Fragrant and long-lasting: characteristics and description of the tomato variety Lezhebok f1

Among the record holders for storage, the tomato Lezhebok f1 is recognized as one of the best. Tomatoes last a long time and do not lose their marketable properties, presentable appearance, or excellent taste. They make juicy, delicious fresh salads and excellent preparations for the winter - sauces, ketchups, pastes.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageHybridFlat-round


Characteristics of the Lezhebok tomato: mid-season variety, medium-leafed bush, 1–1.2 m high, grown in two stems. Bushes with intermediate inflorescence. The yield of the variety is quite high: 4–5 kg of net harvest comes out from one root.

The fruit is round, slightly flattened. One tomato has an average weight of 120 - 140 grams. Due to the absence of excess juice, the fruits are dense, fleshy, and remain fresh until winter. As is typical for hybrids, they have an excellent sweet and sour taste. The skin is smooth, bright red.

Tomatoes can easily withstand transportation without losing their taste or presentation. Can be stored in a cool, dry place until the New Year holidays.

Description of the tomato variety Zlatov, its characteristics and cultivation

The Zlatova tomato is a hybrid variety that has an unusual tomato color - orange with a tinge of yellowish color. The culture belongs to a variety of universal species, as it can be grown in outdoor and greenhouse conditions. The highest yields are achieved when grown in closed structures.

The culture belongs to varieties with an average ripening period. The bushes can reach a height of up to 1.5 m. It is recommended to form shoots into 1 or 2 main stems. Due to its high size, the plant needs staking and periodic pinching work.

Features of the fruit

When cut, the fruits have a reddish flesh. The average weight of a tomato is 100 grams. The fruits are round in shape and contain a small amount of seeds.

Description of the advantages of the hybrid variety:

  • resistance to most tomato diseases;
  • high yields regardless of environmental conditions;
  • good ability to withstand mechanical damage, tomatoes tolerate difficult conditions of long-term transportation;
  • Can be used fresh and for canning.

Reviews from gardeners confirm the characteristics of the variety in the form of good taste and juicy tomato pulp. Tomatoes are ideal for fresh use in salads, as an ingredient in first and second courses.

Recommendations for planting

The culture involves the use of seedling growing methods. It is recommended to disinfect the seeds before planting. When using used containers, it is recommended to pre-treat them, which will reduce the risk of disease in seedlings.

Sowing of planting material is carried out from the end of March to April. The plant is demanding of sufficient sunlight, the amount of which will determine the height and health of the seedlings. For planting, select soil with a high peat content, the amount of which should be at least 40%. The soil requires the presence of a large amount of mineral components and microelements.

When using soil from a personal plot, preliminary treatment in the form of steaming or calcination is necessary.

It is recommended to place drainage material at the bottom of the planting container, which will remove excess moisture and prevent rotting of the roots. To do this, you can use small charcoal with pieces no larger than 6 cm in size, which is mixed with the ground. Sowing of seeds is carried out at a distance of 3 cm. After planting, the soil is treated with a weak solution of potassium humate using a sprayer.

After planting the seeds, the containers are placed in a dry room and the temperature is maintained within 30 C0. The first shoots appear on the 10th day. The seedlings need to be provided with a sufficient amount of light, otherwise they will stretch and thin. The temperature during the growing period of seedlings is 20 C0.

Recommendations for planting

Before planting in a place of permanent growth, seedlings are hardened off. To do this, a “hard” temperature regime is provided for 2 hours a day, reducing it at night to 15 C0, at night to 8 C0. The seedlings are ready for planting 55 days after emergence.

The soil is pre-prepared before planting. To do this, the following components are added to each meter:

  • 55 grams - superphosphate;
  • 55 grams - potassium sulfate;
  • 50 grams - ammonium sulfate.

Planting is carried out at an air temperature of at least 13 C0. The recommended furrow width is 45 cm, planting is carried out at a depth of 20 cm. Before planting, it is recommended to fertilize the grooves with Fitosporin or Baikal. Before planting, the seedlings are not watered for 2 days, but 30 minutes before transplanting they are moistened abundantly. The first watering is carried out after 10 days. Further care involves standard agricultural cultivation techniques. A couple of weeks before ripening, they stop feeding the bushes with fertilizers.

Seed preparation

Sowing tomatoes for seedlings begins in late March - early April. To achieve a rich harvest, you need not only high-quality seeds, but also certain skills and knowledge. Before sowing, seeds must be disinfected.

Visually, it is almost impossible to distinguish diseased tomato seeds from healthy ones. It would be safer to first disinfect the seed material. There are several ways to destroy pests located inside and on the surface of seeds:

  1. Dry method. Place tomato seed material in the sun for several days - when heated under the sun's rays, the seeds will be disinfected and will germinate faster.
  2. Wet method. For half a liter of warm water, 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate. Place tomato seeds in the solution and leave for half an hour at room temperature. Then rinse thoroughly and dry.

See also

Features of growing tomato seedlings in a plastic bottle on toilet paperRead

Tomato Lazybok

Mid-early, determinate tomato hybrid for open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to the beginning of ripening is 107-111 days.

The bush is medium-leaved, up to 1.3 meters high, with a leaf of the usual type. It is recommended to form 2-3 stems. The first inflorescence is laid above the 8-9 leaf, the subsequent ones - every 1-2 leaves.

Tomato Lezhebok F1 is included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for growing under film covers.

Basic qualities of fruits

The fruits are flat-round, dense, red in color at maturity, weighing 150-160 grams, fleshy, good (for a hybrid) taste. Not prone to cracking, durable and transportable. These tomatoes have a universal purpose.

Planting pattern: 50 x 40 cm, planting density: 5-6 plants per 1 sq. m.

Advantages of the hybrid: high yield, large fruit, transportability, high taste of fruits, their resistance to cracking.

Seed producer: Gavrish.

Features of growing tomatoes Lezhebok

We recommend sowing the seeds of this tomato for seedlings 55-60 days before the intended planting in the ground. Seedlings dive at the stage of two true leaves. When planting seedlings in a permanent place per 1 sq. It is recommended to place up to 3 plants per meter of land.

Further care for tomatoes consists of timely watering, fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer, pinching and preventive measures to protect against diseases and pests.

If you grew Lezhebok tomatoes, please write whether you liked them or not. What was the yield and taste of the fruits like under your climatic conditions? How do you rate the disease resistance of this tomato? Briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of this tomato. If possible, attach a photo of the entire bush or individual fruits you grew to your comment. Thank you!

Your reviews of the Lazybok tomato and additions to the description will help many gardeners evaluate this hybrid objectively and decide whether it is worth planting or not.

Planting and care

You can choose any container for sowing seedlings. Particular preference is given to plastic containers with single cups: in the future you will not have to pick young tomatoes and disturb the root system.

After sowing tomato seeds, it is necessary to water and feed the seedlings in a timely manner. When the first full leaves of a tomato appear, the container with tomatoes must be evenly turned towards the sun every 2 days, otherwise the bushes will grow one-sided.

Fragrant and long-lasting: characteristics and description of the tomato variety Lezhebok f1

Among the record holders for storage, the tomato Lezhebok f1 is recognized as one of the best. Tomatoes last a long time and do not lose their marketable properties, presentable appearance, or excellent taste. They make juicy, delicious fresh salads and excellent preparations for the winter - sauces, ketchups, pastes.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonRedsAverageHybridFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Lezhebok f1 is a determinate medium-sized hybrid.

  • have shoots 1.2 m long;
  • moderately leafy and spreading;
  • form the first inflorescence after 8-9 leaves, each subsequent one after 2-3 leaves.

What characteristics are characteristic of tomatoes:

  • average weight 120-140 g;
  • the flesh is dense, fleshy, moderately juicy;
  • the skin is strong;
  • elongated shape, like cream;
  • taste with a predominance of sweetness.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • long-term storage for 2-3 months until winter;
  • productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • endurance to adverse factors;
  • resistance to pathogens;
  • friendly germination;
  • good tying in any weather.


the need for feeding, garter.

Features of cultivation and storage

The seedlings are transplanted into stationary beds at the age of 55-60 days. By this time, the bushes grow 6-7 true leaves and have 1 first inflorescence.

How to care for a hybrid:

  • the bush leads into 1-2 shoots;
  • water 3 times a week, the water norm for 1 plant is 7-8 l;
  • fed with bioinfusions, diluted organic solutions, complex minerals;
  • mulch with a layer of at least 8 cm; for this, cut green manure or hay is used.

Soil preparation

If the land plot is located near a railway or highway, it is better to take the land away from the gas-polluted area. The soil should not contain substances harmful to vegetable crops. Tomatoes cannot withstand acidity.

You can purchase ready-made soil in the store, which contains useful microelements. If you don’t have the skills to grow tomatoes, you can consult experienced gardeners.

Varietal features and characteristics

Batyanya is ready for cultivation both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions. To obtain the maximum possible yield, it is recommended to plant tomatoes in the open ground of the southern regions and in greenhouses in the middle zone.

Description of the bushes

The indeterminate nature of the variety allows for virtually unlimited growth potential. Therefore, provided there is a trellis or other support, the bush can reach a height of about 2 m. And this is not the limit. Despite its high growth, the plant does not have a powerful stem, nor is it prone to branching. The best option is a bush with 1 or 2 stems.

The root system is located rather superficially; the roots do not go deep into the soil. The leaves have the usual shape and color for tomatoes, but are large and sparsely spaced. The inflorescences are simple, there are a lot of flower clusters, but the fruits are usually set on only a few. On average there are up to 3 large fruits on each cluster.

If there is a trellis, the bush can reach a height of about 2 m

Commercial and taste qualities of fruits

The first fruits appear three months after the seedlings emerge. Fruiting may take a little longer under unfavorable climatic conditions. The weight of the fruit ranges from 200 to 300 g. The shape is heart-shaped, the tip of the base is slightly elongated. The surface ribs are weakly expressed.

The unripe fruit is pale green in color with a darker spot at the base. As the tomato ripens, it turns pink and becomes an even crimson color. The skin is thin, pleasant to the touch, with a glossy structure.

The pulp is quite juicy, not too dense, but not loose either, slightly sugary at the breaks, literally melts in the mouth. There are a lot of seeds, but they are small.

The taste of tomatoes is simply amazing - fresh tomato with a sweet aftertaste. But what prevents tomatoes from taking a leading position and receiving the highest tasting scores is the lack of a balanced combination of acid and sweetness. The fruits are highly transportable, even over long distances.

Tomatoes of the Batyanya variety have a fresh tomato taste with a sweet aftertaste

Productivity and use of tomatoes

Reviews about the harvests obtained are very diverse. On average, you can expect to receive 2–3 kg per bush. However, some gardeners claim that in greenhouse conditions you can get twice as much.

In any case, we advise you to focus on the degree of possible yield declared by the manufacturer. Since individual gardeners can use various chemicals to increase productivity.

Batyanya is classified as a salad variety. However, the fruits make excellent tomato juice, ketchup, and lecho. It is difficult to preserve a tomato as a whole, but the density of the pulp allows the parts to be processed while maintaining their shape.


The variety was bred for the purpose of adaptation and growth in unfavorable conditions, so it tolerates temperature fluctuations and cold snaps well. High temperature is not a hindrance to culture. But excessive humidity can cause cracking of the fruit. With sufficient natural precipitation, the variety does not need additional watering, but drought will also negatively affect the quantity and quality of fruits.

Varietal characteristics of tomato Batyanya


Reviews about the variety

The Lezhebok f1 variety has both positive and negative reviews from summer residents who have already managed to plant this type of tomato on their own plot. Let's look at a few of them.

Maria R. “I planted the Lezhebok f1 variety on my own plot specifically for the purpose of storing fruits for a long period of time. All the bushes that were planted grew beautiful and strong, 1.5 meters tall, and this picture was simply pleasing to the eye. Each plant formed 5-6 clusters with fruits, 5-7 pieces on each. They all matured almost simultaneously.

Video on how to get a good harvest:

As for the taste, we were not satisfied with it; we would like to feel the bright sourness inherent in tomatoes. In addition, I was surprised by another fact: by mid-autumn, the seeds inside the tomatoes began to germinate, despite the fact that they were stored in a cool place. This incident crossed out all the advantages of the plant and discouraged the desire to eat the fruits.”

Alexander G. “I planted the Lezhebok f1 variety for the first time, hoping for a large number of tomatoes and their resistance to transportation. The variety has fully justified itself. All summer at the dacha they used them to prepare salads, and then they put the box in the basement, where it successfully stayed until winter. But when there’s a blizzard outside, a salad of fresh tomatoes picked on your own plot lifts your spirits like never before.”

Slothboys - tomatoes for the New Year

A salad of fresh country tomatoes has been appearing on our New Year's table for several years now. Somehow they manage to survive until the New Year.

Not only did they not spoil on their own, but for some reason no one ate them!

At the same time, it is known for sure that they are not in the refrigerator... Grandfather's secrets.

Let’s ask you to share, and at the same time we’ll ask what competent people—breeders—can tell you about this topic.

There are two components here: varieties and storage...

Varieties of long-lasting tomatoes

So, the participants in the nomination are:


A typical representative of long-storing tomatoes. Early ripening 110 days, fruits 140-150 grams. We eat and preserve the first fruits in summer and autumn, and store the last ones. Not everyone lives to see the New Year.


Fully lives up to its name. Can be stored for up to five months. Bright yellow color 120-150. Tomatoes are suitable for canning and storage.


Late-ripening, tall, productive variety of tomatoes for long-term storage. Very tasty tomatoes 90-100g, orange. They are good in a jar, in a barrel and in a box. They can easily last until the New Year (if you hide it better so they don’t get eaten).


It is stored for 4-5 months at a temperature of 16-18ºC. This late-ripening hybrid is resistant to the most dangerous diseases and pests. Fruits 170-230g. They must be removed when a yellow tint appears. Over time, the color changes to lemon yellow or peach. Store in the dark. Unusual color and taste when pickled.


It lasts the longest (until March!). A very late variety – the fruits on the plant do not ripen. Only after 30-40 days a pale orange-yellow color appears.

What kind of tomatoes do you grow to please your family with a fresh salad in winter? Do you have any favorite varieties of long-lasting tomatoes?

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