive. Tomato growers also confirm this characteristic. The plant is very resistant to various fungal and viral diseases. The thick skin protects the tomatoes from cracking. The harvest can be transported over long distances without fear of loss of presentation. In terms of shelf life, we can say that the variety is considered one of the most shelf-stable and is suitable for long-term storage. The method of consuming fruits is universal. In addition to being used in its natural form, tomatoes are suitable for all types of processing.

Agricultural technology

It is advisable to grow this Stone flower in open ground, but it can also be grown in a greenhouse. Seedlings that are 60-65 days old are transplanted into the ground. Although the tomato belongs to the standard variety, experienced tomato growers recommend tying it to a support, but pinching is not required. It is recommended to plant up to 6 seedlings per 1 square meter of area. The variety is very unpretentious in care. The main thing is, try not to skip watering and fertilizing. Also, do not neglect loosening and weeding.

The stone flower is not as well known as the hybrid of the same name. But many consider it an indispensable crop in the garden, which gives a good harvest of universal use. Unpretentious, with good health, this species is perfect for busy tomato growers. Another advantage of this tomato is the ability to collect seeds yourself.

How to carry out the stepsoning process

As soon as the plant has bloomed for the first time, they begin to form bushes. This process cannot be ignored. If a crop is allowed to grow arbitrarily, it will “throw all its energy” into providing nutrition for the foliage, and the fruits will receive nothing.

During the entire growth period, the “Stone Flower” forms more and more new branches. The lateral ones grow more actively. They are worth paying special attention to. To obtain a good harvest, pinching is used.

Experts advise following these rules:

If the crop is grown in the Central regions of the Russian Federation, then the tops will grow here by July. Usually the tomato does not have time to grow well. That is why it is advisable to remove the lateral processes by cutting them off. Otherwise, the plant will give a lot of effort and nutritional components to the shoots. If it is to be grown in the central zone of the Russian Federation, several branches are left on one bush. If a gardener wants to leave only one stem on a bush, then it is advisable to plant the sprouts of this variety closer to each other.

The “Stone Flower” variety is highly appreciated by tomato lovers. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort or time on growing. Due to the fact that the variety is unpretentious, even a novice gardener without experience will be able to get a good harvest.

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