Description of the tomato variety “Orange Banana”

Tomato Banana Orange: variety description

Variety nameBanana orange
general descriptionMid-season indeterminate variety
Ripening period105-110 days
FormElongated, cylindrical
Average weight of tomatoes100g
ApplicationSuitable for fresh consumption, hot dishes, pickles
Productivity of the variety8-9 kg per square meter
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to major diseases

Banana Orange tomatoes are considered an indeterminate plant - there is no need to remove (pinch) the growing points.
The bush is not standard. Plant height is about 1.5 meters. The stem is strong, thickened, sparsely leafed, with several clusters and fruits on them. The inflorescence of “Orange Banana” is simple, formed above the 8-9 leaf, then with an interval of 2 leaves.

Each inflorescence produces an average of 8 fruits. It has medium-sized, light green, wrinkled, “potato-type” leaves.

The rhizome grows in large volumes in breadth. It is a mid-season variety - fruits appear on the 105th - 110th day after germination.

High resistance to late blight, fusarium and cladosporiosis was noted . Cultivation in greenhouse conditions is recommended; in hot summers, cultivation in open ground is possible.

Read on our website: the most common diseases of tomatoes in greenhouses and ways to combat them. Which tomatoes are resistant to most diseases and immune to late blight? What methods of protection against late blight exist?

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Banana orange from Aelita is an indeterminate variety, the bush grows up to one and a half meters in height. It is not standard, the stem is strong and there are few leaves on it. Simple inflorescences appear after the development of 8-9 leaves, each producing about 8 fruits.

The variety is mid-season. The harvest can be harvested in 105-110 days. The fruits are medium, usually weighing 100-140 grams. They are elongated, cylindrical in shape, reaching 7 cm in length.

Country of origin, year of registration

The Orange Banana tomato was created in Russia. It was developed by breeders from the Research Institute of Vegetable Growing in Protected Ground. In 2006, it was included in the State Register of the Russian Federation as a variety for greenhouse conditions.

Growing regions

In all regions of Russia and countries with similar climates, it must be grown in a greenhouse. Open ground is only suitable in hot climates.


The fruits are medium sized, about 7 cm long, about 100 g, weight, slightly ribbed. The shape of the fruit is elongated, cylindrical. The skin is smooth and thin.

You can compare the weight of Banana Orange tomatoes with others in the table below:

Variety nameFruit weight
Banana Orange100g
Diva120 grams
Yamal110-115 grams
The Golden Fleece85-100 grams
Golden heart100-200 grams
Stolypin90-120 grams
Raspberry ringing150 grams
Caspar80-120 grams
Explosion120-260 grams
Verlioka80-100 grams
Fatima300-400 grams

The color of ripe fruits is interesting - pearlescent, orange. The color of newly formed fruits does not have any peculiarities; with increasing ripeness, tomatoes turn yellow.

The fleshy fruits have an average number of seeds, distributed in 2-3 chambers. The amount of dry matter is minimal. Storage for a long time in a dark place, the appearance does not deteriorate during transportation .

The variety was developed by the Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing in Protected Soil. Included in the State Register of the Russian Federation for greenhouse conditions in 2006. Designed for cultivation in greenhouses in any region of our country and neighboring countries. In hot countries, unhindered cultivation in open ground is possible.

The taste of the fruit is amazing - sweetish honey notes with “tomato” sourness, the vitamin content is very high. The juice from this variety has an unusually pleasant, original taste. Suitable for fresh consumption, hot dishes, pickles.

Important! Tomatoes do not lose their beneficial properties when cooked.

The small size of the fruits makes it possible to preserve them whole, which will decorate any table. The production of tomato paste and sauces is progressing successfully.

High fruit yield, uniform formation and ripening of fruits were revealed. The average yield is about 3.5 kg per plant (8-9 kg per 1 square meter).

You can compare this indicator with other varieties in the table below:

Variety nameProductivity
Banana Orange8-9 kg per square meter
Grandma's giftup to 6 kg per square meter
American ribbed5.5 kg per bush
De Barao the Giant20-22 kg per bush
King of the Market10-12 kg per square meter
Kostromaup to 5 kg per bush
The president7-9 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg per bush
Nastenka10-12 kg per square meter
Dubrava2 kg per bush
Dad6 kg per bush

Features of cultivation

A special feature is the color scheme of the skin of the fruit. The taste of “Orange Banana” is original and does not deteriorate during processing. Planting of seedlings takes place in mid-March.

The soil for planting should be low in acidity and not heavy. Seeds and soil are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting in a common container to a depth of about 2 cm, the distance between plants is about 1.5 cm. When the first well-developed leaf appears, picking is necessary. Picking is done in a container about 15 cm in diameter; it is better to choose containers made of quickly decomposing materials (peat, paper).

There are a huge number of ways to grow tomato seedlings. We bring to your attention a series of articles on how to do this:

  • in twists;
  • in two roots;
  • in peat tablets;
  • without picking;
  • using Chinese technology;
  • in bottles;
  • in peat pots;
  • without land.

In mid-May, planting is done in a permanent place (seedlings are about 65 days old). If there is a possibility of growing in open ground, planting is done in mid-June. When planting in open ground, insulation is necessary in case of cold weather. In open ground, “Orange Banana” will bear less fruit.

Tomatoes are planted in a checkerboard pattern or in a two-row manner . The distance between plants is at least 50 cm, between rows - 60 cm.

Form the plant into one stem, removing stepsons every 10 days. Garter to vertical trellises or individual supports. Fertilizing and loosening are required .

Read useful articles about fertilizers for tomatoes:

  • Organic, mineral, phosphorus, complex and ready-made fertilizers for seedlings and the TOP best.
  • Yeast, iodine, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, ash, boric acid.
  • What is foliar feeding and when picking, how to carry it out.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety “Orange Banana”

Recently, numerous varieties of tomatoes have appeared that deserve special attention. Sometimes new varieties of tomatoes require a minimum of time and attention from gardeners. Let's say Orange Banana tomatoes are considered one of the most affordable for beginning gardeners.

New varieties of tomatoes deserve more and more attention. Sometimes tomatoes require a minimum of time and effort to care for themselves. For example, tomatoes of the Orange Banana variety are indeterminate, and pinching the growing points is not recommended.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Banana Orange is a mid-season tomato variety. Usually the harvest can be obtained in about 3.5 months. It is recommended to grow tomatoes in greenhouses, but in hot summers, transplanting into open ground is allowed.

The main features of the Banana Orange tomato fruit:

  • average length - 7 centimeters;
  • weight – about 100 grams;
  • an enlarged cylindrical shape that is flattened at both ends;
  • uniform thin skin;
  • orange color with a pearlescent sheen of ripe fruits, and with increasing ripeness the tomatoes become more yellow;
  • The fruits are distinguished by their fleshiness, average number of seeds and minimal dry matter content.

Orange Banana is successfully used for culinary purposes. Many admirers of healthy and nutritious food will be able to appreciate this variety of tomatoes.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Banana Orange is a tomato variety that was bred in the laboratory. Tomatoes of this variety have numerous important advantages:

  1. The variety has an average yield. At the same time, fruiting continues throughout the season.
  2. Tomatoes are distinguished by attractive colors, original shape, and rich taste characteristics.
  3. The variety exhibits increased resistance to diseases and parasites. This advantage makes it possible to successfully grow the Orange Banana tomato variety.
  4. Tomatoes are stored for a long time after harvest. This helps tomatoes to be successfully used for culinary purposes.
  5. The ripening periods are approximately the same. As a result, it is easier for beginning gardeners to plan for the upcoming harvest.
  6. In favorable climatic zones, tomato can be grown in open ground. In central Russia, tomatoes can also be grown in open ground, but a slight loss in yield will be noted.

Orange Banana is one of the best varieties of tomatoes for sale, as it has a long shelf life, fast and uniform ripening, and harmonious taste characteristics. In addition, during transportation, the harvested crop retains its original quality. At home, Orange Banana tomatoes have a long shelf life.

Features of growing the variety

It is advisable to plan planting seedlings in mid-March. Low acidity soil is recommended for planting. To improve yield indicators, seed material and soil are disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Seedlings should be planted in one container at a not too deep depth. To activate further growth and strengthen the root system, mandatory picking is required.

In mid-May, 2-month-old seedlings are transplanted to a permanent location. Seedlings can be transplanted into open ground only in mid-June if the weather is favorable.

Tomatoes are planted according to the classical scheme, thanks to which the work of transplanting seedlings is greatly simplified for beginning gardeners.

To obtain a high-quality harvest, the plant is formed into one stem, after which it is necessary to monitor it. For greater safety, a garter is suggested.

Applying fertilizers and loosening the soil are mandatory activities.

Diseases and pests

Fusarium and cladosporiosis are not dangerous for the variety; to prevent late blight, they are sprayed with copper sulfate. Spraying against aphids, root wireworms, mites, and cutworms with special preparations is also carried out.

Banana Orange tomatoes will fit perfectly into your greenhouse and bring a bright twist of orange color.

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