A harvest of tasty and healthy fruits - the Yellow Ball tomato: characteristics of the variety and its full description

Yellow Ball tomatoes have a bright yellow color and a pleasant sweet taste. They will decorate any dish and lift your spirits, and in addition, provide a supply of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyYellowAverageVarietyRound

Description of the variety


  • Round, even shape;
  • Shiny, dense skin, deep yellow in color;
  • With juicy, sugary pulp;
  • Medium size;
  • The average weight varies from 150 to 250 grams.

Review from a gardener about the variety:


  • Indeterminate plant, with abundant formation of green mass;
  • Reaches a height of more than two meters;
  • The leaves are simple, medium in size, green in color, slightly corrugated, no stipules;
  • The inflorescence is simple, loose. The formation of the first inflorescence occurs above the 8-9th leaf, further ones - after three leaves;
  • Pedicel with articulation.

A harvest of tasty and healthy fruits - the Yellow Ball tomato: characteristics of the variety and its full description

Yellow Ball tomatoes have a bright yellow color and a pleasant sweet taste. They will decorate any dish and lift your spirits, and in addition, provide a supply of nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
TallGreenhouse, Open groundMid-earlyYellowAverageVarietyRound

Description and characteristics of the variety

These tomatoes, which are also known as the Golden Ball tomato, were created by Russian specialists and registered in 1997. The plant is indeterminate, reaching over 2 meters. The bush is semi-spreading. Medium foliage, ordinary leaves of medium size. The first flowers appear after 8-9 leaves. and then develop every 3 leaves. Tomatoes are collected with brushes.

The crop matures approximately 110 days after the seeds sprout. The fruits are large and medium - from 150 to 250 grams. They have a rich yellow color, becoming greenish-yellow and lemon-yellow as they ripen. There are 6-10 seed chambers inside. The pulp when scrapped has a sugary consistency, juicy, and tastes sweet. The smallest fruits can be preserved in jars, the rest are suitable for salads, making pastes and purees, juices, various dishes, and pickling in barrels.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • attractive appearance;
  • excellent taste;
  • the fruits are well stored;
  • dietary pulp;
  • good yield.


  • The variety is sensitive to a number of diseases.


From one bush you get 2.5-3 kg, and with good feeding even 4 kg of fruit.

Features of cultivation and storage

The variety takes root equally well both in a greenhouse and in open ground, however, when planting in the open air, one should take into account the peculiarities of the climate - frosts are detrimental to the plant.

It requires pinching, eliminating excess shoots and forming into 2 stems.

The harvest is stored well and can be transported for sale. You can also pick tomatoes at the stage of technological maturity - they ripen completely indoors.

Planting and care

Seeds for seedlings are sown around mid-March, and if planting in open ground is planned, then a little later. The soil should include ordinary soil, peat, wood ash and a little superphosphate. Self-prepared soil is spilled with potassium permanganate or fried in an oven. The seeds are soaked for half a day in a solution of a growth simulator.

After germination, seedlings need good lighting, and if there is not enough sun, then additional lamps are installed.

Before planting in holes, the soil is loosened and lightly fertilized with superphosphate or wood ash. The distance between bushes should be at least 60 cm.

Tomatoes: advantages and disadvantages

The main positive qualities of the “Yellow Ball” tomato variety include:

  • Good yield;
  • Excellent taste characteristics of the fruit;
  • The versatility of fruit use;
  • Low maintenance;
  • Possibility to grow both in unprotected soil and under film covers;
  • Long period of storage of the harvested crop;
  • Suitability for transportation.

However, in addition to its advantages, the variety also has disadvantages:

  • Susceptibility to fungal and viral diseases (mosaic, fusarium);
  • The need for mandatory pinching of adult bushes.

For open ground

It is very important for summer residents to grow their own tomatoes at their dacha. However, greenhouses are not installed in all areas. In this case, you need to select seeds of those varieties of tomatoes that can be grown outdoors. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for growing these crops. Breeders have also created some varieties of yellow tomatoes for open ground.

Golden stream

This variety is unique in that its fruits can be harvested within 82-86 days after the shoots appear. It feels great in open ground conditions. The plant grows in height up to 50-70 cm and does not require the removal of stepsons. You need to tie up the bush only if necessary. After the tomatoes are fully ripened, it is covered with fruits that ripen almost simultaneously.

Tomatoes have an oblong shape, each weighing about 65-80 g. Each bunch consists of 6-8 tomatoes. About 8-10 kg of delicious fruits are collected on an area of ​​1 square meter. They are used fresh, as well as for preparing various dishes for the winter. Well preserved during transportation.

Golden Koenigsberg

A mid-early variety of yellow tomatoes, which is grown in open and closed soils. The yield of greenhouse tomatoes is slightly higher than that grown in open ground. 105-110 days later from the moment when the seeds sprout, you can enjoy the first fruits. The plant is of indeterminate type and grows up to 2 m in height.

Formed clusters produce 6 fruits each. The fruits are large in size and have an elongated shape. The taste properties have one feature: apple flavor. From one bush of the Golden Konigsberg variety, up to 2-3 buckets of selected fruits are collected. They are used both fresh and for canning.

Golden heart

Ultra early ripening variety. The fruit can be harvested after 80-85 days. Determinate bushes have a strong stem, 30-40 cm high. 5-7 tomatoes are formed on the clusters. The plant needs to be pinched.

This variety is intended for cultivation in open and closed ground. In very cold weather, the bushes are covered with film. Orange tomatoes look like a heart shape. The ribs are slightly visible on their surface. There are 4 or more seed chambers inside.

The weight of the fruit can be from 100 to 130 g. From 1 square meter they harvest up to 7 kg. The fruits are tasty and contain a high amount of beta-carotene. The variety is resistant to many diseases characteristic of nightshade crops. The fruits are consumed fresh and also used for winter preparations.

Buyan yellow

Among gardeners, this variety is also called Fighter. It belongs to mid-season tomatoes. 110-115 days after the moment when the seeds sprouted, you can enjoy the first fruits. The bushes are determinate, the stem is strong up to 50 cm in height. The plant is intended for growing outdoors.

The vegetables have a beautiful cylindrical shape without any flaws. They are small in size and weigh about 60-120 g. Some specimens reach 150 g. From 1 square meter you can collect 2 - 5 kg of fruit. The taste of tomatoes is quite pleasant, but with a slight sourness. Yellow Buyan is mainly suitable for fresh consumption or for pickling. The variety tolerates weather changes well. The fruits can be stored and ripened indoors for some time.

Tags: yellow, description, variety, tomato

About the author: admin4ik

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Growing tomatoes

To grow the Yellow Ball tomato, use the standard seedling method.

How to prepare seeds?

To speed up germination, the seed material is soaked in a growth stimulator for 12 hours.

Sowing seed material

Basic recommendations for sowing seeds:

  • Seed material for seedlings is sown in early March;
  • To grow seedlings, give preference to light, fertile soil, which contains garden soil with peat. It is also necessary to add potassium fertilizers, superphosphate and wood ash to the substrate;

REFERENCE: To disinfect the soil, it is subjected to calcination or treatment with an aqueous manganese solution.

  • After one or two true leaves appear, they begin to pick the seedlings into separate containers;
  • To get strong, healthy seedlings, they need moderate watering and bright sunlight. In cloudy weather, young shoots are provided with additional lighting with electric lamps;
  • After the picking procedure, they are fed using complex mineral fertilizers. The second time is fed immediately before planting in a permanent place;
  • 10-12 days before planting, they begin to harden the young seedlings, taking them out into the open air. Hardened seedlings will be easier to adapt to new conditions.

Rules for planting seedlings

How to plant seedlings correctly:

  • Seedlings are planted in early to mid-May at the age of 45-60 days;

REFERENCE: If April turns out to be warm, seedlings can be planted in the last days of April.

  • Before planting, the soil is loosened well, superphosphate and wood ash, 1 tablespoon, are added to each planting hole;
  • When planting, try to avoid crowding, maintaining an interval of 60 cm between bushes;
  • Planted bushes must be immediately tied to supports to prevent future branches from breaking off under the weight of the fruit;
  • The soil between the seedlings is mulched using peat, humus or straw as mulch.

Cherry tomatoes for the greenhouse – Website about

For greenhouse cultivation, special varieties of tomatoes are used. Both tall and short-growing tomatoes can be planted under a polycarbonate cover. But experienced gardeners recommend using tall crops, forming a bush into one stem. With their help, you can optimally fill the volume of the greenhouse space and get a large harvest.

In greenhouses made of transparent polymer sheets, you can grow different varieties of tomatoes. Hybrids grow especially well in such conditions. They have resistance to unfavorable climates, increased productivity and resistance to diseases. Tall and short bushes are planted in the greenhouse. Some people prefer larger fruits. Small cherry tomatoes are perfect for pickling.


Indeterminate high-yielding varieties are best suited for growing in high greenhouses. They are distinguished by their tall powerful bushes that require garter.

Although tomatoes are named after cherries, this does not mean that the fruits of all varieties are colored red and have a round shape. Today, many cherry hybrids have been bred, having a wide variety of shapes and colors. These are pear-shaped, oval, round, elongated and plum-shaped tomatoes, colored in red, yellow, burgundy, purple, green, as well as striped hybrids.

The ovary of cherry tomatoes can also differ in its structure:

  • bunches like grapes;
  • symmetrical long vines with fruits;
  • small clusters of 5-7 fruits each;
  • “umbrellas” resembling a viburnum inflorescence;
  • single fruits strewing the bush from top to bottom.

Everyone can choose the cherry variety at their own discretion; most of them are acclimatized for the weather conditions of Russia.

Advice! You can not only enjoy cherry tomatoes; clusters of “cherries” can decorate any garden, plot or balcony.

There is a misconception that cherry tomatoes are decorative tomatoes, the main purpose of which is to decorate the garden and gastronomic dishes. But this is not so - cherry tomatoes are not only beautiful, but also very tasty and healthy.

The fruits contain a large amount of sugars and nutrients; they contain approximately twice as many vitamins as large-fruited tomatoes. The taste of cherry tomatoes is richer than that of regular tomatoes. Breeders have developed several varieties with a distinct fruity taste and aroma: melon, raspberry, blueberry.

"Ira F1"

Hybrid tomato is intended for cultivation in open ground or in a greenhouse. Cherry fruits are sweet and tender; tomatoes do not crack when canned or pickled.

Tomatoes ripen quickly - in just 95 days. The tomato is colored burgundy, has an elongated shape, the weight of each tomato is approximately 35 grams.

You can harvest in whole bunches - the fruits ripen at the same time. According to its taste characteristics, the variety belongs to “extra” cherry tomatoes. Each branch can bear up to 35 tomatoes.

The variety is resistant to most “tomato” diseases and produces fairly high yields - about 6 kg per square meter. The fruits are tasty both fresh and canned.

An indeterminate variety of tomato, the height of the bushes exceeds 200 cm. The plant must be tied to a trellis and the side shoots must be removed. Greater yields are achieved if the bush is formed into two or three stems. The variety can be grown in a greenhouse or in open ground.

The fruits are round, small – 20-25 grams. An interesting feature of this variety is the unusual color of the tomatoes - at the ripe stage they have a rich green hue. Cherries taste very sweet, aromatic, with a subtle nutmeg aftertaste.

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The yield of the variety is quite high, tomatoes ripen in whole bunches.

Advice! To determine the ripeness of Dr. Green tomatoes, you need to lightly squeeze the tomato. Only soft cherries should be picked from the bush.

"Date yellow"

A medium-late ripening tomato that can be grown both outdoors and indoors. The bushes are semi-determinate, their height reaches 150 cm, so the plants need to be tied to a trellis and pinched.

It is most effective to form bushes with two or three stems; in the south of the country, experienced gardeners pinch plants to the first bunch. The yield of the variety is high - all the bushes are literally strewn with small tomatoes.

The fruits of this variety are lemon-yellow in color, have dense pulp and strong skin, and do not burst or crack. The shape of the tomatoes is oval, the surface is glossy. The weight of an average cherry fruit is approximately 20 grams. The taste of tomatoes is sweet, very pleasant, they can be canned, used to decorate dishes, or eaten fresh.

The advantage of the variety is considered to be good keeping quality and a long fruiting period - fresh cherry tomatoes can be harvested from August until autumn frosts.


Cocktail Italian cherry variety with medium ripening. These tomatoes can be planted both in a greenhouse and in a garden bed. The stems of the plant are powerful, the bushes are tall (about 1.5 meters), they must be tied up and pinched.

Tomatoes grow in clusters, each of which contains 10-12 tomatoes. The fruits are colored red, have a round shape, and a shiny surface. Each weighs approximately 20 grams. These tomatoes taste very sweet and aromatic.

“Ocean” bushes bear fruit for a long time - you can harvest until frost. The plant withstands low temperatures and various diseases. The fruits can be canned or eaten fresh.


Mid-early tomatoes of indeterminate type, the height of the bushes reaches two meters. The highest yields are achieved when a bush is formed with two or three stems. The clusters are voluminous, with 12 fruits each.

The shape of the fruit is an elongated oval, the tomatoes are colored red, have a glossy peel and are small in size (the weight of the tomatoes is 15-20 grams). These tomatoes will decorate any plot or greenhouse.

The tomato pulp is fleshy, juicy, very sweet and tasty, there are few seeds inside the fruit, and the peel does not crack. These tomatoes are suitable for any purpose (from canning to decorating dishes).

Tomatoes of this variety are very picky in terms of sufficient light and frequent fertilizing - without these conditions you can’t count on a good harvest.

"Cherry Blossam F1"

Tomatoes of this variety will ripen on the 95-100th day after sowing the seeds for seedlings, so the tomato is considered mid-early. The bushes are powerful, reaching a height of 100 cm, the plant belongs to the determinant type.

Cherries can be grown both in a greenhouse and in open ground. It is better to form plants into three stems. Be sure to tie up and pinch the side shoots.

The tomatoes are small, weighing 25-30 grams, red in color, round in shape. The pulp and peel of tomatoes are dense and do not burst. The taste is high - like all varieties of cherry tomatoes, these tomatoes are very sweet and aromatic.

The hybrid variety is protected from many diseases and does not require complex care.

Attention! The seeds of these hybrid tomatoes do not need to be soaked before planting - they germinate well.

"White Muscat"

The variety is considered one of the highest yielding cherry tomatoes. The plant is exotic, of great height, with a powerful stem. Indeterminate bushes reach 200 cm in height. Fruit ripening occurs by the 100th day after planting the seeds in the ground.

In the south of Russia, the White Muscat variety can be grown directly in the garden. But in the middle zone and in the north, this cherry tomato must be grown in a closed greenhouse. The fruits of this tomato are shaped like a pear, colored in a soft yellow hue, and weigh approximately 35-40 grams.

The variety is resistant to most diseases and viruses.

A very rare variety of tomato, it belongs to the indeterminate group - the height of the bushes often exceeds 180 cm. The ripening period of the fruits is average. The stem is powerful, the bushes need to be shaped and tied to a support.

When ripe, cherry tomatoes are cream-colored with purple spots, the tomatoes are round in shape, and the flesh and skin are dense. The weight of one fruit can be only 15 grams. Tomatoes are very tasty, with a strong aroma and a sweetish taste. They are good to eat fresh, to decorate various salads and dishes, but they can also be preserved.

The fruits of this variety can be stored for a long time. They are often used for sale.


An early ripening variety that is preferable to grow in greenhouses. Only in the south of Russia is it allowed to plant tomatoes in the ground. The bushes are indeterminate, tall and powerful. The fruits ripen in clusters. For high yields, it is better to form the plants, leaving only one stem.

The bunches of tomatoes are very neat and beautiful; in each of them about 18 tomatoes ripen at the same time. The fruits are dense, red, round in shape, with aromatic pulp. The average weight of tomatoes is 15-20 grams.

Tomatoes of this variety do not crack and very rarely get sick.

"Green grapes"

This variety is distinguished by interesting fruits, the shape and color of which resemble the berries of green grapes.

Tomatoes do not ripen very early - the variety is classified as mid-season. The bushes are indeterminate, tall and strong. The height of the plant reaches 150 cm; it is better to form it into two stems. It can be planted both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

Each brush weighs from 500 to 700 grams, the weight of one tomato is approximately 25 grams. The shape of the fruits is round, when ripe they are colored yellow-green. The taste of tomatoes is also slightly fruity, with pleasant exotic notes. The tomatoes are juicy and sweet.

Seeds of this variety must be sown for seedlings two months before the intended transplantation of plants into the ground.

The method of growing cherry tomatoes is practically no different from growing ordinary large-fruited tomatoes. Most of these tomatoes are hybrids, characterized by resistance, good germination, productivity, and rapid growth.

Proper care of bushes consists of a few simple steps:

  1. In growing tomatoes through seedlings. Only in heated greenhouses and on balconies can you try to plant cherry tomatoes through seeds; in other cases you will have to grow seedlings.
  2. Regular watering - like all tomatoes, cherry tomatoes love water.
  3. The bushes need to be fed several times a season using mineral fertilizers.
  4. Most cherry tomatoes are indeterminate or semi-determinate, so tall plants must be tied up.
  5. The bushes are mostly powerful, climbing, they need to be regularly pinched to form plants.
  6. It is necessary to leave free space between low-growing bushes so that the plants have enough light and air.
  7. Make sure that the leaves of the tomatoes and their fruits do not touch the ground.
  8. Harvest when all the berries from one cluster are ripe.

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The most productive

Svetlana, Stary Oskol

“I would recommend planting Cericollo F1. The bushes are indeterminate. It takes 95 days from the appearance of the first shoots to harvest. I put him in the area. It has scarlet fruits weighing 20-25 g. They taste excellent, tender, and sweet. 20 tomatoes are tied on one brush. It has immunity to TMV and is moderately resistant to late blight.”

Natalya, Moscow region

“I really like Barberry F1. The crop is up to 2 m high. There are 3-5 inflorescences per plant. Up to 100 tomatoes grow in one inflorescence. They are scarlet and very sweet.”

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Bush care

Necessary care measures:

  • Watering. Water the plantings in the early morning hours before sunrise, using warm water. If it is not possible to water in the morning, it should be done after sunset. Regularity - no more than once a week. In rainy weather, temporarily stop watering;
  • Feeding. Feed once every two weeks. For the first time, nitrogen fertilizers or chicken manure are used. In the future, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are used for fertilizing. They can be replaced with manure, urea, peat;

ATTENTION: During the flowering period, it is recommended to add nitrogen and potassium mixtures. As soon as the fruits appear, potassium and phosphorus are added.

  • Loosening. To ensure the plantings receive a large amount of oxygen to the root system, loosen the soil twice a week;
  • Weeding. As a preventative measure, weed the beds once or twice every 10 days. With the help of weeding, you can get rid of some insect pests that migrate from weeds to cultivated plants. In addition, if you regularly loosen and weed the soil, you can strengthen the plant’s immunity and prevent the possible occurrence of fungal and bacterial infections;
  • Bush formation. Form into 1-2 stems. As the plant grows, it is necessary to remove all side shoots.

Photos, videos, reviews, descriptions, characteristics, yields about the tomato hybrid “Kish Mish Yellow F1”

There is a wide variety of tasty and sweet Kish Mish tomatoes; the differences are only in size, color and shape. But they all have two common properties - sweet taste and ease of cultivation. The hybrid tomato “Kish Mish Yellow” is in demand among vegetable growers. Tomato bunches with ripe fruits are very similar to grapes.

The tomato hybrid “Kish Mish Yellow” was developed by Russian breeders relatively recently. .

Short review:

“Yellow Kish Mish” is a hybrid with a medium ripening period. The first tomato harvest is harvested 101-110 days after the appearance of the first shoots.


  • They have a plum-shaped or round shape;
  • Bright yellow color;
  • With tough skin;
  • With dense, non-watery pulp;
  • With a sweet taste, with a slight sourness;
  • sugars - from 5.5 to 6%;
  • The average weight varies from 15 to 23 grams.


  • Indeterminate type, with long shoots;
  • Tall, reaching a height of up to 200 cm;
  • From 30 to 50 fruits are formed on the clusters.

Tomato: advantages and disadvantages

The tomato hybrid “Kish Mish Yellow” is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • Friendly ripening of fruits:
  • Long fruiting period;
  • Product appearance;
  • Excellent taste characteristics;
  • The absence of a tendency for fruits to crack;
  • Increased resistance to adverse factors;
  • Immunity to major tomato diseases.

The disadvantages of the hybrid include the need for gardeners to tie up and form bushes.

The fruits are universal according to the method of consumption. Tomatoes are suitable for fresh consumption, preparing a variety of salads, and are ideal for whole-fruit canning.

Bush care

Basic measures for caring for a hybrid:

  • The frequency of watering is twice a week, 7 to 8 liters are spent on each bush. Watering is especially necessary before flowering, after the appearance of ovaries and with the onset of fruit ripening;
  • Twice a month it is necessary to fertilize. Organic fertilizers and phosphorus-potassium mixtures are used as fertilizers;
  • The formation of a bush is carried out in two stems;
  • The pinching procedure is carried out every 10-12 days;
  • After irrigation procedures, the soil must be loosened to prevent the formation of a soil crust. It will impede the supply of oxygen and moisture to the root system;
  • Also, do not neglect weeding.

During the procedure, all weeds are removed, which takes away from the crop the nutrients necessary for normal growth and development.

The presence of good immunity makes the hybrid immune to most tomato diseases: late blight, tobacco mosaic virus and fusarium. During an epidemic of fungal infections, it is recommended to use 1% Bordeaux mixture or more effective fungicidal drugs: “Ordan”, “Fundazol”, “Ridomil Gold”. Pests are controlled using insecticides.

Reviews about the variety from those who planted

The tomato hybrid “Kish Mish Yellow” enjoys well-deserved respect among gardeners due to its positive qualities. The presence of good immunity makes the hybrid a frequent guest in country gardens.

The tomato hybrid “Kish Mish Yellow” is distinguished by its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care. Tomato garlands will be a wonderful decoration for any garden plot. The collected ripe fruits will delight all household members with their taste.

Review from a gardener:

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Source: https://web-selo.ru/gibrid-tomata-kish-mish-zheltyj-f1-foto-video-otzyvy-opisanie-harakteristika-urozhajnost.html/amp

Diseases and pests

Tomato is susceptible to some nightshade diseases, such as fusarium wilt and mosaic. Recommended measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases:

  • Calcination or spilling of the soil with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • Maintain crop rotation. Plant tomatoes after legumes, carrots, cabbage or herbs. Do not plant after peppers, eggplants or potatoes;
  • Carry out regular spraying of plantings with copper-containing preparations that effectively resist viral and fungal infections;
  • It can also be treated with a weak manganese solution;
  • Infected foliage must be removed and burned to prevent the spread of the disease;
  • You can avoid the appearance of pests by mulching the soil, and also regularly inspect the plantings. Colorado beetles and slugs are collected manually; to destroy aphids, the stems and leaves are washed with an aqueous solution of laundry soap.

Yellow tomatoes: a review of the best varieties

In terms of taste, yellow tomatoes are no worse than red ones; they are no less juicy and aromatic. Warm, sunny color - unlike all the usual red or pink tomatoes. In Mediterranean countries they are called “golden apples” - indeed, they have some resemblance to apples.


Perhaps the most important advantage of these beautiful vegetables is that they are completely safe for people suffering from allergic diseases; this is their difference from red tomatoes. It is important that these are the tomatoes that are used to prepare food for babies. So they are even healthier than red ones.

The pulp contains a lot of vitamin A. It is this fact that determines the color. There is very little acid in them. In addition, vegetables are rich in beta-carotene and lycopene - this trace element removes toxins from the body and suppresses cancer cells. The pulp also contains a fairly large amount of niacinin, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Ask and receive useful advice from professional gardeners and experienced summer residents.>>

What varieties of yellow tomatoes bear fruit well in our natural conditions? Some of them are preferable to grow in greenhouses, while others are good for the vegetable garden.

The best choice for greenhouses


The hybrid is not devoid of exoticism, but it is grown only in greenhouses. This is due to the fact that the variety is tall, the bushes cannot withstand the winds, and the stems break. The bright small fruits are shaped like an ellipse, and how delicious they are!

Date fruit

Our breeders developed small-fruited tomatoes. The taste is fruity. Summer residents of Central Russia recommend growing it indoors; the vegetables are heat-loving. The height of the bushes reaches one and a half meters.

The stems need to be tied up. Beautiful orange tomatoes ripen towards mid-June. Productivity depends on weather conditions. The hybrid successfully tolerates low temperatures, but the yield is significantly reduced. Dates can be grown right on the windowsill!


This is a variety of Japanese truffle. The fruits are equally good fresh or canned. The bush reaches a height of one and a half meters, not higher. The stems need to be tied up and the shoots need to be cut off regularly. A high-yielding tomato bears fruit equally well in greenhouses or in the garden. Externally, the fruits are similar to the truffle mushroom. Their flesh is dense and juicy. Sweet to taste.

Yellow scallops

The variety is recommended to be grown in a greenhouse. To get maximum yield, you need to leave only 2 stems on one bush. Ripe heart-shaped vegetables with an orange tint, as in the photo. The flesh with pink veins is very sweet. Scallops are readily eaten and tomato juice is made from them. They are not suitable for processing or conservation.


Hybrid tomato designed for greenhouses. Characterized by high yield and early ripening. The uniqueness of the bush is that each brush holds up to fifty tomatoes, but not immediately, but rather over a long period of time.

The pulp is fleshy, contains little water, and is sweetish. The skin is dense, which allows the crop to be stored for a long time without refrigeration and transported to other regions. Yellow caramels are canned, but fresh ones are simply delicious.

Banana legs

The fruits are unusual in appearance and taste. The variety is one of the best among the yellow ones, bred by American breeders for cultivation in the garden, greenhouses or greenhouses. To obtain optimal yield, you need to leave from 3 to 5 stems on one plant.

Banana legs have a highly elongated shape. The taste of the pulp is reminiscent of citrus fruits. Up to 5 kg of crop is harvested from one bush. Vegetables can be eaten raw or canned. They are also suitable for making sauces and seasonings.


This is a variety of cherry. Indeterminate tall bushes are grown in open ground or greenhouses. Tomatoes grow in dense clusters.


The fruits ripen within 85 days after planting the seeds. Low-growing bushes grow to a maximum of 70 cm; they do not need to be tied up. The variety is resistant to diseases such as septoria and macrosporiosis, but is susceptible to late blight and watery rot.

Fruits with a bright orange tint resemble oranges (by the way, there is such a variety). The taste is sweet, and the yield is up to 5 kg per bush. Well kept.

It is still better to grow the listed varieties in greenhouses, where their yield is maximum, and they ripen much earlier than garden varieties.


On average, the yield from each bush is from 2.5 to 3 kg of tomatoes.

Which regions are best to grow in?

It is recommended for cultivation throughout Russia: in unprotected soil, under film covers and in unheated greenhouse structures. The southern regions of Russia are optimal for cultivation in open ground.

In the middle zone, film shelters are used to grow the variety, and when growing in Siberia and the Far North, it is recommended to have greenhouses and greenhouses equipped with a heating system.

The most popular tomato varieties among giants

  • The early-ripening determinate tomato variety “Crimson Giant” was bred by a group of breeders led by Lukyanenko and entered into the State Register in 2007. Characteristics:
  • full ripening occurs after 100 - 110 days;
  • yield from 6 to 8 kg per 1 sq.m; average susceptibility to the most common diseases;
  • low shelf life and transportability.

The fruits of the “Crimson Giant” have an irregular flat-round shape with a diameter of about 10 cm. There is a slight ribbing from the stalk. When ripe they have a pink tint, the stalk is surrounded by a greenish spot. The ripe fruit is a rich crimson color. The weight of a tomato is usually 200 - 400 g, and on the lower inflorescence it can reach up to 1 kg.

The pulp is tender, fleshy, with a small number of grains, tastes sweet with the presence

The Sugar Giant is undemanding in care, is resistant to weather changes and sets fruit well, regardless of the climate. The “Sugar Giant” tomato belongs to the indeterminate standard mid-early varieties. Brought out in 1999 by Russian breeders and entered into the State Register in 2000 as a variety for cultivation on open ground and in greenhouses.

Characteristics: ripening period 110 - 115 days;

  • yield 15 - 18 kg per square meter. m;
  • tolerance to temperature changes and lack of moisture;
  • decent disease resistance.
    A plant 1.2 - 1.5 m high with a strong stem requires garter with supports and pinching.
To grow especially large fruits, 1 trunk is formed and the number of ovaries is regulated.
The flat-round, strongly ribbed fruits are pink with a raspberry tint. They usually weigh 500 - 600 grams, but kilogram specimens are not uncommon.
Tomatoes are consumed fresh and in salads.
The first simple inflorescence is formed above the 7th leaf, then after 1 - 2 leaves. The flat-rounded fruit with slight ribbing has a pink color when ripe.

Tomato Yellow Giant

The mid-season tomato variety “Yellow Giant” was bred by breeders. The indeterminate plant can grow in open ground and in greenhouses.


  • ripening 110 - 122 days;
  • yield up to 15 kg per sq. m;
  • recommended for allergy sufferers and baby food;
  • bears fruit for 1.5 months;
  • poor keeping quality.

Bushes 1.2 - 1.7 m high need shaping, staking and pinching. The fruits are flat, round and yellow in color, reaching a weight of 300 - 400 g.

The pulp, rich in juice, sweetish in taste, with a high content of niacin, is useful for heart patients and people with liver disease.

The “Ural Giant” tomato belongs to the mid-season type and is represented by a series of four identical varieties, differing in the color of the fruit. Successful adaptation to the climate of various regions from the south to the north has brought the “Ural Giant” well-deserved popularity among gardeners.


  • maturity 110 - 120 days;
  • yield 10 - 15 kg per square meter. m;
  • excellent adaptation to weather conditions;
  • poor keeping quality.

The fruits are rounded and flattened with slight ribbing. The weight of a tomato is 700 - 800 g, but specimens can be grown up to 1.5 kg. The pulp at the break is granular-sugar, juicy, sweet in taste.

The red variety stands out among others due to its high lycopene content. The pink tomato has a unique sweetness. Yellow (lemon) and orange varieties are rich in carotene and have a rich, piquant taste.
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