Large-fruited tomato Bulgarian miracle: characteristics, description of agricultural technology and reviews of culture

The Bulgarian miracle occupies a special place in the tomato world. Delicious fruits, high yield, juicy pulp - these are not all the advantages of the variety.
HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-seasonPinkLargeVarietyFlat-round

Characteristics and advantages of the variety

Bulgarian Miracle tomatoes have gained popularity among summer residents due to their ease of cultivation and excellent taste of the fruit. Tomato is a mid-season type of vegetable plant. You can get harvests of raspberry tomatoes 110 - 120 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

Interesting characteristics of vegetable crops are:

  • The height of the bush is 1.8–2 meters.
  • The shape of the fruit is steak-shaped, round and flattened.
  • The weight of a tomato is from 400 grams to a kilogram under good growth conditions.
  • Juicy dense pulp with a five percent dry matter content.
  • The taste of the tomato is truly tomato - sweet with a slight sourness.

The Bulgarian Miracle tomato is chosen for growing because it has a number of advantages:

  1. The plant produces many flower clusters, which helps produce up to 15 kilograms of tomatoes per square meter.
  2. The variety is resistant to late blight, since bushes tied to a trellis or stakes are well ventilated.
  3. The long fruiting phase of tomatoes leads to a longer period of consumption of fresh tomatoes picked from the bush.
  4. The formation of a bush is carried out by tearing off all the stepsons.
  5. The excellent taste of red fruits is valued fresh and prepared for the winter.

Considering the positive aspects of growing the Bulgarian Miracle variety and its taste, you can safely choose tomato seeds for your plot.

Features of agricultural technology, reviews of the variety

Grow tomatoes only from seedlings. The suitable age for transplanting it into the garden is 60-65 days. On a personal plot, it is recommended to leave 70 cm between sprouts. This way you will place 1 square. m 2-3 bushes. The optimal number of trunks is 2.

There are various reviews about this variety online. Svetlana was unable to harvest a large harvest in a greenhouse near Moscow. She picked 5-6 tomatoes from each bush. The fruits turned out large and tasty. Elena from Kostroma produced more tomatoes, although not as many as were stated by the breeders: 4-5 clusters with 2-3 beef fruits. The summer resident liked their appearance, size and taste.

Other gardeners had better results. Natalia from Sweden grew juicy and tasty tomatoes. The climate in her area is similar to the weather in the Leningrad region. The plant bore fruit for a long time and pleased with large tomatoes (about 500 g), although there were few seeds inside. Lyubov from Moldova notes the variety of beef fruits on one bush. She also liked the variety.

Irina grew a bush in open ground. Productivity was above average. Otherwise, she rated the tomato “excellent.” And summer resident Olga collected full fruits even in dense greenhouse planting conditions. The bushes were formed into 2 trunks, placed at intervals of 30 cm.

The Bulgarian miracle has enviable advantages. The tomato is in demand among gardeners, despite its amateur status.

Timing and rules for planting tomato seeds for seedlings

Like all tomatoes, it is better to grow the Bulgarian miracle in seedlings:

  • Tomato seedlings need to be prepared when they are 60-65 days old. The seeds of a vegetable plant are planted, having previously been prepared and protected from diseases and adverse weather conditions. To do this, the seeds are hardened by placing them first in warm water, then in cold water. For disinfection, place the seed material in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour. After the procedure, the seeds are washed under running water and dried.
  • Accelerates seed germination and germination of tomatoes. To do this, lay out the tomato seeds on one half of a damp napkin, covering them with the other half on top. To prevent the seeds from drying out, the napkin is regularly moistened with water. On the third to fifth day, plant sprouts will appear.
  • The purchased universal substrate is poured into the container, diluted with soil from the garden. If the soil is taken completely from the beds, then it is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate or boiling water a week before planting. When sowing is carried out in plastic cups, do not forget about the drainage layer. It will not allow moisture to stagnate in the container. After spilling the soil with warm water, make holes one to two centimeters deep and place two to three Bulgarian Miracle tomato seeds in each hole. The seeds are buried in the boxes at a distance of two centimeters.
  • Cover the containers with film and place them in a warm place, watering the seedlings with a spray bottle. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, the film is removed and the containers are transferred to light windowsills. Seedlings need a long daylight period of 12 hours.

The further growth and development of tomatoes depends on proper planting of seeds.

Planting and care

All of the tomatoes listed are grown through seedlings. Work in the central regions begins in the second ten days of March, if they plan to grow them in a greenhouse. For open ground, the deadlines are shifted to the end of the month.

Tomato seeds of the Pearl series are sown in containers with moistened soil in grooves to a depth of about 0.5-1.0 cm. Sprinkle with peat and moisten. Before emergence, containers covered with film or glass are stored in a warm room. Then the seedlings are placed in a well-lit place. When 2-4 true leaves appear, pick them out in separate cups.

How to care for seedlings?

The main problem with growing seedlings in boxes is that they need to be planted. To do this, weak shoots are pinched off so as not to damage the root system of strong shoots. Thinning the seedlings is carried out when the tomatoes have two true leaves. Using a stick, carefully remove the seedlings from the common container and transfer them to individual containers. The seedlings are buried down to seven-lobed leaves.

To make the seedlings stronger, mineral fertilizers are added to the soil when picking, one tablespoon per five liters of soil mixture.

During the development period, Bulgarian miracle tomato seedlings are fed twice: ten days after thinning and the next time with an interval of two weeks. Use mineral complexes consisting of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate.

Tomato seedlings will be strong if they are regularly watered and supplemented with phytolamps. And the air temperature in the room should be between 22 - 24 degrees Celsius. By the time the tomatoes are planted in the ground, the seedlings should be 30 centimeters high with a stem one centimeter thick. The stem of the seedling has up to eight leaves and one flower cluster.

History and benefits of Bulgarian tomatoes

Why do Bulgarians like tomatoes so much? There are several answers. First of all, they are tasty and can add a unique flavor to any vegetable dish. Bulgarian cuisine is filled with recipes for stews, purees and salads, including the traditional lyutenitsa, which include tomatoes. Bulgarian ones are distinguished by their delicate skin and sweet-sour taste. The peculiarity of Bulgarian tomatoes is also in their own aesthetics - elongated (rarely round), smooth, orange in color, they are recognizable from afar.

The second important aspect is benefit. Many people complain that healthy foods are rarely as tasty as not-so-healthy foods. And this is at a time when American experts named the tomato the healthiest food product. This is primarily due to the presence of three types of antioxidants in it:

  • vitamin C, a famous panacea for scurvy and a powerful immune system booster;
  • lycopene, which can effectively cleanse the blood of free radicals: toxins, which are one of the main factors of aging;
  • almost the same amount of b-carotene (a form of vitamin A) as in the record holder for this item, the famous cure for visual impairment - carrots.

When and how to replant tomatoes in the ground?

Tomato seedlings should be planted in the ground when the threat of night frosts has completely disappeared. Depending on the region, the timing of planting Bulgarian miracle tomatoes ranges from the second half of May to the first ten days of June.

If planted in May, it is better to use the inclined planting method. Then you can cover the plant stems with soil. Tomatoes can last one or two days under cover. As soon as the soil is removed, the stems take on a vertical position. You can also cover tomato bushes with paper caps, sprinkling the edges of the tire with soil.

Tomato seedlings are planted in holes measuring 30x30x30 centimeters. In the hole you should put two handfuls of humus, 50 grams of wood ash, mixed with turf soil. Planting scheme for the indeterminate Bulgarian miracle 70x70 centimeters.

It is better to use the strip planting method to make caring for tomatoes more convenient.

Immerse the tomato seedlings in the soil until the first true leaf appears. If the stems of the seedlings are too long, then you can go deeper. All that remains is to water the plants, pouring two to three liters of water under each bush. It is best to plant tomatoes in the evening so that they get stronger faster and are not exposed to the sun. Bulgarian miracle tomatoes will take root well if they are planted in the ground on time and correctly.

Recommendations for caring for tomatoes

After planting, throughout the growing season, properly care for varietal tomatoes:

  1. To prevent the development of fungal infections, 14 days after planting, the plants are treated with a two percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. Repeat the procedure two more times after 10 days.
  2. For tall tomatoes, a garter is required. Tie the stems to pegs several times a season using twine. A trellis is being prepared in the greenhouse, which will help place the tall stems of the Bulgarian Miracle tomato compactly and give it the opportunity to develop faster.
  3. Indeterminates are formed by pinching, leaving one or, rarely, two stems. Unnecessary shoots are removed when they reach a length of three to five centimeters. To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, pinch off the tops in early August, leaving two to three leaves above the top flower cluster.
  4. The yield of large tomatoes increases if you feed the tomatoes on time. The first time, mullein or bird droppings diluted in a ratio of 1:5 are added - 1:15. Then, every two or three weeks, a liter of nutrient solution is applied to each tomato bush. Fertilizers are prepared by diluting superphosphate (60 grams), ammonium nitrate (40 grams), and potassium salt (15 grams) in a bucket of water. In subsequent procedures, the amount of minerals is reduced by half.
  5. Water tomatoes regularly, reducing the frequency of watering before flowering. If the flowers fall off, remove the shoots and apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. It is better to reduce the amount of nitrogen. Lack of moisture and nutrients affects the fall of flowers. Tomatoes will be sweeter if the ripening fruits are freed from the shade of leaves.

If you care for Bulgarian Miracle tomatoes correctly, the bushes will delight you with large, sweet fruits in early August.

Diseases and pests of tomatoes

Tomatoes have a lot of diseases if weather conditions are not suitable for growth or care is poorly organized:

  • Bacterial cancer occurs due to the inoculation of diseased material. On the cut stems, vascular browning is visible, and the fruits are covered with brown spots with a crack in the middle and whitening of the tissues around. Sick plants are pulled out and destroyed. The remaining tomatoes are treated with antibacterial drugs.
  • If the leaves of a tomato curl, taking the shape of a tube, then the plants are affected by a fungal infection. Those plants that suffer from a lack of phosphorus and moisture get sick. Many small silvery spots on tomato leaves also indicate a fungal disease. As the disease develops, it causes the leaves to dry out. To prevent infection, you need to spray the bushes with Bordeaux mixture at the first signs. Treatment is carried out three times with an interval of ten days.
  • When it is necessary to free tomatoes from rot and leaf mosaics, it is necessary to remove weeds in time and treat the plants with fungicides such as Fitoverm.

Among the pests that attack Bulgarian miracle tomatoes are aphids, spider mites, and spanka. It is necessary to combat parasites with insecticidal agents, spraying with a solution of laundry soap, and tobacco dust.

If the tomato plantings are well ventilated and receive sufficient moisture and nutrition, then there will be no problems during their growing season.

More information can be found in the video:

Characteristics of the variety

  • Bulgarian miracle belongs to the mid-season varieties. From the moment of the appearance of full shoots until the start of fruiting, 110 - 120 days pass;
  • The yield is very good due to the large number of inflorescences and ovaries. From 1 square meter you can get up to 15 kg, and with good care you can get up to 5.5 kg from one bush. True, not all vegetable growers can boast of such indicators. Among the enthusiastic reviews there is also evidence of low productivity of the crop;
  • our hero can boast of marketable fruits that, subject to normal humidity, are not subject to cracking;
  • flowers sometimes suffer from doubleness, which is why the tomato can take on a deformed shape;
  • there is no specific information about resistance to viruses and fungi, and there are no complaints about susceptibility to certain diseases;
  • transportability and shelf-life are at an average level;
  • method of consumption is primarily in salads. But tomatoes are suitable for processing into juices, pastes, and sauces.
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