Description of the plant variety

Golden Jubilee peach trees are medium-sized with a wide-spreading crown. Fruiting occurs in the third year after planting in a permanent place. Flowering is observed in medium terms, flower buds are formed moderately. The flowers themselves are bell-shaped, very beautiful dark pink in color.

The fruits are large, weighing 135-145 g, broadly oval in shape with a rounded top. Covered with golden-yellow skin of medium density, with slightly pronounced pubescence and a pronounced dark carmine blush. The pulp is bright orange in color, with a pink tint around the seed, fibrous, sweet, with slight sourness. The stone is medium sized and comes off easily. Fruits for dessert use.

Peaches are harvested in the first ten days of August. The harvested crop is well transported and can be stored for a week. Productivity is high, averaging 195-205 c/ha. The variety is characterized by sufficient resistance to fungal infections.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Golden Jubilee peach?

The description of the peach variety Golden Jubilee suggests the following advantages:

  • high yield, one tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of fruit;
  • precociousness, the ability to lay flower buds at one year of age and produce a harvest already in the second year after planting;
  • excellent taste characteristics of fruits with a tasting score of 4.2 points out of 5 possible;
  • good resistance of the variety to diseases such as cleatherosporiasis and powdery mildew;
  • the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and adapt to sudden fluctuations in environmental temperature;
  • versatility in application; peach is good in fresh and canned form, used for making juices, drinks, and in the production of confectionery products.

The characteristics of the peach tree also include the disadvantages of the Golden Jubilee variety, among which are:

  • tendency to fall off, ripe fruits will not last more than 3 days on the branch;
  • low transportability of the crop and short shelf life;
  • average winter hardiness for northern regions.

See also

Description and characteristics of the Ambassador of Peace variety peach, planting and careRead

Rules of care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it should be provided with high-quality and complete care.


In the first years of life, peach requires mandatory formative pruning. Then only a sanitary or rejuvenating procedure is performed.


This manipulation is aimed at removing broken and diseased shoots. Also be sure to remove branches that interfere with each other. The cutting areas should be treated with garden varnish.

Fruit rationing

This procedure is performed after the end of flowering, at the stage of formation of fruit ovaries. First of all, you should get rid of weak branches.


The shaping procedure should be performed during the first 4 years of the tree’s life. The rules for its implementation depend on the desired shape of the crown.

Watering mode

The soil should be moderately moistened. The irrigation regime is selected taking into account the weather, soil type, and age of the crop. On average, 40-50 liters per week are poured under a tree. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Weeding and loosening

After moistening the soil, it should be loosened immediately. This will improve the flow of oxygen to the root system. It is also worth getting rid of weeds.

Top dressing

The first time to fertilize a peach is 3 years after planting. For this purpose, organic and mineral fertilizers are used. To increase the frost resistance of the tree, products containing potassium and phosphorus are applied in the fall.

Preparing for winter

To protect the plant from frost, it is recommended to cover it with special materials.

It is important that they allow moisture and air to pass through. With the arrival of spring there is a risk of roots freezing

Mulch will help protect them from return frosts.

Mulching helps retain moisture in the soil and prevents the growth of weeds. Sawdust, peat, and humus can play the role of mulch.

Description and characteristics of peach variety Golden Jubilee, planting and care

Among summer fruits, the fragrant peach is considered popular. This culture is recommended for cultivation in the southern regions. But scientists, with the help of selection, have developed frost-resistant peaches, which include the Golden Jubilee variety, which requires proper, timely care, a warm location and attention. The variety has proven itself to be quite resistant to low temperatures and is valued by gardeners for its stable yield and excellent taste.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Selection work to create an elite Golden Jubilee peach, characterized by endurance to different climate conditions and large fruits of good taste, was carried out by American scientists by crossing the Elberta and Greensboro varieties in 1921.

The tree forms a spreading oval-shaped crown and is characterized by intensive growth, with its height reaching 4-5 meters. The plant is decorated with green, wide, lanceolate leaves with a slight yellowish tint. The bell-shaped flowers of a rich pink color, medium in size, attract attention.

The fruits are broadly oval in shape and large in size. The weight of one ripe peach ranges from 120-140 grams. The skin is of medium density, golden in color, with a characteristic pink or red blush, slightly pubescent. A small red-brown pit, with a pointed tip and a wrinkled-furrowed surface, is easily separated from a ripe peach.

The fibrous pulp has a bright orange hue, delicate texture, sweet and sour exquisite taste and unique aroma.

The Golden Jubilee peach variety begins to bear fruit in the third year after planting. Flowering occurs in April and lasts 10-12 days. The fragrant fruits are harvested in the first days of August. The culture bears fruit for 10-15 years.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Golden Jubilee peach?

The description of the peach variety Golden Jubilee suggests the following advantages:

  • high yield, one tree can produce up to 50 kilograms of fruit;
  • precociousness, the ability to lay flower buds at one year of age and produce a harvest already in the second year after planting;
  • excellent taste characteristics of fruits with a tasting score of 4.2 points out of 5 possible;
  • good resistance of the variety to diseases such as cleatherosporiasis and powdery mildew;
  • the ability to adapt to different climatic conditions and adapt to sudden fluctuations in environmental temperature;
  • versatility in application; peach is good in fresh and canned form, used for making juices, drinks, and in the production of confectionery products.

The characteristics of the peach tree also include the disadvantages of the Golden Jubilee variety, among which are:

  • tendency to fall off, ripe fruits will not last more than 3 days on the branch;
  • low transportability of the crop and short shelf life;
  • average winter hardiness for northern regions.

The nuances of planting a tree

In order for the peach tree to fully develop, and for the harvest to please you with its quantity and quality, it is necessary to plant the plant correctly, as well as carry out all the care measures. And in early August, enjoy the excellent taste of juicy, aromatic fruits.


The favorable period for planting seedlings of the Golden Jubilee variety is spring and autumn. The planting time depends on the climate conditions of the growing region. For the Middle Zone, early spring planting is recommended: the last days of April. Over the course of the season, the young tree will grow stronger and accumulate strength to endure the harsh winter. In the southern regions, you can plant seedlings in the fall, but do this a month before the onset of the first frost.

Preparing the landing site

When choosing a place for planting Golden Jubilee peaches, preference should be given to areas well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. When wood is shaded, poor formation of generative buds will occur. This will lead to the formation of small and tasteless fruits. A good solution would be to allocate the southwestern or southern side of the site to the peach tree.

The quality of the harvest is determined by the soil on which the fruit trees grow, so it must be fertile. The best alternative is loose, sandy or loamy soils with a high degree of aeration.

Before planting, dig up the area where the seedling will be planted. This will help saturate the soil with oxygen and remove various weeds and their roots.

Planting seedlings

For successful cultivation, you need to competently perform the planting process, which consists of the following steps:

  1. Dig planting holes. The volume of the recesses should correspond to the size of the root system of the seedlings.
  2. Form a mound of fertile soil with a fertilizer complex containing both organic and mineral substances.
  3. Place pegs up to 1 meter high in the center of the pit.
  4. Place the seedlings in holes on earthen hills, straightening the roots, and cover them with soil substrate, deepening the grafting site by 5-10 centimeters.
  5. Thoroughly compact the planting site, moving from the outer edge of the trunk circle to the base of the trunk.
  6. Secure the plants to a stake and water them at the rate of two buckets of water for each planting unit.
  7. Mulch the soil around the seedlings, 6-8 centimeters thick, using humus, compost or sawdust.

The Golden Jubilee peach variety, planted in the garden, will bring a lot of gifts: bliss to the taste buds, clean air to the lungs, joy to the eyes.

Subtleties of crop care

The health of the peach tree, its growth, development and fruiting depend on the efforts spent by gardeners on important agricultural techniques. Proper care can increase productivity, extend the life span, give a beautiful appearance to the garden, and prevent the development of diseases.


To get a good harvest of peaches, you need to surround the fruit tree with care, which consists of carrying out such an important event as maintaining soil moisture conditions.

The soil should be moistened moderately, based on weather factors, soil type and age of the plant. On average, you need 40-50 liters once a week. The soil should dry out between waterings.

Top dressing

It is important to provide the Golden Jubilee peach with nutrients. The first application of fertilizers should be carried out three years after planting, using organic matter and minerals depending on the time of year. To increase the winter hardiness of peach and stimulate the ripening of wood, apply fertilizers based on phosphorus and potassium in the fall.


The Golden Jubilee peach needs to be pruned regularly. The procedure will regulate crop yield, sugar content and fruit size, and also facilitate access to trees when picking fruit.

Formation is carried out throughout the season:

  • in the spring, freeing from dry, broken, twisted shoots;
  • in mid-summer, for the purpose of sanitary cleaning, removing diseased branches;
  • in the autumn, forming the crown and removing shoots damaged by the harvest.

Preparing a tree for winter

Although the peach tree demonstrates high adaptive characteristics, withstanding temperatures up to 25 degrees below zero, it also needs reliable shelter for the winter, since it may not tolerate the harsh conditions of the Middle Zone. You can protect the crop from freezing in winter by covering it with special materials that allow moisture and air to pass through, thereby ensuring a normal microclimate.

With the onset of spring, the root system of the plant wakes up before the buds, which is why there is a threat of freezing during spring frosts. Therefore, in the fall it needs to be covered with mulch.

Pests, diseases and prevention

The Golden Jubilee peach variety has good resistance to various fungal diseases. Leaf curl remains dangerous for the crop. Both young and fruit-bearing plants can get sick. In spring, swellings form on the leaves, and gum formation begins on the shoots. Subsequently, the swellings acquire a red-brown color, and a waxy coating forms on them. The leaves dry out and fall off, and the branches turn yellow and bend.

A proven method using Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate will help you cope with the problem.

The crop can also be favored by pests: aphids, codling moths, weevils, and fruit moths. Trees need to be sprayed with special preparations long before harvesting, following the dosage recommended by the manufacturer when making the products.

Important! Proper care and compliance with sanitary standards will reduce the likelihood of the appearance and development of parasites.

When to harvest and how to store the crop?

In southern latitudes, the Golden Jubilee peach variety is harvested in early August, and in the middle regions much later, depending on the weather. If the summer is cool and rainy, the fruits will ripen in the middle or at the end of the month.

It is not recommended to keep fruits on trees. Ripe peaches should be picked immediately, as the variety is characterized by a tendency to shed fruit. The harvest can last up to 8 days, and if it is harvested a week earlier, then up to 20 days.

The key to successful peach cultivation: choosing the right variety to ensure stable yields. Therefore, for gardeners who trust quality, the Golden Jubilee peach remains one of the favorite varieties. After all, its positive characteristics and varietal characteristics can satisfy all the requirements of modern gardening.

Characteristics of the variety

Distinctive characteristics make it easy to distinguish Redhaven from other similar varieties.

External parameters

The plant description says that the height of the Redhaven peach tree depends on the rootstock. An ordinary seedling grows up to 5 meters in height, and on an almond rootstock - up to 3 meters. The crown is spherical, the leaves are large, rich green. The flowers are medium-sized, reach a diameter of 22 mm, and consist of 5 petals of bright pink color.

The fruits of the Redhaven peach are flattened, elongated and round in shape, reaching a weight of 150-200 g. At the stage of technical ripeness, they acquire a yellow color with a bright red blush, which accounts for half the area of ​​the fruit. Peaches have a light edge that is easily removed during washing and wiping and does not cause any inconvenience when eating.


Redhaven is considered an unpretentious and hardy variety, making it very popular among gardeners.

To the drought

Peach demonstrates excellent drought resistance, which makes it suitable for cultivation in risky farming areas.

To frost

Redhaven is not afraid of returning spring frosts, and in winter it can withstand temperatures dropping to -25 °C. This makes it possible for residents of the southern regions to leave the tree for the winter without additional shelter.

To infections and diseases

The Redhaven peach variety has a medium level of resistance to curl and low resistance to cluster blight and powdery mildew. It is necessary to carry out timely preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of these diseases.

Does the variety need pollinators?

Redhaven is a self-pollinating variety, but reviews from gardeners indicate that trees of other varieties should be planted nearby for pollination and increased yield.

From an adult peach, subject to the conditions of agricultural technology, up to 100 kg of high-quality fruits are harvested.

Peach ripening time

The harvest does not ripen at the same time, so its harvesting period extends for a month or even longer. The start time of harvesting is greatly influenced by weather and climatic conditions.

Redhaven peach fruits have excellent taste, which provides them with universal use. The thick skin makes it possible to transport the crop over long distances without losing its marketable qualities. In room conditions, fruits are stored for a couple of days, and in the refrigerator for about a week. For longer storage, they are placed in a basement with a temperature of 0-2 °C. Peaches can be used to prepare salads, juices, compotes, jams, desserts, as well as frozen and canned. Of course, the aromatic and tasty fruit is eaten fresh.

When to harvest and how to store the crop?

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The Golden Jubilee peach ripens in early August. Although ripening time may vary significantly. In the southern regions, the variety ripens at the beginning of the month, and in the middle regions much later. It depends on the abundance of sun and warmth. In cool and rainy summers, fruit ripening may be delayed until mid or even late August!

It is not recommended to keep fruits on the tree. You should immediately collect them and process them, or eat them. The fact is that the Golden Jubilee does not tend to retain its fruits for a long time. They begin to fall off immediately after ripening, as mentioned above, and sometimes even a few days before. Keeping quality is good. After ripening under normal conditions, the fruits of this tree can last up to 8 days, and if collected a week earlier, then up to 2-3 weeks!

This variety is often used for freezing.

Peaches of the Golden Jubilee variety have universal application. They can be eaten fresh, canned, made into desserts, compotes, and used to decorate dishes. This variety is often used for freezing. This is the simplest type of fruit storage, in which almost all the beneficial substances remain in the fruit.

Landing technology

The future harvest depends on compliance with tree planting technology.

Optimal timing

The Redhaven peach is planted approximately in mid-April. By this time, the threat of night frosts should have passed, and the daytime air temperature will warm up to +12 °C.

Soil composition requirements

Redhaven prefers fertile and light soil with good air permeability for cultivation. Loamy soil is suitable for planting trees. But peach cannot be planted in acidic soil or in an area with a close groundwater level.

Choosing a suitable location

Peach should be planted on a level and well-lit area. During daylight hours it should be evenly illuminated by sunlight. In this case, the place must be protected from drafts and winds. The plant should not be placed in the shade of other bushes or trees.

Preparing planting material

For planting, you should purchase Redhaven peach seedlings with a well-developed root system, without signs of disease or rot. There should be no noticeable mechanical damage on the bark. Preference is given to annual trees with a well-formed trunk.

Landing technology

The prepared hole is filled one third with fertilizers mixed with soil. After this, pour 2 buckets of water into it and place the seedling in the hole, carefully straightening the roots. The tree is covered with earth. The root collar should rise 7 cm above the soil level. Finally, a circle around the trunk is formed and the planted peach is watered abundantly, and then the ground is mulched.

Popular varieties

In Russia, the following crop varieties are in especially high demand.


The Balconella peach is a compact tree that takes up minimal space. It grows up to a meter in height, has a spherical shape and is great for small gardens. Fruiting is high. Each peach weighs about 150 grams. It is fluffy, orange, with red stripes. It is characterized by a very juicy taste and rich aroma.


In memory of Grishko

The tree is characterized by active growth. The variety is self-fertile and ripens at the end of August. The fruits are oval-shaped and can weigh up to 250 grams. The peel is fluffy, dark pink. The variety is winter-hardy, which is why this peach can be grown in central Russia without any problems.


Red-leaved peach Negus is not only a fruit tree, but also an ornamental one. It is characterized by very beautiful leaves of red-violet color. The fruits are medium in size and red in color. The tree grows to an average height of 3-4 meters. Despite the fact that the red-leaved peach is considered frost-resistant, it must be covered for the first few years. The variety is practically the most resistant to scab.


Columnar honey

Columnar honey peach is a very interesting variety of crop. It ripens quite early - in July. The tree has no side branches and is compact. The fruits grow large (up to 170 grams), round in shape, yellow in color with a pronounced red blush. The taste is excellent, the bone separates from the pulp well. It is frost resistant.

White Swan

The White Swan peach is characterized by medium height and a very spreading crown. White peach is winter-hardy and tolerates frosts down to -25 degrees without problems. The weight of the fruit is 150 grams, the pulp is white, with a slight creamy tint. White peach is often grown on an industrial scale because it not only has excellent taste, but also excellent transportability. The variety is self-fertile.

White Swan


The Pontic peach is characterized by an early ripening period. The tree grows to medium size. Tree of medium height. The fruits are usually medium in size, weighing 100-110 grams. The skin is dark red, slightly blurred in the form of dots. The variety has an average heat tolerance and resistance to dry growing conditions.


The red-leaved Burgundy peach has a telling name. It has burgundy-red foliage and yellow-red fruits. The variety is columnar. Trees have medium vigor. Fruiting usually occurs in August. The Burgundy peach fruit is medium in size and weighs about 130 grams.



The variety is tall and can reach a height of five meters. If the variety is grafted onto almonds, it will grow very significantly in ten years. The fruits are large, slightly flattened on the sides. Their weight can vary from 120 to 190 grams. The velvety skin has a rich scarlet color. Frost resistance is high enough for successful planting of Redhaven peach in the Moscow region.

Other varieties

Speaking about the varieties of peaches cultivated in Russia, we can give a whole list of acceptable options, from which any gardener can choose the most suitable one according to any parameters that are significant to him. We are talking, first of all, about the following varieties: Redhaven, Golden Moscow, Greensboro, Melba, Early Kiev, Golden Jubilee, Pink Peach, Voronezh Bush, Khasansky, Veteran, Wild Phalaenopsis, Novoselkovy Cardinal, Uralets, Vector, Donetsk Yellow, Big Honey , Fury, Frot, Madeleine Pouille, Favorite, Beauty, Condor, Red-cheeked, Flamingo, Golden Triumph, etc.

If someone is interested in the Donskoy frost-resistant peach description or Collins description of the variety, they will find information on the Internet without any particular problems.

Peach Donskoy

Peach “Golden Jubilee”: description of the variety and protection from pests

When grown in a small garden, Golden Jubilee is often attacked by pests. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out preventive spraying:

  1. During bud formation, the tree can be attacked by bud weevils and aphids. It is possible to fight them with the drugs Horus and Enzhio; 5 g of medication is used per 10 liters of water.
  2. After flowering ends, it is affected by fruit moths, aphids and codling moths. To combat these insects, Skora and Aktellika are used.
  3. After harvesting, it is necessary to trim off all dry and damaged branches. This will protect against wintering pests.

During the formation of ovaries and at the beginning of summer, you can treat the peach with Topsin M, Delan or Abiga Peak

It is also important to immediately remove all carrion, and in the fall carefully loosen the soil around the trunk

Despite the variety's resistance to disease, it is sometimes subject to fungal infections and pest attacks.


The disease is associated with infection by a fungus. At the same time, the leaves swell, acquiring a brown tint. Bordeaux mixture helps to cope with the disease. It is also allowed to use Oxychom, Skor.

Gum treatment

When aphids attack, small insects appear on the tree. To protect the peach, it is worth planting dill or other herbs around it.

codling moth

This is a dangerous pest whose caterpillars eat flowers, fruits and leaves. As a result, there is a risk of destroying the entire crop.


These are small beetles that eat flowers. As a result, there is a risk of crop loss. Insecticides help control insects.

Fruit moth

Insects eat buds, leaves and even seeds. Pests become active during budding.

Peach of the “Golden Jubilee” variety is quite often affected by various plant parasites in home gardening conditions, so there is a need to carry out therapeutic treatment of trees:

at the stage of swelling of fruit buds, plants are often subject to attacks by bud weevils and aphids, which should be combated with Aktara or in combination with Enzhio and Chorus at the rate of 3 g per 10 liters of water; after flowering, plants may be damaged by the oriental codling moth, aphids and fruit moths, against which it is necessary to use a tank mixture based on Actellik, Horus and Skor; In the autumn-winter period, it is very important to combat overwintering pests by pruning and removing shoots affected by plant parasites, with the obligatory treatment of the cuts with garden varnish, as well as cleaning the bark. To prevent damage to peach trees by diseases and pests, it is recommended to promptly use modern insecticides and effective fungicidal plant protection products:

To prevent damage to peach trees by diseases and pests, it is recommended to promptly use modern insecticides and effective fungicidal plant protection products:

  • in early spring, it is advisable to spray garden plantings with a 1% solution of copper sulfate;
  • in May, the following treatment of peach trees is carried out with a solution of the well-proven drug “Topsin M”;
  • At the stage of active formation of ovaries, such highly effective means of protecting fruit plants as “Abiga Pik”, “Delan” or “Skor” are used.

In addition, these remedies have a complex effect and will help get rid of other diseases.

To prevent pests, spray with complex insecticides.

The fruits are large, weighing 135-145 g, broadly oval in shape with a rounded top.

Covered with golden-yellow skin of medium density, with slightly pronounced pubescence and a pronounced dark carmine blush.

The pulp is bright orange in color, with a pink tint around the seed, fibrous, sweet, with slight sourness. The stone is medium sized and comes off easily. Fruits for dessert use.

Peaches are harvested in the first ten days of August. The harvested crop is well transported and can be stored for a week. Productivity is high, averaging 195-205 c/ha. The variety is characterized by sufficient resistance to fungal infections.

Diseases and pests, combating them

Of all the known diseases, only leaf curl is truly terrible for the Golden Jubilee peach; the rest are extremely rare. Curl is a very dangerous fungal disease. In the spring, as a result of the action of the fungus, swellings appear on young leaves, and gum production begins from wounds on the shoots. The swellings soon become reddish-brown and have a waxy coating on them. Leaves dry out and fall off prematurely. The buds also die from the fungus.

Curl is a serious disease that affects not only the leaf apparatus

Mostly young shoots, 1–2 years old, are affected. After the leaves comes the turn of the branches themselves: they turn yellow, bend and dry out. The defeat can be so severe that it leads to the death of the entire tree. Therefore, immediately upon detection of the disease, the affected shoots are cut out and burned. The entire tree is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride (2% solution). A minimum of four treatments will be required, twice a month.

Preventive spraying in early spring with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate significantly reduces the risk of infection.

Healthy Golden Jubilee peach trees are resistant to pests, but can sometimes be infested with aphids, weevils, fruit moths or the oriental codling moth. Aphids, a well-known pest to gardeners, suck the juices from young shoots. In small quantities, it is easily destroyed manually or using folk remedies. Weevils that attack buds and flowers are combated by applying trapping belts and timely cleaning of trees from dead bark. The codling moth can also be partially destroyed using trapping belts. Shoots affected by fruit moths are cut out and burned, which also destroys a significant part of the caterpillars.

If the number of pests is large, it is necessary to use chemical control agents. Most pests are destroyed with the help of universal insecticides (Fitoverm, Fufanon, Iskra, etc.), but they should be applied long before harvest, using personal protective equipment and strictly according to the instructions for the product.

Defect control

As described above, this early variety is resistant to defects such as powdery mildew and clasterosporiosis, provided that care is organized correctly. But unfortunately, peach is not resistant to curl. Therefore, processing must be done proactively

In other words, it is very important to carry out preventive spraying

So, what ailments can affect this peach variety and how to overcome them.

Leaf curl

This defect can damage young shoots and buds. And you can identify it by the following signs: the leaves begin to become coarse and curl in places. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, the culture’s immunity will decrease and its development will slow down. Which is fraught with the death of the peach. To overcome this disease, wood is treated with Bordeaux solution.

Clusterosporiasis and powdery mildew

It is also worth highlighting that if you do not feed the peach crop in a timely manner, the tree will weaken in the future. And as a result, it can attack such defects as clasterosporia and powdery mildew, even though this variety of peaches is resistant to such diseases.

Moreover, if treatment is not carried out urgently, the tree will begin to rot and die. The attack of powdery mildew can be recognized by the grayish coating that has formed on the foliage and branches. And if clasterosporia blight appears, then reddish spots form on the foliage.

To prevent the occurrence of these diseases, you should regularly feed the peach. And you need to carry out preventive spraying starting in spring with copper sulfate. If the disease has manifested itself, you can use the drug Topsin, and all affected areas are immediately excised and burned in order to prevent the spread of the disease further.

Characteristics and features

Columnar peaches and nectarines are dwarf varieties. The trees grow small, much lower in height than the fruit plants familiar to domestic gardeners. Such trees received the unusual and interesting name “columnar” due to their very unusual appearance and external resemblance to columns.

Columnar fruit trees are planted not only for harvest, but also for decorative purposes. The crown of such plants is shaped like a cylinder, adjacent to the stem part at approximately the same distance along the entire length. Fruit shoots grow directly from the main stem and are short branches without additional branches.

Tips for caring for crops

Donetsk yellow peach cannot be called unpretentious. It requires regular care, and it also needs to be prepared for wintering.

Watering mode

When watering, they are guided by the age of the peach, as well as the degree of drying of the soil. For a month after planting, water the seedlings every 3 days, the volume is 1 bucket of water. In dry weather, do this more often - once every 2 days, you can empty 2 buckets. Already mature peaches need 5 buckets, but if there was a lot of rain in winter and spring, then they do not do this right away. If it’s not enough – from May. You need to water no more than 2 times every 30 days.

Feeding and fertilizers

Once every 2-3 years, the peach is fertilized with compost or humus. As for seasonal fertilizing, the peach is fertilized for the first time in the spring. For this purpose, diluted urea is used (before the buds open) or urea and ammonium nitrate (after the buds open).

In the summer, when the fruits are forming and ripening, you can use a mixture of urea, aqueous extract of superphosphate, potassium sulfide, ammonium sulfate and borax. They are diluted in 10 liters of water. Preparing for winter also requires feeding. Per 1 square meter, add 40 grams of superphosphate and 50 grams of potassium chloride.

Trimming Features

There are two types of crop pruning:

  1. For removing old, diseased or frostbitten branches.
  2. Formative - after the buds have appeared, pruning is carried out to form a cup-shaped crown. Needed in the first 4 years.

Specifics of wintering

After watering, digging and fertilizing, the soil is mulched with peat or humus; their layer should be 10-15 centimeters. Peaches are also insulated with a frame made of cardboard or other material (bag, spruce branches), it is secured on special pegs. If the winter is warm, it is enough to add earth so that it covers the trunk by half a meter.

Rules for caring for columnar peaches

When growing columnar peach trees, do not forget about regular care of the plantings

It is important to saturate plants with the optimal amount of moisture

The frequency of watering depends on the season:

  • in spring - 1 time after the threat of frost has passed;
  • in summer - in rainy weather once every 2 months, in drought - once every 2 weeks;
  • in the fall - 1 time after harvesting.

25 liters of water should be poured under one trunk of a fruit-bearing tree.

Important! After irrigation or rain, the tree trunk circle must be loosened so that the soil does not form a crust.

Fertilizers are applied up to 3 times during the growing season.

Approximate feeding scheme for columnar peaches:

  • in spring - nitrogen-based substances (for example, urea);
  • in summer - complex mineral fertilizers;
  • in autumn - humus or compost.

The exact order of fertilizing depends on the specific variety.

The advantage of columnar peach forms over conventional ones is that the crown does not need to be gradually formed. Regular pruning is sufficient.

Branches are pruned twice a season:

  • in spring - all branches are cut to a length of 20 cm, shoots that are frozen and broken after winter are completely removed;
  • in the fall - remove diseased, broken and old branches that have stopped actively bearing fruit.

Read more about the features of proper peach pruning in spring.

Regular pruning of columnar plants is important to thicken the crown and maintain its compactness. Otherwise, the branches will grow chaotically, which will affect the yield. Disease prevention is also important. In general, most varieties have good immunity to major diseases, but protection will not be superfluous.

To prevent fungal diseases, spray the plantings with Bordeaux mixture. The timing of treatments and the amount of the drug depend on the timing of fruiting of the variety and the size of the trees. Since seedlings of this type of peach tree are expensive, many gardeners are interested in how to propagate the plants.

The following methods are used to propagate the crop:

  • planting a seed;
  • cuttings;
  • graft.

Each method requires agrotechnical training and proper experience in tree propagation.

Description of the variety and its characteristics

The Golden Jubilee peach is not suitable for cold regions, but in the southern half of our country it feels quite comfortable.

Origin of the variety

The Golden Jubilee peach comes from America, the state of Jersey, where it was bred in the early 1920s based on the Elberta and Greensboro varieties. Breeders tried to obtain a hardy variety that produces fruits of very good taste; It was not intended for the general public, but it turned out that it became widespread. The variety quickly flew to other continents and began to be grown, in addition to most American countries, also in Europe and Asia.

The variety has not become widespread in industrial gardens; it mainly finds its use in private farms. Adaptability to various climatic conditions allows it to be found in dry hot climates and tropical humid regions. But the variety is not very suitable for cold regions. Therefore, when it was registered in 1947 in the State Register of our country, only the North Caucasus region was designated as its habitat. And at present you can find this peach no further north than at the latitude of, say, Voronezh: it will grow and bear fruit, but it is very difficult to cover mature trees for the winter.

Plant characteristics

The Golden Jubilee peach grows in the form of a tree above average size, up to five meters, with a wide-spreading sparse crown, growing very quickly in the first years. The leaves are large, yellowish-green, with serrated edges.

Peach blooms profusely with beautiful flowers

Blooms profusely in mid-May with bright pink bell-shaped flowers with concave petals. Fruit set is high, pollinators are not required. At the same time, gardeners note that with cross-pollination with varieties such as, for example, Stavropol Pink, Vulcan or Inka, the yield increases slightly.

The first fruits appear in the third year, the yield grows quickly, reaching very good values. With normal care, you can collect more than 50 kg of fruit from an adult tree. Medium ripening variety: fruits are ready for harvest in the first half of August. Unfortunately, ripe fruits do not stay on the trees for long, and they ripen almost simultaneously. Therefore, harvesting must be timely: a week late threatens the loss of most of the fruit.

Winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases and pests are considered high, but leaf curl is often noted. Data is provided that buds and shoots can withstand cold temperatures down to -25 °C, but a number of sources cite somewhat more modest figures. In the snowless steppe regions of Crimea, it winters without additional insulation. It handles dry weather well.

Description of fruits

The Golden Jubilee peach is a table variety. Its fruits are very large, reaching a weight of 120 g and more, broadly oval in shape, growing on short stalks. The color is golden-yellow, honey-like, and a significant part of the fruit has a bright red blush. The skin is velvety and separates well from the pulp. The brownish-red bone, which is of medium size, is also easy to separate. The pulp is yellowish-orange, pink near the seed, juicy, with a strong aroma.

Golden Jubilee peach fruits have a shape and color characteristic of most varieties.

The taste is sweet and sour, rated as excellent. The fruits are considered dessert: they contain up to 9.5% dry matter and up to 7.5% sugar. They are not stored for long, no more than a week; freshly collected ones are transported normally, but transportability decreases every day. Excess fruit is immediately processed. They are suitable both for drying and jam, and for whole-fruit canning.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, the most important advantages of the Golden Jubilee peach are:

  • high productivity;
  • excellent taste;
  • versatility of use;
  • spectacular appearance of the fruit;
  • good winter hardiness;
  • self-fertility;
  • resistance to fungal diseases.

Disadvantages worth mentioning:

  • short shelf life of the crop;
  • insufficient transportability of fruits;
  • tendency to shed ripe fruits.


The Golden Jubilee variety owes its popularity, first of all, to its excellent characteristics.

  • early fruiting is excellent - the first fruits, which allow you to evaluate the taste of the variety, appear 2 years after planting. Full fruiting occurs in the 4th year;
  • the yield is stable, annual, for which the variety is highly valued;
  • ripening period is average. Peaches ripen by the first ten days of August;
  • resistance to diseases and pests is high. Resistance to powdery mildew and klyasterosporiosis is noted;
  • The yield is high - up to 50 kg from a 10-year-old tree. In the foothill areas, the maximum yield was 66 kg. In industrial gardens, this figure ranges from 90 to 200 c/ha, depending on the region;
  • ripe fruit is prone to shedding. The branch will not last more than 3 days, so cleaning must be done on time;
  • The winter hardiness of the tree, shoots and flower buds in the region recommended for cultivation is very good. There is also a high level of winter hardiness in the steppe regions of Crimea, where winters are usually snowless;
  • In addition, it is worth noting the high adaptability of the crop to different climatic conditions. The variety will grow and bear fruit equally well in hot weather, as well as in regions with a humid and cool climate;
  • the fruits have high commercial quality. They do not sit on the counter due to their attractive appearance and delicate aroma;
  • transportability is average, ripe peaches may not withstand long-term transportation;
  • The shelf life of ripened fruits is 6 – 8 days.

The variety's early fruitfulness is excellent; even a two-year-old peach bears fruit.

Features of fruit consumption

The outwardly attractive fruits are used for table purposes and according to the method of consumption they are considered universal. Healthy and tasty in their natural form, making a wonderful dessert. The fruit is suitable for processing and canning. The fruits of this variety also make excellent dried fruits.

From the fruits of the Golden Jubilee you can prepare a delicious and healthy product - dried peaches

Do we need pollinators?

The Golden Jubilee variety is a self-fertile crop. In principle, fruiting is possible without cross-pollination. But the result will be far from expected. To improve the quality of the fruit and increase the yield, it doesn’t hurt to have another variety nearby that blooms at the same time as the Golden Jubilee. These, for example, include Stavropol pink, which also has a long history.

Stavropol pink peach blooms at the same time as the Golden Jubilee, so it is quite suitable for pollination

Advantages and disadvantages of the Golden Jubilee peach - table

High quality fruitsShattering of ripe fruits
Regular and high yieldInability to transport over long distances
Decent winter hardiness
Versatility of fruit use
Good immunity

Pros and cons of Donetsk peach

This variety has a number of advantages:

  • beautiful appearance;
  • cold-resistant;
  • even after severe cold and freezing it quickly recovers;
  • does not require pollinators;
  • large, tasty peaches;
  • from one tree you can harvest up to 60 kilograms of crop;
  • unripe fruits are easy to transport.

However, there are some disadvantages that may prevent you from getting a good harvest:

  • poor transportability of ripe peaches;
  • the variety is susceptible to powdery mildew and curl;
  • prevention from other diseases and pests is also necessary;
  • does not tolerate drought.

Also, one of the unusual features of the variety is that its fruits ripen unevenly. Each can contain both ripe and still ripening pulp.

How to plant correctly

For the tree to fully develop, it is necessary to carry out planting work correctly and provide it with quality care.

Selection and preparation of planting material

First of all, you should pay attention to the choice of seedling. Only from high-quality planting material will it be possible to obtain a strong and healthy tree

Root system

A plant with developed roots takes root most easily.

It is important that there is no noticeable damage to the roots. They should not be dry or diseased

The roots should be white when cut.

Skeletal branches

They must be symmetrical

It is important that the skeletal branches have a healthy appearance and do not contain signs of disease

Place of vaccination

It is recommended to pay special attention to the grafting area. A high-quality root collar should be solid

It is important that there is no juice or swelling on it

Tree age

The age of the seedling is also important. An annual crop is best suited for planting in open ground.

Recommendations for choosing planting dates

It is permissible to plant this variety of peach in spring or autumn. The specific period is chosen taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region.

In the middle zone, it is best to carry out planting work in the spring - at the end of April. During the season, the tree will have time to grow stronger and accumulate strength to withstand the harsh winter.

Location requirements

When choosing a site for planting peaches, you should give preference to lighted places that are reliably protected from the wind. If the wood is located in the shade, problems arise with the formation of generative buds. As a result, the fruits will be small and tasteless. It is best to plant peach in the southwest or south of the site.

The quality of the fruit is affected by the composition of the soil in which the trees grow. It is recommended to plant them in fertile soil. Loose and sandy loam soils are ideal for this purpose. The plant can also be planted in loamy soil.

It is important that it has a high degree of aeration

How to prepare the soil and site

Before planting the crop, the bed should be dug up. Thanks to this, it will be possible to saturate the soil with oxygen and clear it of weeds.

Planting scheme

To achieve good results in growing crops, it is important to carry out planting work correctly:

  1. Dig a hole for planting. The size of the recess must correspond to the root system.
  2. Make a hill from fertile soil. It is worth adding fertilizers with organic and mineral components.
  3. Place a 1 meter high peg in the central part of the hole.
  4. Place the seedling in a hole on an earthen hill. Then straighten its roots and sprinkle with soil. The grafting site should be deepened by 5-10 centimeters.
  5. The landing area should be compacted well. In this case, it is recommended to move from the outer part of the trunk circle to the base of the trunk.
  6. Attach the tree to a stake and water it. For 1 crop you will need 2 buckets of water.
  7. Cover the ground around the plant with a layer of mulch. Its thickness should be 6-8 centimeters. Sawdust, humus, and compost are suitable for this.


Golden Jubilee is considered a self-fertile variety. However, cross-pollination will help increase its yield. To do this, it is worth planting other peach varieties that bloom around the same time.

Stavropol pink

This culture was developed by Stavropol specialists. Each tree can produce up to 40 kilograms of fruit. Peaches have a sweet and sour taste and juicy white flesh. The fruits are often used to make jam and compotes.


This variety was bred by Canadian breeders. It is characterized by high productivity. The fruits have an excellent dessert taste. Each of them weighs up to 140 grams.


The plant was obtained by Canadian scientists. The fruits have an excellent dessert taste and tolerate transportation well over long distances. The variety is characterized by stable yield.


This is a Polish variety that was obtained through open pollination. The tree reaches more than 5 meters in height and practically does not encounter diseases. The fruits have a dessert taste and juicy pulp.

Features of planting and care

The variety takes root well, grows and bears fruit on various rootstocks - almond, cherry plum. But some gardeners argue that apricot is best suited for Golden Jubilee grafting.

The variety grows well on loose, sandy or loamy soils with a high degree of aeration. In regions recommended for cultivation, seedlings should be planted in the autumn, when most of the foliage from the plant has already fallen. The irrigation schedule includes up to 5 waterings during the growing season. But in the presence of natural precipitation, the frequency of watering should be reduced so that the roots do not suffer from waterlogging. It is worth choosing a place for planting that is protected from the wind, given the tendency of ripe fruits to shed.

Loosening and weeding of the tree trunk circle are also of no small importance. These techniques help supply the root system with sufficient oxygen and fight weeds, which can become a source of pest spread.

Otherwise, care is no different from agricultural technology in general.

Standard care for the Golden Jubilee peach will allow you to get good harvests

Beneficial properties of the fruit

The fruit has a lot of beneficial properties, which is considered a good reason to include it in the diet. What are the main benefits of this peach:

  1. It has a large number of useful substances, we are talking about vitamins and microelements.
  2. It contains a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which means it satisfies hunger relatively quickly.
  3. It has low calorie content.
  4. Normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system due to the content of potassium and magnesium.
  5. Helps to streamline the functioning of the digestive system, relieve bowel problems, and eliminate constipation.
  6. The fruit improves the excretion of bile from the body, it normalizes the liver and bile ducts.

The complex effect on the body makes the peach a healthy fruit, which, moreover, will delight you with its sweetness. Only those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system, have high blood sugar or other signs of diabetes should exclude it from the diet.

The history of the creation of the Golden Jubilee variety

The peach has always been considered a southern fruit. I generally associate it with the East, since I have known since childhood that the best peaches grow in Central Asia. But it turns out that American breeders managed to develop a variety that can compete with tastemakers. The variety is called Golden Jubilee. It was created a long time ago - in 1921. Greensboro and Elberta served as the parent forms. It was registered in the State Register in 1947. The originator is the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Agrarian Center. The region recommended for cultivation is the North Caucasus. It showed good results in the foothill, eastern and western steppe zones of Crimea. In addition to Russia, the variety has conquered Europe and Asia.

The beautiful fruits of the Golden Jubilee peach were to the taste of even the party elite

Characteristics and description of the Golden Jubilee peach variety, planting and care

The Golden Jubilee peach is very popular among gardeners. This crop is highly productive and produces tasty fruits. In order for the plant to develop normally, it is important to choose the right seedling and carry out planting work. The implementation of agrotechnical recommendations is of no small importance. This variety needs timely watering, fertilizing, and pruning.

Description and features

This plant belongs to the table varieties. It is a medium-height tree with a spreading crown. It is characterized by rapid growth. After just a few years, the peach reaches 5 meters. The culture has wide yellow-green leaves with jagged edges.

History of selection

The anniversary peach variety was bred by American breeders back in 1921. The plant is obtained from the Elberta and Greensboro varieties. The culture entered the State Register in 1947. It is recommended to grow it in the North Caucasus region. The plant is also cultivated in Crimea. In addition to Russia, the variety is actively grown in Asia and Europe.

Main characteristics

The variety is very popular among gardeners. It is characterized by high productivity and adapts well to any climatic conditions.


Peach is characterized by large fruits that weigh about 140 grams. They are broadly oval in shape and have a rounded top.

On top there is a golden-yellow peel, covered with a small fluff. There is orange pulp inside. It has a pink tint around the bone. The taste of the fruit is sweet, with a slight sourness. The bone is medium in size and can be easily separated.


Flowering begins in mid-May and is abundant. The culture is characterized by bell-shaped flowers of a rich pink color. They have concave petals.

Frost resistance

The tree has excellent resistance to frost in those regions that are recommended for growing the crop. Good winter hardiness is also observed in the Crimean steppes, which are characterized by snowless winters.

Productivity and fruiting

From a 10-year-old tree you can get up to 50 kilograms of fruit. In the foothill areas it is possible to harvest a larger harvest - up to 66 kilograms.

Areas of application of fruits

Peaches of this variety are distinguished by their universal use. They are consumed fresh, canned, and used for making desserts or compotes. It is also perfectly acceptable to freeze the fruits. This is the simplest way to store fruits, which allows you to preserve the maximum nutrients.

Disease resistance

The plant has high resistance to diseases and harmful insects. It is characterized by resistance to clasterosporiosis and powdery mildew.

Pros and cons of the variety

The key advantages of the variety include the following:

Self-fertile peaches

Peach is a crop that requires the presence of a pollinator in the garden. But some varieties are able to pollinate themselves. It should be taken into account that in self-fertile plants, a nearby pollinator increases fruiting by 25-30%.


The variety was obtained in Poland using the open pollination method. Characteristics:

  • grows above 5 m;
  • frost resistance is excellent (up to -25);
  • almost never gets sick;
  • dessert fruits, juicy;
  • the pulp is oily;
  • the bone is completely separated.

The fruits are very attractive: they are pink and pubescent.


Bred by Canadian breeders. Advantages of the variety:

  • fruits of excellent dessert taste;
  • fruits can be transported over long distances;
  • fruits can be frozen;
  • The variety produces stable yields.

The plant is not affected by curling.


Product of Canadian breeders. Advantages of the variety:

  • high productivity;
  • precociousness;
  • excellent dessert taste of fruits;
  • fruits weighing up to 140 g;
  • The bone is not completely separated.

When planting, it should be taken into account that the plant has a large habit.


Product of folk selection. It has not been tested and is not zoned in any region. Distinctive feature: fruits weighing up to 1.3 kg. But there are very few of them on the tree.

Subtleties of crop care

The key to high yields and excellent taste of tender, juicy fruits lies not only in choosing a healthy seedling and planting. Proper care of early Kyiv peach affects the growth of the crop and fully reveals its varietal characteristics.


An adult tree needs 5 waterings per season. The soil is moistened for the first time through a groove in the trunk circle 10 days before flowering. Then - as needed. The early Kiev peach especially feels the need for water during drought. You can water the crop abundantly no earlier than the seeds in the fruits become hard. Otherwise, the risk of peel cracking increases.

The ground under young trees is moistened in the summer in the absence of rain every 2 weeks by pouring a bucket of water under them.

Top dressing

In the spring, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied to the early Kiev peach - nitroammophoska, urea. In early summer, potassium preparations are used to form the ovary and increase the sugar content of the fruit.

One of the best organic fertilizers for fruit trees is chicken manure. Organic matter is combined in equal parts with water and kept warm for 3 days. Before use, the infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The optimal volume for feeding is 1 liter per 2 square meters. m of land.

Complex mineral fertilizers are added to organic fertilizers in the first half of summer. In the fall, when digging the ground, humus, superphosphate, and ash are added.


Pruning of early Kyiv peach is carried out for sanitary purposes, to form the crown and for rejuvenation, when old branches are replaced with young ones. Sanitary pruning of the crop is carried out in spring and autumn. Remove diseased, deformed branches.

When forming the skeleton of a tree, in the first year the conductor is shortened at a height of half a meter. One skeletal branch is left from the shoots of the lower tier. Higher by 5 kidneys on the opposite side is the second one. They are cut to 20 cm. In the second year, two skeletal branches of the second tier are formed, located above last year's ones. Trim the trunk at the level of the fourth branch. The branches of the lower tier are cut by 1/3, and the second tier is 10 cm smaller than the first.

In the third spring, branches of the second order are laid. At a distance of at least 50 cm from the trunk, several shoots of the skeletal branches of the lower row are selected and shortened to 40 cm. In the fourth year, the same procedure is repeated, but with the second tier. Early Kiev peach annually needs to free the trunk from shoots and shorten the ends of the skeletal branches.

Is it necessary to prepare early Kiev peach for wintering?

Preparing crops for winter includes the following activities:

  • abundant autumn watering;
  • mulching the tree trunk circle with sawdust, peat, dry grass;
  • whitewashing of the trunk and lower branches.

If the peach is formed in the form of a bush, the branches are tied, bent to the ground, and covered with dry leaves. A frame is built around the seedling, on which agrofibre and spunbond are fixed. In mature trees, the trunk is tied with burlap, spruce branches or cardboard with a layer of dry grass.

Plant care

For the normal growth and development of a young tree, high-quality and regular care is very important, so let’s look at what measures need to be taken to keep the plant healthy and bearing fruit well.

Did you know? The peach is the first fruit eaten in space, during the American expedition to the Moon.

Watering and loosening the soil

It is not recommended to water the soil if there is regular rainfall - peach does not tolerate excess moisture. If there is little rainfall, the tree trunk circle is watered during bud break, during flowering and ovary formation. For irrigation, use settled water at room temperature in an amount of 20–30 liters per tree. Water the tree trunk circle - for better penetration into the lower layers of soil, make small grooves around the perimeter.

After watering, the soil is immediately loosened to avoid cracking, make the soil loose, and improve oxygen access to the roots. The tree trunk circle is also weeded to destroy weeds, after which it is mulched with an additional layer of peat or straw

Tree feeding

It is recommended to feed the tree several times a season, using different types of fertilizers and alternating the methods of their use:

  1. At the end of March, after the snow has completely melted, a 7% urea solution is used as foliar feeding.
  2. Any potassium fertilizer for peaches should be applied to the soil in early May in the form of root feeding, according to the instructions for the purchased product.
  3. After the tree has finished flowering, a mixture of minerals is used to spray the crown. To prepare the product, mix soda ash (60 g), copper sulfate (20 g), boric acid (10 g), iodine (10 drops), manganese (1 g) into 10 liters of water.
  4. To ensure the sweetness of the fruits during their ripening period, apply root fertilizer with potassium (30 g of potassium per 10 liters of water) per tree.
  5. After the end of fruiting, the plant is fed with a mixture of superphosphate (40 g) and calcium chloride (50 g) per 1 m² of trunk circle.

Trimming technology

Formative pruning of peach begins immediately after planting the seedling in the first year of cultivation . This tree does best with an improved cupping system that allows the branches access to direct sunlight for even light and warmth. The peach crown should consist of 3-4 skeletal branches, while the central conductor is completely cut off at the level of the last skeletal branch after finishing the formative pruning.

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