Universal tomatoes with excellent ripening - Marmalade tomato: description of the variety and characteristics

The Marmalade tomato is a delicious yellow-fruited variety, the fruits of which are really similar in consistency and taste to marmalade. It yields the harvest early, the tomatoes ripen smoothly and have universal applications.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
shortGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningYellowAverageVarietyRound

Description and qualities of the variety

The Marmalade tomato is a standard determinate plant. It is recommended to form it into 4 stems and regularly carry out pinching. The tomato stem is quite powerful, so it does not need tying. But fixation to the supports prevents the plant from falling to the ground during the period of fruit ripening with a bountiful harvest.

The Marmalade tomato bush is low-growing with a small number of medium-sized leaves. The height in unprotected soil is 70-80 cm. In greenhouses, the stems stretch up to 150 cm.

Flower clusters are formed through 2 leaves. After the formation of 4-6 brushes, growth stops.

The first ripe tomatoes appear 90-100 days after the seedlings emerge. The fruits are round in shape, with a smooth and dense skin that is not prone to cracking. The berries are medium-sized, weighing about 100 g.

When ripe, the fruits are bright yellow with an orange tint. They do not become limp or lose their shape during heat treatment. They have a pleasant sweet taste.

Advantages of the variety


  • excellent sweet taste;
  • excellent presentation;
  • high productivity;
  • content of useful substances.


  • It has almost no disadvantages.

Based on the above, we can highlight the main advantages of the variety:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste and presentation of the fruit;
  • safe transportation and long shelf life;
  • convenient dimensions of the bushes;
  • simple plant care;
  • the versatility of fruits in their preparation;
  • resistance to diseases, nutritional value of fruits.

The fruits can be sealed in jars, prepared from them into salads, juices, purees and added to tomato paste. Fresh fruits with the addition of a small amount of oil are very useful.

Diseases and pests

The variety is immune to many diseases, especially late blight. But if the rules of care are violated, the humidity in the greenhouse increases and the planting is poor, they can become infected with fungi. It is necessary to get rid of excess greenery to ensure ventilation of the bush.

Timely care, compliance with watering rules, regular loosening, hilling, mulching the soil, applying fertilizers and fertilizing are preventive measures against diseases and pests.

Crop rotation on the site also helps maintain immunity. You should avoid planting tomatoes next to potatoes, peppers, physalis, and eggplants.

For prevention, you can treat bushes with special antifungal drugs.

Use in cooking

The Orange marmalade variety is widely used in cooking. Due to their attractive color, tomatoes are used to make marmalade and tomato jam. Consumed fresh and used in the preparation of various salads. Pairs well with other types of vegetables.

Used for winter preparations both whole and in slices. In a cool, dry place it retains its presentation and taste for a long time. If stored correctly, you can even decorate the New Year's table.

Growing Marmalade Tomato

Sowing of seedlings is carried out 60 days before the approximate date of transplanting into the ground. It is recommended to prepare the seeds for sowing to increase the germination rate.

Growing seedlings

Preparation of tomato seeds involves disinfection. This will help increase the plant's immunity to diseases.

To do this, the seeds are soaked for 15 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate or special preparations. After the procedure, they are washed well with water.

Seedlings can be grown in any container. These can be individual plastic cups, peat pots, or shared boxes. Before use, containers and equipment are disinfected with boiling water or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Before pouring the soil, a drainage layer 2-3 cm thick of small stones and expanded clay is laid on the bottom of the container. Drainage helps remove excess moisture from the soil and prevent rotting processes at the roots.

Tomatoes need loose, light and fertile soil. The soil from the site is taken as the basis. Peat, humus, and sand are added to it in equal quantities. The soil mixture is poured over the drainage layer and compacted well.

Grooves 1-1.5 cm deep are made on the surface at a distance of 3 cm from each other. The seeds are laid out at intervals of 1.5 cm. The crops are covered with a thin layer of soil on top and moistened with a spray bottle.

To maintain constant temperature and humidity, containers are covered with glass, a lid or plastic film. Try to maintain the room temperature at +25 degrees. With the appearance of green sprouts on the surface, remove the cover and lower the temperature to +20 degrees.

Watering is carried out regularly. Water carefully so as not to damage the young bushes. Only warm water is used. Twice during the growing period, seedlings are fertilized with mineral fertilizer complexes.


With the appearance of the second true leaf, the tomatoes are picked.

This procedure allows you to increase the living space of seedlings for further growth. Transplantation promotes the development of a more branched root system.

When diving, the tomato bush is carefully dug under the root and transferred to the prepared container. This is followed by abundant watering.

Seedlings are planted when the weather becomes warm outside and night frosts stop. Especially if the tomatoes are planned to be cultivated in open ground. A week before, they feed her again and begin to prepare her for new conditions. For this purpose, hardening is carried out. In the first days, the time is 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing. In recent days, if there is no threat of frost, you can leave it for a day.

Transplantation into the ground

A couple of days before the planned planting date, fertilizers and humus are added to the soil. The prepared holes are shed with warm water to warm the soil. The day before planting, the soil in the holes is loosened. Before transferring the seedlings to the hole, it is watered again.

The tomato is placed in the middle of the hole, the roots are sprinkled with a little soil and strengthened in the center. The plantings are left alone for a week to acclimatize and take root.

If marmalade tomatoes are grown in unprotected soil, then a shelter from the sun's rays should be installed for a couple of days. Ultraviolet light can leave burns on young greenery.

Briefly about the plant

The characteristics and description of the Orange Marmalade variety are as follows:

  1. The growing season of a tomato from full sprouts to the first harvest is from 90 to 100 days.
  2. The bushes reach a height of 0.9-1.3 m, so they need to be formed. The leaves are medium in size. Painted in light green tones.
  3. Farmers who planted this variety note that 5-6 ovaries can develop on each bush.
  4. Those gardeners who grew the described tomato indicate that the formation of the first inflorescence occurs above the 5th or 6th leaf. The following similar elements develop every 2 or 3 sheets.
  5. Orange marmalade tomatoes have dense, fleshy flesh. They contain a lot of sugar, so the berries taste sweet.
  6. The weight of the fetus reaches 0.1 kg. During the first harvest, the largest berries are obtained.

Reviews from the part of gardeners who planted the described variety in greenhouses show that the yield is 7.5-8 kg from every 1 m² of bed. When sowing tomatoes in open ground, the yield will be 6-7 kg per 1 m².

In a cold place, orange marmalade retains its taste and presentation for a long time. Tomato can be transported over medium distances.

In Russia, this variety is grown in open ground in the North Caucasus and Krasnodar Territory. In other regions and in the vast expanses of the middle zone, this tomato should only be planted under greenhouse film or in greenhouse blocks. In the Far North and Siberia, well-heated greenhouse complexes are best suited for cultivating the described plant. Tomato is resistant to most diseases.

Read also: What are the benefits of hot peppers for the human body?

The Marmalade tomato is a relatively new variety, which, despite its recent appearance on the market, has already gained its fans and admirers.

Features of care

Pinching and tying makes it easier to care for tomatoes, cultivate the soil, and improve the ventilation of the bushes. This has a beneficial effect on maintaining tomato resistance to diseases and pests.

For good growth, weeding, loosening and mulching of the soil are carried out. Mulch helps retain moisture in the soil, prevents the formation of a hard earthen crust, and protects the root system. Removing the lower leaves also protects against infection.

The Marmalade tomato calmly tolerates unfavorable weather conditions, even during periods of stress it continues to flower, set fruit and bear fruit. This is a great variety for yellow tomato lovers.


  1. Ekaterina, 46 years old: I decided to plant a new variety, it pleased me with its productivity. The fruits are simply a sight to behold, all smooth, neat, elastic and do not crack. It’s convenient to roll them whole into jars. Fresh tomatoes are very tasty, they are stored for a long time and do not rot, very aromatic and tasty. Guests are surprised by the unusual color and structure of the tomatoes.
  2. Nina V., 50 years old: I grew this variety for sale; fresh tomatoes are stored for 1.5-2 months without changing their presentation. During cultivation, I did not encounter any diseases of the bushes; I collected about 6 kilograms from one bush per season, and grew it in a greenhouse. Of course, I left it for the family to try, everyone liked the taste and unusual appearance, it really resembles marmalade in consistency.
  3. Vasily Petrovich, 35 years old: I don’t like to grow varieties with tall bushes, so I planted a new variety, “Yellow Marmalade.” The bushes in the greenhouse have grown about 120 cm, the fruits are strong, do not burst and are very tasty. Despite the average size of the bushes, I still tied them up and pinched them, and as a result I got a good harvest. In general, I discovered a good variety of yellow tomatoes; the small size of the tomatoes allows you to roll them into jars without cutting them.

Tomato Marmalade orange buy tomato wholesale and retail from the manufacturer

An early determinate variety with a height of 90-100 cm. It begins to bear fruit 100-110 days after germination. Forms 4-5 clusters of 5-8 fruits each. The fruits are orange, elliptical, smooth, large - weighing 150-170 g, sweet, recommended for fresh consumption and canning. Salads, juice and homemade preparations from Orange Marmalade are very tasty, and most importantly - incredibly healthy.

Sowing seeds for seedlings with mandatory picking in the phase of one or two true leaves. Seedlings are planted at the age of 60-65 days, placed on 1 square. m 3-4 pcs. Plants are tied up and formed into 1-2 stems. It is mandatory to remove side shoots (stepchildren). Plants need regular watering, weeding, loosening and fertilizing.

01-15.III 15.V-05.VI 50×40 cm VII—IX

The Orange marmalade variety is widely used in cooking. Due to their attractive color, tomatoes are used to make marmalade and tomato jam. Consumed fresh and used in the preparation of various salads. Pairs well with other types of vegetables.

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