Tomato apples in the snow description of the variety, its characteristics, photos and secrets of growing

Tomato Siberian apple

photo author Yuri Kholyavko

Mid-season, indeterminate (with unlimited growth), productive tomato variety. Recommended for growing in the middle zone in greenhouses, and in the southern regions in open ground. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is on average 115 days.

The height of the bush is 1.5-1.8 meters; it requires tying to a support and pinching. The greatest yield was obtained when the plant was formed into 2 stems.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are round, dense, smooth, pearl pink in color at maturity, weighing up to 200 grams, excellent taste. These tomatoes are fleshy, sugary when broken, and retain their commercial quality for a long time on the plant and during storage. Suitable for fresh consumption, canning, making juices and sauces.

photo author Lyudmila Golubeva

The photo shows Siberian Apple tomato seedlings.

Features of cultivation, planting and care

We recommend sowing the seeds of this variety of tomatoes for seedlings 60-65 days before the intended planting in a permanent place. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. Place up to 4 plants per meter of plot.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

When growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, we recommend installing a drip irrigation system - this will save your time and effort, as well as increase plant productivity and reduce the risk of late blight.

Tomatoes Siberian apple on video

If you grew Siberian Apple tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Siberian Apple tomato and additions to the description will help many tomato lovers evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Tomato variety Apples in the snow, video

If you grew tomatoes Apples in the snow, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato in your opinion. If possible, attach a photo of these tomatoes to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the tomato Apples on the Snow and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this variety more objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

This is a natural variety of tomato. Therefore, we recommend taking seeds from a ripe fruit and using them for planting in subsequent seasons.

Fruits and harvest

To increase the yield of the crop, pinching is carried out, thereby forming a bush. Simultaneous ripening of fruits occurs on one bunch. There can be from 4 to 8 pieces on a branch. At the time of fruiting, the plant looks beautiful. 50 pieces are collected from one bush, with most of them being selected - from 30 to 37 pieces.

The weight of the fruit does not exceed 70 g. They are small, they have a round shape, slightly flattened in the area of ​​the stalk. There are no spots or excessive ribbing near the stem. The skin covering the pulp is thin. At the same time, it has good density and prevents tomatoes from cracking from excessive moisture in the form of precipitation.

When tomatoes ripen, they have rich red flesh. It is dense, but remains juicy. Despite its small size, there are many chambers inside the tomato. Sweetish, light and pleasant taste has subtle sour notes.

Description and characteristics

Tomato Apples on the snow is a determinate, early-ripening crop. The variety is grown in the northern and southern regions in protected and open ground conditions. Even in regions with short summers, tomatoes have time to grow and produce fruits that ripen before the arrival of autumn frosts. The first tomatoes are harvested at the end of June, and by the beginning of August almost all fruits reach biological maturity.

Compact bushes stop growing when they reach a height of 60-70 cm. They do not need support or pinching. The leaves are small and dark green. Their number on the bushes is moderate. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, even. The skin is smooth and thin, but due to its dense structure it does not crack. Tomatoes are bright red, small. They reach a weight of 50-70 g. There is no green spot near the stalk. The pulp is juicy, sweet with a subtle sourness.

Despite the miniature size of the fruits, the Apples on the Snow variety is characterized by good yield. During the period of active fruiting, the plants are literally covered with tomatoes. They ripen together, in whole clusters of 5-7 pieces each. Weather conditions do not affect the amount of harvest. From one bush you can get 2-2.5 kg of selected fruits.

An original variety of large-yield tomato “Apples in the Snow”: description, characteristics, photos

Fans of compact bushes and small-fruited, tasty tomatoes will certainly like the original Apples on the Snow variety.

These plants are good for greenhouses or open beds, they feel great in large pots on window sills and balconies.

  • Tomato Apples on the snow variety description
  • Origin and application
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Photo
  • Features of cultivation
  • Diseases and pests
  • Useful video

Tomato Apples on the Snow is an early-ripening, very productive variety.

The bush is determinate, compact, with a moderate amount of green mass. The height of the plant is no more than 70 cm. The leaves are small, dark green.

For greater yield, light pinching with the formation of a bush is recommended. The fruits ripen in clusters of 5-7 pieces. During fruiting, the plant looks very elegant. From one bush you can collect 30-35 selected tomatoes.

The fruits are small, even, weighing 50-70 g. The shape is round, slightly flattened, without pronounced ribbing or spots on the stalks. The skin is thin but dense, well protecting the tomatoes from cracking.

Ripe fruits have a bright red color. The pulp is dense and juicy, there are many seed chambers. The taste is pleasant, sweet with barely noticeable sourness.

Origin and application

The Russian tomato variety Apples on the Snow was bred by amateur breeders and is intended for cultivation in greenhouses, greenhouses, and open ground.

Compact bushes can be planted in large pots for placement on verandas, loggias, and glazed balconies. Despite their miniature size, tomatoes have good yields. Harvested tomatoes are stored well.

Small fruits with thin but strong skin are excellent for canning. They can be included in assorted vegetables, used for salads, side dishes, and to decorate dishes. Small bright red tomatoes Children love apples in the snow.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • very early ripening, the first tomatoes are harvested at the end of June;
  • delicious small fruits that children love;
  • excellent yield;
  • resistance to major nightshade diseases.

The variety has practically no disadvantages. The only problem may be susceptibility to late blight.

See below: tomatoes Apples in the snow photo

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes variety Apples on the Snow are sown as seedlings in the first half of March. It is better to treat the seeds with a growth stimulant, which significantly improves germination.

Plants need lightweight, highly nutritious soil, consisting of a mixture of garden soil and humus. Seeds are sown in containers with a depth of 2 cm, sprayed with water and covered with film.

After germination, the containers are exposed to bright light. Plantings should be watered with warm, settled water, using a fine-mesh watering can or spray bottle.

When the first pair of true leaves unfold, the plants dive into separate pots. Then the tomatoes are fed with complex fertilizer. It is recommended to feed weak shoots with nitrogen-containing preparations (for example, urea).

Planting in a greenhouse or pots is carried out in the first half of May. Tomatoes are moved to open beds closer to June, when the soil has completely warmed up. For 1 sq. m you can place no more than 4 bushes. Too many rows prevent tomatoes from developing and fruiting slows down.

During the season, plants are fed 3-4 times with mineral fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium. The bush is slightly pinched; the lower leaves can also be removed.

Apples in the snow is a tomato variety that is quite resistant to viral diseases, for example, tobacco mosaic.

However, it may be susceptible to late blight. For prevention, it is recommended to pull out weeds in a timely manner and ventilate the greenhouse.

The soil can be mulched with peat or straw.

Plants are sprayed with copper-containing preparations, the affected leaves and fruits are promptly destroyed and then burned.

Of the insect pests, thrips, whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites are especially dangerous.

For prevention, you can spray the plants with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

In advanced cases, industrial insecticides will help. A soap solution used to wash the stems and leaves helps against aphids.

Small-fruited tomatoes Apples on snow are an excellent option for canning and decorating dishes.

By planting several miniature bushes in a greenhouse or flowerpot, you can please your family with tasty and healthy fruits that will ripen in June.

Tomato “Apples in the Snow”: description of the variety

Variety nameApples in the snow
general descriptionAn early-ripening, determinate variety of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses and open ground.
Ripening period90-100 days
FormRound, slightly flattened, without pronounced ribbing
Average weight of tomatoes50-70 grams
ApplicationTableware, for canning
Productivity of the variety2 kg per bush
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to major tomato diseases

Tomatoes Apples on the Snow are an early-ripening, very productive variety.
The bush is determinate, compact, with a moderate amount of green mass. Read about indeterminate varieties here. The height of the plant is no more than 70 cm. The leaves are small, dark green. For greater yield, it is recommended to form a bush using light pinching. The fruits ripen in clusters of 5-7 pieces. During fruiting, the plant looks very elegant. From one bush you can collect 30-35 selected tomatoes .

You can see the yields of other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Apples in the snow2.5-3 kg per bush
Lazy15 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Doll8-9 kg per square meter
Fat Jack5-6 kg per bush
Andromeda12-20 kg per square meter
Honey Heart8.5 kg per square meter
Pink Lady25 kg per square meter
Lady Shady7.5 kg per square meter
Gulliver7 kg per square meter
Bella Rosa5-7 kg per square meter

The fruits are small, even, weighing 50-70 g. The shape is round, slightly flattened, without pronounced ribbing or spots on the stalks. The skin is thin but dense, well protecting the tomatoes from cracking. Ripe fruits have a bright red color. The pulp is dense and juicy, there are many seed chambers. The taste is pleasant, sweet, with barely noticeable sourness.

You can compare the weight of fruits with other varieties of tomatoes in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Apples in the snow50-70 grams
Bobcat180-240 grams
Russian size650 grams
King of Kings300-1500 grams
Long Keeper125-250 grams
Grandma's gift180-220 grams
Brown sugar120-150 grams
Rocket50-60 grams
Altaic50-300 grams
Yusupovsky500-600 grams
De Barao70-90 grams

Variety Apple-tomato: 6 indicators

Recently, Swiss gardener Markus Kobelt managed to obtain a new apple-tomato hybrid. Currently, breeders are actively working to develop new varieties and plant hybrids.

More than 20 years of active research and experimentation were spent on this discovery.

First of all, the goal of breeding is to obtain valuable varieties characterized by high productivity, increased shelf life, and resistance to various diseases and pests.

Tomato and apple are unique fruits that have excellent taste. However, the differences in their structure, forms and growing conditions practically exclude the possibility of the existence of a hybrid between these plants.

Nevertheless, work is constantly underway. First, tomatoes were created, the variety of which is similar in appearance to apples: Siberian apple and Apple tomato. The fruits of these varieties have an external resemblance to apples (in shape), as well as a bright taste.

This tomato hybrid was obtained by Russian breeders. The Siberian apple tomato is a mid-season, high-yielding tomato suitable for growing in a greenhouse and unprotected soil in the southern regions. Bushes of indeterminate type reach 1.8 m in height, so it is necessary to stake the plants. Productivity - up to 8.5 kg per 1 m².

The advantages of this variety include:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • good disease resistance.

Almost no shortcomings were identified.

  • average weight 150 g;
  • in a state of technical ripeness, the fruits have a soft pink color;
  • sugar content and meaty consistency, which persists throughout the entire storage period.

This tomato hybrid was obtained by Russian breeders. The Siberian Apple tomato is a mid-season, high-yielding tomato.

The Paradise Apple tomato is planted both in open ground and in a film greenhouse. In many regions, climate conditions are not suitable for growing tomatoes, since the fruits do not have time to ripen before the onset of fogs, after which the leaves and stems of the plant turn black. Many varieties do not tolerate high humidity, sudden temperature changes, or prolonged absence of sun.

Despite the fact that caring for the Paradise Apple is not easy, gardeners and farmers prefer this tall variety and appreciate:

  • for resistance to adverse weather;
  • for the taste of the fruit;
  • for early ripening of the crop.

Tomatoes do not crack during transportation and do not lose their attractiveness during long journeys. They contain more than 15% ascorbic acid. This vitamin strengthens the immune system, slows down cell aging, and helps remove toxins from the body.

Description of the variety

Their name speaks volumes about the high taste of tomatoes. On the tall bushes of the Paradise Apple, compact inflorescences are formed, on which, after 100 days, the first fruits ripen. They differ:

  • rounded shape;
  • smooth skin;
  • fleshy pulp;
  • pink or red.

One multi-chambered tomato weighs from 150 to 240 grams, but it is impossible to collect seeds, since there are practically no seeds in the fruit. In the garden, almost 4 kg of juicy tomatoes are harvested from one plant.

In the greenhouse they ripen a little longer than in the garden bed, illuminated from all sides by the sun. In open ground, the bush rises to 1.5 meters in height. The Paradise apple variety is tied to supports and 2 stems are left.

Seeds, which can be bought in specialized stores, are placed in a solution of Fitosporin or potassium permanganate.

After 12 hours, they are sent to containers with a mixture of peat and sand, having previously fed the soil with urea and superphosphate.

In order for tomatoes to give a good harvest, and up to 9 kg of sweetish fruits are collected from 1 square meter, each bush must be fed at least 4 times during the summer. The Paradise Apple growing in the garden is watered twice a week, if it doesn’t rain, and in the greenhouse they moisten it more often.

When the ovary is formed, the soil is fertilized. Pinching is done when the brushes appear. To prevent the tomato from growing upward, pinch the bush. After each watering, the soil should be loosened.

Disease resistance. Ripening of the crop both under the film and in the garden. Easy to care for.

Growing the variety

For good growth and fruiting, the Apples in the Snow tomato requires regular fertilizing, timely watering, warmth and sufficient lighting. The variety is grown by seedling method. Seeds can be sown in a greenhouse and thinned out after germination. But such tomatoes will have weak roots, which will negatively affect the yield.

Preparing and planting seeds

To determine the time of sowing seeds, subtract 45-50 days from the expected planting date. Usually sowing is done in early March.

Seed preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Removing small and damaged seeds.
  • Disinfection of seed material with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Treatment of seeds with growth stimulants: Epin, Zircon or Kornevin. This procedure increases their germination rate and resistance to adverse conditions.

In order for the sprouts to easily break out, the seeds are planted in a loose nutrient substrate. Garden soil filled with rotted manure is suitable for this. Plastic containers are filled with prepared soil and slightly moistened. Tomato seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The crops are sprayed with warm water, covered with film and placed in a bright place. The air temperature in the room is constantly maintained at least +23°C. The soil is regularly moistened with a spray bottle, preventing the top layer from drying out.

After emergence of seedlings, the air temperature is lowered to +17...+18°C so that the sprouts do not stretch. If there is insufficient lighting in the room, the seedlings are illuminated with a fluorescent lamp to increase the daylight hours to 14-15 hours.

As soon as 2-3 true leaves form on the stem, the sprouts are watered and planted in cups or pots. They are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm. Diving promotes the active development of lateral roots, thanks to which the tomatoes grow strong and healthy. If the bushes are not developing well and the leaves have turned light green, they need to be fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such as urea. Of the mineral complexes, potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate or superphosphate are used, dissolving them in water.

Before planting in open ground, the plants are hardened off by taking them outside for 2 weeks. During the first days they should be outdoors for 2-3 hours. The time is gradually increased, and then the seedlings are left outside until planted on the plot or in the greenhouse. There should be no threat of frost during this period. In this way, tomatoes become accustomed to changes in air temperature, wind and direct sunlight.

Planting in a permanent place

Seedlings of the Apples in the Snow variety are planted in a permanent place no earlier than 1.5 months after sowing. It is placed in a greenhouse in the first ten days of May, and in unprotected soil after the end of spring frosts. The optimal time for planting young tomatoes in the garden in the northern regions is considered to be mid-June, when the soil warms up well. But you should be aware of possible frosts, which they will not tolerate.

The site is chosen to be sunny and windless. The best predecessors of tomatoes include cabbage, carrots and zucchini. It is not recommended to plant them after potatoes, peppers or eggplants. 7-10 days before transplanting the seedlings, the area is watered with Baikal EM 1 fertilizer, which promotes the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms and increases soil fertility.

Features of cultivation

Tomatoes variety Apples on the Snow are sown as seedlings in the first half of March. It is better to treat the seeds with a growth stimulant, which significantly improves germination.

Plants need lightweight, highly nutritious soil, consisting of a mixture of garden soil and humus. Seeds are sown in containers with a depth of 2 cm, sprayed with water and covered with film. You can use special mini-greenhouses. After germination, the containers are exposed to bright light. Plantings should be watered with warm, settled water, using a shallow watering can or spray bottle.

When the first pair of true leaves unfold, the plants dive into separate pots. Then the tomatoes are fed with complex fertilizer. It is recommended to feed weak shoots with nitrogen-containing preparations (for example, urea).

Planting in a permanent place, in a greenhouse or pots, is carried out in the first half of May. Tomatoes are moved to open beds closer to June, when the soil has completely warmed up. For 1 sq. m you can place no more than 4 bushes. Too many rows prevent tomatoes from developing and fruiting slows down.

During the season, plants are fed 3-4 times with mineral fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium. The bush is slightly pinched; the lower leaves can also be removed.

Read in detail everything about tomato fertilizers:

  • Organic, ready-made complexes, TOP of the best.
  • Yeast, iodine, ash, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, boric acid.
  • Foliar, for seedlings, for picking.

Description of the Apple Lipetsk tomato variety, growing by seedling method and caring for bushes

The Apple Lipetsk tomato is intended for use in salads. The plant has an average ripening period. It is possible to use the fruits for juice production, and the smallest specimens are suitable for preservation.

The described variety is grown in open areas in the southern regions of Russia. If a vegetable grower lives in the middle zone, then a film greenhouse is required to obtain a harvest.

In Siberia and the Far North, the Lipetsk apple variety is grown in greenhouses or well-heated greenhouse blocks.

Characteristics and description of the variety

The characteristics and description of the variety are as follows:

  1. The vegetative period of plant development from germination to the first fruits lasts 110-115 days.
  2. The height of the bushes of the described tomato when grown in an open area reaches 150-160 cm. If the farmer uses a greenhouse to grow the plant, then the height of the bush can reach 170-180 cm.
  3. Ripe fruits are colored red, but there are no spots near the stalk. Gradual ripening of the fruit occurs.
  4. The average weight of the fetus ranges from 0.15-0.3 kg. Reviews from gardeners show that if you follow all the recommendations of experts on caring for tomatoes, you can get fruits weighing from 0.4 to 0.45 kg.
  5. The fleshy and juicy pulp has few seed chambers.

As farmers note, unlike other varieties of tomatoes, the Apple Lipetsk variety has a yield per bush of 3 to 3.5 kg of fruit.

The disadvantage of tomatoes is the need to tie the bushes to trellises or install strong stands under the branches of the plant.

If this is not done, then tomatoes with a large mass will manage to break the bush due to the large weight of the resulting fruits. The bush is formed into 2 stems.

Obtaining seedlings from seeds

It is recommended to buy planting material from a well-trusted company that sells seeds. The entire seed fund is treated with hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Plant the seeds in boxes filled with soil to a depth of 20 mm. The soil should contain organic and nitrogen fertilizers. Watering the planting material is done using a watering can.

The water should be at room temperature.

After this, the boxes are covered with glass, and the temperature in the room is raised to +24...+25°C.

When 2-3 leaves appear on the sprouts, they are picked. The seedlings are transferred to permanent soil only when the plants are 55-60 days old.

A week before this date they are hardened. The soil in the beds is loosened and complex mineral fertilizers are added to it. The sprouts are watered with warm water and then covered with warm material so that they do not die from a sudden drop in temperature. The format for planting young bushes is 0.4 × 0.5 or 0.5 × 0.5 m.

Caring for growing tomatoes

Watering the described plant is carried out once a week. It is not recommended to increase the frequency of watering, since due to increased soil moisture, the bushes may develop a fungal infection. The operation is carried out with warm water standing in the sun before sunrise or after sunset.

Plants are fertilized with several types of fertilizers. Initially, as the bushes grow and gain green mass, mixtures containing nitrogen are used.

To do this, use organic fertilizers or ammonium nitrate. During tomato flowering, potassium fertilizers are added to nitrogen solutions to feed it.

The formation of a bush begins with the elimination of side shoots. Only 2 stems are left.

For normal growth of a tomato, it needs oxygen and beneficial substances, which are supplied to it by the roots. To ensure gas exchange, it is recommended to loosen the soil under the bushes 1-2 times a week or mulch the soil. Weeding beds to remove weeds helps avoid the spread of fungal or bacterial infections and destroys some garden pests.

To protect bushes from various diseases, preventive measures are carried out. Plants are treated with drugs 3 times, and after each use of these drugs a break of 8-10 days is taken. If the disease has spread, then all diseased plants and fruits are destroyed, and the remaining bushes are treated with medicines, copper sulfate or infusions.

If dangerous garden pests (aphids, mites, Colorado potato beetles and other insects) appear on the site, it is recommended to destroy them with chemicals. If a gardener wants to get an environmentally friendly harvest, then folk remedies are used to kill insects. The bushes are treated with copper sulfate, soap solution or plant decoctions.

How to care for bushes

In order for tomatoes to produce a good harvest, they should be looked after. Please note the following content items:


Please note that watering young plants for the first couple of weeks after planting is not recommended. First, the bushes must be firmly rooted. Be careful about watering during the period of fruit formation and ripening. Do not allow the soil to dry out.

The soil

Plants need slightly acidic or neutral soil. In case of increased acidity, additional lime is added to the soil.

Loosening and weeding

It is important that the soil is loose. Loosening will help retain moisture and provide access to oxygen. Don't neglect this element of care. Get rid of weeds from plants in a timely manner.


Tomato responds well to fertilizing. At the active growth stage, nitrogen fertilizers are needed to stimulate the development of greenery.

During the flowering period, products containing phosphorus and potassium are used. These elements contribute to the rapid formation of ovaries and fruit growth.

Garter and stepson

Apples in the snow do not have to be tied up or pinched. Procedures are carried out at the request of the owner.


Since the variety is susceptible to the development of late blight, it is necessary to pay attention to prevention. Weed out weeds in a timely manner and ventilate greenhouses properly. Mulching the soil with peat has a good effect.

Avoid overfeeding with fertilizers. Periodically treat the bush with special products (Ridomil). If the plant is affected by a disease, it will have to be removed.

Pros and cons of the Snowfall tomato variety

Tomato seeds Snowfall F1 were developed by domestic breeders for Russian climatic conditions.

Tomatoes of this variety have many advantages:

  1. Frost resistance. The seeds germinate well in the cold soil of open ground. The tomato bush can withstand low temperatures and the first frosts. This feature of the Snowfall F1 hybrid is suitable for growing tomatoes in difficult climatic conditions.
  2. High rates of seed germination and yield.
  3. Fruiting throughout the entire growing season of the plant.
  4. Good taste of tomatoes.
  5. Resistance of tomatoes to cracking during transportation.
  6. The hybrid grows equally well in open and closed ground.

You should take into account the indeterminate nature of the variety and be prepared for the rapid growth of the tomato bush. Timely formation of 1 or 2 trunks will ensure a neat appearance of the plant.

Growing the Snowfall F1 tomato in an apartment is impossible due to its enormous size of the tops and powerful root system. Miniature or dwarf varieties of tomatoes and cherry tomatoes are suitable for a window sill or loggia.

Description of the Siberian Apple tomato and apple series varieties

The Siberian Apple tomato belongs to the selection of Russian agrobiologists. A mid-season, high-yielding variety intended for cultivation in greenhouses and open ground.

Advantages of the variety

Siberian Apple tomatoes are distinguished by their high yield and beautiful appearance. The average early variety begins to bear fruit 115 days after the appearance of friendly shoots.

The characteristics and description of the variety indicate the possibility of growing the crop in open ground and greenhouses. During the growing season, a bush with a height of 150-180 cm is formed.

The plant is abundantly loaded with fruits, the weight of which reaches 200 g. At the stage of technical maturity, tomatoes have a whitish color. During the ripening process, the fruits acquire a pink color with a pearlescent tint.

Tomatoes with dense, fleshy pulp retain commercial quality on the bush and during storage. The fruits contain a high concentration of vitamin C and sugar, which determines the sweet and sour taste. With a horizontal cut, 4-6 chambers with seeds are observed.

The average yield is 9 kg per 1 m². The variety is resistant to diseases, which makes it popular among gardeners.

Characteristics of the apple series

Among the tomatoes that have gained popularity among vegetable growers is the Apple tomato and its varieties. The versatile fruits have a pleasant taste and can be stored for a long time.

Anyone who planted Apple Tomato notes the average early ripening period, the universal purpose of the product. Tomato Apples on the snow belongs to the determinant type.

On a bush 60 cm high, up to 35 fruits weighing 50 g ripen. Up to 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from the plant, which are distinguished by their uniform color and long shelf life. Medium-sized tomatoes have a height of up to 1 m. These include Malinovka Apple, with raspberry-colored fruits.

The yield per bush reaches 5 kg. The Apple Spas variety is resistant to diseases of nightshade crops. The fruits are universally used and can be transported over distances.

The Golden Apple tomato is suitable for cultivation in various conditions. The fruits are yellow, round in shape, hidden under the bright green leaves. Tomatoes of the Emerald Apple variety at the ripe stage have an intense green color.

Paradise Apple and Cherry tomatoes are small-fruited varieties of tomatoes. The new tomato-apple hybrid Red Love is a fruit tree. The flower stalks are shaped like apple trees, and ripe fruits have the appearance of a tomato.

Agricultural cultivation technology

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out 50-60 days before the expected date of planting in the ground. To speed up the process of seed germination, improve the health of the crop, and ensure better fruit set, it is recommended to treat the seeds with growth stimulants.

For seed germination, maintaining an optimal temperature of +23...+25°C is required. In the phase of formation of 2 true leaves, a dive is carried out. For this purpose, peat pots are used, with which the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place.

Further care of the seedlings consists of timely weeding and loosening the soil. For normal development of the plant and ensuring high yield from the bush, it is recommended to fertilize the roots with complex mineral fertilizers.

The bushes grow into 1-2 stems, remove excess shoots, and tie them to a support or trellis. To ensure optimal soil moisture, non-woven black fiber is used.

Mulching the soil prevents the growth of weeds and protects the surface layer of soil from drying out.

Opinions and recommendations of vegetable growers

Reviews from vegetable growers about the Siberian apple variety are associated with high yields.

Lyudmila Egorova, 56 years old, Biysk.

I grew Siberian apple tomatoes last season. I planted the bushes in a greenhouse. Throughout the growing season, I tried to maintain optimal air temperature and the required level of humidity. The variety fully corresponds to the description, is characterized by high yield, and bears fruit for a long period of time. Ripe tomatoes have a neat shape, beautiful color, and excellent taste.

An appetizing decoration for the garden - tomato Apples in the snow: description of the variety and its characteristics

This variety will certainly please farmers seeking early harvests. Tomato Apples in the snow can be planted not only in the garden, but also on window sills, loggias, and balcony shelves. Lush bushes abound with clusters of colorful, neat tomatoes. They look elegant, like a real decoration, and have wonderful taste.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyRedsAverageVarietyRound

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Apples on Snow is a compact determinant. The bushes are neat, not spreading, and have the following typical characteristics:

  • trunk height 60-70 cm;
  • medium foliage;
  • clusters of 5-7 fruits;
  • There are 10-12 clusters in total.

Description of delicious tomatoes:

  • average weight 50-70 g;
  • approximately the same size;
  • round shape;
  • glossy bright red skin;
  • dry matter 5-5.6%;
  • the pulp is tender, juicy;
  • seed chambers 2-3.

Origin and application

The variety appeared in Russia, the authorship belongs to amateur breeders. It bears fruit successfully in greenhouses, greenhouses, and at home.

Ripe tomatoes are perfectly preserved without loss of taste and commercial qualities for a month. Used for fresh salad solutions and cuttings. Added to meat and fish, they enhance the taste and aroma of vegetable side dishes.

Culinary masters advise preparing from them:

  • pickles;
  • conservation;
  • healthy juices and sauces;
  • seasonings for soups;
  • assorted

Advantages and disadvantages

  • excellent taste and product quality;
  • precocity;
  • useful composition;
  • keeping quality;
  • disease resistance;
  • simple cultivation techniques;
  • weather resistance.


Features of cultivation and storage

You can successfully plant the variety in pots, cache-pots, home containers and keep it in your apartment or on the veranda.

How to properly care for:

  1. Formation in 2-3 trunks.
  2. Moderate watering, water rate of 5-7 liters per plant.
  3. Fertilizing with complex compounds, organic solutions and superphosphate.
  4. Mulching beds.

Planting and care

Sowing begins in mid-February. It is taken into account that it will take 58-62 days to grow the bushes until replanting. At this age, the seedlings already have 7-8 leaves and 1 inflorescence.

What soil should I use? The best option is to purchase soil substrate at an agricultural store. But you can cook it yourself. To do this, connect the following components:

  • 2 parts of garden or park turf;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part compost.

For 10 kg of soil add 25 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer and 1 cup of wood ash.

The mixture prepared independently for planting is disinfected:

  • pour boiling water over it;
  • irrigate with 1% potassium permanganate;
  • sprayed with 1% Fitosporin.

Sowing is carried out in small furrows 1 cm deep or the seeds are laid out on peat tablets.

For seedlings to be strong, they must create certain conditions:

Tomatoes and apples in the snow, yield, what the fruits look like in the photo

Tomatoes Apples in the snow are a universal variety with many advantages. One of the main advantages is high productivity.

Tomatoes are cultivated on an industrial scale. From every sq.m. fields receive up to 10 kg. harvest.

The following advantages can also be highlighted:

  • Early maturation. Tomatoes are ready to eat earlier than other varieties. The growing season is no more than 90 days.
  • Expressive taste. Despite the precocity, the fruits are juicy and tasty.
  • Disease resistance. The variety is resistant to most pests and diseases.
  • No cracks. Thanks to the structural features of the peel, tomatoes retain their attractive appearance and do not crack.

Thanks to its many advantages, the variety has gained popularity among gardeners and in industry. Tomato Apples in the snow is practically free of drawbacks. Only susceptibility to late blight is distinguished.

The variety is valued for its small, smooth, regular-shaped tomatoes. A compact plant with small, rich red fruits lives up to its poetic name.

Description of tomatoes variety Apples on the snow

Tomatoes have been known to Europeans since the 16th century. They were used as an ornamental crop, medicine, and even tried to be used to make poisons. It was only in the 18th century that the taste qualities of tomatoes were appreciated and they began to be widely used as food. Over the past decades, breeders have been working to develop varieties of tomatoes that will be resistant to unfavorable climatic conditions, but at the same time retain great taste. One of these varieties of Russian selection is the Apples on the Snow tomato.

Tomato variety Apples in the snow

The name of a popular variety of tomatoes indicates, firstly, the zoning in regions with short summers and, secondly, the peculiarity of the shape and color of the plant. Few people remember that the name of the plant, tomato, is translated from Italian as “golden apple.”

General description of the variety

Tomatoes of the Superpriz variety give a good harvest in greenhouse conditions and in open ground. The choice of planting site should be made based on the climatic characteristics of the region.

Description of the variety:

  • early ripening, maximum fruit ripening period is 85 days;
  • low-growing, in open ground the height of the bush does not exceed 70 cm, in greenhouse conditions - 1.2 m;
  • determinant;
  • high yield, maximum number of berries per bush during the summer season - 6 kg;
  • average foliage of the bush;
  • simple inflorescence;
  • resistant to most diseases of the nightshade family;
  • high tying;
  • the appearance of the first inflorescence above the 5th or 6th leaf;
  • resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • cold resistance;
  • heat resistance;
  • good transportability;
  • possibility of long-term storage.

The advantage of the variety is its versatility. Tomatoes can be safely grown in places with cool summers and poor soils. They were tested in Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Magadan and Sakhalin.

IMPORTANT! The variety has successfully passed zoning throughout the Russian Federation

General characteristics of the fruit:

  • flat-round shape;
  • aligned;
  • ripe berry color - red;
  • the maximum weight of the fetus does not exceed 250 grams;
  • ripen almost simultaneously;
  • number of cameras from 4 to 6;
  • up to 6 fruits in one inflorescence;
  • thin skin;
  • sweet in taste;
  • juicy, aromatic.

Ripe berries have good taste and are used for canning and making pasta. Fresh tomatoes are an excellent ingredient for vegetable salad. Often, the berry is used as a base for making juices.

More about tomato

The characteristics and description of the tomato variety Apples on the Snow are simple and do not contain information that would be incomprehensible to a gardener. Universal vegetables are suitable for growing in open ground and in greenhouses. Those who like to eat fresh tomatoes in early spring plant them in pots and take them out onto balconies or loggias. Low-growing bushes do not cause much trouble, as they are characterized by compactness.

Apples in the snow are an early-ripening variety characterized by productivity. The bush has a minimum number of leaves. The height of the determinate plant varies between 65 cm. The small leaves are rich green in color, and the stem is several tones lighter.

Planting tomato seedlings in the soil

In May, seedlings are planted in greenhouses, unheated greenhouses. The depth of immersion in the ground is 10 cm. When the threat of spring return frosts has passed, the shelter can be removed. The distance between plants is of great importance for the prevention of late blight. Early ripening varieties are recommended to be planted according to a 30x40 pattern. But due to the variety’s tendency to late blight, it is best to plant them according to the 70x70 pattern. If there is little space, the distance in the row can be reduced to 50 cm. They are planted in open ground in the northern regions, for which the variety is intended, in mid-June. They focus on the possibility of frost, which tomatoes cannot tolerate.

In the northern regions, it is better to plant tomatoes on southern slopes, protected from cold northern winds. The soil must meet certain requirements. Do not plant tomatoes after nightshades, including eggplants and peppers. It is better to use the area where cabbage, pumpkin, etc. grew last year.

Soil acidity should be neutral or weakly acidic (pH 6.0-6.7).

If the soil on the site is acidic, it needs to be limed by adding lime or dolomite flour. A week before planting the plants, the area is watered with Baikal EM1 fertilizer. It promotes the formation of microorganisms beneficial to tomatoes.

When planting plants, they are immersed in the soil up to the lower (not true) leaves. If the plants are very tall, overgrown or elongated, lay them on their sides, with their tops facing south. Urgas fertilizer (half a teaspoon) is applied to the bottom of the hole. Water, wait until the water is absorbed and sprinkle with soil a third or fourth of the length of the trunk.

Growing seedlings

Tomatoes need plenty of heat and light to thrive. They are grown mainly from seedlings. You can plant them in a greenhouse or thin out the crops, but such plants will have a weak root system, which will affect the yield. Do not sow seedlings too early. It needs to be planted at the age of 30 days. Therefore, you need to count 40 days from the expected date.

Preparing seeds for sowing contains several stages:

  1. Calibration (remove small and damaged ones).
  2. Disinfection (treated with potassium permanganate).
  3. Stimulation (treatment with biostimulants, for example, honey or onion peel infusion).
  4. Bubbling (air saturation using an aquarium compressor)..

Prepare the soil:

  • It should be light so that the sprouts come out easily. It can be composed of 7 parts of peat, part of turf soil with the addition of sawdust. You can mix peat (3 parts) with humus (1 part) and add half a portion of sawdust and humus.
  • You can fill the prepared soil with mineral fertilizers. One and a half kilograms of ammonium nitrate, 4 kg of superphosphate, a gram of zinc sulfate, potassium permanganate, copper sulfate and 3 g of borax are added per cubic meter of the mixture. These fertilizers can be applied later.

The prepared seeds are sown in the soil to a depth of 2 cm. Watered, covered with film and placed in a warm place. The temperature should not be lower than 20°C. After a few days, sprouts appear. In order for the seed coats to be easily removed from the seedlings, you can water the soil several times with warm water. The boxes are opened and placed in a sunny place. The room temperature is reduced to 18°C ​​so that the tomatoes do not stretch.

Avoid overwatering to prevent plants from dying from blackleg.

One of the mistakes is the thickening of crops. You should not sow seeds for future use. If the sprouts grow too densely, it is better to remove the excess immediately, otherwise they will stretch out and become unusable.

After the plants have formed 2-3 true leaves, they are watered generously and dropped into a new container. Usually this is day 20. The planting depth is about 5 cm. You can use deep boxes or 200-gram plastic glasses. During a dive, the tip of the root breaks off and lateral roots begin to actively develop. This helps strengthen the root system.

For a week, raise the temperature to 25°C. If the weather is cloudy or the amount of light is insufficient for another reason, you need to supplement the seedlings with a special fluorescent lamp (phytolamp) so that the daylight hours are at least 14 hours. An alternative is to supplement with potassium.

The room temperature in sunny weather is set 3-5 degrees higher than in cloudy weather. At night the temperature should be between 8 and 10°C.

If seedlings are planted in open ground, they must first be hardened off. To do this, the boxes are taken outside for 2 weeks, accustoming them to wind, sunlight and temperature fluctuations. First for several hours, increasing the time every day, and then they are completely left on the street. Of course, if there is no threat of frost at this time. During the hardening period, reduce the amount of watering. Before planting, you need to treat the seedlings against late blight. The seedlings are fed with mineral fertilizers (potassium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate) or.

Characteristics of the apple series

Among the tomatoes that have gained popularity among vegetable growers is the Apple tomato and its varieties. The versatile fruits have a pleasant taste and can be stored for a long time.

Anyone who planted Apple Tomato notes the average early ripening period, the universal purpose of the product. Tomato Apples on the snow belongs to the determinant type.

On a bush 60 cm high, up to 35 fruits weighing 50 g ripen. Up to 3 kg of tomatoes are harvested from the plant, which are distinguished by their uniform color and long shelf life. Medium-sized tomatoes have a height of up to 1 m. These include Malinovka Apple, with raspberry-colored fruits.

The yield per bush reaches 5 kg. The Apple Spas variety is resistant to diseases of nightshade crops. The fruits are universally used and can be transported over distances.

Description of the Tolstoy Monk tomato, growing rules and plant care


The Golden Apple tomato is suitable for cultivation in various conditions. The fruits are yellow, round in shape, hidden under the bright green leaves. Tomatoes of the Emerald Apple variety at the ripe stage have an intense green color.

Paradise Apple and Cherry tomatoes are small-fruited varieties of tomatoes. The new tomato-apple hybrid Red Love is a fruit tree. The flower stalks are shaped like apple trees, and ripe fruits have the appearance of a tomato.


Description of fruits:

  • Tomatoes of this variety have a round shape.
  • Weight from 130 to 150 grams.
  • They are covered with a smooth red-raspberry skin.
  • These tomatoes have a fleshy and juicy texture, a pleasant aroma and a delicate taste.
  • They are characterized by an average number of cameras.
  • Average dry matter content.
  • Such tomatoes can be stored for a long time and have high commercial qualities.

Apple Spas tomatoes are most often used for preparing fresh vegetable salads, as well as for decorating various dishes. Juices and sauces are also prepared from them. These tomatoes are suitable for freezing and canning.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with others in the table:

Variety nameFruit weight
Apple Spas130-150 grams
Ultra early maturing F1100g
Striped chocolate500-1000 grams
Banana Orange100g
King of Siberia400-700 grams
Pink honey600-800 grams
Rosemary pound400-500 grams
Honey-sugar80-120 grams
Demidov80-120 grams
Dimensionlessup to 1000 grams

Read on our website: how to get a high yield of tomatoes in open ground? How to grow delicious tomatoes in a greenhouse in winter? What are the subtleties of agricultural technology for early varieties?

Growing tomatoes in the country

Before planting tomatoes in open ground, sowing and growing seedlings indoors is carried out. For better germination, the seeds are pre-soaked in salt water.

The soil chosen is loose and nutritious. A mixture of leaf soil and humus is used as soil. Seeds are planted in containers, immersed to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Germination is carried out at a temperature of 22-24°C.

The container with the sprouts is placed in a well-lit place and regularly sprayed with heated water. After several leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in different pots. Ready-made complex fertilizers will not interfere.

In the first days of May, seedlings can be planted in greenhouses. Plants are moved to open ground when the threat of night frosts has passed. As a rule, this occurs no earlier than the end of May.

Be responsible when choosing a landing site. It is undesirable to plant tomatoes in the same area for two years in a row.

They also choose their neighbors carefully. Gardeners do not recommend placing tomatoes near potatoes or eggplants. A combination of carrots, onions, beans or pumpkin is suitable.

Tomato Superpriz F1

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