Cherry Michurinskaya: description of the variety and characteristics, planting and care with photos

Cherry Michurinskaya - origin of the tree

I.V. Michurin did a lot of work on cherry breeding. He developed winter-hardy varieties of cherries for the Tambov region: “first swallow”, “pervonets”, “Kozlovskaya cherries”.

Work on cherry selection continues at the Michurin Research Institute with a network of experimental stations and the Michurin Central Genetic Laboratory.

The main objective of this work is to develop a winter-hardy cherry variety with large fruits of dessert quality. The Michurinskaya cherry variety is, like no one else, close to fulfilling the task. The variety was bred in 1994 by T.V. Morozova from the seed of such cherries as Leningrad yellow.


Cherry Michurinskaya is a self-sterile crop. It does not bear fruit without pollen from trees and bees growing nearby. A garden with a single Michurinskaya cherry will not produce a harvest. Pollinator plants should be planted near this tree. It is advisable that suitable trees grow at a distance of 3-5 meters from each other. You can graft cuttings from other varieties onto Michurinskaya cherries.


Cherry pollinator for the Michurinskaya variety. A productive and winter-hardy crop. It blooms in the same period as Michurinskaya. The fruits are round, burgundy, weighing 5.5 grams.

Pink pearl

Cherry with large, pinkish-orange fruits. Berry weight - 6 grams. For pollination, replanting of pollinators is necessary: ​​Michurinskaya, Adeline, Ovstuzhenka.

See also

How to properly store cherries at home in an apartment and the shelf life of the berriesRead

Bigarro Burlat

A variety of large cherries native to France. The fruits are black and red, with dark cherry juice, weighing 6.4 grams. It blooms at the same time as Michurinskaya, the fruits ripen in June.


Table variety of medium ripening period. The fruits are red, weighing 5-6 grams. To pollinate this variety, Michurinskaya, Poezia or Rechitsa are planted nearby.


The tree blooms in mid-May, the fruits ripen in July. The berries are medium-sized, yellow, with a ruddy cover. The weight of one fruit is 5.5 grams.

In memory of Chernyshevsky

Dessert variety with large red juicy fruits. The weight of one berry is 4.6 grams. The pulp is tender, melting, sweetish-sour.

Description of the “Michurinskaya” variety of cherries

Michurinskaya cherry is a fruit tree, rose family, stone fruit group, up to 10 m high. Lives up to about a hundred years. The leaves hang down, light green, serrated at the edges and have two glands on the leaf petioles.

A good cherry tree produces up to 200 fruits. The Michurinskaya cherry tree has a medium height. It grows quickly, has a rounded and slightly raised crown of medium density.

The fruit of the cherry is a drupe, with a juicy pericarp, the color is dark red, almost black. The fruits are slightly larger than the usual average size, weighing 5-6 g.

Cherry fruits are broad-heart-shaped with a small rounded apex that has a depression at the base of the fruit. These fruits are characterized by an almost invisible ventral suture.

The peduncle is quite short in length, medium in thickness and can be easily separated from the branch. There are no subcutaneous inclusions on the fruits. The stone is smooth and oval, small in size, which can be easily separated from the pulp.

Cherry fruits have a sweet taste, which contains: 79.6% water, 11.6% sugar, 0.66% malic acid, 1.41% protein.

The fruits of the Michurinskaya cherry are sweet, almost without acid and are more suitable for fresh consumption than fruits, for example, cherries. Compotes, jams, candied fruits, wine, etc. are excellently prepared from the fruits of this species.

Cherry: description of the 20 best varieties (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Let's talk about cherries and describe their best varieties. There are sweet, slightly sour, crispy, soft, and different colors. Thanks to selection, new forms of this amazing tree are developed every year.


Cherry varieties: description and photo

To get a bountiful harvest, it is necessary to choose varieties taking into account the climate in a particular region. Thus, frost-resistant varieties are suitable for central Russia, but more heat-loving plants can be grown in Ukraine.

Unlike cherries, cherries ripen much earlier; their tasty and aromatic fruits can already be enjoyed in early summer - June. This is a real source of useful microelements (iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium). The fruits of the plant grow in the form of a single-locular drupe with a juicy pericarp.

Considering the late emergence of cherry fruit buds from a state of forced dormancy, the yield of this crop is characterized as stable. Another advantage of cherries is the presence of reliable protection from return frosts on the anthers and pistils, which cherries do not have.

Necessary conditions for the growth of cherries

The cherry variety is quite demanding of heat. Although it can withstand frost quite well. Gardeners also grow this tree in the Northwestern regions.

However, the main centers of its production are concentrated in the south of the Central region, Crimea, the North Caucasus and Dagestan. But to the north, Michurinskaya cherries have no industrial significance.

By the nature of the pulp, this variety belongs to bigarro (that is, with gristly pulp). The Michurinsky variety has early and late varieties.

The early variety of Michurinskaya cherries ripens in late May - early June, the fruits are medium-sized, red. Cold resistance is average, fruiting is late.

The late variety of sweet cherry is a common canning variety, very productive, early-fruiting and winter-hardy. The fruits are burgundy, with gristly flesh, ripen in late June - early July.

Michurinskaya cherry is a rather demanding plant, and to obtain large yields it requires good care, consisting of the correct soil maintenance system and fertilizer.

The best system for maintaining soil in cherry orchards is black fallow with cover crops and complete mineral fertilizer at a rate of 60 to 120 kg of active principle.

The Michurinskaya cherry variety is quite winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

Perfectly resists the disease coccomycosis.

general characteristics

The berries are red, tender, juicy, medium firm. The aroma of Michurin cherries is weaker than that of cherries.

Taste qualities

The taste of Michurinskaya cherries is sweet, with a slight sourness. Tasting score: 4.95 points out of 5.

Nutrient content

Cherries are rich in vitamins (C, A, B1, B2, E, PP) and minerals (potassium, iron, iodine, magnesium). It differs from cherries in its increased sugar content (almost 13 grams per 100 grams of fruit). The berries perfectly satisfy hunger and are useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. Due to its high content of iron and vitamins, it is used to treat anemia. This is an excellent diuretic.

Tree height and growth rate

Cherries grow quickly when young. The tree can live 30-40 years, but produces an excellent harvest only for the first 15-20 years.

Flowering and ripening period

Cherries begin to bloom late. The flowering period falls on May 10-15. The berries ripen at the end of June or in the second ten days of July.


Michurinskaya cherries are distinguished by high yields. It begins to bear fruit 4-6 years after planting. From one mature tree you can collect 55-60 kilograms of cherries. 80-140 centners of berries are harvested from 1 hectare.

See also

Description and pollinators of the Yaroslavna cherry variety, planting and careRead


Retains its shape for a long time. Transports well to the required distance. It doesn't spoil for a long time. The variety is recommended for industrial cultivation.

Drought resistance

Michurinskaya cherries tolerate drought well. Young seedlings need regular watering. It is advisable to grow in warm southern regions.

Frost resistance

This variety tolerates frosty winters well. However, during severe frosts the tree may die. It is advisable to grow in regions with mild winters or to insulate (cover) before wintering.

Disease resistance

Cherry is highly resistant to coccomycosis. However, in rainy and cool weather there is a possibility of the spread of this disease. Most often, cherries suffer from moniliosis and clasterosporiasis.

Application of fruits

The berries are eaten fresh, used for making compotes or juices, or canned. The fruits make sweet jams and preserves. The berries can be frozen and used to produce candied fruits, glazed or alcoholized fruits, and dry jam. Cherries are used in the production of sweets and as a decorative element in desserts.

Basic soil requirements

Cherry is a heat-loving crop. Prefers areas well lit by the sun and protected from the wind. Grows well in fertilized, neutral acidity, light sandy loam or loamy soils. The groundwater level is 1.5 meters. The distance to the neighboring tree is 3 meters. Does not like waterlogged, acidic, or too clayey soil.


Michurinskaya cherries are propagated mainly by grafting on antipka and wild varieties. When grafted on antipka, the plant takes root well in the nursery, develops somewhat weaker than when grafted on wild cherries, but it enters the fruiting season earlier.

Antipka is less demanding on the soil, more drought-resistant and frost-resistant than wild cherries. Therefore, in more northern regions, Michurin cherry should be grafted on antipka. The longevity of cultivated cherry trees grafted on antipka is no less than that of trees grafted on wild cherries.

The Michurinskaya cherry variety is self-sterile. Therefore, for this variety it is necessary to plant other pollinating varieties nearby. These varieties include: Pink Pearl or Michurinka.

Sweet cherry 'Michurinskaya late'

Latin name: prunus avium 'michurinskaya pozdnyaya'

Main type: Cherry
Fruit size
  • average
Fruit shape
  • heart-shaped
Fruit color
Winter hardiness
  • above average
Decoration of plants and fruits
  • Yes
Flower size
  • Not indicated
Brush characteristics
  • Not applicable
Berry/truss separation
  • Not indicated
Nut kernel size
  • Not applicable
Blush (cover color)
  • No blush
Fruit pulp color
Density and character of the pulp (fruit/bush/yag)
  • average
  • juicy
  • low-juicy
Fruit aroma
  • Not indicated
Frost resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Drought resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • strong
Beginning of fruiting after planting
  • 5-6th year
Ripening period (fruit/bush/yar)
  • late
Consumer maturity
  • Not indicated
Productivity (fruit/bush/yag)
  • high
Fruit shedding
  • Not indicated
  • Not applicable
  • Yes
Purpose of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • universal
Taste of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • sweet and sour
  • good
Soil pH requirements (fruit/bush/yag)
  • neutral (ph6.5-7)
Shelter for the winter (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Soil type (fruit/bush/yar)
  • sandy loam
  • loam/clay
Disease resistance (fruit/bush/yag)
  • average
Resistance to pests (fruit/bush/yag)
  • Not indicated
Habitus (fruit/bush/yag)
  • medium height/raised
Growth form
  • spherical/rounded
Crown density
  • average
Thorns, thorns
  • Not applicable
Vitamin content (fruit/bush/yag)
  • high
Keeping quality of fruits (fruit/bush/yag)
  • low
Cultivation region by origin (fruit/bush/yar)
  • Lower Volga region
  • Central Black Earth Region

Expand all properties

Description of the plant:

Sweet cherry 'Michurinskaya late' is a seedling from the open pollination of the variety 'Leningradskaya yellow'. Obtained from the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. I.V. Michurina. Accepted for state variety testing in 1994.

Recommended for testing in the Central Black Earth and Lower Volga regions.

Dimensions and growth form:

Sweet cherry 'Michurinskaya late' is represented by medium-sized trees. The crown is round-oval, raised, of medium density.

Flowers and fruits:

The fruits are above average size, 6.5 g, wide-heart-shaped. The skin is dark red.

The pulp is red, tender, juicy, medium density. The taste is sweet and sour, good.

Precocity, ripening time, yield:

The variety is not early-bearing, universal, self-sterile. Late ripening. Productivity is high.

Winter hardiness:

Winter hardiness is above average.

Disease resistance:

Sweet cherry 'Michurinskaya late' is relatively resistant to diseases.

Landing conditions

Michurin cherries are planted in permanent places in the garden, at a distance of 8 m in a checkerboard, square or rectangular pattern. This variety of cherries is grown in standard form.

This tree must be planted in the spring, since in the fall, an insufficiently rooted plant may not tolerate early frosts and severe frosts in winter. In addition, young and quite vulnerable shoots can also be frostbitten.

Several important stages of planting can be identified:

  1. Cherry seedlings should be planted in moderately moist soil.
  2. This plant takes root well on loamy soil and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. In addition, if the soil is acidic, then it must be deacidified, otherwise you should not expect a full harvest.
  3. Dig a small hole at least 50 cm wide.
  4. You need to add humus to the hole and mix it with the soil. That is, to form a small mound.
  5. A seedling is lowered onto such a hill; the root collar should be positioned above the surface of the hole.
  6. The roots of the future tree need to be straightened to avoid damage when planting.
  7. Then the holes should be filled with earth and lightly compacted.
  8. Water the planted seedling very well, and the ground near the future tree needs to be mulched.
  9. The soil needs to be well fertilized every year in order to obtain a bountiful and high-quality harvest of berries in the future.

In addition to all of the above, it is recommended to plant a tree on light slopes in places well protected from wind and sun.

It is usually not subjected to special crowning, since this variety forms a crown well even without special pruning. However, you can use the so-called American method of crown formation, which consists in placing the lateral skeletal branches sparsely along the trunk, at a distance of 12-25 cm from the branch.

At the same time, the subordination of the lateral branches to the central conductor is observed, cutting the skeletal branches more strongly than the central shoot (conductor).

The number of skeletal branches with such tree crowning is set to 5-8. The main advantages of such a crown: strength, good illumination of the internal parts, ease of pruning and harvesting.

Landing Features

Michurinskaya cherries can be planted in your garden plot. You must first purchase young seedlings. Trees are planted in early spring - before the buds awaken, or in late autumn - after leaf fall.

Selection of seedlings

It is advisable to buy young seedlings from a nursery. Trees purchased at spontaneous markets do not always correspond to the declared variety. Before purchasing a tree, you need to carefully inspect it. It is not recommended to buy seedlings with cracks in the bark, wounds, or mold. Annual or biennial plants with a height of 80-100 centimeters take root best in a new place.

Root system

Young seedlings should have a well-developed, moist, lush, healthy root system. The rhizome should not have dry shoots, growths, rot, or fungi. The plant should have many roots of different lengths. Before planting, the roots are immersed in water or a nutrient solution (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) for 12 hours.


A young tree should have a straight trunk and several side shoots extending from the main one at an acute angle. The bark should be brown and smooth.


The preferred age for planting is 1-2 years. During this period, plants take root better and get sick less. However, older trees can also be planted.

Availability of vaccinations

It is advisable to buy seedlings with grafting. It is done at a distance of 5-8 centimeters from the root. Trees with grafting take root better and get sick less often.

Choosing a landing time

Young seedlings are planted in early spring or autumn. Spring planting is preferable for regions with cold climates. Trees are planted before buds open, when the soil warms up well. Autumn planting is desirable for the southern regions.

The root system grows best in the fall. Trees are planted when the trees lose their leaves. Seedlings are planted in October, a month before the onset of frost, so that the trees have time to take root and adapt to the new habitat.

Site selection

Cherries grow well in fertilized or fertile soils. Trees are planted on sandy or loamy soil. It is not advisable to plant plants on peat bogs, clayey, sandy, acidic or marshy soils. Cherries do not like to grow in the shade. Prefers a well-lit area. Michurinskaya cherries are planted near pollinating varieties. There must be at least 3 meters to the neighboring plant. Cherry does not tolerate proximity to pear, plum, or apple trees.

Pit preparation

Regardless of the planting period, the hole for seedlings is prepared in advance. If the plant is planned to be planted in the spring, then the pit is dug in the fall. You need to give the soil time to shrink. It is advisable to plant cherries where fruit trees have not grown before.

The turf and top fertile soil layer are carefully removed and set aside separately. Then select soil from the hole to a depth of 70 centimeters (width - 70 centimeters). Drainage is laid at the bottom of the dug pit, then sod is laid with the grass facing down.

Fertile soil is mixed with wood ash (500 grams), leaf compost, and a bucket of rotted manure (it is not advisable to use bird droppings). Add a little sand to clay soil. You can add 60 grams of potassium sulfate and superphosphate.


First, a little fertilized soil is poured into the hole. A seedling is placed on a mound and the roots are straightened. Then the tree is sprinkled with fertile soil up to the root collar. The grafting site should be 8 centimeters from the ground. The soil near the tree is slightly compacted and watered generously. The tree trunk circle is mulched with peat. You can install several pegs near the tree. A seedling tied to them will be more resistant to wind.

Tree crown formation

Cherries of this variety do not like frequent and pedantic pruning. Therefore, where it is not pruned, the healthiest, strongest trees are found. At a young age, if it is pruned, it is only for the purpose of shaping.

After creating the trunk and crown, pruning is reduced to a minimum, limited to cutting out diseased, dry branches and intertwining branches from the tree.

With age, when all the energy of the tree is spent on the formation and maintenance of short growth of numerous bouquet branches, the tree develops weak terminal growth, as a result of which almost no new bouquet branches appear and the yield decreases.

During this period, more severe pruning and partial rejuvenation are used (for 3-5 year old wood). When pruning adult cherries of this variety, one must keep in mind that its ability to produce tops is weakly expressed, since its dormant buds do not germinate. Michurinskaya cherries are pruned in early spring, late autumn or winter.

How to provide care for Michurinskaya cherries

For those who like to harvest early and late harvests, Michurinskaya cherries are perfect. She was bred through selective breeding. Gives medium juicy fruits. This variety is optimal for sale. The fruits are well transported.

Fruits are well transported

Characteristics of the variety

The fruit crop was bred by T.V. Morozova in 1994 at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. I.V. Michurin, Leningradskaya yellow cherry seeds were treated with the mutagen EI. As a result, this variety appeared. You can also often find the name Michurinskaya late cherry.

This variety is represented by two subspecies:

The description of the variety indicates resistance to cold. You can grow fruit trees in the middle zone. Frost affects life expectancy. In the southern regions the tree will live for about 20 years, and in the central and northern regions - 10–15 years.

The advantages of this variety are:

  • high productivity;
  • late maturation;
  • no fruit shedding;
  • resistance to diseases and infections.

The disadvantages of the fruit crop include non-self-fertility. It can be pollinated by other cherries. Pollinators can be: Michurinka, Pink Pearl. The short lifespan of the tree also has a negative impact. Buying a seedling and growing it brings new worries and troubles.

Description of the tree

The berries have an attractive appearance

The tree grows quickly and is of medium height. The crown has a wide pyramidal or oval-oval shape. The cherry tree has a raised crown, the same is found in Bigarro Burlat. It has medium thickness. Straight and thick shoots form on the tree. They are brown in color and have a smooth surface. There are not enough lentils on them. Fruit formation occurs on bouquet branches. The age of the latter does not matter.

The leaves are medium-sized, dark green in color. Their shape is narrow oval with double-serrated serrations. The surface is smooth and shiny. There is no pubescence on the leaves. The leaf petiole is small and has 2 large dark red glands.

The tree blooms white. The shape of the flowers resembles a rose. They are much larger than those of cherries. The petal is rounded. The inflorescence consists of 2 or 3 flowers.

Description of the fruit

The fruits of this variety reach a weight of 6.5 g. They have a wide-heart-shaped shape. The apex is more rounded, at the base there is a medium depression. There is a ventral suture, but it is invisible.

Due to its short length and average thickness, the stalk is easily separated from the fruit. The skin is dense on the fruit. Due to this, the fruit crop tolerates transportation well. According to the characteristics of the fruit, this variety can be compared with Bigarro Burlat.

Comments (6)

  • Valya

    05/01/2019 at 00:44 |
    Sweet cherries make good wine and also jam, so even if you don’t have children, cherries will come in handy anyway. If fruiting at the end of May and at the beginning of June is considered late, then which cherries are considered early?


    Yulia Expert Plodogorod

    05/01/2019 at 15:47 |

    Hello, Valya! Early varieties of cherries have their advantages. For example, they are slightly less susceptible to pest attacks. After all, during the ripening period of the harvest, not all of the harmful insects have already begun to show activity. But, like any other crop, these trees require care, otherwise you won’t get a good result.

    We would like to note that when planting early cherries, it is better to place several plants of this species on your site. After all, most early-ripening species require a pollinator. As an alternative, you can plant a cherry tree next to your pet, but you need to ensure that their flowers bloom at the same time.

    As for fruiting, the appearance of ripe berries at the end of May is considered early ripening. But late varieties begin to harvest at the end of July, or even in August. Many of these cherry varieties produce cherries until September.

    In order to more accurately clarify this issue, let's look at several varieties of early cherries, including the timing of their fruiting.

    Iput is a plant that has a dense crown and medium-sized berries. The fruits are red, and when they become more ripe, they acquire a darker and richer shade. The weight of the berry reaches 8 grams, and the peak harvest occurs in mid-June.

    The May cherry is a fairly large tree that is resistant to many diseases. The disadvantage is the relatively small berries, although this particular variety ripens very early - in the last days of May.

    The Skazka variety has large dark red fruits. Sweet and do not crack, even if it is damp and there is a lot of rain outside. The tree is little susceptible to diseases and easily tolerates cold. The average fruit weight is about 10-11 grams. You can get the harvest already in the first days of June.

    Among the species that have yellow berries, Chermashnaya can be distinguished. Fruit weight is about 4-5 grams. They have a pleasant aroma and slight sourness. The harvest is also harvested in the first days of summer.

    To summarize, we can say that the periods that you mentioned are typical for early varieties of cherries. Moreover, if the fruits are large enough, then fruiting often begins not at the end of spring, but with the arrival of summer. Trees with small fruits can produce berries as early as the end of May.


  • Lara

    05/06/2019 at 00:42 |

    What is it advisable to fertilize this type of cherry every year? What is the best way to do this? It’s just that the text here says that the tree must be fertilized every year so that it brings a rich harvest.


      Yulia Expert Plodogorod

      05/07/2019 at 19:23 |

      Hello Lara! Yes, in order for cherries to bear fruit well and actively develop, you need to feed them properly. This component of care will not only allow you to collect a large number of large berries, but will also increase the plant’s immunity.

      The fertilization process should begin even before planting the seedling. This is done about a month before planting. When planting in spring, the best option is to fertilize the soil in the fall. For this, humus is used. You will need about 2 buckets.

      Before planting a young tree, superphosphates (about 150 grams) and products containing potassium (90-100 grams, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions) are added to the hole 15-20 days before. We also recommend adding a few handfuls of ash.

      If the soil where the cherries are planted is not depleted, then this feeding will be enough for the young plant for 3 years.

      Crops such as cherries prefer mineral products to organic ones. It is preferable to add the latter only at the initial stages of cultivation. Bird droppings are best. But not in a concentrated form, but in a diluted form with water.

      An adult plant is usually fed after a year. In very poor soil, with a small fertile layer, you can apply fertilizer more often. You need to look at the yield and condition of the plant.

      On spring days, fertilize twice. The first time at the very beginning of spring, and the second at the end of May. Nitrogen is required at this time. Therefore, you can use urea, ammonium carbonate, or ammonium nitrate.

      In summer, you can use products based on phosphorus and potassium. This can be ammophoska and potassium salt. Next time the tree needs to be fertilized after the leaves fall. But no later than October, otherwise the plant will not have time to prepare for winter. Complex mineral products are best suited. We do not recommend using organics at this time.



      06/04/2019 at 08:13 |

      In our country, most people plant trees without any fertilizers, and then they are indignant that the harvest is not important; if the tree is already mature and old, is it possible to somehow improve its productivity?


      Yulia Expert Plodogorod

      06/04/2019 at 23:34 |

      Hello Lara! You are absolutely right, without fertilizing and other care measures it is not always possible to reap a good harvest. Especially if the tree is no longer young.

      Every year, at the beginning of spring, it is worth applying nitrogen-containing products. In mid-May or towards the end, we recommend repeating this feeding. It is better to do this in liquid form to speed up the absorption of nutrients by the tree.

      In mid-July, we recommend feeding the tree with phosphorus and potassium supplements. You can add microelements. At the same time, you can carry out foliar feeding.

      Towards the end of summer, such a plant is fertilized with organic matter. But, only well-rotted and better liquid. A good option would be mullein.

      Considering the age of the cherries, it is worth paying more attention to treatment against pests and diseases. The fact is that with age, cracks and other damage form in the tree bark. Various infections and harmful insects often develop in them. At the beginning of spring, you can treat the cherry orchard with Agravertin, Iskra-bio, Akarin or Fitoverm.

      If the tree is old enough, we recommend rejuvenating pruning. This needs to be done gradually. After all, it is better not to remove more than 30% of the total green mass of the crown at one time. So, within 2-3 years, a new frame can be formed, on which young shoots will eventually grow.

      Sometimes very old trees are more productive to use as rootstock.


  • Cherry Michurinka: variety description and characteristics

    Cherry Michurinka: photo of the variety

    Cherry trees of the Michurinka variety are considered medium-sized, but they form a crown very quickly, and the shoots develop more than intensively. The crown, as you understand, is quite dense, round and oval in shape. Because of this, excess shoots will need to be pruned in time; this is best done either in early spring, before the sap begins to flow, or in late autumn, after this process is completed. And the crop begins to bear fruit quite early, the fruits are formed on bouquet flowers. The bark on the skeletal branches and on the trunk is brown. If we talk about the shoots, they are quite thick, have brown bark, slight roughness, and are straight in appearance. Not many lentils are usually formed; the buds are of medium size, ovoid in shape, deviated in relation to the shoots. The foliage is of medium size, the leaf blades are flat and oval, jagged, the surface relief is smooth and shiny, the color of the foliage is dark green, there is no drooping. The petioles of the leaf blades are short, thin, and are well attached to the shoots. Each petiole has 2 fairly large glands that are dark red in color. There are no stipules. Cherry blossoms always bloom quite profusely. Her flowers are always large and pink in shape. The petals on the rounded cup are snow-white. Cherries bloom neither too early nor too late. In relation to the stamens, the stigma of the pistil is located higher. This crop must be properly cared for. Sanitary pruning is carried out in early spring, all deformed and damaged branches are removed, and the cut areas are treated with garden pitch or pound. The Michurinka cherry variety is watered as needed, more intensively in dry summers. The plants are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in early spring, so that in the future the cherries will intensively increase their green mass. In the summer, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to the soil, all this contributes to the development of plants, as well as intensive flowering and fruiting of the crop.

    Cherry Michurinskaya is a pleasant harvest of large and tasty berries, loved since childhood.

    Many people are familiar with memories from childhood, when grandmother makes delicious jam from cherries or cherries, with seeds for guests, without seeds - for herself. Very tasty foam from such jams. And to bring back these memories, you need to know the secrets of growing these wonderful berries.

    If you want to harvest juicy and very tasty berries before mid-summer, the Michurinskaya cherry variety is suitable. Produces large, rich berries. Michurinskaya cherries are well suited for those who sell berries, as the fruits tolerate transportation well.

    Origin of the tree

    I.V. Michurin did a lot of work on cherry breeding. He developed winter-hardy varieties of cherries for the Tambov region: “first swallow”, “pervonets”, “Kozlovskaya cherries”. Work on cherry selection continues at the Michurin Research Institute with a network of experimental stations and the Michurin Central Genetic Laboratory. The main objective of this work is to develop a winter-hardy cherry variety with large fruits of dessert quality. The Michurinskaya cherry variety is, like no one else, close to fulfilling the task. The variety was bred in 1994 by T.V. Morozova from the seed of such cherries as Leningrad yellow.

    Description of the “Michurinskaya” variety of cherries

    Michurinskaya cherry is a fruit tree, rose family, stone fruit group, up to 10 m high. Lives up to about a hundred years. The leaves of the cherry tree hang down, are light green, serrated at the edges and have two glands on the leaf petioles. A good cherry tree produces up to 200 fruits. The Michurinskaya cherry tree has a medium height, it grows quickly, has a rounded, slightly raised crown of medium density.

    The fruit of the cherry is a drupe, with a juicy pericarp, the color is dark red, almost black. The fruits are slightly larger than the usual average size, weighing 5-6 g. Cherry fruits are broad-heart-shaped with a small rounded top, which has a small depression at the base of the fruit. These fruits are characterized by an almost invisible ventral suture.

    The peduncle is quite short in length, medium in thickness and can be easily separated from the branch. There are no subcutaneous inclusions on the fruits. The stone is smooth and oval, small in size, which can be easily separated from the pulp.

    Cherry fruits have a sweet taste, which contains: 79.6% water, 11.6% sugar, 0.66% malic acid, 1.41% protein. The fruits of the Michurinskaya cherry are sweet, almost without acid and are more suitable for fresh consumption than fruits, for example, cherries. Compotes, jams, candied fruits, wine, etc. are excellently prepared from the fruits of this species.

    Necessary conditions for the growth of cherries

    The cherry variety is quite demanding of heat. Although it can withstand frost quite well. Gardeners also grow this tree in the Northwestern regions. However, the main centers of its production are concentrated in the south of the Central region, Crimea, the North Caucasus and Dagestan. But to the north, Michurinskaya cherries have no industrial significance.

    By the nature of the pulp, this variety belongs to bigarro (that is, with gristly pulp). The Michurinsky variety has early and late varieties.

    The early variety of Michurinskaya cherries ripens in late May - early June, the fruits are medium-sized, red. Cold resistance is average, fruiting is late.

    The late variety of sweet cherry is a common canned, very productive, early-fruiting, winter-hardy variety. The fruits are burgundy, with gristly flesh, ripen in late June - early July.

    Michurinskaya cherry is a rather demanding plant, and to obtain large yields it requires good care, consisting of the correct soil maintenance system and fertilizer. The best system for maintaining soil in cherry orchards is black fallow with cover crops and complete mineral fertilizer at a rate of 60 to 120 kg of active ingredient.

    The Michurinskaya cherry variety is quite winter-hardy and drought-resistant.

    Perfectly resists the disease coccomycosis.


    The Michurin cherry tree reproduces mainly by grafting on antipka and wild cherry trees. When grafted on antipka, cherries take root well in the nursery; they develop somewhat less than when grafted on wild cherries, but they enter the fruiting season earlier. Antipka is less demanding on the soil, more drought-resistant and more frost-resistant than wild cherries. Therefore, in more northern regions, Michurin cherry should be grafted on antipka. The longevity of cultivated cherry trees grafted on antipka is no less than that of trees grafted on wild cherries.

    The Michurinskaya cherry variety is self-sterile. Therefore, for this variety it is necessary to plant other pollinating varieties nearby. These varieties include: Pink Pearl or Michurinka.

    Landing conditions

    Michurin cherries are planted in permanent places in the garden, at a distance of 8 m in a checkerboard, square or rectangular pattern.
    This variety of cherries is grown in standard form. This tree must be planted in the spring, since in the fall, an insufficiently rooted tree may not tolerate early frosts and severe frosts in winter. In addition, young and quite vulnerable shoots can also be frostbitten.

    Several important stages of planting can be identified:

    1. Cherry seedlings should be planted in moderately moist soil.
    2. This plant takes root well on loamy soil and does not tolerate stagnant moisture. In addition, if the soil is acidic, then it must be deacidified, otherwise you should not expect a full harvest.
    3. Dig a small hole at least 50 cm wide.
    4. You need to add humus to the hole and mix it with the soil. That is, to form a small mound.
    5. A seedling is lowered onto such a hill; the root collar should be positioned above the surface of the hole.
    6. The roots of the future tree need to be straightened to avoid damage when planting.
    7. Then the holes should be filled with earth and lightly compacted.
    8. Water the planted seedling very well, and the ground near the future tree needs to be mulched.
    9. The soil needs to be well fertilized every year in order to obtain a bountiful and high-quality harvest of berries in the future.

    In addition to all of the above, it is recommended to plant a tree on light slopes in places well protected from wind and sun.

    It is usually not subjected to special crowning, since this variety forms a crown well even without special pruning. However, you can use the so-called American method of crown formation, which consists in placing the lateral skeletal branches sparsely along the trunk, at a distance of 12-25 cm from the branch. At the same time, the subordination of the lateral branches to the central conductor is observed, cutting the skeletal branches more strongly than the central shoot (conductor). The number of skeletal branches with such tree crowning is set to 5-8. The main advantages of such a crown: strength, good illumination of the internal parts, ease of pruning and harvesting.

    Cherry fruiting

    Michurinskaya cherries bear fruit mainly on bouquet branches, representing a short shoot from 2-3 to 8-10 cm long, with numerous lateral fruit buds and one growth bud. The durability of bouquet branches is 8-10 years. The fruiting zone of Michurinskaya cherries is mainly concentrated on 2-5-year-old wood.

    Tree crown formation

    Cherries of this variety do not like frequent and pedantic pruning. Therefore, where it is not pruned, the healthiest, strongest trees are found. At a young age, if it is pruned, it is only for the purpose of shaping. After creating the trunk and crown, pruning is reduced to a minimum, limited to cutting out diseased, dry branches and intertwining branches from the tree. With age, when all the energy of the tree is spent on the formation and maintenance of short growth of numerous bouquet branches, the tree develops weak terminal growth, as a result of which almost no new bouquet branches appear and the yield decreases. During this period, more severe pruning and partial rejuvenation are used (for 3-5 year old wood). When pruning adult cherries of this variety, one must keep in mind that its ability to produce tops is weakly expressed, since its dormant buds do not germinate. Michurinskaya cherries are pruned in early spring, late autumn or winter.

    Transportability of cherries

    This variety has excellent transportability. For transportation, cherries are harvested 2-3 days before full ripeness and packed in small boxes or sieves.

    Benefits of cherries

    Cherries are useful for prevention. Fresh berries are especially widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The berries contain useful antioxidants that protect the body from harmful substances, folic acid - useful during pregnancy, and anthocyanins - which help strengthen blood vessels. Even when frozen, the berries do not lose their beneficial properties.

    1. Eating fresh cherries helps increase appetite.
    2. In addition, it is also used as a cosmetic product.
    3. Not only berries are consumed, but also leaves.

    Thus, we can outline the pros and cons of growing Michurinskaya cherries.

    The advantages include:

    • winter hardiness,
    • high productivity,
    • good transportability,
    • resistance to various diseases and possible infections,
    • no shedding of fruits,
    • the weight of the berries is approximately 6.5 g,
    • the fruits are dark red in color,
    • The taste of the pulp is sweet. According to the dessert point system – 4.95 out of 5 points,
    • Fruiting occurs in the fifth year after planting.

    The disadvantages include:

    • fragility of wood,
    • non-self-fertility.

    In this video you will learn a description of the Michurinskaya cherry:


    The flowers are white, slightly pinkish, large, and have a pleasant aroma. The inflorescence consists of 3 flowers. The plant looks very decorative during the flowering period. It blooms at the end of June.

    Tree options

    It is medium-sized, the crown is round-oval, the bark is brown, the shoots grow straight, the buds are oval. The leaves are bright, dark, green, smooth, oval-shaped, narrow, jagged.

    Caring for late-ripening cherry varieties

    Cherry varieties with late berry ripening begin their growing season completely differently. During the flowering period, they enter either late or mid-term; the period of fruit formation lasts longer, which requires much more resources from the cherry tree. For this reason, caring for such cherries is slightly different.

    About pruning rules

    There is no need to pay much attention to the formation of the cherry crown. But still, it is better to cut the branches in tiers so that the lowest branches are the longest, and each next tier to the top is 5-8 centimeters shorter than the previous one. The main conductor should always remain the longest, protruding 10 centimeters in front of the other branches.

    Otherwise, pruning should be aimed at removing bad branches that are no longer capable of bearing fruit. After all, during the growth period, branches can be damaged both from the weight of the crop, from heavy spring snow, and from the influence of wind or pests. They need to be cut down very carefully.

    If the branch is thin, it is better to cut it with a garden knife. The cut areas should be cleaned and covered with garden varnish. It is recommended to prune cherry branches in the spring so that the cuts heal faster and are not damaged by frost.

    Feeding is an important stage of care

    Fertilizing plays a very important role in growing cherries.

    In particular, it is very important that the tree has enough nutrients during the fruiting period. Therefore, in the fall, just before frost, you can lay organic fertilizers under a 20-centimeter layer of soil, thus fertilizing the entire circle around the trunk

    Urea, rich in nitrogen, has a very good effect on tree growth and vitality. It is not recommended to apply a lot of it; per 1 m2 of soil, no more than 200 grams of this fertilizer.

    These substances, having decomposed and descended to the roots in the spring, will very well nourish the cherries during the period of flowering and fruit formation. So that the fruits can grow well and be full of flavor, in the spring it will not hurt to add superphosphates to the soil in the amount of 120-150 grams per 1 m2 of near-trunk soil.

    It is very important to consider that cherries should be fertilized with some frequency. In the first year after planting, the tree will not need fertilizing

    On the second, you can add only urea. But already in the third year after planting, it will be useful to combine both mineral and organic fertilizers. However, the latter should be used to feed cherries no more than once every 2-3 years.

    Watering late-ripening cherries

    Like any other varieties, these cherries love water. Therefore, they should be watered regularly, every month. During periods of drought, the amount of watering increases, during periods of rain it decreases. For 1 tree you should use about 3-4 buckets at a young age, during the fruiting period - about 6 buckets.

    It is not recommended to water cherries abundantly during the period of fruit ripening. Too much water can cause the cherries to crack.

    Preparing late cherries for winter

    Preparing these varieties of cherries for winter is no different from preparing other varieties. You need to carefully dig up the soil around the cherry tree and water it generously so that the soil is completely moistened.

    Thanks to this, the soil will not freeze, and the tree will have a sufficient amount of moisture and air. The only difference is that for this type of cherries it is necessary to feed the soil in the fall, and not just in the spring.

    Protection of cherries from pests and diseases

    Even if the variety is resistant to diseases, it is still recommended to carry out periodic treatments against possible infection. In particular, during the blooming of cherry buds and the separation of buds, it is recommended to treat the tree with preparations such as “Horus” and “Aktara”.

    Further, at the end of flowering and during the formation of the petiole pit, the cherry is sprayed with “Aktelik” and “Horus”. During fruit growth, spraying with Actelik will protect them from cherry flies and aphids. After harvesting, the danger of cherries becoming infected with diseases such as coccomycosis and clasterosporiasis does not disappear, so the tree can be sprayed again with the “Horus” preparation.

    You can save the bark of cherry trees from rodents by tying the trunk with burlap and spruce, this way you will protect the tree from both pests and frost.

    To protect cherries from pests in the fall, when mice are especially active, you can simply place poison near the burrows.

    The most productive late varieties

    When choosing plants to plant in the garden, take into account the climatic and soil conditions in the region. The yield and time of fruit ripening are also taken into account. A tree grown taking into account all the recommendations produces a lot of berries every year. Plant yield ranges from 50 to 100 kg. Every year, breeders develop new varieties that combine excellent fruit taste and high resistance to diseases and unfavorable climate.

    Variety In Memory of Astakhov

    The harvest of the late-ripening variety ripens in mid-August. The trees grow quickly, reaching a height of 4.5 m and forming a rounded, sparse crown. Large burgundy berries of the same size reach a mass of at least 8 g. They have a thin skin and a small stone that is easily separated from the pulp. The fruits of the Pamyati Astakhov variety are shown in the photo below.

    The first harvest is harvested in the fifth year after planting the seedling. On average, up to 30 kg of cherries are obtained from one plant. This variety has high resistance to typical crop diseases. The trees can withstand winter temperatures as low as -28°C. This cherry variety is suitable for the Moscow region or the Middle Zone.


    This variety was obtained by Czech breeders by accident. It is considered one of the best of the late ripening varieties. The fruits ripen in the second half of July. It is most often grown in the south of the country: in the Krasnodar region and in the Rostov region. It is also cultivated in the regions of the Middle Zone. The Cordia variety produces a harvest every year. The first berries are picked in the fourth year after planting. Each tree produces up to 50 kg of large, juicy fruits with dark red pulp.

    Cordia cherries are used to make desserts, although they are also used for canning and eaten fresh. The fruits tolerate transportation well and do not burst from excess moisture. Young trees do not tolerate frost well. Therefore, they are covered for the winter. Adult plants are frost-resistant down to -25°C. The Cordia variety does not tolerate drought well. Therefore, in hot weather, trees are often watered. This variety is not capable of self-pollination. Therefore, for a good harvest, a variety with a similar flowering period is planted nearby.


    Another popular variety with a harvest ripening period in mid-summer. Trees of medium height form a spreading crown. Tyutchevka has medium-sized, neatly shaped berries. They have thin scarlet skin and light red flesh. The crop tolerates transportation well without losing its elasticity. The first ripe fruits are picked 5 years after planting the seedling. The productivity of Tyutchevka is up to 40 kg per tree.

    On a note! The disadvantage of Tyutchevka is its high susceptibility to high humidity. In rainy weather, ripe fruits crack severely.

    The following varieties are planted nearby as pollinators to increase productivity:

    • And the way;
    • Ovstuzhenka;
    • Bryansk pink;
    • I'm jealous.


    This cherry variety ripens later than others. The berries are picked in early August. Staccato is a self-fertile variety. It gives a good harvest even in the absence of plants of other varieties nearby. The plant was obtained by Canadian breeders and has been grown en masse since 2000. Fruiting begins early, in the third year after planting the seedling. The plant produces a lot of berries weighing up to 12 g. The fruits are regular in shape, covered with thin, shiny skin, juicy, with a pleasant aroma. After ripening, they do not crumble or crack due to high humidity. The pulp of the berries is dark red, almost burgundy.

    The trees grow to medium size. Plants have good immunity to most diseases typical of cherries. They tolerate winter cold well. The crop tolerates long-distance transportation well. Thanks to this property, the Staccato variety is grown on an industrial scale in Europe.


    This variety is also bred in Canada. It is very sensitive to low temperatures. Therefore, it is more often grown in Kuban and other southern regions. Trees of the Lapins variety are tall with a spherical, raised crown. Large oval berries have dark burgundy flesh and are covered with thin skin. Their weight reaches 10 g. They have juicy, sweetish flesh with a slight sourness. What Lapins cherry fruits look like is shown in the photo below.

    This variety has a compact crown with upward-pointing shoots. The tree takes up little space. Therefore it is suitable for planting in a small garden. For proper development, this cherry tree requires nutritious, moderately moist soil. The disadvantage of the Lapins variety is its low resistance to fungal infections and monoliosis. But it does not lose popularity, thanks to high, stable yields and the excellent taste of the berries.


    The variety of Canadian selection is also late-ripening. This cherry is self-fertile. When growing grafted seedlings, the harvest is obtained already in the second year after planting. A large number of fruits are obtained from one tree. Plants grown on an industrial scale, with good care and regular watering, yield up to 150 c/ha. Medium-sized trees are crowned with a densely leafed, oval crown. The mass of dark red large berries with a heart-shaped shape reaches 12 g. The fruits are covered with a dense skin, under which a delicate, pleasant-tasting pulp is hidden.

    On a note!

    Sweetheart cherries are resistant to low temperatures. Every year it brings a large number of large berries with a pleasant taste.

    Bryansk pink

    This late-maturing variety has trees with highly branched shoots covered with bright green foliage. The flesh of the medium-sized fruit is yellow, covered with a thin, pinkish skin. Juicy berries tolerate high humidity well without cracking in rainy weather. This variety has average frost resistance. A strong temperature change in the spring provokes freezing of branches. The advantage of Bryansk pink is its strong immunity to clasterosporiasis, coccomycosis and monilial burn. The berries are well stored and successfully withstand long-term transportation. Fruiting begins in the fifth year. The first berries are picked in mid-July.


    Regina cherry was bred by breeders from Germany. It is one of the most common varieties among gardeners in Russia and European countries. Many people grow it for sale. Medium-sized trees with a sparse crown begin to bear fruit early. The first harvest is harvested in the third year after planting the seedling. For better fruiting, it needs pollinators, for example, Lapins or Summit cherries. Regina cherries have good frost resistance. The plant can withstand temperatures as low as -25°C in winter.

    The berries ripen in the second half of July. The medium-sized dark red fruits reach a weight of 8 g. They retain freshness for a long time and successfully withstand long-term transportation. Overripe berries do not fall off the branches and do not crack. This variety of cherry has good immunity to many fungal infections.


    These cherries were bred for growing in warm climates. It is often found in gardens of the North Caucasus region. The crown of tall trees is of medium density, raised. The round fruits are colored intensely red, reaching a weight of 10 g. The pulp is dense, sweetish in taste with a slight sourness. Each tree produces up to 50 kg of fruit. After planting a seedling, the first harvest is harvested only in the fifth year. The berries ripen in the second half of summer. Alaya cherry successfully tolerates light frosts in winter and resists the main diseases of this crop. But cold weather during the flowering period is destructive for it.


    This cherry was bred by Russian breeders. It is suitable for cultivation in the cool climate of the Moscow region. The plants are not capricious, do not require special care, and can withstand temperatures dropping to -30°C in winter. Therefore, in many regions, Bryanochka is grown without closing it for the winter. After planting, the seedlings develop quickly, reaching a height of 3 m. The berries are medium-sized, dark red in color, have a wide-heart-shaped shape, and weigh 7.5 g. They are often consumed fresh.

    Bryanochka produces rich harvests. The first berries are harvested in the fifth year of growing the tree. Flowering and fruit ripening begin only in July. To get a good harvest, Bryanochka needs pollinating plants. To do this, Iput or Tyutchevka cherries are planted nearby. Plants are resistant to major fungal diseases.

    Cherry Michurinskaya late

    Planted seedlings develop quickly, reaching a maximum height of 4 m. The trees have a dense pyramidal crown formed by thick, straight shoots. The branches are covered with dark green oval leaves. During flowering, the tree is covered with white flowers, resembling the shape of a rose. The dark red, heart-shaped berries ripen at the end of July. They are very juicy and have a pleasant, sweet taste.

    On a note!

    The skin of the Michurinskaya cherry fruit is very dense. Therefore, the variety is often grown on an industrial scale and transported to other regions for sale.

    The trees tolerate winter frosts and summer drought well. With proper care, Michurinskaya cherries produce good harvests in the south of the country and in regions with a cool climate.

    Cherry Lyubimitsa Astakhova

    The variety was bred for cultivation in harsh climates. It has increased winter hardiness, but for a good harvest, seedlings are placed in areas protected from the wind. The trees are partially self-fertile, but in the absence of pollinators nearby, the yield is low. Therefore, to increase the number of ovaries, varieties that bloom at the same time as Astakhov’s Favorite are planted in the neighborhood. Cherries can also be used as pollinators.

    The trees begin to bear fruit in the fifth year of life. Flowering begins in May, and the fruits ripen in the first half of July. Trees regularly produce high yields without dependence on frequency. Universal berries. They are frozen, dried, canned. They have a thick skin, so they are well preserved during transportation.

    general description

    Michurinskaya presents late varieties of cherries. Its yield reaches 140 c/ha. The peculiarities of this species include its self-sterility. There must be pollinators on the site. The Michurinka and Pink Pearl varieties fit this description.

    Cherries of this variety have a number of advantages:

    • good transportability;
    • fruits can be stored for 7-10 days at cool temperatures;
    • high immunity;
    • excellent winter hardiness.

    Cherry variety Michurinskaya is fertile. The first fruits appear 5 years after planting.

    Trunk and crown

    The Michurinskaya cherry variety reaches a height of three to five meters. The trunk color is brown. The shoots of the plant are directed upward, the buds are egg-shaped.

    The crown of the tree is raised. Its shape is round-oval.

    • The leaves of the Michurinskaya cherry have a rich green color. There are no roughness marks on the leaf plate.
    • Each leaf has an oval shape with a tapered tip and characteristic serrations along the entire outer edge.
    • The leaves are attached to rather short petioles. Very often they are added to twists for flavor.

    The flowers of the Michurinskaya cherry are quite large. The petals have a pinkish tint. The stigma of the pistil is located above the petals.

    Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 2–3 pieces. The tree begins to bloom at the end of June.

    The fruits of the Michurinskaya cherry have the following description:

    • Cherry berries are large in size. The weight of each berry reaches 6.5 g.
    • The fruits of the Michurinskaya cherry are heart-shaped.
    • The berries are dark red.
    • The berries are attached to short and thin stalks. When harvesting, they are easily separated from the branches.
    • The bone is quite small in size. At the stage of biological maturity it is easily separated from the pulp.
    • The berries taste sweet, with a characteristic sourness.

    Michurinskaya berries can be eaten fresh, canned, dried and frozen. The fruits of this variety are also excellent for preparing all kinds of drinks and desserts.

    To plant Michurinskaya cherries, choose areas with good lighting, protected from drafts. An important point - you cannot plant a seedling in the place of old cherries.

    Cherry trees do not have any special requirements for soil. Gardeners recommend choosing fertile and light soils that do not stagnate.

    Selection of seedlings

    Selection of seedlings is a responsible task. The description of the material suitable for planting is as follows:

    • wet root system;
    • bright brown color of small roots;
    • no obvious damage.

    If the selected tree has dry roots, then the seedling will take a very long time to take root.

    The main shoot of the selected specimen should be green. If the peeled bark reveals a brown trunk, such a seedling is unsuitable for planting.

    Soil preparation

    Two weeks before the expected date of planting the seedlings, fertilize the soil on the site.

    For this, organic fertilizers are used. Slurry or bird droppings work well.

    Don't forget to reduce the acidity of the soil. To do this, use dolomite flour and fluff lime.

    After this, be sure to dig up the soil on the site.

    Planting process

    Planting is recommended in spring

    Like any living organism, cherries require timely care. You need to start with choosing a good seedling, proper planting and feeding.

    Selection of seedlings

    It is best to purchase seedlings in stores. It is possible in special places that are engaged in cultivation.

    A seedling grown from a seed is unsuitable for planting.

    When choosing, you need to pay attention to vaccinations. Grafted trees take root well and are less susceptible to diseases. The trunk and shoots must be undamaged and appear elastic and strong.

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