Stable yields in heat and cold - Chinese heat-resistant cucumber F1: full description of the variety

The variety was obtained by Chinese breeders; the seeds on the market are presented from the domestic originator “Sedek”. According to the stated characteristics, the hybrid tolerates heat and shows remarkable productivity and does not require special care.

Landing locationRipening timeMode of applicationFruit lengthGroupFruit smoothnessPollination method
GreenhouseEarly ripening (35-45 days)SaladVery long - more than 20 cmHybridHighly lumpyParthenocarpic

General description and characteristics

Chinese hybrids are distinguished by tall bushes in the form of vines. The plant does not have an end point of growth, therefore, without timely pruning and shaping, it grows to a height of 4 meters.

  • The main stem is strong, powerful, with multiple shoots.
  • The leaf cover is characteristic of a vegetable crop.
  • During the flowering period, racemose inflorescences appear on the bushes, blooming with light yellow flowers.
  • Most of the flowers are female, so the plant is capable of self-pollination.
  • The ripening fruits are elongated, from 35 to 80 centimeters.
  • Under the thin skin with numerous tubercles there is a sweetish pulp with small seeds.
  • The color of the long fruits is a rich emerald hue.

Reference! Chinese varieties of cucumbers are not prone to bitterness and the formation of voids in the fruit pulp.


Most varieties of Chinese cucumber came to us from China, but there are also varieties of domestic seed production. What to choose is up to each person to decide for themselves. However, the most popular are: “Chinese snakes” (one of the earliest varieties), “White delicacy” (one of the most delicious and resistant to adverse climatic conditions), “Chinese heat-resistant F1” and “Chinese frost-resistant F2” (the easiest for beginners varieties), “Chinese Miracle” (late, grown through seedlings), “Emerald Stream” (domestic variety, very long fruiting period) and “Alligator” (it is because of this variety that some gardeners call this group of cucumbers alligator cucumbers) .

Main advantages and disadvantages

To grow healthy and fruitful plants, you need to become familiar with all the varietal advantages and disadvantages of a vegetable crop.


  1. Fast ripening of vegetables. The first fruits are harvested 35-40 days after the start of active growth and development of plants.
  2. High yields. With proper and timely care, one bush produces up to 30 kilograms of ripe vegetables.
  3. The crop easily tolerates drought and light frosts and is suitable for growing in open ground or greenhouses.
  4. Ability to self-pollinate.
  5. Plants are not demanding in care and lighting.
  6. Increased natural immunity to most diseases and harmful insects.
  7. Also, the advantages of Chinese hybrids include the excellent taste of vegetables.


  1. Long fruits are consumed only fresh. Vegetables are not suitable for canning.
  2. Chinese cucumbers are not suitable for long-term storage and long-distance transportation. It is recommended to use the harvested cucumbers immediately, otherwise the vegetables will become soft and tasteless.
  3. Poor germination of planting material is also noted. When growing Chinese hybrids, it is necessary to take into account that no more than 75% of the seeds are viable.

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Tall bushes require support. Plants grown horizontally produce bent and curled cucumbers.


Despite all the obvious advantages, there are several disadvantages:

  1. Most species are not suitable for canning and salting using barrel methods - only for fresh consumption.
  2. The harvest does not last long, so it cannot be transported over long distances.
  3. Fruits grow evenly only when grown vertically and tied. In other cases, their shape will be curved and uneven.
  4. Not all seeds from China can boast of good germination, so you need to choose a variety especially carefully, having first familiarized yourself with its characteristics and specifics of cultivation.

Related article:

Cucumber Emerald earrings F1 - description and characteristics of a high-yielding early-ripening hybrid

Popular varieties and hybrids from the Chinese cucumber series

The following varieties are especially popular among vegetable growers:

  • The Frost-resistant Chinese cucumber easily tolerates frost and temperature changes, so it is planted immediately in open ground.
  • A heat-resistant variety of vegetables suitable for cultivation for industrial purposes. The first harvest is harvested 1.5 months after the sprouts appear. Fruiting is extended and ends after the first frost. One plant produces up to 25-30 kilograms of fresh vegetables.
  • Shanghai well done is a relatively new hybrid of Chinese cucumber. Ripe fruits are medium in size, from 30 to 45 centimeters, with crispy, sweetish pulp. The variety is resistant to fungal and viral infections.
  • A variety of Chinese cucumber called Chinese snake is recommended for greenhouse cultivation; it ripens 45-50 days after the start of active growth and development. Ripe fruits grow up to 50-55 centimeters, in the shape of a small arc with a pronounced melon or watermelon aroma. In open ground, this variety of Chinese vegetable is grown only in regions with a warm, southern climate.
  • The varietal variety called Chinese miracle ripens 2-2.5 months after planting. The vegetables are elongated, up to 65 centimeters in size, with a pleasant taste and aroma. Ripe fruits have a unique feature. A long cucumber can be cut into pieces. After cutting, the fruit continues to grow and develop.

See also: What to do if cucumber seedlings stretch out

Expert opinion

Stanislav Pavlovich

Gardener with 17 years of experience and our expert

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Important! Hybrid forms of vegetable crops marked F1 are not capable of imparting varietal properties and characteristics when propagated by seeds. Therefore, planting material for growing Chinese varieties of cucumbers is purchased annually.

Description of Chinese cucumbers Heat resistant

Chinese cucumber Heat-resistant f1 is a universal parthenocarpic variety, resistant, as the name suggests, to high temperatures and short-term droughts. The hybrid is able to withstand heat up to 34° - but not more than 5-7 days. The vegetable's immunity is quite high - it resists fusarium and powdery mildew well.

The Chinese Heat-Tolerant bush f1 is distinguished by the following features:

  • The plant is strong, branched, densely leafy.
  • The leaves of the variety are large, slightly wavy, rich green in color.
  • The cucumber itself is very long (40-50 cm), unlike hybrids for preservation, such as Zhuravlenok f1, with a dark green skin covered with small tubercles.
  • The pulp of the greens is juicy, creamy, without voids, according to the description, it has an unusual sweetish taste.

The hybrid can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouse conditions.

How to grow properly

Chinese hybrids are grown in open ground or greenhouse conditions. It is in greenhouses that it is easiest to create the right microclimate for the growth and fruiting of vegetable crops.

In the greenhouse

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse does not depend on the weather and climatic characteristics of the region. Therefore, all varieties of Chinese hybrids are suitable for this method of cultivating vegetables.

The soil in the greenhouse is prepared in advance. In autumn, the beds are dug up, loosened, and the soil is mixed with humus, peat, sand, organic and mineral substances.

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in the middle or end of March, so that at the age of 20-30 days the plants are transferred from the greenhouse.

During the growth of vegetables, the room is ventilated, and watering is carried out as the soil dries. Bushes are formed by tying plants to stretched ropes or fishing line.

In the open ground

The timing of planting cucumbers in open ground directly depends on the weather conditions of the cultivation region.

In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant seeds directly into the soil. In temperate climates, to grow fruit-bearing asthenia, the seedling method of planting cucumbers is used:

  • A site for planting vegetables is chosen with good lighting and shelter from drafts and strong gusts of wind.
  • The beds are dug to a depth of 50 centimeters, the soil is mixed with organic and mineral substances, and loosened.
  • Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out at the end of April, so that in late May or early June the plants are transferred to a permanent place of growth.
  • 2-3 days before transferring the seedlings, holes are dug in the beds up to 40 centimeters deep and wide.
  • The distance between holes is 40-50 centimeters, between rows up to 1 meter.
  • The wells are thoroughly moistened.
  • On the day of transplantation, the plants are placed in the middle of the hole. In order not to damage the rhizomes, the seedlings are transferred together with a lump of earth from the pot.
  • The bushes are covered with fertile soil from above and watered.
  • After finishing the work, the beds are mulched with straw or compost.

See also: Fruitful and popular varieties of cucumbers for polycarbonate greenhouses

Important! Tall plants will require support structures. Therefore, high pegs or trellises are placed on the beds.

Features of planting seeds

Chinese cucumbers can be grown in two ways: from seeds or from seedlings. This cucumber is a cold-resistant crop and is therefore characterized by simple agricultural practices. Initially, the gardener needs to purchase high-quality crop seeds.

They are soaked before planting. For this purpose, a strong solution of potassium permanganate is used. The seeds must be kept in it for at least half an hour. If there is no greenhouse and the temperature of the bed allows planting, then the seeds must be sown in the ground.

Photos of fruits

Cucumber loves fertilizer. That is why, before planting a crop in the ground, it is necessary to apply fertilizers such as:

  • Wood ash;
  • Compost;
  • Humus.

If these fertilizers are not available on the site, then fresh manure can be used. To plant seeds, you need to make holes using a hoe. Warm water is poured into them and cucumbers are laid out. The distance between the holes should be at least half a meter. The seeds are sprinkled with soil on top.

For good cucumber germination, it is necessary to provide moisture in the hole. That is why it is mulched. Straw or mown grass can be used for this purpose. Mulch will not only eliminate the possibility of soil drying out, but will also act as feeding for cucumbers throughout the season.

Recommendations for caring for plants

Cucumbers are moisture-loving plants and Chinese hybrids are no exception. The bushes also require additional nutrition, mulching of the beds and timely formation of plants.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the vegetable crop with settled, warm water after sunset or early in the morning. The amount of watering depends on the quality of the soil and the region where cucumbers are grown. In hot, arid climates, the amount of irrigation is increased; in the northern regions, irrigation work is carried out less frequently.

Vegetable crops are fed no more than 3-4 times throughout the entire season, alternately using organic and mineral fertilizers.

Loosening and mulching

Due to the superficial location of the rhizomes, the loosening procedure is carried out with extreme care, not exceeding a depth of more than 3.5-4 centimeters from the soil surface. They also remove weeds and mulch the soil with organic materials.

Humus, sawdust, straw or peat are used as mulch.

Important! Measures to mulch the beds will protect weak rhizomes from external influences.

Formation of the lash

It is recommended to form bushes as soon as the plants reach a height of 30-35 centimeters. The formation of plants occurs in 2 or 3 vines, the remaining shoots are cut off.

Also, during the growth process, damaged or diseased branches and leaves are removed.

Features of care

Varieties from China do not differ much in care from older varieties of cucumbers. But you still need to find out more information about how to grow Chinese cucumbers if this is the first time.

Since the plant forms one elongated stem and a few side shoots, it is planted more often than ordinary cucumbers.

Tip: Plants need to be tied up in advance.

On the main cucumber stem, the buds of the side shoots are removed to a height of 30 cm so that the cucumbers are ventilated. Above, two leaves with ovaries are left and the side shoots are pinched.

Methods of protection against diseases and pests

Preventive measures are carried out before the vegetable crop begins to bear fruit. The bushes are sprayed with preparations based on fungicides and insecticides. Such measures make it possible to further protect plants from damage by diseases and harmful insects. If troubles arise during the formation and ripening of vegetables, biological means of protection are used.

Also, in order to avoid the development of diseases and pest attacks, it is necessary to observe crop rotation, and plant calendula bushes, garlic or onions next to the cucumber beds.

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