Features of tomato varieties Masha f1 and Mashenka

There are varieties that everyone, without exception, likes. This is exactly what the Nasha Masha f1 tomato belongs to. It is considered the highlight of domestic selection. Entered into the State Register.

HeightLanding locationRipening timeFruit colorFruit sizeOriginFruit shape
Medium heightGreenhouse, Open groundEarly ripeningRedsLargeHybridFlat-round

Description and characteristics of the variety

Tomato Nasha Masha f1 is an indeterminate medium-sized hybrid. The bushes are characterized by the following properties:

  • shoot height 1-1.2 m;
  • fruiting clusters 7-8;
  • the number of tomatoes is 5-6 on each bunch;
  • The 1st brush is formed above the 10th leaf, each next one after 3 leaves.

Our Masha from Ilyinichna ripens early and produces large tomatoes.

Fruit characteristics:

  • average weight 200-220 g;
  • flattened, cuboid shape;
  • the pulp is fleshy, sugary;
  • 4-6 seed chambers, few seeds;
  • the skin is strong and does not crack;
  • the taste is dominated by sweetness over sourness;
  • the color is bright red.

The hybrid is grown in open areas, in protected greenhouses. Under cover, the crop is harvested 2-3 times a year.

Fruit and varietal characteristics of “Our Masha”

Tomatoes of this variety belong to an early ripening hybrid of the indeterminate type. The plant is medium-sized, with medium-sized leaves of a dark green hue. Tomatoes have a simple inflorescence, the first of which is located above the tenth leaf. All subsequent ones appear every three sheets.

Tomato trusses are simple; each of them bears an average of five fleshy fruits. The entry into fruiting begins after a hundred days or a little more than 3-4 days. About 8-10 kilograms are usually removed from one square meter.

As for the tomatoes themselves, the following features are noted:

  • cube-shaped fruits;
  • medium ribbing;
  • smooth, thick skin;
  • the color of unripe tomatoes is green with a darker shade near the stalk, and that of ripe tomatoes is red;
  • the presence of 4 or more seed nests;
  • by weight – 180 -200 grams;
  • optimal taste characteristics - grainy-sugar plan on the break.

It turns out that the variety is very prolific and ready for rapid ripening. Ideal for salad use.

Tomatoes “Doll Masha”: characteristics and description of the F1 tomato variety

As the season begins, gardeners are increasingly faced with the question of what to plant on their property?
There are many varieties, all of them are good in their own way. Today we’ll talk about such a hybrid variety as “Doll Masha”. The hybrid was bred by Russian specialists for cultivation in greenhouses. Capable of producing a good harvest both under film covering and in heated greenhouses. Received state registration in 2002.

You can learn more about this variety from our article: read the description, characteristics, and cultivation features.

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Tomatoes Doll Masha: variety description

Variety nameDoll Masha
general descriptionMid-season determinate hybrid
Ripening period95-110 days
Average weight of tomatoes200-250 grams
Productivity of the varietyup to 8 kg per sq.m
Features of cultivationStandard agricultural technology
Disease resistanceResistant to most diseases

Tomato “Doll Masha” f1 is a hybrid variety intended for growing in greenhouses.
The plant is medium-sized, bush height 60-90 centimeters, standard, determinate. The fruit ripening period is 95-110 days, that is, medium early. This type of tomato is especially resistant to diseases such as verticillium. Fruits that have reached varietal maturity are pink in color, have a rounded, flattened shape, can weigh up to 200-250 grams, and have excellent taste.

Ripe tomatoes have 4-6 chambers and contain up to 5% dry matter. “Doll Masha” has wonderful taste. Perfect for fresh consumption. Due to its size, it is suitable for preparing homemade preparations.

Also suitable for making juices and tomato paste.

Since the plant is a greenhouse plant, it can be grown in all regions of Russia, with the exception of the far north. In central and more northern regions it also shows good yield results. Perfect for southern regions, such as the Astrakhan region or Krasnodar region.

You can compare the weight of the fruits of this variety with other varieties in the table:


Good yield is one of the properties for which many gardeners love this variety. With the right approach to business and choosing a greenhouse, you can get up to 8 kilograms per square meter from this hybrid variety. meters of delicious tomatoes. This hybrid needs good regular feeding to get a good harvest.

Among the undoubted advantages are:

  • resistance to verticillium;
  • good yield;
  • high taste qualities of ripe fruits;
  • versatility of use.

Among the disadvantages, it is noted that this tomato can only be grown in greenhouses; it is not intended for open ground.

Thanks to the unique combination of acids and sugars, this species has excellent taste. When grown, it is demanding on lighting and watering conditions. Ripe fruits tolerate long-term storage and transportation well.

You can compare the yield of this variety with others in the table:

Diseases and pests

“Doll Masha” has very good resistance to diseases, but we still shouldn’t forget about prevention. By observing the watering and lighting regime, you can avoid many problems. Of the pests, the most commonly attacked are greenhouse whiteflies and spider mites. Against whiteflies, Confidor is most often used, at the rate of 1 ml per 10 liters of water, solution consumption per 100 square meters. meters. A soap solution is used against the mite, which is used to wash the affected areas of the bush.

As you can see, “Doll Masha” is a wonderful tomato with remarkable properties. But this variety is more suitable for experienced gardeners, but with some effort even a beginner can cope. Good luck and a great harvest.

You can get acquainted with other varieties of tomatoes in the table:

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other variety, Nasha Masha has its own characteristics, like any other variety. Most often in such texts they call advantages and disadvantages, but I think that this is not very correct - after all, what will be a big plus for one farmer will be a huge disadvantage for another. In general, these features of Our Masha include:

  • Early ripening - indeed, the variety ripens very quickly, even in cold regions, if grown in a greenhouse.
  • The growth process is generally limited.
  • The bushes are small, but strong and persistent. True, they need a garter and support.
  • The fruits are medium in size, which allows them to be used universally in cooking.
  • The variety has very good yield indicators - higher than many similar varieties.

Characteristics and description of the tomato variety Doll Masha

The variety with an unusual name was bred by Russian breeders for cultivation in greenhouses, but the tomato Doll Masha f1 can easily cope with the difficulties of growing in heated greenhouses.

The detailed characteristics and description of the variety are replete with advantages; the hybrid has a number of obvious advantages that distinguish it from other representatives of country garden beds.

Technical specifications

The cute tomato variety Doll Masha has the following technical nuances, important for “literate” gardeners who have managed to grow several generations of tomato plants, criteria:

  1. Early ripeness (ripens in 90-110 days from planting).
  2. Determination (limited growth process).
  3. Medium height (maximum height reaches 80 cm).
  4. Productivity (with proper care the plant will bear up to 8 kg of fruit).
  5. Standardity (does not require pinching).

The leaves are large in size, rich green in color. The stem is dense and strong, easily coping with the loads of the ripened mass of delicious tomatoes.

Gastronomic features of fruits

The incredible taste of a ripe tomato is complemented by the visual characteristics of a beautiful fruit. Ripe tomatoes Doll Masha:

  • round shape;
  • slightly ribbed;
  • contain up to 5% dry matter;
  • The color of the ripe fruit is pink.

An unripe tomato has a greenish color; each tomato contains up to 6 chambers filled with small seeds. Some features:

  1. Up to 6 fruits are formed in one cluster; the weight of one sweet tomato varies from 200 to 250 g.
  2. The filling of ripe tomatoes is rich, meaty, balanced in the ratio of sugars and acids.
  3. Tomatoes can easily be transported and do not lose their appetizing appearance.

The pleasant tomato smell allows the use of ripe fruits as a raw material for pasta and various sauces.

Advantages of a domestic hybrid

Numerous reviews on thematic forums for gardeners are mostly positive; summer residents note that the hybrid Doll Masha:

  1. It ripens quickly and amicably; early ripening allows you to enjoy sweet fruits within 2 months after planting.
  2. It has strong immunity and is resistant to verticillium.
  3. It surprises inexperienced summer residents with its unpretentiousness; the care procedures are simple and do not take much time.
  4. Suitable for fresh consumption, preparation of various preparations, thick juices and sauces.
  5. Does not require constant feeding with complex minerals.

The Doll Masha plant is a greenhouse plant, grown in all parts of vast Russia. The variety is ideal for the southern regions; it also shows good yield results in the central and northern regions.

Disadvantages of the famous tomato variety

Good yield and versatility in the use of ripe fruits make the variety a frequent visitor to garden beds and a favorite of summer residents. But the plant has some nuances that make the reputation of the Kukla Masha tomatoes not so impeccable:

  • cannot grow in open ground;
  • demands on watering;
  • capriciousness in relation to the amount of light.

Those who want to raise the ideal Doll Masha should take into account that:

  1. The best time for watering is the second half of the day.
  2. We must not forget about the loosening procedure; the roots of the plant need access to oxygen.
  3. The soil can be mulched for accelerated growth of tomatoes.

Summer residents who have already grown Kukla Masha tomatoes note that young plants may suffer from attacks by the Colorado potato beetle. You can eliminate the parasite using a soap solution.

How to grow tomatoes

When seedlings are planted in beds or in a greenhouse, the next stage of crop cultivation begins, associated with flowering and fruiting. During this period, more attention is paid to the above-ground parts of plants.

Landing rules

Bushes that have formed 3-4 pairs of true leaves and one flower cluster are planted in a permanent place. No more than 4 plants are placed on a plot of 1 m2, the depth of the holes is 30 cm.

Before picking, fertilizers are applied to each bush:

  • a handful of humus;
  • 1 tbsp. l. wood ash;
  • 10 g superphosphate;
  • 5 g potassium sulfate.

For your information ! It is good to plant tomatoes in beds where legumes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage, parsley or dill grew last season.

After planting, the ground around each bush is carefully mulched. It is better to use straw or sawdust, but other natural materials will also work.

Care during the growing season and fruiting

Tomatoes are watered at the root with settled warm water in the afternoon, when the soil is well warmed up. The soil around the bushes should remain loose, permeable to air and free of weeds.

During the flowering period, tomatoes are fed twice a month with complex mineral fertilizers: Floromix, Ecolist, Basfoliar. Every 10 days, the bushes are pruned: the side shoots are cut off, leaving petioles 1-2 cm long.

The bushes of the hybrid Nasha Masha are formed into 2 stems. They are tied to a support, and supports are installed under heavy fruit clusters.

Features of cultivation and possible difficulties

Thanks to its powerful root system, the Nasha Masha tomato is able to remain without moisture for a long period. When the fruits have already set, rare but abundant moisture is preferable.

The hybrid has heavily leafy shoots with numerous leaves and shoots. If the lateral shoots become more than 10 cm, the yield drops by 40–60%.

Diseases and pests

The culture is resistant to fusarium, cladosporiosis and tobacco mosaic virus. To prevent late blight, bushes are regularly sprayed with Ridomil Gold, Fitosporin, and Bordeaux mixture.

The most dangerous insect pests are:

To combat them, insecticides “Fitoverm”, “Confidor”, “Aktofit” and others are used.

Important! During the period of fruit ripening, chemicals cannot be used: they are absorbed by plant tissues and enter the human body through the fruits. Use biological drugs or folk remedies.

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