Planting tomatoes for seedlings: the best dates and instructions for obtaining strong young plants

When to plant tomatoes for seedlings in 2021 according to the lunar calendar

Experienced gardeners know how lunar activity affects seedlings. Some days are contraindicated for planting seeds. This is due to the influence of the energy of the moon.

In your free time, it’s worth preparing the soil, tools, and planning the location of plantings, taking into account crop rotation.

How lunar phases affect plants

New moon. Energy circulates to the base of the plant, so growth is slow. Do not plant the day before or the day after.

Full moon. A day and a few days after - you can’t plant. The full moon has a strong influence on seedlings and the awakening of seeds. These days you can only weed and water.

Waxing Crescent. Energy and sap flow circulate from the root upward; the moon has a special influence on the soil. The period lasts 14 days, throughout the entire period seeds are planted and grown plants are replanted. In the first half of the phase, determinate species are actively planted.

Waning moon. Also lasts 2 weeks. Energy circulates to the roots. During this period, growth is slow, it is better to start harvesting, preparing the soil, and planting young tomatoes in the ground.

Recommended days for planting in February are 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24. In March - 4, 17, 18, 19. In April - 19, 28.

Dates with a negative influence of the moon in February cannot be planted: 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 27. In March - 1, 5, 9, 28. In April - 10, 11, 12.

All other dates are characterized as neutral.

In addition to choosing a favorable day, it is worth considering the dates of eclipses of the sun and moon. These days they do not sow, the energy fluctuations are too great and the result is unpredictable. It is also important to take into account which zodiac sign the moon resides in. Positively affect seed growth - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Negative - Aries, Leo, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius. Neutral - Sagittarius, Capricorn, Taurus, Libra.

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