Description of salad tomato Pink sugar and rules for growing the variety

How to increase sugar content

It happens that after planting a sweet variety on a plot, gardeners are disappointed in the taste of the harvested vegetables.
Tomatoes grow watery and bland. The high sugar content in vegetable fruits depends not only on varietal characteristics. In order to enjoy honey tomatoes grown in your garden, you need to provide them with enough sunlight. Therefore, the most illuminated areas of the garden are chosen for tomato beds. The taste of ripe tomatoes is influenced by additional fertilizing and proper agricultural technology. If you water the bushes frequently, but with a small amount of water, the pulp will become watery and lose its sweetness and aroma. Proper watering involves a large amount of liquid at intervals of 2-3 days, so that the soil around the bush dries out a little.

It should also be taken into account that the sugar content is fully revealed only if the fruit is ripe on the branch

Therefore, it is important to select varieties that will have time to reach ripeness before the development of late blight and cold snap. Experienced gardeners plant basil between tomato rows

Joint cultivation has a beneficial effect on the taste of both crops.

Another secret to increasing the sweetness of tomatoes is feeding with wood ash and table salt, which improves the chemical composition of the pulp. Thoroughly dissolve 200 g of ash and 30 g of salt in 10 liters of warm water and leave for 1-2 days. The resulting solution is used to fertilize bushes at the rate of 500 ml per plant.

Growing high-yielding sweet tomatoes in your garden is not difficult. The right variety, adherence to basic agricultural practices and a little hard work can achieve impressive results.

Pest and disease control

The most common disease is a fungus, which most often affects seedlings in a greenhouse. To get rid of a fungal disease, you need to water the seedlings with a warm solution of manganese.

If aphids appear on the site, then you can only remove them with a soap solution, but you can get rid of spider mites only with the help of insecticides. Slugs disappear quickly enough if you spray vegetables with water containing ammonia.

The Brown Sugar variety is ideal for both beginner and more experienced gardeners. This is due to its unpretentiousness to the soil and resistance to diseases and pests.

How to grow seedlings

Seeds for seedlings are sown 65-70 days before planting in the ground. The final sowing dates are determined by the climatic features of the region.

Seed preparation

Proper seed preparation is important for healthy seedling growth. Since this is not a hybrid, you can collect the seed yourself. Preparation consists of selecting high-quality seeds, disinfecting and improving germination.

First, the seeds are determined for internal filling by immersing them in a saline solution for 10 minutes. The solution is prepared from 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 glass of water. Empty grains will float to the surface. Disinfection consists of treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate. For 20 minutes, the seeds are immersed in a pink solution to disinfect the grains. After the procedure, they are thoroughly washed and dried.

To improve germination, seed material is left in a growth stimulator for 10 hours. A special preparation “Zircon” or melt water is used as a stimulant.

The swollen seeds are ready for sowing.

Container and soil

The soil is prepared from garden soil and humus in equal proportions. Washed river sand is added as a leavening agent. All components are thoroughly mixed and steamed in the oven at a temperature of 60 ° C for 10 minutes or poured with a hot solution of dark potassium permanganate.

The disinfected soil is laid out in planting containers, having previously made drainage holes at the bottom of each of them. In the absence of drainage holes, the accumulation of excess moisture can destroy the root system.

Plant in a common wooden box or separate paper honeycombs, plastic and peat cups. Before planting, any planting container is treated with a manganese solution.


Seed material is sown in grooves 1 cm deep at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle peat on top, lightly compact, water with warm, settled water using a spray bottle and cover with film. The containers are left in a warm room at a temperature of 24 ° C until the first shoots appear.

Seedling care

As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the containers are moved to the windowsill. Seedlings need sufficient light, otherwise the seedlings will begin to stretch and weaken. Daylight hours should be at least 13 hours. If there is a lack of natural light, add fluorescent lamps. Additional lighting should be taken care of in advance, especially in regions with short daylight hours.

Water the seedlings with moderately warm, settled water using a tablespoon. Over-wetting the soil increases the risk of the dangerous fungal disease blackleg. The black leg can ruin all plantings in the shortest possible time.

The seedlings are picked after the appearance of 2 true leaves, planted in separate containers. When picking, only strong and healthy plants are left for further development.

If the bushes do not grow very well, they are fed with liquid fertilizer for tomato seedlings. Fertilizing is combined with regular watering.

After watering, the soil is loosened, ensuring air permeability of the soil.

2 weeks before transplanting into the ground, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside during the daytime at a temperature of 17 °C. Initially, the seedlings are left in the open air for 1 hour, gradually this time interval is increased to 12 hours.


  • Tomatoes of the Zhigalo variety have an elongated shape, similar to a cylinder, and grow up to 8-12 cm in length.
  • They are similar in structure to bell peppers.
  • Ripe fruits weigh about 130g.
  • The skin is dense, thick, and does not crack.
  • The pulp is slightly juicy and fleshy.
  • Inside there are 2-3 seed chambers with a small amount of seeds. Unripe tomatoes are green and gradually turn red as they ripen, but not very brightly.
  • The taste is sweetish with slight sourness.
  • The fruits ripen well outside the bush in a warm place, maintaining their taste and quality characteristics.
  • The tomatoes ripen at the same time, making harvesting easier. The variety has good shelf life and is resistant to transportation, so it is often used for commercial cultivation.

Tomatoes of the Zhigalo variety are used for fresh consumption, cutting into salads, stuffing and adding to hot dishes. Due to the high concentration of solids, these tomatoes make good tomato paste, sauce or juice. Zhigalo tomatoes can also be dried and dried.

Watch the video! Tomato Zhigalo

Tomato fruits are versatile: they can be eaten fresh or canned. In addition, they are excellent for stuffing, due to their elongated shape and the absence of a large amount of pulp. The large amount of dry matter allows the fruits to be used for the production of high-quality tomato paste, sauces and juices. After cutting the tomato into slices, it can be dried and dried.

Pink cherry tomatoes

For children and adults who love miniature tomatoes - luxurious cherry tomatoes with pink fruits

Collected from 8 to 30 pieces in tassels, they attract the attention of all family members and guests both in summer cottages and in greenhouses

'Cherry pink'

An excellent sugar variety, especially valuable in children's and dietary nutrition. Miniature bright fruits are a spectacular decoration for dishes.

Tomato 'Cherry Pink'.

Indeterminate, up to 2 m high. Early ripening (95-100 days). The fruits are round, pink, weighing 20 g, with very juicy sweet pulp; collected in brushes of 25-30 pieces.

'Rhianna F1'

A wonderful new hybrid created by the originators of the Japanese company


Tomato 'Rihanna F1'. Photo from the site Fruit close-up. Photo from the site agro7.kzIndeterminate, 1.8-2 m high. Early ripening. The fruits are round, pink, weighing 15-25 g, with aromatic sweet pulp; collected in brushes of 8-10 pieces. Very productive: produces up to 22 clusters. It is better to form into 2 stems. Extremely tolerant to tomato diseases.

Tall tomatoes for the greenhouse

I definitely plant the listed varieties, but there are also some that I just liked, and I periodically grow them in the greenhouse, but I have not become a fan of them. Of the indeterminates, I like the raceme varieties the most. Again, this is primarily because they look beautiful on the bush. There are only three varieties, and each has a special reason to grow it.

“Intuition F1” is a mid-season hybrid, but I would classify it as a late-season hybrid. Not only does it reach harvest ripeness only by mid-August, but biological maturity also comes quite late. Some specimens of these tomatoes ripen even until the end of October. But, on the other hand, this is convenient because as a result, we have our own fresh tomatoes at home for a very long time. That's why I sow it in February.

Rice. 12. Photo from the end of July, but the fruits have not yet begun to ripen.

But “Intuition F1” is very easy. This hybrid is great for freezing for future use. In winter, I make pizza and frittata with them, as they do not defrost like porridge, but retain their meatiness well when cut.

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Rice. 13. The fruits are all smooth and beautiful.

Rice. 14. In this form, I send “Intuition F1” to deep freeze.

“Scarlet Candles” is a cluster variety, mid-season. They don’t have a special taste, but what a shape! Looks impressive in preparations with cucumbers. However, this is why I grow them. It’s nice to admire such a jar later in the winter.

Rice. 15. The length of “Scarlet Candles” is almost like pickling cucumbers.

Rice. 16. “Scarlet candles” look neat, they all have a characteristic “spout”.

“De Barao” is quite late-ripening; I sow it earlier than the bulk of tomatoes. I really like it in preparations, it does not crack and is very tasty, both fresh and pickled.

Rice. 17. "De Barao" is resistant to disease. I always plant it on the north side, tying it above the entrance to the greenhouse, because it is very tall, and the upper tier ripens even in the last ten days of August, despite the first cold nights.

Rice. 18. The fruits are beautiful, all as one.

I have tried a great variety of salad varieties, I still want to find the most delicious one. Of the unusually colored tomatoes, I really like the taste of Malachite Box and Black Prince . Both are tall and require pinching, gartering, and formation into 1-2 stems, but the effort is worth it, the fruits are magnificent. “Black Prince” is dark burgundy when fully ripe.

Rice. 19. “Malachite box” in biological maturity – green.

Rice. 20. All these “Malachite Box” tomatoes are already ripe, although in appearance they seem unripe.

The yellow giants are not inferior in taste, of which the most fleshy and tasty for me are “Yellow Truffle” - of an unusual shape, “Persimmon” - indeed, the pulp is cut like the fruit of the same name, “Golden King” and sweet as a melon, “ Golden Bull" . “Golden Heart” and “Altai Yellow” were less impressive But it should be noted that the shelf life of yellow tomatoes is inferior to red ones. From salad reds, I grew “King of Large”, “Cardinal”, “Canary”, “Bear’s Paw”, “Mazarin”, “Altai Red” . What can I say about them - they are all equal, as if they were selected. It tires them to constantly tug and tie them up. One good thing is that they are large.

Rice. 21. Everyone looks the same on the bush. This is Cardinal.

Rice. 22. “Cardinal” is well kept.

Rice. 24. In the foreground is “Mazarin”. It differs only in shape, in taste - like all other red-fruited ones.

Rice. 25. “Altai Reds”, however, can be praised for their friendly maturation.

Separately, I would like to mention the pink-fruited tomatoes “Miracle of the Earth”. If you are lucky with the summer and it is not very hot, then you can get a good harvest from this variety.

Rice. 26. “Miracle of the Earth” are also tall.

But, if there is not very good ventilation in the greenhouse, then this variety will give a characteristic light yellow border, I don’t like it, and I cut it off before use.

Rice. 27. “Miracle of the Earth” - on the right. They are the same size as the Red Giant on the left.

Separately, it should be said about tall cherry tomatoes, for example, “Chio-chio-san”, “Sweet Cherry F1” and others. Yes, many of them are sweet, they look elegant both in the greenhouse and in pickles, but many of them are thrown away and require careful care. No matter how much I refuse to plant them, I still “break down”, I really want to admire the brushes.

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Rice. 28. “Red date” is, of course, delicious.

Rice. 29. “Goldilocks” also tastes good if you resist and don’t eat it half-ripe - and it can be eaten even half-ripe.

Description of the variety

Plants of this variety are determinate, that is, having reached a certain height, they do not grow higher. They are not standard bushes, so they require special attention and care.

The stem of the tomato is very strong, reaching a height of 50 cm in open ground, and 70 cm in a greenhouse. The bush is medium leafy, usually there are about 6 simple-type brushes.

The root system of “White Filling” grows powerfully, but only to the sides, without going deep.

The leaves have a bright light green color and are medium in size. Their shape is the classic “tomato”. The structure is wrinkled, without pubescence.

Tomato inflorescences are simple; based on their location on the stem, they are classified as an intermediate type. The first, as a rule, is formed near the 6th leaf, and all subsequent ones - after 1-2 leaves. Each inflorescence bears 3 flowers.

Tomato stalks have joints. The tomatoes on the branches hold on very tightly and do not fall off.

Ripening time

In terms of ripening time, “White filling 241” is classified as early (early ripening), sometimes it is even called ultra-early ripening. The first harvest from greenhouse bushes can be harvested 80-100 days after the first shoots hatch. In open ground, tomatoes will ripen a little later.


"White filling 241" is characterized by low yield - from 1 sq. m you can collect only 2.5 to 8 kg of fruit.

The peculiarity of the variety is that its fruits ripen not together, but in parts. Thus, in the first ten days of ripening, only 25-37% of the total harvest ripens. This makes this variety ideal for regions with short summers.

It is worth noting that due to sudden changes in day and night temperatures, the fruits may crack

Therefore, it is important to protect bushes growing in open ground from the first August frosts with the simplest film covers.

Growing conditions

The tomato variety in question can be grown both in open and closed ground. It should be noted that it belongs to cold-resistant varieties, and therefore is suitable for cultivation throughout the Russian Federation.

Resistance to pests and diseases

This variety has good resistance to major tomato diseases. Due to the early ripening of fruits, bushes, as a rule, do not have time to get late blight. They are also immune to macrosporiosis. But “Belyi naliv 241” is affected by cladosporiosis quite easily.

Fruit characteristics

Tomatoes have a pronounced round shape. Their surface can be either smooth or slightly ribbed. The skin of “White Fill” is matte, thin, smooth. The diameter of the fruit is 6-8 cm, and the weight ranges from 80 to 130 g.

Unripe fruits are light green with a whitish tint. Ripe fruits are bright red.

The taste of tomatoes is very good. The mass fraction of dry matter content in fruits is 4.9-5.2%, and sugar – up to 3%.

The fruits are best used fresh for preparing raw salads, stir-fries, sandwiches, pies, pizza and other dishes. Tomato juice is also good from them. They can also be frozen. The fruits can be preserved; when sterilized, they do not burst and do not lose their attractive appearance.

During heat treatment and freezing, tomatoes do not lose their beneficial properties, microelements and vitamins.

Storage conditions

The harvest can be stored for quite a long time. The fruits of “White filling” tolerate transportation satisfactorily.

What varieties of tomatoes are the sweetest?

Many gardeners dream of growing sweet tomatoes. They are pleasant to eat fresh, especially in salads, because they have a taste of honey or berries. To harvest such a harvest, you first need to select sweet varieties of tomatoes for cultivation, which we suggest you familiarize yourself with below.

Popular sweet tomatoes

Among the many varieties, there are some that have the most pronounced sweetness and unique aroma.

Pink honey

This is one of the most delicious tomatoes that is grown in many countries. The taste is reminiscent of honey - it has a tart taste without the slightest sourness, even in those places where the seeds are located. Productivity is high even on the lower branches. The weight of tomatoes is 600 g, but some amateurs grow giant tomatoes up to 1.5 kg. In open ground the height reaches up to 80 cm, but in a greenhouse the stems can stretch up to 1.5 meters. Even if the plant has not grown tall, this will not affect the yield.

The downside of the variety is that its representatives are often affected by various fungal diseases.

Koenigsberg gold

This is another one of the best mid-season varieties. Tomatoes have an elongated plum shape and are sweet, fleshy and juicy. They are covered with thick skin, which allows them to be stored for a long time. They grow well in open ground, but in this case the height is not very large, but in a greenhouse they are much higher. The variety is characterized by high productivity - each cluster has 5 ovaries. Tomatoes can weigh up to 300 g.

The Tsar Bell

This variety grows well in open ground and is considered mid-season in terms of crop ripening. It adapts to different climatic conditions. Mainly considered a salad tomato. The fruits grow large - weighing up to 600 g, red, heart-shaped. If you cut a tomato, it resembles sugary watermelon pulp. Over the summer, up to 4 clusters ripen.


This tomato was previously called the “Budenovka” variety. It is valued for its pleasantly sweet taste and high yield. The fruits are raspberry in color and shaped like a heart. In open ground they reach a height of up to 1.3 m, and when grown in a greenhouse they grow up to 1.8 m.

The weight of the fruit varies - on average from 130 to 250 g, but on the first cluster it can weigh up to 600 g. This variety is considered a salad variety, but is also suitable for making tomato paste and juices. The plant is resistant to late blight.

Honey drop

This is the name given to early ripening cherry tomatoes. They are yellow in color, so they really resemble drops of honey. They grow small in size - up to 30 g, but are collected in clusters, and each can contain 15 tomatoes.

This variety has a high yield, but the bushes also grow tall. In open ground, the main stem reaches a height of 1.5 m, and in greenhouses it can grow 50 cm higher. They are consumed fresh, canned and even made into jam. Once they are ripe, they cannot be stored for long.


This variety of red tomatoes has a dense texture and fleshiness, covered with a slight silvery coating. They are considered ultra-early, the weight of the fruit is about 100 g. They reach a height of only 40 cm, but the variety is characterized by high yield. The plant does not need to be tied up, but the stepsons are best removed. The variety is rarely susceptible to diseases. It’s good to transport tomatoes by canning them whole in their own juice.

Crimson Giant

This is one of the hybrid varieties, famous for its high sugar content. It is pink in color, has a slightly flattened shape, and the fruit weighs about 700 g. The variety is well protected from various diseases and is rarely affected by late blight. It is most often consumed fresh. It is not suitable for canning.

This variety bears fruit for a long time - almost 2 months. It is considered a Dutch hybrid. The fruits are small - weighing only 80 g, but there can be up to 20 of them in a brush. The variety is also distinguished by its high yield. These tomatoes are sweet like candy. You can use them to prepare salads, pickle and salt them, that is, they are versatile in use. The bushes do not grow tall - mostly about a meter.


It has high sugar content. The variety belongs to mid-early plants. The bushes grow about 80 cm, very neat and compact, but the yield is high. The tomatoes gain 400 grams in weight and are burgundy in color. They are very juicy, slightly whitish in color due to the sugar content of the pulp. Tomatoes are mainly consumed fresh, but jams and jams are also made.

Orange pear

This is a domestic mid-season hybrid. Tomatoes grow up to 1.5 m in height in open ground, and in a greenhouse they can be about 2 m. The fruit is orange in color, pear-shaped and has a small weight - about 65 g. The variety has a high yield, especially in greenhouse conditions, but can get sick with fungal diseases, including late blight. Tomatoes have a beautiful decorative appearance. They are used fresh and also for pickling.


This is an early ripening tomato. It is considered an unpretentious plant; it grows well in greenhouses and open ground. The bushes reach a height of about 1 m. Clusters of up to 8 tomatoes are formed in each cluster.

The tomatoes are red, slightly flattened, weigh 300 g. The tomatoes are fleshy, aromatic with a small amount of seeds. They are most often consumed fresh.

The plant is resistant to various diseases, but does not tolerate sudden changes in air temperature.

Sugar giant

This tomato variety was bred by breeders in Russia. It has a bush height of 1.5 -1.8 m. It is a universal plant, so it can grow in open ground conditions and in greenhouses. It is characterized by high productivity, since approximately one bush with good care can produce 6 kg of tomatoes. They are large (from 400-600 g), suitable for fresh consumption, but not for canning.

Features of planting and growing Pudovik tomato

From the point of view of agricultural technology, the Pudovik tomato is a typical indeterminate variety, easy to grow. It forgives the mistakes of inexperienced gardeners both in watering and fertilizing, and in bush formation, although, of course, correct formation is one of the main guarantees of high productivity. The taste of the fruit is practically independent of growing conditions; it is excellent.

This tomato can only be grown through seedlings: only in the southern regions can good harvests be collected by direct sowing in the garden. Seedlings are grown in the usual way, seeds are sown in traditional times. The seedlings of this tomato can become overgrown and cannot be called strong. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose the sunniest window sill for it, even if not the warmest. The bushes will grow quite well in relative coolness

It is especially important that in the first week after germination the temperature does not exceed 16 ° C

Pudovik seedlings can grow quite tall

As a rule, no more than three bushes are planted per 1 m2, taking into account that when growing a bush with two or three stems, it can become very thick. Only those who like to form plants according to a single-stem pattern plant up to four Pudovik bushes per square meter. The planting process is usual: if the seedlings are still overgrown, their lower leaves are torn off and planted obliquely. Many gardeners plant Pudovik two plants per hole, forming each into one stem.

Basic care operations are traditional: this tomato requires moderately moist soil and an average amount of fertilizer. Since fruits are prone to cracking in high humidity conditions, it is helpful to keep the bed under a layer of mulch to maintain moderate humidity. Regardless of the formation of the bush, the pudovik will give a good harvest, but experienced gardeners take into account the possibility of attenuation of the growth of the first stepson left behind, so they leave another one “in reserve” and break out the rest in time. If this is not done, if there is a sudden change in weather conditions, you may lose part of the harvest.

In general, the fruiting of the Pudovik tomato is long, but wave-like: the tomatoes ripen unevenly. However, with proper care, you can enjoy delicious fruits until the cold weather. In order to have time to remove all the set fruits, the growth point of the main stem, as in the case of all indeterminate fruits, is pinched in August: in open ground at the beginning of the month, in greenhouses - closer to the middle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gardeners especially loved the Sugar variety for its excellent yield and excellent taste characteristics. Ripe tomatoes are consumed raw, used for salads, making juice and fresh sauces. And although the purpose of the tomato is more for salad, this does not bother many housewives. They use the surplus harvest for canning and pickling.

Tomatoes also have other advantages:

  • has a strong immune system, practically does not get sick;
  • can be grown both for personal consumption and for sale;
  • withstands transportation well, maintaining commercial quality;
  • fits well in storage.

The shortcomings noted by vegetable growers are more related to the care of bushes that will require staking and pinching. In addition, the disadvantages include the fact that to grow this variety you will need a stationary greenhouse or at least the construction of a temporary film shelter.

Erofeich f1 - the choice of gardeners

The description of the vegetable is simple and understandable for a gardener, even if he decides to grow tomatoes for the first time. A determinate plant is distinguished by its power. It has a large and strong stem. The number of leaves that cover the crop is average.

The leaves have a rich dark green color. Tolerates high temperatures. Each simple inflorescence produces from 4 to 7 fruits. The brushes are short and simple.

The shape of the fruit is round, flattened on one side. At the moment of formation, the color of the fruit changes from green to red. There is no white spot near the stalk. Each fruit can have no more than 5 nests. Moreover, their location is correct.

The average weight of one fruit ranges from 150 to 200 g. Acids and sugar combine in the best possible way, making the taste of the ripe fruit incredible. They have an extended ripening period. Vegetables are suitable for universal use. Suitable for preparing canned salads and tomato juice.

Characteristics and description of tomato variety Brown sugar, yield

Brown Sugar Tomato has a unique appearance, the peculiarity is its chocolate color. At the same time, tomatoes are sweet and versatile in use: they can be canned, eaten fresh, added to salads and made into juices.


Brown Sugar tomato is a late-ripening variety, one of the dark-fruited varieties. It will take at least 120 days from the emergence of seedlings to a good harvest. The description of the variety is replete with both ordinary and unique advantages.

Bush. When planted in greenhouses, the bush will reach two meters, so it needs to be tied up. In the open air, the plant will grow smaller - up to 1.5 m. The brushes form a maximum of five tomatoes.

Fruit. Features of the fruit:

  • Moderate volume;
  • chocolate brown color;
  • smooth shiny surface;
  • weight 100-150 grams.

Pulp. Tomato Sugar Brown has a very rich and sweet taste. There are few seeds, and the pulp itself is loose, fleshy and juicy. The shiny skin protects the tomato well from cracking. Tomato contains a high level of sugar and important microelements. For such properties, it is often used to feed children and as a dietary dish.

Productivity. Another outstanding indicator is productivity. From 1 m² of soil you can harvest from 6 to 10 kg of selected tomatoes.

Usage. Ripe tomatoes are widely used in cooking: they have proven themselves in canning, making sauces and juices, are suitable for adding to salads, and are also eaten fresh. Gardeners who grew the Brown Sugar tomato variety noted that children love it for its sweet, delicate taste and are great at eating the vegetable straight from the garden (after washing it first).

A big plus is the healing properties of the dark chocolate variety. It’s not for nothing that this tomato is called the “rejuvenating apple”, because it contains antioxidants that slow down the aging of the body, fight viruses, add male strength and even have an anti-cancer effect. But all of the above properties are inherent in fresh tomatoes, which means that for prevention or treatment they should be consumed in the form of juice or fresh.

Features of cultivation

The tomato is considered a late tomato. For this reason, most fruit growth occurs in the fall. With the onset of frost, the fruits continue to grow, and frozen and drooping foliage will not prevent them from ripening well.

Seeds are sown in a hole up to 2 cm deep. After planting, the soil is sprayed with warm boiled water and covered with film for rapid seed germination. For the same purpose, it is necessary to maintain a stable air temperature within 23-25 ​​degrees. As soon as the shoots appear, the temperature can be reduced by 3 degrees.

The seedlings are moved to a bright place. And with the appearance of the first leaves, the plants are planted in pots and liquid complex fertilizer is added.

It is necessary to water the seedlings once every five days; rain, settled or boiled warm water is suitable for this. Tomato seedlings are gradually hardened, increasing the time spent in the fresh air. Hardening is a recommendation.

Plants after planting require tying to supports, because they will grow tall. The formation of bushes occurs in one stem, the lower leaves and stepsons are periodically removed. The characteristics of the variety indicate a late ripening period, so the last tomatoes are harvested before frost. Ripening occurs at home.

Over the entire season, it is necessary to fertilize tomatoes 3-4 times. The optimal scheme is to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers before flowering, and during fruiting, add phosphorus or potassium fertilizers. Mineral complexes are perfect. Constant watering of plants is necessary, preferably at the roots, weeding and loosening of the soil. Regularly following the recommendations will help you get high yields.


Tomatoes are resistant to fungi and viruses. But to protect young plants and increase productivity, disease prevention is necessary. Every year you need to replace the soil in greenhouses; if you want to protect your tomatoes even better, water the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Those gardeners who have planted tomatoes are advised to spray the plantings with safe microbiological preparations.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Sugar raspberry - medium late variety. Ripening begins in July and lasts until autumn frosts. The culture is indent, the bushes grow powerful and vigorous.

Features of the variety from the originator Sedek:

  • indeterminate growth;
  • stem length - in greenhouses up to 2 m, in open beds - up to 1.5 m;
  • cluster fruiting;
  • a bunch of up to 5 tomatoes;
  • moderate branching and foliage.

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Tomatoes have richly flavored flesh and solid sugary meat. Fruiting continues for a long time.

  • average weight - 150–180 g;
  • coloring - raspberry;
  • the skin is strong, but not thick, and does not crack with excessive watering;
  • on the break there is watermelon pulp;
  • the taste is dominated by sweetness over sourness;
  • consistency - delicate;
  • shape - flattened;
  • there is slight ribbing.

Beef fruits are used in numerous snacks and for fresh salads. They are added to hot and cold dishes, mashed potatoes and rich sauces are prepared.


Seeds are sown from January to April. Fertile soil is used for sowing (composition: turf, peat, compost). Seedlings are kept at 20–22 degrees, pricked when 2 leaves grow.

In the middle zone and in the south, seeds are sown for seedlings in March, in colder areas - in April. First, prepare the soil mixture. Mix equal parts of soil from the garden, peat and humus, which can be replaced with compost. For drainage, add less than 1 part of sand or sawdust. Add 2-3 handfuls of wood ash per 10 kg of soil. If necessary, fertilize with nitrophoska or superphosphate.

Hybrid seeds are sold treated with a fungicide. They are not treated, limited to a stimulant. Sow into moistened and disinfected soil to a depth of 1–2 cm. Spray with water from a spray bottle, cover with a transparent film and keep until germination. After 7–10 days, the seeds will sprout.

Young seedlings are provided with a temperature from 16 (during the first three days) to 18–22. Lighting is provided for 12–16 hours a day.

When 1–2 true leaves develop, the bushes sprout.

Features of cultivation

Young tomatoes are planted in a permanent place when they reach the age of 60 days. When grown indoors, the work is done a week earlier. After 14 days, the plants begin to be tied to the trellis. If the fruits are too heavy, the brushes are also strengthened.

Form a tomato into 2 stems. As they grow, remove excess stepsons. If you want to get very large fruits, adjust the number of ovaries, leaving 1-2 pieces on the hands. The lower leaves are removed depending on the weather. If the summer is hot, manipulation is performed to a minimum.

Attention! After picking a tomato, be sure to remove the stem. This will speed up the ripening of other tomatoes.

Pink Dessert – variety of Tomato plant

Information on the admission of Tomato Pink Dessert from the Register of the State Variety Commission of the Russian Federation

Application for admission No. 70053, registered 2016-10-18. The Pink Dessert Tomato variety is included in the register of those admitted in 2021. Approved for use in regions: All regions.

The originator of the Pink Dessert Tomato variety is:

Information about the patent for the Pink Dessert Tomato variety

Patent holder of the Pink Dessert variety:


Application for protection of the Pink Dessert variety No. 70054, registered 2016-10-18.

Patent No. 10400, registered 2019-06-11. Estimated patent expiration date 2049-12-31.

Authors of the Pink Dessert Tomato variety
  • Kachainik Vladimir Georgievich
  • Gulkin Mikhail Nikolaevich
  • Karmanova Olga Alekseevna
  • Matyunina Svetlana Vladimirovna

Other varieties of tomato plant

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Description of salad tomato Pink sugar and rules for growing the variety

In their garden plots, gardeners try to grow different tomatoes. Tomato Sugar pink takes its rightful place among them. This variety is valued for its high content of the powerful antioxidant selenium. In addition, the vegetable is loved for its unusually sweet taste.

Characteristics of tomato

It is best to start the description of the variety with a message that this vegetable was included in the State Register of our country in 2010. Breeders suggest cultivating the plant both under film covers and in open areas. The shape of the fruits of this crop is flat-round, even, with smooth, strong skin.

The color of the vegetable at the moment of commercial ripeness is pale pink; the pulp is juicy and meaty. Tomatoes are divided internally into 6 or more segments.

The characteristics of the Pink Sugar variety would not be complete without mentioning that this tomato belongs to semi-determinate plants. The bushes produce stable, good yields and do not require complex care. In greenhouse conditions, the trunks of nightshade plants reach 1.2-1.5 m; in open ground they grow up to 1 m.

The first inflorescence is formed above the 7-9 leaf; it's simple. The tomato leaves of the Sugar Pink variety are large and light green.

Referring to reviews from active gardeners, it can be argued that from 1 m² it is easy to collect 5-6 kg of wonderful tomatoes weighing up to 200 g each. The variety belongs to the mid-season species; the first pink vegetables appear on the branches 110-115 days after germination.

Planting and caring for the plant

Sowing of planting material is carried out in March; At this point, it is necessary to prepare the soil and check the seeds for germination. The soil is collected from 3 main components: turf soil (garden soil), humus and sand. To create looseness and good moisture permeability, various disintegrants are added to the soil composition. Some gardeners do not prepare the soil in advance, but purchase the substrate in specialized stores.

Before sowing, tomato seeds are dipped in water with salt; After some time, empty seeds float to the surface and are discarded. Those seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the container must be disinfected in an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate.

Tomato seeds are placed in moistened soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, then they are sprinkled with peat or soil. Containers with plantings are covered with film and put in a warm place until the first shoots appear. It is best to grow seedlings at a temperature of +22... +24°C, in a well-lit place. Do not forget about watering, which should be done with warm water and as needed.

Picking (transplanting) of young plants is performed after the seedlings have formed 2 true leaves. At this point, it is worth preparing the first fertilizing, which should consist of phosphate and potassium microelements, and separate containers for each crop.

3 weeks before transferring the plantings to a permanent place of growth, they need to be hardened off, i.e. accustom to new living conditions. To do this, containers with tomatoes are periodically taken out into fresh air for a short time.

Transplantation into the greenhouse occurs from mid-April; You can plant tomatoes under the film in May; Solanaceous bushes are planted in open beds no earlier than the first days of June. Plantings should not have flowers. If they have already appeared, then it is better to remove such a brush.

The system of methods for cultivating Pink Sugar tomatoes after transplantation is simple. Care consists of watering, loosening the soil, hilling and weeding. Experts advise watering tomatoes rarely, but abundantly. Good watering should be at the time of transplantation, during the period of growth and ovary of vegetables.

Tomato bushes of the Sugar pink variety need supports and a garter.

This variety is formed into 2-3 stems, so that the growth process continues in a timely manner, it is worth leaving 1 stepson in reserve.

Gardeners advise harvesting fruits when they are slightly unripe - in this state they are easier to transport. Tomatoes do not have a long shelf life, but they ripen well in a warm place.


Alexandra, Volgograd:

“The name of the variety speaks for itself. The tomatoes are all smooth, beautiful pink in color. Very tasty and sweet."

Zinaida, Kursk:

“After studying the description of the variety, I decided to plant pink sugar. The variety is productive, bears fruit for a long time, and does not suffer from any disease. The main thing is to remove the tomatoes from the bush in time, otherwise they will burst.”

“I’ve been growing rose sugar for five years now. Fruits consistently well. The taste of tomatoes, even when half ripe, is already sweet. Suitable for both fresh consumption and preservation.”

Ksenia, Novosibirsk:

“Three years ago, on the advice of the seller, I bought Brown Sugar seeds, I really liked the variety. And last year, while looking for something new, I came across Pink Sugar. I planted it and grew it in a greenhouse, no problems arose. The tomatoes are richly sweet and juicy. The best variety for vegetable juices and ketchups.”

Gardeners like the Raspberry Sugar tomato for its excellent commercial qualities and excellent taste (the ideal combination of sweetness and sourness). Belongs to the beef tomato group. Cultivation is possible under film, in open beds.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundLate ripeningPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

The Basics of Proper Growing of Tomatoes Pink Flamingo

A correctly chosen place for planting, as well as measures for caring for tomatoes, is the key to a good harvest.


It is necessary to plant Pink Flamingo seeds to grow seedlings in March or early April. It is advisable to transplant into the ground in mid-May. The thickness of the fertile soil layer should be at least 1/3 m.

Dense plantings have a good effect on the development of the Pink Flamingo variety, but still sufficient lighting is also of great importance. The best option is to plant plants according to a 70x40 cm pattern.

It is advisable to allocate the place where cabbage, onions, carrots, cucumbers or legumes grew last year for tomato ridges. It is even better if the soil intended for planting the Pink Flamingo variety is pre-enriched with green manure plants (lupine, mustard, phacelia).

Growing and care

The holes are watered, peat ash, compost, and superphosphate are added. Plants are planted at a distance of 40 cm in a row.

Arches and posts are installed next to the bushes for fixation. Stepchildren are pinched and tied as they grow. Fertilize with nitrogen during the growth of the vegetative part; when setting, superphosphate and potassium compounds are introduced.

photo author Alexey Kulik

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