Advantages and disadvantages of the Russian and Korean hybrid of cucumbers “Aristocrat F1”

Cucumber Aristocrat f1 is presented on the market from Russian and Korean producers. Among the similar characteristics are high productivity, disease resistance, and fast ripening: the first harvests begin 35-40 days after germination. Both hybrid varieties are actively grown throughout the country - the cucumber is not afraid of temperature changes and tolerates temperature drops well.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
GreenhouseEarly ripening (35-45 days)UniversalMedium - from 10 to 15 cmHybridSlightly lumpyBee pollinated

Benefits of development

This variety is grown almost throughout Russia. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is compliance with the temperature regime. In the southern regions, these cucumbers can be grown in open ground, in the northern regions - in greenhouses, greenhouses and other insulated structures.

Advantages of a hybrid:

  • early fruiting;
  • rapid ripening;
  • duration of the fruiting period;
  • stability of the crop in any climatic conditions.

Growing Aristocrat cucumbers will not cause problems. The fruits will add zest to a summer salad and will have a pleasant crunch in winter preserves and pickles.

Characteristics of the variety

Zelentsy "Aristocrat" is dense, smooth and homogeneous in internal composition. There are no voids in the fruits. The skin color is dark green. Small tubercles are easily visible on the surface. Other characteristics:

  • the length of the greens is 10 cm.
  • diameter – 3 cm.
  • weight – 150 g.

Cucumber does not give a feeling of bitterness and excess water. Gardeners include resistance to diseases as positive qualities. The species is not susceptible to such pathologies of vegetable crops as powdery and downy mildew.

Features of the Korean brand

Aristocrat cucumbers, developed by the agricultural firm Nong Woo Bio Co, are grown mainly in Ukraine. The hybrid ripens early after planting: the beginning of harvesting occurs on the 35-37th day after the first shoots. The plants have a strong stem, the vine is powerful and branched. Up to 3 fruits are formed in the axils. Most cucumbers have a curved shape (see photo). From the tip, the location of the peduncle, to approximately the middle of the fruit there are stripes of light green color.

The variety is declared as a pickling variety, but is also excellently used as a salad variety.

Hybrid cucumbers “Aristocrat” are not afraid of common diseases, are resistant to drought, and do not lose their taste as a result of exposure to external factors.

Description of the Russian version

“Aristocrat” belongs to the group of medium-ripening cucumbers.
The species was included in the state register in 2010. The authorship belongs to a group of scientists: O. Baklanov, K. Klimenko, S. Maksimova. The creators developed this variety for greenhouse cultivation. The hybrid is pollinated by bees, the inflorescences are mostly formed according to the female type. Fruiting begins after the 40th day. The plant is not tall, so the main stem does not require trellis structures. An ordinary garter or strip under the ceiling of the greenhouse will act as a whip holder. The branchiness of the cucumber is not strong. The leaves are small, the color is pale green, less than the shade of the fruit, so the greens are easy to find. One or two ovaries are formed in the leaf axils. The shape of the fruit is cylindrical. The tubercles are small, tightly pressed to each other. The pubescence has a light tone, close to white. On the dense skin, longitudinal stripes and spots are easily distinguishable.

The harvest that the developers of the Aristocrat variety of cucumbers promise is up to 13 kg per square meter.

“Aristocrat” has excellent taste characteristics and is universal in purpose. Resistant to dangerous diseases leading to a decrease in the quantity and quality of fruits:

  • powdery mildew;
  • cucumber mosaic virus;
  • false form of manifestation of powdery mildew;
  • brown spot.

Advantages and disadvantages

Hybrid "Aristocrat" has many positive qualities:

  • Early and fast ripening;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Consistently high yield;
  • Excellent taste characteristics;
  • Immunity to common cucumber diseases;
  • Long fruiting period;
  • Good tolerance to adverse weather conditions;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation and care;
  • The universal purpose of collected greens;
  • Good keeping quality and transportability;
  • Excellent tolerance to temperature changes;
  • High germination of seed material.

Minor disadvantages of the hybrid include the need for insects for pollination.

Requirements for growing conditions

Soils with a special composition characteristic are suitable for this variety:

  • loam;
  • loose soil with a high degree of air permeability.

“Aristocrat” cucumbers are recommended to be grown after cabbage, onions, peppers, and potatoes.

You can plant immediately after the end of frost and warming. If the soil has warmed up to 14-15 degrees, then it’s time to plant seeds or seedlings of cucumbers. The depth of immersion of seeds is 2-3 cm. Crops/seedlings are arranged in rows. In the early stages of development, cucumber bushes are covered with film or covering material, even when grown in greenhouses.

Planting pattern:

  • between rows – 60 cm;
  • between bushes - 15 cm.

The soil under the bushes, in the area where the roots are located, is constantly loosened. This is done to ensure oxygen access to the root system. Water in the morning or evening, when it gets cool.

Agricultural care technology is no different from other types. This is a set of activities:

  • watering with warm water;
  • fertilizing with various fertilizers: mineral and organic;
  • loosening the soil;
  • weeding and weed removal;
  • topping.

Further care

To get the maximum yield from the variety, you must follow the rules of care. They consist of performing the following procedures:

  • regular weeding of extraneous grass and weeds. Excess vegetation only slows down the process of growing plants, since it takes away most of the nutrients from the soil and is also a carrier of many infections;
  • watering. Water the cucumber plantings 2-3 times a week up to the roots in the evening. During the formation of ovaries and during the fruiting period, the rate is increased. The soil should not be over-moistened, since Aristocrat does not tolerate excess moisture well: the root system begins to rot, and the plant gradually dies. To retain moisture in the soil, you can mulch the soil after watering near the base of the stem.
  • preventive treatments against diseases and pests. Despite their strong immune capacity, plants must be kept clean and treated with fungicides and insecticides. An excellent alternative to chemicals are folk remedies: onion broth, garlic infusion, laundry soap solution, spraying with ammonia. They are less toxic than chemicals, but no worse in effectiveness;
  • carrying out fertilizing. The hybrid variety Aristocrat practically does not need to fertilize the soil if nutrients are added to the soil before planting the seeds. When growing in soil with poor composition, fertilizing is necessary. You can feed the seedlings for the first time 4 weeks after the start of cultivation, when 3-4 leaves are formed on the plants. Use mineral fertilizers or organic additives based on chicken, mullein, and ash. After 10 days, the procedure is repeated. It is not advisable to use fertilizers during fruiting.

Reviews from homestead owners

The “Aristocrat F1” cucumber, according to the description and reviews, has various features, knowledge of which will ensure a good harvest.

“Easily tolerates changes in temperature. Cucumbers can be left for several days without watering. I have to select such varieties, because I can only go to the dacha on weekends. On hot days I leave the greenhouse open. I start harvesting early and there is enough to eat salads all summer and prepare preserves for the winter.” Elena, 31 years old.

“I like this variety of cucumbers. It lives up to its name – “Aristocrat”. The taste and appearance are wonderful. Pleasantly crunchy. The fruits last a long time in the refrigerator and do not spoil.” Olga, 42 years old.

“I order seeds by Russian Post. This guarantees that you will receive the original product. The seeds have a high germination rate; almost every seed produces results. I plant cucumber seedlings in early spring, and from the end of April I begin to receive a harvest. I recommend Aristocrat to everyone." Svetlana, 48 years old.

Cucumber Herman F1 – variety description, photo, cultivation, reviews, planting and care

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Cucumbers are one of the most common vegetable crops in our country. They are grown both on private farms and on a large industrial scale. There are quite a few varieties of this crop, but German is one of the best in many respects.

It is highly productive, allowing you to harvest several harvests per season. Can be grown in different climatic conditions in closed and open ground.

Description of the German cucumber variety

This type of cucumber belongs to F1 hybrids. These cucumbers are grown both indoors and outdoors, as well as under temporary shelter. Since it is parthenocarpic, it does not require pollination.

These cucumbers are distinguished by early ripeness and high yield. After emergence, on the 36th day, the first cucumbers appear. On day 42, mass ripening of the fruits of this hybrid begins.

The ovary is formed in the form of bundles. Up to 9 cucumbers are formed in a bunch. From one meter you can remove 12 - 15 kilograms of cucumbers. With good care, these numbers can increase dramatically.

More than 95% of the harvest has a beautiful presentation. Cucumbers are small, gherkin-type, and have the same size. The color of the fruit is dark green, the tubercles are white. The length reaches 12 centimeters, the diameter is about 3 centimeters.

The weight of German cucumbers reaches 80 grams. There is no bitterness in the fruits of this variety even with untimely watering; the taste is very good and leaves a sweetish aftertaste.

The pulp is of medium density, always light green with whitish seeds.

This hybrid, when grown on a trellis, can reach 4 - 5 meters in height. The leaves have a standard shape and medium size.

Advantages of the German variety

The seeds of this hybrid undergo a pelleting procedure with the substance thiram, that is, they are covered with a protective nutrient coating. This allows you to increase germination up to 95%. Seeds are planted one seed at a time, they germinate quickly and do not require thinning. Productivity after this procedure also increases.

If the purchased seeds have a natural, uncolored appearance, then it is counterfeit and germination, and the very qualities of this hybrid do not inspire confidence.

  • German cucumbers are highly resistant to mosaic, cladospornosis, and powdery mildew.
  • This hybrid is unpretentious and grows well in different types of soil (with the addition of fertilizers).
  • It is grown in open ground in southern regions and regions with cool climates.

These cucumbers are grown not only on private farms, but also for production on an industrial scale in greenhouses and open ground for sale. The German variety always produces high yields with excellent commercial quality.

They can be grown not only in spring, summer and autumn, but also in winter in heated greenhouses. The variety has good transportability.

The shoots of this variety are quite powerful and even with a large load of ripe fruits do not break off.

Disadvantages of this hybrid

The seed material of this hybrid has a fairly high cost.

After replanting, young bushes may die and therefore require a large root ball of soil when replanting.

When sowing seeds in the ground, the soil temperature cannot drop less than 8 degrees; if this happens and the soil does not reach the desired temperature within several days, the seeds or young bushes will die.

This variety is prone to rust. It can also be affected by aphids, root-knot nematodes, and spider mites and therefore requires protective spraying with chemicals.

How to grow German cucumbers

Cucumbers are grown in two ways: using seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground.


To grow seedlings, you need to use pots or cups to sow each seed separately. You can use special peat cups.

The seedlings are transplanted after 25 days; the plants must have at least 4 main leaves. When replanting plants, you should try to leave the earthen ball intact.

Sowing in open ground

You can sow seeds in the ground after the soil has warmed up to 8 degrees at night, and at least 15 degrees during the day. The air temperature must be at least 17 degrees.

In the south, seeds are sown in open ground in early May. In other regions after temperature stabilization.

Before planting or sowing, the soil must undergo aeration, that is, digging and breaking clods using a rake. For better aeration, last year's leaves and sawdust are added to the ground.

Seeds are sown both in furrows and holes. The distance between seedlings or seedlings should be 30 centimeters, and 75 centimeters between rows.

Wide row spacing makes harvesting easier.

  1. Mineral mixtures, rotted humus, peat and sand are placed in the prepared holes, or 15 grams of nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added.
  2. The prepared holes are watered and seeds can be sown in them.
  3. The depth of the seeds should not exceed 2 centimeters.
  4. Cucumber beds are mulched with humus and covered with film, spunbond or other covering material.

It is better to plant cucumbers or sow them in partial shade; to do this, they can be alternated with corn or, when full-fledged plants are formed, additionally darkened. Bright sunlight can cause leaf scorch and plant disease or even death.

The shoots of cucumbers are quite powerful and therefore they are most often grown in one stem. This allows you to increase productivity by 30%.

Formation of the lash

For such cultivation, the bush is molded.

  • The ovary is removed from the axils of 1 - 4 leaves. In this case, the root system receives additional time to strengthen, and the plant to properly form the bush.
  • In the next two leaf axils, one ovary remains, and the shoots are removed. In 7 - 10 axils, 2 ovaries are left, shoots are also removed.
  • When the stem grows to one and a half meters in height, the top is pinched off.
  • The shoots can be distributed both on the trellis and on the ground.

After this procedure, cucumbers require regular watering, fertilizing and timely harvesting. You need to water every 3 days in the evening. A bucket of water goes per meter. Fertilizing needs to be done 6 times per season. To do this, use a solution of carbamide, urea or manure with water in a ratio of one to ten.

In greenhouses, with proper care and good lighting, the first harvest is harvested in mid-spring. This makes it easy to recoup the costs of planting material and plant care.

Herman cucumbers are used in fresh, canned, and salted forms. They keep for quite a long time.

After heat treatment, cucumbers do not lose their taste and remain crispy. There is no need to soak German cucumbers before canning.

Reviews about growing this variety


German cucumbers are high-yielding and unpretentious, which allows you to grow a good harvest in a small area without special care. Ten seeds are enough for a standard family of four. The harvest in greenhouses can be harvested almost until winter.

To supplement the daylight, just turn on the phytolamp. Cucumbers grow fragrant and tasty. Great for salads, pickles and canning.

Anyone who has tried to plant these cucumbers in their garden will plant them every year, since they have practically no drawbacks.


The Herman hybrid appeared quite recently and having tried it, probably more than one gardener will not refuse the pleasure of having this type of cucumber on their plot. You can plant in two stages, for example in May and July. The harvest stretches until October. Delicious, aromatic cucumbers grow very quickly and delight with even, uniformly sized fruits. The salads are very aromatic and tasty.


The German variety is quite popular in different parts of our country. Cucumbers are early ripening and high-yielding. The cost of seeds or even seedlings pays off from the first harvest.

Very tasty, juicy and at the same time crispy cucumbers that are loved by everyone without exception.

From one small bed it is quite possible to collect several buckets of cucumbers, which can be used both fresh and salted, as well as in preparations for the winter.


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